Truffle is a delicious mushroom: features and types. Where do real expensive truffles grow in Russia - places where black and white truffles grow, animals to look for

The world is the white truffle. In terms of price and taste, it competes only with its black counterpart. Even in past centuries, only very wealthy people could afford to eat white truffles. Nowadays, not every restaurant can boast a permanent menu of these delicious mushrooms. In addition to excellent taste, they have another interesting property. White truffle is a mushroom that is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs in the world. Dumas also noted the miraculous properties of these mushrooms.

Truffles have a simply amazing aroma that allows animals to find them even under a layer of soil. From a culinary point of view, one can simply talk endlessly about the properties of these mushrooms. They harmonize wonderfully with various dishes and are able to turn ordinary food into a delight for connoisseurs. These mushrooms are most often consumed raw or dried. This allows you to better feel their indescribable taste and aroma.


The white truffle is an underground mushroom. Its fruiting body has a somewhat irregular shape. In appearance, it resembles a tuber of Jerusalem artichoke or potato. The weight of a mature specimen can reach 1.5 kg. However, there were also individuals with greater mass. The diameter of the white truffle, as a rule, reaches 15-20 cm. At the base it has a slight narrowing. When dried, the volume of the mushroom decreases several times. Young specimens are covered with whitish, smooth skin. Over time, it darkens, becomes covered with tubercles and cracks. The flesh of the mushroom is quite dense and dry to the touch. In young truffles it is white with a marbled tint and yellow veins (they contain reservoirs with spores). Old specimens have dark flesh with brown streaks. White truffle has a very strong specific aroma. A photo of this mushroom can be seen in this article. The appearance of macromycetes may vary slightly depending on the region of growth.


Truffles grow in forests of coniferous, deciduous and mixed type. They can be found in loose, well-warmed and moderately moist soils with not very developed grass cover. Most often they are found in birch and aspen forests, near hazel bushes, as well as in young plantings of spruce and pine trees. They are collected in August-September. IN Russian forests Only white truffles are found. Although there is information about the presence of blacks.

Search for truffles

Animals are used to search for truffles. As a rule, these are dogs and pigs (boars). They can smell and find a mushroom even under a layer of soil. In boars, for unknown reasons, the aroma of these mushrooms is associated with the smell of a female, and they are able to smell a target at a distance of about 10 m. However, when hunting truffles with pigs, you need to be careful. If a boar finds a mushroom, he will not hesitate to dig it up and eat it. Therefore, they are often muzzled. Truffles are also searched for with dogs (females). They are specially trained to do this from the first months of life. First they are given milk with a decoction of mushrooms. When the puppy grows up, they begin to train him indoors. They hide somewhere (under scraps of fabric, etc.) a piece of wood rubbed with truffle, and force the dog to look for it by smell. Success is rewarded with delicious food. As the dog gets older, training moves into the yard, into the vegetable garden, and then into the forest.

Truffle is a mushroom that grows underground at a depth of 20 cm. It is not only the most expensive mushroom in the whole world, but also a delicacy that is difficult to get. The shape of the truffle resembles a potato tuber; its flesh is reddish, turning black towards maturity. There are about a hundred species of these mushrooms, but the Perigord or black, Italian and winter truffles received the highest rating and recognition from gourmets, thanks to their unique “truffle” aroma.

Truffles belong to the truffle genus of the truffle family (Tuberaceae). This edible mushrooms, some of which are valuable delicacies.

The truffle's fruiting body is located underground, it has a round or tuberous shape and a fleshy or gristly consistency. The size is variable, from the size of a hazelnut to a potato tuber. On top of the fruiting body there is a leathery layer, smooth, cracking or covered with warts. When cut, the tissue of the fruiting body has a marble pattern, in which light and dark veins alternate.

Truffles grow in deciduous forests, under trees specific to each species. For example, black truffle and summer truffle grow under oaks, beeches, hornbeams, and hazels; Piedmontese truffles are found next to birches, poplars, elms, lindens, rowan trees, and hawthorns.

Truffles are harvested in the fall or in early spring. For this purpose, specially trained dogs or pigs are often used.

