Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners. Icon “Helper of Sinners”

There are more than a hundred images dedicated to the Mother of God, each of which was painted in honor of some miraculous event that occurred through the prayers of the Mother of God and the grace of the Lord. The icon “Helper of Sinners” is a shrine whose creation history no one, unfortunately, knows.

For the first time, the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” was found in monastery V Oryol region. Despite the great discovery, people did not venerate this image, which required serious restoration, and did not transfer it to the temple. And only after the Mother of God repeatedly came to the local residents in a dream, talking about healing power This icon, the shrine found its place in the church.

Many miracles took place around the image. The first to be healed was a boy who suffered from epileptic seizures. After this, many people who had serious incurable illnesses came to the icon.

For the mercy of the Mother of God shown to needy and suffering people, it was decided to erect a cathedral in honor of the image of the “Helper of Sinners.” The significance of the icon in the life of the Russian people increased every day.

The patronal feast of the image of the “Supporter of Sinners” is celebrated twice a year - on March 20 in honor of its discovery and on June 11, which became the day of the icon’s abundant myrrh flow.

"Helper of sinners." Meaning of the icon

This shrine, found in the Oryol Monastery, is a truly unique specimen of its kind. In the image, the Most Holy One folds her hands in a gesture that can be called “guarantee.” This is how the Virgin Mary shows that she vouches for all sinners who vow to no longer do things indecent to God. Baby Jesus Christ squeezes his Mother's hand as a sign that her prayer for peace will be heard. The Mother of God herself is dressed in golden clothes, and her head, covered with an omophorion, is crowned with a royal crown - as a true ruler of heaven. The icon “Sure Helper of Sinners,” photos of which are presented in this article, is considered one of the most beautiful images Holy Virgin.

Miracles of the image

The icon “Helper of Sinners” brought many miracles to this world. One day one was healed at her image rich woman who suffered incurable disease brain All those in need of the Mother’s intercession, who came after these miraculous healings, began to notice that the icon began to stream myrrh. People collected this priceless oil and lubricated sore spots with it and, oddly enough, recovered.

The icon “The Helper of Sinners” also helped the Russian people at the terrible end of the 19th century for the whole world, when cholera was raging in Europe. Residents of Moscow gathered to read the akathist before the miraculous image, which subsequently protected Russia from such a terrible scourge.

The temple built in honor of the image of the “Helper of Sinners,” the St. Nicholas-Khamovnichesky Cathedral, was not closed even after the Bolsheviks gained power in the country. The rector of the temple organized a religious procession with the icon around the church, praying to the Mother of God for intercession. Through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin, the temple remained safe and sound, and also continued to function.

With the appearance of the icon, real miracles began to happen in the temple - at night, real flashes of light resembling a star appeared outside the window opposite the icon. This was repeated more than once, so the rector of the cathedral turned to Metropolitan Philaret for advice. The answer stated that it was impossible to take the icon from the temple, just as it was forbidden to forbid people to pray in front of the image. At that time, the Russian people, having heard a lot about miracles, came to look at the bright flashes occurring near the image. The non-believers, which included the police, were sure that the luminous flux came from the switched on lamps. But even in the pitch darkness, wonderful star flares continued to appear. Skeptics began to insist on another version - he was guilty of everything Moonlight. But also during the period dark nights the great miracle continued to amaze Muscovites. On June 10, everything stopped, and the icon “Helper of Sinners” shed myrrh so abundantly that all local residents had enough of this sacred oil - myrrh.

An interesting fact is that the image Holy Mother of God not decorated with a chasuble, although there were many who wanted to make one for the miraculous icon. According to legend, one of the regular benefactors of the temple in Khamovniki had a vision in which the Mother of God wished to leave her image without a robe.

Help us, Most Holy Theotokos!

In front of the image of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners,” people pray for the granting of health to them. This especially applies to seriously ill people who have lost all hope of healing. But Holy Virgin heals not only the body, but also the soul of a person. Therefore, in moments of despair and despondency, a believer can always bring a prayer to our heavenly intercessor, receiving in return peace and hope.

Where to buy a shrine

The icon “Supportress of Sinners” is one of the most significant for the Russian people. That is why it can be purchased in all church shops and stores. It doesn’t matter what the image is - a small and inexpensive icon or a shrine in a frame embroidered with pearls - the Mother of God will pray for everyone who truly believes in her.

