The structure and principle of operation of the vimana. Ancient Indian aircraft technology

Sanskrit texts are full of references to how the gods fought in the sky using vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as those used in our more enlightened times. For example, here is a passage from the Ramayana in which we read:

"The Puspaka machine, which resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by the mighty Ravana; this beautiful air machine goes anywhere at will, ... this machine resembles a bright cloud in the sky ... and King Rama entered it and this beautiful ship under the command of Raghira rose into the upper atmosphere."

Vimana is a flying machine, descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the Vimanika Shastra. These devices could move both in earth's atmosphere, and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimanas were activated both with the help of mantras (spells) and with the help of mechanical devices. Vaitmara landed on the mainland, which was called by star travelers Daariya - Gift of the Gods. Aitmana - small flying chariot.

On Vaitmara there were representatives of four peoples of the allied Lands of the Great Race: Clans of Aryans - xAryans, that is, yes Aryans; Clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorus. The Aryans acted as pilots with the exception of Piccolo. Vaitmara sank to the mainland, which was named Daariya by the star travelers - a brush-like gift from the Gods. The Kharians carried out space navigation work. The Whitemars are the great Heavenly ones vehicles, capable of laying in their womb up to 144 Wightman. The whole vimana itself is a reconnaissance ship. All Slavic-Aryan Gods and Goddesses have their own whitemans and whitemars,
corresponding to their spiritual capabilities. To put it simply modern language, The heavenly ships of our Ancestors are biological robots that have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to transport them both within the worlds of Navi, Reveal and Slavi, and from one world to another. IN different worlds they accept different shapes and have different properties necessary to fulfill its purpose. For example, God Vyshen repeatedly flew to the people of Earth on a whiteman shaped
a huge eagle, and God Svarog (whom the Hindu Brahmins call Brahma) is on the whiteman in the form of a beautiful swan.

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use. In addition to "bright rockets", the poem describes the use of other lethal weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately "devours it with its power." On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses his special weapon:

“I quickly inserted the arrow that killed, looking for the sound.”

And many other types terrible weapon described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrishas. The narration says:

"The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, Iron Lightning Strike, the giant messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes."

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

The Vimanika Sutra describes the different types of Vimanas, their characteristics and motor systems. Vimanas are capable of flying in the atmosphere, under water, underground, in outer space and even outside our Universe. They can be purely mechanical or use various cosmic energy for flight, as well as life force. For example, Vimanas (“heavenly chariots”) are described, made from flowers or a young tree uprooted. Descriptions of various flying ships are found in the Ramayana, in the Rigveda (2nd millennium BC) and in other works that have come down to us from ancient times. There are five types of flying machines: Rukma Vimana, Sundra Vimana, Tripura Vimana, Shakuna Vimana and Agnihorta. Thus, Rukma Vimana and Sundra Vimana have a conical shape. The Rukma Vimana is described as a three-tiered flying ship with a propeller at the base. On the second “floor” there is a room for passengers. Sundra Vimana is in many ways similar to Rukma Vimana, but unlike the latter it has a more streamlined shape. Tripura Vimana is a larger ship. Agnihorts, unlike other ships, fly using jet propulsion. Ancient sources claim that there are flying ships for travel not only within the Universe, but also in other worlds and spaces inhabited by perfect beings.

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written:

“The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. A mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus under it should be placed inside. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel across the sky over long distances. The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, descend vertically and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to the earth."

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms:

"The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from 'those above'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.

Many researchers of UFO mysteries may overlook a very important fact. Apart from speculation that most flying saucers are of extraterrestrial origin or perhaps are government military projects, other possible source may be ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian aircraft comes from ancient Indian written sources that have reached us through the centuries. There can be no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; there are literally hundreds of them, many are well-known Indian epics, but most of them have not yet been translated into English from ancient Sanskrit.

The Indian king Ashoka established " secret society nine unknown people" - the great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalog many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he feared that the information of advanced science collected by these people from ancient Indian sources could be used for the evil purposes of the war, which Ashoka was opposed to decisively, having converted to Buddhism after defeating an enemy army in a bloody battle. The "Nine Unknown" wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the books was called "The Secrets of Gravity", a book known to historians, but never seen by them , dealt mainly with the control of gravity. Presumably this book is still somewhere, in a secret library in India, Tibet or somewhere else (possibly even in North America). Of course, assuming that this knowledge exists, it is easy to understand why Ashoka kept it secret.

Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars using these devices and other "futuristic weapons" that destroyed the ancient Indian "Ram Raj" (the kingdom of Rama) several thousand years before him. Just a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to Chandrigarh University for translation. Dr. Ruf Reyna from this university recently stated that these documents contain instructions for building interstellar spacecraft. spaceships! Their mode of movement, she said, was "anti-gravity" and based on a system similar to that used in "laghim", an unknown force of "I" existing in the psychic structure of man, " centrifugal force, sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction." According to Indian yogis, this is the “laghima” that allows a person to levitate.

Dr Raina said that on board these machines, called "asters" in the text, the ancient Indians could send a force of people to any planet. The manuscripts also speak of the discovery of the secret of "antima" or the cap of invisibility, and "garima", which allows one to become as heavy as a mountain or lead. Naturally, Indian scholars did not take the texts very seriously, but they began to view their value more positively when the Chinese announced that they had used parts of them to study space program! This is one of the first examples of a government decision to allow antigravity research. (Chinese science differs from European science in this; for example, in Xinjiang province there is state institute, engaged in UFO research. - K.Z.)

