Correction of false curvature of the legs. What can you do to correct crooked legs at home?

"FiS", 2006, No. 1

The more I communicate with Vitaly Demyanovich GITT, the more I am convinced that he is not an ordinary chiropractor. For example, joints. Chiropractors, as you know, do not treat them, but Vitaly Demyanovich created effective technique, with which we have already introduced readers (FiS, 2005, No. 3-9). He also developed various techniques for correcting defects in posture and physique. In the arsenal of V.D. Gitta has techniques and exercises invented by him that allow him to correct, for example, such defects as “chicken breast”, skewed shoulders, torticollis, short neck and... even crooked legs, which will be discussed today.

- Our editorial office has received letters from girls more than once asking for advice on how to straighten their crooked legs. I know that you have your own technique, which in a few months allows you to make crooked legs slender, and therefore beautiful. Please tell our readers about it.

Curvature of the legs usually does not affect the health of their owner, but it deprives many, especially the fair sex, of spiritual comfort. Moreover, there is no one to turn to for help. It is believed that a defect such as curvature of the legs cannot be corrected. However, my experience proves the opposite, and I will be happy to share it with FiS readers.
But first, in order to determine which method of “straightening” the legs should be used in each specific case, we need to understand what type of curvature we are dealing with. There are, in general, three of them.
In the first case, curvature is observed in the knee area: they are either too close to each other, or, conversely, too far apart.
In the second type, the curvature is observed in the shin area - they are usually curved outward and there is too much distance between them.
And finally, with the third type of leg curvature, the defect is observed in the area of ​​the femur, which is curved outward.
. In the first case, feel your knees and you will find that approximately 4 centimeters below the center of the kneecap, on the side of it (right and left), there is a joint space. It is at this point that special corrective techniques will have to be directed (see figure). To complete them, you will have to make a bag from canvas or denim. Cut a piece of it measuring 15x20 centimeters, sew a tube-bag, pour sand or salt into it and sew up the free end. Taking this bag in your hand, while sitting, tap the area of ​​the joint space: if the knees are apart, on the inside of the kneecap, if they are brought together, on the outside. Perform the procedure daily for 1 minute in the morning and evening. In the first days, hit slowly to avoid bruising; later, when the tissues adapt to this impact, the hits can be increased.
As a result of this treatment of the knees, the joint space will widen somewhat, at the same time the growth of the outer (or inner) part of the meniscus is stimulated and the legs in the knee area are straightened. These procedures need to be done for at least six months.

The legs are twisted due to a deformed shin, and it can be curved at the bottom, just above the ankle, or at the top, just below the knee. In these cases, you can build up the muscle so as to visually hide this defect. But, as far as I know, there are no exercises for building muscle in these areas. Therefore I suggest another method.
As you know, “a muscle is shaken by injury” (by the way, one of Jack London’s heroes says these exact words). With the same bag you need to hit problem areas, activating blood circulation and metabolic processes will build muscle in this area, even if just a little, but it will build it up. But even five millimeters completely change the silhouette of the leg. I usually suggest that my patients with a similar leg defect stand in front of a mirror, and apply a small strip of paper to the place of the curvature - I add exactly these 5 millimeters, and the girls are usually surprised and happy to discover that the leg has become slender. Tapping should be performed for 1 minute in the morning and evening for six months.
. The legs are crooked due to the curvature of the femur. It also looks unaesthetic, especially when girls wear trousers. To disguise this defect, you need to build up the inner thigh muscles. A simple exercise will help. Take a medium-sized (20 centimeters in diameter) rubber ball and sit on a chair. Hold the ball between your knees and squeeze it with frequent movements for 1-2 minutes. Do this exercise daily. Gradually the muscles will increase, the leg will look slender.

