New tanks - the confrontation is still the same. How many tanks does Russia have? Modern Russian tanks

Russia is betting on creating completely new armored vehicles, while its opponents are upgrading to the last minute models from thirty years ago

Submitted by general public At the Victory Parade in Moscow, the new Russian T-14 tank on the Armata tracked platform created a sensation among tankers around the world. The Russian novelty forced everyone to compare again and again combat capabilities armored vehicles that are in service around the world today. Although, in fact, there are not so many tanks to compare. Only four countries were and remain trendsetters in tank building and the main exporters: Russia, Great Britain, Germany and the USA. In addition to them, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, China, both Koreas, Pakistan, Poland, France and Japan produce their own tanks or put them on production lines. The vast majority of countries are content with acquiring more or less new developments from major tank-building powers or ordering the modernization of existing armored vehicles.

Seriously compare tanks that have never met each other in real battle, impossible and pointless. And if in reality, say, the Israeli Merkava Mk.4 met in single combat with, for example, the Chinese Type 99, then to a large extent the outcome of the battle would depend on the characteristics of the theater of operations, and on the training and experience of the crew, and from many other factors, which even veteran tankers cannot always take into account in advance. A simple comparison of tactical and technical characteristics does not make it possible to seriously talk about the advantages of one tank over others and vice versa.

Our current rating takes into account the only objective indicator: the year a particular tank was put into service. And, of course, a simple requirement was taken into account: the tanks included in this top 10 must be original designs. Taking into account all these indicators, we have selected ten of the most modern and powerful tanks in the world.

It is not surprising that the domestic T-14 Armata took first place on this list. On the one hand, there is simply no more modern tank in the world today that has already been presented to the public and entered military testing. On the other hand, in many formal indicators, the Armata is ahead of, or at least rises to, the same level as most other modern tanks, and in total it rightfully claims to be the most modern and powerful armored vehicle.

T-14 "Armata" (Russia)

Year of adoption: 2016 (plans)

Combat weight, t: up to 55

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125 (installation of a 152 mm gun is possible)

Gun type: smoothbore + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: 10–12

Machine gun caliber, mm: 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: up to 1500

Maximum speed, km/h: up to 75

Cruising range on the highway, km: up to 600

Tank T-14 "Armata". Photo: Sergey Fadeichev / TASS

The most fundamental difference between the Armata and all other modern tanks is the so-called capsule design: all three members of the T-14 crew are located in a special armored capsule inside the hull, that is, actually behind two spaced layers of armor. At the same time, the turret, which is also unique for modern tanks, remains uninhabited - all fire control is carried out using the combat information and control system. In addition, serial T-14s will be able to be equipped with a 152-mm smoothbore cannon - a missile launcher, which will make the Armata's fire advantage undeniable: no modern tank has a weapon of such caliber, power and range.

K2 "Black Panther" (South Korea)

Year of adoption: 2015 (plans)

Combat weight, t: 55

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: up to 10

Dynamic protection: yes

Specific power, hp/t: 27.3

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank K2 "Black Panther". Photo:

Experts call the K2 “Black Panther” tank the first independently developed South Korean tank. Its predecessor, the K1, was actually an American Abrams tank adapted to the conditions of the Korean Peninsula. Judging by the formal tactical and technical characteristics and demonstration shooting, the Korean new product claims to be one of the most modern tanks. The Black Panther, like most current tanks of NATO member countries and their allies, is armed with a well-proven, but already outdated 120-mm smoothbore gun of the Rheinmetall Rh-120 type. True, it is complemented by a modern and fast automatic loader, providing a high rate of fire. However, this same tank also holds a very dubious record for the highest cost of a combat vehicle: $8.5 million apiece. It is not surprising that at such a price, the South Korean army refused to completely replace the K1 fleet with K2 and ordered only 297 new vehicles.

Type 10 (Japan)

Year adopted: 2012

Combat weight, t: 44

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 28

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: no

Specific power, hp/t: 27.3

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank Type 10. Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi / AP

Closing the top three of our review is the new Japanese Type 10 tank - the third and last of the modern tanks with the highest specific engine power. Like the Armata and the Black Panther, it reaches 27.3 horsepower per ton of armored vehicle weight. True, the Japanese tank received such a thrust-to-weight ratio not due to engine power, but due to its lower mass: 44 tons versus 55 for its Russian and South Korean rivals. The Armata Type 10 is also inferior due to its main one - the same 120-mm German gun, mass production of which began in 1979.

"Arjun" Mk.I (India)

Combat weight, t: 58.5

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: rifled + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, rounds: 39

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: no

Engine power, hp: 1400

Specific power, hp/t: 23.9

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank "Arjun" Mk.I. Photo: M. Lakshman / AP

Like the South Korean K2, the Indian Arjun can be considered India's first independently developed tank. True, it took Indian engineers and technologists no less than 37 years to create a new product! During this time, many of the solutions incorporated in the Indian tank became outdated or were close to the point of obsolescence, and the need to constantly change the architecture and range of on-board equipment led to problems with unification. As a result, India adopted only 124 tanks of this modification.

