How to beautifully pack tulips with your own hands. How to make tulips with your own hands: step-by-step master classes on making tulips from paper, fabric and ribbons

Tulips, especially delicate, light shades, look very impressive in a bride’s wedding bouquet. We will tell you what this wonderful flower means and what wonderful wedding compositions you can create with it. You will also learn which form to choose for wedding bouquet, how you can decorate it and how to make a beautiful and stylish bouquet with your own hands in just a few minutes!

Tulips are perennial bulbous plants. Once upon a time these marvelous flowers were dotted with the mountains of the Tien Shan, the Urals, and Far East until a person decided to move this beauty to his front garden.

They bloom in the spring, with the advent of warmth and sun. Plants do not last long in water, but if you cut the stem and change the water often, you can extend their life.

The buds have a subtle, subtle aroma that is almost impossible to smell. Essential oil It is also impossible to extract from it, therefore all existing perfume compositions were created artificially.

Color spectrum

They have a fairly rich color palette: from white to dark purple. There are species that combine several colors. For example, the Parrot is colored white, red and yellow.

What do tulips symbolize?

In ancient times, the tulip decorated the coat of arms Ottoman Empire, where this flower was considered a symbol of strength and power. It now appears on the national emblem of Holland.

In the East, this plant symbolizes great and pure love. There is a legend that the flower appeared from the tears of a lover, hence this interpretation of the symbolism. It is also believed that the tulip is a symbol of great happiness, pride, glory, and harmony. A red flower symbolizes a declaration of love and respect, a yellow flower symbolizes friendship and beauty.

Various bouquet options

They are perfect for creating mono bouquets or in combination with other flowers.

Options for mono-bouquets of tulips

Here are some of the most winning combinations tulips in a mono bouquet:

  • white, decorated with a bunch of greenery;
  • pink, neatly tied with a ribbon to match the flowers;
  • white and pink in one bouquet;
  • red, tied with a red ribbon;
  • yellow and white;
  • white and red;
  • orange and purple.

As you noticed, you can make a bouquet of buds of the same color - it will look very impressive, or you can combine two colors - the effect will be the same.

Combinations with other colors

Tulips go well with the following colors:

  • roses;
  • peonies;
  • irises;
  • gerberas;
  • lupins.

The best combination option is a combination with roses. The composition turns out incredibly elegant and at the same time simple.

Suitable shapes for a bouquet

For a composition of tulips, it is best to choose a spherical shape. It should be a small, neatly decorated bouquet. However there is one more spectacular option, when plants are cut to their full height and placed in pairs. It turns out to be a kind of “armful” that looks very elegant.

How to decorate a composition

It is better not to add unnecessary decor to bouquets of tulips. They convey luxurious simplicity and sophistication, and all the fluff that is usually added will only distract attention from the flowers themselves.

The only thing you can use to decorate a bouquet of tulips is some beads and ribbon for tying the trunk. I guess that's all.

Making a bouquet of tulips with your own hands

To make a wedding bouquet of tulips you will need:

  • tulips;
  • roses;
  • greenery for decoration.

So let's get started.

  1. Let's start with tulips. We apply them one to one at the same level, squeezing them tightly in the hand to form a neat “ball”.
  2. Add roses around the edges. You could start with roses, placing them in the center - this is a matter of taste.
  3. Add greens to the composition. You can take wide leaves, or you can take long ones.
  4. We tie the resulting bouquet with a decorative ribbon.
  5. Trim the stems. Ready!

All the details can be seen in this video:

A composition of tulips will suit absolutely any bride. You just need to wisely think through the image, accessories, and choose matching dress, and then your wedding look will look especially impressive.

Good day to all!

When a holiday approaches, we try to buy gifts for all our friends and relatives. These gifts can vary in significance and cost. It goes without saying that the most expensive things are given for the most significant events. But there are also those when a small handicraft made with your own hands will come in handy, especially when they are made by children. One of the most common crafts is artificial flowers.