The manuscripts do not say definitively whether interplanetary travel was ever attempted, but mention, among other things, a planned flight to the Moon, although it is unclear whether this flight was actually carried out. Anyway, one of the great Indian epics, the Ramayana, contains a very detailed account of a journey to the moon in a "vimana" (or "aster"), and describes in detail the battle on the moon with an "ashvin" (or Atlantean) ship. This is just a small part of the evidence of Indian use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology.

To truly understand this technology, we must go back to more ancient times. The so-called kingdom of Rama in northern India and Pakistan was established at least 15 millennia ago and was a nation of large and sophisticated cities, many of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan and northern and western India. The kingdom of Rama apparently existed parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the center of the Atlantic Ocean and was ruled by “enlightened priest-kings” who headed the cities.

The seven greatest capital cities of Rama are known in classical Indian texts as the "seven cities of the Rishis". According to ancient Indian texts, people had aircrafts called "vimanas". The epic describes the vimana as a two-deck round flying machine with openings and a dome, much like how we imagine a flying saucer. He flew "with the speed of the wind" and made a "melodious sound." There were at least four different types of vimanas; some are like saucers, others are like long cylinders - cigar-shaped flying machines. Ancient Indian texts about vimanas are so numerous that retelling them would take entire volumes. The ancient Indians who created these ships wrote entire flight manuals on how to control them. various types vimanas, many of which still exist, and some of which have even been translated into English.

The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise that examines air travel on vimanas from all possible angles. It contains 230 chapters covering their design, take-off, flight of thousands of kilometers, normal and emergency landings, and even possible bird strikes. In 1875, the Vaimanika Shastra, a 4th century text, was discovered in one of the Indian temples. BC, written by Bharadwaji the Wise, who used even more ancient texts as sources. He talked about the operation of vimanas and included information about their driving, warnings about long flights, information about protection aircraft from hurricanes and lightning, and a guide to switching the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source that was called like "anti-gravity". The Vaimanika Shastra contains eight chapters with diagrams and describes three types of flying machines, including those that could not catch fire or crash. She also mentions 31 main parts of these apparatuses and 16 materials used in their manufacture that absorb light and heat, for which reason they are considered suitable for constructing vimanas.

This document was translated into English by J. R. Josayer and published in Mysore, India, in 1979. Mr. Josayer is the director International Academy Sanskrit Studies, based in Mysore. It appears that the vimanas were undoubtedly propelled by some kind of anti-gravity. They took off vertically and could hover in the air like modern helicopters or airships. Bharadwaji refers to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts on ancient aeronautics.

These sources are now lost. The vimanas were kept in a "vimana griha", a type of hangar, and are sometimes said to be driven by a yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes by some kind of mercury mixture, although the authors seem to be uncertain on this point. Most likely, the later authors were only observers and used the earlier texts, and it is understandable that they were confused about the principle of their movement. The "yellowish-white liquid" looks suspiciously like gasoline, and it is possible that the vimanas had various sources of propulsion, including internal combustion engines and even jet engines.

According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabharata, as well as the Ramayana, one of the vimanas is described as having the shape of a sphere and being carried at great speed by a powerful wind created by mercury. It moved like a UFO, rising, falling, moving back and forth, as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, Samara, vimanas are described as "iron machines, well built and smooth, with a charge of mercury that bursts from the back in the form of a roaring flame." Another work called Samaranganasutradhara describes how the apparatuses were constructed. It is possible that mercury had something to do with movement, or, more possibly, with a control system. Interestingly, Soviet scientists discovered what they called "ancient instruments used in spacecraft navigation" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. These "devices" are hemispherical objects made of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

It is obvious that the ancient Indians flew these devices throughout Asia and probably to Atlantis; and even, apparently, in South America. A letter discovered at Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan (supposedly one of the "seven cities of the rishis of Rama's empire"), and still undeciphered, has also been found elsewhere in the world - Easter Island! The Easter Island script, called the Rongorongo script, is also undeciphered and closely resembles the Mohenjodaro script. ...

In the Mahavira Bhavabhuti, an 8th century Jain text compiled from older texts and traditions, we read:

"The aerial chariot, Pushpaka, carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but dotted with lights of a yellowish glow."

The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems considered the oldest of all Indian texts, describe vimanas various types and sizes: “agnihotravimana” with two engines, “elephant-vimana” with more big amount engines and others, named "kingfisher", "ibis" and by the name of other animals.

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were eventually used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Wilixi", a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known in Indian scriptures as "Asvins", were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and, of course, had a more warlike temperament. Although there are no known ancient texts about the Atlantean Wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were usually cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even in outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical housings for the engines below. They used mechanical anti-gravity installation driven by engines developing a power of approximately 80,000 Horse power.

The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with weapons of destruction that readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources of information about vimanas, goes on to describe the terrible destructiveness of this war:

"... A single projectile charged with the entire power of the universe. A red-hot column of smoke and flame, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. ... An iron strike of lightning, a giant messenger of death, turning the entire race of Vrishnis and Andhakas into ashes. ..the bodies were so burned that they became unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; dishes broke for no apparent reason, and birds turned white... after a few hours all the food was contaminated... to escape from this fire, the soldiers rushed into the streams, to wash yourself and your weapons..."

It may seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! Mentions like this are not isolated; battles using a fantastic array of weapons and aircraft are common in Indian epic books. One even describes a battle between vimanas and vailixas on the moon! And the passage quoted above very accurately describes what it looks like nuclear explosion and what is the effect of radioactivity on the population. Jumping into the water provides the only respite.

When the city of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archaeologists in the 19th century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding their hands as if they were caught off guard by some kind of disaster. These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found, on par with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls were literally glazed and fused together can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no other logical explanation for the glassing of stone fortresses and cities other than an atomic explosion.

