Why discipline is better than motivation. stage. well deserved reward

Hello! In this article, we will tell you all about staff motivation.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is motivation and why to stimulate employees.
  2. What types of motivation exist.
  3. Most effective ways encourage employees to do their job well.

The concept of staff motivation

It is rare to find a person who is completely and completely satisfied with his work. This is because often people occupy positions not by vocation. But it is up to the manager to make sure that the work process is comfortable for everyone, and the employees perform their duties with pleasure.

Successful businessmen know firsthand that their employees need to be stimulated and encouraged in every possible way, that is, motivated. Labor productivity, the quality of the work performed, the prospects for the development of the company, etc. depend on this.

Motivation of personnel in the organization these are activities aimed at the subconscious of a person, when he has a desire to work effectively and perform his job duties in a quality manner.

For example, imagine a team where the boss does not care about his subordinates. It is important for him that the work is done in full. If an employee fails to do something, he will be fined, reprimanded or otherwise punished. In such a team there will be an unhealthy atmosphere. All workers will work not at will, but under compulsion, with a goal.

And now let's consider another option, where the employer motivates the staff in every possible way. In such an organization, friendly relations for all employees, they know what they work for, constantly develop, benefit the company and receive moral satisfaction from this.

A good leader simply must be able to stimulate staff. Everyone benefits from this, from ordinary employees to the highest management of the company.

Goals of staff motivation

Motivation is carried out in order to combine the interests of the enterprise and the employee. That is, the company needs high-quality work, and the staff needs a decent salary.

But this is not the only goal pursued by the stimulation of workers.

When motivating employees, managers strive to:

  • To interest and attract valuable personnel;
  • Minimize the number of people leaving (eliminate "staff turnover");
  • Reveal and deservedly reward the best employees;
  • Manage payments.

Theories of staff motivation

Many novice businessmen thoughtlessly approach the solution of motivation issues. But in order to achieve the desired results, it is not enough just. It is necessary to analyze the problem and proceed to its competent resolution.

To do this, it is necessary to study the theory of motivation famous people. We will now consider them.

Maslow's theory

Abraham Maslow argued that in order to effectively stimulate your employees, you need to study their needs.

He divided them into 5 categories:

  1. physical needs- this is the desire of a person to satisfy his needs at the physiological level (drink, eat, rest, have a house, etc.).
  2. The need to be safe- all people strive to be confident in the future. They need to feel physically and emotionally safe.
  3. Needs of a social nature Every person wants to be a part of society. He seeks to acquire a family, friends, etc.
  4. The need for recognition and respect- people strive to be independent, recognized, have status and authority.
  5. The need to express yourself- a person always strives to conquer peaks, develop as a person, realize his potential.

The list of needs is compiled in such a way that the first item is the most important, and the last one is less significant. It is not necessary for a manager to do everything 100%, but it is important to try to address every need.

McGregor's "X and Y" Theory

Douglas McGregor's theory is based on the fact that people can be controlled in 2 ways.

Using theory X, management is carried out with the help of an authoritarian regime. It is assumed that the team of people is unorganized, people hate their work, dodge their duties in every possible way, and need strict control from the management.

In this case, in order to establish work, it is necessary to constantly monitor employees, encourage them to conscientious implementation official duties, develop and implement a system of punishments.

TheoryY fundamentally different from the previous one. It is based on the fact that the team works with full dedication, all employees approach their duties responsibly, people organize themselves, show interest in work, and strive to develop. Therefore, the management of such employees requires a different, more loyal approach.

Herzberg's theory (Motivational-hygienic)

This theory is based on the fact that the performance of work brings a person satisfaction or dissatisfaction for various reasons.

The employee will be satisfied with the work if it contributes to his self-expression. Personnel development depends on the opportunity career development, the emergence of a sense of responsibility, recognition of the achievements of employees.

Personnel motivation factors that lead to dissatisfaction associated with poor working conditions and shortcomings in the organizational process of the company. It might be low wage, poor working conditions, unhealthy atmosphere within the team, etc.

McClelland's theory

This theory is based on the fact that the needs of people can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. The need for employees to manage and influence others. People with this need can be divided into 2 groups. The former simply want to control the others. The second tend to solve group problems.
  2. Need for Success. People with this need strive to do their job better every time than the last time. They love to work alone.
  3. The need to be involved in some process. These are employees who want recognition and respect. They like to work in organized groups.

