How animals prepare for winter: experiments, stories, poems, speech logic problems, pictures for children. Outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic: Reading Bianchi’s story “How animals prepare for winter”

Autumn in the forest. No bird songs can be heard. Fieldfare thrushes have gathered in flocks and are fattening up before migrating to warmer climes.

Crake set off on his journey before everyone else, because he either flies to the south or walks.

The jay buries acorns for reserve. He chooses the ripest ones, but often forgets about them, and in the spring young oak trees grow from these acorns...

The hedgehog found a hole in a rotten stump, dragged leaves into it - and now its housing for the winter is ready.

The squirrel will soon turn gray and put on a winter coat, but for now it is storing nuts and acorns. Puts them in a hollow. And he hangs the mushrooms on thorny branches to dry.

The she-bear dug a den under the roots of an old spruce tree, covered it with branches, and gathered moss. In winter, bear cubs will appear in her den.

The fox silently sneaks around autumn forest. The leaves in the forest are red, and the fox fur is red. It is easy for a fox to sneak up on its prey unnoticed.

The deciduous bunnies were hiding. They don't jump, they don't leave traces. Otherwise the fox will find them and eat them. A hare will run past, feed her milk and then jump into the aspen forest.

Flocks of cranes stretched high in the sky. With sad cries they bid farewell to their homeland. The cranes will spend the winter in warm Africa. But as soon as the streams begin to ring in the spring, the grass turns green on the hillocks, and the cranes return home to their homeland.

The first snowflakes swirled in the air, and flocks of geese also flew south.

Questions for discussing what you read with children

Do you know how birds and animals prepare for winter in the fall? Listen to how G. Snegirev tells us about this. What were you listening to now - a story, a fairy tale or a poem? Why do you think so? Does this work talk about any miracles? Can we say that this work is melodic, melodious, that there is rhyme in it? What new did you learn from this story? What birds are going to fly to warmer climes? How do hedgehogs, squirrels and bears prepare for winter? What does the author say about the fox? Why do you think bunnies are called “deciduous rabbits”? How did you guess that they were recently born? Where do cranes and geese fly to for the winter? When will they return to us?

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 11 “Fairy Tale” of a combined view of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan


ON THE TOPIC: How animals prepare for winter.

Prepared by the teacher

Saklakova Larisa Vladimirovna


Program content: To form ideas about the forest as a habitat for wild animals, and about the ecological pyramid; consolidate the concepts: wild animals, herbivores, predatory animals; where wild animals live, what they eat, how they prepare for winter; develop the ability to compose stories on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”, educate careful attitude to the forest and its inhabitants, drawing up an ecological pyramid.

Preliminary work: conversations with children about the forest ,

comparison of wild and domestic animals,

comparison of herbivores and carnivores,

conversation about how wild animals getting ready for winter

looking at illustrations of wild animals,

guessing riddles about wild animals, reading stories about animals

Material: Subject pictures (wild animals), subject pictures (how animals prepare for winter), colored pencils, paper.


(Children stand in a semicircle)

TEACHER: Today, children, I decided to read you an excerpt from E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn.”

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in sun rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

What time of year was the poem talking about?

Children's answers (About autumn)

Name the autumn months.

Children's answers (September October November)

How do you understand the expression “leaves fall like rain”?

Answers children . The leaves are falling.

What signs of autumn do you know?

Children's answers: In autumn the sun shines, but heats weakly. The day becomes shorter than the night. The sky in autumn is gray, cloudy, gloomy. The leaves on the trees become colorful. The leaves are starting to fall. Migratory birds fly away to warmer climes, and wintering birds remain with us. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

TEACHER: What wild animals of Bashkortostan do you know?

Children's answers: Fox, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, elk, hare, wild boar, lynx.

Educator: Why do we call these animals wild?

Children's answers: Because they live in the forest, and people don't take care of them. Because they take care of themselves and live in the wild.

Educator: Children, I suggest you remember where wild animals live in the forest. (A didactic game “Who Lives Where” is played).

TEACHER: Where does the squirrel live? (the squirrel lives in a hollow).

Where does the bear live? (the bear lives in a den).

Where does the fox live? (The fox lives in a hole).

Where does the wolf live? (The wolf lives in a den).

Where does the hedgehog live? (the hedgehog lives in a nest of leaves).

Where does moose live? (The elk lives in the thicket of the forest.)

TEACHER : Well done, children, don’t forget how wild animals adapted to live in the forest without human help. What season follows autumn?