Moreover, in Mohenjo-daro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that of Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama atomic weapons the world has sunk to stone age"...

Sanskrit texts are full of references to how the gods fought in the sky using vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as those used in our more enlightened times.

For example, here is a passage from the Ramayana in which we read: “The Puspaka machine, which resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by the powerful Ravana; this beautiful air machine goes anywhere at will, ... this machine resembles a bright cloud in the sky ... and King [Rama] entered it and this beautiful ship under the command of Raghira rose into the upper atmosphere.”

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use. In addition to “bright missiles,” the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately “devours it with its power.” On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon: “I quickly inserted an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound.” And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrish. The narration says: “The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe on the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes.”

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written: “The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. Inside you need to place a mercury engine with its own iron heating apparatus under it. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel long distances across the sky. The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, descend vertically and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to earth.”

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms: “The privilege of piloting a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from “those above.” We received it from them as a means of saving many lives.”

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures. (D. Hatcher Childress. The Anti-Gravity Handbook.)

Many researchers of UFO mysteries may overlook a very important fact. Apart from speculation that most flying saucers are of extraterrestrial origin or perhaps are government military projects, another possible source could be ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian aircraft comes from ancient Indian written sources that have reached us through the centuries. There can be no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; there are literally hundreds of them, many are well-known Indian epics, but most of them have not yet been translated into English from ancient Sanskrit.

The Indian king Ashoka established a “secret society of nine unknown people” - great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalog many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he feared that the advanced science collected by these people from ancient Indian sources could be used for the evil purposes of war, which Ashoka was strongly opposed to, having converted to Buddhism after defeating the enemy army in bloody battle. The “Nine Unknowns” wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the books was called “The Secrets of Gravity.” This book, known to historians but never seen by them, dealt mainly with the control of gravity. Presumably this book is still somewhere, in a secret library in India, Tibet or somewhere else (possibly even in North America). Of course, assuming that this knowledge exists, it is easy to understand why Ashoka kept it secret.

Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars using these devices and other “futuristic weapons” that destroyed the ancient Indian “Ram Raj” (the kingdom of Rama) several thousand years before him. Just a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to Chandrigarh University for translation. Dr. Ruf Reyna from this university recently stated that these documents contain instructions for building interstellar spaceships! Their mode of locomotion, she said, was “anti-gravity,” and was based on a system similar to that used in “laghim,” an unknown force of “I” existing in the human psychic structure, “a centrifugal force sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction.” According to Indian yogis, this is the “laghima” that allows a person to levitate.

Dr. Raina said that on board these machines, called "asters" in the text, the ancient Indians could send a force of people to any planet. The manuscripts also talk about the discovery of the secret of “antima” or the cap of invisibility, and “garima”, which allows you to become heavy as a mountain or lead. Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but they began to view their value more positively when the Chinese announced that they had used some of them for study as part of the space program! This is one of the first examples of a government decision to allow antigravity research. (Chinese science differs from European science in this; for example, in Xinjiang province there is a state institute dedicated to UFO research.)

The manuscripts do not say definitively whether interplanetary travel was ever attempted, but mention, among other things, a planned flight to the Moon, although it is unclear whether this flight was actually carried out. Anyway, one of the great Indian epics, the Ramayana, contains a very detailed account of a journey to the moon in a “vimana” (or “aster”), and describes in detail the battle on the moon with an “ashvin” (or Atlantean) ship. This is just a small part of the evidence of Indian use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology.

To truly understand this technology, we must go back to more ancient times. The so-called kingdom of Rama in northern India and Pakistan was established at least 15 millennia ago and was a nation of large and sophisticated cities, many of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan and northern and western India. The kingdom of Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the center of the Atlantic Ocean and was ruled by “enlightened priest-kings” who stood at the head of the cities.

The seven greatest capital cities of Rama are known in classical Indian texts as the “seven cities of the Rishis.” According to ancient Indian texts, people had flying machines called “vimanas”. The epic describes the vimana as a two-deck round flying machine with openings and a dome, much like how we imagine a flying saucer. It flew “at the speed of the wind” and made a “melodious sound.” There were at least four different types of vimanas; some are like saucers, others are like long cylinders - cigar-shaped flying machines. Ancient Indian texts about vimanas are so numerous that retelling them would take entire volumes. The ancient Indians who created these ships wrote entire flight manuals on how to control various types of vimanas, many of which still exist, and some of which have even been translated into English.

The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise that examines air travel on vimanas from all possible angles. It contains 230 chapters covering their design, take-off, flight of thousands of kilometers, normal and emergency landings, and even possible bird strikes. In 1875, the Vimanika Shastra, a 4th century text, was discovered in one of the Indian temples. BC, written by Bharadwaji the Wise, who used even more ancient texts as sources.

It covered the operation of vimanas and included information on driving them, cautions about long flights, information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning, and guidance on switching the engine to “solar power” from a free energy source called like “anti-gravity.” The Vimanika Shastra contains eight chapters with diagrams and describes three types of flying machines, including those that could not catch fire or crash. She also mentions 31 main parts of these apparatuses and 16 materials used in their manufacture that absorb light and heat, for which reason they are considered suitable for constructing vimanas.

This document was translated into English by J. R. Josayer and published in Mysore, India, in 1979. Mr. Josayer is the Director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies based in Mysore. It appears that the vimanas were undoubtedly set in motion by some kind of anti-gravity. They took off vertically and could hover in the air like modern helicopters or airships. Bharadwaji refers to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts on ancient aeronautics.

