World of tanks online without registration. World of Tanks play online without downloading

World of Tanks online is a multiplayer online game that was developed by, famous for its complex step-by-step strategies. The game was released relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of its fans. Understanding the genre of the game is not so easy. It seems like we're looking at an action movie, but it seems like it's not. In general, the game is more suitable for the MMORPG genre, since after each fight you are given money and monetary experience. But it is also worth noting that the game is sessional, you entered, won and the match was over. There is no world in the game, there are only rooms in which everyone fights. You have to increase your character's experience, buy new weapons and clothes for him. With each new level, your character will only become stronger. Also, it is worth noting that World of Tanks is free game and you don’t need to invest your real, hard-earned money into its development. In order to start the game, registration in World of Tanks is required. Since the game is browser-based, you will not need to download and install any game data on your Personal Computer. All you need is an Internet connection and any browser. Since World of Tanks is provided free of charge to its users, registration in the game is correspondingly free. To register World of Tanks online, you need to go to the official website and register there. Playing World of Tanks online is very exciting. Initially, you will be given a small tank, a tiny MS-1, which can grow if you feed it generously with money and gaming experience. More precisely, not quite grow up. As your experience increases, new types of tanks will be available to you, which are undoubtedly stronger than the previous ones. World of Tanks is a team-based online action game. The tank in the game is a slow but serious opponent. You can slowly move forward, terrorize your enemies, set up ambushes and attack quietly while your teammates distract attention and cover you. An important component that you should know about before you start playing World of Tanks is the division into classes. Without such a division, there would be no talk of tactical maneuvers. Imagine how boring it would be if both teams had fifteen absolutely identical tanks, no enthusiasm. Tanks just move around the map, trying to kill each other. Thank God, the game World of Tanks is thought out much more interesting. Eat different types cars Some, for example, are specifically designed to carry out frontal attacks. These are the so-called heavy tanks, which simply cannot help but amaze with their power. If you decide to play this type of vehicle in World of Tanks, be prepared for the fact that you will mostly have to take the damage of enemies while your faster and more maneuverable comrades sneak up from the rear to attack enemy tanks and their base. As already mentioned, the game has a type of tanks that are designed specifically for attacks. Such tanks have much less armor and are simply called artillery. The main trump card of artillery is to accurately shoot across the entire battlefield at enemies, sitting in some bushes, in ambush. Since the artillery sits in the bushes and can't see much of the battle, it's necessary for someone to highlight the enemy on the map for it. It is for this purpose that there are light tanks in the game. These tanks have very little protection, but everyone can envy their speed and maneuverability. Tanks can not only help their own artillery, but also detect enemy artillery on the map. In general, the Tank World game is quite exciting. You will be able to spend more than one hour of battles on the battlefield with your faithful comrades.

Launch World Of Tanks closed Beta 0.4.5 setup, install the client, register on the website and go into battle!

Questions and answers

general information

What genre does the game belong to?
World of Tanks is a diverse game, intertwining several genres. First of all, this is a global multiplayer action MMO. In addition, the game contains elements of such genres as strategy with an emphasis on economics and diplomacy, shooter, simulator and RPG.
What are system requirements games?
Minimum system requirements:

CPU: 2 GHz
Video: GeForce 6600GT (128 MB) / analogue from ATI
HDD: 2.5GB

System requirements for playing on medium settings:

CPU: 3 GHz
Video: GeForce 8600GT (512 MB) / analogue from ATI
HDD: 2.5GB
Connection speed: 128 Kbps
System requirements for playing at maximum settings:

CPU: 2 Core 3 GHz
Video: GeForce 9800 (1024 MB) / analogue from ATI
HDD: 2.5GB
Connection speed: 1024 Kbps or higher (for downloads)
What operating systems are supported?
"World of Tanks" supports operating systems of the MS Windows family.
Do I have to pay to play?
“World of Tanks” is distributed via the Free 2 Play system, i.e. you can download the client and start playing completely free.


