Squid shellfish. Squid lifestyle and habitat

Squid (Teuthida)


Squid is an inhabitant of the seas from the order of cephalopods. Usually squids are small in size - 25-50 cm, but can reach gigantic sizes - up to 20 meters with a weight of up to 300 kg. The squid's body is elongated, spindle-shaped, muscular and strong. There are ten tentacles around the mouth opening, each of which has many suckers. All species of squid (and there are more than 200 of them) have an ink sac containing a black-brown pigment, which they release in case of danger, creating a veil. Some species of squid can change color, and yet they are often preyed on by seabirds, sperm whales and other cetaceans.


Squids are found everywhere: in the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic, in Pacific Ocean, V northern seas. However, the squids that inhabit northern waters, much smaller than their relatives living in temperate and warm waters. These cephalopods live both in the surface layers and in sea ​​depths. Some squids make long-distance migrations. Squids are never found in fresh or slightly salted waters; they are exclusively marine inhabitants.


Squids have long been considered a commercial item and are widely used in cooking. The squid carcass and tentacles are used as food, although in China and Japan they also eat squid eyes and suckers, previously dried in a frying pan. Squid is boiled, stewed, fried, stuffed, baked, dried, marinated, added to salads, used for stuffing (for rolls, pies, dumplings, cabbage rolls). Squid goes well with rice, vegetables, mushrooms, apples and onions, red wine and various sauces, as well as herbs and spices.

Composition and properties

Squid meat not only has excellent taste and nutritional value, but also healing properties, it is no coincidence that this mollusk is called “sea ginseng”. It contains a lot of protein, vitamins B6, PP, E, C, polyunsaturated fats, important for balanced nutrition person. In addition, squid is rich in microelements (phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine), it contains a lot of potassium, which is so necessary for heart health. White squid meat does not contain cholesterol. Squid meat also contains selenium, which removes heavy metal salts from the body.


Interesting fact

Squids are excellent swimmers. In terms of swimming speed, they lag behind only dolphins and tuna. Fleeing from the pursuit of the enemy, some types of squid can even emerge from the water, like flying fish, and fly several tens of meters over the water. It is not uncommon for a squid to “jump” so high that it ends up on the deck of a ship passing by.

How long to cook squid

Place defrosted and cleaned squids in boiling salted water, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Calorie content and the nutritional value squid

The calamari content of squid is 100 kcal.

Nutritional value of squid: proteins - 18 g, fats - 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 2 g

Today, squid is a fairly popular and widespread product that can easily be found on the shelves of supermarkets, fish stores and even regular markets. I am also pleased with its price, which is quite affordable even in times of crisis. And you simply can’t count how many things you can prepare from this product.

Squid is perfect even for daily diet. But most recipes for dishes with squid relate to holiday cuisine.

Product Features

Many people are concerned not only with issues of taste, but also with the quality of the product. Before you start cooking, it would be useful to find out about the features of the product: nutritional value, useful substances. The benefits of any seafood primarily lie in the content of valuable substances. Squid contains iodine, selenium, phosphorus, iron, and copper. As with many seafood, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are present. These shellfish also contain a lot of vitamins B, C, E, and PP.

But the main value, perhaps, lies in the high protein content, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. Squid meat contains 20% protein, only 2.2% fat and 2% carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product is 122 kcal.

Squids in the cuisines of the world

It’s easy to guess which nations love this product the most. Of course, those who live by the sea-ocean. National cuisines Far Eastern countries are simply unthinkable without products such as squid with shrimp, mussels, and octopus. Dishes with seafood are common in

Squids are also loved by those who live far from big water. And all because this product is perfectly stored and transported frozen, and taste qualities doesn't lose.

Product varieties

Squids are invertebrate animals that belong to the class of cephalopods (order Ten-armed). There are many varieties of squid in the world.