IN Lately It has become very popular to purchase icons to order, choosing the desired size and material - for example, embroidery with beads or gold threads. The price of such a masterpiece will be considerable, since handmade cost at least 4-5 thousand rubles. When ordering such work, know that this is not decoration or part of the antique interior of your home. An icon is, first of all, a mediator between you and God or a saint; it is an opportunity to directly address them in prayer. A beautiful, expensive image of the Mother of God has a place to be, if thereby you show your reverence for heavenly powers. And most importantly, do not forget to come to the temple with a handmade icon and ask the church servants to help you consecrate it.

Calling to the heavens

The prayer to the icon “Helper of Sinners” begins with the words “To my most blessed Queen, my most holy hope.” And indeed, the higher powers become the only ray of light and faith for disadvantaged people. Further in prayer we ask forgiveness for all our sins with which we offend our Lord by not keeping the commandments. “Like the darkness of the night, my life,” we say. In prayer, the believer asks not only for himself, but also for his enemies: “Weaken the anger of those who hate and offend me.” And at the end we will definitely praise our Lord. This prayer, read from the soul with faith in the heart, has great power. Of course, you shouldn’t hope for a miracle by praying to the Mother of God once and continuing to do things indecent to God. Our correction is important for the Lord, leading its way from repentance - the first stage of healing.

One of the most touching, most amazing icons. Its spiritual meaning is in the boundless love of the Mother of God for people. She “vouches” to the Lord for us sinners. We have sinned. And they deserve punishment and death. And the Mother of God is looking for how to protect us with saving grace and lead us to repentance. We don’t even think about correction, but She already testifies to the Lord about our desire to repent. There is an amazing inscription on the icon! Its meaning is that the Lord promises the Mother of God (“gives the hand”) that he will always listen to Her prayers for us, for the entire human race.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” is named after the inscription preserved on the icon: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son...”.

The origin of this image is unknown. On the icon “Helper of Sinners” the Mother of God is depicted with the Child on her left hand, who holds Her with both hands right hand, as is done when obtaining consent. By this, the Son of God seems to assure the Most Holy Theotokos that He will always heed Her prayers for sinners. The heads of the Mother of God and the Child are crowned.

“Help of Sinners” means Surety, or Mediator for sinners before the Lord Jesus Christ. The name of the icon serves as an expression of the boundless love of the Most Holy Theotokos for the sinful human race, which She has shown at all times.

For the first time this image became famous for miracles in the Nikolaev Odrina Monastery near the city of Karachev, Oryol province in the middle of the 19th century. The ancient icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”, due to its dilapidation, did not enjoy proper veneration and stood in the old chapel at the monastery gates. But in 1843, it was revealed to many residents in their dreams that this icon was endowed, by God’s Providence, with miraculous power. The icon was solemnly transferred to the church. Believers began to flock to her and ask for healing of their sorrows and illnesses. The first to receive healing was a relaxed boy, whose mother fervently prayed in front of this shrine. The icon became especially famous during the cholera epidemic, when it brought back to life many terminally ill people who flocked to it with faith.

In 1848, through the diligence of Muscovite Dimitry Boncheskul, a copy of this miraculous image was made and placed in his house. He soon became famous for the flow of healing peace, which gave many people recovery from serious illnesses. This miraculous list was transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki, in which a chapel was built at the same time in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners.”

Before the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” they pray for deliverance from epidemics and plague, for healing in relaxation of the body with insomnia, loss of appetite and deprivation of any members.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” is located in the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Khamovniki (metro Park Kultury, Lev Tolstoy St., 2).

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon “Helper of Sinners”

My Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, poor sinner, this is before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hand to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy, have mercy with the purchased Blood of Your Son, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew my youth like eaglets. , do not allow yourself to become weak in keeping God’s commandments. Touch my troubled souls with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hopes. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protection and Helper of all of us sinners, and I adore Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The Icon of the Mother of God, Helper of Sinners, received its name because of the inscription that is on back side Lika: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son...” These words already explain the meaning of appeals to the icon. It is necessary to ask the Mother of God for repentance for sinners, as well as for those people who worry about their fate. Prayer before the icon of the Helper of Sinners helps to overcome bad thoughts, destructive passions, and sinful attractions.