What's it like on this moment number of tanks in the game? Will it grow over time?
Currently, World of Tanks includes about 60 vehicles from Germany and the USSR. By the time of release, the game will include more than 150 cars from Germany, the USSR and the USA. After the release, tanks made in England, France, Japan and other countries are planned to be added.
What types of armored vehicles are presented in the game?
The game features tanks and other armored units from Germany and the USSR, produced and designed from the 30s to the 50s of the 20th century. Players have at their disposal light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as anti-tank (tank destroyer) and artillery (art-self-propelled gun) self-propelled guns. In addition to production vehicles, the game will feature prototypes, such as the American T1E2, the German E series or the Soviet IS-7.
What role do tank destroyers and artillery destroyers play on the battlefield?
As in real battles of World War II, in World of Tanks the role of these devices is difficult to overestimate. Tank destroyers are the ideal means of defense. Their powerful guns allow them to hit enemy units from long range, and their thick frontal armor guarantees a high level of frontal protection. On the other hand, insufficient mobility and weak rear and side armor make them vulnerable in close combat. Artillery also suffers from these same shortcomings, but high-level vehicles can destroy an opponent from any corner of the map.
What is the role of light tanks in the game?
First of all, light tanks are excellent reconnaissance units, capable of quickly finding and neutralizing enemy artillery. Secondly, their mobility and large viewing radius make it possible to quickly find enemy equipment and transmit its coordinates to allied howitzers. Thirdly, they are most effective in close combat against enemy light tanks and, therefore, can neutralize them on their territory. The development of a line of light tanks, despite their meager armor and low-powered guns, makes sense. Moreover, pumping good lung tank will take much less time than the development of a medium or heavy tank.


How realistic is World of Tanks?
The game maintains a balance between realism and gameplay. World of Tanks is not a hardcore simulator: players will not have to waste time learning a complex control system. Instead, the difficulty of the game is based on the players' ability to use tactical thinking.
Do the behavior of game models correspond to the behavior of real tanks?
The game models are almost completely identical to real-life tanks and prototypes, this applies to all aspects of the game. The rate of fire of tanks in the game corresponds to the rate of fire of real tanks in testing conditions. When shooting while moving, the spread noticeably increases, and the higher the tank's speed, the greater it is. The number of shells in the ammunition load and the location of all internal modules correspond to the real one. Dynamic characteristics, maneuverability and turret rotation speed will also depend on the chosen model.
How long does one battle last on average?
Each battle takes from 5 to 15 minutes. If, after 15 minutes, armored vehicles from each side remain on the battlefield and none of the bases are captured, a draw is declared.
Do newbies have the opportunity to practice before entering the “adult world”? Is the training mode available and can it be enabled offline?
For beginners, a “sandbox” mode is available, in which there are military equipment of the 1st – 2nd levels. This will help new recruits get comfortable with the technology, control system and gameplay. Training modes are available online.
What type is the main one in the game? How difficult is it to manage?
The main view in the game is from a third person, with four modes of distance from the tank and the ability to freely move the camera around the vehicle. In addition, there is a first-person view, which includes the so-called. “sniper mode” for tanks, as well as “howitzer” mode for long-range artillery, in which the map is viewed from a bird’s eye view, also with the ability to zoom in/out of the camera from the ground surface. The game uses standard controls - WSAD keys plus mouse control. In addition, players can use "cruise control" for both forward and reverse movement. To do this, use the R and F keys, respectively.
Does the game have auto-targeting?
The game features auto-targeting, which allows you to shoot at a moving enemy with anticipation. To enable auto-targeting, you need to aim at the enemy tank and press the right mouse button.
Is there disguise in the game?
There is camouflage. At the moment, there is a coefficient that determines how close you need to get to a hidden tank for it to become noticeable. Bushes and especially walls are the best way to hide from the enemy. A camouflaged tank can “give away” itself by starting to move or opening fire. This makes his silhouette visible.
Is there artillery and air support from outside the map?
The implementation of this support is still under discussion. One of the ideas is that calling artillery and aviation will be carried out much like in the game Blitzkrieg: spend some of certain resources, call art. support, she struck the given square. These elements will be introduced for clan battles, and the clan leader or authorized persons will be able to call for support once per battle.
Will the “free camera” mode be available after the tank is hit?
The game has a “tracking camera” mode, in which the player whose tank was shot down can monitor the allies remaining in the battle.
Is there a division by nation in battle?
Each time before the start of a battle, the game distributes combat vehicles two teams, trying to maintain optimal balance and balance of power. In this case, the nationality of the equipment is not taken into account: teams can be mixed. Battles with division into nations are possible during historical battles (for example, the Battle of Prokhorov).
Are there machine guns in the game?
Machine guns are present on tanks, but until infantry appears in the game, their use is not expected, since even the most powerful machine gun unable to harm a well-armored tank. The introduction of infantry into the game is planned in the distant future.
Are there different types of projectiles available?
Depending on the installed gun and the shells used on it, players can buy high-explosive fragmentation, cumulative, sub-caliber or armor-piercing shells for their vehicles.
Will damaged tanks disappear from the battlefield?
All destroyed vehicles will remain burning on the battlefield until the end of the battle.

