PTO department. Production and technical department: its purpose and functions

There are many unknowns in a manufacturing or construction environment. to an ordinary person definitions and abbreviations. One of these is VET. What does this mean and what do specialists in this field do? This will be discussed further.

What is PTO?

In a production environment, it is impossible to do without special lifting and transport equipment (this is PTO). Using various devices, transportation, unloading and loading of all necessary materials and elements. Similar mechanisms are used almost everywhere: in factories, in construction, during transportation, etc. There are many classifications of the equipment in question. What is VET and what does it include? It is worth highlighting, perhaps, lifting machines, floor transport, suspended equipment, rail devices and much more. Of course, all of the above equipment must be managed by someone. There is a special profession of VET engineer, which will be discussed further.

Who is a VET engineer?

The question of what PTO is has been answered. Now you need to find out everything about the specialists in this field. What is all the work required in the area in question? VET is a very broad environment, and therefore there can be many specialists here. But the most common profession is an engineer. This employee deals mainly with various technical documentation, estimates, reports, etc. The specialist in question is responsible for all the information about the operation of the equipment, necessary repairs, existing malfunctions, etc.

Of course, the number of responsibilities of an employee depends on the level of qualifications and the available rank. However, almost every engineer is required to test equipment, put certain devices into operation, be responsible for workplace safety, etc. An employee is also capable of independently developing various devices. In this case, he must test his own inventions for effectiveness and issue a special patent.

Professional categories

There are several types of categories and ranks in the profession of VET engineer. It is worth starting with the third, initial category. This level of qualification includes workers with higher technical education, but without the proper professional experience and length of service. A specialist of the third category is assigned the corresponding functions.

The second category is a little more difficult to read. Thus, the employee must have at least 3 years of experience and a mark of advanced training. Depending on the enterprise or organization where the specialist works, corresponding responsibilities will be assigned.

The first category is considered the highest and most prestigious. A specialist with a similar level of qualification must have certain knowledge and skills. Don't forget about the great responsibility. As a rule, the first category includes either the head of the technical department or leading specialists.

Where can I work?

There are many areas where a TVET specialist can work. What exactly does this include? Where can a person who has received an appropriate technical education carry out his labor activity?
Here's what you can highlight:

  • Construction organizations. Construction is probably the most widespread field today. Today it is not so difficult to get a job various kinds OJSC or LLC; PTO and its mechanisms are available at almost any construction site.
  • Transport organizations. Here we can cite as an example transport ships, the existence of which is simply impossible without lifting devices.
  • Civil industry. Various types of mining enterprises, ordinary factories, industrial centers and much more - there are many organizations of this kind in the CIS countries.
  • Water supply and sanitation organizations.
  • Hydraulic stations.
  • Heating and ventilation stations and much more.

Thus, a person who wants to work with lifting equipment will find virtually no problems getting a job.

Responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer

It is worth talking about what the workers in question do, what functions and responsibilities they perform.
VET includes many specialists different classes, however, further we will talk specifically about engineers.

Regardless of skill level and categories, the following main functions of workers can be distinguished:

  • monitoring and technical supervision of construction and installation works;
  • checking all existing technical elements and devices for compliance with standards;
  • changing design decisions, their coordination with management;
  • carrying out repair work on existing equipment;
  • commissioning of certain devices;
  • keeping a log book;
  • preparation of estimate documentation;
  • detecting problems, reporting to management about shortcomings identified during the work process;
  • compliance with health and safety regulations and much more.

Thus, the question of what VET is and what specialists in this field do is best answered by a list of the employee’s job responsibilities.

Rights and responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer

Every officially employed person is entitled to a number of professional rights. Are not in in this case with the exception of the specialists in question. What rights are given to an engineer, leading specialist or head of a technical department? Here's what we can highlight here:

  • the right to give subordinates orders and tasks;
  • the right to control the implementation of orders and tasks;
  • ability to request from management all documents necessary for work;
  • the right to submit various kinds of ideas, plans or proposals for improving the organization’s activities to management for consideration;
  • the right to social guarantees and timely payments;
  • the right to demand from management the conditions necessary for comfortable and optimal performance of activities.