The Komandorsky squid, a medium-sized mollusk (about 20-30 cm with tentacles), most often ends up in the nets of Russian fishermen. It usually has a grayish-pink skin color and tender white meat. As a rule, it goes on sale without its head and tentacles.

Loligo is a species that is very popular in Europe. It is similar to the Commander squid, and it is caught not only in the ocean, but also in the seas - the Mediterranean and Adriatic.

On Far East There is Pacific squid, which is what the Japanese and Chinese most often use to prepare amazing dishes.

You can find snow-white, fleshy carcasses of Peruvian squid on the shelves. Many people find them much more attractive than other species. But Peruvian squid has a peculiar feature - without proper processing, the meat simply reeks of ammonia. The catch is bought by China, where the carcasses are cleaned, frozen, soaked in a special brine, and then frozen again. It must be admitted that after such processing there is not a trace of the terrible smell left, and the taste of the product is quite delicate.

These are the main types of squid, which are represented almost everywhere. But there is another category of product that many take as a separate species. This is the so-called baby squid. The carcass size does not exceed chicken egg, and in a kilogram you can count a dozen and a half babies (while a full-fledged squid can weigh more than one kilo). But this is not a subspecies at all, but young animals that natural environment habitats often rise to the surface and fall into the nets of fishermen. Baby has a delicate taste and less dense meat structure. It can be used in the same recipes as regular squid.

Product compatibility

Squid is used to prepare the most different dishes: appetizers, salads, gravy, sauces. Boiled rice, pasta, funchose and homemade noodles are ideal as a side dish.

Squids go harmoniously with fresh and baked vegetables, boiled eggs and scrambled eggs, pickled mushrooms, olives, young herbs, seaweed. There are a huge number of recipes in which, together with squid, cuttlefish, shrimp, fish, caviar are used - in a word, everything that the sea has given to man.

Decorative properties

Usually they remain in the importing country, but sometimes a “full set” is also available for sale. It is worth recognizing that in taste and structure they are not nearly as interesting as octopus, which is why many fish producers separate them right away. But, as they say, in the absence of fish...

It’s not very often in our country that you can see a dish decorated with tentacles. Therefore, you can safely use this detail for decorative purposes. Typically, the tentacles are cut into strips or cubes and placed on top of the dish. They are prepared in the same way as a carcass.

Preliminary cutting

As we have already found out, squids are invertebrate animals. But inside their body there are peculiar “stiffening ribs”, which are a rudiment of an internal shell. They look like translucent knitting needles. They must be removed before cooking.

If you bought a whole, unpeeled squid, cut off the head with eyes and tentacles. Remove the entrails. The eyes and mouth-beak are not eaten. Cut the tentacles from the base.

If the carcasses are covered with skin, scald them with boiling water and then dip them in cold water- everything can be easily removed.

How to cook squid?

Many people know, but we’ll still remind you: these shellfish cook very quickly! Place the carcasses in boiling water and set aside for exactly 2 minutes. As soon as the dial reaches the second circle, remove and cool.

The structure of overcooked squid resembles low-quality rubber, and not at all a Mediterranean or Far Eastern delicacy.

Salad "Neptune"

Boiled squid, cut into pieces, is an excellent option for many salads.

But the most popular, perhaps, is the Neptune salad. It's simple a win-win. To prepare it, use 1-2 types of fresh vegetables and seafood. You can use Chinese cabbage as a vegetable base, bell pepper, wild garlic, spinach, cucumbers. The volume of the “sea” part should be the same as the vegetable part. Boiled shrimp, mussels and squid, crab sticks, caviar, and anchovies are suitable for it. Usually such salads are dressed with mayonnaise, but you can prepare a healthier and tasty dressing. Mix 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt without flavoring, the same amount of low-fat mayonnaise, add finely chopped dill (1-2 tsp) and a few drops of lemon juice.

Is it possible to bake squid in the oven?

