Steve Jobs as a child. Return to Apple

Not only bibliographers are concerned about the topic of the fate of people who left their mark on world history. Those who want to succeed in life are interested in life paths celebrities. For example, they study both the biography of S. Jobs and the history of his success.

Steve Jobs's full name is Steven Paul Jobs. This American IT entrepreneur was born on February 24, 1955. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco. It was Steve Jobs who stood at the origins of the CEO of Apple Corporation, being not only its founder, but also the chairman of the board of directors. The CEO of the Pixar film studio owes his birth to him.

Steve Jobs died relatively recently - on October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs died as a result of cancer pancreas, which he tried to fight for eight years.


The biography of Steve Jobs is different from the destinies of many people. After all, he did not spend his childhood and youth with his own parents.

Steve Jobs was fathered by Joana Schieble out of wedlock. Steve's father was Syrian Abdulfattah (John) Jandali. The young people were both students. Joan's parents - German emigrants - were against their daughter's marriage to Jantali. As a result, pregnant Joan, hiding from everyone, went to San Francisco, where she was safely delivered of her pregnancy in a private clinic and gave the child up for adoption.

The childless Jobs family adopted a baby. His adoptive father, Paul Jobs, worked for a company that produced laser systems, serving as a mechanic. His wife Clara, nee Agopyan, was American, with Armenian blood flowing in her. She worked in an accounting firm.

Steve Jobs saw his own mother only at the age of 31. At the same time, he met his blood sister.


When Steve Jobs celebrated his second birthday, he got an adopted sister, Patty. Almost at the same time, the family moved to Mountain View.

Paul Jobs, in addition to his official work, did a part-time job, repairing old cars for sale in his own garage. He tried to involve in this matter adopted son. Steve Jobs was not interested in the work of an auto mechanic, but thanks to the hours spent together with his father repairing cars, the young man learned the basics of electronics. In his free time, Paul and his son were engaged in disassembling, assembling and repairing radios and televisions - this was a job that young Steve Jobs liked!

Steve Jobs' mother also works a lot with her son. As a result, the boy enters school knowing how to read and count.

Meeting with Stephen Wozniak (legend 1)

The biography of Steve Jobs might have turned out differently if not for one seemingly insignificant phone call that wrote an important line in the success story of Steve Jobs.

Collecting some electrical appliance, the teenager called the home number of William Hewlett, who was then the president of Hewlett-Packard, asking him to help him find some parts. After a twenty-minute conversation with Steve, Hewlett agreed to help the boy.

But most importantly, he invited the teenager to work for summer holidays in the company he led. There the fateful meeting of Steve Jobs with Steven Wozniak took place, and the story of his success originates from there.

Meeting with Stephen Wozniak (legend 2)

According to this version, Steve Jobs met Steven not at all at work in the company, but through his classmate Bill Fernandez. It’s just that the acquaintance seemed to coincide with the start of work. By the way, besides this, Steve Jobs was also engaged in delivering newspapers. And already on next year became a warehouse clerk at an electronics store. Thanks to his hard work and high ability to work, at the age of 15, Steve had the opportunity, with the help of his father, to buy his own car, which he exchanged for a more modern one the next year. We can say that the success story of the future creator of Apple, Steve Jobs, begins precisely at this time - during the period early youth. Even then, an insatiable desire to become rich awoke in him, which he tried to realize through hard work.

Father's indignation

Jobs Jr.'s free money brought the family not only joy, but also trouble. It was then that the biography of the future entrepreneur added an ugly page: the young man became interested in hippies and became addicted to marijuana and LSD. The father had to make a lot of efforts to return his son to the right path.

Friendship with Stephen Wozniak

Jobs's new friend was considered a "legend" of the school; he was a graduate. Among themselves, the guys called Stephen “Woz.” Despite the fact that Woz was five years older than Jobs, they had a wonderful relationship. They collected Bob Dylan records together. School evenings, music and light shows that young people put on at school were always a huge success.


Enrolling at Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972, Jobs Jr. decided to drop out immediately after the first semester. This was quite a decisive step, because the parents had already paid a substantial amount to pay for their studies. But the young man insisted on his own. He later called this step one of his best decisions.

But in reality, making the decision to leave college was much easier than surviving in a new environment. Steve now had to sleep on the floor in the rooms of his former classmates. He gave away empty Coca-Cola bottles so he could buy himself some food. On Sundays, the guy walked 7 kilometers to the other end of the city to the Hare Krishna temple in order to have the opportunity to eat normally.

This life continued for a full year and a half, until Steve returned to California in the fall of 1974. And once again, a wonderful meeting with Stephen Wozniak helps him make a fateful turn. Jobs decides to go to work at Atari, a company that produced video games. And again Steve starts working. At that time, Jobs Jr. did not think about becoming a billionaire, did not make ambitious plans for the future in his imagination. His greatest wish, cherished dream then it was time to go to India.