However, this craft will be suitable for any holiday, as a small souvenir. In the previous article we. This article will talk about best options making paper flowers, namely tulips. By the way, some options can be safely done with children in kindergarten or elementary school!

So let's get started.

In order to make such tulips, you need to prepare corrugated paper, several sweets and wooden skewers.

First of all, insert the skewer into the candy wrapper and wrap it with tape around the skewer.

Now take one piece of paper and twist it like a bow.

After this, we fold both halves together and stretch the paper, making convex petals.

We take this petal and apply it to the flower blank. Attach with thread.

In the same way we attach two or three more petals - depending on what kind of flower you want to make.

Now we cut leaves from green paper and attach one to each flower.

If the petals are made of paper different color, you will get a bouquet of multi-colored tulips.

That's all. Make bouquets and give them to mothers and grandmothers, friends and acquaintances.

Bouquet of tulips from foamiran step by step

Another material that is well suited for a tulip bouquet is foamiran. In addition, you will also need such items as green tape, wire, glue, iron, knitting needle, spoon, scissors.

We start by cutting out petals of the required size from foamiran.

You can first draw a template and then cut it out. In order not to attach each petal separately later, you can immediately make three of them together.

To make the petals look a little natural, we tint them with pastels.

Now use a spoon to shape the petals. We apply the petal to the heated iron, heat it, then place it on a spoon. As a result, it will turn out to be concave.

If you have triple petals, then each of them is heated and pressed into the desired shape.

We make a tulip leaf in the same way, and use knitting needles to draw veins on it.

Now we take the wire, wrap it with tape - we get a stem. We attach the petals to it. First, we glue three petals in the first row, then three more.

If you cut out three petals at once, then this is easier. You attach them to the wire, then lift them up, forming buds.

All that remains is to attach a leaf to each flower. As a result, we get such a wonderful bouquet.

How to make tulips from satin ribbons

A small master class on how to make a bouquet of tulips and satin ribbons. It will turn out very beautiful. These bouquets can decorate any festive table.

To make a flower you will need:

  • satin ribbon red or pink or yellow 2.5 cm.
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • cotton buds
  • beads,
  • leg-split,
  • tweezers.

Making petals. We cut the tape into pieces 4 cm long. We round the edges on one side and burn them.

Lightly fold the other end and burn it with fire or glue it together. For one flower you need to make eight pieces of such petals.

Now let's move on to the stamens. You can take a cotton swab as a base and attach stamens to it. The stamens themselves can be made by attaching a bead to a thin wire. You can burn the twine.

The rest are attached to the second row.

All that remains is to make the leaves. Take a green or yellow ribbon and cut it into 5 cm pieces. We cut each piece into the shape of a leaf and burn the edges.

Watch a step-by-step video master class on how to easily make tulips from ribbons:

The flowers turned out gorgeous!

We make tulips with our own hands from fabric

To make a tulip from fabric, you need to have sewing skills, because in this case you will have to use a sewing machine.

First, let's prepare the pattern.

So, let's take the material here Any will do, not even quite ordinary for a flower. We make three blanks for the bud.

We sew them together to make a bud.

Let's start with the petals. We also cut out the pattern and sew the two parts together. So that the seams are not on the outside, turn the product inside out.

For the stems we use kebab sticks. Coat a strip of green fabric with PVA glue and wrap it around the stick. In principle, you can use a thin pencil.

Now we glue the flower to the stem.

All that remains is to take a leaf and wrap the bottom part around the stem and stitch it.

That's all. The result was a flower.

Step-by-step origami diagrams for making tulips

Creating crafts from paper or origami is interesting and exciting creativity.

There is just so much that is made from this common material. Making flowers is not exactly a complicated process.

The main thing is to take your time and do everything calmly. This is a Japanese technique for making crafts, and it does not tolerate fuss. We have prepared for you step by step instructions with diagrams (templates) for downloading, as well as a video master class on how to make tulips out of paper.