Not long ago, a recipe for “piglets” made from stuffed squid carcasses gained popularity. Baby squid is simply ideal for this recipe, because before serving you don’t even have to cut the dish into portions.

Cheese, cottage cheese, mushrooms, rice or mashed potatoes are used as minced meat. You can prepare the dish in the following way.

Slice the onion small pieces, and grate a couple of carrots on a fine grater. Stew the vegetables together, add 100 g of mushrooms, and cook until done. Mix with cooked rice (1 cup). If desired, you can add 2-3 boiled eggs, finely chopped.

Clean 8-10 carcasses, wash them, cut off the tails. Fill with rice and vegetable mixture and place on deco. Make ears and noses from tail trimmings, and use cloves or peppercorns to decorate the eyes. Lubricate the “pigs” with mayonnaise and bake for a quarter of an hour. Stuffed squid is a very beautiful and tasty dish.

Fried squid rings

This appetizer is a great option for gatherings with friends. It goes perfectly with beer or white wine. But the most important thing is that you will spend very little time and effort to prepare such a treat. Squids are tasty and easy to prepare, you just need to know some nuances.

Cut the carcasses into rings. Dip each ring first in flour, then in a raw egg, and then in crackers. Fry in hot oil for 1.5 minutes on each side. You can also use a deep fryer.


Do you know what Korean squid is? This snack is popular all over the world and is very easy to prepare.

Grate 100 g carrots and add salt sea ​​salt and let it sit. Cut the onion into half rings, fry in oil and cool. Cut boiled squid (600 g) into rings, mix with vegetables, add 40 ml soy sauce. If you like it spicy, flavor your food with a couple of rings hot pepper and a clove of garlic. The dish must be infused for at least 12 hours.

How to cook caviar

Some carcasses contain caviar, and even in fairly significant quantities. Don’t rush to treat your cat with it! Squid roe can be salted, like fish roe, or boiled and also added to the salad.

Not for the faint of heart: "Dancing Squid"

Have you ever been to Japan? If you are visiting for the first time, be careful in the local restaurants. For example, “Dancing squid” is a favorite dish of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, but it can shock an unaccustomed person. It's all about the squid stump (head, eyes and tentacles) placed on top of the dish. The cook pours sauce on it right in front of the guests, which is why the squid begins to “dance.” After the dances, pieces are simply cut off from the shellfish and eaten.

In fact, the squid is not alive during the “dance”; the tentacles move only thanks to chemical reactions. But not everyone likes this spectacle. Yes, and raw tentacles too.

Squids in children's and diet menus

Many mothers are concerned about the question of when to introduce their baby to healthy seafood. Nutritionists agree that although squid is an easily digestible product, it is advisable to introduce it into the diet after three years.

Squid's calorie content, properties, and high content of nutrients attract athletes. For those undergoing recruiting training muscle mass, this protein-rich product is simply irreplaceable.

Squids are also excellent for the diet of convalescent patients who have undergone operations, long courses of medication, or long-term illnesses. This product helps restore strength, renews blood, and fights toxins. And its wonderful taste cannot but please.

Squids are the largest and most mobile cephalopods. About 300 species of these animals are known in nature, among which there are amazing life forms. Their closest relatives are octopuses and cuttlefish. The hellish vampire squid, classified as a separate order, occupies a special systematic position. In fact, it is an intermediate form between squid and octopus.

Southern sepioteuthis squid (Sepioteuthis australis).

The general physique of squids is similar to octopuses and cuttlefish. Their internal organs placed in a cavity sac - the mantle. The large head is crowned in front by a bun of 8 arms. In addition, near the mouth there are two more hunting tentacles armed with powerful suckers; in some species the suckers turn into hooks.

A squid with outstretched arms and hunting tentacles.