The first steps to stunning success

In his free time from working at the company, Steve and Wozniak visited the Homebrew computer club in Palo Alto. And there they came up with a “wonderful idea” - to produce underground devices with which they could make free calls over long distances. The young people called their “discovery” “blue boxes.” Of course, this can be called a dishonest business, but the guys simply did not know where to invest their intellectual potential and earn money as quickly as possible.

But Jobs’s success story began in the late seventies of the last century, when he and “Woz” projected one of the first personal computers with commercial potential. It was the Apple II, which later became the first mass-produced sign product. Apple. Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak founded this company themselves. Then a year later the “descendants” of the Apple II, Apple Lisa and Macintosh (Mac) appeared.

During this period, the fortune of Apple shareholder Steve Jobs was $8.3 billion. Moreover, only $2 billion was invested directly in Apple shares.

However, Jobs had to leave his “brainchild” in 1985, so he lost the struggle for power on the board of directors of Apple. And then another remarkable trait of his character appeared again, thanks to which Jobs’s success story during this difficult period did not stop, but entered a new stage.

NeXT and Pixar

After the defeat, Jobs did not become despondent, but began to look for new ways to apply his energy. And now he is the creator of a new company that develops a computer platform for business and higher education institutions. This company is called NeXT.

And a year later, Jobs’s success story added a new page: he acquired a division in the film company Lucasfilm, which deals computer graphics. He worked hard to turn the small division into a major Pixar studio. It was here that the films “Toy Story” and the famous “Monsters, Inc.” were created.

But even now Jobs is no longer just the creator of the studio, but also its main shareholder. The purchase of the studio in 2006 by The Walt Disney Company turned Jobs into one of the largest private shareholders and members of the board of directors of the world-famous Disney company.

Jobs family

Constantly busy with business, creation and promotion latest technologies, developing unique projects, Jobs devotes “150% of his time and effort” to his work, as he himself put it. But here's to life young man a love named Chris-Anne bursts in. Jobs spends quite a lot of time with her, but suddenly the entrepreneur’s personal life again faded into the background.

The mother of his daughter Lisa did not become Steve’s legal wife. Even the birth of his daughter in 1977 did not change the life of the “workaholic” at all. They joked that Steve hardly noticed the birth of his daughter. And, despite the fact that during this period the young father’s fortune had already exceeded the million mark, Jobs did not even want to pay her child support.

The girl lived with her mother, Jobs practically did not communicate with her. Steve's personal life never changed until his death. Although, closer to old age, Steve Jobs realized that personal life is not just about yourself. He remembered his daughter, began to communicate with her a little, to get to know her.

Later, Steve’s wife became a certain Lauren, who gave birth to his son Reed in the early 90s.

Poorest CEO

Looking for information about what Jobs's fortune was during the heyday of his business, the reader cannot help but be amazed. And there is something! Jobs even got into the Guinness Book of Records: he, the executive director of the largest company, has the most modest salary! It cannot be argued that the data recorded in official documents corresponded to reality. This was probably done to reduce taxes. But, one way or another, the documents showed Jobs’ annual income, which was equal to one dollar.

With the advent of the new millennium, Jobs's success story is replenished with new pages.

  • 2001 - Jobs introduced the first iPod;
  • 2006 - the company introduced the network multimedia player Apple TV;
  • 2007 - performance mobile phone iPhone, active promotion of it on the sales market;
  • 2008 - MacBook Air introduced. the thinnest laptop in the world.

Some facts from Jobs' life

It would be wrong to say that Steve Jobs, whose biography many people study today, was a man created from merit alone. The life of an entrepreneur had its “dark” sides, Many of Jobs' actions were negative. Many people can condemn and blame Steve today. But how many can boast that they could create something truly significant out of practically nothing, that they made a billionaire fortune by starting to earn money by delivering newspapers?

Material from the Encyclopedia of the Hayazg Foundation

Add information about the person

Jobs Steve
Steven Paul Jobs
Other names: Stephen Paul Jobs
In English: Steven Paul Jobs
Date of Birth: 24.02.1955
Place of Birth: USA
Date of death: 05.10.2011
A place of death: USA
Brief information:
American entrepreneur, designer and inventor, pioneer of the personal computing revolution. One of the founders, chairman of the board of directors and CEO of Apple Corporation. One of the founders and CEO of the Pixar film studio


His parents were unmarried students: Syrian native Abdulfatta (John) Jandali and Joan Schible from a Catholic family of German emigrants.

The boy was adopted by Paul Jobs and an American woman Armenian origin Clara Jobs, née Agopian. The Jobs could not have their own children. They named their adopted son Stephen Paul. Jobs always considered Paul and Clara father and mother, he was very irritated if someone called them adoptive parents: “They are my real parents 100%.”

