How to remove excess fluid from the body. How to remove fluid from the body quickly

Water is the source of human life. If it begins to accumulate in the body, excess weight and swelling appear. This may trigger the development serious illnesses. Will help to cope with this problem simple methods, accessible to everyone.

Where does excess water in the body come from?

If water accumulates in your body, it does not mean that you are drinking too much. Attempts to reduce the amount of drinks consumed will only worsen the situation and lead to the development of diseases.

IN healthy body Water, having fulfilled its function, is excreted naturally. If excess moisture accumulates, you should pay attention to the health of your kidneys and heart. The cause of this problem can be serious illnesses.

Important! If you are concerned about excess water in your body, immediately undergo a full medical examination.

In most cases, moisture accumulation is associated with a person’s poor lifestyle. Eating unhealthy foods disrupts the water-salt balance, which leads to edema and excess body weight.

Why is water retained in the body?

Excess moisture is a serious problem. Before starting its treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. The most common of them are:

  1. Chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system. If such a problem is diagnosed, the correct set of measures to eliminate edema is prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Kidney diseases.
  4. Excessive salt intake. One molecule of salt can retain up to twenty molecules of liquid in the human body. Therefore, introduce as little salty foods as possible into your diet.
  5. Alcohol abuse. Especially it concerns ethyl alcohol. This substance retains water in the body and causes edema.
  6. Drinking drinks in the evening. If you drink a lot of liquid after 20.00, then it does not have time to be fully eliminated.
  7. Insufficient amount consumed clean water. For normal functioning, the body needs clean drinking water. Juices, lemonades, teas and other drinks are not suitable for this purpose. If there is not enough water, the body begins to save it.
  8. Lack of full-fledged physical activity. Few active image life leads to disruption of metabolic processes, and this provokes stagnation of moisture. Fitness will help correct the situation.
  9. Exceeding the permissible norm of diuretics.
  10. Poor nutrition. The modern pace of life increasingly forces us to resort to fast food and convenience foods. These products are rich in fats, flavor enhancers, preservatives, salt and other harmful substances. As a result of such nutrition, the condition of the heart, liver and kidneys worsens, and edema appears.

Only after you have correctly identified the cause of the problem can you select the appropriate treatment program.

List of products that help remove fluid

If the cause of swelling and excess weight is Not proper nutrition, then you need to immediately change your diet.

Do not forget! Nutrition should be varied and balanced. You can’t go on mono-diets, as this can lead to serious complications.

Kick out excess liquid Vegetables, cereals, fruits, berries and some drinks will help. Among the healthy fruits and berries, the following stand out:

  1. Watermelon. Its use helps cleanse the kidneys and establish their normal functioning. The correct hemoglobin level is restored.
  2. Bananas. They increase the concentration of serotonin in the blood and have a positive effect on mental activity. Thanks to this, it is easier for a person to cope with stress, reducing Negative influence stress.
  3. Melon. Good for the cardiovascular system. Reduces the likelihood of vascular atherosclerosis.
  4. Kiwi. Helps cleanse blood vessels, which improves the functioning of the heart and all internal organs.
  5. Cranberry. Has a mild diuretic effect.

Introduce as much fresh fruit into your diet as possible. You can use them to prepare salads dressed with natural yogurt. A healing cranberry juice will help complement this dish.

Vegetables bring invaluable benefits to human health. The following will help you get rid of swelling:

  1. Cabbage. Effectively removes excess water from the body.
  2. Beet. Has a diuretic effect, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Celery. Rich in vitamins and microelements that prevent the accumulation of moisture in cells.
  4. Zucchini. Reduce blood cholesterol levels and relieve swelling.
  5. Cucumbers. Remove salt from the body. Regular consumption of cucumbers - excellent prevention intestinal diseases.
  6. Potato. Helps restore water balance.

Vegetables are best consumed raw, so they will bring more benefits. In addition, they can be steamed, stewed, boiled and baked.