Children's answers: (winter will come after autumn)

Educator: That's right, after autumn comes winter. Winter is a very difficult, cold season. In winter, it is very difficult for wild animals in the forest: it is cold, there is little food. Therefore, wild animals prepare for winter. But first, let's do a warm-up, we children also need to get ready for school. Finger gymnastics is carried out: “Animals that we can show.”

Children approach the board on which there are pictures of wild animals.

Oh, hear, someone is knocking on our door. Quiet. I'm gonna chech it. Children, Dunno has come to us. He says that he also wants to know how animals prepare for winter. Shall we tell Dunno? Sit down, Dunno, more comfortably and listen.

Children, I give you a magic ball that can record our conversation. Then we will give it to Dunno, in case he forgets something, puts it to his ear and hears your stories again. Pass the ball carefully, slowly. As soon as you hear the word stop, start a story about how wild animals prepare for winter.

The teacher holds a ball and tells how moose winter: moose go far into the thicket of the forest, where there is a lot of bushes and dead wood, where the cold wind subsides and it is easier to endure the cold, where it is difficult for predatory animals to get through. Dense fur prevents predators from moving through thick dead wood, and elk spend the winter in safety.

The teacher passes the ball to the children.

CHILDREN: Squirrel In summer and autumn, she makes supplies for the winter, hides cones, nuts, and dried mushrooms in her forest pantries. She arranges forest storerooms in an old hollow left by a hardworking woodpecker. By winter, the squirrel's fur coat changes color and thickness.

Hare changes his gray coat to a white, warmer one. He does this to keep him warm in winter and to be invisible in the snow. After all, the bunny has a lot of enemies. This is a fox, a wolf, an owl, and a marten. If in the summer the bunny grazed the grass to his heart's content, and in the fall he feasted on juicy cabbage and carrots, then in the winter he has a hard time, all that remains is the bark of trees and branches of bushes sticking out from under the snow.

Hedgehog in the fall it eats heartily in order to accumulate a lot of fat under its prickly coat, because in winter it hibernates and needs to sleep peacefully all winter. The hedgehog chooses a convenient hole, or a small hollow, somewhere under a spreading tree, wraps itself in leaves and falls asleep, waiting to be covered with snow.

TO THE BEAR You also need to eat well, accumulate more fat under the skin in order to sleep peacefully all winter. The bear makes a den for itself in a small ravine, throwing a tree over it and throwing dry dead wood over it. He climbs inside and falls asleep. When snow falls and the ravine fills up, the bear becomes warm and comfortable.

TEACHER: Guys, the fox and the wolf are not preparing for winter, why aren’t these animals preparing for winter? (they are predators and therefore are always looking for food).

Yes, it’s not easy for wild animals in the forest in winter. Well, Dunno, get the magic ball and run, tell me what you learned. Children, Dunno thanked you, say goodbye to Dunno.

It's time for us to play.

Physical education minute:

The hares are jumping hop-hop-hop!

Yes to the white snow,

They sit down and listen -

Is there a wolf coming?

Once - bent, straightened up,

Two - bent over, stretched,

Three nods of the head, stood up, jump to the side. We stood, looked and sat down.

TEACHER: Come to the tables. Children, wild animals have prepared mushrooms for you. Treats - wild animals were allowed to give tea to anyone who could name words - definitions for animals. (Children say - which one, which one, choosing pictures with wild animals on the board, removing the pictures after the answer).

The TEACHER calls the children. Children give definition words:

Squirrel - caring, hardworking, troublesome, nimble, dexterous.

Hare - cowardly, fearful, shy, white, gray,

Bear - clumsy, clumsy, clumsy

Hedgehog - prickly, brave, courageous, courageous.

Lynx - dexterous, fast, brave, sensitive.

Elk - big, strong, fast, herbivore

The wolf is fast, angry, gray, toothy.

The fox is beautiful, fluffy, careful, cunning, fast.

Educator: Children, name the herbivorous wild animals of Bashkortostan. (Hare, elk, squirrel).

What wild predatory animals of Bashkortostan do you know? (wolf, fox, lynx, hedgehog).

Do you think there should be fewer predatory animals than herbivores or more?

Children's answers : There should be fewer predatory animals.

Educator: Such relationships are expressed in the form of various pyramids, which are called “ecological pyramids”.

In order for herbivores to eat, there must be more blades of grass than herbivores. Therefore, the grass strip is longer than the herbivore strip, and there are fewer herbivores than grass. Well, carnivores are not averse to eating herbivores for lunch. They are bigger and stronger and need to eat a lot of herbivores. Therefore in the forest

There must be more herbivores than predators so that there is enough food for everyone. This creates a pyramid. To summarize: in order for everyone to have enough food, there must be more grass than herbivores, and there must be more herbivores than wild predatory animals. (An ecological pyramid is laid out on the board.)

