Russian singer Zhanna Friske has passed away. Death of Zhanna Friske

The sad news came on the night of Tuesday, June 16 - Zhanna Friske passed away. The singer died at the age of 40. This information was confirmed by her father. “Yes, that’s true,” said Vladimir Friske.

He admitted that the family did not want to inform the public about the singer’s condition. Now the son of Zhanna Friske Platon is in Bulgaria - according to media reports, together with his father Dmitry Shepelev. The boy recently turned two years old.

"The child must stay with his father. If he gives him to us, he will allow us to raise him, we will help him raise him, naturally. Where will we leave him? He will not be left without anyone. He is on vacation in Bulgaria. She was in a coma for three months , we just didn’t talk,” said Vladimir Friske. He also noted that Zhanna would most likely be buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region.

IN recent months the singer lived in Moscow in Zago home together with her husband Dmitry Shepelev and son Platon. At the time of her death, her parents, sister Natalia and close friend Olga Orlova were with her.

The fact that Zhanna Friske had a brain tumor (glioblastoma) became known to the general public in January 2014, after her official statement common-law husband- TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. Doctors discovered the disease after the birth of Friske and Shepelev in April last year son.

A fundraiser was organized to help Zhanna Friske. In four days, Channel One collected 60 million rubles. - more than was required to pay for her treatment. Friske donated part of the funds to help children suffering oncological diseases. The singer was treated in the USA, in New York, then underwent a rehabilitation course in the Baltics and a course of treatment in China.

After this, her vision returned, Friske began to lose weight - she gained weight during chemotherapy - she was able to get up from wheelchair. The singer admitted that she felt better and thanked everyone who responded to her misfortune and helped raise money for treatment. However, then a sharp deterioration occurred - according to available data, the singer almost completely lost her vision.

Zhanna Friske gained fame thanks to her participation in the girl group "Brilliant" since 1996. In 2003, she began a successful solo career. The actress also starred in the films “Night Watch,” “Day Watch,” and “What Men Talk About.”

Many artists and show business figures expressed their condolences on social networks.

“Of course, life ends. But this one ended too early. She was kind, sincere and strong. God, how I feel sorry for you, Zhanna. I’m sure that you will be happier there. And you will continue to sing. Have a safe trip,” the producer wrote Maxim Fadeev in his microblog on Twitter.

“Zhanna! It hurts so much that I can’t find words! I believed... I hoped so much... I so wanted you to live as long as possible with your son next to you... Rest in peace! We remember! And we always will.. ", Gagarina wrote on her Instagram.

Zhanna Friske, a famous Russian artist, died at the age of 40. This happened on June 15, 2015 late in the evening. In just a few weeks, the singer was supposed to celebrate her 41st birthday.

In mid-2013, the artist and her close people learned about the terrible diagnosis. For several years, the artist struggled with the disease. For a long time she was treated in hospitals around the world. Despite the fact that doctors almost immediately announced that she had only a few years left, the artist did not give up and continued to think about good things. After the whole country learned about the disease, Channel One organized a fundraiser for the singer’s treatment. In just a few hours, more than 30 million rubles were collected. In total, more than 65 million were collected. This amount turned out to be much more than needed, so Zhanna transferred most of the amount to treatment for children with cancer.


The artist began her treatment in Germany. According to her close friend Olga Orlova, Russian doctors refused and sent abroad. The artist’s difficult journey began in the famous Hamburg clinic called Eppendorf. Zhanna went there with her common-law husband, son and mother.

The singer was taken to the procedure in a wheelchair, because due to complications she could not walk. At that time, no one except family knew how severe the disease was.

After treatment has ended in German clinic, the artist went to New York. There experienced doctors was able to achieve remission. All this happened thanks to radiation therapy. After the artist felt better, she and her family went to the Baltic states. There she began to lose weight and her vision returned. The artist herself at that moment finally began to come to her senses and thanked those who helped raise money and prayed for her. Doctors reported that some complications may return after therapy. Which is exactly what happened. After some time, the artist became worse, and then the doctors said that no treatment would help. Zhanna fought for the right to live for a very long time. She spent her last days with her family in Balashikha.