Cereals will also help remove excess moisture. Be sure to include in your diet:

  1. Rice. It will cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste and help strengthen muscles.
  2. Buckwheat. Restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  3. Oatmeal. It will charge you with energy, which will help you cope better with physical activity.

Cereals can be used as an independent dish. Oatmeal makes a great breakfast. If its taste is not very pleasant for you, add sugar, prunes or fresh fruit to it. Then it will turn into a real delicacy.

By regularly consuming foods that remove water, you will get rid of excess weight and solve the problem of swelling.

Does coffee help remove excess fluid?

The debate about the dangers and benefits of coffee has not subsided for a very long time. The diuretic properties of coffee have been proven in many studies. But such a means of combating excess fluid cannot be called safe. It has a number of contraindications.

Important! A diuretic is only natural coffe. Consumption of a soluble product of dubious quality does not bring a positive effect.

Coffee removes water, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it. Drinking more than three small cups of the drink per day can lead to serious health problems.

There are a number of contraindications in which it is better to avoid coffee altogether:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. Increased arterial pressure.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Elderly age. This is due to the fact that coffee can wash calcium from the body, and this provokes the development of problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Problems with the nervous system.

In this regard, coffee as a diuretic is not large quantities Can only be used by healthy people.

We remove excess fluid through diet

Experts have developed several effective diets, which help get rid of excess moisture and excess weight. The most common are:

  • Kefir

It involves drinking up to 1.5 liters of this fermented milk product in a day. This dietary change lasts for a week.

On the first day, up to five boiled potatoes are allowed together with kefir. The second contains about 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet. On the third day, treat yourself to 100 grams of boiled veal. Fourth day – 100 grams of any low-fat fish, boiled or baked. On the fifth day, eat any vegetables and fruits. On the sixth day you can’t eat anything except kefir. On the seventh day, drink more mineral water without carbon.

  • Eastern diet

To lose weight and remove puffiness, you should give up salt and carbohydrates. The consumption of honey, eggs, sugar, confectionery, baked goods, alcohol, yeast, salty foods, mayonnaise, butter, smoked foods, and chips is prohibited. Replace dairy products with soy analogues. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Introduce cereals, legumes and herbal decoctions into your diet.

Do not forget! A strict diet is always stressful for the body. Before resorting to it, consult your doctor.

Instead of strictly limiting your diet, try to properly structure your diet. Balanced diet and physical activity is much more effective than any diets.

Fighting swelling with vitamins

Lack of vitamins is a fairly common cause of water stagnation in the body. Specialized specialists will help you solve the problem medications. Before choosing a specific drug, undergo a medical examination, which will help your doctor develop a prescription for you. correct scheme taking vitamins.

Vitamins that remove water:

  • B5 or pantothenic acid. This substance takes an active part in the process of removing fluid from cells. Its deficiency manifests itself in the appearance of pain in the muscles, insomnia, and attacks of nausea. In order for pantothenic acid to be fully absorbed, it must be consumed together with vitamin D. This substance is found in large quantities in cauliflower, eggs and whole grains.
  • B1 or thiamine. Participates in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. Its deficiency can be determined by the appearance of swelling and numbness in the limbs. Found in legumes, liver and whole grains.
  • B6 or pyridoxine. Helps properly digest proteins and fats. Eliminates muscle spasms and numbness in the hands. Has a diuretic effect. Found in bananas, chicken, sea ​​fish and wheat sprouts.
  • P or flavonoids. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, relieves swelling. Contained in various spices, fruits and vegetables.

If the diet is rich fresh fruit and vegetables, then there should be no vitamin deficiency. Otherwise, purchase a vitamin-mineral complex at the pharmacy.

Will potassium help remove fluid?

In the fight against swelling special role potassium plays. This substance has been proven to help remove excess fluid from body cells and prevent urinary retention.

To cover daily norm of this substance, introduce cabbage, legumes, potatoes, bananas, watermelon, avocado, milk, fish and liver into your diet. In addition, cereals, sunflower seeds and nuts are rich in potassium.