I would not recommend these methods for children whose musculoskeletal system is still developing. For them, I usually recommend other exercises.
If your child has O-shaped legs, encourage him to sit on the floor on his heels with his toes pointed out to the sides as often as possible. Very young children can sit upright on the floor with their butt between their heels. Let them play in this position, look at or even read books.
If the child's legs are curved in an X-shape, best pose to correct this defect, sit cross-legged, and the position of the legs must be periodically changed: first place one on top, then the other.
Ligaments and bones in children under 10 years of age are still so elastic that regular sitting in the recommended positions will gradually straighten crooked legs. Unfortunately, these poses will no longer help adults.

Alla KASATKINA talked to Vitaly Gitt

Slender legs are the dream of all women in the world. But not everyone can boast of such luxury. Hence the embarrassment, complexes, meticulous choice suitable clothing etc. Not really slender legs- this is not a sentence. Rather, it is a small drawback, which in most cases can be completely eradicated.

What is the shape of your legs?

Ideal legs are those that have four points of contact when moving together:

  • the first is in the hips,
  • the second - in the knees,
  • the third - in the middle of the shins,
  • the fourth - in the ankles (heels).

If there is at least one deviation, then we turn to the following qualification:

  • Shape X - legs have touching points at the hips and shins.
  • Form O - the legs do not touch either at the shins or knees, only at the ankles (heels).

In order to determine the shape of your legs, you need to stand in front of the mirror with your legs closed so that you feel comfortable. If all four points of contact are clearly visible in the mirror, then the legs can safely be considered exemplary. In the case of partial contact, first of all, excessive fatness, thinness, or incorrect location of adipose tissue should be excluded. If none of these reasons are suitable, then there is a false curvature on the face.

The cause of true curvature is the incorrect structure of the bones, as a rule, these are congenital injuries, previous bone diseases and other ailments that create a defect in the structure of the skeleton. In this case, correction of the legs is possible only with the help of special surgical operations. With false curvature of the legs, the soft tissues are imperfect. According to statistics, most women are given this diagnosis. In such cases, there are plenty of ways to influence the situation.

Exercises to correct crooked legs naturally

Proper physical exercises performed regularly help to significantly reduce and sometimes completely eliminate false curvature. Moderate physical exercise increase muscle mass, which helps get rid of the visual defect and evenly distribute soft tissue over the bone.

If the problem area is the calves, you should perform the following exercises:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist and rise on your toes 8-10 times. Over time, you can lift with a load.
  2. Perform foot presses on a special leg machine. You should start with 20 times, gradually increasing the number to 40-60
  3. Run evenly up and down stairs or steps, each step must be carried out by lifting on the toes
  4. Squats 20-40 times.
  5. Flexion and extension of the legs while lying down using a simulator

When working on the calf muscles, you need to remember: the calves react little noticeably to physical activity. Naturally flat shins can be corrected by 1-2 centimeters. But even this is quite enough to achieve an excellent result.

Their positioning when walking plays a big role in the visual image of the legs. Beautiful, straight legs can be distorted by improper gait. Here you need to pay more attention to how your feet are positioned correctly with each free step, and whether your knees touch when walking. If you look at your gait Special attention and regularly correct your foot placement, it will soon become a habit. You should also watch your posture. Rovnaya beautiful posture and a straight gait will model a more slender, beautiful image.

Exercises to correct curvature of the legs:

  1. Take a lying position, stretch your legs straight. Spread them apart without bending your knees, without lifting them, and return to their original position. Cross your legs over your legs in the same lying position and bring your feet together. Keep your knees together and apart, your feet should be connected.
  2. While in a lying position, bend your knees and begin to spread them to shoulder width and return to their starting position. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times. With your knees bent, draw numbers from one to ten in the air. Finally, massage your bent legs in the shin and thigh area.
  3. Sit on the floor and lean on your elbows, continue to spread your legs in different directions, moving from heel to toe.
  4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take three slow breaths in and out, and move on to the next exercises. Raise your leg bent at the knee and hug it with both arms. Smoothly lift your foot up and down 10-15 times. Change your leg. After performing the exercise with both legs, do the same, working your toes, being careful not to use your feet.
  5. Get on your knees and slowly slide along the floor, spreading your knees in different directions and bringing them back to the starting position 10-15 times.
  6. Sit on a chair, spread and close your legs, applying maximum resistance with your hands. Perform the exercise 16-20 times.
  7. Sit down and spread your knees as far as possible, while
  8. In this case, the socks should point inward. Stay in this position for as long as possible. Gradually increase the time.
  9. At the end of the workout, begin to walk slowly in place, gradually transitioning to running. Running in place should be measured, breathing should be calm. As soon as the lungs begin to lose rhythm, the exercise should be stopped. Try to increase the load gradually.

