Aquarius birthstone - what jewelry will suit your horoscope. Which stones are suitable for Aquarius women?

People under the protection of Aquarius are creative people and overflowing with idealism. They will not be themselves without eternal optimism and help to everyone around them.

Aquarius is a calm sign; such people do not have a fighting spirit; they prefer purposeful pursuit of what they love.

The best stones for an Aquarius woman by date of birth

Aquarius women belonging to the first decade, that is, those born between January 21 and February 1, are calm, silent and romantic people. They are often in bad mood or melancholy, they are sad even because of little things. Aquarians of the first decade are quite attractive in terms of love, because their patron is Venus.

Stones that can provide the owner with vitality and energy are suitable for them, namely:

  • amethyst;
  • nephritis;
  • jasper;
  • obsidian;
  • aventurine;
  • coil.

Under the influence of Mercury, Aquarius women of the third decade (from February 2 to 11) will be able to achieve social recognition and respect thanks to their natural traits such as wisdom, an extraordinary sense of humor and an inquisitive mind.

For Aquarius of the second decade, the following are suitable:

  • amber;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • onyx;
  • sardonyx;
  • turquoise;
  • amethyst;
  • chrysoprase.

Aquarians, whose patron is the Moon, that is, those born between February 12 and 20, value honesty above all else and very easily part with liars. Excessive restraint and sensuality can become an obstacle on the way to the top.

Talismans that will provide support and assistance to Aquarians of the third decade:

  • tourmaline;
  • alexandrite;
  • zircon;
  • pomegranate;
  • sapphire;
  • chrysoprase;
  • aquamarine.

Stones for the Aquarius woman


The Aquarius woman will definitely be delighted with earrings with garnet, which can serve as a symbol of the birth of love. Garnet not only decorates the Aquarius woman, but also gives her some psychic abilities. In addition, bracelets with this garnet can give the owner an optimistic mood.

Pomegranate will protect a woman from bad dreams and will have a healing effect on the cardiovascular system.

Some magicians consider the pomegranate a talisman that can give the owner power over other people.

The stone is capable of releasing emotions and feelings, which is extremely useful for secretive and overly mysterious young ladies.

A product with pomegranate can be anything. A woman will be delighted when she receives a necklace or bracelet as a gift.

Garnet jewelry looks especially impressive on brunettes.

Always alive and independent from anyone, sapphire will help Aquarius women to bring harmony to their state of mind and concentrate on what is most valuable and important. This aspect is extremely important for Aquarius, so such a talisman for them is a source of energy and spirituality, giving courage and self-confidence.

Sapphire will make its owner peaceful and virtuous. With its help, a creative and original young lady will replenish her reserves of positive energy. Sapphire protects Aquarius from deception and hypocrisy, helping to find the true path.


Extremely suitable for an Aquarius woman a talisman with powerful energy. It will make her more insightful, help relieve pain in her soul and relieve depression, and drive away bad thoughts. Amethyst can heal the human aura, it helps to keep emotions under control exactly when it is really needed.

Amethyst will give an Aquarius woman in love and her partner mutual understanding.

Amethyst has medicinal properties. It can help you get rid of stress and put things in order. nervous system. It cleanses the blood and promotes speedy recovery.

The owner of an amethyst always has a developed intellect.

Amethyst will protect the owner from gossip and rumors and improve her reputation in society. This stone looks great in any product and attracts Aquarius girls with its mystery.

It will strengthen the Aquarius woman’s faith in herself and her strengths, give her optimism and vigor, and help develop intuitive abilities. This stone is able to preserve the beauty and youth of its owner for a long time. Amber also contributes to the development in Aquarius of a tendency towards altruism.

The Aquarius woman is a big lover of solitude and dreams. Such a lady will often imagine her chosen one as ideal, and then, when she finds out about his flaws, she will instantly break off all ties with him. Aquamarine will not allow the owner to be blissfully unaware and will help her not to make a mistake in choosing a life partner.

This stone is a talisman against mistakes and wrong decisions. In addition, such a talisman will help Aquarius not to hide his emotions and open his soul to loved ones and family.

