Summer Valeria meaning of the name. Origin and character of the name Valeria

The name Valeria is derived from male name Valery. Like all representatives of names having masculinity, the girls he named have strong character traits inherent in representatives of the opposite sex.

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Valerias are very purposeful and extremely strong-willed ladies. You should not enter into conflicts with the bearer of such a name, because the feminine cunning and masculine courage of this girl predetermine her victory in any dispute. Valeria does not give in to difficulties; she is a born fighter who never gives up.

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    Meaning and origin of the name

    Girls have been called by the name Valery since ancient times. The origin and meaning of the name is associated with the Latin “valeo” - healthy. From Greek and Ancient Roman its interpretation is read as “hardy”, “strong”, “strong”. IN Orthodox calendar the history of this name begins with Valeria of Caesarea, who was one of the first to accept Christianity and dedicated her life to serving the Lord. In Catholicism, there are also references to the holy martyrs Valeria, so a girl can celebrate her name day in accordance with several dates.

    By church calendar in Christianity, the day of this woman’s angel is associated with Valeria of Caesarea - June 20. Followers of other religions may choose a different time of celebration according to the date closest to their birthday.

    For Valeria, the following meanings, signs, dates, days and symbols are lucky and patronizing:

    Patron planetsMercury, Pluto
    Patronizing elementWater
    Patronizing constellationsLeo, Scorpio
    Patron SaintsMartyrs: Valeria Africana, Valeria of Milan, Valeria of Caesarea, Valeria of Limoges
    Day AngelMarch 31, April 23, 28, May 6, June 6, 7, 20, December 9
    StonesGarnet, emerald, malachite
    MetalsSilver, aluminum
    TreesCherry, Chestnut
    ColorsPurple, yellow
    Totem animalHorse
    TalismansScarab beetle, lizard
    Lucky number in numerology8
    Important years of life18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 63, 67
    Lucky day of the weekTuesday

    Girls named Valeria are often called Lera among their families. A shortened version of the name is sometimes written down in official documents - Valerie, but this is not accepted in Russia, so the full spelling is most often used.

    Valechka, Lerik, Lerusya - these options are used as endearments, but such abbreviations should not be abused, since the sound of the name has big influence on a person's character. To take advantage of all the advantages inherent in a name, parents should teach their daughter to introduce herself by her full name from an early age.

    Characteristics by zodiac sign

    An important aspect in Valeria's life is the influencing constellation. Without it it's hard to give full transcript character of a woman. This girl always attracts the attention of others, but her characteristic behavior in relationships with people largely depends on her zodiac sign.

    Characteristics of Valeria according to the horoscope:

    Zodiac sign and date of birthCharacteristics of Valeria
    Aries (21.03 - 19.04)The influence of this constellation is expressed in the stubbornness and intractability of a woman. This lady will never make concessions. If she has decided something, then it is impossible to convince her
    Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)She is a hardworking and sensible girl. Valeria-Taurus is different heightened feeling responsibility, so you can always rely on her in everything
    Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)Valeria-Gemini is a rather controversial person. People easily find a common language with this lady, but you shouldn’t trust her. Such a girl's plans change several times a day, she is unreliable and frivolous.
    Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)She is a born wife and mother. For this woman, family is the most important value. WITH youth Valeria-Cancer dreams of getting married and devoting her life to housekeeping, caring for her husband and raising children.
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08)The constellation Leo gives the girl a special charisma; she is extremely attractive to the male sex, but winning her heart is not so easy. This Valeria does not tolerate weak and insecure people around her.
    Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)Those born under this constellation are distinguished by their realistic views of the world. This woman is practical and prudent. She is not characterized by dreaminess and romance.
    Libra (23.09 - 23.10)The constellation of wavering Libra reduces Valeria’s inherent determination. The lady of this sign often suffers from self-doubt. She should choose a strong and strong-willed man as a partner who will take responsibility for her decisions
    Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)This is a born warrior. For a Scorpio girl there are no insurmountable obstacles; she always finds the right path to success, mercilessly eliminating rivals
    Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)The charming Sagittarius lady is always in the center of attention, but this zodiac sign adversely affects the character of the purposeful Valeria. This woman does not know how to achieve what she wants, because in case of any problem she deviates from the chosen path
    Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)The influence of Capricorn adds pessimism to the lady. The girl’s inherent cheerfulness fades in this combination, so Valeria-Capricorn often falls into depression. It’s hard to live with her, she’s gloomy and cynical, but she can’t be accused of being childish. One can only envy the intelligence and wisdom of such a lady.
    Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)The frivolity and charm of Aquarius add lightness to the serious and thorough Valeria. You can hardly get bored with this girl, but you shouldn’t rely on her in important matters. The Aquarius woman is not loyal and reliable; she can unintentionally betray a person, changing course by chance
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)Sweet and gentle Pisces are characterized by sensitivity and suspiciousness. This Valeria goes with the flow, but very often she is carried away into the world of fantasy. She tends to idealize people, so she is often disappointed in them

    Valeria's fate

    Valeria's life path is thorny and changeable, but fate is favorable to her. This lady knows how to adapt to life’s circumstances, so she easily experiences ups and downs. The secret of this woman is her strength; Valeria’s distinctive features are:

    • durability;
    • endurance;
    • patience.

    It is difficult to piss her off, but if someone succeeds, then he gets what he deserves. Valeria is quite restrained and tactful, but in moments of anger this woman changes beyond recognition. The rage of this lady crosses out all the norms of morality and morality that have been embedded in her since childhood. However, few people ever encounter a girl’s toughness; in ordinary life she is sweet and friendly. She has many friends and acquaintances who sincerely love and appreciate her.


    Early childhood is the most important stage development of Valeria's personality. The baby is quite capricious and willful, but she takes the teachings of her parents very well. At the age of 3 to 5 years, she does not need to repeat directions 10 times; she grasps everything on the fly. Valeria requires increased attention, so parents should play with her more often, otherwise the girl will commit unseemly acts in order to attract adults to communicate with her.

    She does not experience problems with her peers, Valeria does not strive to become a leader, but she cannot be called an outcast either. This is a friendly and sweet girl who knows how to make friends and play calmly with the guys. However, Lera is quite selfish, so she is unlikely to share her toys with anyone. It is useless to wean her from greed, but you can teach the baby the art of compromise. This girl is very calculating, so she will gladly let you play with her doll in exchange for a chocolate bar.

    From an early age, Valeria feels her femininity and attractiveness. She loves to dress up and loves to show off in front of the public. This girl craves admiration for her talents, which she can perfectly demonstrate in active activities. She will definitely achieve high results in creativity, so parents need to pay attention to her preferences and sign Lera up for classes:

    • dancing;
    • gymnastics;
    • swimming.

    You should not force Valeria to draw or play the piano, this girl is restless, she will suffer from a lack of mobility during such activities. It can develop in such areas only through at will, Lera categorically rejects any coercion.

    Young woman

    Valeria's adolescence passes smoothly. This girl does not cause any special problems for her parents, but Lera herself is going through this period painfully. Changes in appearance cause her a lot of inconvenience and often turn into complexes. Public appreciation is very important to Valeria, so she tries to look bright and beautiful, and when she finds a pimple on her face, the girl may refuse to attend school.