You need to consume from 1800 to 5000 mg of potassium per day. Specific meaning depends on individual characteristics body, level of physical activity and climate in which a person lives.

Important! Potassium is retained in products after heat treatment. That's why ready meals no less healthy than raw vegetables.

When cooking, try not to use water. It will leach potassium from foods. It is better to bake or stew foods.

Bath procedures are an excellent method of combating swelling

A great way to remove water is to visit a bathhouse. This procedure promotes the active formation of sweat. Metabolism is normalized, the body is freed from excess fat.

All moisture is released through the skin, which reduces the load on the kidneys. The bath is allowed even for people suffering from kidney disease. At the same time, harmful substances such as sodium, urea, sulfur, iron and others are removed.

To achieve the effect, you should visit the bathhouse every week.

Medicinal herbs and traditional methods of combating edema

Traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes that help cope with this problem. Among them are:

  1. Lemongrass has a diuretic effect. Grind the root of this plant. Pour one tablespoon of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Filter the product and dilute with a glass of boiled water. Take 2 tsp. three times a day.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of chopped burdock root into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave it on all night. Divide the liquid into equal parts and drink throughout the day.
  3. Mix one teaspoon each of birch leaves and knotweed. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass twice a day.
  4. Baking soda will help get rid of swelling. It is added to the bath in an amount of 200 grams. This procedure is carried out for at least 10 minutes. After this, lie under a warm blanket for 40 minutes.

Such affordable remedies will help remove excess fluid and reduce body weight.


In severe cases, it is impossible to do without the use of specialized drugs. Specific water-removing tablets are selected by the attending physician after a medical examination. Most often prescribed:

  1. Furosemide.
  2. Bumetanide.
  3. Piretanide.
  4. Indapamide.
  5. Metal shop.

Before using them, carefully read the instructions and study all contraindications.

Excess moisture in the body is a serious problem. Proper nutrition, physical activity and folk remedies will help you cope with it. All these measures must be applied together. Then you will reduce your weight and get rid of swelling.

Water and life are impossible without the other. Normal functioning of the body is impossible when dehydrated. But when there is excess fluid, it causes many problems: body swelling, weight gain, pregnancy complications and much more. All these problems can be solved only by getting rid of the accumulation of excess fluid.

The fact is that excess fluid does not accumulate in the body just like that. But what are the reasons for excess water? How accessible are the ways to solve the problem of excess fluid accumulation at home? How can you remove unnecessary fluid using folk remedies? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

How to remove water from the body for weight loss?

The kilograms that are lost at the first stage of losing weight are excess fluid that has accumulated in the body of the person losing weight. This is why in the first weeks of the diet, weight comes off so quickly, and 2-3 kilograms are easily lost even without following a strict regime.

The simplest and in effective ways getting rid of excess fluid are:

  • increasing the consumed daily volume of clean water;
  • salt-free diets to remove excess fluid from the body and accelerate weight loss at home;
  • avoidance of products containing significant amounts of caffeine;
  • consumption of foods rich in coumarin, a substance that regulates the amount of fluid in tissues (cinnamon, parsley, celery);
  • long walks;
  • frequent changes of positions and short breaks during prolonged sedentary work.

If these methods do not help, and the amount of excess fluid in the body cannot be reduced, you should consult a doctor.

The cause of swelling can be serious disorders functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and thyroid gland . In addition, excess water may be a consequence side effect the drug being taken.

How to remove water from the body during pregnancy and pregnancy later? Edema during pregnancy, especially in its later stages, is a special problem for women. After all, the stress on the body increases, and the kidneys have to remove much more waste fluid than before. At the same time, medications often provide only a placebo effect. Therefore, to remove excess fluid during pregnancy, you can use a set of simple measures.

The most effective and safe ways to combat edema during pregnancy:

  • daily walks;
  • light massage and self-massage;
  • proper nutrition;
  • special gymnastic exercises;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • baths with sea ​​salt and essential oils;
  • wearing compression garments.

