Meaning and interpretation of the Muslim name Amalia. What does the beautiful name Amalia mean?

Full name: Amalia (Amelia)

Similar names: Amelina, Emmeline, Amela, Amela, Amelis, Amelio, Amalie, Amali, Emeline, Amal

Church name: -

Meaning: hardworking, rival, worthy opponent

The meaning of the name Amalia - interpretation

There are several versions of the origin of the name Amalia. According to one hypothesis, it has ancient Germanic roots and means “labor” or “work.” The name is often interpreted as “hardworking.”

Another hypothesis connects the origin of the name Amalia with Arab culture. According to this version, it means “aspiration” or “expectation.” Abbreviated forms of the name are Lina, Emma, ​​Leah, Malika, Ama. Some of them act as independent names.

Astrology named after Amalia

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Amalia is growing restless and very active child. She becomes independent early and strives to help her parents in everything. The girl is smiling, charming, obedient. He obeys his parents unquestioningly. They don’t see tears or hysterics from Ama. Parents are often proud of their baby.

The girl is loved at school and is constantly set as an example for other children. Already in childhood, Amalia feels chosen and unique, which cannot but affect her self-esteem in a very favorable way. But it is very important not to allow the girl to become proud and begin to consider herself to be herself.

The little girl studies diligently and gets good grades. Her peculiarity is amazing perseverance, but all subjects are given to Ama without any particular effort.

In her youth, Amalia develops those character traits that will accompany her in life. adult life. These include organization, femininity, discipline, cheerfulness and generosity - an excellent set for a full-fledged personality.

Young Malika considers self-development important, but does not forget to monitor her appearance. Surrounds himself big amount friends, many of whom may remain close enough to her for life.

People are drawn to her, highly appreciating the girl’s responsiveness, kindness and cheerful attitude. She loves her good friends very much, rightly believing that without them happiness will never be complete and genuine.

Adult Amalia is distinguished by a flexible mind, practicality, and the ability to set rational goals and achieve them. As in her youth, she is characterized by naivety and idealism. She believes in people and does not tolerate pettiness in words and actions.

Amalia does not tolerate discussion when the person is not around. Does not allow gossip and slander. Doesn't like it when people put pressure on her or try to take her out of her mind peace of mind– in such cases, abstracts from the situation and switches to other topics.

The woman is gullible and naive. This trait is often exploited by scammers and crooks whose stories she takes at face value. However, he knows how to learn from his own mistakes and, as a rule, draws the right conclusions.

Amalia's character

Self-control and decency are Amalia's main virtues. The woman understands people very well. She knows how to set them up very positively towards herself, which is facilitated by her natural humility.

There is not even a hint of deceit in Amalia. She is distinguished by strong-willed properties and a heightened sense of duty. She is able to solve assigned tasks without outside help. Although he will not mind sincere and selfless help from those he trusts..

The negative side of Amalia's character is the frantic desire to always be right and win. Such a desire can push her to tricks, intrigues and adventures from which one should not expect good.

He loves to argue and can give hundreds of arguments and reasons to prove that he is right by hook or by crook. In some cases, he simply withdraws into himself and cannot get out of this strange state for a long time.

Amalia's fate

Amalia has wisdom and inner strength. She is human and vulnerable. Ready to give love and tenderness, but expects the same in return. Despite her phenomenal intuition, not everything in her life always turns out smoothly and beautifully. Often does not receive family support and devotes himself completely to work.

The name is often associated with sacrifice and asceticism. If Amalia succumbs to the desire to devote herself entirely to her career, forgetting about spirituality, she will face serious problems.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Women with a beautiful name usually know what they need from life. They find the use of their talents and abilities quickly and correctly. They can successfully work in the field of radio electronics.

Amalia can become an excellent doctor or a talented teacher. Some owners of the name become professional athletes. A career in commerce and trade does not work out well.

There are several versions regarding the roots of the name Amalia. The main version is of ancient Germanic origin (amal) and is translated “labor, work.” Hence the interpretation - “hardworking”.

According to another version, the name Amalia has Latin roots(aemula) and is translated as “a worthy opponent, rival.” Many believe that Amalia is of Arabic origin (from Amal) and means “aspiration, expectation, hope.”

