Keeping aquarium shrimp. Shrimp in a home aquarium

You can watch shrimp for hours; an aquarium with them always attracts attention. Shrimp can be kept in an aquarium of any capacity (at the rate of 3 liters of water per individual). TO chemical composition They are not demanding of water, but they tolerate oxygen deficiency very poorly. This is why in a crowded and densely planted aquarium it is necessary to aerate the water at night.

Shrimp can tolerate temperatures from 15 to 30 ºС, but if at 25-30 ºС they actively move, then at 15-20 ºС they become sluggish and inactive. And sudden changes in temperature can lead to their death.

Amano shrimp

What to feed shrimp in an aquarium

There are no problems with food at all. Shrimps feed on algae, bloodworms, tubifex, coretra, daphnia, that is, any food that is fed to fish. They eagerly eat snails, dead fish, and other organic remains. They are a kind of aquarium orderlies, cleaning off the formed algae from the walls and finishing up what the fish did not eat.

As they grow, shrimp molt. Molting occurs in about one to two minutes. The shrimp, with sharp movements, throws off its shell and quickly moves into the thick of the plants. Over the next two days, she is practically defenseless - her integument is very soft and thin. If you see a discarded shell at the bottom, do not rush to remove it; many shrimp eat it, since it contains the substances necessary to build a new cover. After molting, shrimp recover all damaged limbs, as well as limbs lost for some reason. In juveniles this occurs in one molt, in adults – in two or three.

Types of shrimp - photos

The size of an adult shrimp can be from 1 to 8 cm.

There is a huge variety of shrimp, differing in color and some reproductive characteristics. The most commonly found shrimp in hobbyist aquariums are the Cherry (or Cherry) (or Japanese) and “Bumblebee” shrimp.

Athyopsis filter feeder

When you visit your friend, don’t rush to conclusions when you see an aquarium on his nightstand. Fish don't have to live there. Today, fans of exotic creatures keep in aquariums, and... even shrimp. Yes, those same shrimps that are served as an appetizer.

What kind of shrimp can live in an aquarium?

In Nature there are a large number of species of shrimp, which are conventionally divided into those that can live in salt water and those that can live in fresh water. At the same time, not all freshwater shrimp are suitable for keeping in an aquarium. In fact, many of them are very capricious in terms of content. And they can’t get along with all their neighbors. For example, ancistrus are capable of eating shrimp, so with such a neighborhood you may one day be short of the shrimp population.

Not too much a good option neighborhood of domestic shrimps with wild species. Everyone can die because aquarium shrimp weak immunity and they are highly susceptible to those bacteria carried by wild shrimp. So, in terms of the proximity of these pets, be extremely careful. Choosing the wrong neighbor can ruin your shrimp.

Features of keeping shrimp at home

Shrimp tank volume

To keep these creatures, of course, you need an aquarium. But don’t rush to just pour water into it, fill it with soil and start the shrimp. Firstly, the volume of the aquarium must be at least 40 liters, provided that no one else will live there except them. This will give you a shrimp tank. Why can't I get a smaller aquarium? It may be cramped and uncomfortable for kids, and this will affect their well-being.

Aquarium water

It is better to take soft, neutral acidity, purified water. These creatures are very sensitive to impurities in the water, and they can kill them. If you see that

the shrimp behaves sluggishly - think about what kind of water you poured into the aquarium the day before.

You should change the water regularly, at least once a week. Up to 40% of the water is replaced, the rest is topped up with fresh water.

It is better to use special filters to purify water. But make sure that their jets are not directed towards the center of the aquarium, but towards its walls.

Temperature in the aquarium

Shrimp are heat-loving creatures, so you will have to take care to maintain temperature regime in the aquarium in the range of 24-27 degrees above zero. In general, experts call the optimal temperature range for their maintenance to be from 15 to 30 degrees. However, when low temperatures water they behave very passively, metabolic processes slow down in their body, whereas in strongly warm water they may lack oxygen.

Aquarium soil

It is better to select variants of pebbles as soil, simulating the rocky soil of the natural habitat.

Do shrimp need algae?

Often aquariums with fish turn into aquatic jungles - there are so many different algae there. However, in the case of shrimp fish, it is better not to get carried away with algae. Moreover, you don’t have to use them at all.