For the craft, take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half twice. After which the triangle is bent on one side and unfolded, then the same on the other side. The result should be a triangle.

After this, all that remains is to collect the stem and put a bud on it. The diagram is shown below.

To make it more clear, this video shows the entire process of assembling a tulip using an origami pattern.

Happy crafting to you!

If you ask fair half of humanity, what flowers are associated with spring, sun and joy, the majority will name tulips. These delicate, graceful flowers have an inexplicable appeal. Almost everyone loves them. By the way, tulips have been known for many centuries, and in different countries Romantic legends were formed about these flowers. Interestingly, all these beliefs attribute to the tulip the ability to bring happiness and luck. I think this is a great reason to present a bouquet of lucky flowers to the person you love!

And we all know how women try to follow fashion, and therefore the bouquet must correspond to all the latest trends. Then he will not only cause delight and gratitude, but will also become an object of pride on the pages of all kinds social networks. Yes! Florists also have their own fashion trends.

Flower color is a key factor, despite the tautology

Why I personally love tulips is their incredible variety of colors. Breeders did their best and produced monochromatic flowers of all shades: from white to almost black. There are varieties that combine several contrasting colors, there are double varieties and flowers with an unusual fleecy edge. This, as they say, is a matter of taste. But we plan to create and give a fashionable bouquet, therefore, when choosing a color, we adhere to the following rules:

  • in the spring of 2018, the trend is soft, soft shades of pink,
  • the combination in one bouquet is considered fashionable Pink colour with white,
  • if the bouquet is prefabricated, then if in addition to tulips there are other flowers planned in it, it is appropriate to use no more than three different shades,
  • in a lush bouquet of tulips alone, any number of flowers is allowed, even if each bud has its own unique color.

The latter is my favorite option; such a bouquet will certainly charge both the giver and the one who receives the “present” splashing with colors with positivity for the whole day.

It’s important to say what you wanted, not what happened

Fashion is fashion, but there are well-known meanings of one color or another. Red means love, white means innocence, yellow and orange are credited with the ability to attract material well-being, fame and success. Lilac symbolizes fidelity, purple – wisdom and respect.

However, you should not give the color of the bouquet too much great importance, especially if the one to whom you will give it does not understand much about it. Is it only with yellow You should be more careful. Otherwise, instead of joy you will get tears - many still remember the song about “yellow tulips - the messengers of separation.”

So choose a bouquet, guided by simple rules:

  • it may be the favorite color of the person for whom they are intended,
  • the younger the lady, the lighter the shade of the flowers should be,
  • The more ardent and romantic feelings you have, the more logical it is to choose colors from the red spectrum.

A scoring chance, a good serve... a goal!

Choosing flowers is not enough, it is important to present them correctly. And let’s not hope that magical tulips will cope with the task of bringing joy without our efforts. For the gift to be recognized as fashionable and stylish, forget once and for all about cellophane and spirals of ribbons curled with scissors. This is the last century! Today flowers are given in a completely different way.

It's not the hat, it's the box

The main trend is packaging the bouquet in a box “a la hat box”. Most often, it is round and should correspond in size to the selected flowers: only buds can look out of the box, the stems are hidden inside.

If you choose this type of packaging, make sure that the color of the box matches (even if in contrast) with the bouquet itself. The brighter the shade of tulips you choose, the calmer the packaging should be.

You need to put a floral sponge pre-soaked in water in the box and stick the stems directly into it. A bouquet in a box has several obvious advantages:

  • it's beautiful, trendy and still not hackneyed,
  • convenient because the bouquet does not require a vase,
  • You can create individual decor on the box if you are giving a bouquet with children, for example,
  • In addition to flowers, inside the box you can put the main gift for the celebration,
  • Another trendy trick is to place not only tulips in the box, but also fruits, sweets or no less trendy French macaroni cakes. They are also multi-colored, and with their help you can either shade or enrich the palette of the bouquet.

