Chinese horoscope "goat" - a general characteristic of the sign. Psychological portrait of a goat woman

There is no denying that the Goat sign suits women much better than men. Whether male or female, the Goat shares many characteristics with both genders that our mainstream patriarchal society tends to associate with “femininity.” But when it comes to the fair sex, femininity, depending on its positive or negative aspects, is usually favored by the bearded sex. When drawing up a psychological portrait, astrologers usually make a distinction between his (or her) shortcomings and advantages. This method shows, when it comes to the Goat woman, that various features her personalities tend to overlap each other and it is impossible to draw a clear line between strong and weaknesses; Moreover, it is so changing, so contradictory, that some of it good moments suddenly they become bad, and vice versa.

The Goat woman is, first of all, tenderness, meekness and innocence. People are unlikely to ever detect a trace of aggressiveness or hostility in her demeanor, even when she is subjected to extreme annoyance. She does not seek to provoke or confront, preferring to remain neutral under all circumstances. It is almost impossible to keep her on any topic, as she is always reluctant to express her own opinion and consistently adopts chameleon tactics; many will be grossly mistaken in not realizing that behind her modest appearance hides a very quick and insightful mind. The Goat woman's unassuming attitude may indicate a lack of ambition or self-confidence, but she is very effective at fending off hostile reactions and has well-developed defensive reflexes. In this way, she can indulge in serene laughter, using it as immunity and successfully charm everyone on her life's path.

Another character trait of the Goat woman is absolute frankness. Unpretentious and modest, she does not know the art of pretense and behaves with amazing transparency. Therefore, there is no doubt that this topic is popular in society, especially since it is physically alluring and fun-loving. People eagerly seek her company, confident that the Goat woman will be pleasant and that they will not have to deal with unpleasant surprises. Of all the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, the Goat woman is endowed with the most vivid imagination. This gives her a poetic, somnambulant air that seduces most people she meets but can irritate some.

Dreams occupy a paramount place in her life. Regardless of age or financial status, she always shows a deep affection for fairy tales and loves stories with a happy ending. Stories about kings and queens, princes and princesses always have a powerful effect on her, and she is always willing to spend money on books and magazines to read interesting stories.

She tends to be extremely dreamy - the Goat woman always has difficulty drawing the line between the ghostly and real world, and swims constantly from one to another.

The Goat woman is also the most intuitive person known in Chinese astrology. She certainly seems to have a sixth sense, for she can perceive what is impenetrable to ordinary person. No wonder why she usually says “I feel” instead of “I think.” This is in her habit of making decisions or statements simply offhand and more often than not she turns out to be right. The Goat woman herself is not able to logically explain her movements or indicate how she received the correct information. No one can blame her for the fact that she exclusively trusts everything to her intuition and consciously, although always subtly, ignores other people's advice.

The Goat woman's memory is unsurpassed. It absorbs almost all events and experiences, especially those that are ingrained in the memory with spectacular coloring. It takes no effort for her to remember what happened many years ago, without missing the smallest details. As a schoolgirl, learning languages ​​or memorizing historical dates and poems is invincible.

Is the Goat woman selfish, insensitive or, on the contrary, loving and generous? It is almost impossible to give a direct answer to this question without risking oversimplification. In fact, both of these extremes coexist in the Goat woman, and this fact is one of her main contradictions and that it is partly impossible to grasp her character. On the one hand, she can be considered the embodiment of meekness and a generous heart. She is unerringly attentive to others and instinctively knows how best to please them; makes them happy despite their own happiness. She can give whatever she desires to anyone who asks. In fact, she is more sensitive than anyone else: seeing a stray cat or a lonely bird shivering in the rain, the Goat woman can receive an unbearable psychological and emotional shock of great intensity.