    She begins to be interested in boys quite early, but behaves stiffly and constrained around them. Lera rarely enters into intimate relationships with them before marriage, since her moral concepts are ingrained very deeply. She devotes most of her youth to study; she can rarely be seen in a noisy company of friends of the same age. Usually Valeria chooses an equally serious girl as her friend, with whom she then maintains a relationship throughout her life.

    Lera is responsive and responsible; if her parents ask her to complete some task, she will definitely do everything. However, it is very difficult to accustom this girl to order. Chaos always reigns in her room, since neatness is unusual for her. Material values for her, they are secondary, so in response to reproaches about her sloppiness, Valeria will say that she has no time to clean, as she is preparing for her lessons.

    Lera studies well; one can only envy this girl’s intellectual and spiritual development. She has an excellent memory, so she learns most of the educational material from lessons, and in his free time studies additional information on subjects in order to show off his knowledge and get high grades.

    Valeria gets married quite late, because she considers education and career to be the most important components of her life. She will never devote herself to her family, as she needs achievements and public recognition of her merits. Even if Lera meets a life partner in her youth, she first completes her studies, and only then thinks about marriage.


    By adulthood, Valeria acquires a truly feminine charm. Crowds of admirers circle around her, but this lady makes high demands on men. Only an accomplished and confident gentleman becomes her chosen one. This woman often connects her life with a man who is much older than her, as she is attracted to his experience and wisdom.

    She has a logical, masculine mindset, so she likes to communicate with members of the opposite sex. Valeria rarely gives in to emotions and does not like it when someone raises their voice or becomes hysterical in front of her. She allows only restrained and balanced people into her close social circle. She gets along well with others, but always keeps her distance, maintaining her personal space.

    Lera does not meddle in other people's affairs; she is very reluctant to help people who ask her for something. This woman does not like to take on someone else's problems, but she prefers to solve her own.

    It is difficult to get close to her, but if someone succeeds, then in Valeria the person finds a faithful and devoted friend and ally. She doesn't waste words, so she always keeps her promises. You can safely rely on this lady in any matter, but you should not deceive her. Those named by this name have extremely developed intuition; this woman instantly recognizes a lie. Valeria does not forgive betrayal; once her trust is lost, it is no longer possible to restore it.

    Thanks to her intuition, this girl often avoids unpleasant situations. The older she gets, the more she learns to trust her feelings. This woman accurately predicts the outcome of any business or relationship, so you can turn to her for advice.

    Characteristics of Valeria in various aspects:

    Aspect Description
    Health and mental healthThis woman has a stable psyche and excellent health. However, Valeria has a tendency to be overweight, so they have to limit themselves in nutrition all their lives. The energy of this lady must find an outlet in active activities, otherwise she is at risk of osteochondrosis, headaches and other diseases associated with neurology

    Valeria does not strive for leadership positions, she does not know how to manage people, but in her chosen profession she always reaches significant heights. She is close to creative areas where she can show off her talents.

    Often these women become actresses, singers, and hosts of various events. They are bored with ordinary activities. Every Valeria dreams of dizzying rises that will bring her public recognition. Even if this woman chooses the profession of a teacher in kindergarten, then she will be the best mass entertainer who will be praised and respected by parents and leaders

    HobbiesDespite the seething flows of energy, Valeria does not like sports. She hardly forces herself to swim, run, or do fitness, but she does it to keep in shape. Free time Lera devotes herself to reading and various types of needlework; she loves to cook, but does it all at will.
    LoveValeria's love relationships are developing extremely successfully. She is not prone to short affairs, so she behaves seriously with men. This lady loves to flirt, but if the gentleman goes beyond what is permitted, she immediately shows all her severity and rigidity. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to have an affair with her without obligation. This woman looks out for her future husband in every partner, and if a man is not suitable for her for marriage, Lera will not even look in his direction. In love, she does not follow her feelings, but this woman knows how to love. This woman will envelop her chosen one with affection, care and tenderness. This is a very honest and faithful lady, she never cheats on her man, but she will not tolerate infidelity on his part either.
    MarriageIn marriage, Lera opens up; next to her beloved, she reveals everything positive traits. She is a good housewife and a wonderful mother. She knows how to manage money, so her husband does not have to worry about female extravagance. Comfort and peace reign in this woman’s home, but she will never get along with an overly neat man who finds fault with the mess. This lady does not know how to organize space in accordance with generally accepted standards, but this does not mean that the warm blanket lying near the chair is lying there just like that - Valeria put it there specifically so that her husband would wrap himself in it when she ventilates the apartment
    SexThe sexuality of this woman shines through in her every gesture. The girl is passionate and temperamental, but she gives her sensuality only to those who are affectionate and gentle with her. She cannot be called a prude, but in sex she is quite conservative. She needs to offer experiments in bed very carefully, otherwise Valeria will show her coldness and detachment. She does not like hard sex, the intimate sphere of her life is directly related to feelings in a relationship, so manifestations of rudeness are unacceptable for her

    Compatibility with men

    When determining compatibility, you should take into account the characteristics of a man's name. Valeria is most successful in forming alliances with bearers of the following names:

    Male nameCharacteristics of relationships
    AlexanderWith this man, Lera is confident in the future. In such an alliance, disagreements rarely arise, because the partners resolve controversial issues calmly, finding compromises
    AnatolySedate and responsible Anatoly is perfect for the role of husband for this woman. Peace and harmony reign in this couple
    ArtemArtem can withstand a woman’s temper, so it’s impossible to quarrel with him. This union is built on mutual respect, in which the man forgives his beloved all her whims
    BogdanBogdan and Valeria make an ideal couple. They have common interests and goals in life, so they confidently walk through life together
    ValeryMutual understanding in this union arises on an intuitive level. The consonance of partners' names has a positive effect on their life together
    VyacheslavWith this man, a woman has to take on a leading role in the relationship, but this does not disparage Vyacheslav’s merits. These lovers rarely quarrel, but even after disagreements they make up very quickly
    MaksimThe union of this couple is built on crazy love. Maxim and Valeria are sexually attracted to each other, but they also find a lot in common in other areas of life
    OlegWith Oleg, the girl shows all her femininity. This man becomes a strong support for a girl who highly values ​​the reliability of her partner.
    SergeyThis union is characterized by instability in material terms, but both partners here develop spiritually and achieve harmony on an emotional level
    Male nameCharacteristics of relationships
    AlbertThis man is too powerful and independent. He puts pressure on his chosen one with his authoritarianism and demands submission, without giving anything in return.
    AndreyIt’s quite difficult to get along with Andrey Leray. He is no less selfish than she is, so conflicts constantly flare up in the union
    EugeneThe bearer of this name is weak in character and is not very attractive to a powerful and strong lady. Even if these partners fall in love with each other, the woman will soon get bored and leave her lover
    MarkIn this union, the hostility of two opposing personalities often manifests itself. These man and woman cannot get along, they do not find a common language, they misunderstand each other and constantly quarrel
    SvyatoslavSvyatoslav does not inspire respect from the girl. He is soft and pliable, and this woman needs a strong and powerful man whom she cannot suppress and drive under her heel.