Based precisely on the needs of people, it is necessary to introduce the necessary stimulating measures.

Process Theory of Worker Incentives

This theory is based on the fact that a person wants to achieve pleasure by avoiding pain. The manager, acting according to this theory, should encourage employees more often and apply punishment less often.

Vroom Theory (Expectancy Theory)

According to Vroom, the peculiarities of staff motivation are the fact that a person performs the work with the highest quality that, in his opinion, will satisfy his needs.

Adams theory

The meaning of this theory is as follows: human labor should be rewarded accordingly. If an employee is underpaid, then he works worse, and if he is overpaid, then he works at the same level. The work done must be fairly paid.

Types of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees.

Depending on how you will influence subordinates, motivation can be:

Straight- when the employee knows that in case of fast and high-quality work, he will be additionally rewarded.

Direct motivation, in turn, is divided into:

  • Material motivation of staff- when an employee is stimulated, bonuses, cash rewards, vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.;
  • Non-material motivation of staff- when the work of employees is recognized by management, they are given certificates, memorable gifts, working conditions are improved, work time etc.

Indirect- in the course of the stimulating activities carried out, the employee regains interest in work, he feels satisfaction after completing any task. In this case, employees have a heightened sense of responsibility, and control by management becomes optional.

Social- a person understands that he is part of a team and an integral part of the team. He is afraid to let his colleagues down and does everything to fulfill the tasks assigned to him as efficiently as possible.

Psychological- a good and friendly atmosphere is created for the employee within the team and the company itself. A person should want to go to work, participating in the production process, he should receive psychological satisfaction.

Labor- methods of stimulation aimed at self-realization of a person.

Career when the motivation is career advancement.

Gender- the employee is motivated by the opportunity to show off his successes to other people.

educational- the desire to work arises when an employee wants to develop, learn something, be educated.

In order for the methods of staff motivation to bring the desired result, it is necessary to use all types of employee incentives in a complex.

Basic levels of staff motivation

All people are unique and individual. Some careerists and the prospect of career growth are very important for them, others like stability and the absence of change. Based on these considerations, managers must understand that the methods of stimulating employees must be selected individually for each employee.

There are 3 levels of motivation:

  1. Individual motivation- the work of the employee should be paid adequately. When calculating the amount of payments, the knowledge, skills and abilities that the employee possesses should be taken into account. It is important to make it clear to the subordinate that in case of high-quality performance of his duties, he will receive a promotion.
  2. Team motivation- a group of people united by one cause and purpose works more efficiently. Each member of the team understands that the success of the entire team depends on the effectiveness of his work. When motivating a group of people, it is very important that the atmosphere within the team is friendly.
  3. Organizational motivation- the entire team of the enterprise must be combined into one system. People should understand that their organization is a single mechanism and a positive result depends on the actions of everyone. For a leader, this is one of the most difficult tasks.

A systematic approach to staff motivation

In order to competently conduct stimulating events, it must be remembered that motivation is a system consisting of 5 stages.

Stage 1. Identification of the problem of staff motivation.

The manager, in order to understand what kind of motivational activities to carry out, it is necessary to analyze the motivation of the staff. To do this, you need to conduct a survey (it can be anonymous) and identify what the subordinates are dissatisfied with.

Stage 2. The implementation of management, taking into account the data of the analysis of motivation, its goals.

When motivating employees, management must work closely with the staff. Based on the research data, implement those methods that will benefit your enterprise.

For example If the majority of employees are not satisfied with the length of the working day at the enterprise, then it is necessary to make changes in this direction.

Stage 3. Impact on employee behavior.

Carrying out activities to motivate the work of staff, it is necessary to monitor changes in the behavior of employees.

Employees will change it if:

  • Management will accept constructive criticism;
  • Timely reward employees;
  • Demonstrate correct behavior by example;
  • They will be taught the right behavior.

Stage 4. Improving the personnel motivation system.

At this stage, it is necessary to introduce non-material methods of stimulating employees. Workers need to be convinced of the need to increase their productivity. The leader must "ignite" the subordinate, find individual approach to everyone.

Stage 5 Well-deserved reward.

The company should develop a system of bonuses and incentives. When employees see that their efforts are rewarded, they begin to work better and more productively.

Methods and examples of staff motivation

There are many ways to motivate employees. But before putting them into practice, think about what incentive methods are right for your production.

We made TOP-20 better ways motivation, from which, each leader will choose a method that is suitable for his production.