What is the employee responsible for? This includes failure to fulfill one’s official duties or performing them incorrectly, violations of routine rules, being intoxicated at the workplace and other disciplinary offenses.

The creation, construction and operation of various objects in the construction, energy, road industries, and in the housing and communal services system require a competent and responsible approach from a number of specialists, one of whom is a technical equipment engineer.

It is on his coordinated actions in the technical, design, financial and organizational spheres that many production, technological and business processes, as well as the uninterrupted functioning of the most complex mechanisms, will depend. The specialist carries out all professional actions in accordance with the document “Job Description of VET Engineer”.

Who is a VET engineer?

Common abbreviation PTO stands for as a “production and technical department”, which is included as a division in industrial, energy enterprises, construction and installation companies, housing and communal services organizations. The central figure in the department is a specialist called “engineer of the production and technical department (PTO)” or spoken language"estimator".

To qualify as a VET engineer there are quite serious requirements, since controlled areas of work are important for ensuring the livelihoods of the population as a whole. Production and technical department engineer must have higher or secondary specialized technical education in a specific technical profile. It is acceptable to start a career without work experience, but to control serious objects you will need specialized specialization and at least three years of work experience in the chosen field.

The main thing is knowledge of the specifics of work in a particular area, since the price of even small errors in a project or during the execution of work is extremely high.

About the profession of an engineer, watch the following video:

Employee must have both general and specialized knowledge.

Are common relate to the basics of labor legislation and legal norms in various production areas, the structural organization of enterprises and the flow of basic production processes, labor protection rules, industrial and fire safety.

TO specific include: norms and rules for conducting work at various sites and sites, drawing up and adjusting technical, economic and design and estimate documentation, methods of assessing and quality control, as well as knowledge of the conditions for delivery of finished objects to customers.

It is desirable to know some computer programs, having a driver's license and having the skills to drive a car.

In his activities, this specialist guided by current laws and the company’s charter, is well acquainted with the orders, instructions and regulatory and technical documentation of the organization. He is subordinate directly to the head of the structural unit, whereas, according to the instructions, he can be appointed to the position by CEO, and the chief engineer, and the head of the department.

This type of work presupposes the presence and development qualities such as attentiveness, responsibility, diligence, the ability to plan work processes, as well as communication skills, initiative and the desire for self-learning. An engineer often has to travel to business trips according to production specifications.

Purpose and objectives of the profession

Main goal The work of an engineer - a specialist in the production and technical department of any industry will be to ensure the normal functioning of the main technological processes in the field of production and construction.

For this it is necessary perform the following tasks:

  • knowledge of methodological and regulatory documents governing a specific area of ​​activity;
  • control over all areas of production in the fields of construction, energy, housing and communal services;
  • interaction with specialists both within the company and outside it (customers of work, design institutes and subcontractors);
  • work with design, executive and reporting, financial and technical documentation;
  • ability to act in non-standard situations, analyze and eliminate possible errors in the performance of work.

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The employees of the technical and technical department are in charge of various construction and production facilities, both those under construction and those already in operation. The responsibilities of each specialist are clearly defined and specified in their job description. They are determined by the specifics of the corresponding production sector and may vary. The types of controlled objects, the structure of the company, and areas of responsibility matter.

All types job descriptions characterize a VET engineer as a specialist in a certain field of work.

List it generally obligatory actions the workplace looks like this:

Features of work in various production areas

This position in a construction organization requires a higher construction education and work experience of at least one year, and for complex objects up to three years.

Fulfilling the main responsibilities of an engineer in the production and technical department of this area involves comprehensive control over the implementation of construction and installation work. The specialist prepares and checks design documents, schedules and production plans, calculation and estimate documentation, as well as compliance of the work performed with approved norms and rules. In this industry, established interaction with customers, subcontractors, and design organizations is especially important.

Increased attention is paid acceptance objects and construction and installation works.

The work of a design engineer in the construction industry is discussed in the following video:

When selecting candidates for production and technical department engineers in the energy industry Preference is given to those who already have experience in the relevant field. The specialist is required to have a higher or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least three and five years, respectively.