There is also an opinion that the origin of the name Amalia has Jewish origins due to its similarity with the name Amal, which has the same translation “hardworking”.

Basic character traits

Defining qualities of the owners of the name Amalia:

  • modesty,
  • humility,
  • tolerance,
  • responsiveness,
  • kindness.

According to numerology the meaning of the name Amalia corresponds to the number “9”, denoting devotion to the calling and goal, maximum realization of the gifted talent, dedication.

Actually, the name Amalia gives its owner a chance to grow into an ideal real woman. Parents' favorite inherited from maternal side personal traits, and from the father - appearance.

  • She grows up to be an open, honest child.
  • From a tender age, Amalia is distinguished by her meekness, goodwill, and her peers are attracted to her.
  • Shows interest in science fiction literature.
  • She always has a lot of friends, but she prefers friendships with boys. This has an impact on inner world Amalia.
  • Gradually, behind the external complaisance, strong strong-willed qualities and the ability to restrain one’s emotions begin to form.

Growing up Amalia is characterized by optimism, cheerfulness, practicality, pedantry, and non-acceptance of slander, lies, and hypocrisy.

Being demanding of herself, she expects the same from her family and friends. Her excessive gullibility often turns into disappointment.

Born in different time Amalia has some features:

  • “autumn” Amalia shows entrepreneurial spirit,
  • “spring” – swiftness and energy,
  • “summer” – leadership qualities and impeccable manners.

The meaning of the name Amalia is fully manifested in the early beginning of independent life.

Business sphere

  • A soft, flexible character is appreciated by colleagues, which contributes to the realization of opportunities.
  • Optimism, innate perseverance, diligence, and responsibility help her achieve her goals.
  • However, Amalia always does only what she sees as necessary.
  • It is almost impossible to force Amalia to do something against her will, and her colleagues will have to come to terms with this.

Amalia's talents allow her to succeed in the creative field. She is able to achieve success as:

Amalia Ruslanovna Belyaeva (actress and radio presenter)

  • artist,
  • writer,
  • musician,
  • actress,
  • clothes designer,
  • teacher,
  • athlete.

But it is unlikely that she will be able to realize her potential in commerce and technical specialties, with the exception of radio electronics.

The main problem for women named Amalia is the ability to choose the right profession that would suit her talents. An experienced person can help her with this, a wise man, whom she trusts.


In general, the owners of this positive name are characterized by excellent physical and mental health. However, a predisposition to obesity can cause problems:

  • with the musculoskeletal system (knees, joints),
  • functioning internal organs(heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen, etc.).

Ignoring these threats can lead to serious complications. And this, in turn, will lead to the appearance of qualities unusual for Amalia:

  • isolation,
  • irritability,
  • indecision.

Understanding the potential health hazards will help you organize a comprehensive balanced diet, frequent exposure to air. The understanding and support of family and loved ones is especially important here.

Love, sex, family

The sexually active name Amalia is determined by the strong and complex behavior of a woman with members of the stronger sex.

  • In relation to its partners, it has a contradictory character. It combines prudence with sensuality on the verge of masochism, spontaneity and inner fear.
  • She perceives sex as pleasure, and not a path to future motherhood.
  • At the same time, Amalia does not exchange herself for casual relationships, but is looking for the only chosen one to whom she is ready to be a faithful, devoted wife. This is the reason for her marriage, often already in adulthood.
  • But in family life she is usually always happy. Late marriage allows her to feel all the charm of family life and, especially, motherhood.
  • Having chosen her only life partner, Amalia remains faithful to him and will not tolerate betrayal or betrayal on the part of her beloved.

The peaceful meaning of Amalia's character eliminates conflicts and creates a comfortable atmosphere in the house. She is a good, hospitable housewife, loving wife, caring mother and beloved daughter-in-law.

The most successful marriage is with:

  • Eduard,
  • Vladimir,
  • Mikhail,
  • Alexey,
  • Ruslan,

Astrological characteristics

It is best to give the name Amalia to girls who are born under such zodiac signs as:

  • Aquarius,
  • Virgo,
  • Twins,
  • Aries,
  • Capricorn,
  • Fish,

She is patronized planet Uranus.

Talisman stones Amalia - rock crystal, sapphire, amethyst.