In the late 1970s, Jobs' friend Steve Wozniak developed one of the first personal computers, which had great commercial potential. The Apple II computer became the first mass product of Apple, created on the initiative of Steve Jobs. Jobs later saw the commercial potential of a mouse-driven graphical interface, leading to the Apple Lisa and, a year later, the Macintosh (Mac) computer.

After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT, a company that developed a computer platform for universities and businesses. In 1986, he acquired Lucasfilm's computer graphics division, turning it into Pixar Studios. He remained Pixar's CEO and major shareholder until the studio was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2006, making Jobs the largest individual shareholder and member of Disney's board of directors.

Difficulties developing a new operating system for the Mac led to Apple purchasing NeXT in 1996 to use NeXTSTEP as the basis for Mac OS X. As part of the deal, Jobs was given the position of advisor to Apple. The deal was planned by Jobs. By 1997, Jobs regained control of Apple, leading the corporation. Under his leadership, the company was saved from bankruptcy and began to make a profit within a year.

Over the next decade, Jobs led the development of the iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPad, as well as the development of the Apple Store, iTunes Store, App Store and iBookstore. The success of these products and services, which provided several years of stable financial profits, allowed Apple to become the most valuable publicly traded company in the world in 2011. Many commentators call Apple's resurgence one of the greatest accomplishments in business history. At the same time, Jobs was criticized for his authoritarian management style, aggressive actions towards competitors, and the desire for total control over products even after they were sold to the buyer.

Jobs has received public recognition and a number of awards for his impact on the technology and music industries. He is often called a "visionary" and even the "father of the digital revolution." Jobs was a brilliant speaker and brought innovative product presentations to new level, turning them into exciting shows. His easily recognizable figure in a black turtleneck, faded jeans and sneakers is surrounded by a kind of cult.

After eight years of battling the disease, Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011.

Steve Jobs: "1.5 million Armenians were subjected to genocide. Tell us how it happened?"

The book Steve Jobs: A Biography by Walter Isaacson states that Steve's adoptive mother, Clara Jobs (nee Agopian), is a descendant of Armenians who escaped genocide in the early twentieth century. Her father Louis Hakobyan was born in Malatya in 1894, and her mother Victoria Artinyan was born in Izmir in 1894.

The story of Steve Jobs' visit to Turkey, which took place in 2006, is interesting. Jobs's Turkish guide, Asil Tunçer, spoke about this difficult visit. According to him, the last visit of the late Steve Jobs to Turkey caused great outrage in the country. Tuncher claims Jobs viewed the Turks as enemies and even refused to shake the tour guide's hand before leaving the ship.

“We have begun our journey. Jobs most wanted to see Hagia Sophia. Approaching her, he asked a question about minarets. In turn, I replied that after the capture, the former church was turned into a mosque, and a minaret was added in the southeastern part. After that, a flurry of questions rained down on me,” writes Tuncher.

“What happened to so many Christians? You, millions of Muslims in a non-Muslim environment, what have you done?” - Jobs lamented. Before the guide even opened his mouth, he heard another question: “1.5 million Armenians were subjected to genocide. Tell us how this happened?

After these questions, the Turkish guide began to prove to Jobs that there was no trace of genocide. The guide's denials, his stories about civil war and the betrayal of the Armenians during World War I angered Steve Jobs even more.

After everything, Steve and his wife Marina met with the owner of the travel agency and expressed their dissatisfaction with the cruise. They expressed a desire to leave the ship earlier than planned. As a result, without saying a word to the Turkish guide, and leaving his hand hanging in the air, Jobs left the ship. The guide also did not receive the promised iPhone.


  • National Medal of Technology (1985, President Ronald Reagan awarded Jobs and Steve Wozniak, among the first to receive the award)
  • Jefferson Award (1987, for public service in the category "best civil service persons 35 years of age or younger")
  • In 1988, the magazine “Inventor and Innovator” recognized Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as laureates of the “Technology Chariot of Progress” competition.
  • In December 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver inducted Jobs into the California Hall of Fame.
  • In 1989, Inc. magazine Named Jobs Entrepreneur of the Decade
  • In November 2007, Fortune magazine named Jobs the most powerful person in business.
  • In August 2009, Jobs was named the most admired entrepreneur among teens in a Junior Achievement poll.
  • In November 2009, Fortune named Jobs "CEO of the Decade"
  • In March 2012, Fortune called Steve Jobs "the greatest entrepreneur of our time"
  • In November 2010, Jobs was ranked 17th on Forbes magazine's list of the world's most powerful people.
  • In December 2010, the Financial Times named Jobs Person of the Year.
  • In December 2011, Graphisoft unveiled the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs in Budapest, calling him one of the greatest figures of our time.
  • In February 2012, Jobs was posthumously awarded the Grammy Trustees Award (recognizing those who have influenced the music industry in areas other than performance).