26.10.2017 3860 Views

The Word of Tanks game is a multiplayer tank simulator with high-quality graphics and interesting locations. The gameplay environment is distinguished by the presence large quantity techniques and multiplayer battles with real players. The tank models were based on real vehicles that took part in World War II, from different conflicting sides.

After launching the client, you find yourself in a hangar, where there will already be several armored vehicles USSR, Germany, Japan and other countries. Once you start playing World of Tanks and win battles, over time you can improve them, and money for upgrades can be earned on the battlefields. The main military tasks are: destroying enemy vehicles, accurate shooting and performing complex team assignments.

Prepare to attack. Young fighter course

Initially, the player will have to play World of Tanks in training mode. You should not miss this opportunity, as you will be able to learn how to operate the equipment and get acquainted with various tricks.

It is noteworthy that in the gameplay you can try out non-standard combat tactics. In total, gamers are offered five types of equipment:

  • Lungs
  • Average
  • Heavy
  • Tank destroyer

Light tanks are easier to play; they are distinguished by maneuverability and speed, but their defense is weak. Heavy vehicles are reliably protected by armor, they cannot be knocked out even with a direct hit, but they are clumsy and slow. Medium ones have the advantages and disadvantages of both types of technology. They can be equipped with powerful weapons, and excellent speed sometimes becomes a decisive factor in confrontation with “heavyweights”.

Upgrading equipment in World of Tanks

After you start playing World of Tanks online and reach levels 2-5, medium-category vehicles become available to you. It can be further protected and equipped. By competently controlling your combat unit, you can knock out medium tank or higher level. It all depends on the correct calculation and your tactical skills!

“Heavy guns” are allowed to be used in battle starting from level 8; they move slowly, so they are used to deliver powerful fire strikes to opponents.

You can also play World of Tanks and participate in fire battles, using artillery pieces, which can shoot over long distances and can be used successfully if you are playing as a team.

Tactics for victory are chosen, as a rule, based on the parameters of your combat installations. Light tanks are used for reconnaissance. Medium ones can quickly escape from the scene of a fight, and are also capable of supporting heavy vehicles with fire and delivering a targeted strike. “Heavyweights” are good as the main striking unit in close combat; they crack the opponent’s armor like a shell.

Team capabilities when playing World of Tanks

After you have sufficiently tested your strength in the training mode, you can begin real battles. The most popular variety among them is the so-called “Random Battle”. Before the battle, two opposing teams are formed, each with 15 tankers.

Since the World of Tanks game is multiplayer, any participant can communicate with other “tankers”, as well as become a member of a team or clan. The level of the team and the number of battles it has fought determines the rating of both the team itself and its individual members. The well-coordinated work of the tankers will make it possible to win the battle, and if the player does not want to try, it will be immediately noticeable.

Most often, victories are achieved by teams formed from partners who have known each other for a long time. These teams are called platoons. Once platoons create a clan, they can take part in battles on a large virtual map where the game's elite battle for world domination.

The speed of your development depends on the number of victories. For each victory, credits and experience are awarded, which are then exchanged for gold. Gold makes it possible to purchase premium bonuses, for example, several days of a premium account or promotional tanks. You can improve your cars and buy new elements for them. In many ways, the victory of your team on the battlefield depends on the competent and timely upgrade of equipment.