Autumn is a transitional season from the hot season to the cold season. At this time in nature there are dramatic changes: air temperature drops and daylight hours are shortened, leaves fall and grass turns yellow, they migrate migratory birds And the bats, insects and animals are preparing for winter. Those species of fauna that remain in temperate latitudes for the winter, behave differently:

  • fish descend on greater depth in wintering pits;
  • newts crawl out of ponds onto land, hide under leaves, in the ground or in burrows;
  • toads make places for themselves in the layer of silt;
  • insects huddle in tree hollows and hide under the bark;
  • some species of butterflies fly to warmer regions.

Of greatest interest is how animals prepare for winter.

Hibernation and color change

Depending on the species, different animals prepare for winter in their own way. Some of them hibernate:

  • the Bears;
  • badgers;
  • Sony;
  • marmots;
  • raccoons;
  • the bats;
  • chipmunks, etc.

Many animals change color for the winter. So stoats, tundra partridges, reindeer, hares and arctic foxes turn white in winter, so they blend into the landscape, which allows them to hide from predators. Sometimes it happens that closely related species do not change colors equally. It also depends on latitude. They and the same representatives can change color differently if seasonal changes and living conditions of a particular area require it.

Nutrient reserves for the winter

Many species of animals store food supplies for the winter. Mice and hamsters, voles and other rodents collect crops. Squirrels collect mushrooms, acorns and nuts. Chipmunks store pine nuts and seeds for the winter. Rodents such as haymakers store haystacks for the winter, in which various herbs are collected and neatly folded.

Predatory animals also store food for the winter. Stoats and weasels collect 2-3 dozen mice in their holes. Black hori stock up a large number of. For food, minks prepare themselves several kilograms different fish. Bears, wolverines and martens hide food in tree branches, rocks and burrows, depending on their wintering areas.

All representatives of the animal world prepare for the onset of frost in the fall. Some accumulate fat and fall into prolonged sleep, others store food in minks, and still others change cold climate to warm and favorable. Each type of fauna has its own adaptations that allow them to adapt to harsh conditions and survive.

Topic: How animals prepare for winter.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of forest animals in the autumn.



Clarification of ideas about the signs of autumn, seasonal changes in nature; systematize knowledge about forest animals and how they prepare for winter; consolidate the appliqué technique using wool thread.


Ability to determine features animals; enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic; continue to develop fine motor skills.


Instill a love of nature and respect for forest inhabitants; the ability to listen to each other.

Preliminary work:

Observing changes in nature in autumn (walk);

Conversations about autumn, about preparing forest animals for winter;

Examination of paintings depicting wild animals, discussion of the content

Reading stories by G. Skrebitsky “Four Artists”.

Thematic physical minutes.

Integration educational areas:

Cognition (familiarization with nature), artistic creativity (application from waste material).

Materials for the lesson:

Painting "Seasons";

Pictures of wild animals;

Model cards;

Didactic game"When it happens";

Musical accompaniment;

For each child, a mushroom template, threads (for applique);


Progress of the lesson.

Educator - Guys, I suggest you take a trip through the seasons (picture “Seasons”)

Here is summer and autumn, winter and spring,

Spring comes - the forests turn green,

And bird voices are ringing everywhere.

Red - summer has come - everything is in bloom

And ripe berries ask to be eaten in the mouth.

Yellow autumn will color our garden

Beautiful leaves are flying in the wind.

Winter covers the fields with snow

AND of blue color the earth sleeps.

Now let's play a little.

Game "When it happens."

Children have colored cards. Blue cards mean winter, green cards mean spring, red cards mean summer, yellow cards mean autumn.

Educator “I’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll show me the answers.”

Snow on the fields

Ice on the waters
The blizzard is walking.

When does this happen?

Answer: In winter

The snowball is melting

The meadow came to life.
The day is coming.

When does this happen?

Answer: In the spring

The sun is burning,

Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening

When does this happen?

Answer: In the summer

Empty fields
The ground gets wet
The rain is pouring down.
When does this happen?

Answer: In autumn

Children accompany their answers by holding up cards.

Educator - What time of year is it now? What signs of autumn do you know?

(The sky is gray and gloomy; the sun shines less often, not so warm; it rains often; the leaves turn yellow and fall; people dress warmly; birds fly away to warmer climes).

The story is accompanied by the display of visual symbols (pictures).

A conversation about how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - Yes, you correctly named all the signs of autumn, we were harvesting, put on warm clothes - we are ready for winter. Interesting, huh? forest animals preparing for frost. Let's figure it out.