Between the tentacles are beak-shaped jaws. The blood of these mollusks is blue. The excretory organs of squid produce ammonia, which gives their meat a specific smell. Like cuttlefish and octopuses, squids are highly intelligent; their brains are enclosed in a cartilaginous box - a kind of prototype of the skull. True, their chromatophores (pigmented skin cells) are very poorly developed, so squids cannot change body color and thus transmit signals to their relatives. But their intelligence is manifested in the ability to quickly process information, which is very important for such active animals. These mollusks have the thickest nerve fibers among all living creatures, their thickness (and therefore speed of action) nervous system) is 100 times the thickness of human nerves!

The eyes of squids are relatively large and are similar in structure to the eyes of vertebrates. They also have binocular vision, which allows them to focus their gaze on prey and determine the distance to it with great accuracy.

Squids differ from other cephalopods in their oblong-cylindrical body shape. They do not have membranes between the tentacles, but on the sides there are small diamond-shaped wings. In some species they can stretch almost the entire length of the body, and this makes squids similar to cuttlefish. Wings play a supporting role in swimming. The forward movement is carried out by pushing water out of a special siphon tube, thus creating a very powerful jet stream. Squids can turn the siphon in different directions and instantly change the direction of movement, reverse; moreover, if necessary, many species are able to jump out of the water and fly tens of meters above the waves.

Bartram's flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) glides above the waves with its tentacles and wings spread out.

The hellish vampire squid looks very unusual. This is the only species of these mollusks that has a real membrane between the tentacles. Because of this, it was first classified as an octopus, and only later did scientists discover signs of squid in this species. Now this species is classified as a special order and occupies an intermediate position between true squids and octopuses. This relict inhabitant of great depths received its unflattering name because of its bright red color and ability to phosphorescent in the dark; nothing else unites it with hell and especially vampires.

The hellish vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infrnalis) reaches a length of only 37 cm and has nothing demonic in its appearance.

Most squids are not very brightly colored; they are more often white, bluish, and pinkish in color. Their body is devoid of complex patterns, but many of them are able to glow in the dark in purple or blue. This glow is provided by special bacteria that live in the tissues of mollusks. The accumulation of many phosphorescent squids is a fabulous sight! The sizes of these animals also vary widely. Most species of squid are small, their length ranges from 25 cm to 1 m. But there are exceptions to this rule. The smallest species is the dwarf piglet squid, barely reaching a length of 10 cm, and the largest is the giant squid. The existence of these animals has been known since ancient times; the northern peoples have many legends describing the kraken - a monster with tentacles that attacks entire ships. Scientists for a long time The giant squid could not be found, so the kraken was declared a fiction. And only in the second half of the twentieth century, as a result of the development of the ocean, researchers began to come across, first, huge pieces of tentacles, and then the entire remains of colossal mollusks. Of course, they do not attack ships, but the size of the giant squid is amazing: it reaches 18 m in length, of which about 12 m are tentacles!

The pygmy piglet squid (Helicocranchia pfefferi) gets its name from its barrel-shaped body and tiny “snout”, which is actually a photophore.

Squids live exclusively in salty waters - from warm tropics to the Arctic regions. In the seas and oceans they have mastered all niches: some species live in the water column at a depth of 100-500 m, others prefer to stay close to the surface, others are found exclusively on great depths(up to 1500 m) and never see the sun. Deep-sea squid are often solitary, but small species that live near the surface live in schools. All types of squid are very mobile and spend their entire lives swimming; they do not have permanent habitats. Moreover, many species perform daily vertical migrations, rising to the surface of the water at night, as well as annual spawning migrations. In the latter case, in three months of travel, squids cover more than 3000 km, that is, on average they swim 30 km per day! It is not surprising that their migrations take place at cruising speed. Flying squids are especially mobile; many of their species can reach speeds of up to 70 km/h! The smallest species, on the contrary, are planktonic; instead of actively swimming, they drift with the current. This drift is provided by another amazing ability These animals are neutrally buoyant. In the body of planktonic squids there is a bladder filled with ammonium chloride (ammonia). This liquid is lighter than water, so the mollusks, even if motionless, do not drown.