  • "Little Kingdom" (1984) by Michael Moritz about the founding of Apple Computer
  • The Second Coming of Steve Jobs (2001) by Alan Deutchman
  • “Icona. Steve Jobs" (2005) by Jeffrey Young and William Simon
  • iWoz (2006) by Steve Wozniak, co founder of Apple. This is Wozniak's autobiography, but it covers most of Jobs' life and work at Apple
  • “iPresentation. Lessons in Persuasion from Apple Leader Steve Jobs" (2010) Carmina Gallo
  • "Steve Jobs" (2011), authorized biography written by Walter Isaacson
  • "Steve Jobs. Leadership Lessons" (2011), Jay Elliott, William Simon. A book about Steve Jobs' unique management style
  • "Jobs Rules" (2011) Carmina Gallo
  • "Inside Apple" (2012) by Adam Lashinsky. Reveals the secret systems, tactics and leadership strategies that made Steve Jobs and his company work
  • "Steve Jobs. The Man Who Thought Different" (2012) Karen Blumenthal. Detailed biography of Steve Jobs


  • "The Machine That Changed the World" (1992) - The third episode of this five-part series, "Paperback Computer," focuses on Jobs and his role in the early days of Apple.
  • “Triumph of the Nerds” (1996) - three-episode documentary for PBS about the rise of the personal computer
  • "Nerds 2.0.1" (1998) - a three-part documentary for PBS (sequel to "The Triumph of the Nerds") about the development of the Internet
  • iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World (2011) - documentary on Discovery with Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman
  • "Steve Jobs: And One More Thing" (2011) - PBS documentary produced by Pioneer Productions
  • “Unknown Jobs” (2012) - a documentary film by about the founder of Apple, highlighting unknown aspects of the life of Steve Jobs

Art films

  • "Steve Jobs" - planned film adaptation Sony Pictures Walter Isaacson's biography of Jobs, written and directed by Aaron Sorkin.
  • Jobs is a planned independent film by Joshua Michael Stern. Jobs will be portrayed by Ashton Kutcher
  • Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) - TNT film that chronicles the growth of Apple and Microsoft from the early 1970s to 1997. Jobs was played by Noah Wylie


  • “The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs” (2012) - production at the New York Public Theater with Mike Daisey


  • The Disney film “John Carter” and the Pixar cartoon “Brave” were dedicated to Jobs.
  • On the first anniversary of Jobs’ death, the sculpture “Thank you, Steve!” was unveiled in Odessa. The 330-kilogram composition represents an almost two-meter-tall palm (of Steve Jobs), made from scrap metal


Books about Steve Jobs in Russian

  • Steve Jobs Steve Jobs on business: 250 quotes from the man who changed the world = The Business Wisdom of Steve Jobs. - M.: “Alpina Publisher”, 2012. - 256 p. - ISBN 978-5-9614-1808-8
  • Isaacson W. Steve Jobs = Steve Jobs: A Biography. - M.: Astrel, 2012. - 688 p. - ISBN 978-5-271-39378-5
  • Young J. S., Simon V. L. iKona. Steve Jobs = iCon. Steve Jobs. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 448 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-21035-0
  • Kenny L. What is Steve thinking? - M.: AST, 2012. - 284 p. - ISBN 978-5-017-06251-3
  • Gallo K. Jobs' Rules. Universal principles of success from the founder of Apple. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2011. - 240 p. - ISBN 978-5-91657-301-5
  • Wozniak C., Smith D. Steve Jobs and Y. True story Apple = iWoz. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 288 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-53452-4
  • Bim J. Steve Jobs: from the first person. - M.: Olimp-Business, 2012. - 176 p. - ISBN 978-5-9693-0208-2
  • Eliot D., Simon W. Steve Jobs: leadership lessons. - M.: Eksmo, 2012. - 336 p. - ISBN 978-5-699-50848-8
Steven Paul Jobs is an American inventor and entrepreneur. One of the founders of Apple Corporation and the Pixar film studio. He went down in history as the man who revolutionized mobile gadgets.


Steve was born in 1955 in San Francisco. His parents are unregistered Syrian Abdulfattah (John) Jandali and German Joan Schieble, who met at the University of Wisconsin. Joan's relatives were against this union and threatened to deprive the girl of her inheritance, so she decided to give the child up for adoption.

The boy ended up in the family of Paul and Clara Jobs from Mountain View, California, who named the newborn Steven Paul Jobs. My adoptive mother worked in an accounting firm, and my father worked as a mechanic in a company that produced laser systems.