    Famous personalities

    The name Valeria is quite popular, so many female stars glorified it in various types activities.

    Responsive Friendly Cheerful

    Valeria Lanskaya, theater and film actress, singer

    • Meaning of the name
    • Impact on the child

    What does the name Valeria mean?

    What a beautiful, euphonious name Valeria! It is widespread in Russia. The meaning of the name Valeria creates the image of a healthy, feminine and confident girl.

    Valeria's character is influenced by the fact that there is male version, which occurs more often than female name. This adds both charm and femininity to the owner, as well as some boyishness in her behavior.

    The energy of the name brings cheerfulness, activity and self-confidence in its bearer.

    Her behavior and attitude towards people mainly depend on her mood swings and flurry of emotions. Often she herself cannot explain the reasons for sudden anger or violent joy.

    Analyzing what the name Valeria means, you can feel some uncertainty, which provokes unpredictability and surprise in a woman’s behavior. Valeria appears to others as a mystery that is difficult to solve.

    For bearers of a name, patronymics are suitable: Gennadievna, Semyonovna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Borisovna, Glebovna, Ivanovna, Denisovna, Danilovna or Matveevna.

    Valeria Evgenievna loves to be the center of attention. She differs from others in her hard work and activity.

    Alekseevna is balanced, distinguished by her practical mindset, and also strives for leadership. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is overly reasonable, sometimes to the point of being boring, organized and cheerful. Dmitrievna is persistent, firm, quick-tempered, a lover of disputes and gossip.

    Would you name your child this name?

    Valeria comes from the male name Valery. Arguing about what the name Valeria means, one can understand that the word “valeo” is translated from Latin language interpreted as “to be healthy, strong.”

    The name Valerius first appeared in the legends of Ancient Rome, telling about the reign of various emperors. It is of ancient Roman origin and was used by families of noble and wealthy residents of the city.

    History introduces us to interesting fact. In those ancient times, Roman women did not have their personal names, but were called first by the name of their father, and later by the name of their spouse. Therefore, we can assume that Lera was the daughter or wife of some Valery.

    The origin of the name Valeria says a lot. For example, in Orthodoxy this is the Great Martyr Valeria of Caesarea, who was one of the first to accept Christianity and served her faith with faith and truth.

    It is a known fact that they tried to force her back into paganism, but even under cruel torture she did not renounce Christ.

    History names the names of famous bearers: actress Zaklunnaya, TV presenter Kudryavtseva, singer Kozlova, actress Golino, famous model Sokolova, politician Novodvorskaya, gymnast Maksyuta, actress Lanskaya, tennis player Savinykh, film director Guy Germanika.

    Name forms

    Full: Valeria Brief: Lera Affectionate: LerochkaAntique: Valeria

    In her early years, Valeria manifests a wayward character. She is characterized by unpredictable behavior, which is determined by her changeable mood. And no one can find the reason for such sharp changes.

    Lera is a cautious girl and keeps strangers at a distance. She prefers a quiet home environment and rarely visits or attends public events.

    The characterization of the name Valeria is a description of a complex and unpredictable nature.

    She is characterized by inconstancy. He changes his goals, preferences, and attitude towards people quickly and often. She can praise and hate the same person. Create strong ones with Valeria friendly relations difficult.

    She has oratory skills and loves speaking in front of the public. All professions that involve public speaking are suitable for her. The bearer of the name will create a successful career in the position politician, actress, journalist, translator, TV presenter. The professions of a psychologist, teacher, fashion designer, and designer are also suitable for her. Lera can become a demanding and strict boss.

    In Valeria’s description you can find out that this woman is an adventurer who loves adventures and travel.

    Her financial side of life is going well due to a profitable marriage, bold financial projects or successful sales.

    Valeria prefers to communicate in small company with calm, serious people who support topics that are interesting to her and at the same time act as listeners. When the interlocutor is actively involved in the topic, the representative of the name quickly loses interest in the conversation.

    Valeria has strong character. This is a purposeful and strong-willed woman who steadfastly endures all the troubles and difficulties of life. Her firmness and determination are best demonstrated in critical situations, when a quick reaction to existing circumstances is necessary.

    The secret of the name Valeria endows its bearer with activity, which goes well with her cheerful disposition and subtle sense of humor.

    The character is complex and contradictory. Close people are amazed at how such a dynamic character perfectly combines such rarely compatible feelings as sentimentality and wit.

    Valeria is easily excitable, quick-tempered and very restless. She dissolves so much in the raging world of feelings and emotions, which she expresses very violently, that then she may even find herself in a depressed state.

    The girl has sensitivity and vulnerability: these character qualities explain her changeable behavior. She is ambitious, hardworking, but not a careerist.

    Her subtle intuition is associated with rare impressionability. This woman is attractive and charming, and often uses these qualities to her advantage.

    Valeria is characterized by a synthetic mindset. She is characterized by developed fantasy, rich imagination and excellent imaginative memory. This woman remembers for a long time what surprised or alarmed her.

    Character traits





    Ability to keep promises






    Valeria has a romantic and amorous nature.

    To become her friend or husband, a guy needs to patiently and unobtrusively win the beauty’s heart. If a girl notices and appreciates a man, then in this man she will see only his best qualities and will become a faithful friend and a wonderful wife for him.

    IN family relationships Valeria proves herself to be a wonderful housewife and loving wife. It should be noted that she is very jealous. If her husband only glances at another woman, and she notices it, then anger and resentment will completely overwhelm her. Sometimes jealousy can become the main destroyer of family happiness.

    The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl

    The name Lera came to us from Ancient Rome. This was the name given to girls from noble Roman families. It means "strong, strong." The meaning of the name suggests a strong-willed personality with a decisive character.

    This name is a derived form of the name Valery. This only focuses the attention of others on her femininity and charm. Sometimes you can notice some boyish notes in a girl’s character.

    In the 21st century, this name has become popular. Now parents widely use it to name their beautiful babies.

    Valeria's character is capricious, her behavior is very unpredictable and fickle. In most cases, this is an energetic, cheerful, determined girl who can quickly change her views, mood and plans.

    Valeria creates the image of a restless child who cannot sit quietly in one place. She wants to try everything, explore. She dances, runs, jumps, wants to know everything, talks incessantly.

    The child is vulnerable, sensitive, impressionable. She experiences sudden mood swings. You can expect anything from this girl. It is almost impossible to predict her behavior.

    What will Valeria achieve success in?

    IN school years always tries to be on time everywhere. What her performance at school will be depends only on her desire and desire to learn. She will demonstrate amazing effort in studying her favorite school subjects. Conversely, you will not force her to study a subject that she does not like.

    Lera can make excellent lawyers, managers, and economists. She can achieve success in professions that involve public speaking. Work in show business and in the political sphere is ideal.

    Lera likes work that involves constant communication. She can find her calling in the profession of a teacher, waiter, tour guide, hairdresser, psychologist, massage therapist.