Type 99A2 (China)

Year of adoption: 2011

Combat weight, t: 58

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 41

Rate of fire, rds/min: 7

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 450

Tank Type 99A2. Photo: website

The Chinese Type 99A2 (the most modern modification of the Type 99 tank, which entered service in 2001) is one of two tanks in this review, which can be called a completely independent national development with some stretch. This vehicle is based on the Soviet medium tank T-72, which has proven itself well throughout the world, although it received a completely new welded turret, enhanced protection - both armored and active, as well as much more modern filling. In particular, the Type 99A2 is equipped with an automatic loader, thanks to which the crew has been reduced to three people, and the rate of fire has increased to seven rounds per minute. In addition, unique equipment for tanks participating in this rating is the laser active countermeasures system installed on the Chinese vehicle, which is capable of literally blinding enemy equipment and soldiers.

BM "Oplot" (Ukraine)

Combat weight, t: 51

Crew, people: 3

Gun caliber, mm: 125

Ammunition, shots: 40

Rate of fire, rds/min: 8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 1 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1200

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 500

Tank BM "Oplot". Photo: website

Ukrainian fighting machine(this is how the abbreviation “BM” stands for) “Oplot” is the second “conditionally independent” participant in the current rating. The conditionality of its independence is given by the fact that, in essence, the Oplot BM is the fourth derivative of a modification of the Soviet T-80U tank, more precisely, its diesel version, produced at the Kharkov Malyshev plant. It is not surprising that this option was designed and embodied in metal in just three months and within six months it was adopted by the Ukrainian army. True, to date, the Ukrainian army has not received all 50 Oplot BMs ordered. But the contract with Thailand is being fulfilled much more successfully, which should receive 49 “Oplots”, 10 of which have already been delivered to this country. Thus, today the armed forces of the Kingdom of Thailand are the only army in the world where the Oplot combat vehicle is actually in service.

"Merkava" Mk.4M (Israel)

Year adopted: 2009

Combat weight, t: 65

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore + ATGM launcher

Ammunition, rounds: 48

Rate of fire, rds/min: 8–10

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7, installation of a 60-mm mortar is possible

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 23.5

Maximum speed, km/h: 70

Cruising range on the highway, km: 500

Tank "Merkava" Mk.4M Photo: Tsafrir Abayov / AR

Based on the totality of combat capabilities and experience in combat use, which only three out of ten participants in the current rating can boast of, the Israeli Merkava tank has more than once been recognized as one of the best, if not the best tank in the world over the past two to three decades. Indeed, in terms of the ratio of combat power, protection of the crew and the vehicle itself, as well as the Merkava’s armament fourth generation has some of the best indicators, but only for the Israeli theater of operations. The Merkava was never exported, and, according to many military experts, not only because the Israeli Defense Forces banned the sale of these vehicles abroad, but also because a tank designed specifically for Israeli conditions would significantly lose in efficiency outside the Middle Eastern theater. In particular, it has too much mass to move freely in wooded or swampy areas, and is not at all designed to overcome water obstacles.

Challenger 2 (UK)

Year of adoption: 2008 (beginning of large-scale modernization of vehicles in service)

Combat weight, t: 62.5

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: rifled

Ammunition, rounds: 52

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1200

Specific power, hp/t: 19.2

Maximum speed, km/h: 56

Cruising range on the highway, km: 400

Tank "Challenger 2". Photo: Joerg Sarbach/AP

The British Challenger 2 tank is the second armored vehicle in this rating that has real combat experience. True, very specific: English cars participated in the so-called peacekeeping operation in Kosovo and fought on the side of the anti-Iraq coalition during the NATO invasion of Iraq in 2003. According to experts, British tanks showed themselves well in battles; however, few of these experts specify that Challenger 2 had to fight with morally and physically obsolete Iraqi T-55 tanks created in the mid-50s! It is not surprising that the British emerged victorious in this confrontation. True, the Iraqi experience still showed that the Challenger 2, which was originally put into service in 1991, needs serious modernization, which was carried out in 2008 for three quarters of the tanks in service: they received new guns, new engines and transmissions (German instead of British), and also new system fire control. But even with these innovations, British tanks are still significantly inferior to foreign competitors created in the last decade.

