What does yellow mean in psychology? Yellow color - meaning, application, combination

Despite its beauty, the rose is not such a cute plant and all because of the thorns. And this is not surprising, because this plant is one of the famous representatives of the prickly rose hip family. However, today roses are still one of the best flowers on the planet.

When a special event is planned, roses are most often preferred among other flowers. First of all go on a romantic date with them With girl. This flower will not leave any lovely person indifferent. Therefore, if you do not yet have sufficient information about the tastes of your beloved, then when choosing roses, you can be sure that you are not mistaken.

IN Ancient Greece these plants are associated with the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. Most likely, for this reason, when you see roses, you feel a feeling of warmth and love. However, you should not give the first bouquet of roses you come across; you must first select them. In this case has its own characteristics. Because roses are different different characteristics, including color scheme. Therefore, in order to choose the right bouquet, you need to get to know them better.

Is it possible to give yellow roses?

It is a mistaken belief that such roses foreshadow separation or are associated with a request to forget betrayal. Despite the fact that this flower is most often perceived in this meaning, however, Roses should be treated as a gift that represents joy. And if someone gives you this bouquet as a gift, then you should consider them as a wish for fun and joy, as well as an expression of admiration for you. It is also not uncommon for a yellow bouquet to be presented when a person wants to achieve reconciliation.

Therefore, if you receive this from your spouse, know that he is showing the intention to reconcile with you. Roses of this shade cannot be classified as those flowers that cannot be used as a gift dear person. Here in this regard there are no restrictions, so don’t get too hung up on the meaning of such a gift. If you have such a desire, then take the opportunity to give the person light and warmth.

Sunny flowers are given to bright and gifted individuals

If the “sunny” color is presented as a gift to creative people, for example, artists or actors, then this is a demonstration of praise and admiration for their talent.

  • first of all, it is correct to give such plants to young girls, since such an intention of the giver emphasizes the perkiness and youth of the one for whom this bouquet is intended;
  • If you want to please mature women with such a bouquet, then the roses should be tea-colored. Less saturated colors here will replace more noble shades. The ideal gift in such a situation would be a bouquet of a pale or brownish hue.

But if you know that a person dear to you is partial to bright yellow flowers, then you shouldn’t even look for a hidden meaning in them, just please the person and present them to him without any reason.

Features of symbolism

Some people treat them as harbingers of separation or betrayal. For others these plants are associated with luck and wealth. Typically, such differences are explained by the fact that different countries Such bouquets have different interpretations.

IN Lately There is a tendency that these bouquets are being treated differently. Today these flowers evaluate from a positive point of view, although there is still a particle of negativity towards them. A clear confirmation of this fact is that more and more brides when organizing wedding ceremonies includes them in bouquets.

Reasons for giving

Today there are many who do not yet dare to give yellow roses as a gift. However, for other close people, such as relatives or colleagues such bouquets are given very often. This situation has arisen due to the fact that betrayal in its literal sense affects married life. In other situations, bouquets lose this meaning.

Therefore they are perceived completely differently. Thus, it would not be a mistake to present a beautiful bouquet of sunny roses for any special event, and for many this the gift will be appreciated as a wish for happiness, good luck, wealth, prosperity, etc. First of all, you need to take into account the reason for which the bouquet is presented.

Often the culprits of the article are included in business bouquets, which can be presented to both women and men. Therefore, it is appropriate to give such a bouquet to both a boss, a subordinate or a colleague. Although situations may arise a large number of, in which You can give yellow flowers, however, this would best be matched by a promotion. After all, then such a gift will mean not only pride in the employee, but also how important it is for you successful work and further advancement up the career ladder.

For loved ones

If a person dear to you is approaching an anniversary, then in this case you can give him yellow plants. Therefore, in addition to the main gift to a colleague or friend on March 8, you can present a similar bouquet. Moreover it is not necessary to look for a special occasion for such a gift. You can present them any day, because this gift can lift the spirits of any person.