Real truffles are edible mushrooms. The most valuable types are the Perigord, Piedmont and winter truffles. Their pulp has a mushroom flavor with a hint of roasted seeds or walnuts and a strong characteristic aroma. After soaking in water, the truffle acquires flavor soy sauce. Truffles are often added raw to dishes at the very end of cooking in order to preserve the aroma of these mushrooms.

Types of truffle mushroom

The fruiting body is underground, tuberous or round, 2.5-10 cm in diameter. The surface is brown-black or bluish-black, covered with black warts. The pulp of the young mushroom is dense, becomes loose over time, the color changes from whitish to brown-yellow and gray-brown, light veins form a marble pattern. The taste is nutty, sweetish, the aroma is pleasant and strong.

It is found in mixed and deciduous forests, on calcareous soils, under oaks, beeches, hornbeams, birches, in Central Europe, in Russia. The fruiting season begins in summer and continues until early autumn.

The fruit body is irregularly spherical to almost round shape, 8-15 cm in diameter. The weight of an adult mushroom is 1-1.5 kg. The surface is covered with warts, 2-3 mm in size. The color of a young mushroom is reddish-violet, turning black with age. Pulp first white, then becomes gray or gray-violet with white and yellowish-brown marble veins. It has a strong and pleasant smell, reminiscent of musk.

Grows in France, Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine. Ripens from November to February-March.

The fruiting body is underground, has the shape of irregular tubers measuring 2-12 cm and weighing 30-300 g. The surface is uneven, velvety, light ocher or brownish, the skin is not separated from the pulp. The pulp is dense, whitish or yellow-gray, sometimes reddish, with a white and creamy-brown marbled pattern. The taste is pleasant, the smell is spicy, similar to cheese with garlic.

Mycorrhiza-forming with oak, willow and poplar, linden. It is found in deciduous forests in northwestern Italy (Piedmont) and France. The white Piedmontese truffle harvest lasts from September 21 to January 31.

The fruiting body is underground, tuberous, round or irregular shape, 3-9 cm in diameter. The surface is reddish-brown, in old mushrooms it is coal-black, and becomes rusty when pressed. The pulp is hard, light, gray or pinkish-brown in color with a white or reddish marble pattern; in older mushrooms it is dark. It has a strong characteristic aroma and a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness.

Grows in deciduous forests, on calcareous soil, most often under oak trees. Distributed in France, Italy and Spain. The season lasts from November to March.

Poisonous and inedible types of truffle mushroom

A mushroom inedible for humans.

The fruit body is round in shape, 1-4 cm in size, yellow-brown in color. The smell is pungent, earthy, similar to the smell of potatoes. The surface is finely tuberculate.

Found in Europe and North America, in Chile, China, Japan and Taiwan. Grows under coniferous trees, as well as under chestnuts, beeches and oaks, at all times of the year, en masse in late summer and autumn.

Oak or common hazel seedlings are used as a substrate for growing truffles. The seedlings are kept in sterile conditions for several weeks to allow the mycelium to take root. After this, the seedlings are planted in the nursery.

The soil for growing truffles should have a pH of 7.5-7.9 and a high content of humus and calcium. It should not contain stones, weeds and should not be contaminated with other types of mushrooms. Before planting, deep mechanical processing is carried out. The soil is not fertilized before planting. Environment must be dry, with average temperature 16.5-22°C.

Seedlings are planted in spring. No more than 500 trees per hectare. Pour a little water into the hole, cover the seedling tightly and water it again. The planting depth is 75 cm. A top layer of forest soil with fallen leaves and plastic film are placed near each seedling.

The edible part of the truffle is the fruiting body containing the spores. The fruiting bodies are located at a depth of about 20 cm. They are dug out with small shovels. An indicator of the presence of a truffle harvest is the so-called truffle flies.

Calorie content of truffle

The calorie content of 100 g of truffle is 25 kcal. Energy value:

  • Proteins:………………….3 g (12 kcal)
  • Fat:……………………….0.5 g (5 kcal)
  • Carbohydrates:………………….2 g (8 kcal)

  • The maximum weight of a truffle reaches 1 kg, although there are also very tiny specimens the size of a pea.
  • According to one hypothesis, mature truffles contain anandamide, a psychotropic substance that is similar in effect to marijuana.
  • In France and Italy, since the 15th century, it has been common to search for truffles growing in the forest with the help of search dogs and pigs, which can smell truffles underground at a distance of up to 20 m.
  • In the 19th century, truffles began to be cultivated; at that time, up to 1000 tons of these mushrooms were collected. IN last years The truffle harvest is about 50 tons. Mushrooms are grown in the USA, Spain, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia and the UK. And in beginning of XXI century, China became a major producer of truffles in the world. The Chinese variety is cheaper, but its quality is lower.