The body of the Hawaiian short-tail squid (Euprymba scolopes) is colored with symbiotic luminescent bacteria (Vibrio fischeri).

Depending on the size of the squid itself, its prey can be both small planktonic organisms and relatively large animals: fish, pteropods, squid of other species, and even its own juveniles. Giant squid preys on big ones deep sea fish. Cases of attacks on sperm whales are often attributed to this mollusk, motivating this large size, however, this is not true, since even the largest squid weighs up to 800 kg, and a sperm whale weighs 30-50 tons. It is clear that even with long tentacles, the giant squid is not able to cope with such prey. Contrary to the tales of sailors, it also never attacks ships, since it lives at great depths. No one has ever seen a living, healthy giant squid; only dead or dying specimens have fallen into the hands of researchers. Squids catch their prey using tentacles (not to be confused with hands), and in some mollusks the tentacles can significantly lengthen and shorten. By casting this unique fishing rod, the squid is able to catch prey without approaching it closely. Fluorescence is also used to lure victims.

This is what phosphorescent squids look like in complete darkness.

Reproduction in squids usually occurs once a year in certain spawning areas with a favorable hydrological regime. During this period, the males wrap their arms around the female and present her with a spermatophore. The female places this packet of sperm next to her eggs and immediately hurries to the bottom. One female lays up to several dozen eggs, similar to elongated snow-white cans. Sometimes the female hides them in a shelter, sometimes attaches them to algae, and more often places them on a flat bottom. In places of mass squid spawning, many clutches form a continuous carpet, which sways fantastically under the influence of currents. The larvae of many squids at first are not very similar to their parents, but they grow very quickly and reach sexual maturity by 1-2 years.

Mating Tasmanian squid (Euprymna tasmanica).

Because squids are mass species animals, in the sea they are hunted by all and sundry. Small species are eaten by gulls, albatross, petrels, as well as larger squid. Dolphins hunt larger shellfish, and the largest and deep sea species are the main food of sperm whales. They use many tricks to protect themselves from enemies. Firstly, squids, like octopuses, have an ink sac containing a dark liquid, which they release in case of danger, disorienting the enemy. Secondly, fast-swimming species rely on speed, including flight, which saves them from many fish. Finally, in deep-sea species, photophores (luminescent organs) serve as deterrents. It turns out that squids are able not only to passively glow, but also to regulate the glow, suddenly flashing with bright lights. Moreover, the magic lamp squid is capable of releasing a luminous liquid: while the enemy wanders in the sparkling cloud, the squid quietly disappears from sight.

A newborn squid against the background of eggs, inside of which its fellow embryos are visible.

Squid are caught in large quantities in almost all fishing areas. Their meat is used in the cuisine of many countries; it is nutritious and tasty, cooks quickly and is easily digestible. The harvest of these animals must be regulated to avoid overfishing. Many deep-sea species are still little studied and are known from isolated specimens accidentally collected.

Squid are cephalopods that have 10 legs. They have been consumed as food for a huge amount of time. They loved squid in Rome and Greece. Today, there are approximately 200 species of squid, but mostly common squid are used as food, the length of which varies from 20 to 50 cm and the weight is about 300 g. This mollusk consists of a head, tentacles and a body (see photo).

On store shelves you can find fresh frozen, dried and canned squid.

How to select and store?