  1. Salary . This is a powerful motivator that makes an employee perform their work efficiently. If wages are low, it is unlikely that this will inspire workers to give 100% to the production process.
  2. Praise . Every person who conscientiously performs his work is pleased to hear that his work has not gone unnoticed. The manager needs to periodically analyze the work of employees and not neglect praise. Using this method, you do not spend a penny, but at times increase labor productivity.
  3. Address employees by name . For the authority of the director of the company, it is very important to learn the names of all employees. Referring to a person by name, the leader shows his respect for the subordinate. The employee understands that he is not just a faceless secretary or cleaner, but a person who is valued.
  4. Extra rest . Some enterprises encourage employees to do their work faster and better by offering additional rest. For example, an employee who showed the best result at the end of the week may leave work a few hours earlier on Friday. Thus, the excitement and desire to be a winner wakes up in the team.
  5. Rewarding with memorable gifts . On the occasion of any anniversaries, you can present your employees with memorable gifts. It can be trinkets, but if engraved on it, then for sure the employee will show off such a sign of attention to his friends for the rest of his life.
  6. Upgrade prospect . All employees should understand that for the quality performance of their work, they will be promoted. The prospect of promotion career ladder motivates no worse than material rewards.
  7. Opportunity to speak your mind and be heard . In any team, it is important to give all employees the opportunity to express their opinion. But it is not enough just to listen, the management must also listen to the advice and wishes of its employees. Thus, employees will understand that their opinion is considered and listened to.
  8. The opportunity for each employee to personally communicate with the company's management . All leaders, first of all, must understand that they are the same people as their subordinates. Directors only organize the production process, and the execution of work depends on their subordinates. Therefore, regular face-to-face meetings should be organized with employees where they may be affected. important questions on a variety of topics.
  9. Hall of Fame . This is a non-material method of motivation that perfectly increases productivity. To implement it, it is necessary to create a board of honor, where portraits of the best employees will be placed. Thus, production competitions are created that stimulate workers to improve their production performance.
  10. Provide an opportunity to fulfill your . This method is only suitable for individual companies. If office worker routine work that he can do without leaving home, he can be asked not to come to workplace in certain days. But the main condition will be the quality performance of official duties.
  11. nice job title . Each profession and position is good in its own way. But if a nurse in a medical institution is designated as a junior nurse, then it will not be shameful for a person to say who he works for.
  12. corporate events . At many enterprises on the occasion of big holidays, parties are arranged. At these celebrations, people communicate in an informal setting, relax, make new acquaintances. Corporate events help distract employees and demonstrate that the company cares about them.
  13. public gratitude . You can praise an employee not only personally. It's best to do this in public. There are several ways to implement this idea. For example, to announce the best worker on the radio, through the media or loudspeakers at the enterprise. This will encourage others to work better so that everyone knows about their results.
  14. Providing discounts . If a company produces a product or provides services, then a discount can be provided for employees of this company.
  15. Premium accrual . Financial incentives are effective method staff motivation. Employees need to set a goal, upon reaching which they will receive certain additional payments to the basic salary in the form of bonuses.
  16. Motivational board . Simple but effective method incentives for employees. To implement the idea, it is enough to draw a graph of the productivity of each participant in the production process on a demonstration board. Employees will see who performs better and will strive to become a leader.
  17. Company sponsored training . It is important for many employees to improve and. By sending employees to seminars, conferences, trainings, etc., the manager shows his interest in the professional growth of the subordinate.
  18. Payment for a subscription to a sports club . From time to time, teams can organize production competitions, as a result of which, the best employee will receive a subscription to a fitness club.
  19. Coverage of transport costs, payment for communication services . Large companies often motivate their employees by paying for their travel expenses or cell phone services.
  20. Creation of an idea bank . At the enterprise, you can create a bank of ideas in the form of an electronic box. Everyone will send letters to it with their proposals. Thanks to this, each employee will feel their importance.

Increasing the motivation of personnel of certain professions

When developing motivational activities, it is important to take into account the profession of employees and the type of employment.

Consider an example of the motivation of workers in certain professions:

Profession Motivation Methods

Give them the opportunity to make their own decisions;

Pay a premium (a certain percentage of sales)


Organize production competitions with other managers;

Reward depending on sales volumes;

Link salary to company profits

logistician For people in this profession, most often wages consist of a salary and a bonus. Moreover, the salary is 30%, and 70% are bonuses. You can motivate them with bonuses. If their work did not cause failures, then the bonus is paid in full.