The icon of the Mother of God, the Helper of Sinners, revealed miraculous phenomena more than once, the sick were healed, families were united, even entire epidemics subsided.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the image of the Mother of God showed a miracle to the world for the first time, and this happened in the Oryol province in the Nikolaev Odrina monastery. The dilapidated ancient icon of the Mother of God, Helper of Sinners, was in the old chapel at the gates of the monastery and was not venerated at all. However, many residents in 1843 saw in their dreams that the icon had miraculous powers and it was decided to solemnly transfer it to the church. Immediately, believers from all over the area began to flock to her and ask the Mother of God for help in illness and sorrow. The mother of one relaxed boy prayed very fervently in front of the icon and the first healing occurred, the boy recovered. There was a time when a cholera epidemic was raging in the area, many terminally ill people came to the icon with faith and hope for healing, and it brought many believers back to life.

In honor of the miraculous icon, a large three-altar church was built in the monastery. The veneration of the icon takes place three times a year. The Pentecostal Virgin is venerated for the first time on Thursday; it is correlated with the glorification of the copy of the Koretsky image. The second veneration of the icon is on March 7 according to the old style (March 20) and the third on May 29 according to the old style (June 11).

The meaning of the icon of the Helper of Sinners.

The image on the icon refers to “Hodegetria”, which translated from Greek means Guide, i.e. guiding all believers on the righteous Christian path. The literal translation of the icon is “Guarantor for sinners before God,” i.e. we honor the Mother of God, who is our Intercessor before the Lord.

What do they pray for before the icon of the Mother of God, Helper of Sinners?

Believers most often come to the image with prayer in order to strengthen their faith, repent, forgive sins, ask the holy image to help in spiritual insight, to be healed of serious illnesses, to get rid of sadness and despondency.

Since the seventeenth century, the divine image has been kept in Ukraine in the Holy Resurrection Koretsky nunnery, and before that the icon was kept as a shrine in family estate Koretsky princes, to whom it belonged.

Days of celebration: June 11 (May 29) and March 20 (March 7, old style).

The name of this icon is one of the most touching among the names of icons of the Mother of God. Surety for sinners! What a deep thought is contained in these words!.. People have sinned. People have been found worthy of punishment and death by the righteous judgment of God. But there is for them in high in the sky never-ending Intercessor: Our Lady fights for their salvation. She looks for ways to lead a person to repentance. When a person does not yet think about correction, She entrusts to God that the person will correct himself... And what will win: human bitterness, or the grace of the Mother of God that has mercy and leads people to salvation? The image of the icon of the Mother of God, Helper of Sinners, is as follows: the Mother of God is depicted waist-deep, with her left hand she holds the Divine Infant, who with both His hands squeezes the right hand of the Mother of God, as is usually done when concluding transactions. In the four corners of the icon it is written: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son; This one gave Me a hand for them to hear Me, so that those who bring Me joy will ask to rejoice forever through Me.” How much consolation, how many happy promises for believers in these words that Christ “gave his hand,” that is, solemnly assured His Mother that he would always listen to Her prayers!

The origin of the icon is unknown. It is believed that the idea of ​​​​depicting the icon of the Sporuchnitsa was given by the words of one of the akathists of the Mother of God: “Rejoice, Thy hand who brings instructions for us to God!” The icon appeared in the Oryol diocese, in the Nikolaevsky-Odrain monastery. For a long time this icon remained unnoticed. It stood in the chapel behind the monastery gates, surrounded by other old icons, and over time it had become so blackened, and there was so much dust on it that the image was barely visible, and the inscriptions could not be made out at all.

The icon received its name from the content of one of the scrolls located in the four corners of the icon: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son.” Sporuchnitsa - means the Surety before Jesus Christ for sinning people, the vigilant Intercessor and Prayermaker for them.

In 1844, the merchant wife Pochepin and two year old son, who was suffering from severe seizures, and asked to serve a prayer service before the icon “Helper of Sinners.” A prayer service was served, and the sick child recovered.The icon was washed, and a significant inscription was discovered on it, then solemnly transferred from the chapel to the church.

Soon other miraculous signs followed from the icon. Since then, the image of the Mother of God in the Nikolo-Odrinsky Monastery began to be considered miraculous. The icon became especially famous for its healings during the cholera epidemic in 1847/48:cholera appeared in the city of Karachev and Orel. Not only the healthy, but also the sick flocked to the icon of the Helper of Sinners in the Odrin Monastery. Despite the terrible contagiousness of the disease, none of those who came died. The residents of Oryol wanted to bring the icon to themselves, and then the cholera in Oryol completely stopped.