When performing this set of exercises regularly, you should remember not to immediately take on the maximum load. Increase the duration, speed and number of exercises gradually. After three weeks of regular training, a clear result will be visible in the mirror. But don’t think that exercise will give you other muscles or bones. High-quality exercise can only correct the shape and slightly increase muscle mass.

Little tricks for false curvature of the legs

Women are endlessly demanding creatures. Therefore, very often, even after visual correction of the shape of the legs, the beauty remains dissatisfied with her own image. In this case, you can try to resort to little tricks when choosing clothes.

  • Legs in the shape of a “P” will help model flared trousers and skirts. You should not dilute your wardrobe with tight silhouettes and items in dark shades.
  • If your legs still vaguely resemble the letter "O", you should avoid knee-length skirts and shorts. Ideal length– to the floor and to the middle of the ankle
  • Those with legs that touch only the knees should cover them. It is also not advisable to give preference to things that are flared from the knee.
  • The following shoes are suitable for almost any type of feet: soft leather, suede, boots with various soft and voluminous decor with small heels. High heels will only emphasize and possibly worsen leg defects.
  • Pants should be chosen from a denser material that holds its shape well and try to exclude chewed and whitened jeans from your wardrobe. But you can wear tights and leggings, but it is better to opt for large geometric or abstract designs.

Nutrition for false curvature of the legs

Beautiful legs need proper nutrition! Indeed, in order for the bone skeleton and muscle mass existed harmoniously, they need proper nutrition. Eating protein, carbohydrates, vitamins groups B, E, as well as the complex minerals will benefit the proper formation of muscle and bone mass.

Since 2001, the now popular classification of altered leg shape has come into use among orthopedists. It was developed by Alexander Artemyev, a famous orthopedic surgeon. With its help, correction methods are selected, and the possibility of using exercises to straighten the legs is determined.

Let's figure out what false and true curvature of the lower extremities are, what types they have, and how the ugly defect can be corrected.

Determining the type of curvature

Alexander Artemyev was the first to “calculate” the proportions of ideal legs using dry mathematical numbers. For this definition, aesthetic perception plays a secondary role. The main thing is the correct proportions and connection points.

The ideal leg shape has the following parameters:

  1. The length of the lower limbs is 55% of height.
  2. Correct proportional relationship between height and volume of hips and ankles
  3. Compliance with the straight line rule. It consists of visually assessing the position of the legs when they are connected. In this position, 3 gaps should be clearly visible: near the perineum, above the knees, below the knees.

Not all people have such perfect legs. In this case, the curvature of the lower extremities is divided into 2 types and 2 types. It can be false and true, it can have the form X or O. Let's figure out how to recognize and classify them.

False curvature

Curvature of the legs, called false, is caused by abnormalities in the soft tissue, its incorrect distribution in the thighs and lower legs. home distinguishing feature false curvature from the truth is to maintain the correct structure bone tissue. That is, in this case we're talking about about “external” changes that can be adjusted. True curvature arises or, genetic predisposition. In this case, we are talking about changes in bone tissue.

It is often difficult even for an orthopedist to distinguish false curvature from true one by visual examination. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray is always performed.

X curvature

This curvature of bone tissue is also called valgus curvature. To recognize it, stand in front of a mirror, trying to bring your legs together. If present, the final “connection point” will be the knees. After them, it will not be possible to connect the limbs with each other.