A stone with powerful magical characteristics. It has connections with the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. Obsidian won't allow it evil people approaching an Aquarius woman will save her from bad habits, will help you focus on business and greatly strengthen your determination on the path to fulfilling your dreams. Obsidian is also capable of preventing its owner from committing bad deeds, but you should not wear a product with this mineral too often - it can make Aquarius timid.

The Aquarius woman is not always able to discern the bad qualities of her own character, much less change them or get rid of them altogether. An amulet made of jade – a figurine or a pen, for example – can help here. A jade talisman will raise the Aquarius woman to a new moral and psychological level, she will begin to work hard on herself. Jade will increase her self-confidence and provide financial stability.

It will bring a woman happiness, joy and fill her with inspiration. It will guide the owner on the path of renewal and self-improvement, giving her the opportunity to change her life for the better. Lapis lazuli has healing properties, helps eliminate problems with the endocrine system, and is used to treat radiculitis. This talisman is one of the best for an Aquarius woman, since it is he who is able to give her inexhaustible optimism and confidence.

It is a talisman of scientific people, for example inventors, creators of something hitherto unknown. Brings good luck to those people who sincerely want to change their lives, and therefore is perfect for the energetic and active Aquarius woman. A wonderful amulet for people who often negotiate - it wonderfully attracts partners and like-minded people. Chrysoprase is a very good talisman for an Aquarius woman, a sociable and charismatic person.

Talismans and amulets

  • An angel figurine made of porcelain or ceramics. Helps develop intuitive abilities.
  • An icon is a powerful amulet against troubles, illnesses and troubles.
  • The key will allow you to open up internally, get rid of shyness, and make a woman more confident.
  • You can use any amulets that are at least somehow related to the air element, be it a feather, a butterfly or something similar.
  • A pendant in the shape of the letter “F” is good as a talisman. It should be worn in honor of the goddess of life Zhiva.

Which stones are not suitable

  • Rhinestone.
  • Topaz.
  • Opal.
  • Chrysolite.

The Aquarius woman is a complete mystery. It changes constantly. It can be completely different: cheerful and melancholic, kind and sarcastic, sentimental and irritable. Even in the style of clothing or the shape of her hair, she has no constancy, just as there is no consistency in her behavior or in the manner of conducting a conversation. And yet her main feature is her love of freedom. This woman trusts in life only personal observations and is guided by her own judgments. However, her love of freedom does not prevent her from remaining one of the most devoted and faithful signs of the Zodiac.

Money for an Aquarius woman is not the meaning of life. Therefore, wealth cannot conquer her, however, just like fairy tales about unearthly love. She is looking for a purpose in life, a job that will bring her pleasure, friendship and understanding.

To win this woman, you will have to love not only her oddities, but also her many friends. She is very difficult to understand. You just need to love. And never betray or deceive. After all, she might just leave and never come back.

Aquarius woman: which stone according to the horoscope suits this sign?

It should be bright and clean. He is what the Aquarius woman herself is. The Aquarius stone is lapis lazuli, garnet, amethyst, as well as sapphire, turquoise, aquamarine, zircon, and opal.

Born on frosty days under the air sign, the beautiful Aquarius is suitable for minerals in which the shimmer of the northern lights predominates: blue, light blue, lilac, crystal clear. Although dark colors are also present in the amulets of these mysterious representatives of the fair sex.

Contemplative by nature. They do not strive to change life, to move it forward - they prefer to observe the picture of the world from the outside. Money and sex play a secondary role for them. In the foreground are spirituality, interesting communication, and profession. Representatives of this sign are alien to such concepts as envy and hatred. Aquarians are loyal friends. But they are in no hurry to start a family - they value their personal freedom too much. But, having entered into marriage, as a rule, they remain faithful throughout their lives.

The weak point of the sign is a lack of insight. Gullibility, bordering on naivety, can seriously complicate the life of Aquarius. Many individuals tend to get carried away by unrealistic dreams. While talking about their grandiose plans for the future, they do nothing to implement them.