    When raising a girl, the demands of parents should not diverge from the case. Try to reduce the number of prohibitions. Try to react calmly to your daughter’s tricks. Include your child in all household chores. Let Valeria help her parents clean, cook, and buy groceries. Try to reinforce any positive action of the girl with praise. Don't punish physically.

    What games will Valeria like?

    Valeria is an enthusiastic person. He enjoys visiting various circles, often changing them or visiting several sections at the same time, opposite in direction. Loves it outdoor games, plays sports, loves to jump and run.

    Reads adventure and fantasy literature. Doesn't always pay attention to parents' demands.

    The name Valeria makes its owner bright and authoritative person, which other people often look up to. She is disciplined and knows how to adapt to changing circumstances. Valeria is always present Napoleonic plans, and self-confidence helps to implement them.

    The origin of the name Valeria is Latin roots. The history of ancient Rome tells about emperors named Valerius and associates the name with the Latin word Valeo. The history of the name Valeria tells about the holy martyr Valeria of Caesarea, who was subjected to cruel torture for accepting Christianity and renouncing the pagan faith.

    Meaning of the name

    The meaning of the name Valeria translated from Latin is “strong”, “strong”.


    The meaning of the name Valeria for a girl gives her an unpredictable character and changeable moods from an early age. Stubborn and capricious Lera constantly demands attention to herself, especially if her mother is very protective of her. The girl cannot be called a model of neatness, which does not bother her too much, but she will achieve perfect cleanliness if she really wants to.

    Lera likes to go to clubs and participate in school events, she loves to dress up. She has acting talent and a creative streak. Her changeable character reflects poorly on her performance at school; she strives for leadership, and if she doesn’t get it, she can suffer a serious emotional breakdown. Valeria loves her friends very much, she will never commit meanness or betrayal.

    The meaning of the name Lera for a teenager leaves her with a changeable character and the inability to correctly assess what is happening. But for those who can tolerate her mood swings, she will become wonderful friend. Valeria is a good student and is preparing responsibly for entering university, not being too interested in guys. Lera's goals change as quickly as her mood. She is touchy and does not take criticism well, but is hardworking and responsible. Out of emotion, Valeria can say unnecessary things and offend, but she does not admit guilt. She has an analytical mind, but Lera gravitates more toward humanitarian subjects and loves foreign languages.

    Adult Valeria is sensitive, vulnerable, suspicious. Strictness helps her in her career, but has a negative impact on her personal life and promises loneliness. In addition, the woman is reserved, but her coquetry, elegance and beauty ensure the attention of men. Valeria's chosen one will have to be patient to win her heart. If his attempts are successful, the man will receive a loving and faithful wife.

    Valeria will become a good wife who always strives to please her husband, caring mother and can easily cope with home life. She loves to cook. She demands fidelity and stability from her husband; her jealousy sometimes reaches the point of absurdity and borders on a sense of ownership. Also, her marriage can be ruined by excessive passion for her career. A changeable character also manifests itself in intimate relationships, but this allows the chosen one to fully enjoy feelings and feel the whole spectrum of emotions.


    Character of the name Valeria according to zodiac sign:

    1. Aries is positive, easy to communicate, but responsible in her work, has the makings of a leader, and is always aware of what is happening. Grace and charm help her create unique image which men really like. In relationships, Valeria-Aries is somewhat mercantile.
    2. Taurus is a reserved girl who strives for constancy and does not like change, even if environment it weighs on her. Patience and perseverance allow her to feel good in monotonous work. She is somewhat slow, but she brings everything to completion, this allows her to gain the authority of loved ones and colleagues.
    3. Gemini is hers distinctive features– playfulness, ease of communication, great sense of humor, she is not averse to making jokes at others and laughing at herself. Valeria-Gemini is frivolous and afraid to make difficult decisions.
    4. Cancer is a charming girl with refined taste. Despite the increased interest of men, she prefers to be at home and spend time with her family. Both in work and in love he prefers constancy.
    5. Leo is secretive, taciturn, suspicious. She often presents herself as a brave and selfless heroine, but in reality she is very hurt by the successes of her friends. When talking about himself, he has a habit of slightly embellishing what happened.
    6. Virgo is calm, tactful and well-mannered. Work becomes the source of her self-expression; her openness and sociability allow her to easily meet people. Sociability helps her build a career and gently persuade people to her point of view.
    7. Valeria, born under the sign of Libra, is charming and cheerful. She enthusiastically takes on everything new, but quickly burns out, abandoning what she started halfway. Eloquence, the ability to present herself favorably, helps her win the attention of men.
    8. Scorpio is a temperamental person who will easily point out to those around them their shortcomings, without noticing their own. She is quick-tempered, cannot stand criticism, and always strives to succeed in everything.
    9. Sagittarius is emotional, capable of flaring up over a trifle. He does not admit his mistakes; he values ​​intelligence and position in men.
    10. Capricorn - her main character traits are severity, distrust and self-criticism. She takes criticism negatively, treats everything with suspicion, is constantly afraid of being betrayed, and rejects help.
    11. Aquarius is independent, witty, and loves her job. Executive, rarely talks about her relationships. Will pay attention to a resourceful, persistent man with a good sense of humor.
    12. Valeria-Pisces is creative, charming, and has natural grace. Thinks big and successfully brings his ideas to life. She will connect her life with an equally creative man.

    Name color

    The secret of the name Valery is hidden in its talismans. Lera's talisman color is purple. It gives a penchant for reasoning and philosophy; “violet” people are able to feel the emotions and mood of other people. Loving natures who live by feelings can be wayward and selfish.

    Name flower

    The flower that brings good luck to Lera is peony. It is a symbol of eternal youth, prosperity and happiness. There is a belief that the flower has healing properties.

    Name day

    Lera's name day:

    • March 31.
    • April 28.
    • the 6th of May.
    • 6-7, July 20.
    • 9th December.

    Church name

    Valeria's church name does not change.

    Translation of name in different languages

    Female name Valeria in other languages ​​of the world:

    • English - Valerie, the same spelling is preserved in the French version.
    • Spanish, Italian, German versions of the name Valeria - Valeria.
    • Hungarian – Valeria.

    Full name, shortened, affectionate

    Valeria - full name. It can be abbreviated and affectionately called:

    • Lera.
    • Lerka.
    • Lerochka.
    • Lerusik.


    The name Valeria is suitable for a girl if her father's name is:

    • Gennady.
    • Evgeniy.
    • Andrey.