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Video on the topic: Zhanna Friske died


On the morning of June 17, a memorial service was held for Zhanna Friske. After this, the coffin with the artist’s body was brought to the cemetery, where she was buried. A huge number of people came to say goodbye to Zhanna. In addition to her family and friends, her colleagues and fans came to say goodbye to her. A close friend of the artist thanked everyone present and expressed gratitude to those who supported the singer and her family all this time.

After the body was brought to the cemetery, the relatives opened the coffin so that everyone could say goodbye to Zhanna and could last time see her. Among those who came were former colleagues in the group and friends on stage. No one could hold back their tears. Everyone thank Zhanna for being in their lives.

Zhanna Friske - famous Russian singer and an actress who died in the prime of her career. Relatives remember her not only as a talented and bright artist, but also as an incredible strong man. The news of the star's sudden illness shocked all her fans. For a whole year, the singer courageously fought against an incurable disease, but the chances were initially unequal. The talented woman died on June 15, 2015. Where was Zhanna Friske buried, and how to find her grave today?

The decline of the brightest star of domestic show business

The news that Zhanna Friske was diagnosed with cancer shocked all of the artist’s show business colleagues and her many fans. As soon as this information appeared in the media, a fundraiser for treatment was opened. We managed to raise an incredible amount in record time. Our whole country was worried about Zhanna, the topic of her health and well-being was constantly discussed. Shortly before the singer's death, reports appeared in the press about her condition improving. Only much later did it become clear that the artist’s relatives were simply afraid to say that recovery was not expected. Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015, without recovering from a long coma. The artist spent her last days in her home, under the constant supervision of close relatives and friends. Where was Zhanna Friske buried, and how was the farewell to the star?

How did you see off Zhanna Friske?

On the eve of the funeral, a civil memorial service took place at Crocus City Hall. Say goodbye personally to famous singer Anyone could. Eyewitnesses recall that the line did not decrease throughout the event. People different ages They carried flowers, many cried and were depressed. In his subsequent interviews, Zhanna Friske’s father will talk about how he initially wanted to see only those closest to him at such a difficult moment. But given the fame and popularity of Jeanne, this was impossible. In addition, it would be quite selfish to deprive fans of the opportunity to personally say goodbye to their favorite. It would be wrong to refuse a civil memorial service in such a case. But it was decided to organize the church funeral and funeral less public.

Did Dmitry Shepelev abandon Zhanna shortly before his death?

All the singer’s closest relatives and friends were present at the social farewell ceremony. No one saw only Zhanna’s common-law spouse, Dmitry Shepelev. Rumors immediately appeared in the yellow press that he was not too worried about the death of his beloved woman. Later it turned out that Dmitry was in Bulgaria at that time. He went on vacation, taking with him his son, Plato, who he shared with Zhanna. As soon as Shepelev found out about what had happened, he hurried to return to Moscow, leaving the child with his parents. The common-law husband was one of the first to arrive at the church for the funeral service. Zhanna Friske's son was specially left at the resort. At that time, the baby had just turned one year old, and there was no need for his presence at the funeral.

Joan's funeral

The funeral service for the popularly beloved artist took place in the Yelokhovsky Cathedral early in the morning. The funeral ceremony took place in the presence of all those closest to the deceased. What is noteworthy is that it was in this temple that Jeanne was baptized in infancy. However, there is no secret meaning in such a choice of a cathedral. The Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery was chosen as the singer’s burial place. Came to the funeral a large number of Very famous people- colleagues of Zhanna Friske from the world of music and cinema. The date and place were not announced in advance. But despite this fact, numerous fans of the artist’s work came to the cemetery. IN last way Zhanna, like many others prominent figures culture, were greeted with thunderous applause.

Which celebrity personally said goodbye to Zhanna Friske?

It turned out to be impossible to keep a funeral of a star of this magnitude secret from the media. And yet, thanks to measures taken in advance, the number of reporters at the cemetery turned out to be insignificant. IN funeral procession Many famous people were seen. Among them is Philip Kirkorov, looking genuinely upset. Sergei Lazarev, Lera Kudryavtseva, Sergei Zverev, and Svetlana Surganova also came to say goodbye to Zhanna. I arrived at the cemetery and best friend deceased - Olga Orlova. It was she who supported Zhanna until the last and spent time at her bedside last days. In total, about 100 people were present at the burial ceremony.