The correct selection will not only attract happiness and success, but will also help smooth out the contradictions of nature and the influence of dark energies. The collection of Aquarius amulets is very diverse. For a sign that represents the peak of winter, transparent, shimmering gems that look like ice crystals or northern lights. Thanks to the protection of Uranus, it is also protected by dark minerals that are dangerous to others.

In people of the eleventh sign, angelic and demonic traits are always fighting. To enhance the light beginning, they are recommended to supplement the set of amulets with stones of a different type - bright, warm.

Astrologers advise Aquarius to choose 3 cold and 5 warm stones in accordance with the horoscope.

The main stones of the Aquarius talismans


This example of blue beryl is a symbol of friendship, which Aquarius values ​​so much. has an unusual strong connection with its owner. Sensitively reacting to all the sadness and ailments of a person, it relieves stress, organizes thoughts, and protects the gullible individual from deception.


The magic of stone transforms inner world person in better side. Like aquamarine, it gives Aquarius insight. To achieve success in any activity, representatives of the sign often lack dedication and the ability to concentrate. directs their energy in the right direction. The gem has extraordinary healing properties– cures insomnia, normalizes cerebral circulation.


Translated from ancient Persian, this name means “stone of happiness.” The mineral is associated with victory and the successful achievement of a goal. Aquarians often need money. attracts them into their lives material well-being. Thanks to this gem, you can detect a hidden illness in yourself in time. The bright color of the stone fades at the first symptoms of the disease.


The coldness of Aquarius is an obstacle to happy love. “Stone of Passion” awakens the sexual temperament and ignites the soul. In addition, pomegranate is useful for increasing self-esteem. It makes childbirth easier for women.

Blue sapphire

Many Aquarians dream of achieving public recognition. In this case, they need decoration with. The “Stone of the Wise” will show the owner his real purpose in life, give him perseverance and courage, and sharpen his intuition.


This gem develops talents, memory, thirst for knowledge, and brings inspiration to creative individuals. It also instills confidence and optimism in a person, charging with positive energy. A pendant with zircon will help a single woman find a life partner.

Selection of amulets stones by horoscope date for Aquarius

In the first decade, charming romantics are born. Their Achilles heel is timidity, indecisiveness, and melancholy. Stones with strong energy have a beneficial effect on these people:

(white, golden), (white, light green), (brown-black).

Representatives of the second decade are endowed with a brilliant mind and sense of humor. Achieve respect and recognition - their cherished dream. The following talismans will help them in its implementation:

  • - personification of success
  • chrysoprase- a symbol of new beginnings
  • – a source of creative strength and optimism

These individuals are characterized by excessive daydreaming and emotionality, hidden under the guise of external calm. These qualities can interfere with successful self-realization. Aquarians of the third decade need stones that can push them to action:

  • colorless and blue“cure” against inexplicable fears
  • grey, blue protector from energy vampires
  • amulet against disappointment

Additional Aquarius Stones:

  • (colorless);
  • (pink);
  • (silver blue);
  • (except for Arabic - with black and white layers);
  • (milky white);
  • nacre;
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite(rare green garnet).

Unfavorable stones for Aquarius

Aquarius has few enemies among the stones. These include minerals with fiery energy. Although modern Astrologers have different opinions about unsuitable stones and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones not according to the Sun sign, but according to the weak one. A list of stones that Aquarius should take a closer look at.

Knowing the decade in which a person was born, you can choose a stone that suits him the best way. The Aquarius woman's birthstone is primarily sapphire. For them it is a powerful amulet. Minerals with strong and light energy are suitable for an Aquarius man. For example, aquamarine, which increases his self-esteem. If a person born under this sign is honest by nature, turquoise will become his reliable ally.

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    Choosing a stone for Aquarius

    Each zodiac sign includes several decades. Therefore, an important criterion for choosing a talisman is the correspondence of the stone to a certain period of the year.