But it’s not uncommon for a Goat woman to behave completely differently. Strange as it may seem, she is sometimes completely immersed in her own well-being and interests, showing complete indifference to the desires or suffering of other people; then people can see in her a person apparently devoid of all human feelings. This woman, of course, herself is not aware of such turns in her personality, or, at least, is not able to understand and explain them. However, they are not a sealed secret for an outside observer. One could safely assume that they are her own means of self-defense: being so sensitive and vulnerable, she unconsciously covers herself with a shell of selfishness and indifference, which can shelter her from unbearable emotions and suffering. In other words, the Goat woman must resort to independent emotional “anesthesia.” In this case, it could be likened to a rose, which is delicate and has beauty and an exquisite aroma, but for protection it uses terrible weapon- thorns.

Goat woman emotionally vulnerable in extreme conditions. It is not easy for her to live with such impressionability, which knows no limits, and with the fact that she wants everything to be fine, often at a loss, so as not to upset her precarious balance. At times she seems defenseless and one wonders how she can survive. Her emotions, however, are deep and stormy, but they are always sincere. The Goat woman instinctively knows how to express them naturally and gracefully. On the other hand, she may not emotionally respond to a painful insult with an unchanged appearance - this is why she should stay away from phlegmatic people.

If we consider from a certain angle many of the character traits of the Goat woman, then various disadvantages. One of them is her obvious dependence, which she is unable to remove or hide. She does not consider herself strong enough to stand up for herself and always relies on other people in her business life. Moreover, she firmly believes in women's inferiority compared to men and rarely hesitates to seek protection and support from members of the opposite sex; if she faces criticism from a woman, she simply smiles and ignores it.

Throughout her existence, the Goat woman deceives herself, believing that the world and life owe her, that everyone around her should help her. She wants someone to take care of her all the time. As a result, her laziness, lack of fighting spirit, and undemandingness, as a rule, exceed all reasonable limits. Another less good characteristic of her is her indecisiveness. Under any circumstances, the Goat woman finds it extremely difficult to strain her mind to do right choice. When taking serious steps, she is often guided by other people's opinions and advice. All she wants to see is a person who will dictate to her what to do and impose his will - only firm discipline imposed from the outside can put an end to her eternal hesitation and force her to move forward. The Goat woman should stop soaring in the clouds all the time and drift to where the wind of events pushes her.

The Goat woman probably lacks willpower and courage. It would be easier to teach old dog new tricks to convince her to take many things for granted and face reality. When things go wrong or the challenges of life require strenuous efforts, her instinctive reaction is to dive into her inner emotional pools, where she can feel safe and where everything is calm and rosy. To get away from conflicts and tension, the Goat woman may resort to drugs, alcohol, waste of time, vagrancy or religious fanaticism.

There is no stage in life when a Goat woman stops acting like a spoiled child. As a rule, she only does what she wants and when she wants to do it, while completely ignoring pressing tasks. An incurable romantic, she stubbornly avoids confronting real problems and firmly believes that it is better to constantly avoid wrong situations and people. No one can predict the range of her ever-changing moods with any reasonable degree of accuracy. Frivolity, superficiality, carelessness, gullibility and a tendency towards mysticism are an integral part of her psychological make-up. Finally, despite its complexity defense mechanism, the Goat woman can make an effort to free herself completely from the spells of darkness and despair, from a pessimistic mood, self-pity and dark forebodings.

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This sweet, friendly creature probably got a year under her control in order to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

The artistry, lightness and bright disposition of the Goat color the year it patronizes with the same shades. You shouldn’t take the Goat too seriously: she doesn’t like it when people do important things in her year and doesn’t help with this. She gives her patronage to those who live calmly and value a balanced and peaceful life. To people born in her year, she gives an easy and flexible character. Years corresponding to the year of the Goat in the Eastern horoscope: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027.

Character of people born in the year of the Goat

Pleasant, easy to talk to and able to forgive, Goats are often everyone's favorites. They are forgiven for being unadapted to life and not being necessary. They are willingly helped and patronized, and this is very good, because the Goat has neither a strong character, nor tenacity, nor courage. She needs someone stronger to support her. In return she gives good mood and kindness. Having gained protection, the Goat does not become impudent and does not become unpunished. She avoids risk, lives calmly and rarely asks for help: she usually creates her own little world, where everything is familiar and safe and does not create problems for herself. The Goat is smart, with a good sense of humor, but not evil or sarcastic. She is loved in companies. She can be so casual, open and fun that people enjoy being around her. The Goat's favorite pastime is light, casual conversation, pleasant company and admiring beauty in all its forms. The Goat's aesthetic taste is impeccable. Even if the Goat does not choose a creative profession for herself, she always remains a subtle connoisseur and connoisseur of beauty.