"Leopard" 2A6M (Germany)

Year adopted: 2004

Combat weight, t: 59.9

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 44

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 25

Maximum speed, km/h: 72

Cruising range on the highway, km: 550

Tank "Leopard" 2A6M. Photo: website

The first tanks of the Leopard model entered service with the Bundeswehr in August 1963. The Leopard 2A6M tank included in the current rating is the sixth modification of the second generation of the legendary armored vehicle. Legendary because today it is in service with almost two dozen countries, and many of its components, primarily the 120-mm smoothbore gun, can be found in more or less modified versions on many foreign modern tanks. With all that, since the tank platform has not changed for several decades, each subsequent modification comes closer to the limit of the vehicle’s modernization capabilities. And some unchangeable features of the Leopard, such as the lack of an automatic loader, significantly reduce its combat capabilities.

Abrams M1A2 SEP (USA)

Year adopted: 2000

Combat weight, t: 63

Crew, people: 4

Gun caliber, mm: 120

Gun type: smoothbore

Ammunition, rounds: 42

Rate of fire, rds/min: 6–8

Machine gun caliber, mm: 2 x 7.62, 1 x 12.7

Dynamic protection: yes

Engine power, hp: 1500

Specific power, hp/t: 23.8

Maximum speed, km/h: 67

Cruising range on the highway, km: 425

Along with the German Leopard, the British Challenger and the Israeli Merkava, the American Abrams can easily be called one of the most famous tanks in the world. Which is not surprising: the first modification of this model was regularly upgraded, receiving more and more on-board systems, weapons and fire control systems, as well as active and passive protection. The reason for each new modernization was the participation of these tanks in one or another military action, but always outside the United States itself. The model that was included in the current rating received, first of all, new armor in the frontal part of the turret with uranium filler, as well as new digital fire control systems and... air conditioning. Currently, work is underway in the United States on the next reincarnation of the Abrams - the M1A3, which should become lighter and faster than its predecessors. The weight of the new model will be 55 tons, the gun will be highly accurate and long-range - American tank builders are clearly in the wake of their Russian colleagues.

The term “tank” in Ozhegov’s dictionary is explained as “an armored self-propelled combat vehicle with powerful weapons on a tracked track.” But such a definition is not a dogma; there is no unified tank standard in the world. Each manufacturing country creates and has created tanks taking into account its own needs, the characteristics of the proposed war, the manner of upcoming battles and its own production capabilities. The USSR was no exception in this regard.

History of the development of tanks of the USSR and Russia by model

History of invention

The primacy of the use of tanks belongs to the British; their use forced military leaders of all countries to reconsider the concept of warfare. The French's use of their light tank Renault FT17 defined the classic use of tanks for solving tactical problems, and the tank itself became the embodiment of the canons of tank building.

Although the laurels of first use did not go to the Russians, the invention of the tank itself, in its classical sense, belongs to our compatriots. In 1915 V.D. Mendeleev (the son of a famous scientist) sent a project for an armored self-propelled vehicle on two tracks with artillery weapons to technical department Russian army. But for unknown reasons further design work things didn't work out.

The idea itself of installing a steam engine on a caterpillar propulsion device was not new; it was first implemented in 1878 by Russian designer Fyodor Blinov. The invention was called: “A car with endless flights for transporting goods.” In this “car”, a track turning device was used for the first time. The invention of a caterpillar propulsion device, by the way, also belongs to the Russian staff captain D. Zagryazhsky. For which a corresponding patent was issued in 1937.

The world's first tracked combat vehicle is also Russian. In May 1915, tests of the armored vehicle D.I. took place near Riga. Porokhovshchikov called “All-terrain vehicle”. It had an armored body, one wide track and a machine gun in a rotating turret. The tests were considered very successful, but due to the approaching Germans, further tests had to be postponed, and after some time they were completely forgotten.

In the same year, 1915, tests were carried out on a machine designed by the head of the experimental laboratory of the military department, Captain Lebedenko. The 40-ton unit was an artillery carriage enlarged to gigantic proportions, driven by two Maybach engines from a downed airship. The front wheels had a diameter of 9 meters. According to the creators, a vehicle of this design should easily overcome ditches and trenches, but during testing it got stuck immediately after it started moving. Where I stood long years until it was cut into scrap metal.

First world Russia finished without my tanks. During the Civil War, tanks from other countries were used. During the battles, some of the tanks passed into the hands of the Red Army, on which the workers’ and peasants’ fighters entered the battle. In 1918, in a battle with French-Greek troops near the village of Berezovskaya, several Reno-FT tanks were captured. They were sent to Moscow to participate in the parade. Lenin’s fiery speech about the need to build our own tanks laid the foundation for Soviet tank building. We decided to release, or rather completely copy, 15 Reno-FT tanks called Tank M (small). On August 31, 1920, the first copy left the workshops of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Nizhny Tagil. This day is considered to be the birthday of Soviet tank building.