There is one more test. Stand near the mirror. Bend one leg at the knee. Carefully observe the second limb that is being emphasized. If it is displaced inward, then an X-deformity is diagnosed.

Another way to suspect you have hallux valgus. With your hands on your waist, do slow squats. During the movement, the knees will “tend” to connect. If the legs are close to perfect shape, then during the squat the knees will bend parallel to the feet.

O curvature

Varus curvature is the second name for type O changes in bone tissue. Unlike the previous form, due to deformation of the leg bones, they take on the shape of the letter O or a wheel. “Divergence” in different directions can begin from any part of the lower extremities (from the thigh or lower leg). During a squat, the kneecaps “tend” outward, spreading the legs in different directions.

Despite the apparent simplicity of diagnosis, it is better to entrust the final diagnosis to an orthopedist. Based on the x-ray, he will draw conclusions about the falsity or truth of the problem. From this important factor The method of treatment also depends. The absence of a correctly selected method for correcting a defect will lead to deterioration appearance and health problems.

When is therapeutic exercise needed?

Therapeutic gymnastics is an excellent treatment method for false deformity. Such “visible” curvature is not a pathology, because only the “upper” soft tissues are changed. It does not affect a person’s physical health, causing only problems of an aesthetic nature.

If the deformity is the result of a genetic predisposition or disease, then it can be corrected only by surgical methods or the use of special “pulling” devices.

The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises can be seen after 6-12 months. The recovery period depends on the degree of pathology: the less it is, the faster and more effective the exercises will be.


The best results are shown by physical therapy for deformed legs in children. In young children, the bone tissue is still soft and elastic, so it is easier to correct.

After the course physical therapy the following goals must be achieved:

  • Restored weakened muscle tissue of the lower extremities;
  • Corrected functionality ligamentous apparatus;
  • deployed in the correct position.

To achieve optimal results, training is carried out regularly, diligently performing all the exercises every day. It is better to entrust their selection to a doctor, since there are restrictions on age and individual characteristics the patient's body. And for some concomitant diseases, physical therapy exercises are contraindicated.

Exercises to correct O-shaped curvature

All workouts begin with “warming up” the muscle tissue. Here is an example of several warm-up exercises.

  1. The exercise is performed standing. Lift your toes off the floor, focusing on your heels. Repeat the movement 10-15 times.
  2. Sit on a chair with your legs wide apart. Lift your feet off the surface of the floor and move them side to side with weight. Repeat the movement 10-15 times
  3. Lie down on the floor. Pedal an imaginary bicycle intensively for 3-4 minutes.

The main complex for eliminating the O-defect is aimed at strengthening the muscle tissue of the thighs and lower legs.

Let's look at how to correct a “rounded” defect using exercises.

  1. Walk focusing on the inner arch of your feet.
  2. Walk first on your heels, then on your toes.
  3. Walk up the steps on your toes.
  4. Close your legs as tightly as possible. Squat. Make sure that your knees do not “diverge” while squatting.
  5. Holding onto any support, make successive swings to the side, first with your right, then with your left limb.
  6. Sit on the floor. Focus on your hands. Raise your straight legs from the floor and make sharp swings from side to side, imitating the movements of scissors.
  7. Lie on your right side. Tear off the straightened one from the floor level left leg as much as possible. Change your body position.
  8. Stand with your feet wide apart. Without lifting your feet from the floor, connect and separate your knees.
  9. Learn to do the cross splits.

Training is carried out at least 3 times every 7 days. Each exercise is used in 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

An excellent addition to regular training would be ballet, swimming and ice skating.

Useful video - Dr. A. Artemyev about the dangers and consequences of X-shaped legs. Part 1

Exercises to correct X-shaped curvature

To correct the form X-shaped legs Regular classes will also be required physical culture. Before training, “warm up” your muscle tissue.

  1. Walk in a circle on your toes.
  2. While standing still, curl your toes as if you want to hide them under your foot.

The goal of gymnastics to eliminate “X” marks on the legs is to develop and strengthen the abductor muscles of the outer femoral surface.