Energy Engineer performs duties related to the control of electrical equipment, thermal and energy systems. The specialist must know the specifics of working with electrical equipment and its types, the rules for working with electrical circuits, and the skills of installing electrical equipment. The key responsibility here will be to ensure the work and correct operation, repair and modernization of equipment in the field of electric power, electrical and heating networks.

VET engineer in the housing and communal services system required to have secondary special education or higher education technical profile, as well as work experience of at least one year.

Specialist performs quite a wide range of responsibilities, since his area of ​​responsibility includes both commissioned residential and non-residential buildings, communications, and new construction sites. He is responsible for the operation of heating networks and the operation of housing facilities that are on the balance sheet of the housing and communal services enterprise. This specialist is a member of the commissions that analyze technical condition objects, interacts with specialists from design, supervisory, heat supply and other organizations, carries out certification of objects and controls the database of general house metering devices.

VET engineer in the field of road construction must have professional education in the field of construction and operation of roads and work experience in the specialty of at least one year. He is required to know regulatory and technical literature, the fundamentals of technology and production, legislation in the field of road construction, methods of quality control and acceptance of work.

Additionally skills may come in handy driving a car, knowledge of MS Office and Auto Cad programs.

The responsibilities of an engineer include developing projects, technological maps And technological schemes, their adjustment and coordination, maintaining various documentation, checking the implementation of construction and installation work, compliance of their cost with volume and quality. The area of ​​responsibility also includes checking the primary documentation of transport service providers. The most important task is to develop work schedules together with construction site managers, technical department employees, and project managers.

Construction work is a complex process, which is accompanied by the preparation of related documentation. Such documents include projects for the future facility, contracts for the supply of raw materials and Supplies and other acts. There are special schedules for construction work, which indicate the amount of energy and labor resources. In this article, we propose to consider the question of what the production and technical department (PTO) does.

PTO is a commonly used abbreviation that stands for production and technical department

What is PTO

The main task of the production and technical department is to prepare for the various stages of construction work. According to experts, this department is a fundamental structural unit of companies operating in the construction industry. The task of the employees of this division is to process primary information about the implementation of the project A. This means that PTO employees accept design documents from the customer, study the estimate and issue a permit to begin construction. These tasks are performed at the stage of preparation for construction work.

Upon completion of work, VET engineers generate documents on operational characteristics object. Next, all documents are transferred to the customer along with the object itself. The task of these specialists is to analyze incoming applications and evaluate them for compliance with various standards established by regulatory authorities. In addition, employees of the production and technical department have the right to hold tenders and competitions among suppliers for Construction Materials and raw materials. At each stage of construction, the task of engineers is to calculate the labor costs necessary to implement the project.

During the construction itself, employees of this department monitor the work process and assess the amount of material resources used. In case of deviation from the estimate, engineers need to develop a corrective action plan. All information obtained during analysis is used when forming management accounting. Based on this information, work reports and internal statements are prepared, according to which employees receive wages.

The VET department (the transcript sounds like the production and technical department) performs many different functions. The task of this unit is to obtain permits for carrying out various events, tenders and examinations. Construction work involves large internal and external document flow between the contractor and the customer. Employees of the department in question may be tasked with collecting documents, according to the list prepared by the customer.

Main tasks

As mentioned above, the TVET department has many different responsibilities. Among them, it is worth highlighting the assessment of technical and economic parameters, as well as technical accounting and the formation of schedules for repair work. In addition, it should be highlighted:

  1. Formation of technical documents.
  2. Control over the implementation of various standards.
  3. Controlling the rate of consumption of energy resources and building materials.
  4. Submitting applications for the purchase of additional equipment and consumables.

VET is part of the structure of construction companies, installation, energy and industrial enterprises, and is also represented in housing and communal services organizations

According to experts, the most difficult task falls on the engineers of this division. The main task of engineers is the formation of design documents and related applications in the form of calculations and estimates. In addition to handling paperwork, engineers need to monitor the production process and assist with installation procedures. In addition to all of the above, they are responsible for negotiating with business partners and subcontractors.

Production and technical department, functions:

  1. Implementation strategy development innovative technologies into the production process.
  2. Monitoring the execution of work involving subcontractors.
  3. Conducting instructions.
  4. Control of the construction work plan.