At school, Steve was a restless bully, but thanks to the efforts of teacher Mrs. Hill, little Jobs began to demonstrate amazing academic performance. So, from the fourth grade he went straight to the sixth at Crittenden High School. Due to the high level of crime in the new area, Steve's parents were forced to use their last funds to buy a house in the more prosperous Los Altos.

At age 13, Jobs called Hewlett-Packard President William Hewlett at home. The boy was assembling an electrical appliance and needed some parts. Hewlett talked with the boy for 20 minutes, agreed to send everything he needed and offered to work in his company over the summer.

As a result, Stephen dropped out of the University of California, Berkeley, where he was attending classes, and began working at Hewlett-Packard. There Jobs met a man whose meeting determined the boy's future fate - Stephen Wozniak.

Education and first job

In 1972, Jobs entered Reed College in Portland, but dropped out after the first semester because the university was too expensive and his parents spent all their savings on their studies. With the permission of the dean's office, the talented student attended creative classes for another year for free. During this time, Steve managed to meet Daniel Kottke, who became his best friend on par with Wozniak.

In February 1974, Steve returned to California, where his friend and technical genius Wozniak invited Jobs to work as a technician at Atari, which produced games such as the famous arcade game Pong.

Since university, Stephen was interested in the hippie subculture, so after six months of work he went to India. The journey was not easy: Jobs suffered from dysentery and lost 15 kilograms. Later on the trip, Kottke joined him and they set off together in search of a guru and spiritual enlightenment. Years later, Steve admitted that he went to India to resolve the inner feelings caused by his biological parents abandoning him.

Steve Jobs' legendary speech to Stanford graduates

In 1975, Jobs returned to Los Altos and re-employed Atari, volunteering to quickly create the circuitry for the video game Breakout. Steve had to minimize the number of chips on the board, for the removal of each of which there was a reward of $100. Jobs convinced Wozniak that he could complete the job in 4 days, although such work usually took several months. In the end, the friend managed, and Wozniak gave him a check for $350, lying that Atari paid him 700 instead of the real 5000. Having received a large sum, Jobs quit his job.

Inventor's career

Steve was 20 years old when Wozniak showed him a computer he made and convinced his friend to build a PC to sell. It all started with the production of printed circuits, but eventually young people came to assembling computers.

In 1976, draftsman Ronald Wayne was hired and Apple Computer Co. was created on April 1. For start-up capital, Steve sold his minivan, and Wozniak sold a programmable calculator. The total was $1,300.

A little later, the first order was received from a local electronics store, but the team did not have the money to buy parts for 50 computers. They asked suppliers for a 30-day credit, and within ten days the store received its first batch of computers, called Apple I, each costing $666.66.

The world's first mass-produced computer from IBM appeared the same year Wozniak completed work on the Apple II, so Jobs ordered the start advertising campaign and creating beautiful packaging with a logo to beat the competition. New Apple computers have sold 5 million copies around the world. As a result, at the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire.

In late 1979, Steve and others Apple employees got to the Xerox (XRX) research center, where Jobs saw the Alto computer. He immediately became obsessed with the idea of ​​​​creating a PC with an interface that would allow him to give commands with a cursor.

At that time, the Lisa computer was being developed, named after the daughter of Steve Jobs. The inventor was going to implement all Xerox developments and lead the project of an innovative computer, but his colleagues Mark Markulla, who invested more than 250 thousand dollars in Apple, and Scott Forstall reorganized the company and removed Jobs.

In 1980, computer interface specialist Jef Raskin and Jobs began work on a new project - a portable machine that was supposed to fold into a miniature suitcase. Raskin named the project Macintosh after his favorite apple variety.

Even then, Stephen was a demanding and tough boss; working under his leadership was not easy. Numerous conflicts with Jeff led to the latter being sent on leave and later fired. A little later, disagreements forced John Sculley to leave the corporation, and in 1985, Wozniak. At the same time, Steve founded the NeXT company, which worked in the field of hardware.

In 1986, Jobs took the helm of the Pixar animation studio, which produced many world-famous cartoons, such as “Monsters, Inc.” and “Toy Story.” In 2006, Steve sold his brainchild to Walt Disney, but remained on the board of directors and became a Disney shareholder with 7 percent of the shares.

In 1996, Apple wanted to buy NeXT. So Steve returned to work after many years of suspension and became the manager of the company, joining the board of directors. In 2000, Jobs entered the Guinness Book of Records as the CEO with the most modest wages– 1 dollar per year.

Presentation of the first iPhone. When the world changed forever

In 2001, Steve introduced his first player called the iPod. Later, the sale of this product brought the main income to the company, as the MP3 player became the fastest and most capacious player of that time. Five years later, Apple presented the network multimedia player Apple TV. And in 2007, the iPhone touchscreen mobile phone went on sale. A year later, the thinnest laptop on the planet, the MacBook Air, was demonstrated.