These sources are now lost. The vimanas were kept in a "vimana griha", a type of hangar, and are sometimes said to be driven by a yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes by some kind of mercury mixture, although the authors seem to be uncertain on this point. Most likely, the later authors were only observers and used the earlier texts, and it is understandable that they were confused about the principle of their movement. The “yellowish-white liquid” looks suspiciously like gasoline, and the vimanas may have had various sources of propulsion, including internal combustion engines and even jet engines.

According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabharata, as well as the Ramayana, one of the vimanas is described as having the shape of a sphere and being carried at great speed by a powerful wind created by mercury. It moved like a UFO, rising, falling, moving back and forth, as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, Samara, vimanas are described as “iron machines, well built and smooth, with a charge of mercury that bursts from the back in the form of a roaring flame.” Another work called Samaranganasutradhara describes how the apparatuses were constructed. It is possible that mercury had something to do with movement, or, more possibly, with a control system. Interestingly, Soviet scientists discovered what they called “ancient instruments used in spacecraft navigation” in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. These “devices” are hemispherical objects made of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

It is obvious that the ancient Indians flew these devices throughout Asia and probably to Atlantis; and even, apparently, to South America. A letter discovered at Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan (supposedly one of the “seven cities of the rishis of Rama’s empire”), and still undeciphered, has also been found elsewhere in the world - Easter Island! The writing of Easter Island, called the Rongorongo script, is also undeciphered and very closely resembles the writing of Mohenjo-daro...

In the Mahavira Bhavabhuti, an 8th century Jain text compiled from older texts and traditions, we read: “The aerial chariot, Pushpaka, carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but dotted with lights of a yellowish glow.” The Vedas, the ancient Hindu poems considered the oldest of all Indian texts, describe vimanas of various types and sizes: the “agnihotravimana” with two engines, the “elephant vimana” with even more engines, and others called “kingfisher”, “ibis” and others. names of other animals.

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Wailixi", a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known in Indian scriptures as "Asvins", were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and, of course, had a more warlike temperament. Although there are no known ancient texts about the Atlantean Wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were typically cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of “The Ultimate Frontier,” wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were “saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical engine housings underneath. They used a mechanical anti-gravity unit driven by engines generating approximately 80,000 horsepower. “The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with weapons of destruction that readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources of information about vimanas, goes on to describe the terrible destructiveness of this war: “...(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with the entire force of the universe. A red-hot column of smoke and flame, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. ...An iron strike of lightning, a giant messenger of death, turning the entire race of Vrishnis and Andhakas into ashes...the bodies were so burned that they became unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; the dishes broke for no apparent reason, and the birds turned white... after a few hours, all the food was contaminated... to escape this fire, the soldiers rushed into the streams to wash themselves and their weapons...” It may seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! Mentions like this are not isolated; battles using a fantastic array of weapons and aircraft are common in Indian epic books. One even describes a battle between vimanas and vailixas on the moon! And the above-quoted passage very accurately describes what an atomic explosion looks like and what the effect of radioactivity is on the population. Jumping into the water provides the only respite.

When the city of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archaeologists in the 19th century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding their hands as if they were caught off guard by some kind of disaster. These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found, on par with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls were literally glazed and fused together can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no other logical explanation for the glassing of stone fortresses and cities other than an atomic explosion.

Moreover, in Mohenjodaro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age”. ...

John Burrows (short)

Vimana- an aircraft, descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the Vimanika Shastra. These devices could move both in the earth’s atmosphere and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimanas were activated both with the help of mantras (spells) and with the help of mechanical devices.
Vaitmara landed on the mainland, which was called by star travelers Daariya - Gift of the Gods. Wightman- small flying chariot. Wightmana carries the second type of ship - Vimana.
On Whitemara there were representatives of four peoples of the allied Lands of the Great Race: the Clans of the Aryans - the XAryans, that is, the Aryans; Clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorus. The Aryans acted as pilots with the exception of Piccolo. Vaitmara sank to the mainland, which was named Daariya by the star travelers - a brush-like gift from the Gods. The Kharians carried out space navigation work.
Whitemars are large Celestial vehicles capable of laying up to 144 Whiteman in their womb. The whole vimana itself is a reconnaissance ship.

All Slavic-Aryan Gods and Goddesses have their own whitemans and whitemars, corresponding to their spiritual capabilities. In modern language, the Skyships of our Ancestors are biological robots that have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to transport them both within the worlds of Navi, Reveal and Slavi, and from one world to another. In different worlds they take different forms and have different properties necessary to fulfill their purpose. For example, God Vyshen repeatedly flew to the people of Earth on a whiteman in the shape of a huge eagle, and God Svarog (whom the Hindu Brahmins call Brahma) flew on a whiteman in the form of a beautiful swan.

But this is called the “Vimana of the goddess.” The similarity is striking: human cocoon - pyramid - vimana - pepelats.
Apparently, it is not for nothing that they say that vimanas are alive, because it turns out that they are made in the energetic image of a person. And if so, then a person should be able to fly without vimana!

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use. In addition to the "bright missiles", the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately “devours it with its power.” On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon: “I quickly inserted an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound.”

And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrish. The narration says:
"The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, Iron Lightning Bolt, the giant messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes."

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written:

“The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. A mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus under it should be placed inside. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel across the sky over long distances. The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, descend vertically and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to the earth."

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms: "The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from 'those above'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.
The Aryans' rollers were called "Vaitmana", and those that could accommodate and transport several Vaitmana were called "Vaitmara".
It is believed that this picture depicts the Indian Whitemara:

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Wilixi", a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins" in Indian scriptures, were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and certainly had a more warlike temperament. Although no ancient texts are known to exist about the Atlantean wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.
The lifting of the vimana into the air was carried out using the secret energy of sound. The pilot underwent serious training before he was allowed to operate the controls.