The young state understood that tanks were very important for waging war, especially since the enemies approaching the borders were already armed with this type of military equipment. The M tank was not put into production due to its particularly expensive production price, so another option was needed. According to the idea that existed in the Red Army at that time, the tank was supposed to support the infantry during an attack, that is, the speed of the tank should not be much higher than the infantry, the weight should allow it to break through the defense line, and the weapons should successfully suppress firing points. Choosing between our own developments and proposals to copy ready-made samples, we chose the option that allowed us to organize the production of tanks in the shortest possible time - copying.

In 1925, the tank was launched into mass production, its prototype was the Fiat-3000. Although not entirely successful, the MS-1 became the tank that laid the foundation for Soviet tank building. At his production site, production itself and the coherence of the work of different departments and factories were developed.

Until the early 30s, several of their own models T-19, T-20, T-24 were developed, but due to the lack of special advantages over the T-18, and due to their high cost of production, they did not go into series.

Tanks of the 30-40s - a disease of imitation

Participation in the conflict on the Chinese Federal Railway showed the inadequacy of the first generation tanks for the dynamic development of the battle; the tanks practically did not show themselves in any way; the cavalry did the main work. A faster and more reliable car was needed.

To select the next production model, we went the beaten path and purchased samples abroad. The English Vickers Mk - 6 tons was mass-produced in our country as the T-26, and the Carden-Loyd Mk VI wedge was produced as the T-27.

The T-27, which at first was so tempting to produce due to its low cost, was not produced for long. In 1933, wedge heels were adopted for the army
amphibious tank T-37A, with weapons in a rotating turret, and in 1936 - T-38. In 1940, they created a similar amphibious T-40; the USSR did not produce more amphibious tanks until the 50s.

Another sample was purchased in the USA. Based on the model of J.W. Christie, a whole series of high-speed tanks (BT) was built; their main difference was the combination of two propellers, wheeled and tracked. To move when marching, BTs used wheels; when fighting, they used caterpillars. Such a forced measure was necessary due to the poor operational capabilities of the tracks, only 1000 km.

BT tanks, developing quite high speeds on the roads, fully suited the changed military concept of the Red Army: breaking through the defense and quickly deploying a deep attack through the resulting gap. The three-turreted T-28 was developed directly for the breakthrough, the prototype of which was the English Vickers 16-ton. Another breakthrough tank was supposed to be the T-35, similar to the English five-turret heavy tank “Independent”.

During the pre-war decade, a lot was created interesting designs tanks that did not go into production. For example, based on the T-26
semi-closed self-propelled gun AT-1 ( artillery tank). During the Second World War, they will again remember these cars without a cabin roof.

Tanks of the Second World War

Participation in civil war in Spain and in the battles at Khalkhin Gol showed how high the explosion hazard of a gasoline engine is and the inadequacy of bulletproof armor against the then nascent anti-tank artillery. The implementation of solutions to these problems allowed our designers, who had suffered from the disease of imitation, to create for real on the eve of the Second World War good tanks and KV.

In the first days of the war, a catastrophically large number of tanks were lost; it took time to establish production of the uncompetitive T-34 and KV at the only evacuated factories, and the front desperately needed tanks. The government decided to fill this niche with cheap and fast-to-produce light tanks T-60 and T-70. Naturally, the vulnerability of such tanks is very high, but they gave time to expand the production of Victory tanks. The Germans called them “indestructible locusts.”

In battle under the railway. Art. Prokhorovka was the first time that tanks acted as “cementers” of the defense; before that they were used exclusively as attack weapons. Basically, up to today, there were no more new ideas for using tanks.

Speaking about WWII tanks, it is impossible not to mention tank destroyers (SU-76, SU-122, etc.) or “self-propelled guns” as they were called in the troops. The relatively small rotating turret did not allow the use of some powerful guns and, most importantly, howitzers on tanks; for this purpose, they were installed on the bases of existing tanks without the use of turrets. In fact, Soviet tank destroyers during the war, except for weapons, were no different from their prototypes, unlike the same German ones.

Armored vehicles still play one of the critical roles on the battlefield, which is why the Russian military-industrial complex (DIC) is working to update the existing fleet and create new tanks and armored personnel carriers. The promising T-14 tank and the T-15 combat vehicle on the heavy Armata tracked platform are currently being tested in Russia and are being prepared for adoption new tank T-90M, and new contracts are being concluded for the modernization of the “workhorses” - T-72B and T-80BV, the potential of which allows these machines to be used for a very long time.

About when the T-90M will be put into service, whether the Ministry of Defense will purchase modernized T-80BV, when the contract for the supply of Terminator tank support combat vehicles to the troops will be completed and when mass production of the Armata and Coalition-SV will begin TASS told in the research and production corporation "Uralvagonzavod" (UVZ).


At the international military-technical forum "Army-2017" it was announced that a contract had been signed between UVZ and the Ministry of Defense for the supply of a new modification of the T-90 tank - T-90M (Proryv-3). TASS Corporation said that there are actually several contracts.