As practice shows, employees of the division in question must interact closely with the accounting department. Such cooperation allows for timely scheduled calculations, on the basis of which reporting documents are generated.

Department structure

Employees of this department can be divided into two conditional groups. The first group is engaged in preparation for production, drawing up designs for future construction projects. The second group is engaged in drawing up estimates and concluding contracts. The structure of the unit itself is formed by the management of the department. When forming a staff, the specifics of the company’s activities and a number of additional economic factors are taken into account. Next, the staffing schedule is agreed upon with the general director of the company. After approval, the structure of the department is approved by issuing the appropriate act.

Functional responsibilities within the department are distributed according to internal instructions. The head of the production and technical department is responsible for the development and implementation of these documents.

Production and technical department in construction

As a rule, in the absence of an estimate and contractual unit, the responsibility for drawing up estimates is assigned to the production service. Employees of this department participate in preparations for negotiations, during which a contract is concluded. At this stage, the customer must transfer technical documents to the contractor to analyze their compliance with the existing drawings.

If inaccuracies and errors are identified, special reports are drawn up and sent to the customer.

The main goal of the department and its employees is to monitor all areas of production

At a further stage, the contract itself is drawn up, to which an estimate of the future project is attached. The annex to the agreement between the parties must fix the cost of services and the guaranteed time frame for fulfilling obligations. The received technical documents are registered in special journals. They are then used as the basis for obtaining permits for construction work.

The VET department in construction is involved in engineering training. At this stage, the amount of work that must be completed within a month is determined. For this purpose, calculations are prepared on the costs of energy and labor resources. Next, consumables and necessary raw materials are purchased. At this stage, a summary statement is filled out, which records the cost of cement, reinforcement, precast concrete and other consumables. Before the construction itself, a special statement is created where the volume of work performed will be recorded. This statement must be laced and numbered, and also contain the signature of the company owner and company seal.

At the end of the above period, engineers check the work completion certificates received from subcontractors. These acts are used to process all project documentation. These actions are carried out every month in order to control the construction work. As a rule, most customers try to hire those companies that have a design department in their structure. If the order is related to the repair or reconstruction of an object, the technical maintenance engineer draws up a defect report for future work.

After agreeing on various issues related to the future project, VET workers prepare an estimate. At the next stage, the work is coordinated with the fire inspectorate and the SES. Next, a contract is concluded, on the basis of which the contractor begins to fulfill its obligations.

Those cases where there is a division within an organization that produces its own products deserve special attention. In this case, VET workers are tasked with calculating the final cost of goods. During such calculations, it is very important to take into account the cost of each product.

Among the main responsibilities of VET in the construction industry, it is worth highlighting the preparation of acts for obtaining permits. This department also develops various documents for participation in competitions. Such documents include estimates, licenses and commercial invitations. Engineers of this division take part in conducting regular inventory, and also interact with various regulatory authorities and contractors. In some cases, employees of this department are tasked with analyzing estimates and projects of third-party companies. To perform these actions, an appropriate license is required.

Taking into account the peculiarities of this or that area of ​​work of a technical equipment engineer, the requirements for his qualifications are serious.

Conclusions (+ video)

Production technical service construction company is engaged in the formation of documents necessary for each of the stages of construction. These materials are used to transfer to the verification commission and the customer himself. All calculations and analyzes attached to the acts form the basis of the final package of documents. The technical department is headed by a technical director, who can occupy the position of chief engineer of the company. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that every employee of this unit must have a higher education.

It is very important that each employee of the structure in question can replace his colleague. This factor helps improve the performance of the entire company. In addition, employees technical service must work closely with the accounting department in order to timely redirect financial flow.

The process of construction and operation of a construction project, regardless of its type and type, requires strict supervision and compliance with a number of instructions. Moreover, all of them must be observed, which is not so easy to control.

The control task is assigned to special service. Sometimes companies have a separate position - an engineer in the production and technical department.

This person has a number of complex responsibilities. Their implementation requires highly qualified, the ability to organize work processes, and sometimes fortitude and courage.

The direct responsibilities of engineers will vary depending on the type of production facility and operating conditions.

General provisions of the instructions

Construction is a whole science, accompanied by a huge amount of work, sometimes performed in extreme, hazardous conditions. As a result, the requirements for a VET engineer are quite high.