The simplest and most effective gift for most people is bouquets. However, there are situations when even this leads to the opposite effect than planned. This usually happens due to the wrong choice of plant shade. That's why at this moment need to pay attention when choosing a bouquet. Yellow is considered one of the universal colors that can be presented in almost any situation. Naturally, you need to take into account the significance of these bouquets in a particular country.

However, for the most part, these plants demonstrate the most good wishes to a person. Therefore, if you decide to please a colleague or relative by presenting him with sunshine, then you will not be mistaken and will achieve your goal. However, at the same time you need to be careful if you decide to go on a date with flowers of this shade. A girl may not always appreciate your choice, so without knowing how she will react to such a gift, it is best not to take risks and choose something more suitable.

We see a wide variety of colors every day. They are present in clothes and the world around us. Each color has its own meaning. Let's talk about what the colors symbolize.

White color

White color is a symbol of purity and perfection. He provides beneficial influence on human energy. People who like him are usually honest and careful, but they have many enemies. As a rule, they have a calm temperament.

Red color

Red color is a symbol of vital energy. It activates, attracts the eye and warms. Strong and strong people like this color brave people, who often turn out to be very vindictive. Red clothes are worn by those who want to stand out from the crowd. It charges people with special energy, giving them activity and vigor.

Orange color

Orange represents the color of creation. He is optimistic and encourages freedom and action. Orange color can activate the hidden capabilities of a person. With its help you can achieve any goals. Those people who prefer Orange color, strong in spirit, they have ways of influencing others and quickly gaining popularity. They often become leaders.


The color yellow symbolizes love of life. It can bring joy and laughter, and also stimulates mental capacity. It is believed that the color yellow is liked by creative people who are honest and diligent. It is also chosen by those who want to become rich and succeed in life.


The color turquoise symbolizes harmony between heart and mind, experience and wisdom. It activates a person’s hidden talents and allows them to be developed to their maximum. This color is preferred by people who want to achieve not only success in life, but also enlightenment.

Green color

Green color symbolizes harmony. It reduces arousal and helps get rid of negative emotions. This color has a beneficial effect on nervous system. People who like it usually lead a quiet life, are compassionate and sentimental. They are trusting and constant, but they are often betrayed by the people around them.


The blue color represents not only wisdom, but also a calm disposition. It promotes relaxation and inspires you to do good deeds. This color is chosen by people who strive for spiritual achievements. They are not selfish; they can be spineless and passive.

Blue color

The color blue symbolizes inspiration, justice and devotion. It contributes to the fulfillment of desires, even those that at first glance seem unrealistic. People who like Blue colour, as a rule, are very organized and have good self-control. They are receptive and can submit to others. They have well-developed logical thinking.


Purple is a color that symbolizes kindness and wisdom. It is very powerful, which is why it is preferred by leaders. Purple helps balance spiritual and physical energy. People who give preference to it tend to put on airs, they have a well-expressed feeling self-esteem and have oratory skills. But at the same time, they often do not notice their shortcomings and can be quite harsh with others.

Pink color

Pink is the color of Venus, symbolizing love. It allows you to build relationships with people around you. By using Pink colour You can attract a soul mate into your life or fill an existing relationship with tenderness. It also helps to heal from emotional wounds, increase self-esteem and prevent troubles in life.

Brown color

Brown color symbolizes protection. It allows you to protect yourself and attracts only good events into life. The color brown attracts wealth, success and abundance. It appeals to people who are willing to do anything to achieve their goal.


Indigo is a color that symbolizes spiritual healing and enlightenment. It helps to learn about past lives and other worlds. It is preferred by people who like mysticism and the unknown.

Grey colour

The color gray represents protection from mental and physical attacks. It effectively neutralizes negative energy and allows you to quickly get rid of problems. People who choose this color are sensitive and kind-hearted.

Black color

The color black symbolizes mystery and enigma. It is chosen by people with a calm character. They often have foresight abilities, but not everyone uses them.

The color of your face has become unnatural, somehow yellow. You worry, you understand that something wrong is happening with your health. But what exactly could have caused such an unpleasant metamorphosis in your appearance? Let's try to find the answer to this question together.