    Name compatibility

    Compatibility of Valeria with male names:

    1. Lera and Alexander have common goals and interests; they hardly quarrel, but they rarely start a family due to the lack of stability in the couple.
    2. With Dmitry there will be love at first sight, but independent Valeria is in no hurry to start a family, and Dmitry is committed to marriage, demanding constancy from his beloved. Frequent scandals arise on this basis, and as a result the couple breaks up.
    3. and Lera are not inclined to start a family, but this does not prevent them from building a strong marriage over time, they are interested in each other, the couple has mutual understanding and respect.
    4. Strong relationships are possible, but provided that there are common interests between the partners, and not just passion.
    5. Maxim and Valeria will create a strong relationship. The main thing for a girl is to receive the love and support of her chosen one, and he will be able to provide this to her.
    6. and Valeria are cheerful and sociable, they love to travel and spend time together. The love between them arises quickly and exists for many years.
    7. Anton and Valeria are perfect for each other in an intimate sense, but both are too independent to start a family.
    8. and Valeria slowly converge with each other, but as a result they end up with a strong and loving family.
    9. Igor and Valeria - perfect couple. This tandem has common goals, interests, emotional similarity, wonderful sexual compatibility.
    10. With Ilya there is passion and affection. He becomes the breadwinner, and she becomes the mistress of the house. Each of the partners is quite happy with this state of affairs.

    How to incline

    Declension of the name Valeria by case:

    • In the nominative and accusative – Valeria.
    • In the genitive - Valeria.
    • In the dative - Valeria.
    • In the creative – Valeria.
    • In the prepositional form - Valeria.

    Famous people with this name

    Famous people with the name Valeria:

    • Kudryavtseva is a TV presenter, known for the “Ex-Wives Club” project and her work on the Muz-TV channel.
    • Kozlova - singer, former member groups "Ranetki" and "5esta Family".
    • Savinnykh is a tennis player.

    Valeria will successfully cope with own business, will be able to realize himself as a translator or reporter, and perhaps he will take his main hobby - cooking - to a professional level, and open a cafe or pastry shop. Valeria will also find success in sales and finance.

    Useful video about the meaning of the name Valeria

    Winter Valeria too excitable and prone to nervous breakdowns. Her perception of even small problems often develops into an unimaginable tragedy, so it is often difficult for her to find a common language with others. She is a principled and proud woman, which gives her inner strength and beauty.

    Spring Valeria - a capricious, spoiled woman. She is used to everyone around doing as she wishes (but few people want to communicate and be friends with such a special person, so most often spring Valeria is very lonely). However, she is very popular with men, which makes her a self-confident woman who knows exactly how to set up her next fan in her own way.

    Summer Valeria cunning, somewhat mercantile and cautious. She always achieves the goals and objectives set for herself, especially if these same goals promise her benefits or moral pleasure. The only downside is that she can achieve her desires by “walking over corpses.” The principles of summer Valeria do not always correspond to moral standards.

    Autumn Valeria represents a balanced, calm and always restrained nature. It is difficult to “irritate” her, because to any question you can always hear a reasoned, reasoned answer from her, subtly hinting that any argument with her is doomed to failure. Autumn Valeria often hides her emotions, which entails problematic relationships with men.

    Stone - talisman

    Valeria's talisman stones are garnet and emerald.


    This stone symbolizes friendship and love, passion and devotion.

    IN Christian tradition garnet was valued as a stone that contributed to the reconciliation of friends and the strengthening of love and family ties.

    Interesting fact! Because of its red color, garnet was believed to stabilize blood pressure. In addition, it is believed that this stone calms the nervous system, invigorates and gives a person optimism, promotes well-being and gives vitality.


    This gem symbolizes hope, freshness and joy.

    Emerald is capable of opening secret knowledge, helping to develop the are of prophecy.

    Interesting fact! Our ancestors believed that this stone could improve sleep and identify adultery (the emerald would fall into several pieces during infidelity). However, emerald brings bad luck to deceitful and insincere people.

    Emerald helps a person to navigate the terrain well and avoid disasters, which is why sailors carry it with them on sea voyages.



    Valeria's lucky number is 8 (you can read about the meaning of the number eight in the article).



    Valeria’s element is Water (which means the patronage of this element, can be read in the article “The Influence of the Elements, Planets and Numbers on Human Life”).

    Animal - symbol

    Animal symbols for Valeria are the horse and the scarab beetle.


    This noble animal symbolizes: intelligence, wisdom, light and the transience of time. This symbol helps in trouble, gives vitality and brings wealth.

    Scarab beetle

    This beetle symbolizes the rebirth of the human soul. It is used to protect against evil spells, to achieve financial well-being, to gain happiness and good luck.



    Favorable plants for Valeria are chestnut, peony and cherry.


    This tree symbolizes wisdom, care and providence. According to legend, carrying chestnut fruits in your pocket brings health and protects against negative events.

    Chestnut is also used in medicine for treatment vascular diseases, various rheumatisms, gallbladder diseases. In addition, chestnut is used as a hemostatic agent.


    This flower symbolizes longevity, wealth and joy. Peony is endowed healing properties: Thus, a tincture from the roots of this plant helps with insomnia and relieves irritation.


    It is a symbol of spring bloom, hope and youth.


    Valeria's metal talismans are aluminum and silver.


    Aluminum symbolizes stability and calm. Aluminum rings are worn during important meetings (this metal helps to acquire the necessary contacts and improve mutual understanding between people in a team).


    This metal symbolizes spiritual purity. Silver protects its owner from the evil eye, witchcraft, negative influences from outside and evil spirits.

    Favorable days

    Unfavorable day


    The favorable time of year for Valeria is spring.

    Important years of life

    Significant years of life for Valeria: 18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 34, 38, 44, 50, 63 and 67.

    Origin of the name Valeria

    Name translation

    The name Valeria comes from the Latin word valeo, which means “strong”, “strong”, “healthy”.

    History of the name

    The name Valeria is a variant of the male name Valery. Thus, the patrician name Valerius is found in legends about Ancient Rome, telling about the life of emperors.

    Forms (analogues) of the name

    The most common forms of the name Valery: Lera, Lerusya, Lerusha, Valya, Valyunya.

    The legend of the name Valeria

    Valeria of Caesarea is an early Christian saint who was given the title of martyr. Valeria of Caesarea, together with her comrades-in-arms Kyriacia of Caesarea and Maria of Caesarea (they received their nickname from the name of the ancient city of Caesarea) accepted Christianity, prayed regularly, and regularly served their faith.

    It is also known that Valeria of Caesarea was tortured in order to convert her to the pagan faith. But even after severe torment, she did not renounce Christianity.

    The secret of the name Valery

    Angel's Day (name day)

    March: 31st.

    April: 28th.

    May: 6th number.

    June: 6th, 7th and 20th.

    December: 9th number.

    Patrons named after Valery

    • Martyr Valeria African.
    • Martyr Valeria of Milan.
    • Martyr Valeria of Caesarea.
    • Martyr Valeria of Limoges.

    Famous people

    Famous actresses named Valeria:

    • Valeria Zaklunnaya;
    • Valeria Lanskaya.

    Famous TV presenters named Valeria:

    • Valeria Kondra;
    • Valeria Kudryavtseva.

    Famous singers named Valeria:

    • Valeria Barsova;
    • Valeria Kozlova.

    Famous writers named Valeria:

    • Valeria Gerasimova;
    • Valeria Tsvetaeva.

    Valeria Savinykh - Russian tennis player.

    Valeria Sokolova - Russian model from Penza.