“They provide for the production and delivery of both new T-90M tanks and the modernization of the existing fleet of T-90s previously produced by Uralvagonzavod to the T-90M type. Production is ready for the production of these products,” UVZ said.

They clarified that the tank is now being tested in accordance with the schedule approved by the Ministry of Defense. “An interdepartmental commission has been created. The main measures have been completed. In the coming months, we will be able to say that the T-90M will be put into service. The first batch of T-90M tanks, in military terms, will be brought to the full strength of a tank battalion. In total, the state armament program provides for the purchase of these tanks for the entire period of its operation in volumes determined by the customer,” the corporation noted.

Advantages of the new tank

More than 20 years have passed since the T-90 tank was put into service. “During this period, enormous changes have been made, and if you look at the T-90M, it is a completely different vehicle that meets modern requirements in terms of firepower, security and survivability, mobility, as well as command control,” noted UVZ.

As for the main differences, these include primarily the new combat turret module, which, in combination with powerful complex weapons and an automated fire control system have significantly increased the combat capabilities of the tank, and the weapon can now be used at any time of the day. In addition, maximum efficiency in using the tank's weapons has been achieved by installing a target tracking machine in the thermal imaging channel of the sight, as well as by equalizing the search capabilities of the gunner and commander, which makes it possible to organize a highly effective "hunter-gunner" mode in the fire control system. The car, among other things, received new level security.

It has a new modular dynamic protection, which allows you to increase the level of protection when exposed to modern weapons and has higher maintainability. Electromagnetic protection system provides protection against mines equipped with magnetometric fuses

UVZ Corporation

They also reported that the new 125-mm tank gun is capable of using all modern types ammunition, and a remote machine gun mount stabilized in two planes allows the commander, while inside the tank, to conduct effective fire from a place and on the move, regardless of the main weapon.

T-80BVM and its prospects

At the Army-2017 forum, UVZ and the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the overhaul and deep modernization of T-80 tanks. The corporation said that “the tests are planned to be completed in early 2018.”

They noted that during the modernization of the T-80BVM, the main fighting qualities, such as firepower, security, mobility, as well as command controllability, as a result of which the tank began to meet modern requirements in all basic parameters.

In terms of its characteristics, the vehicle will be comparable to the T-72B3 tank. The state contract for the modernization of T-80BV tanks to the T-80BVM type was concluded in 2017 and is long-term. The volume of the first batch is up to two tank battalions

UVZ Corporation

Russian "Terminator"

In addition to contracts for the modernization and supply of tanks at Army 2017, an agreement was also signed for the supply of Terminator tank support combat vehicles (BMPT).

As UVZ reported, this contract is already being implemented and “is of a long-term nature.” “We plan to deliver the first batch of BMPTs to the military in March-April of this year. The entire contract will end at the beginning of 2019. The scope of delivery is confidential, but in general it ensures the organization of experimental military operation of these products,” the corporation said.

Implementation of the State Defense Order and plans for 2018

In 2017, the corporation's enterprises closed all their obligations on key products for the Ministry of Defense. “These included T-72B3 and T-80BV tanks with improved combat characteristics, modernized 2S19M2 self-propelled artillery mounts, 2S4 Tulip self-propelled mortars, DT-10PM two-link tracked transporters and other weapons,” UVZ said.

In total, according to the corporation, the holding's enterprises handed over to the Ministry of Defense more than a thousand new and modernized weapons and military equipment(BBST). Was held service maintenance and repair in the troops of more than two thousand models of military equipment.

UVZ also reported that long-term contracts with the Ministry of Defense allow loading production capacity and systematically carry out technical and technological development production. “Including, on an initiative basis, at the expense of our own investments, to carry out several promising developments at once. For example, a fire support combat vehicle and an armored personnel carrier based on the T-72 tank, a two-link tracked transporter-tractor of the light category DT-3PM, a modernized infantry fighting vehicle BMP-3 with a 57-mm combat module and a modernized BTR-80 armored personnel carrier, robotic systems,” the corporation said.

In 2018, UVZ plans to put into production and arrange supplies to the troops of the modern modernized T-90M Proryv-3 tank, BMPT and T-80BV tank with improved combat characteristics, as well as the modernized BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicle with a 30-mm combat module.

They also said that work on creating advanced weapons. These are three Armata products on a heavy unified combat platform and three products of the Coalition-SV interspecific artillery complex.

“A serious direction will be the creation of weapons and equipment for Arctic brigades. First of all, this is the development and mass production of products based on “snow and swamp” two-link transporters of tractors of various weights - from three to 30 tons. On their basis, together with other Russian enterprises, we need to create machines for the placement of artillery complexes and systems air defense in the interests of various branches and types of troops,” the corporation concluded.