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were typically cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical housings for the engines below. They used a mechanical anti-gravity unit driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horsepower." The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with weapons of destruction that readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

Moreover, in Mohenjodaro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age”. ...

This is a fragment of a Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text "Prajnaparamita Sutra", dating from the 10th century and kept in a Japanese museum. The vimanas that you see in the lower right corner surprisingly resemble modern UFOs.

Angels flying in the sky, fragment of the Crucifixion fresco from the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Dečani in Kosovo, Yugoslavia (fresco created around 1350).
Did the ancients have similar technologies... or is it just fiction, it's up to you to decide.

Whitemans, Whitemars, Vimanas...


Vimanas are far from being a fictitious fiction, but a real fact of the existence of highly technical means of transportation. Considering modern progress from the perspective of flying vehicles, to some extent we can come to the conclusion that humanity has achieved certain high results. We learned to fly in the air. We have learned to transport large loads by air. A man was sent into outer space. From the position modern man it all looks like progress.

Vimanika shastra

But besides this position, there is always a position of the past tense, from which the point of view changes radically. In one of the holy temples of India, in 1875, the treatise “Vimanika Shastra”, written in the 4th century BC, was found. e., Bharadwaja. The treatise was written on the basis of even earlier texts. The treatise presented various aircraft, called vimanas, whose characteristics exceed our aircraft millions of times. Scientists received detailed information about how they are arranged, the principles of their functioning. The book contained descriptions of numerous devices that performed the functions of a camera, radar, searchlight and used, in particular, solar energy. In addition, there were descriptions of various powerful types of weapons. The treatise described not only super-fast, super-strong types of flying ships, but also described how a pilot should act, how to dress, how to eat, in order for the vimana to function like an aircraft.
By switching various types of switches, vimanas could expand or contract, rotate around an axis, modify their shape during flight: form into a cloud for camouflage; emit a powerful glow or form complete darkness around oneself; absorb Sun rays and become invisible; dive into the water; produce a force capable of paralyzing animals and people; receive on their screens an image of what is happening at an impressive distance.

1. The first category of vimanas is mana-javana. Manna is translated as mind, javana is speed. That is, these are aircraft moving at the speed of the mind.
2. Kapoto-waya. Kapoto translates to dove, vaya translates to aerial, these were bird-like flying machines that had wings attached. The flight was carried out through air currents, using a special engine. The peculiarity of the device is that it was completely silent and could move over enormous distances.
3. Akash-patana. Akasha is translated as ether, pathana - corridor. Those. these are vimanas that moved through ethereal corridors. Such ships could visit any point in the universe and naturally they required a certain level of consciousness, both of the pilot and of those who knew how to build such a vimana. The speed in the ether is hundreds of millions of times greater than the speed of light.
4. Tripurari- These are large flying ships, consisting of three levels. Tri is translated as three levels, pura means city. Three large cities intervened in it, and in addition there were hundreds of thousands of small vimanas.
5. Hiranya-pura. These are very large vimanas, flying cities, whose production was based on gold. Their speed of movement was simply stunning (faster than in the ether), due to the type of energy released by this gold.
6. Pushpa-vimana. Pushpa translates to flowers. Vimanas were made from floral materials.
7. Para-vaikuntha-vimana. This special kind aircraft. With their help Living being was able to overcome the shells of the material universe and penetrate very a short time V spiritual world, since high spiritual vibrations will destroy material properties.

The treatise Vimanika-shatsra provides information regarding correct operation aircraft. Cautions and regulations during long-term flights, protecting aircraft from lightning and storms. Describes how to switch a solar powered engine to another type of energy. But besides this treatise, there are a number of works in Sanskrit that also let us know that these aircraft took place. This is Srimad Bhagavatam, the tenth canto, Bhagavad Gita, Vimana Griha. The Vedas contain a wide amount of information on the topic of flying devices. If we consider non-Vedic works, then vimana is even found in the work of Plato, where Atlantis is described. Today, numerous vimanas have been found all over the world, but scientists still do not know how to activate them. Information is constantly leaking on the Internet that an inexplicable aircraft has been found somewhere - this includes Japan, Siberia, the USA and many other countries.

Sanskrit texts are full of references to how the gods fought in the sky using vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as those used in our more enlightened times.

For example, here is a passage from the Ramayana in which we read: “The Puspaka machine, which resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by the powerful Ravana; this beautiful air machine goes anywhere at will, ... this machine resembles a bright cloud in the sky.. . and King [Rama] entered it and this beautiful ship under the command of Raghira rose into the upper layers of the atmosphere."

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use. In addition to the "bright missiles", the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately "devours it with its power." On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon: “I quickly inserted an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound.” And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrish. The narration says: “The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes."

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written: “The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird of light material. Inside, a mercury engine should be placed with its iron heating apparatus underneath. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel long distances in the sky. The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, vertically descend and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to the earth." .

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms: "The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from 'those above'. We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures. (D. Hatcher Childress. The Anti-Gravity Handbook.)

Many researchers of UFO mysteries may overlook a very important fact. Apart from speculation that most flying saucers are of extraterrestrial origin or perhaps are government military projects, another possible source could be ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian aircraft comes from ancient Indian written sources that have reached us through the centuries. There can be no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; there are literally hundreds of them, many are well-known Indian epics, but most of them have not yet been translated into English from ancient Sanskrit.