  1. Get on your knees and walk around the room in a circle.
  2. Get on all fours. Focusing on your knees and elbows, make successive swings with your extended right and then your left leg.
  3. Hold a ball between your knees and do deep squats. If the movement is difficult at first, squat without the ball.
  4. Stand with one leg bent at the knee. Grasping your knee with your hand, pull it up as high as possible. Then use your hand to turn it to the side. Stretch the muscles in this position for 30-40 seconds. Switch legs and repeat the movement.
  5. Sit on the floor with your legs spread out cross-legged. Slowly press your hands on your knees, trying to bring them as close to the floor as possible.
  6. Lie on your stomach. Bring your feet together, keeping your knees as far apart as possible. Try to stay in this position for 2-3 minutes. With each lesson, the time spent in a static position is increased by 1 minute. Ultimately it should be 10-15 minutes.

It is recommended to perform this complex three times a week. The exercises require 3 sets of 15 reps each.

An excellent addition to regular training will be classes, breaststroke swimming and horseback riding and cycling.

Useful video - Dr. A. Artemyev. At what age should surgery be performed? Part 2

Leg deformity is an unpleasant defect. It causes numerous complexes in its owners. Considering that the effect from all effective ways treatment does not occur immediately, but after long time, you can use some tricks. They will help to visually hide or significantly reduce the appearance of curvature.

  • Overlays.

This is the name for special flesh-colored correctors that are applied directly to the area calf muscle With inside. They allow you to increase the visual volume of your calves by “straightening” your legs. Thick tights or tight trousers will complete the correction.

  • Well-chosen clothes.

The curvature of the legs will be hidden by clothes of the “correct” cut:

  • Classic trousers or jeans;
  • Straight capris;
  • Flared skirts and dresses.

If you really want to use short skirts in your wardrobe, combine them with over the knee boots. In all other cases, preference should be given to boots with a wide top.

To achieve the effect of treatment even faster, use our simple recommendations:

  1. Don't sleep on your stomach! This body position does not allow the spine to “rest” during night sleep, which causes stiffness of the muscle tissue.
  2. Do not constantly use shoes that have high heel. Regular muscle tension leads to stagnation of blood and lymph in the legs. Such disorders cause pain and swelling, contribute to the development of cellulite and.

When starting the long process of “straightening” your legs, you need to be patient and persistent. Regular exercise, massage, and playing the “right” sports will definitely lead to achieving your cherished goal.

Crooked legs are a defect that affects both adults and children..

In some situations, the problem is only aesthetic (the so-called false curvature), and in some it is also medical (with congenital deformity).

If the curvature of the legs is associated with any disease, then you need to straighten your legs as soon as possible (for example, with rickets). Otherwise, such a defect can lead to curvature of the spine, back pain, and joint destruction.

It is very important to know how to straighten crooked legs at home in order to avoid sad consequences.

They distinguish between true and false curvature of the legs. The true one, in turn, is divided into:

  • varus or O-shaped(legs “wheel”, the divergence starts from the level of the hip, reaches the knee and below);
  • valgus or X-shaped(when the ankles don't meet).

A simple test to determine the type of curvature: you need to stand in front of a mirror, bend one leg and follow the kneecap of your straight leg. If it is displaced inward, then you have a varus deformity, if outward, then you have a valgus deformity.

False leg deformity is not a disease; there is no need to treat this deformity. It only brings an aesthetic defect. With this curvature, the knees and feet close together, but the calves do not.

With this defect, soft tissues are deformed, not bones, so this pathology cannot cause damage to health. But still, many are interested: “How to correct false curvature of the legs?”

To do this you need to do special exercises aimed at building muscles in the lower leg and calves so that false curvature is eliminated:

  • raising on toes with or without weights;
  • quickly climbing a mountain or stairs using your toes;
  • walking on toes for a long time;
  • squats on toes with dumbbells.