All instructions for the position approved on behalf of the director. On title page The document must contain the words “APPROVED”. The director must sign and date the approval. After these requirements are met, the job description officially comes into force. Moreover, no one restricts the director; he can additionally write a decree on its approval.

The exact title of the position is indicated on the cover of the instructions. Its name must be taken from staffing table(in this case – engineer of the production and technical department). The document must be assigned an individual identifier. It also indicates the date and place of compilation. This is how the general compilation of instructions begins.

In the block " General provisions» to be specified method of appointing and leaving an employee from a position. It is indicated who has direct subordination to the technical assistance engineer. The director is not obliged to indicate the last name and first name in the instructions; it is enough to simply clarify the higher position.

Requirements for work experience and quality of education depend on the work area of ​​a particular company.

For example, a construction company can clarify that only a person with a higher education qualification can be hired for a specified position. specialized education and experience in the construction industry in a similar position for at least 3 years.

In the section, the director lists what regulations An engineer should be guided in his activities. When compiling this block, you should focus on job responsibilities employee.

An important point is the knowledge of the employee. Its preparation is approached with extreme caution. It needs to describe in detail the employee’s areas of expertise.

The VET engineer must have knowledge of the following provisions:

  • all legal and legislative norms on the basis of which work process control is carried out;
  • nuances of direction and subtleties of structure;
  • approximate prospects for the company's development;
  • the procedure for developing construction forecasts, plans and the method of their approval;
  • rules and algorithm for drawing up all standard job documents;
  • the procedure on the basis of which an employee has the right to enter into agreements with partner companies and other persons outside of it;
  • regulations for monitoring labor safety, compliance with technical requirements and sanitary standards at the facility;
  • possession computer equipment at a good level.

Responsibilities and tasks

The tasks may vary depending on the company, but the most common are the following:

  1. Full control and supervision of the execution of the construction and installation plan (compliance with all quality and documentary standards).
  2. Monitoring the compliance of the scope of work delivered, as well as the quality of the design. It must be suitable for design and estimate documentation, certified drawings, construction rules, conditions technical safety, labor protection regulations, etc.
  3. Participation in studying and making decisions on issues arising during construction work. They usually concern changes in design requirements. The engineer must quickly make a decision, if necessary, to replace materials, structures, etc. (quality should not be affected).
  4. Consideration of the reasons for missed deadlines and poor execution of the project, participates in their elimination.
  5. Responsibility for technical acceptance of completed construction and installation works and projects. He must complete all technical papers. The technical equipment engineer sits on the commission for the acceptance of objects and their commissioning for subsequent operation.
  6. Already taken into account finished works and prepares information for the preparation of reporting documentation on compliance with construction rules.
  7. Checking the estimate papers at the site, determining the cost and accounting of the work done.
  8. Preparation of estimate documentation for additional facilities and work.
  9. Completely checks all documentation on estimates received from the customer and prepares a report on their quality.
  10. Negotiates with the design company and the customer estimates, volumes of material costs and additional expenses, statements of work done, directions, acts, etc.
  11. Maintains all accompanying reporting.
  12. Carry out individual official assignments from his direct management.

All engineering activities are aimed at the following goals:

  • price control for installation work;
  • direct participation in the preparation of contract agreements;
  • constant improvement of professionalism and knowledge;
  • control over the work of installers
  • accounting and acceptance of documentation, estimates.

Requirements for a specialist

Considering the tasks and goals of the work of a technical equipment engineer, companies make huge demands on the employee’s qualifications. Thus, a person who has received higher special education or at least average profile. Lack of experience is acceptable (for serious projects they still require specialized specialization and work experience in a specific industry - 3 years).

The employer has the right to put forward his requirements for the position in the instructions. In the work of a VET engineer, knowledge of the specifics of the industry is valued. Even unnoticeable errors in the implementation of a project can be costly. For example, length of service in construction there is not enough for career growth for industrial enterprise, and experience in the energy sector is not enough to monitor the construction of a large facility (neighborhood, etc.).

The selection of applicants for the position of VET engineer is carried out by the manager (usually the chief engineer or head of a department, sometimes the general director). It was already said above that he is also involved in compiling work instructions for an employee.