The Indian king Ashoka established the “secret society of nine unknown people” - great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalog many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he feared that the advanced science collected by these people from ancient Indian sources could be used for the evil purposes of war, which Ashoka was strongly opposed to, having converted to Buddhism after defeating the enemy army in bloody battle. The Nine Unknowns wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the books was called "The Secrets of Gravity." This book, known to historians but never seen by them, dealt mainly with the control of gravity. Presumably this book is still somewhere, in a secret library in India, Tibet or somewhere else (possibly even in North America). Of course, assuming that this knowledge exists, it is easy to understand why Ashoka kept it secret.

Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars using these devices and other "futuristic weapons" that destroyed the ancient Indian "Ram Raj" (the kingdom of Rama) several thousand years before him. Just a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to Chandrigarh University for translation. Dr. Ruf Reyna from this university recently stated that these documents contain instructions for building interstellar spaceships! Their mode of locomotion, she said, was "anti-gravity" and was based on a system similar to that used in "laghim", an unknown force of self existing in the human psychic structure, "a centrifugal force sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction." According to Indian yogis, this is the “laghima” that allows a person to levitate.

Dr Raina said that on board these machines, called "asters" in the text, the ancient Indians could send a force of people to any planet. The manuscripts also speak of the discovery of the secret of "antima" or the cap of invisibility, and "garima", which allows one to become as heavy as a mountain or lead. Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but they began to view their value more positively when the Chinese announced that they had used some of them for study as part of the space program! This is one of the first examples of a government decision to allow antigravity research. (Chinese science differs from European science in this; for example, in Xinjiang province there is a state institute dedicated to UFO research.)

The manuscripts do not say definitively whether interplanetary travel was ever attempted, but mention, among other things, a planned flight to the Moon, although it is unclear whether this flight was actually carried out. Anyway, one of the great Indian epics, the Ramayana, contains a very detailed account of a journey to the moon in a "vimana" (or "aster"), and describes in detail the battle on the moon with an "ashvin" (or Atlantean) ship. This is just a small part of the evidence of Indian use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology.

To truly understand this technology, we must go back to more ancient times. The so-called kingdom of Rama in northern India and Pakistan was established at least 15 millennia ago and was a nation of large and sophisticated cities, many of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan and northern and western India. The kingdom of Rama apparently existed parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the center of the Atlantic Ocean and was ruled by “enlightened priest-kings” who headed the cities.

The seven greatest capital cities of Rama are known in classical Indian texts as the "seven cities of the Rishis". According to ancient Indian texts, people had flying machines called "vimanas". The epic describes the vimana as a two-deck round flying machine with openings and a dome, much like how we imagine a flying saucer. He flew "with the speed of the wind" and made a "melodious sound." There were at least four different types of vimanas; some are like saucers, others are like long cylinders - cigar-shaped flying machines. Ancient Indian texts about vimanas are so numerous that retelling them would take entire volumes. The ancient Indians who created these ships wrote entire flight manuals on how to control various types of vimanas, many of which still exist, and some of which have even been translated into English.

The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise that examines air travel on vimanas from all possible angles. It contains 230 chapters covering their design, take-off, flight of thousands of kilometers, normal and emergency landings, and even possible bird strikes. In 1875, the Vimanika Shastra, a 4th century text, was discovered in one of the Indian temples. BC, written by Bharadwaji the Wise, who used even more ancient texts as sources.

It covered the operation of vimanas and included information on driving them, cautions about long flights, information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning, and guidance on switching the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source called similarly "anti-gravity." The Vimanika Shastra contains eight chapters with diagrams and describes three types of flying machines, including those that could not catch fire or crash. She also mentions 31 main parts of these apparatuses and 16 materials used in their manufacture that absorb light and heat, for which reason they are considered suitable for constructing vimanas.

This document was translated into English by J. R. Josayer and published in Mysore, India, in 1979. Mr. Josayer is the Director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies based in Mysore. It appears that the vimanas were undoubtedly set in motion by some kind of anti-gravity. They took off vertically and could hover in the air like modern helicopters or airships. Bharadwaji refers to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts on ancient aeronautics.

These sources are now lost. The vimanas were kept in a "vimana griha", a type of hangar, and are sometimes said to be driven by a yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes by some kind of mercury mixture, although the authors seem to be uncertain on this point. Most likely, the later authors were only observers and used the earlier texts, and it is understandable that they were confused about the principle of their movement. The "yellowish-white liquid" looks suspiciously like gasoline, and the vimanas may have had various sources of propulsion, including internal combustion engines and even jet engines.

According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabharata, as well as the Ramayana, one of the vimanas is described as having the shape of a sphere and being carried at great speed by a powerful wind created by mercury. It moved like a UFO, rising, falling, moving back and forth, as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, Samara, vimanas are described as "iron machines, well built and smooth, with a charge of mercury that bursts from the back in the form of a roaring flame." Another work called Samaranganasutradhara describes how the apparatuses were constructed. It is possible that mercury had something to do with movement, or, more possibly, with a control system. Interestingly, Soviet scientists discovered what they called "ancient instruments used in spacecraft navigation" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. These "devices" are hemispherical objects made of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

It is obvious that the ancient Indians flew these devices throughout Asia and probably to Atlantis; and even, apparently, to South America. A letter discovered at Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan (supposedly one of the "seven cities of the rishis of Rama's empire"), and still undeciphered, has also been found elsewhere in the world - Easter Island! The writing of Easter Island, called the Rongo-rongo script, is also undeciphered and very closely resembles the writing of Mohenjo-daro...

In the Mahavir Bhavabhuti, an 8th century Jain text compiled from older texts and traditions, we read: "The aerial chariot, Pushpaka, carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but dotted with lights of a yellowish glow." . The Vedas, the ancient Hindu poems considered the oldest of all Indian texts, describe vimanas of various types and sizes: the "agnihotravimana" with two engines, the "elephant vimana" with even more engines, and others called "kingfisher", "ibis" and others. names of other animals.