Non-standard methods of modern staff motivation

Rarely used in Russia non-standard methods labor stimulation. Nevertheless, they bring good results.

Not so long ago, a survey was conducted, in which office workers from different corners Russia. They answered questions: what bonuses would they be happy with and what would they like to see in the workplace.

Most people preferred:

  • office kitchen;
  • An automatic machine where everyone can make coffee for free;
  • soul;
  • Lounge, bedroom, smoking room;
  • simulators;
  • massage chair;
  • tennis table;
  • cinema hall;
  • Scooters.

The fair sex preferred massage chairs and gyms, and the representatives of the stronger sex - entertainment (tennis table, scooters, etc.).

Professional assistance in motivating employees

If you are a young leader and doubt the correctness of developing staff motivation, you have 2 options for getting out of this situation.

  1. You can contact special organizations that, for a fee, will develop a motivation system and successfully implement it in your company.
  2. Or enroll in a business school where you will be taught the basics of management.

What will competently motivate employees

If the manager properly stimulates his employees, then in a few weeks a positive result will be noticeable.


  • Employees begin to take a more responsible approach to the performance of their duties;
  • Improving the quality and productivity of labor;
  • Production figures are improving;
  • Employees have a team spirit;
  • Reduced staff turnover;
  • The company begins to develop rapidly, etc.

If you are a beginner entrepreneur, you must properly motivate your employees:

  • First, always positively set up subordinates to do the job;
  • Second, ensure that the basic needs of employees are met;
  • Thirdly, create comfortable working conditions;
  • Fourth, be loyal to your employees.

In addition, use the following tips:

  • Be interested in the lives of subordinates, ask about their needs;
  • Do not scold employees with or without reason. It is better to help to do the work that the employee cannot cope with. After all, the failures of workers are the failures of managers;
  • Analyze periodically. Conduct surveys, questionnaires, draw up work diaries and internal reporting;
  • Pay unscheduled bonuses and incentives.


The role of staff motivation in any enterprise is quite large. It is in the power of the employer to create such working conditions where the employee wants to work with full dedication. The main thing is to competently approach the development and implementation of stimulating methods.

He who is long-suffering is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of the city.

Book of Proverbs, 16:32.

Today, the internet and bookstore shelves are overflowing with motivational product designed to inspire us to new life and great accomplishments. Why, then, the situation, which should, in theory, bring good, has become a curse for many, giving rise to a mass dissatisfied people constantly dreaming about a trip, planning a route, but never budge?

For many people, the absorption of another portion of motivation has become akin to taking a dose by a drug addict, after which the withdrawal syndrome passes, and everything in life remains the same, except for the feeling of one’s own helplessness and worthlessness, which is steadily growing. And in order to break through, in order to somehow move forward, we introduce another dose of motivation, closing the vicious circle.

Motivation - on the crest of emotions

The task of motivation is to kindle emotions in us, to raise a wave of feelings that will carry us to our cherished goal. This is surfing on the crest of a wave, but not hard work with oars. Beautiful, exciting, easy.

Only a few move away from the shores of mediocrity.

But if the waves may not stop on the coast of the ocean, then in the reality of our life, emotions are one of the most fragile, fleeting and fickle phenomena. You can sit on the shore for weeks and months, but never wait for the waves.

In fact, our life is a beach dotted with surfers, whose only occupation is such an expectation. Only a few take the oars and row, slowly but inexorably moving away from the shores of mediocrity and emptiness.

Popularity and the power of illusions

Motivation is popular, but not because it leads to results. Motivation is as popular as any other easy way. Unfortunately, a person is arranged in such a way that he is looking for an easy, and not a sure way. And if it creates at least some appearance of the right choice, then, most likely, it will be chosen.

Motivation only creates the illusion that everything will turn out easily. Therefore, the smallest difficulty can lead to retreat.

But motivation does not make the path easy, it just gives out promises and creates the illusion that everything will turn out easily and on an emotional upsurge.

A person who is in the grip of these illusions is completely unprepared - neither mentally nor physically - for the difficulties and obstacles that have always met, are encountered and will be encountered on any path to more or less worthwhile goals. Therefore, the smallest difficulty can lead to a retreat to the shore to wait for the next favorable wave.