The secret of choosing a burial site

The funeral was organized by the artist’s parents and sister, as well as some of her closest friends. Many fans are interested in what principle was used to choose the cemetery where Zhanna Friske was buried. Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye was chosen primarily for its geographical location. This cemetery is located not far from Friske’s house, where her relatives live, and Zhanna herself spent her last days here. There are also more prestigious and famous ancient necropolises in the capital. However, the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery also has a worthy reputation. The heroes of Russia, the sailors who died on the Kursk submarine, are buried here. famous athletes and artists. For Jeanne's burial, her parents purchased a family plot. Vladimir Friske, the singer’s father, said in one of his interviews that he plans to someday be buried next to his daughter.

Documentary chronicle from the funeral

At all mournful ceremonies, many celebrities and Jeanne's relatives were present in dark glasses. The artist’s death shocked those around her so much that almost no one could hold back their tears. At the same time, no one wanted to demonstrate their grief in front of journalists’ cameras. But even this logical measure of psychological protection gave rise to gossip in the “yellow press”. Some publications wrote that the funeral of Zhanna Friske slightly upset her common-law husband, Dmitry Shepelev, who also did not take off his dark glasses at the cemetery. There were also comments in newspapers regarding the reaction to the tragedy of some other famous people. It is known for certain that at the moment when the coffin was lowered into the grave, the star’s father, Vladimir Friske, became very ill. The man had to be seated on a chair, from medical care he refused. The section of the cemetery where Zhanna Friske was buried was especially carefully guarded from the entry of strangers. The cordon was removed only after all relatives and colleagues said goodbye to the singer and left. Only then were the fans who came to the cemetery able to lay flowers.

True chronology of events

The exact date of death of Zhanna Friske is June 15, 2015. The first information in the media about the artist’s death appeared only the next day, June 16. The public reaction was mixed. Many people simply did not believe what happened. Her fans throughout the country and even outside Russia worried and prayed for Zhanna. Until the very last moment, it seemed that the star was about to recover and very soon would appear on stage again. But the miracle did not happen. June 16, 2015 was heavy rain It seemed that nature itself, together with the whole country, was mourning the death of Jeanne. A civil memorial service was organized on June 17. The Crocus City Hall concert hall was chosen to hold it. But even he could not accommodate everyone at the same time. People stood in line, came in, said goodbye and gave way to the next ones. The funeral took place the day after the farewell at Crocus City Hall.

What monument was installed at Friske’s grave?

On the day of the funeral, a simple wooden Orthodox cross was installed in the cemetery. Zhanna Friske's grave was covered with a carpet of mourning wreaths and bouquets of flowers. As soon as the close stars were able to gather their thoughts, discussions began on the sketches of the monument. There are rumors that this moment also caused a lot of controversy. Be that as it may, the monument was commissioned from the famous sculptor Levon Manukyan. The traditional tombstone was supplemented with a life-size statue of the deceased. Bronze Friske Zhanna Vladimirovna was cast from a clay sculpture made under the strict guidance of her parents and sister. The greatest difficulties arose with the execution of the face. The sculptor worked according to portrait photographs, chosen by the family. And several preliminary sketches were rejected by customers. Through numerous tests, the sculptor managed to create a statue that aroused the approval of the singer’s relatives. Today, Zhanna Friske’s grave looks appropriate. The height of the portrait sculpture is 170 cm (165 cm for the star figure and 5 cm for the heels). The sculptor depicted Jeanne in a chic concert dress. On the monument, in addition to her full name, the date of Zhanna Friske’s death, an Orthodox cross, the singer’s autograph and an epitaph are stamped. The relatives thought for a very long time about what exactly to write on the gravestone, and in the end they decided to settle on the lines from her song: “We will miss you very much, we will remember you, even if you are far, far away...”.

How to find the place where Jeanne is buried?

Friske Zhanna Vladimirovna remains cult figure for Russian show business and its many fans even after own death. Many lovers of her work regularly visit the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery. How to find the grave of a star yourself? The artist is buried near the eastern entrance to the cemetery. This is lot 118-C. At the entrance you can study the information stand with a diagram of the burials. Cemetery employees are always ready to give directions to the artist’s fans. The cause of death of Zhanna Friske is an incurable cancer. Despite the fact that more than 2 years have passed since the artist’s funeral, one of her admirers comes to her grave every day. There are fresh flowers and bouquets here at any time of the year.