Her spirit animal– exotic electric Stingray. Among the rich color palette the best way mascots are suitable purple, products made from aspen wood.

Barberry brings good luck.

Today in Russia it is quite rare to find native Russian names of Slavic origin. Most of the most common names are Hebrew or Greek, which came along with the Christian religion, but there are also those that came to us from European languages.

Amalia is one of them, pleasant to the ear, sonorous and rare. Let's look at the meaning of the name Amalia.

There are at least three versions of the appearance of this name.

  • German version: according to it, the name comes from the German “amal”, which means “labor, work”. Therefore, this name can be translated as “hardworking.”
  • Latin version: the basis for the name was the word “aemula”, it is interpreted as meaning “worthy rival”. Amalia in this case is pronounced as Amelia (Emilia).
  • Muslim origin: from the Arabic “amal”, which means “hope, aspiration”. Among Muslims it is more common in the form of Amal.

Over time, Amalia acquired many different forms: Amelia, Amelie, Emily, Amelina, Emilina, Amela, Amelio, Amalie, Amelis, Amalchen, Malika and others. Often these names can be considered independent. Affectionately Amalia can be called Malya, Ami, Ama, Milli, Melya, Amalya, Miya, Liya.

IN Orthodox calendar this name does not exist. For him, the days of the angel are indicated only in Catholic tradition– these are June 10 and November 21.


Girls bearing this name are more attached to their mother and strive to inherit her behavioral traits and character. Amalia is a beloved daughter, an obedient, hardworking helper; she begins to cook and do housework on her own very early.

Malya is prone to self-organization and discipline, but it is impossible to force her to do something using force. With this baby you can find mutual language only through good conversations and trusting relationships.

IN adolescence, perhaps, an interest in reading will appear. Amalia has a well-developed imagination; her favorite books are most likely to be science fiction novels.

A sense of duty, honor and the ability to see the truth are intuitive; she does not like to judge behind her eyes and gossip. This is probably why boys predominate among her friends. The name Amalia gives its owner a truly fighting character. She does not back down from difficulties, loves sports very much and may even make it her profession.

  • Those born in winter are disciplined and honest; they abhor lies in any form.
  • Born in the spring, they have a generous and energetic character. Enthusiasts by nature can easily attract people to any of their endeavors.
  • Summer ones are intelligent and have impeccable manners. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with these women; they know how to win people over.
  • Autumn - charm, intuition and analytical mind “in one bottle.” They rarely make mistakes, their advice is always timely and useful.

The demanding nature of the adult Amalia will not allow her to leave the matter unfinished. She doesn’t know how to work “clumsily”; she always tries to do the job as efficiently as possible.

The name Amalia means “hardworking” for a reason: she knows when to stop in everything except work, so sometimes misunderstandings arise with loved ones. The following areas will help her fully reveal herself in the professional field: artist, writer, actress, musician, designer. An optimistic and persistent character will help Amalia become an athlete, coach or teacher.

Love and family values

Family life in most cases begins only when Amalia meets her only and long-awaited “prince.” She does not exchange her honor and dignity for wealth or the noble name of a suitor..

Amalia's man will never find a reason to reproach her for a messy home or unkempt children, and she herself will not allow herself to behave like that. He treats his husband's mother with love and, as a rule, gets along well with her. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

Amalia is a rather rare female name in our country. But at the same time amazingly beautiful, gentle, melodic. The meaning of the name Amalia and others interesting information about it can be found below.

Origin of the female name Amalia

If you go looking for information about the origin of the name Amalia, the reader will probably come across several interesting versions. Linguists consider the most widespread theory related to male version Amal. Gradually, they began to give it to girls born into the family, adding the ending “iya.” The female version sounds much more gentle and softer.

Another popular version suggests that the name in question came from a variant of "Emilia". Perhaps even as a result of someone's mistake or illegible writing.

Meaning of a girl's name

Due to the fact that there are several versions of its origin, there were also quite a lot of meanings for the name Amalia for a girl. This is “hardworking” (if we assume that it is ancient Germanic), and “rival”, and “aspiration”, and “hardworking”, and some others.

Usually in texts about the meaning of a name for parents there is always a note that it can also affect the fate of the child.