In 1846, the hieromonk of the Odrina Monastery was sent to Moscow to build a chasuble for the miraculous icon, where he was sheltered by Lieutenant Colonel D.N. Boncheskul. In gratitude for his hospitality, he was sent from Odrina Monastery exact list(copy) of the miraculous icon, made on a linden board.

D. Boncheskul reverently placed the resulting icon with other icons in the home iconostasis. Soon everyone began to notice that an extraordinary shine was flickering across the icon, and drops of oily moisture began to flow from the icon itself. They anointed several sick people with this moisture, and they were healed. Sick people began to come to the icon from all sides, prayed in front of it and received healing.

In 1848, Lieutenant Colonel Boncheskul donated his icon “Supportress of Sinners” to the parish St. Nicholas Church in Khamovniki. The flow of oily liquid from the icon continued, and the deacon standing by the icon wiped off the moisture with paper and distributed it to the people. Soon the myrrh-streaming stopped, but apparitions began in the church altar unusual light in the form of stars appearing and disappearing. The icon became famous for its many officially recorded healings.

Currently miraculous icons are located in the Nikolo-Odrinskaya desert in the village of Odrino, Karachevsky district Bryansk region and in Moscow in the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki (Lva Tolstoy St., 2, Park Kultury metro station (Koltsevaya)).

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Support of Sinners”

First prayerTo whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing and quickly obediently heed our prayers, if not You, All-Blessed Helper, the Joy of all our joys? Hear the present hymns and prayers offered to You for me, a sinner. And be my Mother and Patroness and Giver of Your joy to all of us. Arrange my life as you want and as you wish. I commend myself to Your protection and providence, so that I may always joyfully sing to You with everyone: Rejoice, O full of grace; Rejoice, Delighted One. Rejoice, Most Blessed One; Rejoice, Glorified One forever. Amen.

Second prayerMy Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, a poor sinner stands before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hands to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy on Your Son, redeemed by the Blood, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew my youth, like eaglets, let us weaken in keeping the commandments of God. Touch my confused soul with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hope. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protection and Helper of all of us sinners, and I worship Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer threeO Most Blessed Lady, I am the protector of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flow to You! We know, truly we know, how greatly we have sinned and are angry, Having mercy on the Lady, the Son of God born in the flesh of You: but I have seen many images of those who angered His mercy before me: tax collectors, harlots and other sinners, and to them was given forgiveness of their sins, for the sake of repentance and confession. Thou art imagining the images of those who were pardoned by the eyes of my sinful soul, and looking at the great mercy of God that they received, I dared, even a sinner, to resort with repentance to Thy compassion. O all-merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask Your Son and God with Your motherly and most holy prayers for forgiveness of my grave sins. I believe and confess that the One You gave birth to, Your Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, rewarding everyone according to his deeds. I again believe and confess that You are the true Mother of God, the Source of mercy, the Consolation of those who mourn, the Seeker of the lost, a strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, a great loving family Christian, and the Helper of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for man except You, Most Merciful Lady, and no one was ashamed of trusting in You, and by You begging God, no one was quickly abandoned. For this sake, I pray to Your innumerable goodness: open the doors of Your mercy to me, who have gone astray and fallen into the darkness of the depths, do not disdain the foul me, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not leave me the accursed, as an evil enemy seeks to kidnap me into destruction, but beg for me who was born from You, Your merciful Son and God, may He forgive my great sins and deliver me from my destruction: for I, too, with all those who have received forgiveness, will sing and glorify the immeasurable mercy of God and Your unashamed intercession for me in this life and in the endless eternity. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Supportress of Sinners”

Troparion, tone 4Now all despondency falls silent, and the fear of despair disappears, sinners in the sorrow of their hearts find consolation, and are illuminated with heavenly love: today the Mother of God extends to us a saving hand, and from Her Most Pure Image she speaks, saying: I am the Helper of sinners to My Son, this One has given I can’t hear for them, I’ll take me out. Also, people who are burdened with many sins, fall at the foot of Her icon, crying out with tears: Intercessor of the world, Helper of sinners, beg with Mother’s prayers the Savior of all, that with Divine forgiveness He may cover our sins, and open the bright doors of heaven to us, for You are the intercessor and salvation of the Christian race.