Stephen skillfully used all his old knowledge: his passion for calligraphy during his university years allowed him to create unique fonts for Apple products, and his interest in graphic design made the iPhone and iPod interface recognizable all over the world.

Jobs had a keen sense of what the buyer needed, so he sought to create a miniature machine that could satisfy every whim of the modern user. Stephen's ideas were not always innovative; he skillfully used existing developments of others, but brought them to perfection and “packed them in a beautiful wrapper.”

Steve Jobs and his 10 rules for success

In 2010, Jobs introduced the iPad, an Internet tablet, which caused confusion among the public. However, Stephen's ability to convince the buyer that he needed this product raised tablet sales to 15 million copies a year.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs called Chris Ann Brennan his first love. He met a hippie girl in 1972, after running away from his parents. Together they studied Zen Buddhism, took LSD and hitchhiked.

In 1978, Chris gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, but Stephen stubbornly denied his paternity. A year later, a genetic test proved Jobs's relationship with his daughter, which obligated him to pay child support. The inventor rented a house in Palo Alto for Chris and Lisa and paid for the girl’s education, but Steve began communicating with her only years later.

Very often, people who are actively searching for their calling in life are inspired by the success stories of the richest and most famous inhabitants of our planet. And if some are impressed by the amazing destinies of legendary actors and singers, then others are delighted by management talents and mental capacity extraordinary businessmen.

Of course, the most striking example is Steven Paul Jobs, since he, being a simple guy from an ordinary family, managed to become an influential and successful leader of the world's largest corporation.

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. Fate presented him with many trials, the first of which was the abandonment of his natural parents, who were young and not ready to raise a small child. Fortunately, the wonderful family of Clara and Paul Jobs, who later became a real family for the businessman, took him from the orphanage.

Stephen was such a bully that he was even expelled from school several times. But despite this, he had good abilities, which were impossible not to notice. Thanks to this, the administration educational institution allowed him to skip the 5th grade of primary school and go straight to secondary school.

Jobs often helped his father fix cars, was interested in engineering, and attended an amateur radio club. This indicates that he had a craving for various techniques since early childhood. As a child, Jobs met his future partner, friend and equally talented developer, Stephen Wozniak.

First inventions

Jobs always had a passion for invention in his soul. Together with Wozniak, they developed and created a unique device, with the help of which it became possible to make phone calls around the world absolutely free. The young guys did not stop there and decided to sell their “blue boxes”, unfortunately, without thinking about the legal consequences of such experiments.

By the way, sales were going well, with Wozniak and Jobs earning more than $100 on each device.


After graduating from school, Jobs entered a good paid college, but after studying there for only one semester, he decided that he had chosen the wrong path for himself and dropped out of the students. For more than a year, he wandered around the hostels, slept wherever he could and ate in local churches, and then decided to return to his native California.

Thanks to his old friend, Steve got a job at the successful video game company Atari. For Jobs it was good opportunity earn money for such a desired pilgrimage trip to India. Having accomplished his dream, he realized that it did not bring him the enlightenment he expected, and returned to his previous job. He successfully developed popular video games, for which he received good fees.

Apple Company

Initially, the office of the world's most famous corporation, Apple, was located in the garage of Jobs' parents' house. Here, together with Wozniak, they created their first personal home computer. Soon they had wholesale orders for such advanced equipment. The partners had to take out loans to purchase the necessary parts, but they still made a profit.

Within a few years, thanks to the desire to earn money and the desire to improve their computer, they developed the world's first device with color graphics support. Jobs and Wozniak quickly found investors for their project, expanded the company's staff and launched large-scale production of new equipment. It was a real success, because all copies were sold out in a short time, and the profit of the developers at that moment already amounted to more than $200 million.

After some time, Steve became interested in a new project called Macintosh. He dreamed of creating a device that would combine all the components of a desktop computer (system unit, monitor, keyboard). An interesting fact is that the software for this project was developed by employees Microsoft. Later, Apple successfully presented the iBook, a portable computer. This was another breakthrough for the Jobs corporation.

Except computer technology Steve was developing music gadgets - the iPod. At that time, it was the most stylish, popular and convenient music player based on Apple software - iTunes.

The next stage of development of the corporation was the creation of the iconic mobile phone – iPhone. To develop it, Apple employees combined all their achievements in last years and released a fashionable gadget on its own software - Mac OS.

This was followed by presentations of improved computers and tablet PCs - iPads, which are still very popular. All Apple products are distinguished by their original, stylish design and carefully thought-out interface.

Jobs also successfully produced popular cartoons at the Pixar animation studio, and then became a shareholder of the Walt Disney company. His general state is more than 7 billion dollars, of which only 2 billion are shares of Apple Corporation.