One of the most expensive mushrooms in the world is the truffle mushroom. This is the rarest and delicious delicacy. The mushroom has an unusual taste.

Translated from Greek it means earthen cone. Since it resembles a small cone in appearance, you can verify it by looking at the photo of truffle mushrooms.

Description of truffle mushrooms

The size of the mushroom is small, the maximum size is about 10 cm. The outer surface is dark blue or bright black, which is covered with warts.

However, there are species that have an even and smooth surface layer.

There are two types of pulp:

  • dense in a young fetus;
  • loose in a mature mushroom.

The taste is reminiscent of a nut, sweetish, but very tasty. The aroma of the mushroom is associated with algae.

Types of mushrooms

There are many varieties of truffle mushrooms in the world. Let's look at the most popular types:

Summer. It grows in Russia, the ripening period falls on summer months. Its size can be 10 cm. Its taste is associated with nuts.

Ginger. Found in Europe and North America. On Russian territory it grows in Siberia.

White. Distributed in France and Italy. White truffle is one of the most expensive and tastes like cheese with garlic. The size can be about 12 cm.

American. It grows only on the coast of the United States of America, mainly in top layer soil. Therefore, this type of mushroom has the taste of grass and flowers. Small in size, up to 5 cm.

Red. The bend is very small, does not grow more than 4 cm. Can be found in European countries. It tastes like coconut with wine.

Red shiny. Smaller in size than a red mushroom, approximately 3 cm in diameter. This truffle can be collected from May to August in deciduous forests. However, it is often possible to find in coniferous forests. It tastes like a mixture of wine, coconut and pear.

Where do they grow?

Many mushroom hunters wonder. Where do truffle mushrooms grow most often? As a rule, they grow in small groups of up to 7 pieces in forest areas.

Truffles are quite common in Russia. These are Crimea, Moscow, Samara, Orel, Vladimir and in many areas mainly in deciduous and displaced forests.

However, mushroom pickers have also found truffle mushrooms in coniferous forests.

Winter truffle grows in the Republic of Crimea. It is collected from November to March. It grows up to 15 cm in size and weighs up to a kilogram. When added to food, it gives the dish a nutmeg flavor.

You can find truffle mushrooms underground near the roots of oak, beech or hornbeam.

Benefits of mushrooms

It has long been proven that truffles can be eaten by humans. We can prepare many different dishes from mushrooms. They can be stewed or added to sauce. Can be served as a separate dish. These mushrooms can be harvested for the winter. They are canned or frozen.

Truffle mushroom is rich in vitamins and various microelements. The composition contains vitamins such as B, PP, C. They increase the level of fiber and have a positive effect on emotional condition person.

Truffles can be used to make a juice that can be used to treat eye diseases.

There are no contraindications to consuming the mushroom. If only individual intolerance to the product. And so, the main thing is that the mushroom is fresh and processed, then you can eat it without fear of health.

Truffle cultivation

In many countries, the mushroom has long been grown under artificially created conditions. Since in natural environment extremely difficult to find mushroom.

In order for the mushroom to grow at home, certain conditions must be met:

  • availability of the necessary trees;
  • suitable soil;
  • good weather conditions.

Growing truffles yourself is quite expensive, and this process take a lot of time.

Artificially grown mushrooms differ in taste from those found in nature. And their cost is almost the same, due to the high costs.

Truffle mushroom is used in cosmetology. Italian cosmetologists add truffle extract to masks and creams that are intended for the skin of the face and hands.

Since they were able to prove that a cream based on truffle mushroom helps tighten the skin, remove age spots, and can also hide small facial wrinkles.

Photo of truffle

The truffle is considered a gourmet delicacy and the most expensive mushroom in the world. The fruiting bodies of truffles are located deep underground and are characterized by a round or tuberous shape. Fungi form mycorrhizae with tree roots. Truffles have more than a hundred varieties. Conventionally, they can be divided into black, which are more common, and white, which is rarer and therefore more valuable.