The life of those closest to the artist after her death

After the funeral of Zhanna Friske took place, the public was shocked by a series of scandals involving the mention of her name. This fact seemed outrageous given the artist’s reputation as a calm and reasonable person. Moreover, Zhanna died truly tragically, from an incurable disease. The most striking was the dispute regarding where children should be brought up. little son stars - from the father or in the family of Jeanne’s parents. Disputes over inheritance could not be avoided. In addition, several times the media discussed the question of where did the substantial amount collected go? charitable foundation for the treatment of the artist herself. It's no secret that the cause of Zhanna Friske's death was cancer. Fundraising for the singer’s treatment continued almost until her death. The question of how the collected funds should be used in the event that they could not help Jeanne herself was discussed especially seriously. However, today, 2 years after the death of the artist, the attention of journalists to her family is weakening. According to the official version, the “extra” donations were directed to the treatment of other cancer patients. Fans of the singer and actress can only believe that the conflicts between Dmitry Shepelev and the Friske family are a thing of the past, and little Plato is not deprived of the attention of all his relatives.

This was announced by Zhanna’s father Vladimir Borisovich.

As you know, the singer had a brain tumor (glioblastoma). Zhanna's fans learned about this in January last year, after an official statement from her common-law husband, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. Channel One, together with Rusfond, organized a fundraiser for the actress. They managed to collect about 68 million rubles - more than was required to pay for her treatment. Friske donated part of the funds to help children suffering from cancer. The singer was undergoing treatment in New York.

Zhanna Friske is survived by her son Plato, whom the singer, despite serious illness, gave birth on April 7, 2013.

The child was very long-awaited and Zhanna was even afraid to show his photo to the public (for fear of the evil eye). Only this year, on Plato’s second birthday, his godmother and girlfriend Friske. But even in this case, the son of Zhanna Friske and her common-law husband Dmitry Shepelev were shown only from the back.

Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske (until 1996 she bore the surname of Kopylov’s parents). Born on July 8, 1974 in Moscow. She became famous as a pop singer, TV presenter and film actress. Former lead singer of the group “Brilliant” (1996-2003). In 2003 she began her solo career.

Father - Vladimir Borisovich Kopylov (later changed his last name to Friske) (born 1952), a former artist (worked at the Central House of Artists), went into business in 1992. Has in the capital of the United United Arab Emirates your hotel.

Mother - Olga Vladimirovna Kopylova (born 1952), born in the city of Shumikha (Kurgan region).

Grandmother - Paulina Vilhelmovna Friske, lived in the Odessa region, worked on a farm as a milkmaid, then in local hotel- administrator, cook and waitress.

Zhanna had a twin brother, she and he were born at seven months old, but he died at birth, Zhanna found out about this as an adult.

Sister - Natalya Kopylova (later changed her last name to Friske) (born April 21, 1986). From 2007 to 2008, member of the group “Brilliant”.

Cousins and sisters live in Odessa.

Zhanna studied at high school No. 406, Moscow district of Perovo (graduated in 1991). Participated in school amateur performances. I was studying rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics, went to a ballet studio and a ballroom dancing school.

After graduating from school, I entered Moscow State University to study journalism, which I did not graduate from. For a short time she worked as a sales manager for office furniture.

In 1996 started creative career vocalists in popular music group"Brilliant." During Zhanna's work in the group, 4 discs were recorded and 3 programs were released.

In 2003 she participated in the reality show " Last Hero-4", in which she reached the final. Immediately after returning from the island where filming took place, Friske announced her departure from the group and the start of a solo career. In 2005, Zhanna again participated in the reality show “The Last Hero,” this time in its fifth part. Participated in the project “Heart of Africa” and “Empire”, “Circus with the Stars”, “Circus”. In 2008 she took part in the project “ glacial period 2”, where she skated first with Vitaly Novikov, and then with Maxim Marinin.

On October 4, 2005, the official release of the singer’s debut solo album “Zhanna” took place. The album's sound producers were the singer's composer and producer Andrei Grozny and Sergei Kharuta. Video clips were shot for some songs from the album (among them: “Flying into the Dark,” “La-la-la,” “Somewhere in the Summer”).