Of course, we all love positive feelings: joy, emotional upsurge, delight - and there is nothing wrong with that. The bad thing is that we become dependent on them, not they on us. We become like a drunkard who cannot and does not want to work without an infusion of alcohol.

excuse for lazy people

Of course, a bricklayer or a driver cannot plead a lack of inspiration, but representatives of creative professions have, as it seems to them, a wonderful alibi for their laziness. I know that rotten tomatoes will fly at me now, but I am deeply convinced that a creative person does not need inspiration to start creating.

To paraphrase the famous Chuck Close, I can say and confirm with personal experience:

Inspiration is for lazy people, the rest just work.

Therefore, today I invite you to abandon the service of inspiration and embrace the true queen of success. Meet Her Majesty Discipline!

Discipline: rowing through the waves

Unlike motivation, discipline does not wait for the right weather and the right wave. She does not care about emotions and feelings, she does not need them, and with a certain experience she creates them herself and makes them serve her goals.

Yes, discipline is not easy. It doesn't come after a video, movie, workshop, or podcast.

Being small and weak, she struggles through laziness, fear and “I don’t want to”. But if you cherish and train it, then, growing and gaining momentum, it will help you to demolish any obstacles on the way to success and self-realization. In addition, every day it will require less and less effort and attention from you.

Discipline has only one drawback: it is true, but hard way. Therefore, she is unpopular and therefore she was slandered as soon as they could.

Myths and lies about discipline

Myth 1. Discipline and creativity are incompatible.

When I hear this, I understand that the real biographies of famous artists, composers, writers and other creators are shrouded in mystery. On closer acquaintance, it turns out that most geniuses worked hard, a lot and did not wait for inspiration.

There is nothing that is called inspiration. The only thing that counts is hard work.

Somerset Maugham

Of course, one might get the impression that discipline is the enemy of inspiration. Perhaps inspiration is the enemy of discipline, but discipline is inspiration's best friend.

Inspiration's best friend is discipline.

Firstly, when, thanks to discipline, we are collected, we have completed household chores (even if not all, but the main ones), when guilt does not crush because of financial or social debts, then a lot of energy is released for creativity and inspiration, which we can use.

Secondly, research has shown that moments of insight that seem to come out of nowhere are the result of the intense brain work that precedes them. Kevin Ashton, in his book How to Fly a Horse, was very specific and unequivocal:

Time is the raw material for creation. Throw away the magic and myths of creation, and only work remains: the work of gaining experience through research and practice, the work of trial and error, the work of reflection and improvement.

Even the famous "90 Proven Ways to Get Over the Crisis and Find Inspiration Again" (paper book or PDF) offers us nothing more than real action, not just waiting.

But even if you just break through paragraph by paragraph or stroke by stroke, inspiration will eventually come. And it happens more often and faster than if you just wait. To be more precise, it happens all the time. A disciplined creator has a disciplined muse.

Yana Frank is a vivid example of a creative person who tamed inspiration through discipline. Before reading her book "" It seemed to me that only I and Somerset Maugham agreed with all of the above. But - starting with Yana - more and more often I come across creative people who say that discipline and organization - best friends inspiration and creativity. Therefore, find out without waiting for inspiration, and into battle!

Myth 2. Discipline is slavery

People often, after they learn about my life, use such epithets: slavery, prison, penal servitude. A friend of mine who is diabetic and has excess weight and a lot of very unpleasant ailments, he cannot cope with his appetite and nicotine addiction, but he considers me a slave and regrets my life very much.

The philosophy of such people is understandable. It was expressed by Voltaire: freedom is to do what you want and when you want. But there was another French thinker - Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who said that true freedom is the ability to do what is necessary and right.

From a logical point of view, Rousseau is right. After all, what kind of freedom is it if you go to work on a schedule, do what other people tell you, obey the laws of the state, but cannot control yourself?

Discipline and self-control is true freedom.

But this is only the first step of freedom. The next one is not only to do what is right and necessary, but also to love it, to enjoy it. And here we are faced with the following myth.

Myth 3. Discipline and happiness are incompatible.

This myth is based on the belief that healthy food is necessarily tasteless, good music- boring, playing sports cannot bring pleasure, hard work (intellectual and) depresses ... That is, everything that requires discipline and self-control is associated with negative feelings and emotions, which means it is incompatible with happiness and a bright interesting life.

But perseverance pays off physical activity the secretion of the hormone of happiness increases, any tastes can be changed, and food can be cooked deliciously. I will say more: if the food is healthy, nutritious and balanced, but tasteless, then it is unhealthy food.