Unfortunately, Steve Jobs passed away in October 2011. Cancer beat him. But the story of a man who created his own success will live forever.

Video is a documentary about Steve Jobs. A man who changed the world!

Which ones do you know Interesting Facts about such a successful outstanding person like Steve Jobs? Share interesting information in the comments to this article.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

What is Steve Jobs famous for? What is his biography? What is the story of the biopic "Steve Jobs" and the book of the same name?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Edward and Dmitry are with you.

Our article is dedicated to a man whose name has already become a legend. This is Steve Jobs, an American entrepreneur, pioneer of IT technologies, founder of the largest corporation on the planet, Apple.

So, let's begin!

1. Who is Steve Jobs - biography, official Wikipedia data, success story

Steven Paul Jobs is a gifted businessman, inventor, workaholic and a man who set the direction for the development of modern digital technologies for many years to come.

He looked at the world in his own way and was always guided by indestructible ideals, which helped him achieve fantastic success.

As a talented engineer and pioneer of the era of IT technologies, he made several revolutions in different areas our life. Thanks to Steve Jobs, the world has become more perfect, more harmonious and more convenient.

His achievements are varied and numerous:

  • he founded Apple, which later became a mega-corporation and the most valuable company in the world;
  • created personal computers as we use them today;
  • improved the graphical interface and management of computer devices;
  • was directly involved in the creation of iPads, iPods (new generation digital music players) and iPhones;
  • founded the next-generation animated film studio Pixar, which currently produces cartoons for Disney.

We will definitely talk about all these projects in the relevant sections of this article, but let’s start in order - with the biography of this amazing person.

Biography of Steve Jobs

The year of birth of our hero is 1955. Place is San Francisco, California. Jobs' biological parents (Syrian and German by birth) abandoned their son a week after his birth. The child was adopted by a couple from Mountain View, who gave him their last name.

Steve's adoptive father was an auto mechanic by profession: he repaired old cars and tried to instill in his son a love of mechanics. Steve was not inspired by working in the garage, but it was through car repair that he became acquainted with the basics of electronics.

Stephen also didn’t particularly like school, which affected his behavior. Only one teacher named Hill noticed extraordinary abilities in the boy; the rest of the teaching staff considered him a mischief maker and a slacker.

Miss Hill managed to stimulate Steve's thirst for knowledge with bribes in the form of sweets and money. Soon, Jobs was so attracted to the learning process that he began to strive for education on his own, without additional encouragement.

Result: brilliantly passed exams, which allowed the boy to move from 4th grade directly to seventh.

Steve Jobs saw the first personal computer (a programmable calculator, primitive in modern times) at the Hewlett-Packard research club, where his neighbor, an engineer, invited him.

The thirteen-year-old teenager became a member of a circle of inventors: his first project was a digital frequency counter, which interested the founder of HP himself, Bill Hewlett.

The hobbies of that time were not alien to the young inventor - he talked with hippies, listened to Bob Dylan and the Beatles, and even used LSD, which caused conflicts with his father.

Soon he had an older comrade, Steve Wozniak, who became a friend for life and largely determined the fate of the young genius.

The pair's first joint project was a device called the Blue Box, which allowed them to crack phone codes and make free phone calls around the world.

Jobs proposed organizing the mass production and sale of these devices, and Wozniak improved and simplified the scheme of the invention.

This story laid the foundations for many years of collaboration between two geniuses: Wozniak invents some revolutionary thing, and Jobs determines its market potential and implements it.

Further stages of the long journey: college, work at Atari, a company developing computer games, a trip to India in search of enlightenment (a fashionable youth hobby of those years).

And finally, revolutionary event, which occurred in 1976 - the creation of a personal computer by Steve Wozniak at the initiative of Jobs.

The model turned out to be so successful that friends decided to start mass production. This is how the Apple company was born, which managed to maintain a leading position in the computer technology market for 10 years.

In 1985, the “founding fathers” left the parent corporation and took up other projects. The hero of our article created the hardware company NeXT, and later became one of the founders of the Pixar animation studio (another revolutionary project).

In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple, sold the Pixar studio to Disney, but remained on the board of directors. In 2001, Jobs introduced the first model of the iPod to the public - the device was a fantastic success in the market and multiplied the corporation's revenues.

In 2004, Jobs made a public statement about health problems - he was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. For 7 years, he managed to fight the disease with varying success, but in October 2011, the life of the brilliant entrepreneur and IT revolutionary was cut short.

2. The main projects of Steve Jobs - TOP 5 most famous inventions

The author of many of the developments attributed to Jobs was Stephen Wozniak. However, it is believed that it was Jobs who inspired the brilliant engineer and the person who brought his crude and unfinished inventions to fruition.