They grow in warm countries temperate climate. Their production is widespread in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. The most valuable and expensive are black truffles, which are mined in Périgord in France, and white ones, growing in Piedmont and Umbria in Italy. Many people are interested in the question: where does the truffle mushroom grow in Russia?

Where does white truffle grow in Russia?

This type of truffle is rarely found, so it is very valuable. In Russia it grows in the middle Volga region, Vladimir, Moscow, Smolensk, Tula, Oryol regions. White truffles grow from late autumn before the start of winter.

The size of the mushroom is up to 15 cm, weight - up to 500 g, in the soil it is found at a shallow depth - up to 15 cm. Externally, the white truffle is similar to, it has a brown peel and light flesh. Truffles are characterized by a more meaty than mushroom flavor and a pronounced aroma.

Where does black truffle grow in Russia?

Black truffle, which can be found in Russia, is called summer truffle. Where does the summer truffle grow in Russia? Its location can be called the Caucasus on the Black Sea coast. It prefers calcareous soils to grow. Its size reaches 10 cm, it grows in the ground at a depth of 10-15 cm. This type of truffle is collected in late summer - early autumn.

In which forests do truffles grow in Russia?

The truffle mushroom prefers to grow near the roots of such trees: oak, birch, hornbeam, beech, and walnut. Accordingly, they can be collected in forests where these types of trees are found. The greatest probability is that the truffle mushroom grows in Russia in oak forests.

Reproduction of truffles in nature

In nature, truffles reproduce differently from other mushrooms, whose spores are carried by wind or water. The only way truffle seeds (mycelium) spread is through animals. Because the seeds are deep underground, animals carry them when they search for mushrooms.

Methods for collecting truffles

To search for truffles, specially trained animals are used - pigs or dogs. This is considered a real hunt, which takes place at night, as the smell of truffles is better heard at night. You can try to find mushrooms, focusing on the numerous swarms of midges above the ground. If one truffle is found, then next to it there are 5-6 more mushrooms. Harvesting truffles is a very complex process. They must be dug up and collected very carefully, trying not to damage both the mushrooms themselves and the roots of the tree near which they grow.

Truffle cultivation

Growing truffles on artificially created plantations – a very labor-intensive process that takes a large number of time. First, acorns are collected from under the oak trees next to which truffles grew. Then special soil is prepared: soil suitable for mushrooms is mixed with soil taken from the places where mushrooms grew. Then the prepared acorns are planted in this soil. Thus, young trees grow in soil containing truffle spores.

The first harvest is obtained after 6 years. Mushroom harvests can be harvested for 25-30 years. They will amount to 15 kg of truffles per hectare of land.

Truffle growing technologies are not common in Russia; this process is typical for other countries.

Truffle (Tuber) is a marsupial-type mushroom that forms underground tuberous and fleshy fruiting bodies. This is the most expensive and valuable mushroom delicacy.

Despite the fact that the fruiting bodies of the marsupial variety do not look very attractive, the finished mushroom dishes have an excellent taste and a distinctive, incredibly pleasant smell. Dishes based on such a product are highly valued not only in restaurants in our country, but also among foreign consumers.

What do truffles look like?

The fruiting body grows underground, It has a round or tuberous shape and also has a fleshy or cartilaginous structure. Apothecia in an adult truffle are usually closed and can vary in size from the diameter of a hazelnut to the diameter of a fairly large potato tuber. The outer side of the fruiting bodies is represented by a leathery layer called peridium. The surface of the peridium can be smooth, cracked, or covered with warts of the polyhedral type. The cut has a marble pattern represented by alternating light veins or “internal veins” and dark veins or “external veins.”

Truffle is the most expensive and valuable mushroom delicacy

Where do truffles grow in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?

Valuable fruiting bodies are sought in deciduous forests, where they are capable of forming mycorrhizae with woody roots. For example, the black truffle has a very expressive smell and most often grows next to oaks, beeches, hornbeam and hazel, while the white truffle has a milder aroma and creates mycorrhiza with birch, poplar, elm, linden, rowan and hawthorn. Ideal places for growth are considered to be Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany.