The teacher asks riddles as they are guessed, and posts images of animals (pictures).


Lying between the trees
Pillow with needles.
She lay quietly
Then suddenly she ran away.

Answer: Hedgehog

Educator - The back, sides and even part of the hedgehog's head are covered with sharp needles.

Why do you think? (children's answers)

In the fall, a hedgehog prepares a burrow for itself, insulating it with moss and dry leaves.

It will choose a place where dry leaves curl up into a ball and begin to roll on them. He will collect the leaves on his thorns, run to the hole, get rid of these leaves and run again.

What does a hedgehog eat? (children's answers)

Hedgehogs hunt at night, in the fall they feed heavily and get fat - they are preparing for winter. To lie down in a hole and sleep until spring. The hedgehog sleeps in winter.

2. Riddle

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under the blizzard howl,
He sleeps in a snow hut.

Answer: Bear

Educator - The bear is also called clubfoot, this is true, you can see it if you look at its tracks: it puts its paws with its heels outward.

What does a bear eat all summer and autumn? (children's answers)

Is the bear stocking up for the winter? Why? (children's answers)

So the bear, like a hedgehog, has to eat up and gain fat throughout the cold winter.

Where does a bear sleep all winter? (in the den)

But the bear's sleep is very sensitive; it rather does not sleep, but dozes and hears everything that is happening around. Therefore, make noise in winter forest No need. In winter, the den will be covered with a blanket of snow, and the bear will be warm in it.

Wellness moment

Our Mishutka stretched,

Bent over once, bend over twice,

Paws spread to the sides

Apparently I didn’t find any honey.

children perform movements according to the text

The bear climbed into the hive and now

depict the gait of a bear

Licks from paw sweet Honey

text imitation

And here is another forest dweller.

3.Riddle: Who is cold in winter

Walking around angry and hungry?

Answer: Wolf

Educator - The wolf is also preparing for winter. Its fur grows over the summer and autumn and becomes very thick and warm. The wolf needs this, because he sleeps right in the snow, covering his nose and paws with his tail. Wolves live in families in winter - this is a wolf pack. They sleep during the day and hunt at night. There is an expression: “The legs feed the wolf.” Indeed, he runs many kilometers in search of food. The wolf has wide, strong paws.

What does a wolf eat? (children's answers)

4.Riddle: A cunning cheat,

red head,

A fluffy tail is a beauty,

And her name is...

Answer: Fox

Educator - The fox walks quietly, inaudibly. In winter, the fox grows thick fur on its paws,so that it's not cold. The fox walks as if wearing felt boots.

What does a fox eat? (children's answers)

She loves to get mice out from under the snow. The fox has good hearing, she will hear mice fiddling around under the snow, squeaking and starting to rake with their paws.

Educator - What do you guys think, why don’t the wolf and the fox need to change the color of their fur coat?

5.Riddle: A ball of fluff,

Long ear.

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.Answer: Hare

Educator - The hare changes colorfur coats What was it like in the summer, and by winter?

Interestingly, he changes the color of his fur coat. First the tail turns white, then - hind legs. Look at this hare, it’s as if he’s wearing white pants. Then the back turns white, followed by the ears, but not to the very tips: they remain black.

Why does a hare change his fur coat? (children's answers)

Who is the hare afraid of, from whom is he hiding? (children's answers)

How does a hare escape?(children's answers)

What helps the hare run so fast?(children's answers)

Where is the rabbit's house? (children's answers)

The hare never digs a hole for itself. During the day he sleeps under a bush. In severe frosts, he buries himself in a snowdrift - it’s warmer there. At night the hare comes out to get food.

Which one? (children's answers)

6. Riddle Who gnawed the pine cones on the branch

And threw the scraps down?

Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

And flies up into the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter?

Answer: Squirrel

Educator - Right. This is a squirrel.But look, before she was red, but now what? (children's answers)

She changed her fur coat for a warmer one.

Why do you think the color of the fur coat became different? (children's answers)

What reserves does a squirrel make for the winter? (children's answers)

The squirrel spends its entire life in trees. It comes down to the ground only to pick a mushroom. And up again. The squirrel dries the mushrooms by sticking them on sharp branches, and hides the nuts in holes that she digs herself among the bushes. If you come across such a pantry, do not touch it, the squirrels need these nuts more.

Tell me, what kind of tail does a squirrel have? (children's answers)

The squirrel's tail is like a parachute. The squirrel will jump from tree to tree, fluff its tail and smoothly descend onto the branch.

What is the name of a squirrel's house? (children's answers)

The animal lines its home inside with leaves; in such a hollow there is usually one entrance, which is very coldy The squirrel covers it with its tail.