Prepared Alexey Panshin

Evaluating, comparing and then stating which tank is the best today is a thankless and incorrect task. These armored monsters, despite the obvious progress in the development of anti-tank weapons, continue to be kings on the battlefield. It is impossible not to find armored units in any army in the world. In the era of total dominance of aviation and missile technology, not a single modern army can do without tanks, since this combat vehicle is the main weapon of the ground forces. You can achieve air superiority, bomb missile strike the enemy's main infrastructure and defense units, but the ground operation was and remains the key factor in achieving success.

In this aspect, it is tanks and infantry that continue to be the decisive tools with which final victory can be achieved. Neither front-line aviation nor artillery can independently ensure victory. The entire main combat load directly related to the destruction of the enemy on land falls on the shoulders of armored and infantry units. How effectively the tank and infantry interact on the battlefield, how well trained the crews of armored vehicles are, and what the technical equipment of the tank is depends on final result. This can be either a severe defeat or a rapid and stunning success.

This was the case during the Second World War. Tanks were used in a similar way during the Korean War and on the fronts of the Arab-Israeli conflicts that periodically flared up in the Middle East. During these events, tanks were used en masse and large quantities. Modern military conflicts - Operation Desert Storm, the Chechen campaign in Russia and the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine have clearly shown that tanks continue to be the most important argument on the battlefield.

What is a modern tank like?

The new tanks, which are currently in service with a number of countries, are the same heavy vehicles clad in armor, made according to the traditional design. The design still retains the traditional layout for this type of weapon - powerful armor, high maneuverability and overwhelming firepower. Technological limitations do not allow us to come up with something new to make an armored vehicle more effective and invincible on the battlefield. Weight restrictions do not allow increasing the thickness of the armor. Installing additional types of weapons on the tank will make the entire structure heavier.

According to military officials and experts, tanks in modern combat last no more than 10-15 minutes. Investing huge amounts of money in creating a vehicle that can be lost at the beginning of a battle is neither cost-effective nor rational. Based on this, current designs are trying to improve the main components and elements of vehicles, increasing the firepower of the tank, improving its navigation characteristics and means of protection. The results of military conflicts, the tactics of using armored units, the development of other branches of the military and the emergence of advanced weapons left their mark on the design of the combat vehicle.

Today, the main emphasis when creating tanks is on strengthening the armor, improving sighting devices and for equipping equipment using the latest means communications. How successful this work is can only be shown by the use of new vehicles in a combat situation. Everything else, a comparison of the tactical and technical characteristics of vehicles produced in the USA, Russia, Germany and Ukraine is mere theory. However, despite this, against the backdrop of the ongoing arms race, it is customary to compare vehicles in service with armies different countries. For this purpose, ratings are regularly held, a kind of TOP of the best vehicles, in which new generation tanks participate. Based on the results of such ratings, it is possible to analyze the development of the tank building field in modern conditions and obtain a real picture of tank power today.

Competition for a prize. Whose tanks can be considered the best?

A little over 100 years have passed since the first appearance of the tank on the battlefield. For a long time, world tank building was divided between three main centers: the Soviet design school, the American and the European. For a long time, both in Europe and the United States, tanks were treated as a means of accompanying infantry. Only in Germany and the Soviet Union were armored units considered strike formations. Second World War made its own adjustments not only to the political structure of the world, but also identified the two most important players in the world tank building - the USSR and the USA. In these countries, the tank industry developed more dynamically and consistently.

Over the next 20-30 years, Soviet and American designers were trendsetters in the tank building industry. The result of such healthy competition was the emergence of best-in-class machines in both countries, which determined the future development of the entire industry. Soviet T-55, T-64 and T-72 became the most popular vehicles in post-war history. Their American counterparts did not lag behind them - the M24 Chaffee, M26 Pershing and M60 tanks, which for many years became the main opponents of Soviet-style armored vehicles. Over time, models created in England and Germany joined this cohort of cars. In the 70s, the British had the MkV Chieftain tank, and the Germans managed to surprise the world again by releasing their first post-war tank, the Leopard.

For the most part, all the cars were similar in one way or another, differing in some design elements. Soviet tanks were considered more powerful in armament and had better maneuverability, Western models carried powerful armor and were distinguished by better operational and technical indicators. A striking example of the achievements of the Soviet tank school is the development of Russian designers who created the new Russian tank “Armata”. With its appearance, the vehicle should overturn the classic idea of ​​a tank as we are accustomed to seeing it. The main mass production should begin in 2018.

All other manufacturing countries are trying to copy existing models, taking the best from them. The same British and French achieved noticeable success in this field. The Germans, as usual, managed to create armored vehicles that in many aspects are superior to all existing analogues. The Israelis and Japanese did not sit idly by.