One more effective means to reduce physical stress on the excretory organs is knee-elbow position. It is advisable to get into it regularly, increasing the time every day.

Remember, water is like vehicle for waste products of the body, needed in large quantities. Contrary to the previously held opinion of doctors, it is impossible to limit its use under any circumstances..

Folk remedies

How to expel water from the body using folk remedies? Grandmother's methods will help in solving this problem. You can improve lymphatic drainage using folk remedies if you take one of these instead of regular tea throughout the day herbal infusions.

  1. Lovage. The infusion is consumed for about 20 days. It is useful even with significant accumulations of excess fluid. Preparation: A teaspoon of dry herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. You need to drink the entire infusion after breakfast.
  2. Peppermint. Pour 8 tablespoons of herbs into a thermos and pour 6 cups of boiling water. Close for half an hour, then strain. Use the product throughout the day. The course of treatment is at least 10 days.
  3. Rose hip. Pour 6 glasses into a saucepan or kettle hot water and 2 handfuls of berries, then put on fire and bring to a boil. Cover with a tight lid, wrap in a towel and leave for about an hour. Drink this tea for at least 20 days.

In addition, the following herbs can be classified as mild diuretics:

  • lingonberries;
  • bearberry;
  • arnica flowers;
  • Dill seeds;
  • birch leaves.

They are often used in folk medicine in the manufacture of anti-edema products. Before using teas using them to remove water, you should consult a herbalist.

How to remove fluid from the body with ascites, edema and heart failure?

The situation is much more complicated in patients suffering from ascites, that is, abdominal dropsy. With this disease, excess fluid accumulates in large volumes in the abdominal cavity. It can be extremely difficult to remove it from the body.

Other serious pathologies can also cause the accumulation of a large volume of excess fluid:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood stasis.

IN in this case, removal of excess water from the abdominal cavity is done with the help of diuretics used in both traditional and alternative medicine. But the solution to this problem, first of all, is aimed not so much at removing fluid from the abdominal cavity quickly, but at elimination of the main pathology as the root cause of its occurrence.

Recipe for ascites: Take 50 g of sweet clover and 50 g of coltsfoot, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. We drink 150 g of decoction in the morning.

If you have swelling, you should use the following method: Brew dried apple peel as tea and drink half a glass 5-6 times a day.

What medications can you take?

Returning to the topic of losing weight at home, traditional medicine can also help get rid of excess water accumulated in the body. What diuretic drugs are needed to remove excess fluid from the body?

To remove excess fluid, most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Veroshpiron;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Diursan;
  • Ectaric acid.

All of these drugs have strong diuretic properties and help remove excess fluid.

They can also be used to remove excess water after drinking alcohol. But you should be more careful with diuretics, since due to the leaching of electrolytes from the body, you can provoke a water-salt imbalance and disrupt metabolism.

What foods should you eat?

To help the body remove excess fluid that is not pathological, you can resort to minor physical activity and adjustments to your diet.

Liquid inside can accumulate due to various reasons. If such a condition is detected, you should consult a specialist. After establishing the causes, you need to begin removing excess fluid from the body. But first you should figure out what leads to the development of such a condition, because you can change something yourself. There are simple methods and means that allow you to easily get rid of edema and extra pounds by removing water from the body.

Excessive accumulation of fluid inside is characterized by the formation of edema on the face, arms, legs, as well as an increase in body weight and a deterioration in general well-being. When thinking about how to remove excess water from the body, you should understand the reasons for this condition.

Why does water accumulate in the body?

All the reasons that lead to the deposition of liquid inside can be divided into two groups. First of all, water accumulates in the body due to various pathologies. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, allergic reactions are characterized by water retention in the body.

The bulk of fluid in humans is excreted through the kidneys. Almost all diseases of the kidneys and urinary system retain fluid inside. Poor circulation often causes swelling in the legs and lungs. Fluid accumulates in the abdominal and pleural cavity during cirrhosis of the liver.

If edema is constantly detected, you should contact medical institution. The doctor will be able to evaluate general condition body, and also find out whether the accumulation of water inside is associated with diseases.