If your arms grow from your shoulders

A variation of the bouquet box is a small wooden box in eco-style or a wicker basket. By the way, if you wish, you can make the box yourself. It’s easy to find materials, boards, for example, or plywood. And a hammer, if you don't already have one.

You should not make the box too large; it is better to make it deep so that the tulips, like in the box, fit over most of the length of the stem. Also place a moistened floral sponge inside. The outside of the box can be decorated, or you can leave the natural grain of the wood untouched. Later, when the bouquet fades, such packaging will remain a nice decorative element in the interior.

Newspaper in a new way

Another trend is craft paper wrapping. Remember when you were a child and used to make candy bags out of this? Here! And now this is a squeak that any fashionista will appreciate.

Paper can be natural color wood, sometimes funny ornaments or drawings, inscriptions are printed on it, and sometimes they imitate newspaper strips.

You need to wrap the bouquet in accordance with its shape. Pack long tulips in the same bag. For a shorter and more fluffy bouquet, form a “skirt” from a couple of sheets of paper.

It’s fun to add tree branches, ears of corn, and a lot of greenery to the bouquet. However, the juicy leaves of tulips themselves cope well with the latest trend. The main thing is not to overdo it. Pomposity nowadays is a sign of bad taste.

A well-tested and timeless classic

If fashion is not your thing, and you don’t trust your taste too much, use proven classic solutions. Give a mono-bouquet - an armful of tulips, the stems of which are intercepted with a ribbon. Only it must be fabric, not paper braid.

By the way, tulips are also good at an affordable price, so you can give your loved one not three flowers, but a whole armful.

Tulips are delicate, fragrant and very fragile flowers that are often associated with spring. How nice it is to receive an incredibly beautiful bouquet of tulips as a gift or gift. Rarely do florists in flower shops wrap tulips beautifully; they mostly prefer beautiful packaging of roses. Many people wonder how to beautifully and originally pack them at home from their front garden? There is nothing complicated about this; you need to follow a few tips and turn on your endless imagination.

How to pack tulips

For the composition you will need freshly cut flowers with unopened buds.

Undoubtedly, any bouquet of fresh flowers presented will delight and lift the spirits of any woman. After all, in flower language, a tulip means love.

Tulips of any color look great in one bouquet. What can you make from them for a bouquet:

  1. Cascade composition;
  2. Ikebana;
  3. Globular bouquet;
  4. Linear bouquet in the form of 3-5 tulips with big amount greenery;
  5. Packing in a high basket;
  6. In the form of a spiral;
  7. Dilute the flower arrangement of tulips - with candies, which are wrapped in paper in the form of tulips, attached to a wire and diluted with them in the bouquet.

To arrange a bouquet arrangement of several varieties of tulips, you should special attention. So that large buds do not clog small ones, the colors combine well, for this you can use the color wheel of I.V. Goethe.

Types of bouquet packaging

Beautiful original packaging, matched to the color scheme of flowers, will create the necessary atmosphere::

Packing a bouquet of tulips is easy; they go well with any packaging and accessories.

The packaging for flowers is chosen differently in each case:

  1. Organza and ribbons are better suited for a wedding;
  2. For a birthday, packaging in the form of mesh, corrugated paper or film is suitable;
  3. For the birth of a child, it is better to create a composition with the addition of green plants and tie it with a pink or blue ribbon;
  4. For sad events, the bouquet is tied with a black ribbon;
  5. On March 8th, use packaging for a festive flower arrangement - jute ribbon, where you can put a card or note.

Beautiful flowers and beautiful packaging are not the only thing that is important in the composition, but also how to present it: with what words and actions. All together leave a lasting impression on the recipient of the bouquet and this event will be remembered for a long time.

Important! The tulip retains its appearance in a vase for a week, but provided that the water is changed daily and the edges are trimmed with a sharp knife.