What to feed shrimp

In Nature, these creatures eat mushrooms, simple algae - in a word, detritus. So, there is no need to worry about the sterile cleanliness of the shrimp tank. You can put a few twigs in the water or throw in a couple of leaves, all of which will soon make a delicious shrimp lunch. In addition to detritus, it is fashionable to feed your shrimp dry, granular types of shrimp food. Experts do not recommend feeding them fish food, since it contains a lot of protein, which can disrupt the molting processes of these funny creatures and interfere with the reproduction process.

Feed the shrimp once every few days, and throw in as much food as the shrimp can eat in 20-30 minutes. Just like fish, you should not overfeed them.

Shrimps- this is one of the seafood, which is considered a delicacy in many countries of the world remote from the sea. Shrimp are a subspecies of marine crustacean creatures and can reach sizes of up to thirty centimeters. On average, the size of a shrimp is about ten to twelve centimeters (see photo). There are also about a hundred various types shrimp, which differ mainly in size. Shrimp are caught in the seas, but sometimes they can be raised in farms.

An interesting fact is that at birth shrimp are hermaphrodites, and throughout life path change sex from male to female in order to bear offspring.

Shrimp are often sold in stores in fresh-frozen, frozen and boiled-frozen forms. Can be sold both in packages and by weight. Fresh shrimp are dark green or pinkish-transparent in color, while cooked shrimp are bright pink or red.

If you go to the store and want to buy shrimp, then you should know how to choose them correctly so that they bring you only positive emotions.

The highest quality shrimp are those that have been frozen fresh, as they contain greatest number useful elements.

Varieties of shrimp

Today, there are about a hundred varieties of shrimp that are sold in stores and markets, however, the most popular of them are:

  • royal;
  • brindle;
  • northern (Chilims).

King prawns, which are caught in the seas, are significantly different from their counterparts, which are grown on special farms. Shrimp not grown in wild conditions They are capable of reaching sizes of up to twenty-five centimeters in one year, while they have a much more massive rear part relative to the head, which makes them more tasty. Most often coloring king prawns It can be greenish or even bluish. This type of shrimp is most often sold fresh frozen or boiled-frozen.

Tiger prawns are especially distinguished large sizes, as well as characteristic dark stripes on the shell, which is why they got their name. Tiger shrimp can reach up to forty centimeters in length, in addition, they contain much more meat than other types of shrimp. This type of crustacean can be both caught in the seas and bred on farms, so there is always an abundance of these shrimp on the shelves.

Several types of tiger shrimp are available for sale: frozen, fresh-frozen, chilled, boiled-frozen, and canned.

Northern shrimp, otherwise called chilims, are the smallest representatives of their species. Maximum size such shrimps usually do not exceed eleven centimeters. Northern shrimp are caught or farmed in the Atlantic completely legally. An interesting fact is that, unlike their relatives, only northern shrimp carry eggs under their abdomen. Other types of shrimp throw it directly into the water.

On the shelves you can only find boiled and frozen types of northern shrimp, since only this method of transportation allows them to be kept as fresh and juicy as possible.

How to clean and cook?

Before I tell you about how to properly cook different types of shrimp, it is necessary to clarify that you can cook them both in the shell and without it. If you want to cook shrimp without the shell, then you need to know how to peel it. In our article we will tell you in detail how this can be done.

  1. The first step is to defrost the shrimp. To do this, it is best to place them on a plate and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that they thaw gradually. If you're in a hurry, you can place the bag of shrimp in room temperature water, changing it as it cools.
  2. When the shrimp are defrosted, place them on a wooden board and then sprinkle them thoroughly with salt. This way they will be salted, and it will also be much easier to remove the shell.
  3. Now you should take the shrimp in your hands, in one of which you should hold the head, and in the other the tail. After this, you need to carefully unscrew the head, and then tear off the legs.
  4. Then, starting from the head, gently pull the scales of the shell up, thus removing the entire shell. The tip of the tail should be carefully removed by pulling it towards you.
  5. If you see a dark line along the back, it will need to be removed as it is the esophagus.
  6. After you clean the shrimp, you will need to rinse them thoroughly under running water and then start cooking.