5. Surprise moment (Squirrel knocks on the door)

Squirrel - Hello guys! I came with you to play a little.

A relaxing moment with musical accompaniment.

"Play with me, buddy."

Get into a circle quickly

Be careful, buddy

Step back,

Step forward

And there is a turn.

You and I will bend our backs,

Well, let’s wag our tail

Come on,

Do not snooze

And repeat after me.

Work out all day

You and I are not too lazy to jump

Step back,

Step forward

And there is a turn.

children perform movements according to the text.

Educator - Squirrel, are you prepared for winter?

Squirrel Yes, I saved a lot of nuts and cones, but I didn’t have time for mushrooms...

Educator - Guys, let's help the squirrels stock up on mushrooms

Artistic creativity (applique from waste material)

While the children are doing their work, the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds " Golden autumn. October", from the series "Seasons"

Squirrel - Thank you guys, these mushrooms will last me all winter. I want to treat you to nuts. (Cookies) Well, it’s time for me to go to the forest, goodbye.

7. Reflection.

    What signs of autumn do you know?

    What wild animals were we talking about?

    What new did you learn?

    Did you like the lesson?

We will briefly tell you how animals prepare for winter. Winter time is hard time for animals. It is cold for them and it is difficult to find food, so the animals make supplies for this period.

Who is the first to prepare for winter?

Some of the animals begin training in the summer. The first rodents to prepare are mice, chipmunks, and marmots.

IN summer time They collect nuts and seeds and put them in burrows. Having reserves, they sit in their “dwellings” all winter; most of the time the rodents sleep. Animals wake up to eat.

Bears in winter

Bears are preparing their den for winter. They find ditches, caves and insulate them. To make the “bed” soft, they collect leaves, moss, and spruce branches. When snow appears, the animal camouflages its home and stores heat in it.

bear hibernation photo

Bears do not prepare food reserves for the winter. In the fall, they actively eat nuts and fish to accumulate large fat reserves for wintering. During the cold period, the predator does not sleep, but is in a state of drowsiness. When needed, he leaves the den. It is in winter that a female bear gives birth to offspring.

Preparing squirrels for winter

In the fall, squirrels stock up on seeds, nuts, and acorns for the winter. The diet of this animal species includes mushrooms. Squirrels hang them between tree branches. Dried mushrooms rarely have larvae and nematodes.

The red-haired forest dweller does not hibernate in winter; most of the cold time she is in a hollow, which she builds high in a tree. The squirrel changes its red skin to grayish fur. This camouflage is needed to protect against predators.

How do hedgehogs prepare for winter?

The active cycle of hedgehogs lasts 4-7 months, the duration depends on climatic conditions. The period is conventionally divided into 3 parts: awakening, reproductive time, preparation for winter. In the summer, hedgehogs do without a home; in the fall they begin to build one in order to prepare for hibernation. The awakening of animals in the spring depends on how effectively this period passes.

They settle in deep burrows (about 1.5 m). Hedgehogs do not prepare food; until winter sets in, the animals live off their accumulated fat reserves. Fat accumulates under the skin and in internal organs. In the fall, they eat a lot and become round in appearance, in contrast to the spring, when they become flat from hunger. In winter, they also shed and their hair changes.

Since common (European) hedgehogs live near people, it is worth leaving leaves along the fence to make it easier for the animals in searching for soft material.


Snowshoe hares moult for winter and change into winter coats. Gray summer ones are replaced by white fluffy ones. This is an excellent camouflage from predators in the forest.

white hare winter photo

Funny rodents do not hibernate; they spend the entire winter actively, feeding on tree bark, seeds and dead grass covered with snow.

  • Researchers have not established what kind of holes the hedgehogs use - they dig themselves or find others. Hedgehogs living in captivity willingly spend the winter in artificial burrows.
  • Squirrels help trees spread over long distances. When collecting acorns, they hide them in the ground and carry them away from the oak trees. They just forget about their “treasures” and cannot find them. Animals also harm trees. Red squirrels North America seeds are the main food pine cone. Rodents immediately eat them or hide them in hollow trees. Such “storages” are very damp, and the seeds cannot germinate. Squirrels are well-fed in winter, and trees have little opportunity to reproduce. Pines have developed a way to combat this behavior of animals. They get covered big amount resin, which creates obstacles for red squirrels. The squirrel knows what it eats. For example, she stores acorns from red and white oak trees differently. Rodents eat the fruits of white oak trees without putting them aside due to their rapid germination. Such an acorn does not have nutritional value. And red oak fruits do not have the ability to germinate before winter; squirrels store them.