In 2004, the first film with her participation was released, a film adaptation of Sergei Lukyanenko’s science fiction novel “Night Watch,” where Zhanna played the role of the witch Alisa Donnikova, Zabulon’s mistress. Most of the episodes with her participation were cut out (in particular, a long love scene). In the continuation of the film (Day Watch), the character Friske was given a significant role; the witch Alice, played by Zhanna, graced the film posters. Friske performed many of the stunts in the films herself. In March 2010, the film “What Men Talk About” was released, where Zhanna played herself.

Friske played the main female role in the detective story “Who Am I?”, which premiered on November 11, 2010.

She has starred for various magazines, including Maxim, Top Beauty, InStyle, OK!, Allure and Elle. The heroine of the gossip column.

In 2011-2012, Zhanna Friske was the host of the first two seasons of the reality show “Vacations in Mexico” on MTV, after which she was replaced by Alena Vodonaeva, former member reality "Dom-2".

Zhanna Friske's disease:

Zhanna Friske began complaining of headaches in mid-2013, shortly after she gave birth to her son Plato. After diagnosis, she underwent treatment in the USA and Germany. In the fall, Friske stopped appearing in public and posting current photos on her Instagram. The first reports that Zhanna was sick were published by the media on January 15, 2014.

On January 20, 2014, family and relatives confirmed in a statement on the singer’s official website that Zhanna was seriously ill. According to Zhanna’s father, she was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an inoperable brain tumor. The diagnosis was confirmed by the chief oncologist of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Mikhail Davydov. Since January 2014, Friske has been undergoing treatment at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Channel One held a fundraiser for the singer’s treatment. As of January 24, 2014, 66,447,800 rubles had been collected. Another 1,307,615 rubles were transferred to Rusfond’s account. Zhanna herself thanked everyone who helped her on the Rusfond website. On January 27, 2014, the singer’s producer Andrei Shlykov said that doctors from the New York clinic where Zhanna is currently being treated give a positive prognosis for recovery. On January 31, all the clinic’s bills were paid, funds were reserved to continue treatment, and the rest of the funds collected will go to the treatment of children with cancer on the waiting list.

On January 30, 2014, Sharon Osbourne, wife of Ozzy Osbourne, announced help to Zhanna in a video message.

Since the summer of 2014, after long-term treatment, Friske has been undergoing rehabilitation at the Riga seaside in Jurmala, Latvia, where she celebrated her 40th birthday. In October 2014, the singer returned to Moscow, abandoned the wheelchair and began to move independently.

February 7, 2015 in the Tonight episode dedicated to the XXII anniversary Olympic Games in Sochi, reported that Friske had resumed treatment at a US clinic. Alas, the treatment was not successful.

Filmography of Zhanna Friske:

2004 - Silver lily of the valley episode 2 (uncredited)
2004 - Night Watch Alisa Donnikova
2005 - Day Watch Alisa Donnikova
2006 - First Ambulance Character name not specified
2007 - First at home Zhanna
2008 - Beauty requires... cameo
2010 - Who am I? Anna Levina
2010 - New Year's matchmakers Zhanna Friske, singer
2010 - What men talk about cameo
2010 - Tochka Doc. Ten Last Days Character name not specified
2013 - CLICK your luck Elena Vilenovna

Discography of Zhanna Friske:

2005 - “Zhanna”

Discography of Zhanna Friske as part of the group “Brilliant”:

1999 - “Jazz and Funky”
1999 - “Only You”
2000 - “Lullaby”
2000 - “White Snow”
2001 - “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time”
2002 - “Beyond the Four Seas”
2002 - “And I kept flying”
2003 - “Orange Paradise”

Solo career Zhanna Friske:

2001 - “Flying into the Dark”
2004 - “La-la-la”
2005 - “Somewhere in the Summer”
2005 - “There are pieces of ice on the lips”
2006 - “Mama Maria”
2006 - “Malinki” (together with the group “Disco Accident”)
2007 - “I Was”
2008 - “Zhanna Friske”
2009 - “American”
2009 - “Portofino”
2009 - “Western” (together with Tanya Tereshina)
2009 - “And there is white sand on the sea”
2010 - “Rain”
2011 - “Pilot”
2011 - “You’re near” (together with Dzhigan)
2011 - “Snow is Falling” (together with In-Grid)
2012 - “Forever!”
2012 - “Snow Falls Quietly” (together with Dmitry Malikov)
2012 - “Cry and Beg”
2012 - “Olympic Flame”

The singer struggled with an inoperable brain tumor (glioblastoma) for the last two years of her life. Her father Vladimir Borisovich told reporters about the death of Zhanna Friske, but sources close to Zhanna did not provide any details, as they were shocked by the sad news.