Now that you know how to properly peel shrimp, you can move on to the cooking process. First, let's look at the method by which you need to cook boiled-frozen shrimp. However, it is not necessary to clean them. The first step is to defrost them. For boiled frozen shrimp, the boiling water method is suitable: they need to be placed in a colander and doused with water from a just boiled kettle. After this, you should transfer the shrimp to a saucepan and pour boiling water over them so that it completely covers the shrimp. You can add herbs, dried cloves, salt and black pepper to the water to taste. The shrimp should be cooked in this way for about two minutes, after which they can be placed on a plate and served.

If you are going to cook raw shrimp, then you should know that they need to be cooked much longer, and it does not matter whether they are peeled or not. To cook raw shrimp, you need to wait until they defrost on their own. After this, pour water into the pan, add salt, Bay leaf and lemon juice and wait until it boils. Now you can put the shrimp in there. They should be cooked for at least 10 minutes, but the time may vary in each case. You can tell when the shrimp are ready when they float to the surface and turn pink. After this, you can turn off the water and transfer the shrimp to a plate.

How to cook?

As you know, shrimp can be cooked not only by boiling. In many restaurants around the world, shrimp are fried and baked, which only makes their taste even brighter.

If you want to boil shrimp, then you can add herbs and various spices to the water for them, which can make the taste of the shrimp richer and the aroma stronger. Boiled shrimp are perfect for seafood salads; you can make sandwiches, canapés with them, or eat them just like a snack.

Fried and baked shrimp have a great taste, but if they are not fried in olive oil, they will not serve as a dietary product. But they are wonderful for sandwiches and cream soups. In addition, you can prepare such an amazing dish as shrimp pasta. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing and using shrimp on our website; you can always choose what you like, and also see photos of ready-made dishes.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of shrimp are undeniable, since they, like many other seafood, contain a huge amount of useful elements. Shrimps has long been used as a powerful aphrodisiac, which increased the libido of both men and women.

Shrimp are a very low-calorie product, so they can serve as a dietary dish. At the same time, shrimp contain whole set vitamins, which is undoubtedly a plus for those who are forced to deny themselves high-calorie foods.

Regular consumption of shrimp helps eliminate allergenic cells, thereby reducing the risk allergic reactions for any products. Shrimp also contains a large number of antioxidants, which is why their regular use helps destroy cancer cells.

If we talk about whether eating shrimp can be harmful, the answer is clear: it can. But only in two cases: in the case of excessively frequent consumption of shrimp, and also in the event that they were caught in bodies of water contaminated by radiation.

Composition of shrimp

The chemical composition of shrimp is very diverse. The most important thing is that they contain a large amount of protein, which supplies the body with energy. Shrimp also contains beneficial Omega acids, which have positive influence on the condition of human blood vessels, as well as on the elasticity of the heart muscle. Shrimp also contains a large number of useful microelements that fill the body and take care of it: manganese, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, and many others. There are also plenty of vitamins in shrimp, and they are especially rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, E and D.

Thus, one small shrimp can rightfully be considered a storehouse of useful components.

More and more aquarists in Lately wants to keep shrimp: they are interesting to watch, they are unpretentious, and the abundance of colors can be the envy of any fish. The three anterior thoracic segments of shrimp are fused with the head and are securely covered with a protective shell. Characteristic feature The appearance of shrimp are mustaches, jaws and jaws. Thanks to their abdominal legs (pleopods), shrimp swim, and with their help they snatch small pieces of dry food from the water. aquatic plants. On walking legs, shrimp move along the bottom, looking for leftover food. In fact, shrimp only seem clumsy: they quickly get used to the aquarium, it is quite difficult to catch them, but it is very interesting to watch their school life.

Keeping freshwater shrimp in an aquarium

Shrimp can be called universal cleaners; they are non-conflicting and get along well with small and medium-sized fish. peaceful fish. Freshwater shrimp can be kept in special tanks - shrimp tanks; they react more strongly to the chemical composition of water, since they have a higher sensitivity than fish.