On the territory of our country, this valuable mushroom grows extremely rarely in Moscow, Vladimir, Tula, Oryol and Smolensk region, but quite often found on Black Sea coast Caucasus, as well as in the Middle Volga region. In Ukraine, the optimal soil and climatic conditions for truffles are the Lviv region, the Carpathians and the Khmelnitsky region, as well as the territory of Transcarpathia. On the territory of Belarus, a unique mushroom is found in the forests of the Svisloch-Berezinsky reserve.

Gallery: truffle mushrooms (25 photos)

Where do truffles grow (video)

Taste and nutritional value of truffles

The undoubted benefits of fruiting bodies, as well as their the nutritional value and excellent taste are determined by the chemical composition:

  • proteins – 3.0 g;
  • fat – 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2.0 g;
  • dietary fiber – 1.0 g;
  • water – 90.0 g;
  • ash – 1.0 g;
  • vitamin B1 or thiamine – 0.02 mg;
  • vitamin B2 or riboflavin – 0.4 mg;
  • vitamin “C” or ascorbic acid – 6.0 mg;
  • vitamin “PP” – 9.5 mg;
  • niacin – 9.0 mg;
  • monosaccharides and disaccharides – 1.0 g.

Average energy value varies depending on species features, but most often it is 22-24 kcal.

About the benefits of truffle mushrooms

The benefits of truffles are not in doubt. Fruiting bodies are a source of vitamins, which are especially important at the stage of active, rapid growth processes. Besides everything else, This product is an excellent antioxidant that helps rejuvenate the body.. The ability of the marsupial fungus to manifest itself as a very strong and effective aphrodisiac is also well known. Cosmetics based on this mushroom make wrinkles less noticeable, get rid of age spots and tighten the skin. Truffle also helps to get rid of chronic fatigue and loss of strength.

Types of truffle mushrooms

Several types of truffles are well known, which differ not only in their appearance, but also taste and nutritional value.

T.aestivum - forms an underground modified apothecium, which has a tuberous or round shape with a brownish-black or bluish-black surface on which black pyramidal warts are located. The pulp, depending on the stage of development, can be very dense or more loose, whitish or brownish-grayish-yellow with the presence of light veins that form a marble pattern. Taste qualities tall. The pulp has a nutty and sweetish taste, as well as a very pleasant and pronounced aroma with slightly herbaceous notes. The spores are yellow-brown, fusiform or oval in shape, with a very characteristic reticulate type. Fruits in summer or in the first ten days of autumn.

T.brumale - forms irregular spherical or almost round fruiting bodies with a peridium covered with polygonal or thyroid warts, sometimes of a deep type. The outer part is red-violet or black. The color of the pulp changes from white to grayish or grayish-violet with big amount white and yellowish-brown marble veins. The spores are ellipsoidal or oval in shape, different in size, brown in color, with curved surface spines. It bears fruit from November to the last ten days of spring.

Italian or Piedmontese truffle

T.magnatum - forms underground type modified apothecia, represented by uneven and tuberous bodies with an uneven surface, covered with thin and velvety, light ocher or slightly brownish skin, which is not separated from the pulp. The internal structure is dense, whitish or yellowish-gray in color, sometimes with a reddish tint. The pulp is characterized by the presence of a white and creamy-brown marbled pattern, with a pleasant and spicy aroma reminiscent of garlic cheese. The spores are yellowish-brown, oval-shaped, with a reticulate pattern. Fruiting bodies are collected from the last ten days of September until the end of January.

Périgord or black truffle

T.melanosporum - forms modified underground tuberous apothecia, round or irregular in shape, with a reddish-brown or coal-black surface that changes color to orange when pressed. The skin is covered with numerous small multifaceted irregularities. The structure is solid, light gray or pinkish-brown in color with a whitish or reddish-pink marbled pattern on the cut. The pulp has a very strong and characteristic aroma, as well as a pleasant bitter taste. The spores are dark brown, fusiform or oval in shape, with a curve. Collection takes place from November to March.

Truffles are sometimes classified as other varieties that have similar fruiting bodies. Most often they belong to the genus Choiromyces, Elaromyces and Terfezia:

  • Terfetia lion-yellow- a North African variety that has a rounded and uneven shape, as well as a brownish or whitish-yellow coloring of the surface. Pulp light color, mealy type, moist, with pronounced whitish streaks and brown spots;
  • Elaphomyces granulosa– characterized by the presence of an outer crust, on top of which numerous small warts are densely located. Fruit bodies with an ocher-brown or yellowish-ocher surface covering white or grayish flesh.