Later, some of Zhanna Friske’s relatives and friends nevertheless agreed to talk with journalists, understanding the grief and shock of the multi-million army of fans of the popular singer. As it became known, Zhanna Friske’s illness began to progress and worsen two months ago - refusing to believe what happened to the popular Russian singer, friends and relatives spoke about Zhanna’s last days.

The singer's serious condition

A source in medical circles told LifeNews that Zhanna Friske’s health allegedly began to weaken two months ago - then the singer’s cancer began to worsen. In this regard, more careful medical monitoring was organized for Zhanna, but about a week before her death (last Sunday), doctors did not hide their disappointing forecasts, warning relatives that the once bright artist Zhanna Friske could leave them in the coming days. Zhanna Friske's father did not confirm the information about the two-month deterioration in health. According to him, Zhanna Friske has been in a coma for the last three months.

“We just didn't talk. She has been in a coma for the last three months,” reports Vladimir Borisovich.

It is noted that the relatives were advised not to leave the singer in recent days, since death could occur at any moment. Zhanna was lying in her house in Balashikha, in Lately she reduced her social circle, concentrating as much as possible on the treatment of her illness - except for the godmother of Plato’s son, Zhanna preferred not to communicate with anyone.

KP previously told me that recently Zhanna Friske has practically gone blind - the singer, after returning to Moscow, never met Kushanashvili. He said that allegedly in recent days the singer’s vision began to deteriorate, and before the exacerbation of the disease she complained about her poor appearance. However, Friske’s father said that the singer’s health problems that predicted trouble began much earlier.

“Otar, I can’t look at myself. I look so bad...”, Zhanna said then.

Zhanna spent the last hours before her death in her bed; she showed practically no signs of life.

Death of Zhanna Friske

The singer died at 22.30, but relatives refused to believe what happened. At 00.02 on June 16, after spending approximately an hour and a half over the lifeless body of Zhanna Friske, the family realized that the irreparable had happened - Zhanna Friske had died. Olga Orlova at the beginning of the first hour of the night called “ ambulance”, which upon arrival declared the singer’s death. After ascertaining the fact of Zhanna’s death, she was sent to one of the capital’s morgues; relatives are currently deciding on the singer’s funeral.

Olga Orlova could not comment terrible event, but said goodbye to Zhanna on social networks.

“Farewell, my beauty... You will forever remain in my heart... Look after me from above... I love you very much,” Olga Orlova writes on her Facebook page.

Zhanna Friske’s sister Natalya also could not find words to convey to journalists what she felt at this moment, what happened to Zhanna. She found the strength to say only that Zhanna Friske died at home.

“It just happened...” said Natalya.

SUPER reports that Zhanna Friske's son Platon and her husband were not with the singer at the time of her death - despite doctors' warnings about critical condition Jeanne, they left Russian Federation. A source in the circle of relatives of the deceased star said that on Sunday Dmitry and Plato flew to Bulgaria, although they understood that they might not see her again. It has already become known that Zhanna Friske’s funeral will take place in Moscow. The father told where Zhanna Friske would be buried - according to him, it became clear that the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoe cemetery was being considered as the last destination for the singer.

Let us remind you that Zhanna Friske is a popular Russian singer, whose life story has been watched with bated breath over the past two years not only by the entire Russian Federation, but also by many foreign countries. In 2013, she very successfully fought cancer - millions of fans raised money for her idol’s treatment, collecting a total of 66 million rubles. However, the best medical luminaries could not save Jeanne from death.

At the time of her death, the singer was 40 years old, before the New Year she felt the strength to fight cancer and help children with cancer, but Zhanna’s dreams of helping others overcome this terrible disease remained unrealized.