By the mid-80s of the 20th century, the outlines of 10-15 countries were clearly outlined on the arms market, which lay claim to one degree or another for the right to be called tank powers. New technology in most cases, it meets the trends of the times and is no longer simple copies of the best American or Soviet combat vehicles. Each country is trying to independently create a new medium or, as it is now commonly called, main tank, modern and combat-ready. In this regard, the competition that has unfolded between countries resembles a race naval weapons, which swept the world with the advent of dreadnoughts.

The former Soviet and American tank building school continues to be the best

With camber Soviet Union the situation on Tank Olympus has not changed fundamentally. As before, the leading positions are occupied by Russia, the USA, Germany, Great Britain and France. The Russian Federation, as the legal successor of the USSR, with its strongest traditions in tank building and powerful tank factories in the Urals, continues to create competitive equipment.

In Russia, they did not reinvent the wheel, but simply took and carried out a deep modernization of the best brainchild of the Soviet tank industry - the T-72 tank. On the basis of this vehicle, an almost new T-90 tank appeared in the mid-90s. Despite external resemblance Like its predecessor, the new Russian tank represents a fundamentally new approach to creating an armored fighting vehicle. Russian designers have relied on improving the command module. The T-90 has a different turret, which is equipped with additional active and passive protection systems. The bet was made on the turret of the Russian vehicle being able to withstand hits from tank shells of all foreign models known to date. In the Russian army, the T-90 “Vladimir” tank was put into service in 1992. As of 2017, there are 350 tanks of this modification in combat units of the ground forces, and about 200 more vehicles are in storage.

Basic performance characteristics almost similar to those possessed by the T-72 tank:

  • combat weight 47 tons;
  • the main weapon is a 125 mm smoothbore gun;
  • 1000 l/s engine;
  • highway speed 65 km/h;
  • The crew of the car is 3 people.

As can be seen from the given parameters, the Russian car has retained the traditional and classic design. The tank is a fast armored platform, well armed and protected. The presence of modern optics and electronics ensures the machine’s effective use at night and in poor visibility conditions. The car cost the Russian military budget $4 million. The bulk of the cars produced were exported. The largest buyers of Russian cars are India and Algeria.

A car created in Ukraine can be called a continuator of Soviet traditions. In Kharkov at the tank plant named after. Malyshev, in the design bureau that once created the legendary “thirty-four”, developed the armored combat vehicle BM “Oplot” - the new tank of Ukraine. In fact, this is the same concept in action as in the case of the Russian T-90. Only Ukrainian tank builders took as a basis a version of the T-80 project: a vehicle produced by Kharkovites last years existence of the Soviet Union. As a result of major changes to the design, a practically new armored vehicle was born, fast, powerful and well equipped with both electronics and weapons.

The Ukrainian car turned out to be a universal mobile platform. The tank has a powerful 1200 horsepower diesel engine. The mass of the combat vehicle is 51 tons. In terms of engine power, the Ukrainian car has the highest specific power. The main performance characteristics of the Oplot BM are as follows:

  • armament 125 mm smoothbore gun;
  • combined type armor, with active and passive protection;
  • travel speed 70 km/h on the highway and 45 km/h over rough terrain;
  • Power reserve 500 km.

The vehicle is controlled by a crew of 3 people. The cost of the BM Oplot tank is 4.8 million US dollars. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with only 10 vehicles, which were produced from the first experimental batch. The main production is carried out to order for delivery to Thailand. In total, under the terms of the contract, Ukraine must supply 49 combat vehicles.

There is no need to describe the advantages here German tanks"Leopard 2", British "Challenger 2" vehicles, Israeli "Merkava" tanks and a South Korean vehicle. These vehicles have approximately similar tactical and technical characteristics to Russian and Ukrainian designs. In many ways, these countries repeated in their products technical specifications the best combat vehicle to date. The main battle tank, which today can boast of vast combat experience, remains the American M1 Abrams tank. This vehicle, created back in the mid-70s and entered service with the US Army in 1981, became the most popular and best-selling tank in the world.

In total, over the years, more than 10 thousand cars were produced, of which only the lion's share was made from foreign deliveries. Today, M1 Abrams tanks and its modifications are in service with the armies of Egypt and Australia. American tanks are used by the armies of Iraq, Kuwait and Morocco. In addition, one should not discount the fact that the American is a machine that has repeatedly taken part in hostilities.

Maneuverable, powerful and efficient tanks are a reliable basis for the Armed Forces of any country. The constant arms race, going on behind the scenes between the leading countries of the world, obliges designers to create improved models of combat vehicles. The best tanks of our time are vehicles, each of which has unique functions and capabilities.

Challenger 2, UK

Challenger 2, unlike other modern combat vehicles, is equipped with a rifled gun with a diameter of 120 mm. Internal threading allows you to effectively hit objects at a distance of over 5 kilometers. Challenger 2 is the record holder for the longest range of tank battles.