An accurate diagnosis regarding the type of curvature must be made by a doctor based on the results of an x-ray.

To correct the O-shaped curvature of the lower extremities, the following exercises that need to be performed daily will come to the rescue:

Each exercise should be performed in 3 sets, each of which should consist of 5-10 repetitions. How else can you fix your legs with a wheel? Speed ​​skating, swimming or ballet also help.

To correct X-shaped legs, you need to regularly perform the following exercises:

These leg straightening exercises help target the muscles on the outer thighs.. In addition to them, swimming, yoga, cycling or horse riding bring great benefits to your legs.

Straightening your legs is a long process. To make your legs look perfect, you can try to visually correct the problem..

Wearing this will help proper clothing. For example, tights with horizontal stripes visually hide the curvature and make the legs straighter.

A child, just like an adult, can experience curvature of the legs.

There are several reasons for this: weakness of the musculo-ligamentous system, rickets, congenital dysplasia hip joints, dislocation during childbirth.

It is possible to correct the problem of crooked legs in a child, but it is best to do this in early age(up to 7 years), then the process of correcting the deformity will go faster.

Therapeutic massages, which should be carried out by a specialist, will help with this. For older children, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic exercises.

The following exercises will help with crooked legs in children:


Walk in a circle with the baby, first on the tiptoes, then on the inner, outer edge of the feet, with the ball sandwiched between the legs.

Lying down

The child lies on his back, his legs are slightly apart, his feet are turned inward. They must “say hello” to each other, while clasping their fingers.

You can also do the following exercise in this position: clap your feet into your palms.

On knees

The child gets on all fours, stretches one leg back and up, stretching his toe as much as possible.

On the stomach

The child lies on the floor, rests his hands on his chin, and puts his feet together. At the same time, bends his legs at the knees, reaching his heels to the buttocks.

Famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that to prevent curvature of the legs in childhood Can . To do this it is necessary that:

  • the child was breastfed;
  • the baby visited more often fresh air, received an adequate dose of vitamin D;
  • parents encouraged the baby to crawl and did not force him to walk or sit ahead of time;
  • Since childhood, parents have taken their baby to the pool so that his skeleton develops properly.

Swaddling your baby will not solve the problem of crooked legs. This is a myth that grandmothers impose on us.

If a child has crooked legs, he should not roller skate, wear open-toed shoes, sneakers, slippers, or sit on his knees.

He can and should sit cross-legged, ride a bicycle, ride a horse, wear orthopedic shoes, swim in salt water, walk barefoot on grass, sand, pebbles, and special rugs.

If X-shaped or O-shaped legs are observed in girls, then for them this is a real disaster. Because then you won’t be able to go out for a walk in a short skirt or dress or wear high-heeled shoes.

Crooked legs for women are not aesthetically pleasing, not sexy. Many women, without knowing it, become the reason why their legs gradually begin to deform.

This is facilitated by:

  • sitting in a position where one leg rests on the other;
  • sleeping on your side or stomach;
  • wearing stilettos or high heels;
  • constantly carrying a bag on one shoulder (especially if the bag is very overloaded).

Today, the cardinal way to solve the problem of curvature of the legs is surgery.. At home alternative surgical intervention There will be special exercises that need to be performed daily.

Exercises should only be selected by an orthopedic doctor after determining the type of leg curvature.

Let's look at effective, universal exercises for correcting the shape of the legs:

  1. Squats. Perform 10 squats, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Exercise "Soldier". In a standing position with a straight back, you need to put your toes apart and your heels together. Try to bring your knees together, then put your feet in the correct position.
  3. Exercise "Wall". Lie on the floor near the wall. Press your legs bent at the knees against the wall for 5 seconds.

Thanks to these simple exercises, you can straighten your legs without surgery.

A person’s weight plays an important role. If a woman is overweight, then the load goes on her legs, as a result of which they begin to deform.

Therefore, in parallel with straightening the legs with the help of exercises, it is necessary to direct efforts to reduce excess weight.