On the other hand, there are a lot of things that, by definition, simply cannot give pleasure and joy, things that still need to be done. And they must be done, if only because there is a direct connection between their implementation and our happiness.

For example, many people do not like sport exercises just because they haven't tried it yet. But there are those who will never be able to love playing sports, despite all their benefits for the brain and body. And here no motivation and self-hypnosis will help, but discipline is.

Besides, a lot depends on our attitude. It seems to me that it is difficult not to receive joy and pleasure from overcoming oneself, from achieving one's own goals.

You can be happy from the simple thought that you are not a weak-willed rotten person, but a person who controls himself.

Discipline leads a person through the achievement of a result to emotional state, which the perpetual pipers consider necessary to achieve this result.

It turns out that true happiness is difficult to find without discipline. Without discipline it is impossible to be free, to be inspired and to break through the waves. What are we going to do about motivation? Shall we throw the ballast overboard? In no case! Let's just start to treat motivational products correctly.

Motivation is a picture of the future

Motivation is very good when it paints a picture of the future in front of us, shows us what awaits us if we pull ourselves together and, with the support of discipline, we move forward. Motivation is good when it reminds us why we need self-control and continuous movement.

Therefore, be sure to watch motivational videos, read motivational books and articles. But even better - look for and nurture intrinsic motivation. Think about your goals, dream about them, plan to achieve them, paint pictures.

Learn to love what you do, just fall in love with what you do and become the best...

Let motivation inspire you to go to sea, and discipline will give you the strength and perseverance to swim to your dreams. Happy sailing!

Why discipline is so much more important than motivation to achieve goals. The CPU provides the translation of the text.

There are two main ways to force yourself to do something.

The first, most popular and devastatingly misguided, is to try to motivate yourself.

The second, less popular and completely right choice- Develop discipline.

This is one of those situations where taking a different approach immediately leads to best results. You don't often hear the correct use of the expression "paradigm shift," but this is the case. The moment when a light bulb lights up overhead.

What is the difference?

motivation, in in general terms, is based on the mistaken assumption that a particular mental or emotional state is required to complete a task.

This is a completely wrong perception.

Discipline, on the other hand, separates activity from moods and feelings and thereby bypasses the problem by constantly improving them.

The consequences are staggering.

Successful completion of tasks leads to internal states that chronic procrastinators seem to need in order to proceed with the implementation of tasks.

To put it simply, you don't have to wait until you're in Olympic uniform to start training. You, on the contrary, train to achieve this form.

If action is driven by feelings, waiting for the right attitude becomes a particularly insidious form of procrastination. I know this all too well, and I wish someone would point it out to me twenty, fifteen, or ten years before I could feel the difference in my own skin.

If you wait until you feel ready to do something, you're done. This is how terrible procrastinator loops arise.

At its core, chasing motivation is insisting on the infantile fantasy that we should only do what we are in the mood to do. The problem is framed as follows: “How can I set myself up to do what I have already decided to do with my brain?”. Badly.

The right question is: “How do I recognize my feelings as irrelevant and start doing things that I consciously want to do and not act like a bitch?”

The trick is to cut off the connection between feelings and actions, and do what needs to be done anyway. You will feel good and energetic later on.

Motivation is the wrong way. I am 100% sure that this is an erroneous constraint - main reason that many residents developed countries just sitting in their underpants, playing Xbox and masturbating instead of doing something useful.

Belief in motivation is a consequence of psychological problems.

Insofar as real life in real world sometimes requires people to do things that no one in their right mind can be enthusiastic about, "motivation" runs into an insurmountable obstacle in trying to generate enthusiasm for something that objectively doesn't deserve it. The only solution, other than fooling around, is to forget about this "sound mind". This is a terrible, and thankfully misguided, dilemma.

Trying to maintain enthusiasm for fundamentally lackluster and murderous activities is a form of deliberate psychological harm to oneself, self-imposed insanity: “I love these signs so much, I really want to finally fill out the formula for calculating annual income as soon as possible, I love my job so much!”

I do not consider intentional manifestations of hypomania to be the optimal stimulus. human activity. The human brain does not allow abuse for an infinite period, so retribution is inevitable. The body has its own brakes and safety valves.