This tank is the most protected in the world. Special armor, which is based on the classified Dorchester armor, consisting of an alloy of steel, Kevlar, and ceramics. This connection reduces the power of impacts from incoming projectiles. It is capable of effectively countering direct-fire weapons. However, reliable armor made it significantly heavier. Challenger. Combined with a relatively low-power engine, this made the tank slow and clumsy.

The built-in combat information system and computer fire control help in difficult conditions.

These tanks performed well in the Iraq War (2003). In the Battle of Basra, an armored brigade took part in the advance on the city. Later, combat vehicles entered into battle with Iraqi tanks. It was the biggest tank battle Since the Second World War, the British were able to destroy 15 enemy vehicles without losing a single tank.

During the entire existence of Challenger 2, its armor was damaged only once - as a result of an erroneous hit by exactly the same tank.

T-90 (“Vladimir”), Russia

The main battle tank of Russia. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was the best-selling product, having the best price-quality ratio.

A unique feature of the Russian combat vehicle is the Kalina fire control system, which is superior to its analogues in many respects. It allows you to hit enemy targets that are in motion with the first shot, even in unfavorable weather conditions.

The 22-round machine gun is capable of firing up to 9 shots per minute. At the same time, it can fire anti-tank guided missiles.

The special design allows the T-90 to overcome water obstacles up to 5 meters deep. Based on the results of many tests, including indicators such as shooting accuracy, maneuverability, and wear resistance, this tank occupies a leading position, leaving behind the famous tanks of other powers.

There are suggestions that in 1995 several T-90 combat units took part in Chechen war, however, this has not been documented. Russian tanks took part in the fighting in Ukraine, acting on the side of the militias, and were used in the liquidation of the Ilovaisk cauldron and in the assault on the security forces near Lugansk. T-90s as part of the Syrian army took part in recent military operations in Syria.

Type 10, Japan

Japan's newest combat vehicle. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is equipped with innovative mechanisms for electronic and computer combat systems - an automatic charging system and a panoramic view.

Automatic continuously variable transmission allows you to develop maximum speed when moving in both directions. Type 10 has a hydropneumatic suspension that allows you to change the ground clearance and degree of inclination of the body. This improves cross-country ability and increases the vertical guidance range of the gun. The reduced ground clearance makes it possible to lower the tank to the bottom, making it less noticeable.

The crew is housed in a special compartment covered with more durable nanocrystalline steel.

M1 Abrams, USA

One of the few tanks with a weapon protection system mass destruction. In the case of nuclear or chemical attack the system feeds the crew fresh air and blocks the entry of poisons and dust into the fighting compartment.

Abrams is equipped with chemical and radiation reconnaissance instruments and is equipped with an innovative fire control system. The vehicle is reinforced with uranium armor and has the latest guns. Over the 35-year history of this tank, there have been no recorded cases of complete destruction of the crew, which indicates its excellent security.

The M1 Abrams is equipped with advanced thermal sensors and navigation surveillance systems. The gas turbine engine has excellent performance, but is difficult to maintain and requires a lot of fuel.

One of the main advantages of this combat vehicle is the ability remote control weapons.

Abrams received their first battle experience in 1991 during hostilities in the Persian Gulf. Thanks to technical superiority American tanks successfully destroyed Iraqi vehicles.

M1 Abrams also took part in the seven-year war in Iraq. In the battles, the Americans suffered significant losses - out of 1,200 combat vehicles, 800 were damaged varying degrees gravity.

Merkava, Israel

A distinctive feature of this tank is the front location of the engine and transmission compartment, which provides additional protection for the crew. Another feature of the combat vehicle is the rear compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops. This adds versatility to the tank and the ability to vary actions in accordance with the combat situation.

Merkava was the first to use an active protection system that effectively shoots down missiles and shells approaching the tank.

It is perfectly protected - the modular armor can be quickly replaced. Special attention paid attention to camouflage - so that the tank was not noticeable on the battlefield, the designers changed the shade of the exhaust gases. The defense system is capable of informing about threats and neutralizing missiles.

The new projectile guidance system is especially effective against low-flying helicopters.

Leopard 2, Germany

It has an advanced fire control system that allows you to effectively hit moving targets while in continuous motion.
Overlay armor protects against mines, landmines, missiles, and cluster munitions.

Leopard has a special installation that ensures the functioning of all electronic systems without turning on the main engine. The tank is equipped with one of best modifications cannons and two machine guns, which, thanks to a laser rangefinder system, can hit targets at a distance of up to 5 kilometers.

The advantages of Leopard 2 are provided by an information interaction system, improved daytime and thermal imaging sights, dynamic protection, and an attack information system. Excellent performance in combat mode.

Several other models of combat vehicles also have excellent efficiency and maneuverability.

K2 Black Panther, South Korea:

It has innovative tracking systems and fires about 10 rounds per minute. Protected by composite and reactive armor, has active and passive protection. Guidance systems automatically identify the target and launch projectiles.