Kontakion, tone 1The Honest Dwelling of the former ineffable nature of the Divine, above words and above the mind, and you are the Helper of sinners, giving grace and healing, as the Mother of all the Reigning, pray to Your Son to receive mercy for us on the day of judgment.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon called “Supportress of Sinners”

Kontakion 1Chosen by the Most High, sinners to the Helper, who bows to the mercy of His Son, that He who created with His hand will save, we offer a song of thanksgiving to Thee, the Virgin Mother and Lady, about the appearance of Thy wondrous and miraculous icons. But You, as an intercessor to the Lord, are drawn from diverse circumstances deliver us and bring us eternal salvation, yes, chanting, crying out to Ti: Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Ikos 1The faces of angels reverently serve You and all the saints with silent voices please You, Virgin Mother of God, as she gave birth to the Angels of the King, Christ, our God, but we, sinners, dare to imitate them and praise You in bewilderment, humbly, the archangel’s voice cries out to You, Pure One: Rejoice, Full of Grace , The Lord is with You; Rejoice, Most Blessed am I among women, All-Immaculate Virgin. Rejoice, Daughter of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, Mother of the Eternal Son. Rejoice, village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, constant wonder of angels and man. Rejoice, Most Honest Cherub; Rejoice, Most Glorious Seraphim without comparison. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 2Having seen our earthly sorrowful life, infirmities and illnesses, the Most Merciful Mother of God, deigned to give us His holy icon as a blessing and consolation, joy and salvation and from all troubles and misfortunes, calling upon Her the help of sinners, and bringing joy before this icon to Her, They always sing joyfully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2Opening the heavenly mind, O Virgin Mother of God, You have deigned to glorify Your holy icon with many miracles, called the “Helper of Sinners,” and all who know Your good will towards her, singly call You: Rejoice, Mother of us all merciful in Christ; Rejoice, inexhaustible treasury of Divine grace. Rejoice, for through You God's favor descends upon us; Rejoice, for through You the imams have increased boldness towards God. Rejoice, you who accept the prayers of all Christians; Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of the most desperate sinners. Rejoice, for through Your intercession we hope to be saved; Rejoice, for through Your prayers we will receive the Kingdom of Heaven with tea. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 3The power of grace overshadows everyone, Most Blessed I am, Mother of God, with faith in You, as the Helper of sinners who flow in and holy icon Those who worship You: You alone have been given the gift to quickly fulfill every good request and to have mercy and save sinners, and You are the only One who can truly help everyone who wants to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3Having the most maternal providence for all, You, All-Blessed Mother of God, call even the most desperate sinners to salvation, saying: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son and God, who promised Me to always hear Me, so that those who bring joy to Me will forever rejoice through Mene." For this reason, we, sinners, joyfully call to You, as our Helper: Rejoice, zealous Intercessor, given to us by God; Rejoice, our Blessed Guide to the Heavenly Fatherland. Rejoice, you who consume from the pit of destruction; Rejoice, you who receive the helpless into your omnipotent hands. Rejoice, you who drive away constant despondency; Rejoice, you who restore those who have fallen to grace. Rejoice, you who give the word of wisdom to those who ask; Rejoice, making the foolish wise. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 4Tempted by a storm of doubts, a certain woman did not want to believe in the miracles that came from Thy icon, the Helper, but suddenly struck by a deadly ulcer, she recognized Thy omnipotent power, Lady, and the miraculous icons of Thy grace, and, repenting, tearfully praying to Thee for the forgiveness of her unbelief, with mercy Healed by You, always crying out with gratitude to God for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4Your Lord hears your intercession for us in Heaven, Queen of Heaven, and fulfills your petitions, but we, sinners, like our good Quick-to-Hear and Helper, ask and pray to You: Lady, soon hear our prayers and turn all our sorrows into joy and petitions Quickly fulfill all those who pray here, so that we may always joyfully sing to You: Rejoice, who brings the prayers of the faithful to Your Son and God; Rejoice, and always praying for us at the Throne of Your Son. Rejoice, Helper of sinners; Rejoice, Seeker of the lost. Rejoice, unexpected joy giver to the faithful; Rejoice, who will soon fulfill our petition. Rejoice, Merciful One, always merciful to us; Rejoice, you who arrange our good life. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 5As a radiant star, illuminating the whole world, You gave to us, the Lady of the World, Your honorable icon, called the “Support of sinners”, as we look upon us, we worship You, the true Mother of God and the Virgin, saying: Lady, accept the prayers of Your servant and deliver We are from all need and sorrow, praising You and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5A certain reverent man was filled with great fear when on the night of Svetlago Christ's Resurrection seeing Your icon, the All-Blessed Helper, shining with the light of Heaven and, like raindrops, exuding myrrh and emitting lightning-like sparks, having recognized in this sign of Your mercy towards people, with tears of tenderness and gratitude joyfully sang to You, the Most Blessed Mother of God: Rejoice, Divine Fire holding unfathomably, through which our sins are burned; Rejoice, you who bore the inviolable Light, through which our souls are enlightened. Rejoice, you who offer your hand to God in charge of us; Rejoice, you who open the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven to us sinners. Rejoice, for lightning cuts through the darkness of our sins; Rejoice, as fragrant myrrh, softening our hearts. Rejoice, you who flow forth springs of miracles everywhere; Rejoice, making all people glad with Your icon. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 6The whole Christian world preaches Thy mercy and miracles, O Glorified Mother of the Lord, and is brightly adorned with many of Thy miraculous icons, among which Thy icon, “Helper of Sinners,” called, like the full moon, the rays of Thy mercy and miracles shines unwaveringly, enlightening and illuminating our souls by the light of God's grace, urging us to cry out in praise to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6On one of the nights the heavenly light appeared in the St. Nicholas Church, when Thy miraculous image, the Help of sinners, was received, then the lamps and lamps were kindled in this temple by an invisible force, a burning light like someone carried invisibly around the throne in service. The people, standing outside the temple and seeing all this, marveled, glorifying Thee, the Mother of God, and Thy Son, but we, remembering this wondrous vision, say with tenderness to Thee: Rejoice, turning our sorrows into joy; Rejoice, you who rejoice those who do not hope with undoubted hope. Rejoice, O Light, ever-burning at the throne of God; Rejoice, lamp, shining with Divine oil. Rejoice, radiant light, showing us the paths of life; Rejoice, animated temple, illuminating us all. Rejoice, you who give shameless life to those who trust in You; Rejoice, even after death you continually intercede for them before God. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 7Although the Long-suffering Lord revealed the Abyss of His love for mankind and generosity, He chose You, Most Holy Virgin, as His Mother and revealed You as an inexhaustible source of His mercies, so that if anyone is worthy of condemnation by the righteous judgment of God, by Your intercession, like a sinner, the Helper will be preserved, loudly calling: Alleluia .