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Wilixi", a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known in Indian scriptures as "Asvins", were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and, of course, had a more warlike temperament. Although there are no known ancient texts about the Atlantean Wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were typically cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged. According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical housings for the engines below. They used mechanical anti-gravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horsepower. "The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a heinous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was carried out using weapons of destruction, which readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources of information about vimanas, goes on to describe the terrible destructiveness of this war: "...(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. A red-hot column of smoke and flame, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor ...An iron strike of lightning, a gigantic messenger of death, turning the entire race of Vrishnis and Andhakas into ashes...the bodies were so burned that they became unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out, dishes were broken for no apparent reason, and birds turned white... after a few hours all the food was contaminated... to escape this fire, the soldiers rushed into the streams to wash themselves and their weapons..." It may seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! Mentions like this are not isolated; battles using a fantastic array of weapons and aircraft are common in Indian epic books. One even describes a battle between vimanas and vailixas on the moon! And the above-quoted passage very accurately describes what an atomic explosion looks like and what the effect of radioactivity is on the population. Jumping into the water provides the only respite.

When the city of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archaeologists in the 19th century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding their hands as if they were caught off guard by some kind of disaster. These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found, on par with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls were literally glazed and fused together can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no other logical explanation for the glassing of stone fortresses and cities other than an atomic explosion.

Moreover, in Mohenjodaro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age.” ...

John Burrows (short)

“The Puspaka machine, which resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by the mighty Ravana; this beautiful air machine goes anywhere at will, ... this machine resembles a bright cloud in the sky ... and King [Rama] entered it and this beautiful ship under the command of Raghira rose into the upper atmosphere."

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual length, we learn that a person named Asura Maya possessed a vimana about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information relating to the conflicts between the gods, who resolved their differences using weapons apparently as deadly as those we can use.

In addition to the “bright missiles,” the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. The “Indra Dart” is operated using a round “reflector”. When turned on, it emits a beam of light that, when focused on any target, immediately “devours it with its power.” On one particular occasion, when the hero, Krishna, is chasing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Salva's vimana invisible.

Undeterred, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon: “I quickly inserted an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound.” And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against the Vrish. The narration says:

“The Gurkha, flying on his fast and powerful vimana, threw a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was an unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death that reduced the entire race of Vrishis and Andhakas to ashes."

It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

How to build a vimana

Perhaps the most impressive and provocative information is that some ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions are quite detailed in their own way. In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara it is written:

« The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. Inside you need to place a mercury engine with its own iron heating apparatus under it. With the help of the power hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel long distances across the sky.

The movements of the vimana are such that it can rise vertically, descend vertically and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial beings can descend to earth».

Hakafa (the laws of the Babylonians) states in no uncertain terms:

“The privilege of piloting a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from “those above.” We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

Ancient Chaldean work Siphral

Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Siphral, ​​which contains over a hundred pages of technical details on the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate to graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.

Many researchers of UFO mysteries may overlook a very important fact. Apart from speculation that most flying saucers are of extraterrestrial origin or perhaps are government military projects, another possible source could be ancient India and Atlantis.

What we know about ancient Indian aircraft comes from ancient Indian written sources that have reached us through the centuries. There can be no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; there are literally hundreds of them, many are well-known Indian epics, but most of them have not yet been translated into English from ancient Sanskrit.

A book about controlling gravity

The Indian king Ashoka established a “secret society of nine unknown people” - great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalog many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he feared that the advanced science collected by these men from ancient Indian sources could be used for the evil purposes of war, which Ashoka was strongly opposed to, having converted to Buddhism after defeating the enemy army in a bloody battle.

The Nine Unknowns wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the books was called “The Secrets of Gravity.” This book, known to historians but never seen by them, dealt mainly with the control of gravity. Presumably this book is still somewhere, in a secret library in India, Tibet or somewhere else (possibly even in North America). Of course, assuming that this knowledge exists, it is easy to understand why Ashoka kept it secret.

Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars using these devices and other "futuristic weapons" that destroyed the ancient Indian "Ram Raj" (the kingdom of Rama) several thousand years before him. Just a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to Chandrigarh University for translation.

Dr. Ruf Reyna from this university recently stated that these documents contain instructions for building interstellar spaceships! Their mode of locomotion, she said, was "anti-gravity" and based on a system similar to that used in "laghim", an unknown "I" force existing in the human psyche, "a centrifugal force sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction." According to Indian yogis, this is the “laghima” that allows a person to levitate.

Dr. Raina said that on board these machines, which were called "Astra" in the text, the ancient Indians could send a force of people to any planet, who, according to the document, could be thousands of years old. The manuscripts also talk about the discovery of the secret of “antima” or the cap of invisibility, and “garima”, which allows you to become heavy as a mountain or lead.

Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but they began to view their value more positively when the Chinese announced that they had used some of them for study as part of the space program! This is one of the first examples of a government decision to allow antigravity research.

Traveling to the Moon in a Vimana

The manuscripts do not say definitively whether interplanetary travel was ever attempted, but mention, among other things, a planned flight to the Moon, although it is unclear whether this flight was actually carried out.

Anyway, one of the great Indian epics, the Ramayana, contains a very detailed account of a journey to the moon in a "vimana" (or "aster"), and describes in great detail the battle on the moon with an "ashwin" (or Atlantean) ship. This is just a small part of the evidence of Indian use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology.

To truly understand this technology, we must go back to more ancient times. The so-called kingdom of Rama in northern India and Pakistan was established at least 15 millennia ago and was a nation of large and sophisticated cities, many of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan and northern and western India.

