The character of the panther and other interesting facts. The black panther is an incredibly beautiful animal. The panther is a dangerous animal.

Which are called black panthers. If you look closely, you can see even darker spots on the black background.

Scientists have recently established that the panther and the black leopard are the same species. Black panthers are commonly found in Java. Black individuals can be born in the same litter with normally colored cubs.

The panther is an unusually harmoniously built, graceful, and flexible animal. And, if the lion is the king of animals, then the panther is undoubtedly the goddess of the animal world.

When mentioning this black wild cat, many people always associate it with the wise beauty Bagheera from the cartoon about Mowgli.

By the way, in the immortal “Jungle Book” by Kipling, the black wild cat panther is not a female, but a male named Bagheer (a very common male name in Asian countries). And the creators of the Soviet cartoon endowed their character with such qualities that he became the embodiment of femininity. Intelligence, dexterity, mystery, grace... Just look at the sparkling eyes on a black background!

Let's return to our question. Is the panther a black animal? Not necessary! The fact is that the panther is not an individual, independent species animal. This is a genus of felines that includes the tiger, lion, jaguar and leopard. And dark coat color is the result of an inherited genetic change called melanism. Most often, leopards and jaguars have a black color variant.

For example, in Malaysia, almost half of the leopards have black coat color.

In general, the mutating gene is characteristic of predatory cats living in dense forests, where a ray of light rarely hits: animals with a black color are less noticeable here, and this makes their life much easier. (Here you can remember why the handsome white lion does not live in wildlife).

Black panther cats get along well with their spotted relatives: they are no different from each other except for color. This is what this guy ordered amazing world, to give the animals inhabiting it an extra bonus for survival.

Panthers of different colors give birth to offspring, which can include both black and spotted kittens (although spotting often wins).

Panthers are predatory animals. Their prey is mainly ungulates, the size of which sometimes exceeds the size of the hunters themselves by several times. These cats hunt mainly in the dark, they are less active during the day, but this does not mean that potential prey should not be afraid of them if the sun has not yet disappeared below the horizon.

Panthers are solitary animals. The only exceptions can be considered lions, who live and hunt in packs, prides.

The panther is a member of the cat family, whose genus consists of a mixture of several species: tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar. They began to be distinguished separately due to the fact that, unlike the cats listed above, panthers can be classified as melanistic animals that have a single, even color. That's why they are called black panthers.

Beauty and grace are what the panther can boast of. The body dimensions of the animal reach a length of 0.9-1.8 m, the tail is 0.8-1.2 m, the weight of the panther is on average 35-40 kg. The nature of the panther is approximately the same as that of many wild cats, i.e. attacks only when hungry or when defending territory. These creatures live exclusively in the tropics, especially on the island of Java.

Appearance and physiological features

It should be noted that spotted cats can produce not only kittens that also have spots, but also black kittens. However, in Lately Panthers gradually separated from other representatives of the cat family and reproduce only among themselves. Some zoologists argue that in the near future there is a possibility of their complete separation from leopards, which will make panthers a separate species.

It should also be noted that panthers do not form groups and stay alone. The animal climbs trees well, often arranging rest or ambush there, and at times can hunt monkeys there. Despite this, the panther's most preferred hunting area is the ground.

Panthers have a special structure of the larynx, which is why they are able to roar. The reason for this is the hyoid apparatus, which is not completely ossified, and there is a flexible ligament that allows the larynx to inflate. In addition, the animal’s vocal cords are not divided, and forming a tubular structure, they perform a very effective device, which plays sound. In Africa, only some animals can do this.

As for the size differences between male and female individuals, it is necessary to point out that the male panther is approximately 1/3 larger than the female panther.


Panthers are predators that in most cases prefer to hunt large game, mainly ungulates. Sometimes prey can exceed the size of the predator itself several times. The animal can track its prey for a long time, and then attacks from ambush (usually in the area of ​​watering holes). Maximum speed Panther speed is about 60 km/h.

These creatures eat food lying on their belly, resting their forearms and elbows on the caught prey; they tear off pieces of meat with the help of a strong upward jerk of their head. Mostly their activity manifests itself at night, although in daytime days, they can sometimes also be active.

Many people wonder where panthers live? This issue deserves special attention, because this creature is capable of living both in the depths of the jungle and not far from human settlements.