Ikos 7You showed us Your wondrous deeds, O Lord, in Your Most Pure Mother, and You gave us a wondrous icon of Her, enlightening people more than the rays of the sun, like those who behold the Mother of God Herself and with heartfelt love from the soul, like the Mother of God and the Virgin, crying out to Her: Rejoice, font , in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup, through which we all receive joy and salvation. Rejoice, Life-Giving Source, who revives us all; Rejoice, unfading flower, fragrant to us all. Rejoice, delight in our sorrows; Rejoice, our sorrows have been quenched. Rejoice, healing of our illnesses; Rejoice, our deliverance from troubles is imminent. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 8We are strangers and strangers on earth and, according to the words of the Apostle, are not the imams of the city that resides here. But to whom shall we resort, O Lady, in the sorrows of our life, if not to You, All-merciful Helper for us sinners! Do not reject us, Mother of God, and do not say to us: “We do not bear your sins for your sake,” but have mercy on us, the orphaned and helpless, and accept us into the eternal shelter of our Patroness, so that we joyfully cry out in the glory of Heaven to the King of glory Christ: Alleluia .

Ikos 8It is a comfort to all the faithful to look at Thy holy icon, Lady, Helper of sinners, in which we see Thee, in Thy hand holding the Eternal Child, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who we worship Godfully, as our Creator and God, to You, the true Mother of God, we tenderly say: Lady, help us, having had mercy on us, struggling, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away your vain servants, who cry to you: Rejoice, you who hunger for the Nourisher; Rejoice, robe of the naked. Rejoice, Protectress of widows; Rejoice, Patroness of orphans. Rejoice, O intercessor of the persecuted and offended; Rejoice, speedy Liberator of the suffering and captives. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 9All angelic nature brings hymns of praise to You, the Mother of God and Helper of all who fall to You, asking for Your help and Your consolation, as through Your firm and strong intercession you cheer the righteous, intercede for sinners and deliver them from troubles and satisfy sorrows and pray for everyone who calls for You in faith To God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9Every soaring tongue is perplexed to praise Thee according to His inheritance, but the mind and the most peaceful sing to Thee, Mother of God, are amazed: O you who are Good, accept faith, for our Divine love weighs: For Thou art the Representative of Christians who call to Thee: Rejoice, having enlightened the whole earth with the radiance of Thy Most Pure soul ; Rejoice, who made all heaven rejoice with the purity of Your body. Rejoice, you who adopted us all at the Cross of Your Son; Rejoice, always showing Your motherly love for us. Rejoice, O all-powerful Giver of all spiritual and physical gifts; Rejoice, zealous intercessor for us, temporal and eternal blessings. Rejoice, thou who openest the doors of the Kingdom of Christ to the faithful; Rejoice, filling our hearts with joy and gladness on earth. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 10To save the human race from eternal torment and unceasing sorrow, the Lover of Mankind has granted You, His Mother, the gift of help to the earthly, saying: sons of humanity, behold My Mother will be your protection and refuge, the sad - a consolation, the grieving - joy, the offended - an Intercessor, for the needy - with help, for the sick - with help, for the sick - with help, for sinners - with help, that He may raise all from the depths of sin, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 10“O Heavenly King, My Son and God,” the Heavenly Queen always prays for us, “receive every person who glorifies You and calls Your name Holy One, and those who glorify Me for Thy Name’s sake, and do not cast them away from Thy presence, but be pleased with them and accept from them every good prayer and deliver them all from troubles.” We, sinners, who rely on Your motherly prayers, call to You: Rejoice, for You are our warm Prayer Book to God; Rejoice, for Your prayer is always powerful before God. Rejoice, through Your prayers you also make our wretched prayers pleasing to God; Rejoice, and filling our unworthiness with Your intercession. Rejoice, unashamed Assist of repentant sinners; Rejoice, Intercessor of all Orthodox Christians. Rejoice, you who heal all our illnesses; Rejoice, you who disperse the cloud of passions and temptations. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 11Receive all-contrite singing from us, our Heavenly Helper, and you will soon hear the prayer offered to You, Virgin Mother of God: for in adversity, sorrow and sorrow we run to You and before You in our troubles we shed tears and pray: Lady, quench your sorrows and accept prayers Your servant, who sings about You: Alleluia.

Ikos 11With the bright rays of signs and wonders, Your holy icon, the Virgin Mary, shines unwaveringly, and gracefully illuminates everyone who prays to You with faith before it, driving away every enemy action by the power of God emanating from it. In the same way, we, sinners, rejoice in having such a wonderful icon of Yours in our temple, as a guarantee of Your favor towards us and our temple, and to You, our Helper and Quick to Hear our prayers, we cry out with gratitude: Rejoice, you who pour out grace-filled joy upon us; Rejoice, you who soon give us spiritual consolation. Rejoice, fulfiller of God's desires; Rejoice, you who hasten to help us in all sorrowful circumstances. Rejoice, you who dearly love those who live in faith and piety; Rejoice, thou who inflame their hearts with love for God and people. Rejoice, in the hour of bewilderment you put a good thought in your heart; Rejoice, you who teach us to have trust in God in everything. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 12The grace of God inherent in Your holy icon, called the “Helper of Sinners”, the Lady of God, draws to her all those who mourn and are burdened with many sins and misfortunes, and they do not depart in vain from this source of Your manifold mercies and bounties, but in sorrow there is joy, in in adversity - protection, in illness - healing, and everything beneficial for the soul and body is abundantly received from Thy miraculous image, O All-Good One, even if, according to God, they place all their trust in Thee, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 12Singing Your ineffable Motherly mercy towards us sinners, we praise You, as our Almighty Helper, we bless You, as the All-merciful Quick-to-hear our prayers, and with tenderness we worship You in Your most honest icon, we believe and trust, as even now You have asked us from Your Son and God, that in this life and after our death His mercy will be unfailing for all who sing with love to Ti: Rejoice, saving the whole world with Your prayers; Rejoice, intercession of the entire Universe through Your intercessions. Rejoice, for you quickly help everyone who comes with faith; Rejoice, you who ask for the Kingdom of Heaven for them. Rejoice, for as we look at Your icon, we worship You, the true Mother of God; Rejoice, through Your intercession all our good desires will soon be fulfilled. Rejoice, even in the hour of death you do not abandon your faithful; Rejoice, even after death interceding for their eternally blessed repose. Rejoice, Helper of sinners, always offering Your hand to God for us.