The kingdom of Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization in the center of the Atlantic Ocean and was ruled by “enlightened priest-kings” who stood at the head of the cities.

The seven greatest capital cities of Rama are known in classical Indian texts as the "seven cities of the Rishis". According to ancient Indian texts, people had flying machines called "vimanas". The epic describes the vimana as a two-deck round flying machine with openings and a dome, much like how we imagine a flying saucer.

It flew "with the speed of the wind" and made a "melodious sound." There were at least four different types of vimanas; some are like saucers, others are like long cylinders - cigar-shaped flying machines. Ancient Indian texts about vimanas are so numerous that retelling them would take entire volumes. The ancient Indians who created these ships wrote entire flight manuals on how to control various types of vimanas, many of which still exist, and some of which have even been translated into English.

Vimana fuel

The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise that examines air travel on vimanas from all possible angles. It contains 230 chapters covering their design, take-off, flight of thousands of kilometers, normal and emergency landings, and even possible bird strikes. In 1875, the Vaimanika Shastra, a 4th century text, was discovered in one of the Indian temples. BC, written by Bharadwaji the Wise, who used even more ancient texts as sources.

It covered the operation of vimanas and included information on driving them, cautions about long flights, information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning, and guidance on switching the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source called similarly "anti-gravity."

The Vaimanika Shastra contains eight chapters with diagrams and describes three types of flying machines, including those that could not catch fire or crash. She also mentions 31 main parts of these apparatuses and 16 materials used in their manufacture that absorb light and heat, for which reason they are considered suitable for constructing vimanas.

This document was translated into English by J. R. Josayer and published in Mysore, India, in 1979. Mr. Josayer is the Director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies based in Mysore. It appears that the vimanas were undoubtedly propelled by some kind of anti-gravity.

They took off vertically and could hover in the air like modern helicopters or airships. Bharadwaji refers to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts on ancient aeronautics.

These sources are now lost. The vimanas were kept in a "vimana griha", a type of hangar, and are sometimes said to be driven by a yellowish-white liquid and sometimes by some kind of mercury mixture, although the authors seem to be uncertain on this point.

Most likely, the later authors were only observers and used the earlier texts, and it is understandable that they were confused about the principle of their movement. The "yellowish-white liquid" looks suspiciously like gasoline, and perhaps the vimanas have various sources of propulsion, including internal combustion engines and even jet engines.

Mercury for vimana

According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabharata, as well as the Ramayana, one of the vimanas is described as having the shape of a sphere and being carried at great speed by a powerful wind created by mercury. It moved like a UFO, rising, falling, moving back and forth, as the pilot desired.

In another Indian source, Samara, vimanas are described as “iron machines, well built and smooth, with a charge of mercury that bursts from the back in the form of a roaring flame.” Another work called Samaranganasutradhara describes how the apparatuses were constructed. It is possible that mercury had something to do with movement, or, more possibly, with a control system.

Interestingly, Soviet scientists discovered what they called "ancient instruments used in spacecraft navigation" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. These "devices" are hemispherical objects made of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

It is obvious that the ancient Indians flew these devices throughout Asia and probably to Atlantis; and even, apparently, to South America. A letter discovered at Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan (supposedly one of the "seven cities of the rishis of Rama's empire"), and still undeciphered, has also been found elsewhere in the world - Easter Island! The Easter Island script, called the Rongorongo script, has also not been deciphered and is very similar to the Mohenjo-daro script. ...

In the Mahavira Bhavabhuti, an 8th century Jain text compiled from older texts and traditions, we read:

“The aerial chariot, Pushpaka, carries many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but dotted with lights of a yellowish glow.”

The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems considered to be the oldest of all Indian texts, describe vimanas of various types and sizes:

  • "agnihotravimana" with two engines
  • "elephant vimana" with even more engines
  • others named "kingfisher", "ibis" and after other animals

Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, the wilixi, a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts.

The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins" in Indian scriptures, were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and certainly had a more warlike temperament. Although no ancient texts are known to exist about the Atlantean wailixi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines.

Atomic war among the ancients

Similar to, but not identical to, vimanas, vailixi were typically cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even outer space. Other devices, like vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be submerged.

According to Eklal Kueshana, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wailixi, as he writes in a 1966 article, were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common ones were “saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical engine housings underneath. They used a mechanical anti-gravity unit driven by engines generating approximately 80,000 horsepower."

The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of a hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with weapons of destruction that readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources of information about vimanas, goes on to describe the terrible destructiveness of this war:

“...(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. A red-hot column of smoke and flame, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. ...An iron strike of lightning, a giant messenger of death that turned the entire race of Vrishnis and Andhakas into ashes...the bodies were so burned that they became unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; the dishes broke for no apparent reason, and the birds turned white... after a few hours, all the food was contaminated... in order to escape this fire, the soldiers rushed into the streams to wash themselves and their weapons...”

It may seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! Mentions like this are not isolated; battles using a fantastic array of weapons and aircraft are common in Indian epic books. One even describes a battle between vimanas and vailixas on the moon! And the passage quoted above very accurately describes what an atomic explosion looks like and what the effect of radioactivity is on the population. Jumping into the water provides the only respite.

When the rishi city of Mohenjo-daro was excavated by archaeologists in the 19th century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding their hands as if they were caught off guard by some misfortune. These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found, on par with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls were literally glazed and fused together can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no other logical explanation for the glassing of stone fortresses and cities other than an atomic explosion.

Moreover, in Mohenjodaro, a beautifully grid-planned city with a water supply superior to that of Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with “black pieces of glass.” It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots that had melted under extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped into the “Stone Age”. ...