For example, in Malaysia, approximately half of the leopards have black fur. In general, such gene changes are mainly characteristic of those wild cats that live in dense forests, where they rarely penetrate Sun rays: animals with a dark color are not so noticeable, which makes their existence much easier.

As for sleep, these predators also give preference to trees. It is not at all difficult for them to jump onto trees. Maximum height the jump can be 5-6 meters. One more distinctive feature The thing about panthers is that they drag their prey up a tree. This is very original way, because in this way the food is preserved better, since other predators, for example, hyenas or lions, cannot get it.

Are all panthers black?

No. As mentioned earlier, the panther is not a separate species of animal, but one of the cat genera. The reason why the panther is black is the result of genetic hereditary changes. Therefore, predators such as a leopard or jaguar may well have a black color.

It should be noted that creatures such as panthers get along well with their spotted-colored counterparts, since, apart from the color of their coat, they are no different from each other. Nature has arranged it this way so that the creatures that live in it receive an additional advantage that helps them in the process of survival.

Panther (from the Latin Panthera) is a genus of mammals from the large cat family.

This genus includes several extinct species and four living ones, as well as their subspecies:

Black Panther- this is an animal with a body color of black colors and shades, it is not a separate species of the genus, most often it is or. Black coat color is a manifestation of melanism, that is, a genetic color variant associated with a gene mutation.

A panther is considered to be a jaguar or leopard that has acquired a black color as a result of a gene mutation

The panther does not always have a pronounced black coat; often, if you look closely, the coat is covered with spots of various dark shades, which ultimately creates the visible impression of a black color.

Representatives of the genus of these cats large predators, their weight can exceed 40-50 kg. The body is oblong (elongated), its size can reach two meters.

It moves on four very large and powerful limbs, ending in paws with long, very sharp claws that are completely retracted into the fingers. The height at the withers is slightly higher than at the sacrum and averages 50-70 centimeters.

The head is large and somewhat elongated, with small ears located on the top of the head. The eyes have the average size with round pupils. Complete dental system with very powerful fangs, the jaws are very well developed.

Hairline all over the body. The tail is quite long, sometimes reaching half the length of the animal itself. Individuals have pronounced sexual dimorphism - males are approximately 20% larger than females in size and weight.

Animal panther has a special structure of the larynx and vocal cords, which allow it to roar, but at the same time this species cannot purr.

Listen to the roar of the black panther

The habitat is warm, even hot climate, southern Asia, south-eastern Europe and the entire territory except the North. They live mainly in wooded areas, both on the plains and in the mountains.

The character and lifestyle of the black panther

Black Panthers active image They live mainly at night, although they are sometimes active during the daytime. Basically, representatives of the genus are solitary animals and only occasionally can live and hunt in pairs.

Like many felines, they are territorial animals, the size of their residence and hunting greatly depends on the landscape of the area and the number of animals (game) living on it, and can vary from 20 to 180 square kilometers.

Thanks to its dark color, the panther is easily camouflaged in the jungle

The black color of the animal helps to camouflage very well in the jungle, and the ability to move not only on the ground, but also through trees makes this animal practically invisible to other animals and humans, which makes it a super predator.

Panthers are one of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous animals on the planet; there are many cases where these animals killed people in their homes, often at night, when a person is sleeping.

In forests, too, often a panther can attack a person, especially if the animal is hungry, and given that panthers are one of the fastest animals on the planet and few can compete with them in running speed, it is almost impossible to escape from them.

The danger, waywardness and aggressive nature of these predators makes them difficult to train and therefore it is almost impossible to see these cats in circuses, but zoological parks around the world are ready with great pleasure buy animals like black Panther.

The presence of such a predator among pets attracts a huge number of animal lovers to the zoo. In our country, there are black panthers in the zoos of Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

An aura of something mythical has always shrouded black panthers. This animal is very unusual and attracts with its originality. It is because of this that man has repeatedly used the black panther in his epic and life, for example, the well-known “Bagheera” from the cartoon “Mowgli” is precisely the black panther, and since 1966 the Americans have been publishing comics with a fictional superhero under this name same name.

The military also uses such a brand as the black panther, for example, the South Koreans developed and produced a tank called “K2 Black Panther,” but everyone probably remembers the German tanks called “Panther” during the Second World War.