There are also physiological reasons formation of edema. This happens when the body, using its own reserves, tries to get rid of harmful substances and also compensates for the influence of hormones. But the internal potential is not limitless. Long-term compensation by the body for deficiencies in nutrition and poor lifestyle leads to serious health problems.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, insufficient water consumption contributes to its accumulation in tissues. It is clean water, not in the form of drinks, tea, coffee or first courses, that prevents the accumulation of fluid inside. The body perceives a shortage of clean water in its own way, giving clear instructions to the brain in terms of forming internal reserves.

Alcohol, artificial carbonated drinks, coffee, tea dehydrate the body. To prevent fluid loss, the human self-regulatory system is forced to launch mechanisms to form its own reserves in the form of edema. In addition, the body tries to dilute toxic products, so more fluid is required for this.

Another reason for the accumulation of water inside is the abuse of salt. Sodium chloride retains twenty times the volume of liquid compared to the consumed amounts of this salt.

A sedentary lifestyle worsens blood circulation in tissues and slows down metabolic processes. Stagnation causes water to accumulate inside.

A consultation with a doctor and simple self-analysis will help solve health problems, restore an attractive figure and maintain excellent physical shape.

Available methods for removing fluid

There are several ways to expel excess fluid and remove swelling. Some methods are quite accessible to everyone. In severe cases, medical attention may be required.

First you need to assess the situation yourself. It is necessary to analyze what caused the swelling in the face, legs or arms. Sometimes after a long stay on your feet you need to rest. But situations when a person long time is in a sitting position will require physical exercise.

Eliminating water shortages

To force the body not to accumulate fluid inside, you need to drink about two liters of clean, still water daily. Over the course of 1.5-2 weeks, the tissues will be cleansed of toxins and toxic products. It will become clear to the body that there is no reason to retain fluid, since there is no deficiency.

Reducing or completely abandoning the consumption of alcoholic, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee will help to significantly get rid of excess fluid inside. It is possible to quickly remove swelling and improve well-being after alcoholic feasts by drinking large volumes of purified water.

Regulating your diet

Water will not be retained inside if you reduce the amount of salt you consume. Sodium chloride, contained in smoked, canned foods, and over-salted dishes, increases not only swelling, but also the volume of circulating blood. Salt increases blood pressure. To get rid of liquid, you need to:

  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • give preference to plant foods;
  • minimize the consumption of confectionery products, fatty foods and animal fats;
  • include oatmeal and rice porridge in your diet without adding salt; parsley and celery;
  • the use of watermelons, grapes, mulberries, cherries, wild strawberries, strawberries, and lingonberries effectively replaces the effect of synthetic diuretics.

Healthy drinks

You can effectively remove water from tissues using fresh vegetable and fruit juices. It is easier to quickly get rid of swelling by using juices:

  • from beets;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkins;
  • apples

A decoction of dried fruits has a good diuretic effect. Potassium contained in dry apricots, apples, and plums is a sodium antagonist, so salt can be expelled faster, getting rid of swelling.

Infusions prepared using rose hips, horsetail herb, knotweed, orthosiphon, lingonberry leaves, birch, mint and lemon balm have excellent diuretic properties. The raw materials of these plants improve the functions of the urinary system.

Diet food

Proper nutrition will help you control fluid levels, and it will also help you maintain your weight at the proper level. Additionally, the diet will help not only remove all excess water from the body, but also waste and toxins. But any diet is stressful for the body and it is better to get a doctor’s advice before using it.

The duration of the diet, which allows you to remove all excess fluid from the body, is no more than a week. It is based on the daily consumption of one and a half liters of kefir and every day constantly introducing new products into the diet.

  1. On the first day you need to eat 5-6 boiled potatoes.
  2. On the second day, no more than 100 g of boiled chicken fillet is added to the diet.
  3. And on the third day, the same amount of boiled rabbit.
  4. On the fourth day, 100 grams of fish appears in the diet; you can steam it.
  5. On the fifth day of the diet, you need to eat only vegetables and fruits, but definitely not sweet ones.
  6. And then only kefir is consumed as food, and on the seventh day only purified and still water.