The worst thing that can happen is success in wrong action- temporary. Much best script- maintain sanity, which, unfortunately, tends to be misinterpreted as a moral failure: "I still don't like my aimless paper-shifting job", "I still prefer pie over broccoli, and can't lose weight, maybe I'm just a weakling", "I need to buy another book on motivation." Bullshit. The critical mistake is to generally consider such cases in terms of motivation or its lack. The answer is discipline, not motivation.

There is another, practical, problem with motivation. It has a tiny shelf life and needs to be constantly updated.

Motivation is when you manually press down on the handle to increase the pressure. At best, it stores and transforms energy for a specific purpose. There are times when this is the right approach - Olympic competitions and prison breaks come to mind. But it's a terrible foundation for normal day-to-day activities, and it's unlikely to help you achieve long-term results.

On the contrary, discipline is like a motor that once started up and constantly supplies energy to the system.

Productivity does not have the necessary mental states. For consistent, long-term results, discipline trumps motivation (cutting circles around her, flicking her and eating her lunch).

In the end, motivation is an attempt to achieve a state of readiness for some kind of action. Discipline is when you do something even when you are unable to.

Already thereafter you feel good.

Discipline, in short, is a system, and motivation, at the same time, is more like a goal. There is symmetry in this. Discipline is something more or less permanent, but motivation is fleeting.

How to develop discipline? Acquiring habits - starting small, even microscopic, gaining momentum, using them for further changes in Everyday life, building a loop of positive feedback.

Motivation is a counterproductive approach to productivity. What is important is that

In this article, we will find out which motivation, internal or external, is more effective? How are they interconnected and thanks to what motivation can one become the master of one's own life? With internal motivation, a person gains a sense of his own competence, self-confidence and inner satisfaction from his own self-realization. In fact, a person rewards himself. But, of course, intrinsic motivation enhances extrinsic motivation in the form of approval and praise from other people. Thus, self-confidence and their strength increases many times over.

If we talk about external motivation, then it directly depends on the relationship of a person with others, on his perception and attitude to praise. Sometimes a person does something to get a reward or vice versa to avoid some kind of punishment. External motivation depends on the psychological and material aspects of human activity. For example, if a person works only for the sake of money, then money for him acts as an internal motivation. If a person simply likes what he does, then money becomes an external motivator. A kind of added bonus to activities that bring pleasure.

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An effective system of motivation is when internal and external complement and reinforce each other.
A feature of external motivation is that it contributes to an increase in the volume of work performed. Whereas intrinsic motivation mainly improves the quality of work performance. If a person's salary depends on output, then of course, he will try to do as much as possible, but not always with high quality. If a person works for the sake of achieving a result, in order to first of all prove to himself that he is the best in some business, then of course, he will do everything qualitatively.

Intrinsic motivation drives a person to finish the job, to do everything as best as possible, which is why it is considered more effective. External motivation can be reduced to zero at any moment, a person can lose interest in activities if conditions change not in his favor. For example, a person may quit their job if they were not paid a bonus for additional work or if their salary was cut. External motivation is dynamic and can depreciate at any moment.
Sometimes, recognition is very important for a person. If this does not happen, he may fold his arms and stop moving in that direction.

If internal motivation is replaced by external motivation, then, as a rule, internal motivation decreases. This leads to the fact that a person ceases to conduct activities with excitement, admiration and enthusiasm.

The internal motivation of a person increases with the growth of self-confidence and their abilities. The more goals a person was able to achieve, the more and higher he sets subsequent goals. He climbs the stairs and is internally confident that he can do everything. Often, people with strong intrinsic motivation reach the top and never stop there.

most popular and worthy books based on motivation written by A. Maslow. He says motivation is internal behavior that motivates a person to take action. In his opinion, motivation determines human behavior.

First, human needs are endless. As soon as a person satisfies one need, the next immediately arises. Secondly, a satisfied need immediately loses its motivating power, and unsatisfied needs prompt action. Thirdly, all needs are arranged in a certain sequence in order of importance.

A hungry person cannot think about building a business until they satisfy their basic need - hunger. If a person has nowhere to live, he cannot even think about love and building relationships.

Maslow discovered a certain law of motivation, according to which the satisfaction of basic needs open the way to the satisfaction of higher levels of needs. That is why, so often we hear whining and complaints from people. Someone whines that he does not have enough for bread, but someone has no less global problem- 25 new cars are missing from the collection.

Maslow divided needs into 5 levels, which are depicted in the form of a pyramid. Of course, all levels are interpenetrating and equally important as a person rises from one stage to the next as needs are satisfied.