In the near future, namely in 2017, the same Americans promise to release a full-length science fiction movie entitled " Black Panther" Many organizations around the world use in their logos pictures of black panthers.

One of these companies is PUMA, whose logo is a black panther, because scientists have not confirmed that pumas from the cat family are black.

Eating a black panther

Animal black panther is a carnivorous predator. It hunts both small animals and large ones, several times its size, for example, antelope, and so on.

Given their remarkable ability to move through trees, panthers also find food here, for example in the form of monkeys. Sometimes they attack domestic animals, such as horses and sheep.

They hunt mainly from ambush, sneaking up on the prey close quarters, jumping out sharply and quickly catching up with its future food. Panthers immobilize and kill a hunted animal by biting its neck, and then lying down, with their front paws on the ground, they begin to slowly eat the meat, tearing it away from the victim’s carcass with sharp jerks of the head up and to the side.

The prey that the black panther does not eat is hidden in a tree as a reserve.

Often, in order to preserve food for the future, panthers lift the remains of an animal into trees, where they cannot be reached by predators that live exclusively on the ground. Adults feed their young offspring by dragging the carcass to them, but they never help small panthers tear off meat from a killed animal.

Reproduction and lifespan

Sexual maturity in panthers is reached at 2.5-3 years of age. Due to being in a constantly warm climate, black panthers reproduce all year round. After fertilization, the female looks for a cozy and safe place to give birth, most often these are burrows, gorges and caves.

Pregnancy lasts about 3-3.5 months. She usually gives birth to one or two, less often three or four, small blind kittens. For ten days after giving birth, the female does not leave her offspring at all, feeding them with milk.

Pictured are black panther cubs

To do this, she first stocks up on food so that during this period she can feed herself or eats food that the male brings. Panthers are very caring towards their offspring, even when the kittens become sighted and can move independently, the mother does not leave them, teaching them everything, including hunting.

By the age of one year, the offspring usually leave their mother and begin to live independently. Little kittens are very charming and beautiful.

Average duration The lifespan of a black panther is 10-12 years. Oddly enough, in captivity these unique animals live much longer - up to 20 years.

In the wild, after the 8-10th year of life, panthers become inactive, look for easy prey, do not disdain carrion at all, and at this age it becomes very difficult for them to hunt strong, fast and hardy animals.

Actually, a panther is none other than one of the representatives of leopards. They are distinguished due to the fact that, unlike ordinary leopards that we are accustomed to, panthers are melanistic animals that have only one even color. That is why they are called black panthers.

We decided to write about them separately from leopards due to the fact that panthers are more aggressive than most leopards. Panthers can get quite close to humans because they have absolutely no fear of people.

The panther is a very beautiful and graceful animal. The body length reaches 91-180 cm, the tail - 75-110 cm, weight is usually 32-40 kg, but occasionally exceeds 100 kg. They are found exclusively in tropical countries, there are especially many of them on the island of Java.

Black individuals can appear in spotted parents, along with kittens that, like the parents, have spots. But subsequently, as happened in Java, the panthers gradually separated and interbred only with each other. Some zoologists say that there is a possibility that panthers will completely separate from leopards in the near future, which will turn them into a separate species.

It happens that this predator lives not far from settlements, stays alone and goes out hunting at night. He climbs trees very well, often settling there for a day's rest or in ambush, and sometimes even catching monkeys in trees. However, the panther mainly hunts on the ground. Panthers sleep in trees, stretched out on branches with their paws hanging down. They can jump onto trees up to 5.5 meters high. There is one significant feature that distinguishes leopards from others big cats: This is the habit of dragging its prey into trees. Thus, their food remains safe and does not reach other predators - lions and hyenas.

Panthers are excellent predators. It helps them a lot with this developed organs feelings. In addition, the coloring of panthers is the most suitable: it is impossible to see them in the dark, and they sneak up completely silently.

Panthers, when they are well-fed, will not attack even a small kid if it walks near its nose wild cat. But when a panther is hungry, it will attack everything. The danger for people is that panthers can settle near human habitation. If the panther is hungry for a long time, then the cat can easily enter villages and cities. Since panthers are night hunters, they often attack sleeping people. Although panthers become cannibals much less often than, say, tigers or lions.