Synthetic anti-edema products

There are a sufficient number of medications that help get rid of swelling and excess water in the body. The drugs belong to the group of potent drugs and can be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Usually the doctor prescribes such drugs only after making a diagnosis.

Hypertension, pathologies of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, allergic reactions can cause the prescription of synthetic diuretics. The use of these products carries a certain risk of removing beneficial minerals along with the liquid. Sometimes uncontrolled use of diuretics can lead to a critical decrease in blood pressure and the appearance of seizures.

Getting rid of excess water in the body helps a person feel better, control weight and blood pressure. It is important to do this wisely, using natural remedies, regulating physical activity and diet.

Natural Recipes

Some other natural ingredients will help remove water. You can try using birch leaves and using them to prepare an infusion. You will need to brew 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then add a pinch of baking soda to the infusion.

The herb Avran officinalis is excellent for removing water; an infusion is prepared from it. There is no need to rush to use the product, as the plant is poisonous. It's easy to prepare:

  • three grams of the plant will be required;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • The entire infusion is consumed after meals.

More healthy and safe is tea prepared from lingonberries with the addition of rose hips and caraway seeds. Removes excess fluid from body tissues green tea, as well as mate.

For edema caused by the heart, a decoction of goldenrod and hawthorn helps. Swelling as a result of impaired kidney function can be eliminated by a decoction prepared from elderberry with the addition of horsetail and barberry fruits. Cherry, wheatgrass, lovage are added to the decoction, and knotweed is also used.

A well-known remedy that helps remove fluid is the seed artichoke. This plant also helps with disorders from digestive system. Additionally, you can use parsley seeds or fennel. Additionally, eating grapefruit, blackcurrant, sage, and flax will help. These plants help coat the intestinal and stomach mucosa, resulting in reduced fluid absorption.

Foods rich in potassium help remove water effectively from the body. These include prunes and apples; apricots, pumpkin pulp, and raisins are rich in this microelement. Zucchini will be useful baked potato And White cabbage, eggplants.

And saves the extra water. Therefore, salt cooked dishes after serving. When using ready-made spices and seasonings, pay attention to the ingredients. As a rule, many of them already contain salt. If you replace salt with special sauces, you will enhance the effect.

Introduce foods such as beets, nettles, sorrel and celery into your diet. They perfectly control water balance. Watermelons are a natural diuretic. Consuming them will help you get rid of excess water and toxins. Also, use boiled apple peel as a diuretic. It's better if you dry it first.

Sit down. To do this, eat boiled vegetables, potatoes and carrots for two days, but no more than 5 tubers each. For the next two days, eat boiled meat. 200 g per day. On the fifth day, eat boiled fish. Sixth day - fresh vegetables and fruits. The seventh is kefir.

Drink at least 3 liters of water daily. If the body delays water, feels its lack. Drinking water, don't worry about swelling. Receiving it in sufficient quantities, the body gets rid of it quite well. In addition, you will get rid of the accumulated long years slags But keep in mind that you need to drink plain water or lightly brewed, unsweetened tea. Fruit drinks, juices, and carbonated drinks are perceived by the body as food, not as drink. And using them you will not get required result.

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Excess fluid in the body is not always a consequence of drinking too much water. Sometimes this is due to changes in hormonal levels, bad work kidneys or liver, as well as other organs. Women experience swelling more often, since they experience frequent changes in hormone levels. Swelling can cause headaches, heaviness throughout the body and loss of strength. If there is excess fluid, the condition will gradually return to normal.


Salt promotes fluid accumulation in cells body, therefore its use should be limited. Also, exclude over-salted foods from your diet, do not forget about the dangers of smoked meats, no matter how tempting they are with their aroma, avoid them while swelling is being removed.