For example, give Amalia hard work and determination. Since her name also means “rival,” the girl is distinguished by her ability to withstand any competition.

Character and fate associated with this name

The name chosen for a girl can also influence her character and destiny. Thus, the main features of the bearers of the name under discussion are considered to be tolerance, perseverance, responsiveness, humility, kindness, and curiosity.

Amalia is a very calm and disciplined child. She rarely causes her parents any trouble. Such a girl will do well in school and will happily help her parents and friends. It’s just impossible to force her to do anything. You'll have to ask politely.

Amalia with early childhood Very independent, quickly learns new skills.

This quality is completely at a young age takes her away from her parents' house. Amalia gets married early.

It should be noted that such girls have an analytical mind. Therefore, they know how to properly and competently plan their own time and handle finances very carefully. Already at school, Amalia can create a schedule that will allow her to study enough and have plenty of rest. Such girls are usually comprehensively developed and have many interests. They enjoy visiting various sections and clubs. If Amalia plays sports from early childhood, she will be able to reach the professional level and make a successful career in this field.

For women with this name excellent health. They are not prone to colds and rarely encounter oncology. Her passion for sports allows Amalia to remain slim throughout her life. Weakness women are joints. But problems with them usually appear only in old age.

In addition to sports, Amalia can be interested in creativity. She is interested in drawing, decorating her home, doing landscape design, growing flowers and embroidering. If desired, a girl can become a famous fashion designer, stylist, designer. In general, any creative profession is suitable for her, because Mali great taste. That is why the girl always looks attractive. She knows how to choose exactly the hairstyle and clothes that will exclusively highlight her advantages.

It happens that self-doubt or complexes that appeared in childhood do not allow a representative of the fair sex to fully reveal themselves at work. If there are such problems, it is better to solve them together with a professional psychologist, so as not to stagnate in one place in your career.

But her ability to work in a team, politeness, and tolerance make Amalia a favorite of her colleagues and superiors. She easily makes new acquaintances and knows how to competently maintain friendly relationships with people of different social levels. The bearer of the name under discussion should not connect her life with politics. She definitely will not succeed in this area. Better to go into law and/or business.

In love, Amalia is extremely reserved. She will never be the first to show signs of attention to a man. But you will expect gorgeous bouquets and bright courtship in general from him. The girl quickly becomes dependent on her lover’s praise and approval.

If Amalia failed to find happiness in love, she will most likely immerse herself in work.

The bearers of this name are ideal housewives. They know how to get along well with their mother-in-law and always avoid any intra-family intrigues and conflicts. In the family, Amalia will take on not only women’s household chores, but also some of the men’s. For example, he will try to earn no less than his husband even in maternity leave. She will also want to raise her children to be independent, strong and independent individuals.

If Amalia loves a man, she will never cheat on him. Such women are very devoted and faithful in marriage.

When does Amalia celebrate her name day?

The owners of this beautiful and gentle female name celebrate their name days twice a year. At the beginning of summer, June 10, and then at the end of autumn - November 21.

Of course, name day is not such a significant holiday (in comparison, for example, with a birthday), but still, every girl will be pleased to receive congratulations from family and friends on the marked dates. There is no need to prepare an expensive gift. You can simply hand Amalia a miniature figurine of an angel and read beautiful, touching personalized congratulations.

Compatibility with middle names

The female name Amalia is quite difficult to combine with patronymics due to its unusual ending. This point must be taken into account when naming a newborn Amalia. For example, the tandem “Amalia Gennadievna”, “Amalia Vladislavovna”, “Amalia Arsenievna” will be difficult to pronounce.

A name with short simple patronymics sounds good: Petrovna, Yuryevna, Pavlovna, Egorovna, Viktorovna and others like that. This combination will be easy and pleasant to pronounce.

What male names will lead to a happy family life?

There are several male names with which Amalia has best compatibility. These are Sergey, Ivan, Maxim, Timur, Peter, Victor. It is believed that it is with their carriers that a girl will be able to build a beautiful, strong, happy and long-lasting relationship.

But with caution, Amalia should begin a romance with representatives of the stronger sex, whose names are: Grigory, Demyan, Artem, Felix and Egor.