To get the benefits of eating squid and to make the dish prepared from this mollusk really tasty, you need to follow some tips when choosing:

  1. It is recommended to buy frozen squid. If you see the carcasses already defrosted, then know: during cooking they will become viscous and bitter, which means the dish will be spoiled. Please note that a properly frozen squid should contain no more than 8% of its mass in ice.
  2. Carcasses in briquettes should be easily separated from each other - this is a sign that they were not re-frozen. Typically, shellfish are delivered to stores in boxes containing 3 briquettes. Each of them contains approximately 11 kg of squid. To be sure of the quality, ask the seller to separate the carcasses from the briquette for you and do not choose those that are on the counter.
  3. Many people think that the quality of the shellfish depends on the color of the film, but this is not so. The size and color of the film depends on the habitat. The main thing is that the meat underneath is white.
  4. If you see squid fillets, it is better not to buy them, as they come from giant Peruvian squids. The thing is that the meat of these shellfish has a specific taste, which will require additional processing from you. In addition, such squids are re-frozen, which spoils their taste and appearance.
  5. It is also not recommended to buy already cleaned squid, since they have already been defrosted, and, as you already understand, this is a gross violation.
  6. As for squid rings, they are essentially waste from giant squid that have been frozen numerous times.
  7. When choosing, it is important that the carcasses are intact, without stains, any damage, etc. Also keep in mind that the smaller the carcass, the sweeter the shellfish meat will be.

A frozen carcass can be stored in the freezer for 4 months. If you have defrosted squid, then you should put them in a vacuum container, which, in turn, should be placed in the refrigerator. Storage time is 3 days. The cooked squid should be placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid and refrigerated, but not for more than a day.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of squid lie in the presence of various substances in it that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Thus, the meat of this mollusk contains easily digestible protein, especially important for those who lead active image life.

Squid contains: a large number of taurine, which has the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and normalize blood pressure. Regular consumption of squid can significantly reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Shellfish contain vitamin E and selenium - substances that help cleanse the body of heavy metal salts.

The product also contains a lot of iodine, which improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

With regular consumption of squid, the functioning of the digestive system improves. In combination with other products, it stimulates the production of gastric juice.

It was experimentally found that mollusks act like an anti-sclerotic agent, so they improve mental activity and memory.

Use in cooking

Squid is a popular culinary food item that can be used to make many different dishes. Shellfish can be processed in various ways: bake, fry, boil, pickle, dry, smoke, etc. They are also canned. Squids can be stuffed with various products, for example, cereals, dried fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. Squids are also added to salads, appetizers, first and second courses. Together with other seafood, they can be used as a topping for pizza and other baked goods.

How to cook delicious squid?

Squid is a product that requires special culinary processing so that the final dish from it turns out tasty and healthy. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the secrets that will allow you to cope with some of the problems that may arise during the preparation of these shellfish:

  1. First you need to defrost the carcasses. To do this, place them in the refrigerator and wait until they melt well. This will take a lot of time, but this way you can save maximum amount useful substances in shellfish meat.
  2. The next important step is to clean it yourself at home. You can also clean a frozen carcass; to do this, pour boiling water over it, which will cause the film to curl up and you can easily remove it. Thawed raw squid should be placed in hot water, but not in boiling water, for 3 minutes. This will make it easy to remove the skin yourself. Don't forget to remove the transparent plates that are inside the carcass.
  3. If you want to cook squid, you need to boil the water in advance and add spices to it. The carcasses should be lowered into already boiling water, then the pan should be closed with a lid and the heat should be turned off. In 10 minutes the squid will be ready.
  4. If you want to stew squid, you first need to fry the onions, carrots and garlic, and only 5 minutes before the end of cooking add the squid. Cooking must be done with the lid closed.
  5. If you want to fry squid, then you need to do it on high fire within 1 minute. Then turn off the heat and cover the pan with a lid.
  6. To marinate squid, you can use any option. The shellfish should be left to marinate for 2 hours.

The most important thing in heat treatment of squid is to carry it out as quickly as possible, long exposure high temperature makes the meat of this mollusk tough.

Harm of squid and contraindications

Squid can cause harm if you are individually intolerant to the product. It is worth considering that if the shellfish lived in a polluted environment, then their meat will be toxic and harmful to the body. It is recommended not to eat shellfish frequently or in large quantities. This can cause salt deposits, which in turn can cause swelling. Squids are contraindicated if available allergic reaction organism on them.