Drink less water, with the exception of tea with milk. It is in this combination that it has a diuretic effect and removes swelling. There is an opinion that green tea and milk are incompatible, but in fact this is not the case. The tea acquires creamy notes of milk and gives true pleasure from tea drinking.

Diuretic preparations available in pharmacies remove fluid well due to their varied composition, because herbs work better in combination. Diuretic or urological preparations are not harmful, and they can be used without prior consultation with a doctor, strictly following the instructions. If you have a predisposition to allergic reactions, be careful, getting ready can provoke an attack.

A large amount of fluid in the body not only contributes to weight gain, but also indicates the presence of any “malfunctions” in the functioning of the body. The aesthetic aspect is also not at all pleasing: a swollen body and swollen face do not add attractiveness, favorite shoes become too small, and familiar clothes cause discomfort, restricting movement.

According to doctors, people who have crossed the 30-year mark are prone to edema. There can be many reasons: how weakened the immune system, and a peculiar manifestation of chronic diseases.

One way or another, you should not brush aside such a seemingly “insignificant” problem, or rush to be treated with all known folk remedies at the same time. First, you need to determine the cause of the swelling and decide what methods to get rid of it.

Why does the body retain fluid?

The most common causes of fluid retention in the body:

  • Drinking too much liquid before bed.
    You should not drink too much water before bed, as this puts extra stress on the kidneys, which significantly reduce their activity during sleep. This is the most common reason a swollen face in the morning, which many are familiar with firsthand.

    The best option is to drink liquid a few hours before bedtime to give our kidneys the opportunity to process the “load” received.

  • Lack of water in the body.
    Oddly enough, but an insufficient amount of water in the body leads to the accumulation of fluid “in reserve”. Everyone has long known the popular postulates about the benefits and importance of drinking water, as well as the need to consume at least 2 liters of clean water per day (not taking into account various drinks and liquid dishes).
    Monitoring your water balance is very simple: You can get into the habit of carrying small bottles of water with you and drinking small sips from time to time. A simple and convenient way for many working people.
  • Abuse of drinks with pronounced diuretic effect(coffee, tea, beer).
    Excessive consumption of the above drinks significantly accelerates the removal of fluid from the body. If little clean water is consumed, then dehydration occurs, which also leads to edema due to the “thriftiness” of our body.
  • Too much salt in the diet.
    High salt content in daily diet leads to increased work of the kidneys and the accumulation of water “in reserve” and, as a result, is one of the causes of excess fluid in the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
    Little physical activity leads to stagnation of all fluids in the body, which causes swelling and the discomfort associated with it. Here it makes sense to reconsider your daily nutrition and lifestyle. In any case, when working sedentarily, it is recommended to drink as much clean (!) water as possible.

What helps remove excess fluid?

Basic tips for removing excess fluid from the organ ism:

  • Consume at least 2 liters of clean drinking water in a day;
  • Limit alcohol consumption;
  • Control the consumption of diuretic drinks such as black tea, coffee, beer;
  • Do not overuse too sweet and salty foods;
  • Do not have a heavy dinner before bedtime;
  • Do not drink water at least an hour before bedtime;
  • Try to lead an active lifestyle.

How to quickly remove excess fluid from the body for weight loss?

The science of drinking water correctly

If the standard two liters of water a day causes nausea and bloating, then count required amount liquid will have to be individually: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

For example, if your weight is 65 kg, then the minimum daily intake of water is 1950 ml. If the weight is 60 kg, then the daily norm is 1800 ml.

This is the most comfortable counter, however, it should be borne in mind that in the summer, especially in extreme heat, you need to increase your fluid intake, and, conversely, in the cold season it is enough to adhere to your natural desires and urges.

Morning rule: it is highly advisable to drink most of your daily requirement in the first half of the day, in the second half - limit yourself to one or two glasses.

Also, a glass of clean water within half an hour after waking up is an excellent catalyst for actively starting metabolic processes in the body.

After every cup of coffee or strong black drink You need to drink one glass of tea warm water. No wonder in many European restaurants and the cafe brings a full glass of water for every cup of coffee ordered by the client. This is a kind of compensation for lost fluid.