With Nikita, Fedor, Vyacheslav and Pavel, the girl has average compatibility in love. It is difficult to say how successful and happy their relationship will be.

Talismans for the name Amalia

There are several talismans that can make Amalia’s life happier.

Among them the following stand out:

  • planet - Uranus;
  • stone - crystal;
  • plant – saxifrage;
  • color – purple;
  • the animal is an electric stingray.

With the help of this list, a girl will be able to create a universal talisman for herself.

The beautiful name Amalia sounds great and gives its owner numerous useful qualities. No wonder it gets it in the UK a large number of newborn girls.

Video on the topic

There are several versions of the origin of the female name Amalia or Amelia. According to the first, this name is German, derived from the word “amal” and means “hardworking”, “labor”. It is also generally accepted that it has common roots with female name Emily, which translates from Latin language as a “rival”, “a worthy opponent”. According to another version, the name Amalia (Amelia) is considered one of the forms from the masculine Amal and, translated from Hebrew, takes on the meaning “hardworking”, and from Arabic - “hope”, “expectation”, “aspiration”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Patron Planet: Uranus
  • Talisman stone: purple
  • Color: amethyst, rhinestone
  • Wood: rubber tree, aspen, barberry
  • Plant: alpine rose, saxifrage
  • Animal: electric stingray, electric eel
  • Favorable day: Wednesday, Saturday

Character traits

The name Amalia (Amelia) is endowed with strong external energy and such wonderful character traits as optimism, hard work, cheerfulness, sociability, and gullibility. Such a woman never loses heart, she is charming, lives in the present, makes friends easily, and does not hide her feelings. They say about such people that everything is “written all over their face.”

Amalia is very independent, efficient and energetic. She has many ideas and creative projects that have not been fully realized, which she cannot complete due to lack of time and physical strength. Has a sense of harmony and an understanding of moderation in everything except work. Such a girl feels great when she is overloaded with work. Loves challenging, new and responsible work.

Amalia has an excellent knowledge base and perseverance, quickly making a career. Never stops learning. She has a craving for the unknown. To balance his enthusiasm, he takes on routine work. She does it, but only to prove to herself that she can do it too. She lacks observation and self-discipline. It is advisable for such a woman to listen more than to talk.

Interests and hobbies

The secret of the name Amalia hides a creative personality. She is interested in everything that can bring her aesthetic pleasure. She loves to draw, grow flowers, do fine embroidery, create interiors, and work in the garden. She considers a change of activities a vacation. Her subtle taste is noticeable in her clothing style, makeup, and manner of communication.

Thanks to her hard work, Amalia always looks fashionable. She receives her sewing and clothing design skills from her mother and grandmother. A woman perceives many very serious activities as a hobby, easily mastering the elementary truths of the craft. She can do everything, but she doesn’t want to do everything.

Profession and business

The choice of profession for such an individual depends on many circumstances and the versatility of his creative character. Amalia lacks ambition; most often she underestimates herself. But he makes a career in the team thanks to his hard work and reliability. Her interest is drawn to politics, but such a prospect is very vague due to the girl’s decency, uncompromisingness in life important issues. A woman with this name realizes her potential in journalism, philology, business, banking, law, and television.


Amalia can be called a workaholic. This is a disease of a person who concentrates all his attention on work. Hence the back problems, chronic fatigue, heart and vascular disease. Here, no advice will help until the girl herself determines her life priorities and stops the work “marathon”.

Sex and love

Rationality serves as a restraining factor for Amalia's emotional and romantic nature. She “loves with her ears,” waits for compliments and praise, and tries to impress. Her internal oscillation between the real image of a strong and independent person and the desire to be weak and defenseless gives rise to uncertainty. She likes “macho men,” but such young men do not like strong Amalia. If she does not find mutual feelings, then she looks for an outlet for energy in work.

Family and marriage

At home, as at work, such a mother takes responsibility not only for homework, raising children, but also providing for the family. Everyone enjoys her flexible and kind character. Amalia is reliable. She does everything possible and impossible so that her children receive a good education, find employment, are financially secure and respected people in society.

Amalia maintains an even relationship with her husband partnerships. Over the years, jealousy and high demands go away, but respect remains. Such a family is always mysterious, and therefore arouses the interest of many who like to delve into the fate of others.