For content freshwater shrimp you will need an aquarium with a volume of 50-80 liters. In a small tank it will be more difficult to maintain biobalance, and in a large tank the shrimp will simply get lost among the scenery. If you keep shrimp with fish, the volume of the aquarium should be larger. The aquarium should contain driftwood, plants and other shelters in which pets can hide.

Ideally, no more than one shrimp should be placed per 1-2 liters of aquarium water; their size plays a big role here. Often, freshwater shrimp feel great at a temperature of 20-27 degrees, but it should not rise above 30 degrees. If the water is cool, about 15 degrees, the shrimp's metabolism will slow down, they will stop reproducing, and become inert and lethargic. As for the pH of the water, it can vary from 6.5 to 7.5, if the acidity is lower, it will contribute to the destruction of the shrimp shell. Avoid sudden temperature changes: a 6-7 degree difference is fatal for these individuals. Shrimp also die if the water contains copper. Shrimp are inquisitive creatures, they love to explore various crevices and often cannot get out of them and die, which is why the filter intake pipe in the aquarium must be closed, it is advisable to use internal filters without plastic flasks, and it is not advisable to use a volumetric background. The compressor should be on 24/7 in the aquarium, as crustaceans are sensitive to oxygen levels. Siphon the soil from time to time (its thickness should be 4-5 centimeters).

It is worth remembering that shrimp grow at the moment they shed their cover, at this moment they remain defenseless and will spend some time in shelters (old plastic tubes, stones with large holes, thickets of plants). You shouldn’t throw the old chitinous cover out of the aquarium for a while - some shrimp eat it and grow a new shell faster. Food for shrimp can be different: you can purchase specialized food, you can give aquarium algae and fish food. Feed the shrimp little by little and remove any leftover food. If shrimp live in your pond, you need to change the water more often, since crustaceans eat quite a lot. Be careful before adding to the tank new fish, shrimp or even a plant, withstand quarantine. Plants should be kept in a separate container for at least a day and the water should be changed more often in order to reduce the concentration of harmful chemicals.

Types of freshwater shrimp

Snowflake (Neocaridina white)

One of decorative varieties, it is difficult to confuse it with another, since it has a snow-white color, even the caviar of this crustacean creature is pure white. The snowflake is a relative of the blue pearl shrimp, both species were bred in Germany, so its color is the result of long work by breeders. The saka and the male snowflake can be distinguished by size: the female has bright color, larger, and the carapace on the abdomen is somewhat wider.

Harlequin (Caridina spongicola)

The natural habitat of freshwater shrimp is Indonesia. This is one of the smallest types of shrimp, they are quite shy. It lives and feeds on a freshwater sponge - with its help it eats algae and food particles. Sexual differences in shrimp are weakly expressed, since the color of males and females is the same. The color of the harlequin is variegated, mixed, white, black and red predominate. Harlequin shrimp often hide in shelters and take a long time to adapt to a new environment.

Khanka shrimp (Leander modestus)

The natural habitat of the shrimp is the Amur Estuary ( Far East). Shrimp grow up to 3-5 cm, males are slightly larger than females. In some ways, these arthropods resemble crayfish. Their claws are weak and small, their mustache is long, their beak is convex, their body is transparent - fawn-gray-brown. These shrimp are excellent orderlies, hardy, active, and non-conflicting.


Cardinal - very beautiful view shrimp, the color can vary from rich red to light pink with white dots. Suitable for experienced aquarists only. The shrimp's natural habitat is the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia). In the lake, the cardinal lives among the stones, where he looks for food. The color saturation can vary; sometimes the white dots on the shrimp’s body also have a blue outline. Shrimp have white front legs - with their help, representatives of this species can move quickly.

Red bee

The bee shrimp is a direct relative of the crystal red shrimp, it was first discovered by a breeder from Japan, and has since appeared in many aquariums. The bee shrimp prefers slightly acidic water; it is sensitive to pollution and changes in water parameters. Often the Bee Shrimp (black striped) is crossed with Crystal Red.

Ninja Shrimp

This peculiarly named shrimp can quickly change colors and has mastered the “art of camouflage.” Also called the honey shrimp or Christmas shrimp, this species requires salty water. Its natural habitat is the waters of Asia; let us immediately note that catching it in wildlife very problematic. Color varies depending on its habitat: a shrimp can quickly change its color from red to yellow, from blue to black or brown - this is not difficult for it. They have a high ability to imitate and easily adapt to their environment.