The Caucasian variety Terfezia transcaucasica, well known as tombalan, grows on the territory of our country. A variety of marsupial fungi, quite widespread in Azerbaijan and the Absheron Peninsula, as well as in Nagorno-Karabakh and Central Asia.

Useful properties of truffle mushrooms (video)

How and when to look for truffles correctly

Collection of fully ripened fruiting bodies is carried out, as a rule, in the last ten days of summer or at the beginning autumn period. Most often, mushrooms of this type grow in well-lit areas. sun rays clearings, along the edge of an oak grove, near birch groves, and can also be found in aspen and alder plantings. To determine the location of mushrooms, pigs and dogs are specially trained; they have the best sense of smell, which helps to find mushrooms due to their very unique and quite strong aroma.

Truffle sites can be easily identified by the presence of a grayish-ashy coloring of the soil, as well as the appearance of withered or stunted mosses and grass. As a rule, fruiting bodies are represented by several specimens in one place, some of which can sometimes protrude above ground level. It is best to collect fruiting bodies in evening hours. In many countries, specially trained domestic or farm animals are used to search for mushrooms.

Features of growing truffles at home

Difficulties in growing, the seasonality of obtaining fruiting bodies, as well as high taste and aromatic qualities explain the high cost of such a product. Despite the fact that it is customary to grow truffle plantations en masse in many foreign countries, but you can also get quite decent yields at home. To properly grow valuable bodies, you need to adhere to the following recommendations and step-by-step technology:

  • acquisition of mushroom mycelium on a substrate or special substrate;
  • harvesting fallen oak, walnut, beech branches and foliage, as well as moss;
  • purchasing peat nutrient substrate for cultivating indoor plants;
  • choosing a tree and digging several holes around it up to a quarter of a meter deep and up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • filling each dug hole ½ full with prepared nutritious peat substrate;
  • laying mushroom mycelium and sprinkling it with a nutritious peat substrate, followed by dense compaction;
  • abundant watering of the mushroom planting with rain or melt water;
  • laying the prepared mixture based on foliage, moss and branches, followed by watering.

The timing of the appearance of the first harvest directly depends on the soil and weather conditions, as well as the quality characteristics of planting material. As a rule, the first fruiting occurs after three to four years.

You can also get quite a decent yield of truffles at home

How to properly cook truffle mushrooms

This valuable delicacy forest product must be properly prepared. A very tasty and original combination can be obtained from mushrooms with pasta, rice and eggs. One of the most popular dishes served in famous establishments is “Truffles in Champagne”, To prepare it you will need:

  • prepare a fatty broth from a liter of water and 500 g of pork, which should be cooked for about an hour and a half;
  • cut four fruiting bodies into thin slices and place in a saucepan, adding about 100 g of pork lard and a small amount of meat broth;
  • After boiling, add 2/3 cup of champagne.

The resulting composition is cooked over very low heat for half an hour, after which the dish is decorated and served.

Very original and gourmet dish are "Pasta with Anchovies and Truffle". To prepare, you need to finely chop one truffle and five anchovies, then chop four garlic cloves using a press. Heat well in a shallow frying pan olive oil you need to lay out the chopped mushrooms with anchovies, then add all the chopped garlic, some black pepper and a small amount of red pepper. Salt is added to taste. The mixture, fried for a couple of minutes, is added to the previously boiled full readiness pasta. Ready dish Before serving, be sure to season with grated Parmesan.

How to cook truffle mushrooms (video)

How to properly store fresh truffles

The average shelf life of freshly picked truffle fruit bodies, regardless of the type, is not too long. To experience the unique and very refined mushroom aroma, you need to prepare the dish for several hours, as soon as possible, preferably immediately after collecting the fruiting bodies.

Several methods can be used to extend the shelf life. Storing the collected fruiting bodies in rice has proven to work best, and storing the most valuable mushrooms in oil allows you to give it a simply unique and very mild aroma. For the purpose of maximum long-term storage, it is advisable to freeze freshly harvested truffle fruit bodies.

Gallery: truffle mushrooms (40 photos)