    The meaning of the name Valeria

    For a child

    Lera has been very unpredictable from an early age, and her parents cannot understand the sudden changes in her mood. In addition, she is stubborn and capricious (the attention of her relatives should be given entirely to her and no one else). Very often, such selfishness, provoked by the mother’s overprotectiveness, leads to the fact that she does not have good relationships with her siblings.

    Little Lera can hardly be called a neat girl; on the contrary, chaos always reigns in her room, which she herself calls “creative disorder.” To be fair, it should be noted that if she does start cleaning, she will put the room in perfect order.

    Valeria is a true fashionista who can spend hours dressing up and looking in the mirror. She is talented and artistic, so she participates in school celebrations and attends various clubs.

    Studying is not very easy for Valeria, although educational process She approaches things very seriously and responsibly. And it’s all due to her changeable and touchy character. She wants to become a leader, but this does not always work out, which can lead to serious emotional breakdowns.

    But in general, Valeria is a kind, sympathetic and generous girl who sincerely loves her loved ones and will never betray her friends.

    For a girl

    Having grown older, Valeria remains a complex person whose behavior is difficult to predict. She often incorrectly assesses events and people (such behavior does not endear her to others). However, if someone has enough patience and strength to win Valeria’s favor, then such a person will forever acquire a very devoted friend.

    Despite the difficult teenage period, Valeria, as a rule, studies diligently at university and prepares for her future career. She is of little interest to guys, but love is not alien to her either (the main thing is that feelings do not interfere with the achievement of her goals). And Lera’s goals change as quickly as her mood, and besides, she does not know how and does not want to limit herself to any boundaries.

    She is hardworking and responsible, meticulous and persistent, but her sensitive attitude to criticism often prevents her from establishing friendly and working relationships. In addition, Lera is overly emotional (in a fit of anger she can offend a person with a sharp word, and never admits her guilt).

    If we talk about friends, then Lera has few of them, because she rarely opens up to people, which gives rise to the myth of her insincerity. But for time-tested people, she is a wonderful friend.

    For woman

    Adult Valeria is extremely vulnerable, sensitive and suspicious. She has a strict character, which helps her achieve great success in life. However, the downside is that Valeria is often lonely, which is also to blame for her isolation. At the same time, she may take both her own and other people’s troubles too close to her heart.

    Valeria even in adult life remains a real coquette and fashionista, which cannot but please the men who are trying to woo her. Her elegance, mystery and inaccessibility attract the stronger sex. But Lera is looking for the ideal man to whom she can give tenderness and love (such searches may end with her making the wrong choice). Until she meets the one and only, she will view romance novels with distrust.

    Description of the name Valeria


    Valeria is a sincere and honest person, but at the same time she does not always follow moral and ethical standards, especially if they interfere with achieving her goals.

    Valeria despises liars, although as a woman, of course, she is not averse to sometimes embellishing certain events.


    Valeria is in generally good health, but tends to be overweight. There may also be problems with the genitourinary and nervous systems. Valeria needs to be active and healthy image life, which involves regular physical activity.


    It is difficult for men to win Valeria with her complex character. But, of course, it is possible, you just need to be patient.

    In general, Valeria likes strong and assertive men who are ready to fight for their happiness. All courtship to such a man will pay off with interest, because if Valeria falls in love, then forever.


    Valeria agrees to marry only a man who sincerely loves her and to whom she is very attached. She gives feelings highest value when choosing a spouse and chooses only with her heart. For Valeria, marriage of convenience is unacceptable (as well as having children without love).

    Family relationships

    Valeria becomes a good housewife with relaxed ease and strives to please her husband as much as possible. Diligently copes with household chores and raising children. At the same time, she demands loyalty and mutual understanding from her beloved. Unfortunately, family often fades into the background for Valeria, giving way to career growth. Although Lera pampers her husband with attention, her sense of possessiveness and jealousy lead to frequent quarrels and scandals in her family.


    Unpredictability in everything is the norm for Valeria. Even in intimate relationships, you can expect anything from her: she can be a passionate and insatiable lioness, or she can put on the mask of a cold and unapproachable lady.

    But in any case, sex plays an important role in relationships for Valeria, so it is common for her (especially in her youth) to often change sexual partners, which helps her experience the whole gamut of feelings. And if her ardent passion fades, the novelty that attracts her so much disappears, then she returns to new searches.

    Mind (intelligence)

    Valeria has an analytical mind, she has a lively, well-developed imagination, and excellent figurative memory. At the same time, she is not inclined towards mathematics, but is more drawn to the humanities (she really likes to study foreign languages).


    Interest in her inner world, and not in work, prevails in Valeria. The best way She shows herself by being the mistress of her business, although she can cope with any position if she loves the business. And all thanks to such character qualities as responsibility, perseverance and hard work. Valeria is most suited to working with people - this is the sphere of service, education, trade, and catering.


    Valeria is predisposed to running her own business. In addition, she skillfully conducts business, thanks to which profitable sales and bold financial transactions. Valeria also finds it quite easy to communicate with partners, which is important for establishing new business relationships.


    Valeria's favorite hobbies are reading and cooking (she loves to cook and is constantly improving her culinary skills).

    She is not a fan of sports, but loves to play a little tennis or swim in the pool.

    Character type


    Valeria has a restless lifestyle and an unstable, unbalanced psyche. To impress others, she may demonstrate her anger. Valeria is overly self-confident and does a lot of rash things. For example, in a conversation she likes to talk more than listen, which is why she often becomes an unwanted interlocutor. It is important for her to be the center of attention, otherwise she begins to feel insecure.


    Valeria is quite often guided by her inner voice, which is due to her impressionability. In addition, she is naturally endowed with charm and charm, which Valeria uses with great success. So, in love affairs she does not pay attention to anything except the call of her heart and internal impulses.

    Horoscope named after Valery

    Valeria - Aries

    Cheerful and cheerful Valeria-Aries, who approaches any task extremely scrupulously, should always be in the center of events. She likes to lead, not perform. Valeria-Aries has a charming appearance and always presents herself effectively, thereby manipulating men. This is a temperamental and devoted woman who will not forgive betrayal to her chosen one.

    Valeria - Taurus

    This is a calm and scrupulous woman who does not like change. Stability is important for Valeria-Taurus, and this applies to all areas of her life. She will cope well with monotonous and routine work, but she is creative and creative activity- not her strong point. Everything that Valeria undertakes, she brings to perfection, so she is valued both at home and at work. She can't brag big amount fans, because she is closed and shy, but for her husband she will be a devoted wife (albeit a big owner).

    Valeria - Gemini

    This is a flirtatious and restless nature, loving laughter and fun. She goes through life with humor and endless optimism. Even at work, she manages to joke, flirt with co-workers and still get her job done. The disadvantage of Valeria-Gemini is inconstancy and indecisiveness, which can hinder her progress in career ladder. She is not very selective in relationships with men, so she is often disappointed in relationships.

    Valeria - Cancer

    An elegant and well-mannered lady is Valeria-Cancer, whose refined and delicate manners will captivate men. At the same time, Valeria-Cancer is a real homebody, for whom family comes to the fore. She strives for stability, although sometimes she is not averse to changing the situation and going on a trip. She is strict and demanding of men: thus, her ideal man should be intelligent and polite.