Japanese shrimp (Caridina japonica)

These shrimp belong to the macrobrachium family; in their homeland they prefer to live in streams and rivers with clean water. They grow up to 6-8 centimeters, their characteristic feature are orangeish claws, a black streak on the back with a white border, and on the walking legs there are white socks. The shrimp's body is brownish and translucent. This species is unpretentious, but they get along poorly with sedentary aquarium inhabitants (small ones) and often fight.

Ring shrimp (Macrobrachium assamense)

Its natural habitat is the water bodies of Nepal and Bangladesh. Males are significantly larger than smok shrimps, they grow up to 8 cm, while females only up to 6. Ring-armed shrimp have a rich marbled brown or gray pattern, and there are red-black rings on their claws - hence the name of the species. It is not advisable to keep several males together - they will conflict, and small fish or crustaceans are not suitable as neighbors.

Striped longclaw shrimp (Macrobrachium carcinus)

It lives in the rivers and streams of America, grows up to 35 cm, large specimens often conflict over territory and do not like their relatives, there is a tendency to cannibalism. The abdomen and body are painted with yellow-brown longitudinal stripes, the claws are strong, blue or brown.

Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

The black shrimp is very beautiful, with bright orange or black eyes (the first type is more valuable). These shrimp are very sensitive to water parameters, bred as a result of long selection, and are not suitable for beginners, since their breeding requires considerable effort.

Amano (Caridina multidentata)

This shrimp is often found in aquariums and owes its name to the breeder Takashi Amano. IN natural environment shrimp of this species live in Japan, in the south of the country. The color of crustaceans depends on what they eat: it can be reddish or transparent green, often they are almost transparent. Black lines and dots are scattered throughout the body, growing up to 3-6 cm, females are larger.

Thai glass shrimp (Macrobrachium lanchesteri, Glass shrimp)

This species of crustacean lives in the rivers of Asia and stays near the shore. Representatives of this species are very territorial and love to dig holes in the ground. They grow up to 8 centimeters, the color is transparent, there is a black stripe along the back. Males are larger, their claws are more elongated, with hairline, females appear stockier. They live no more than 3 years.

There are several hundred species of freshwater shrimp; we have described only the main ones.

Are you thinking about getting aquarium shrimp? Perfect solution! These creatures are omnivores, most of their species are not particularly whimsical, and shrimp often and abundantly delight their owners with offspring.

Aquarists pay much more attention, even, but not to shrimp. And in vain: keeping aquarium shrimp is exciting. These pets are grateful creatures that can surprise you throughout the day, week, month, and year. And it seems that fashion is spreading to them right now.
Let's start with the basics:

Keeping aquarium shrimp - what is important to know

Since at its core the shrimp is an arthropod, it behaves completely differently than other inhabitants. Also, do not confuse it with those shrimp that are sold in the frozen seafood section of the store. Those were brought from the seas and oceans, while aquarium shrimp come from freshwater bodies of water. Such is their evolution that they live almost everywhere: in both salt and fresh water.
What should you know about keeping aquarium shrimp? Most of their species are quite unpretentious. There are rare and especially valuable species of shrimp that are capricious (like all purebred “pets”). But in the vast majority of cases, beginners start with the most popular types of shrimp and little by little get their hands on them, explore these creatures, and only then move on to more demanding species.
The first rule for proper maintenance of aquarium shrimp is choosing the right aquarium. If you plan to breed smaller shrimp, 3-4 cm in size, expect that one pair needs exactly a liter of water. Small aquarium shrimp are not only not bright, but even translucent. Therefore, in huge aquariums they will simply not be visible; they will be lost in the water column. Professionals advise taking aquariums from 10-20 liters. There are also no strict requirements for filtration: when keeping aquarium shrimp, a weak filter with a sponge is sufficient. The sponge is needed to prevent babies from being sucked into the filter, because these creatures give birth to abundant offspring. But read about it below. You will also learn about the unpretentiousness of shrimp in an aquarium: they are ready to eat even the remains of underwater plants stuck in a sponge! But more on that below.