People born in the year of the Goat: compatibility in love

The goat knows that it is attractive, and with early youth gets used to attention and admiration. She learns early to communicate with the opposite sex. She has no shortage of fans. In a relationship, the Goat gives gifts to the chosen one strong emotions, responds vividly to every movement of his soul. The undoubted advantage of the Goat is emotionality, without a tendency to hysteria. For marriage, the Goat chooses a reliable and strong man. She is looking for someone who will protect and care, and if she finds such a partner, she lives happily with him all her life. If she was mistaken, and she got a companion weak person, family life is going downhill. Before breaking up in such situations, both partners manage to do a lot of stupid things. IN family life The goat is affectionate with household members, kind, but not economical. She's a follower. She tends to bring into the family the habits that were in her parents’ family, so before marrying a Goat, you should take a closer look at her parental family.

Another Goat and with Boar.

People born in the year of the Goat: compatibility in friendship

Goat has many friends. People are drawn to her because she is easy-going, kind-hearted and smart. Communication with her can be very pleasant. She never sorts things out and doesn’t create problems for anyone. She has many interests, and all of them are safe and not associated with risk. So Goat's friends have a great time around her. She doesn’t gossip, doesn’t quarrel between people, and tries to understand and support everyone. Due to its helplessness and inadaptability, the Goat is not a very “helpful” friend, so it does not risk discovering among its friends a calculating person who uses it. The Goat loves big companies, where he shines with his sense of humor and intelligence. Despite weak character, the Goat often becomes the ringleader in the company. In relation to her closest friends, the Goat is hospitable, attentive and emotionally open. She will always figure out how to entertain a friend or support him in moments of bad mood. A Goat is compatible in friendship with another Goat, and Boar.

People born in the year of the Goat: compatibility at work

A goat is not a fighter by nature. She herself knows this well, without deluding herself about her business qualities. Therefore, she rarely makes a career, becomes a boss or leads own business. She also needs to avoid those areas for which she does not have the ability. The Goat has a not very pleasant trait: the desire to pass off other people's achievements as their own. At work, this will bloom magnificently and give the Goat a bad reputation among his colleagues. The Goat needs to focus its choice of profession on those for which it has abilities and which it likes. It’s good if work is also her hobby. If this is not the case, then work should leave Goat strength and time for rest and hobbies.

Tarot cards will reveal the full picture of your work activity. You will receive answers to all questions regarding well-being, ambitions, difficulties and communication in the work process. All this will help you make any decisions regarding work or your own business.

For many centuries, people have tried to study the influence of planets and zodiac signs on human life. The compatibility of the Goat woman with other signs of the eastern horoscope is influenced by the characteristics of her character and the nature of other symbols. It is also very important to take into account a person’s energy level.

Characteristics of the Goat

Natural elements greatly influence human life. Thanks to this, you can determine which horoscope sign a particular person belongs to. To do this, you should look at his appearance and behavior.

The character of the Goat is not as good as it might seem at first glance. At first she may seem like a sophisticated and aristocratic woman, but as soon as you begin to get to know her, you realize that she hides stubbornness and a quick temper.

Initially, she can lull the enemy's vigilance with her sincere gullibility, after which she delivers the decisive blow. Such women love to get into adventures and read extraordinary books. To a large extent, it is from books that Sheep takes most of his knowledge.

It is believed that the Goat woman will always chase money. She works extremely hard for this, but never stops halfway.

People born under the sign of the Sheep love their freedom very much. It is difficult to push them around, although there have been situations when such people became henpecked. They are also very attracted to the opposite sex, so it is difficult for them to understand who exactly is suitable for life together.