    Valeria - Leo

    This is a self-absorbed and envious woman. No one knows about her dreams, but they boil down to power, universal attention and adoration. Although Valeria-Leo tries to suppress her envy, the successes of her friends fall heavily on her shoulders. In her work, she constantly lacks patience, perseverance and responsibility. Sincerity is also alien to Valeria-Leo, because she loves to embellish what is happening in her favor. She has many fans, but in her male friends she wants to see only a non-existent ideal.

    Valeria - Virgo

    Balanced and gallant, Valeria-Virgo always diligently, thoroughly, and, most importantly, creatively approaches her work. She easily achieves respect in society, and her ability to establish the necessary contacts contributes to rapid career growth. She knows how to inspire and impose her opinion on her interlocutor, and she does it so skillfully that he does not even suspect it. This also applies to the family - Valeria-Virgo claims to be the head of the family.

    Valeria - Libra

    A charming, sociable and pleasant woman is Valeria-Libra, who takes on any task with passion and enthusiasm, but her carefree nature does not allow everything to be brought to its logical conclusion. She considers herself very intelligent and cannot stand familiarity. Valeria-Libra is very popular among men, but she demands everyone’s attention, and she often cannot even listen to her interlocutor.

    Valeria - Scorpio

    She is a rather irritable person who loves to make comments to everyone around her, although the slightest negative statement addressed to herself makes her nervous. She is overly emotional, so it is not surprising that her life is filled with adventures and bright colors, without which she simply cannot live. It will be difficult for her man to accept constant and often far-fetched quarrels, which are quite common for Valeria-Scorpio.

    Valeria - Sagittarius

    She can be described as a passionate, hot and energetic woman. Valeria-Sagittarius can get very angry if something doesn't go as she planned. And if she begins to have an attack of anger, it will be difficult to stop a woman who behaves tactlessly and does not think about the consequences. It is very difficult for Valeria-Sagittarius to admit her mistakes. The main requirements for a man are: gallantry, intelligence and material security.

    Valeria - Capricorn

    This is a suspicious woman with a skeptical attitude towards life and distrust of people. She is not happy with many things in life and in the people around her; she looks for a catch everywhere and in everything, thereby complicating life for herself and the people who care about her. She can perceive any remark as an incredible insult. It is very difficult to surprise her with anything, much less to please her, so Valeria-Capricorn cannot boast of many friends. The same applies to her fans, who are afraid of the strong and powerful Valeria-Capricorn.

    Valeria - Aquarius

    Freedom-loving and savvy Valeria-Aquarius completely devotes herself to her favorite work, which earns the respect of her colleagues and superiors (it’s not her style to stop halfway). She completely excludes the possibility of other people interfering in her life, especially in her personal relationships. Valeria-Aquarius does not accept overly intrusive and boring fans, from whom she quickly gets tired. Nor will she be with a man who will try to impose his will on her.


    This is a very talented, elegant and pleasant woman, whose hard work, combined with determination, leads to inevitable success. Valeria-Pisces is an unusual and original person who will only be interested in an extraordinary man. The main valuable qualities of the future husband of Valeria-Pisces are a sense of humor and willpower: she will not only be faithful to such a man, but will also devote her life to him.

    Compatibility of the name Valeria with male names

    Valeria and Alexander

    Valeria and Alexey

    The relationship between Valeria and Alexey can hardly be called strong and stable, but despite this, this couple can live together for decades. In Valeria, Alexey is attracted by calmness, which is surprisingly combined with originality of thinking. Valeria sees in her companion a reliable and faithful partner, to whom she is ready to forgive his shortcomings. In general, understanding reigns in their family.

    Valeria and Nikolay

    There is no place for monotony in this union, because Valeria and Nikolai think alike and prefer to actively spend their leisure time, which only strengthens their relationship. They understand each other perfectly, so they can become not only ideal spouses, but also excellent partners. Their joint business will prosper, bringing prosperity and well-being to the home. They can be both adventurers and philosophers at the same time, which brings variety and interest to their union.

    Valeria and Ivan

    This pair of workaholics is determined and energetic. For Valeria and Ivan, family traditions are very important, which they try to honor and observe. Peace reigns in their union, while they try to avoid Italian passions. They find their happiness in children and creating a full-fledged friendly family.

    Valeria and Mikhail

    Optimistic and cheerful Valeria is a perfect match for the active and inquisitive Mikhail. Together they have a fun and productive time, but at the same time they should remember that everything should be in moderation, otherwise the union will not withstand the test of material and everyday difficulties that will sooner or later stand in their way. Overall it's enough strong union, which can overcome many obstacles.

    Valeria and Roman

    The solid Roman, who is serious about building a family, is not ready to put up with the unpredictability of Valeria, who often takes life too frivolously. At first, the chosen one’s cheerfulness captivates the man, but over time, Roman realizes that living together with Leroy will only bring misunderstanding, which is fraught with frequent scandals. If he is ready to put up with the eccentricity of his girlfriend, then their couple may well take place.

    Valeria and Anatoly

    In this tandem, feelings and sexual compatibility are at the top of the pedestal. Initially, Valeria and Anatoly do not take their relationship seriously, but over time their passion develops into a deep feeling that can become the basis strong family. The main thing is that both partners have enough strength and patience that will help them put up with each other’s shortcomings. Otherwise, a break in the relationship cannot be avoided.

    Valeria and Vitaly

    This man and woman are full of mutual understanding, they suit each other very well. In addition, their couple often sets an example for others. Also their intimate life only contributes to the rapprochement and strengthening of such a union. Well, after the birth of a child in their marriage, Valeria and Vitaly are unlikely to exchange family happy life to dubious freedom outside of marriage.

    DOB: 1892-06-13

    Soviet opera singer, teacher, People's Artist USSR

    Version 2. What does the name Valeria mean?

    The female name Valeria is a variant of the male name Valery. Unpredictable. Sometimes her behavior literally depends on which foot she got up from. If little Valeria pouts, it will last for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, and Valeria is not in the mood.

    Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate, and again you shouldn’t rack your brains over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

    Having matured, she continues to remain complex and little predictable. Valeria is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, and inconsistent in her intentions. Naturally, such a character is not very attractive. However, if you have the patience to win her affection or are simply lucky enough to like her, you will have a most devoted friend who will stubbornly see only the good in you, even if you don’t deserve it. Anyone who can penetrate deeper into Valeria's character will see that the basis of Valeria's somewhat eccentric behavior lies in her vulnerability and increased sensitivity. No one will notice the fleeting glance cast by Valeria’s husband at a passing woman, but Valeria will definitely notice. And the consequence of this may be an action incomprehensible to many, a decidedly spoiled mood.

    TO strangers Valeria has a predominantly wary and distrustful attitude. In the harmless remarks of her mother-in-law, she may perceive a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would treat her mother-in-law’s words quite steadfastly.