So, these pets are demanding of oxygen, so you can’t do without a compressor. This is especially important for those who breed strictly only shrimp in an aquarium, without fish. You can buy at pet markets and pet stores special type aquariums - shrimp breeder. A shrimp tank or aquarium must have a lid. Don’t forget that these aquatic inhabitants are arthropods, that is, they have something to cling to algae and rise to the water’s edge. Sometimes a shrimp can escape from the aquarium and die. Be careful to cover with a lid, but leave gaps for oxygen to enter.
When keeping aquarium shrimp there are no strict requirements for the chemical composition of water. It is only important to avoid sudden temperature changes, which is especially critical during water changes. These aquarium inhabitants love temperatures of +21+26 degrees Celsius. There is a simple rule: once a week in the aquarium you need to replace a fifth of the volume of water. It would also be useful to purchase an automatic thermostat, because the rays of the sun falling on the aquarium can noticeably warm up the water. And if it is above thirty degrees, consider that irreparable damage has been caused to the shrimp, they will quickly die.
Shrimp tanks and aquariums where shrimp will live require coarse gravel. Pet stores sell special soil labeled “for shrimp breeders.” Whatever soil is purchased, it requires complete washing every year. But if you find yourself in Crimea, you can get the soil yourself:

What plants are needed to properly maintain aquarium shrimp? These creatures love plants with small leaves, in which they graze and swarm all day long. If shrimp are kept together with fish, more plants will be needed. Because the aquarium shrimp is a big fan of privacy, it needs its own “corner” where it can hide from other inhabitants. Java moss is excellent for this purpose. This plant also allows shrimp to reproduce and serves as a “love bed” for them. These aquatic inhabitants also appreciate hornwort and.

What do shrimp eat in an aquarium?

The main advantage of aquarium shrimp is that they are omnivores. They can eat fish food and derivatives of aquatic plants, which settle on stems, leaves, soil, stones and even in the filter sponge. Thus, shrimps in the aquarium act as orderlies aquatic environment. It is also amazing to see how shrimp change color depending on their diet.

For shrimp breeders, special food is used, which is sold in pet stores. But this option is for the lazy. Or for those who contain exotic species aquarium shrimp. Thrifty owners can easily add a piece of pasta, a bit of lettuce and thinly sliced ​​zucchini into the water. The shrimp will love this. Do not forget that these creatures cannot be overfed. The rule is simple: throw food into the water no more than three times a week. After all, shrimp feed on detritus every day - algae fouling, cleaning the aquarium water.

Compatibility of aquarium shrimp with other inhabitants

In order for the shrimp in the aquarium to establish good neighborly relations with all the inhabitants, you need to pay close attention to the choice of neighbors. All small and peace-loving fish, as well as snails, are not a hindrance. Barbs, angelfish, cichlids and others should be avoided betta fish. The smaller the shrimp, the more vulnerable it is. But large specimens can sometimes pat the same barb by the tail. Therefore, the compatibility of aquarium shrimp depends on the chosen type of these creatures. “Kids” need more protection than large representatives.

Aquarium shrimp: and offspring

Aquarium shrimp reproduce frequently and actively. In this regard, they are unpretentious and not capricious. Especially if they create all the conditions for this in the form of a cozy corner with Java moss and a couple of branchy small-leaved plants. After puberty, the female aquarium shrimp begins her mating games. One day the owner of the aquarium will notice how his pets become more active, how they rush after each other. Such “catch-up” is the prelude. Watch a video on the Internet of aquarium shrimp during mating games - a fascinating sight!
It happens that one female goes to several males at once, then she bears “complex” offspring from several individuals. In small shrimp, which are translucent, you can see the process of egg maturation. The most amazing thing is to see how the visual apparatus is formed inside the egg - small black eyes appear. Reproduction of aquarium shrimp is an interesting process that will appeal to the observant aquarist. The larva hatches from the egg after four to six weeks. Different types shrimp do not interbreed. For example, the Amano species is not at all interested in Cherry Shrimp.

We wish you interesting discoveries in the world of aquariums. Rest assured: new pets in the form of aquarium shrimp are marvelous new world, of great interest!