It was precisely this scheme that the partners worked by creating in 1976 new market personal computers. Wozniak translated technical ideas into reality, Jobs adapted them to sales, working as a marketer and head of the company.

Project 1. Apple

The debut model of a new generation personal computer was called Apple I: within a year, 200 devices were sold at a price of $666.66. For ’76, the number is quite decent, but sales of Apple-II exceeded this result tens of times.

The emergence of serious investors made the new company the sole leader in the computer market. This situation lasted until the mid-80s: both Stephens (Wozniak and Jobs) by this time became millionaires.

Fun fact: software for Apple computers was developed by another company that later became the leader of the digital universe - Microsoft. The brainchild of Bill Gates was created six months later than Apple.

Project 2. Macintosh

Macintosh is a line of personal computers developed by Apple. Their release was made possible thanks to a contract between Apple and Xerox.

Almost the entire modern interface familiar to us (windows, virtual buttons controlled by pressing keys on the mouse) arose precisely thanks to this commercial agreement.

We can say that the Macintosh (Mac) became the first personal computer device in the modern sense. The first device of this line was released in 1984.

The computer mouse has become the main working tool. Before this, all machine processes were controlled using commands typed on the keyboard.

Working on a computer required knowledge of programming languages ​​and other special skills: now the device could be controlled by anyone, regardless of education.

Steve Jobs created each of his devices as convenient as possible for people, and the Mac was no exception.

At that time, there were not even the closest analogues of Macintosh computers on the planet that were comparable to them in terms of technological capabilities. Almost immediately after the release of the first machine in the series, Apple production was discontinued.

Project 3. NeXT Computer

On the creation of computers newest generation Jobs began after leaving Apple in the mid-80s. The first batch of new devices went on sale in 1989.

The cost of computers was quite high ($6,500), so the machines were supplied only to leading US universities in limited editions.

Soon demand for Next computers became widespread, and modified versions went on sale at retail.

Interesting fact

The OS, which was called NeXTSTEP, included: an Oxford dictionary, a thesaurus, and a set of Shakespeare's works. These digital additions were the forerunners of modern e-readers.

In 1990, the second generation of computers was released, supplemented by a multimedia communications system. The innovation opened up limitless possibilities for communication between device owners and made it possible to exchange graphic, text and audio information.

Project 4. iPod iPad and iPhone

In the late 90s, Apple, where Jobs returned, experienced some stagnation. The impetus for development came from an unexpected direction: the company's new application product, the iPod player for playing digital music, began to enjoy enormous popularity.

The advantages of the new device were truly impressive:

  • aesthetic and stylish design;
  • convenient control and interface;
  • synchronization with iTunes - a media player for playing music and movies online.

The first players came out in 2001 and immediately became a bestseller. Commercial success significantly improved the financial position of the company, which made it possible to engage in further developments.

In 2007, Jobs presented another new product to the public - a smartphone running on iOS. The new device was called the iPhone and was a modified communications device - a combination of a telephone, a media player and a personal computer.

Time magazine declared the iPhone the invention of the year. Over the next 5 years, more than 250 million original iPhone copies were sold worldwide, bringing the corporation a profit of $150 billion.

In 2010, Apple released the iPad, a digital tablet that was designed to replace laptops and personal computers.

The new device was primarily intended for convenient use of the Internet, and due to its larger size than a telephone or iPhone, the iPad became very popular especially among connoisseurs of other Apple products and its founding father, Steve Jobs.

This invention also became successful and the new fashion for Internet tablets was picked up by other companies producing digital devices.

Project 5.

One of Apple's divisions was developing software for working with graphics and producing short animated films. Jobs intended to use the power of a workstation called Pixar Image to create programs that would allow anyone to create realistic three-dimensional images.

However, the consumer was not interested in 3D modeling, and the department's capabilities were directed in a different direction. The studio began creating cartoons. One of them (“Tin Toy”) was unexpectedly nominated for an Oscar. A new type of computer animation interested the Disney studio.

The famous film company entered into an agreement with Pixar on cooperation and production of the film Toy Story: the conditions were unfavorable for the animators, but the studio was on the verge of bankruptcy at that time. The film brought recognition, fame and multimillion-dollar profits to the studio.

Over the 15 years of its existence, Pixar has released a dozen film hits, Oscar nominees and winners, which have become classics of feature-length animation - “Finding Nemo,” “The Adventures of Flick,” “Monsters, Inc.,” “Cars,” “WALL-E.”

3. The film “Steve Jobs” and the book “Steve Jobs Rules” – where to download, read, watch

The film “Steve Jobs” was shot about the life of our hero by director Danny Boyle, which was nominated for an Oscar in 2 categories.

When we watched it, we were delighted with both the actors' performances and the director's work itself.