Fasting will not help in this case. You need to eat right and eat healthy food, eat 5 times a day in small portions.

A combination of diet and exercise are the right steps towards achieving ideal beautiful legs in adults.

In men, curvature of the legs is most often associated with injuries, carrying heavy objects, and pathological processes in the femur and tibia.

Adults often don’t pay attention to the curvature of boys’ legs; they believe that it doesn’t matter for boys. Therefore, it is believed that boys (and then men) often have crooked legs rather than girls (women).

But if you identify the problem in a timely manner and do everything possible to get rid of it, then at an older age you can have healthy, straight legs.

How can you correct crooked legs in men at home? The tactics for correcting the defect are the same as for women: regular exercise, proper nutrition, comfortable shoes.

Crooked legs can be made slimmer at any age. To do this, it is not necessary to decide on surgery. Regular exercise, proper shoes, nutrition - all this will help correct the shape of your legs.

The main thing is to set a goal, not to be lazy, and do the exercises every day. And then your legs will become slender and beautiful!

– a pathological condition in which the legs are bent at an angle that is open inwards. Typically, this pathology occurs due to an arched or, less commonly, angular curvature of the legs, resulting from congenital malformations or diseases characterized by a decrease in the strength of bone tissue. Accompanied by compensatory deformation of other parts of the lower extremities, especially the feet. The diagnosis is made based on examination, radiography, CT, MRI and other studies. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.


Normally, all newborns have a slight arched curvature of the legs (up to 20 degrees), due to the intrauterine position of the fetus. In this case, the child’s legs are symmetrical, but the shape and position of the feet may be asymmetrical. By the age of 2, the O-shaped deformity disappears and is gradually replaced by an X-shaped (valgus) one. A slight valgus curvature of the legs (up to 15 degrees) persists for up to 3 years, and then begins to decrease and by the age of 8 does not exceed 7-9 degrees. In the future it is possible to complete disappearance curvature and preservation of a slight residual angle.

Varus curvature, which persists beyond the age of 2 years, is a cause of abnormal development of the knee joints. The external condyle of the femur increases, the internal one decreases. The joint space becomes uneven - narrowed inside and widened outside. The inner meniscus is compressed, the ligaments along the outer surface of the joint are stretched. Initially, the feet take a flat-varus position, their anterior sections and heels deviate inward. Subsequently, a compensatory flatvalgus deformity of the feet is formed. In severe cases, the tibia rotates inward and the hips rotate outward. Flexion is limited knee joints. Gait disturbances and rapid fatigue when walking occur. Due to a shift in the center of gravity, load redistribution and other pathological changes, children with O-shaped legs change their posture, and sometimes develop curvature of the spine (kyphosis or scoliosis).


The cause of unilateral O-shaped deformity in infancy is usually congenital hypoplasia caused by neurofibromatosis or fibrocystic dysplasia of the tibia. In contrast to physiological varus curvature, with this pathology, uneven deformation is observed (one lower leg is more curved than the other). The outcome of congenital hypoplasia of the leg bones can be pseudarthrosis.

Traditionally, one of the first places on the list of causes of O-shaped legs is rickets. And although this pathology is quite rare in pediatrics these days, it can occur, so it should always be excluded during differential diagnosis. It should be taken into account that rickets can develop in three periods of a child’s life: in utero (that is, congenital), at an early age and in adolescence. The cause of fetal rickets is vitamin D deficiency in the mother. Currently, this pathology is detected mainly in economically disadvantaged countries.

Infantile rickets occurs after cessation of breastfeeding. At this stage of development, the child’s body requires a large number of vitamin D. If the baby does not receive this vitamin in sufficient quantities, his bones become insufficiently strong and gradually bend when walking. An O-shaped curvature of both the legs and hips is possible. In some cases, an asymmetrical deformity is observed: varus curvature on one side is combined with valgus curvature on the other side. Anterior bending can also form - the so-called saber shins. Moreover, in contrast to damage to the legs with syphilis, when the legs are bent only anteriorly, a combination of deformation in the lateral and anteroposterior directions is observed.