    Aquarians born from January 21 to February 1 belong to the first decade. The patroness Venus provides them with incredible sexuality, a quiet and calm disposition. Such people should give preference to stones that give energy. They are matched by date of birth:

      • pearl;
      • amethyst;
      • obsidian;
      • jasper;
      • nephritis.

      Aquarians of the second decade are those born between February 2 and February 11. Being under the protection of Mercury, they are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor and natural prudence, and are able to achieve success in any business. Most beneficial effect The following stones can affect them:

      • chrysoprase;
      • lapis lazuli;
      • amber;
      • amethyst;
      • onyx;
      • sardonyx;
      • turquoise.

      People born in the third decade, namely from February 12 to 20, complete the Aquarius period. Under the auspices of the mysterious Moon, they value sincerity and hate deceivers. The following stones are suitable for such people:

      • zircon;
      • tourmaline;
      • aquamarine;
      • chrysoprase;
      • sapphire;
      • alexandrite;
      • pomegranate.

      Universal talismans

      There are several talismans that can have a beneficial effect on Aquarius of any decade. Most strong stone Aquarius is quartz. He is able to protect his subtle nature from depression, increase self-confidence, and develop a creative streak.

      Sapphire gives confidence and masculinity to its owner. It helps to find peace of mind. The stone is powerful amulet from deceivers.

      Obsidian, or volcanic glass, has a direct connection with Uranus, Saturn and the Sun. It is the most beneficial mineral for health, as it helps to get rid of bad habits. The gem helps the owner to concentrate on his goals, which will certainly lead him to success. This stone has negative impact– with constant wear, its owner becomes too timid.

      Amethyst can be called the most positive gem. He has amazing ability increase tone and charge with optimism. It smoothes out stubborn traits and develops the so-called “sixth sense” in its owner.

      Agate has healing properties; it can have a positive effect on the stomach and respiratory system. In addition, it will protect the owner from the evil eyes of enemies.

      If Aquarius is a lover of change and extreme decisions, then the best stone there will be hyacinth for him. It will help you keep yourself in good shape and not get discouraged in case of failures.

      Aquarius travelers best friend and aquamarine will be an assistant in matters of knowledge and broadening your horizons.

      Charms for women

      A true connoisseur of freedom - a girl born under the sign of Aquarius - simply needs to establish relationships with those around her. Amethyst will be her faithful assistant in this matter. For the Aquarius woman, it is a family stone. It will help maintain harmony in relationships and maintain vitality.

      Another assistant in maintaining peace and harmony in the family is pearls. This elegant talisman is more suitable for married ladies; it will help tame the pride of its owner and show her best qualities how tender and loving wife and mother.

      Dreamy and romantic Aquarius girls tend to idealize the world, so they are no strangers to disappointment and a feeling of dissatisfaction with the present. Aquamarine will help them take off their “rose-colored glasses” and look at the world more realistically. He is able to reveal the sensuality of a woman, which will undoubtedly delight her man. The mineral is able to strengthen the spirit of those born in the year of the Ox.

      Amber will help you preserve beauty and youth, believe in yourself and not give in to despondency. For Aquarius, born in the year of the Rabbit, the lucky talisman stone is malachite. Helps lead successful business, protects against poverty. For tigers, a stone called “tiger eye” is suitable.

Useful minerals for Aquarius vary depending on the birthday:

  • People born in the first decade (January 21 - February 1) are ruled by Venus. They are romantic and modest, often in a depressed mood. But their patron, Venus, gives the representatives of the sign greater attractiveness in love relationships. Aquarius of this period needs stones that increase energy and determination. Suitable talismans include pearls, jasper, serpentine and obsidian.
  • Aquarians born in the second decade (from February 2 to February 11) are ruled by Mercury. These representatives of the sign have a sharp mind, they are worldly wise and have a rich sense of humor. Talismans with and amber are good for them.
  • Representatives of this zodiac sign, the third decade (February 12 - February 20), are patronized by the Moon. These are individuals who highly value the truth; they immediately break off relations with people who deceived them. They are reserved and sensitive to such an extent that these qualities prevent them from moving up the career ladder. The following stones will serve as talismans for them: , chrysoprase, garnet, tourmaline, aquamarine and.