The influence of natural elements

To a greater extent, the compatibility of the Goat woman with other signs of the eastern horoscope is influenced by the elements of nature, so you need to immediately understand who belongs to which element.

  1. The Fire Sheep, born in 1907 and 1967, has self-confidence and always takes care of itself.
  2. The Earth Goat, born in 1919 and 1979, is characterized by increased optimism towards life and can charge others with it.
  3. The Metal Sheep, which was born in 1931 and 1991, is characterized by dual character. At first it seems very tough, but everyone knows perfectly well that it is just a mask. In fact, he is a sensitive and gentle person.
  4. The Water Goat, born in 1943 and 2003, is friendly and witty.
  5. The Wood representative, born in 1995 and 2015, is considerate and compassionate towards others.

Compatibility with other signs

Compatibility horoscopes should be considered Chinese calendar to understand with whom it is better for the Sheep to share its fate.

  1. An idyll reigns in marriage with a Rat. The thing is that a woman and a man have the same views on life and always consult each other when making an important decision. The Rat man needs a woman who will become his reliable partner. This is exactly the kind of lady a Sheep can become. Both the guy and the girl try to spend time not at home, but at big parties, so the relationship between these signs begins at parties. If there is discord in a relationship, they will not always be able to cope with it. In most cases, no one wants to change themselves and their own views on life, so it is very difficult for them to achieve complete harmony in friendship or sex.
  2. In an alliance with the Dragon, all responsibility will lie with the woman. Sometimes she can become so entangled in her own dreams that she does not understand at what point reality ends. The Dragon man does not greatly approve of her behavior, and because of this, quarrels and misunderstandings arise. If they fail to cope with such events, the relationship will end very quickly. In bed, partners are ideally compatible.
  3. Connections with a Monkey may occur more frequently. The thing is that such signs like to hide their relationships and do not talk about them much. They have a mutual desire to achieve a mental connection, so they have no problems in sex.
  4. Compatibility with Pig can be called harmonious, because both man and woman want to create strong marriage and build big family. They will never have a dispute about who will raise the children. All household chores will fall on the shoulders of the Pig, and the Goat woman will work to improve the financial situation of her family.
  5. In a marriage with a Dog, difficulties may arise due to the excessive selfishness of the partners. Their thoughts are always in different places, which only complicates friendly and love relationship. Everything will be bad in sex until the moment they start thinking about each other's pleasure.
  6. The union with the Rooster has problems due to the fact that the man cannot understand why his beloved is so eccentric. Unpleasant conversations begin after the man realizes that the Goat is taking advantage of him and trying to benefit from the relationship.
  7. Communication with the Ox is quite rare, because these signs have too different characters. In their family, quarrels may arise due to the fact that no one is trying to change themselves, as a result of which there is a constant struggle for leadership.
  8. Despite the fact that the Goat has very few common interests with the Snake, they may have a good chance of a good relationship. Harmony comes in marriage after the Snake ceases to be selfish and begins to show wisdom.
  9. The union with the Rabbit is harmonious. Both the Sheep and the Rabbit have the same principles in life. They also have the same outlook on life. But as soon as a difficult period comes in their life, they do not try to fight it. A plan immediately appears in their head that they should look for love with other people.
  10. The Tiger is perfect for the Goat, because only with him can she be happy in marriage. When they start planning a family, it all starts with making a plan. They discuss who will work and who will have household responsibilities. Everything is good in sex, too, because everyone knows what exactly their partner wants.
  11. Despite the fact that the Sheep and the Horse have different views on life, they can create a strong marriage: none of them is lazy to change themselves and reconsider their priorities.
  12. The compatibility horoscope of a Goat man and a woman of the same sign suggests that debates may arise between them. It all depends on whether they can come to a common agreement, because the Goat woman and the Goat man have different concepts about family and life. Guys start thinking about marriage much earlier than their partners. Goat men and Sheep women can create ideal relationship if they stop fighting for independence.

Goats are people who have good intuition; they always know which door to knock on, which path to choose and what to do. They do not make plans for the future, they charge their loved ones with optimism and they want to help them.