Rules for packing flowers

To make the composition look harmonious and tasteful, it is better to choose plants of the same color with different tones. For example: add dark red and dark pink or crimson to red tulips.

A wonderful composition is made up of contrasting colors: red-yellow, red-white. You should not get too carried away with packaging materials; it is better to use no more than 3 types.

You can make the bouquet lush using stationery tape and paper. Wrap the base of the bouquet with film, and place lumps of paper in the middle between the branches. If flowers are placed in a box or basket, then they should be packaged to match the flowers, then such a bouquet will look stylish. The packaging should be less bright so as not to distract the eye from the colors.

If the flowers have leaves too close to the base, it is better to cut them off, this makes it more convenient to pack the flowers. It is also better to cut off interfering leaves in the middle of the bouquet.

When tulips are placed in water, if they are packed in film, then remove it, this will allow air to flow better. Packaging made from other materials can be placed in water along with the bouquet. For a bouquet of 5 flowers, it is better not to use any packaging, it will bad sign. During the cold season, any bouquets are additionally wrapped in newsprint or in a special container so that the flowers do not freeze their petals.

Tulips can be combined in compositions with any other spring flowers, except daffodils, because they highlight toxic substances into the water, which makes the tulips wither faster.

Arranging a bouquet yourself is interesting and exciting. Today, many improvised means are sold as packaging material, ranging from shiny wrapping to multi-colored ribbons. Professionals find interesting compositional solutions that emphasize color, visual display, and the outlines of colors. Using your artistic imagination, you can try to arrange a bouquet yourself. At the same time, take into account your own tastes, preferences, and priorities.

The popularity of tulips is explained by their tenderness, unpretentiousness, and pickiness. Unlike roses, they are simpler. They are given for any occasion. If you approach the design of a flower bouquet creatively, you can create a unique compositional image of the gift and bring pleasure to the recipient.

Before you receive a gift, you need to decide on its packaging. Can be used:

  • craft paper or floral paper;
  • floral mesh;
  • pots various types;
  • boxes;
  • so-called transparent glass film.


If you show your imagination, you can decorate the gift yourself. Floral paper is not popular among florist specialists today. On this moment it looks cheap and not very organic. Nowadays it is customary to use craft paper with a brown tint for packaging flowers.

A bouquet of tulips wrapped in floral mesh or transparent film will look festive and attractive. You can do all this yourself. With the help of scissors, tape and additional decorative elements (satin ribbons, sparkles, decorative butterflies, etc.) you can do the bouquet packaging yourself. Today, flower arrangements are not packaged in plastic, but it is still a matter of taste for the person to whom the gift is intended.

Some rules

In order to create a beautiful original composition, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Right choice shades. You cannot use many colors in one composition. It will look motley, pretentious, tasteless. You need to find harmony in color, stick to a uniform color range or use contrast.
  • Maintain one style. Combination is also welcome, but without fanaticism.
  • To add splendor to the gift, wrap it at the base with tape. The composition will take the shape of a triangle, then it will look lush and rich.
  • Choosing the right packing tape. There is a wide range of this product on the market. You need to choose a ribbon that will harmonize with the bouquet. Some florists use a contrast effect - a delicate bouquet of tulips is tied with a rough rope. But this technique, as they say, is not for everyone. If the design serves gift box- the tape may not be used.
  • When choosing a box, you need to make sure that it is in harmony with the composition. The box can be combined with the color of the tulips, or in contrast. For example, a black box goes with white tulips.
  • When arranging the composition, interfering flower leaves need to be cut off. Then the composition will look neat and elegant.
  • Wrap it, and then fasten the wrapper with a stapler or tape.
  • Various greens can complement tulips.
  • You need to buy flowers with unopened buds.
  • After purchasing, the stems at the bottom need to be trimmed to 2.5 cm under running water.
  • Excess leaves must be cut off, and the remaining ones must be washed.

A personally decorated bouquet of tulips given to dear person, will raise your self-esteem, bring joy and pleasure to the person to whom you presented it.