Talisman stones for Aquarius

Red garnet helps make your plans come true

For people who have energy and strive to implement new ideas, good talisman will serve . This stone will give strength to the Aquarius zodiac sign and increase its performance. The same stone as a talisman will help Aquarius in contacts with people - it will bring him together with his future soul mate, strengthen friendships, and provide an opportunity to make useful new acquaintances. A bright red garnet in a ring will remove Negative consequences stressful situations and will help restore wasted energy.

Rose quartz is a powerful love talisman

Light quartzes, especially pink ones, are very good for Aquarius. Rose quartz is a potentially very powerful talisman in love relationships for overly modest representatives of this zodiac sign. Quartz will be of great benefit to creators. The stone will develop the owner’s abilities and allow them to fully manifest themselves. For melancholic people, the stone will give determination and self-confidence, help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Quartz also protects against various injuries, accidents and incidents.

Amethyst will relieve Aquarius from melancholy

Due to the frequent tendencies of Aquarius towards decadence and melancholy, they will need a talisman stone that can raise their energy level. Amethyst is ideal for this. The stone will strengthen and demonstrate the beneficial traits of the zodiac sign, and will reduce or eliminate negative qualities completely. Amethyst will keep you from family quarrels, will protect from enemies and envious people. A talisman with an amethyst helps overcome negative emotions from disappointments and failures and will give energy for subsequent attempts.

Sapphire will take care of the health of Aquarius

Jewelry with sapphire will become a very powerful spiritual talisman. Aquarians are not inclined to take their health seriously, so sapphire is a very necessary stone for them. It has a positive effect on literally all systems of the body and gives the owner health, normalizes sleep and gives vigor. In addition, sapphire stimulates the development of intuition, restraint and wisdom, develops determination and endurance.

Talisman stones for Aquarius women

Aquamarine will help Aquarius women in choosing a life partner

Aquarius women are dreamers, but at the same time they have a hard time with loneliness. They tend to attribute ideal traits to their life partner. Subsequently, gradually learning about the presence of negative traits in him, women of the Aquarius zodiac sign quickly come to a break in the relationship. Aquamarine will help you consider your future spouse in more detail and make the right conclusion about future relationships. A talisman with an aquamarine will teach a shy woman to open herself up to loved ones, show emotions and communicate confidentially.

Amethyst will smooth out rough edges in relationships with loved ones

Aquarius women highly value their own freedom, while sometimes neglecting the desires of others. A talisman with an amethyst will increase understanding of people around you and prevent conflicts with loved ones and colleagues. Amethyst will put your thoughts in order, calm you down, and allow you to weigh your decisions based on logic, not on your emotions. This talisman stone will also add firmness and will to the somewhat inert character of the representatives of the sign. If an Aquarius woman wants to have children, but cannot get pregnant, then an amethyst talisman is simply necessary for her.

Natural pearls will strengthen the Aquarius family

For married Aquarius women, astrologers strongly recommend pearls. It doesn't matter whether the woman is wearing a pearl necklace or just a single pearl pendant. The main thing is that the pearls are natural. It helps create strong family relationships, prevents conflicts and quarrels, and promotes mutual understanding. Representatives of the sign are too freedom-loving and at the same time overflowing with feeling self-esteem; pearls will moderate these qualities somewhat, and peace and tranquility will reign in the family. Besides, fair half pearls will give tenderness and femininity.

Talisman stones for Aquarius men

Sapphire will help Aquarius achieve his plans

The Aquarius man is characterized by innovative ideas, innovation and inventions. He strives to constantly update and improve something. Sapphire is perfect for such representatives of the sign. This is a talisman stone for optimistic people striving for new knowledge and new deeds. A sapphire amulet will help its owner complete the work he has started and get the expected result.

Black agate will attract the attention of the opposite sex

For an Aquarius man, female attention is far from least among his values. as a talisman it will add romantic features to the slightly constrained and modest character of Aquarius.

Agate will protect Aquarius from intrigue