Warm water or cold? You should know that warm water promotes rapid absorption of food and also quenches thirst well. Cold water More often used as a gentle diuretic.

Do not drink water immediately after or before meals. To speed up metabolism and promote rapid absorption of food, it is recommended to drink one glass of warm water 20-30 minutes before meals. To compensate for lost fluid after a meal, drink the same amount of fluid no earlier than an hour and a half after eating.

During periods of heavy physical activity or during strength training You need to drink water every 15-20 minutes, taking several small sips. If the thirst is too strong, do not drink a lot at once, just reduce the period of drinking liquids from 15 to 5 minutes.

Traditional ways to remove excess fluid

If there are no contraindications and swelling is not a symptom of a serious illness, you can seek help from folk remedies. It is recommended to purchase the following plants from pharmacies and brew them with boiling water. Plants can be mixed and matched to your liking. Thus, we will receive a real high-quality medicinal collection.

The most effective herbs:

  • Peppermint;
  • Cherries (both dried and frozen);
  • Dog-rose fruit;
  • Melissa;
  • Lavender;
  • Dried apple peel;
  • Cowberry;
  • Birch leaves;
  • Zira or cumin.

A list of herbs that should be used with extreme caution, carefully monitoring the dosage, as they are powerful diuretics:

  • Bearberry seeds;
  • "Arrows" of wheatgrass;
  • Arnica;
  • Elderberries;
  • Lovage flowers;
  • Barberry fruits.

The dosage of these herbs is as follows: 1-2 teaspoons per 700 ml of water. Take in frequent portions 3 to 7 times a day.

Products that remove excess fluid

First, let’s note which foods lead to the accumulation of excess fluid in the body:

  • Products with high content fat and oils;
  • Products high in salt, this category also includes various marinades;
  • Smoked and dried meat;
  • Canned foods;
  • All products that have undergone strong heat treatment: store-bought cheeses, sausages, especially raw smoked sausages, ketchup and mayonnaise.

List of products that help remove excess fluid:

Drugs that remove excess fluid

Before we begin listing the medications necessary to remove fluid, we remind you that without the recommendation of your attending physician, this is fraught with serious side effects. Therefore, we advise you to take this issue seriously.

The most effective diuretics:

  • Furosemide;
  • Diursan;
  • Diuver;
  • Torasemide;
  • Ethacrynic acid.

IMPORTANT! Excess dosage data medicines leads to metabolic disorders.

Diet to remove excess fluid

Kefir diet

Diet menu:

  1. 1 day: boiled jacket potatoes, from 4 to 6 tubers;
  2. Day 2: boiled chicken breast, 150-200 g;
  3. Day 3: boiled veal or beef, 100-150 g;
  4. Day 4: steamed fish, or fish cutlets, 150-200 g;
  5. Day 5: Any vegetables or fruits of the same type are allowed in unlimited quantities;
  6. Day 6: low-fat kefir, 1 liter;
  7. Day 7: still mineral water, unlimited.

Milk and tea diet

Preparation of milkweed: per liter of milk there is one tablespoon of black or green tea.

Cooking method: Pour boiling milk over the tea and let steep for 30 minutes. It is best to brew milk tea in thermal mugs or thermoses.


  1. 1-3 days: It is allowed to drink only milk tea in small frequent portions. You should not drink more than 2 liters during the whole day.
  2. 4-6 days: introduce simple grains into the diet, such as rice, oatmeal, buckwheat. Once a day you can allow vegetables stewed without salt.
  3. 7-10 days: add boiled to the menu chicken fillet, beef or veal. It is allowed to consume light, low-fat soups without potatoes and fried ingredients.


In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to the most basic rules for maintaining water balance:

  1. proper consumption of clean water;
  2. balanced diet;
  3. active lifestyle.

These three “pillars” are the key to good metabolism and metabolism; this is the most rational care for your own body, allowing you not only to regulate your water balance and improve general health, but even prevent some diseases. Please don't forget this.