Kontakion 13Oh, All-Singing Mother, All-Blessed Helper of the salvation of sinners, Virgin Mary! Mercifully accept our present prayer, which we offer in thanksgiving to You, and ask us from the All-Merciful God for steadfastness in the Orthodox faith, for prosperity and forgiveness of our sins in Christian love, so that through Your intercession we may inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and be honored with all the saints sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer 1

Oh, Most Blessed Lady, Protector of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flow to You! We know, truly we know how much we have sinned and are angry, O Merciful Lady, the Son of God born in the flesh of You, but I have many images of those who angered His compassion before me: tax collectors, harlots and other sinners, to whom was given forgiveness of their sins, for the sake of repentance and confession . Thou, therefore, imagining the images of those who have been pardoned by the eyes of my sinful soul, and looking at so much of God’s mercy, which I have received, I boldly, and I, a sinner, will resort with repentance to Your compassion. Oh, All-Merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask Your Son and God with Your motherly and most holy prayers for forgiveness of my grave sin. I believe and confess that He Whom You gave birth to, Your Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, reward each according to his deeds. I again believe and confess that You are the true Mother of God, the source of mercy, the consolation of those who mourn, the recovery of the lost, a strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, who dearly loves the Christian race, and the Helper of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for man except You, the Most Merciful Lady, and no one else, trusting in You, was ashamed when, by You begging God, no one was quickly abandoned. For this sake, I pray to Your innumerable goodness: open the doors of Your mercy to me, lost and fallen into the darkness of the depths, do not disdain me, the foul one, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not abandon me, the accursed one, as an evil enemy seeks to kidnap me into destruction, but beg for may Thy merciful Son and God be born to me from Thee, may He forgive my great sins and deliver me from my destruction; as if I, together with all who have received forgiveness, will sing and glorify God’s immeasurable mercy and Your shameless intercession for me in this life and in the endless eternity. Amen.

Prayer 2

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing and quickly obediently heed our prayers, if not You, All-Blessed Helper, the Joy of all our joys? Hear the present hymns and prayers offered to You for me, a sinner. And be my Mother and Patroness and Giver of Your joy to all of us. Arrange my life as you want and as you wish. I commend myself to Your protection and providence, so that I may always joyfully sing to You with everyone: Rejoice, O full of grace; Rejoice, Delighted One. Rejoice, Most Blessed One; Rejoice, Glorified One forever. Amen.

Another prayer before the icon of the Helper of Sinners

My Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, a poor sinner stands before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hands to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy on Your Son, redeemed by the Blood, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew my youth, like eaglets, let us weaken in keeping the commandments of God. Touch my confused soul with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hope. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protection and Helper of all of us sinners, and I worship Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion of the Mother of God "Helper of Sinners".

Troparion, tone 4:

Now all despondency falls silent/and the fear of despair disappears,/sinners in the sorrow of their hearts find consolation/and are illuminated brightly by Heavenly love:/today the Mother of God extends to us a saving hand/and from Her Most Pure Image she speaks with the verb:/I am the Helper of sinners to My Son, Seidal, for their sakes they hear Me take it out./Meanwhile, people, burdened with many sins, fall at the foot of Her icon, crying out with tears: Intercessor of the world, Helper of sinners, implore with Your maternal prayers the Savior of all,/that Divine forgiveness may cover our sins/and open the bright doors of heaven to us,/You You represent the shadow of the Christian groves.

Troparion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Helper of Sinners

voice 3

To You, the ever-flowing source of mercy/ and the Helper of sinners, Your unworthy servant, Theotokos,/ falling, mourning, we cry out to You:/ save us from troubles, Lady,/ and through Your maternal intercession ask for eternal salvation for all of us.

Kontakion, voice 1:

Honest Dwelling of the ineffable nature of the Divine, above the word and above the mind and sinners, you are the Helper, giving grace and healing, as the Mother of all the Reigning, pray to Your Son to receive mercy for us on the day of judgment.

Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” is named after the inscription preserved on the icon: “I am the Helper of Sinners to My Son...”.

For the first time this image became famous for miracles in the Nikolaev Odrina monastery in the Oryol province in the middle of the last century. The ancient icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”, due to its dilapidation, did not enjoy proper veneration and stood in the old chapel at the monastery gates. But in 1843, it was revealed to many residents in their dreams that this icon was endowed, by God’s Providence, with miraculous power. The icon was solemnly transferred to the church. Believers began to flock to her and ask for healing of their sorrows and illnesses. The first to receive healing was a relaxed boy, whose mother fervently prayed in front of this shrine. The icon became especially famous during the cholera epidemic, when it brought back to life many terminally ill people who flocked to it with faith.