In society they are very sweet, smart and artistic, but behind their fluffy skin there is not only positive sides. This sign is most suitable for women.

The characteristics of goats are varied. To their distinctive features The following can be included:


Weak character.

Lack of punctuality.






You need to be careful with sheep, as they are hidden people who like to think about their problems alone.

Goat horoscope

In conversations, this sign likes to listen more than to express their opinion. People born according to the eastern horoscope in the year of the sheep often listen to the advice of those around them and listen to them. If the outcome of the matter is favorable, then they thank those who pushed them on the right path.

They are not ready to tell everyone about difficult moments; they prefer to look for solutions on their own.

All individuals are very emotional, and they are capable of crying with joy. It is very difficult for others to understand this behavior and tears of representatives of the sign. But, despite the fact that sheep are sociable, it is difficult for them to approach a stranger on the street and talk to him.

For sheep, it is important what others think about them and how they will appear in front of them. They make good housewives. The main thing for them is to do everything that all people do. The characteristics of people born in the sign of the goat are better manifested in women, and therefore it is very difficult for men. Since a soft character is not for men, they either have to fight with themselves or be like a woman. This can appear in different ways: in appearance, in habits, in love for home and cooking.

Goat and compatibility

Sheep are accustomed to looking for happiness in everything, so ideal partner for them there will be a boar. Fine this sign gets along with cats too, we're talking about about any matter - love, career, friendship. But sheep will be happiest with a horse - this perfect union for love relationships.

You can cooperate with dragons, but building a family is not recommended. Despite the fact that they have no opponents, a good alliance will not work with the following signs:


The sphere of money and career for people in the year of the goat

Goats do not always treat money correctly. They do not always know how to distribute them correctly; sometimes it is preferable for them to spend more than to earn.

All goats are artistic people, but it is difficult for them to make a profit from their favorite activity. They are in need of finances, regularly borrow money and spend it thoughtlessly.

At the moment when the situation is hopeless, they find a way out difficult situation and overcome their problems.

The sign must combine its life with culture, the best profession for the sheep is an artist. But in order for a person to find inspiration, he needs a patron who will push him to make rash decisions. Also, a patron is needed so that he moves the person along career ladder, since goats are so shy.

Let's talk about a woman of such an eastern horoscope sign as Goat! What kind of a Goat woman is she? Will tell Goroskop. guru!

The Goat woman is gentle and artistic

It seems to everyone that the Goat is a charming and airy creature. So dreamy! Always ready to help everyone! He doesn’t force his opinion on anyone! She adapts easily, is generally very soft, sociable, dreamy, very tactful and has a philosophical view of the world. Unfortunately, at the same time, the Goat very often withdraws into itself, even reaching the point of depression. And artistry helps her not give herself away, and often people around have no idea how bad Kozochka is...

As a rule, everyone around is trying to take care of the Goat, but she can stand up for herself. Developed intuition helps a lot in life, but sometimes logic is a mess, so it needs frequent explanations of what, how and why happened. In love she will be devoted and passionate, at work she will be immensely kind. She may get carried away with her career to the fullest, but forget about home and family, simply not having time to build them - but it would be worth remembering that Kozochka will make a wonderful mother and a wonderful wife!

Goats are very creative, they have a rich imagination, and all their free time is devoted only to art! She can be so immersed in creativity that she forgets to do everything else, and then begins to demand that same care from others: to do everything for her. But Kozochka is very dependent on other people’s opinions. She constantly makes excuses, so that everyone seems insecure and weak, although in fact she is still a manipulator. Will always knock on your door the right doors V right time, and will begin to enjoy the benefits that others have long and methodically won, but the Goat simply found where to ask!

Uneven and difficult

The Goat’s character is not easy; she is either calm or dissatisfied with everything and finds fault. She loves to eat delicious food, does not particularly value sports, therefore she is often prone to excess weight, and the only salvation for her is to walk. But the Goat’s eyes are so beautiful that they simply lure everyone into the net! By the way, she is running away from responsibility as best she can, looking for someone to lead her! No matter how resilient she is, she will prefer to carry out orders rather than decide for herself.