The position of engineer is provided for in the activities of many companies, but the requirements for a specialist are different. This is explained by the specifics of the project, industry and scope of responsibility.

Responsibility and rights

A technical equipment engineer has a huge number of responsibilities and tasks. In addition to them, he is allocated his own rights. He is also responsible for his decisions, instructions and activities in general.

The list of rights of such an employee in standard instructions includes:

  • the ability to issue instructions to subordinate positions and entire departments on a number of issues related to his direct functional responsibilities;
  • control of every detail, project, in which planned work and various operations are carried out;
  • the ability to request any documentation and information that is related to its tasks;
  • cooperation with different departments of the company and third party organizations to resolve problems and issues related to the project.

However, the VET engineer is responsible for all his decisions and activities. It's about about incorrect execution of instructions and tasks or their complete non-fulfillment. The engineer is responsible for:

  • for productive work in a number of functions that are within his power and competence;
  • for failure to fulfill their direct duties, for their incorrect performance on all counts;
  • transmission of inaccurate information to management services regarding the current state of affairs;
  • for inaccuracies and violations during work that are dangerous for the entire activity of the company.

Features of work

The working hours of each employee are regulated by internal regulations. The engineer monitors the overall safety of the facility, because regardless of the type of equipment, at any production or construction site there is a danger of an accident. In such a situation, the VET worker has certain instructions. Among the norms, a special place is occupied by the following:

  • if there is a threat to the lives of personnel, the engineer is obliged to promptly take measures to eliminate the danger.
  • if equipment breaks down, its operation must be stopped and management must be notified of the problems;
  • In the event of a fire, the engineer must notify the fire department of the problem.
  • In the event of an accident at work as a result of which someone is injured or poisoned, the employee must provide first aid medical care and call a medical team.

Process engineer

The task of the process engineer is to select the equipment with which the technological process will be carried out. He develops an effective operating mode, quality control methods and monitors technological documents.

The technologist is the head of inventive and rationalization activities. He conducts experiments to master new processes and equipment, then introducing them into production.

In a construction organization

A technical maintenance engineer in a construction company performs many different functions. Most of them are described in standard contract and are considered standard for this type of activity. If necessary, he can go on business trips, having agreed on them in advance with his superiors.

The main refraction of his activity is the construction of various objects. He works in conjunction with the designer, installers and other specialists.
In this video you will learn about the profession of an engineer, possible career growth in this field of activity.

What does the abbreviation PTO mean? The production and technical department is a division in the structure of a construction enterprise. Main functions of the department: preparation construction production, control over the quality of construction and installation work, monitoring compliance with contractual deadlines when performing work.

Preparing the construction of a facility for production consists of the following stages:

Construction work

Construction and installation work during the construction of facilities for both civil and industrial purposes is carried out construction organization own resources and contractors. The engineer's responsibilities are:

Explanation of the concept of VET engineer

The position of a specialist in the production and technical department implies availability of special knowledge and skills.

Pricing in construction

The technical equipment engineer must know and understand pricing principles and be able to use when determining the cost of design and construction products:

  1. Collections of basic prices design work for construction;
  2. Data on current prices in conditions market economy;
  3. Uniform standards and prices, both federal and regional;
  4. The ideology of contractual relations.

Design and survey work for construction

A PTO engineer must understand the philosophy of performing design and survey work and what postulates the designer uses when making a particular decision. To a specialist need to navigate freely:

Construction and installation works

When monitoring the implementation of construction work, the technical maintenance engineer must know and understand construction technology. Visually determine at what stage technological process each of the elements of the construction project is located, how the requirements of the technological maps are met. In case of requirements for quality certificates for supplied materials and building construction, check their availability.

Upon presentation by the contractor or its own installation department of forms KS-2 and KS-3, in person go to the site to check volumes completed and their quality, and only after this check recommend to the head of the department to accept the reports of the performers.

There is an opinion that any technical equipment engineer, if desired, can go to a construction site and will adequately perform the duties of any position, but not all line construction managers are capable of becoming specialists in the production and technical department. This opinion is due to a specific form of professional thinking. A technical equipment engineer is capable of mental three-dimensional vision of an object.

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