Hierarchy of human needs diagram by Abraham Maslow.

Steps (bottom to top):

  1. Physiological
    2. Security
    3. Love/Belonging to something
    4. Respect
    5. Cognition
    6. Aesthetic
    7. Self-actualization

Cognition, aesthetic needs and self-actualization are combined into one common stage - the need for personal growth.

According to Maslow, extrinsic motivation is the urge to do something. external circumstances or other people. For example, thundercloud will force a person to quickly run home so as not to get wet. The promised bonus will make a person work faster, and the penalties will force him to adhere to certain rules.

A person carries internal motivation in himself, and it does not depend on external rewards, incentives. A person acts because he wants to, likes it. For example, Small child constantly explores something, not because those around him stimulate him, but because he himself is interested in learning this world. Intrinsic motivation is inherent in a person from birth and is studied by psychologists as a phenomenon.

Of course, intrinsic motivation can be created from outside. For example, Paganini's parents forced him to play the violin for 8 hours a day. But it was thanks to this that a great violinist appeared!
If we compare the effectiveness of internal and external motivation, then we can say that each of them is effective in solving certain problems.

If you need to decide a simple task and just not to be distracted, then external motivation is good. For example, the more a person is paid, the more he will do.

If you need to solve a difficult task, where you need to connect all your creativity, creativity, skills and abilities, then internal motivation will work more effectively here. A person works on his own initiative and enjoys it.

There are controversial issues that relate to motivation. For example, does a wife care about her husband because she loves him (intrinsic motivation) or is she afraid of being alone and losing him (extrinsic motivation)?

You can become the master of your life only if a person is able to motivate himself to act at the right time. And do not sit back "folding your paws" because the motivation is over. The master of life is in constant motion and achieves one goal after another.

Here we come to the question of self-motivation. Each person meets every day with certain difficulties, tasks that need to be solved. It can be related to work, family, money, friends and most often internal imbalances. This problem is always the hardest to solve. You can easily influence others, but it is most difficult to cope with your own conditions.

There are practical ways of self-motivation that will help a person to move forward and never give up:

  1. You need to learn to ignore everything superfluous that can distract you from your goals. Consider what is really important to you personally. Indeed, often people set themselves unnecessary goals that are dictated to them by advertising, society, examples of friends and instructions from parents. Throw away everything unnecessary and start doing what you want.
    2. Keeping a “Success Journal” is very conducive to the development of motivation, in which you need to record all your achievements. In a difficult moment, he will remind you how much you were able to achieve, how much you are capable of and will not let you lose heart.
    3. One more good way increasing motivation is the creation of a suitable environment. The situation affects the mood of a person, well-being and, of course, motivation. Decorate your workplace the way you like it.
    4. The setting of specific clear goals has a motivating effect. When you think about your goal, this is already motivation. You start thinking about specific timeframes for which you want to achieve something. Think of all possible plans of action.
    5. Various motivating stories of successful people contribute to the formation of motivation. You can read books and articles. Watch films about successful people and how they managed to achieve it. By the way, this method is the most effective of all for increasing motivation.
    6. To increase the motivation of activity, it is necessary to constantly perform different tasks. Psychologists have long proven that working on the same project long time exhausts the human body.
    7. Ways of motivation are sometimes very creative. One of these is learning to enjoy defeat. You need to understand that defeat is also a valuable experience and you learn from mistakes. Every failure shows you new way how not to do it. It's wonderful!
    8. Filter your social circle, exclude the ever-whining whiners, pessimists and losers. Hang out with people who are better than you at something. With those who were able to achieve success in some business. Then you will have great example for imitation and desire to reach up.
    9. Very often people have great plans and goals, but they never achieve anything. Do you know why? They are hindered by fear. You must understand for yourself that fear is normal, but it should not stop you. Well, what's so terrible will happen if you fail? Will everyone stay alive? Then nothing bad happened. Take failure as a valuable experience, be afraid to your health, but never give up and never stop.
    10. Develop your inner world. Everything successful people Having satisfied their basic needs, they come to higher, spiritual ones. Try to keep your inner world clean and in harmony. Then you can think clearly, feel, understand what you really need and easily achieve it.

Remember that life is fleeting. Don't put it off until later. It depends only on you what kind of person you will become, how you will live your life, whether you will feel happy. Don't be idle. Become the master of your life!