    A caring, thrifty wife, she kept everything in order at home. He does not like to go to parties or visitors; he prefers a home environment and communication with his family. Jealous, everyone new woman surrounded by her husband causes her to have many fears, suspicions, and humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys an initially successful marriage.

    Valeria with such a difficult character would be suitable for a man named Anatoly, Matvey, Semyon, Boris, Anton. She will have a hard time with Albert, Mark, Kirill, Peter or Vladislav.

    3 version of the meaning of the name Valeria

    1. Personality. Singing women.

    2. Character. 83%.

    3. Radiation. 88%.

    4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s.

    5. Color. Blue.

    6. Valeria’s main features: will - receptivity - excitability - intuition.

    7. Totem plant. Cherries.

    8. Totem animal. Cicada.

    9. Sign. A lion.

    10. Type. They often intrigue: you never know whether they will explode or start singing. From childhood you need to hold them in your hands.

    11. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move, dance and sing all the time. Valeria lacks balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they demonstrate their anger in order to impress others. Strive to be active public life. Overly self-confident.

    12. Will. Strong, sometimes simply despotic.

    13. Excitability. So strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which long-term depression sets in.

    14. Reaction speed. Valeria is very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with tooth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

    15. Field of activity. They are more interested in their inner world than in their work. Best deal for them it is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, Valeria can be allowed to cook and do other work early homework. Most suitable for them are professions that require communication with people - in the field Catering, trade, education.

    16. Intuition. Associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and are excellent at using these qualities to their advantage.

    17. Intelligence. Valeria has a synthetic mindset; she has a lively, well-developed imagination and excellent figurative memory; she remembers for a long time what amazed or alarmed her.

    18. Receptivity. Although they try to keep their distance, this hides highly developed sensitivity and receptivity. Overly restless.

    19. Morality. They are equally pleased with their own and others’ successes.

    20. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Disorders of the genitourinary system are possible. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially aquatic species. Tend to abuse medications, especially tranquilizers.

    21. Sexuality. Strong and manifests itself early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than they might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of sexual complexes in Valeria.

    22. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from their friends, and if one of them deceives, they are capable of taking revenge.

    23. Sociability. They love to receive guests; they are ideal hostesses. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. Valeria achieves some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of her own personality.

    24. Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - the cherry blossom, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

    4th version of the interpretation of the name Valery

    The meaning of the name Valeria is healthy, strong (from Latin)


    Planet - Mercury.

    Color - purple.

    Auspicious tree - fig.

    The treasured plant is the lily.

    The patron of the name is monitor lizard.

    Talisman stone - garnet.


    Nature is complex and unpredictable. Valeria is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, and inconsistent in her intentions. But those who have enough patience for her gain a faithful, devoted friend.

    Valeria is vulnerable, acutely sensitive - this is the basis of her wary and distrustful attitude towards life and towards people.

    6 version of the meaning of the name Valeria

    Valeria - “healthy” (lat.)

    If little Valeria pouts, it will last for a long time. It seems that no one gave a reason for this, but she is not in the mood. Also, for no apparent reason, after some time she will become cheerful and affectionate, and again, you should not rack your brains over why this happened - you still won’t guess.

    Having matured, she continues to remain complex and unpredictable. She is contradictory in her assessment of events and people, fickle in her intentions, which naturally irritates those around her. However, Valeria seems like this only to those who don’t know her well. Those close to her understand that the basis of her some eccentricity lies in vulnerability and increased sensitivity. No one will notice the fleeting glance cast by her husband at a woman passing by, but Valeria will definitely notice. And as a consequence of this - her abrupt and incomprehensible act to many, a decidedly deteriorated mood.

    She most often treats strangers with caution and distrust. In the harmless remarks of the mother-in-law, she will see a biased attitude towards herself, although another daughter-in-law in the same situation would react quite calmly.

    Valeria is a caring, thrifty wife, everything is in order at home. He does not like to go to parties or visitors, prefers the silence of home and communication with his family. Jealous, every new woman surrounded by her husband causes her many fears and suspicions, humiliating interrogations for her husband. Valeria's jealousy often destroys an initially successful marriage.

    Predisposed to allergies, bronchitis, Valeria is unstable nervous system.

    “Winter” Valeria is harsh, excitable, and has frequent nervous breakdowns.

    “Autumn” is more balanced, but still unpredictable. Can work as a fashion designer, musicologist, or guide. Suitable for middle names: Gennadievna, Fedorovna, Maksimovna, Semyonovna, Glebovna, Borisovna.

    “Summer” is eccentric, conflict-ridden.

    “Spring” Valeria is capricious, eccentric, always dissatisfied with something. Her calling is to be an actress, artist, singer, fashion model. The name goes well with patronymics: Ivanovna, Emilievna, Aronovna, Denisovna, Danilovna, Matveevna.

    Valeria has an unstable nervous system because her name comes from the male Valery. I do not recommend giving girls such names.

    8 version of the meaning of the name Valeria

    The secret of the name Valeria - from the Latin meaning healthy, strong.

    Derivatives: Valera, Lera, Lerunya, Lerusya, Lerukha, Lerusha, Leka, Valya, Valeka, Valesha, Valyunya, Valusya, Valyukha, Valyusha, Vaka, Vava.

    Folk signs.

    If this day is rich in heavy dew, expect a hemp harvest.


    The character is complex, quite contradictory, painfully sensitive. Valeria is unpredictable in her unexpected actions and decisions. But those who are able to understand it, patiently delve into the causes of these contradictions, acquire a faithful, devoted friend. The kindness and tolerance of friends helps Valeria to be more trusting and equal.

    9 version of the meaning of the name Valeria

    Valeria is an unpredictable woman. As they say, the mood depends on which foot you get up from. She is well aware that this doesn’t make her look good, but she can’t help herself.

    Those around her have no choice but to wait out her bad mood, but then Valeria will become attentive and kind. She is wary of people and has difficulty changing her first opinion about them. Most often this opinion, unfortunately, is negative. But if she really likes someone, she will become the most devoted friend.

    Valeria is a good, caring wife, a wonderful, loving mother. But she is overly jealous and will always find a reason for jealousy. Valeria is a business person who strives for excellence in any profession. Clear, collected, strict - she demands these qualities from others.

    Name day named after Valery

    May 6, June 20,

    A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

    Famous people named Valeria

    Numerology of the name Valery

    Name number: 3

    The number 3 is sacred. It carries the message of a mutually complementary combination of opposites.
    In numerology, this number is ruled by Mars - very strong planet, whose charges have a sharp, lively and dynamic character. These are creative people with rich imagination, intuition, and high intellectual potential.
    Number three is introverted. His motto is “The Giver of Joy.”

    Three people have a rich inner world, a great sense of humor and subtle taste. They are sociable, optimistic, cheerful, and charismatic.

    The meaning of the letters in the name Valeria

    IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

    A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

    L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

    E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

    R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

    AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

    I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them. People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

    Name as a phrase

    • IN- Lead
    • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
    • L- People
    • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
    • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
    • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
    • I- (YA = A) Az

    Name Valeria in English (Latin)


    When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Valeria in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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