Panther is an amazingly beautiful and graceful cat. And, although the panther is not an independent species of animal, but one of the representatives of leopards, I would like to devote a separate article to it.
They are distinguished by their even dark coat color, the result of genetic changes - melanism. Most often, this color variant is found in leopards and jaguars, and more often in females, in dense tropical forests Malaysia, Java islands. The fact is that in such dense forests, where the sun hardly penetrates through the lush thickets of the jungle, animals with dark colors are easier to survive, as this gives them an advantage in hunting.

Panthers are not always perfectly black; sometimes fuzzy, blurry spots appear on their skin; this phenomenon is called incomplete melanism. Apart from their color, the black and spotted individuals of jaguars and leopards are not much different, they get along well with each other and produce common offspring. Black kittens are born in the same litter along with spotted ones, but much less frequently. However, the two spotted leopards only give birth to spotted cubs. In Malaysia and Java, panthers gradually separate and interbreed only with each other. Zoologists believe that there is a possibility that panthers will completely separate from leopards in the near future, which will turn them into a separate species.

Panthers are much more aggressive and temperamental than ordinary leopards. Although this is not the largest animal of the cat family, it is one of the most dangerous, with well-developed muscles for its size. Panthers have absolutely no fear of people and can get very close to a person and his home. The audacity with which it is capable of attacking herds or people, while penetrating into a home, forces a person to constantly be on alert.

Panthers are magnificent predators. They hunt mainly at night, because in the dark it is simply impossible to see them. Their unmatched intelligence translates into their hunting skills. They sneak up absolutely silently and hide masterfully. They track panther prey for a long time and with consistency; they can approach the victim for hours and sit in ambush, merging with environment, until they get close enough for one lightning-fast, deadly jump. The panther is very graceful, dexterous, masterfully and quickly hides even behind tiny bushes, in thick grass, behind small hills. She has the finest hearing, she climbs trees with lightning speed, makes huge jumps up to 12 meters, and swims across wide rivers.

Black panthers are outstanding climbers, capable of jumping onto a tree up to 5-6 meters in height. They are great climbers of trees, love to rest on branches with their paws hanging down, sometimes they even hunt monkeys here or wait on a tree for larger prey, then pouncing on it from above. Black predators prefer to drag their prey into trees, which distinguishes them from all other big cats. This way their food remains safe from lions, hyenas, and other predators.

The victims of black panthers are often animals that are significantly larger than them in size and weight: young giraffes, antelopes. The panther is often too bloodthirsty and kills more than it can eat. When a panther is well-fed, it will not even attack a helpless kid walking under its nose. A black cat eats about twice a week, eating up to 49 kg of meat at a time. The female bearing the offspring needs more food. They can go without food for up to 10 days. If a panther is hungry, it is very dangerous, even to people. After all, these cats often settle near human habitation, and at night they can sneak into the village and attack a sleeping person. It’s worth mentioning right away that, despite this behavior, panthers become cannibals much less often than, for example, lions or tigers. In times of hunger, predators can subsist on small game, rodents, and birds.

Black panthers are very secretive and cautious animals. They are rarely seen in the wild. For this feature and color they were nicknamed “ghosts of the forest.”

The panther, unlike other relatives, loves to play in the water and knows how to fish well, and is also an excellent swimmer. Another one of them unique feature Among small cats (lynx, puma, domestic cats) that are only capable of purring, panthers can roar.

Now this amazing animal is in danger of extinction. Their numbers are declining along with their habitat. These beautiful predators are very dependent on other animals that serve as food for them. Scientists have noticed that black panthers that feed on large prey are healthier and larger than those that subsist on small prey. In South and South-East Asia, where black panther populations are particularly large, human population growth is displacing predators and other animals from their historical habitats.

The greatest threat to panthers is the person who kills these wonderful cats, despite government prohibitions, hunting for the rare, and therefore valuable, black skin. Among poachers, hunting panthers is considered more exciting than other cats, since they are more secretive and cautious. Even a wounded panther will hide from the hunter until the last moment, silently enduring suffering and not making a sound.

The fact that black panthers are less prolific than their spotted brothers does not help the population increase. In a litter they have only two, less often three, cubs.

P.S. Fun fact: the most famous panther Bagheera, created by the writer Kipling in The Jungle Book, is not a female at all, but a male, named Bagheera (a fairly common male name in Asian countries)! Soviet animators “turned” him into a female, endowing Bagheera with extraordinary intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, grace and mystery, making her the embodiment of femininity.