There are many servers where you can play World of Tanks online, both with players from Russia and with foreign gamers (regardless of the region). Thanks to its wide geography, the product is of interest to users from all over the world. Game process gives participants a sea of ​​bright emotions, helping to improve tactics and strategy - skills that will be useful in all areas of life.

The MMO simulator World of Tanks is one of the most popular multiplayer projects not only in its genre, but in this segment in general. This game is played by millions of players all over the world who like the realistic behavior of tanks in battle, the opportunity to play in a team on various types equipment, a well-thought-out tactical part and much more. Come to tanks World of Tanks play online for free on the official website right now.

World of Tanks review

Review Games World of Tanks we need to start with the fact that the game was developed by the Belarusian studio At one time, the project was fresh and original - no one had ever created anything like this in this genre, which led to the enormous popularity of WoT around the world. And even now, despite its venerable age, the project continues to develop and attract new players. She happens to be best game about tanks in the world.

Since this is a client game, in order to play it, you need to download the client itself. To do this, you need to go to the official website of World of Tanks ru - the game distribution is located there, which, after installation, will automatically download all the necessary additions and updates.

After you have decided to download World of Tanks (by the way, when translated into Russian the game is called “World of Tanks”), you need to home page register in the project and after unpacking the client you will be able to play it. It is recommended to come up with some kind of complex password; the administration immediately warns about this.
An important feature of WoT is that you don't have to choose a specific faction. You immediately have a hangar in which there are Tier I tanks of all countries represented in the game, without exception, starting from the USSR and ending with Sweden. The equipment of which country you will upgrade depends only on your desire.

World of Tank play online on the official website

By the way, all armored vehicles in the game are represented by five classes: light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as self-propelled and anti-tank artillery. Each type is important in its own way and with certain skill can be easily destroyed heavy tank with the help of his scout or, at a minimum, knock down his tracks and call on him artillery fire.

A huge plus for which it is worth playing the World of Tank game online for free without downloading and registering on the official website is that, unlike other projects, here you still get monetary reward and experience even in case of defeat.

What attracts players

  • Huge selection of armored vehicles different countries, both actually existing samples and promising developments;
  • Five types of equipment, each of which has its own characteristics and game tactics;
  • Lots of huge maps;
  • The ability to play in a platoon, coordinating the actions of all players in the group for better interaction;
  • The damage varies depending on the location of the hit. You can destroy even a heavily armored tank by hitting places with weakened armor, or vice versa, “tank” using the armor of the turret and frontal part;
  • Failure of a module or crew member seriously reduces the vehicle's effectiveness in combat;
  • Constant updates, promotions and tasks for which you can get good prizes and bonuses;
  • Play the game World of Tanks online for free.

World of Tanks is the first MMO tank simulator in arcade mode. All equipment in the game are real combat vehicles that were in service, or existed only in drawings, from the late 30s to the early 60s of the twentieth century. Distinctive feature The game is a high attention to tank models, ballistics and physics. For example, the width of the track and the terrain will affect the speed of the tank, and the angle at which the projectile hits the armor will affect the chances of penetrating it. The developers have worked hard to maintain the arcade feel and dynamism of the battles while keeping the game as realistic as possible.

Start playing online game World of Tank in Russian without sending SMS to unknown numbers and without any such murky actions!

In order to start playing World Of Tanks, you don’t need to engage in long searches and registrations on various sites. You need to download the World of Tank client game, install it on your PC and start playing, minimum time and effort, maximum results.

To achieve the desired result, namely launching the World Of Tanks game, you need to click the “Start game...” button located just below this text, then you will go to the official website of the World Of Tank game, then download the game, then you just have to start the game and dive into the new amazing world World Of Tanks.

Don't forget to look at the system requirements of the World Of Tanks client game and compare them with the characteristics of the computer (PC) / laptop on which you will play the online game.

It should be immediately noted that, regardless of the requirements, on most computers and laptops you can run almost any game, including World of Tank, only in some cases you will have to set the graphic settings to minimum.

So you can play World Of Tanks online without any problems, try, install and play exciting online projects!