Another critical age at which the likelihood of developing rickets increases is the period of intensive growth in adolescents. The cause of the deformation is a lack of exposure to the sun, a deficiency of vitamin D in food, unfavourable conditions life and some diseases. There is persistent late rickets, which, unlike the usual form of the disease, does not respond to treatment with standard doses of vitamin D. Persistent rickets develops due to genetic predisposition, chronic kidney disease and steatorrhea.

Intestinal rickets (rickets with steatorrhea) can occur with any type of long-term intestinal disorder. Occurs due to impaired absorption of fats, vitamins, phosphates and calcium. Similar disorders can be detected in adults, but in the latter case it is not rickets, but osteomalacia. The cause of the development of renal rickets is chronic kidney diseases that interfere with the retention of phosphates and calcium in the blood serum. With renal rickets, valgus deformity is most often observed, but an O-shaped curvature is also possible.

Another reason for the formation of O-shaped legs is Blount's disease (deforming osteochondrosis of the tibia). With this disease, there is not an arched curvature, as with rickets, but an angular curvature of the leg with the apex of the deformity at the level of the proximal epiphysis. At an early age (2-4 years), with Blount's disease, as a rule, bilateral curvature is detected; at an older age, only one lower leg may be curvature.

In adults, O-shaped legs can form due to Paget's disease (osteitis deformans), accompanied by damage to the femur and tibia. It is possible to damage both several and one bone, but more often several bones are involved in the process. The curvature is caused by excessive growth of bone tissue with insufficient destruction. In this case, the newly formed bone does not have sufficient strength due to incomplete calcification. It thickens and at the same time becomes soft, resulting in curvature and transverse fractures.


Depending on their age, an adult orthopedist and a pediatric orthopedic traumatologist can diagnose patients with O-shaped legs. The most important task when examining patients with O-shaped legs is to identify the underlying disease that caused the deformity. When making a diagnosis, the clinical picture, features of the curvature, the age at which the first symptoms appeared, heredity and the condition of other organs and systems are taken into account. All patients with O-shaped legs are prescribed radiography of the legs. If there is concomitant deformation of the upper limbs, an additional x-ray of the hips is performed; if compensatory changes in other parts of the limbs are suspected, x-rays of the hip joints and x-rays of the feet are performed.

To exclude rickets, the levels of alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus and calcium are studied in blood tests. If persistent forms of rickets caused by kidney and gastrointestinal diseases are suspected, the patient is referred for consultation to a nephrologist and gastroenterologist. To exclude Blount's disease and Paget's disease, radiographs are examined, and if necessary, MRI and CT scans of the legs are additionally prescribed. To identify hereditary predisposition, family history is studied in detail.

Treatment of O-shaped legs

At an early age, patients are prescribed a comprehensive conservative therapy. Exercise therapy, massage, individual orthoses and specially made orthopedic insoles are used. According to indications, treatment of the underlying disease is carried out. It should be borne in mind that correction of O-shaped deformity without eliminating its causes may be ineffective and in some cases even leads to the progression of the curvature, the formation of false joints, etc.

In adults, only surgical correction of the shape of the legs is possible. Usually when O-shaped legs a corrective osteotomy is performed in combination with the application of an Ilizarov apparatus. Incomplete osteotomy (dissection of the bone only along the inner surface) is used for true O-shaped curvature and a favorable distribution of the soft tissues of the lower leg from an aesthetic point of view. In other cases, a complete osteotomy is used. Depending on the magnitude and nature of the deformation, both immediate and gradual elimination of the curvature is possible. In the first case, the patient’s shins are immediately brought into the correct position, in the second mutual arrangement fragments are corrected by gradually “unscrewing” the nuts and increasing the distance between the rings on the inside. IN postoperative period Exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed. Usually it takes about 2 months to correct the shape of the legs, but with severe deformities this period may increase.