Perhaps your face has a yellowish tint because you have problems with your liver, which makes it difficult for you to remove the pigment bilirubin from your body. What liver diseases are we talking about specifically? About quite serious ones, namely:

    Various forms of hepatitis.


  1. Helminths (or simply worms).

In the presence of these diseases it is also common:

    The urine becomes very dark and the stool turns pale.

    Appetite is almost completely absent, weight decreases sharply.

    Often feels hot and cold (or, in other words, has a fever).

    Severe pain in the abdominal area.

If this is about you, don’t hide under the covers (you’re already an adult) and urgently run to take a blood test to check your bilirubin levels.

Bilirubin causes yellowing of the skin color and the white of the eye.

arrow_left Bilirubin causes yellowing of the skin color and the white of the eye.

Gallbladder and stones

Your face may also turn yellow because stones cause bile to “get stuck” in the gallbladder.

In addition to yellow skin color, with a similar problem (called cholelithiasis) it is common to:

    Pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

    There is a strong heaviness in the stomach.

    I often feel nauseous (even when my stomach seems to be empty).

    Pronounced, noticeable bruises appear under the eyes, the color of which cannot be hidden by any foundation.

The thyroid gland helps break down the pigment beta-carotene. If for some reason she does not do this, beta-carotene begins to accumulate in the body (or rather, in subcutaneous fat), and the skin color on the face becomes yellowish-orange. Most often this happens when a person has hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones).

Your face may turn yellow due to:

    Diseases of the pancreas (primarily pancreatitis).

    Heart and blood pressure problems.

    Diseases of the spleen.

    Various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Varied oncological diseases. With such ailments, the face becomes “waxy” and acquires a cold yellow tint.

Thyroid hormone deficiency is the cause of an “orange” face

arrow_left Thyroid hormone deficiency is the cause of an “orange” face

Are you already panicking, are you going to the doctor? Calm down - maybe everything is not so dramatic, and your skin turned yellow simply because you:

    A big fan of freshly squeezed carrot juice, Korean salads and other carrot dishes.

    Every day you load up on carotene-rich fruits and vegetables (and this includes not only tangerines, oranges and other citrus fruits, but also broccoli, pumpkin and rose hips).

    You put too much vinegar and cumin in your food.

    You smoke too much.

    She has a big sweet tooth and can’t go a day without sweets, cakes and pastries.

    A confirmed night owl and coffee lover. Yes, yes - your skin may have turned yellow due to lack of sleep and caffeine addiction.

    Do you like to pump iron and go on starvation diets at the same time? The combination is not the most advantageous - it sometimes makes your face turn yellow.

    A fan of solariums and sunbathing. Don’t forget - everything should be in moderation, even the source of life - the sun.

Smoking is one of the common reasons yellowing of the skin

arrow_left Smoking is one of the common causes of yellowing of the skin

Removing yellowness with folk remedies

Has the yellowness of your face begun to negatively affect your mood, drive you into deep depression, and deprive you of your vitality? Then you definitely need to “whiten.” This can be done quite inexpensively using simple homemade masks.

Curd option

The mask is prepared literally instantly:

    Take one tablespoon of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese. You mix them.

    You apply the mask to your face for half an hour, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Apply the curd mask 2-3 times a week for a month, and the yellowness will be removed.

If the skin on your face has become not only yellow, but also oily, it is better to use yogurt rather than sour cream. Also, in this case, it won’t hurt to add one tablespoon to the mask. fresh cucumber(chopped, of course).

Cucumber option

The mask recipe is elementary. Just cut the cucumber into small circles and apply it to your face.

But here is an alternative, more sophisticated option:

    Grind the cucumber using a grater.

    Squeeze out its juice and then mix it with olive oil.

    Add lemon pulp and apply the resulting mixture to your face for half an hour.

Carrot mask

Everything is very simple here:

    Mix 3 tablespoons of carrots (chopped, of course) with one tablespoon of sour cream.

    Add one teaspoon of vegetable oil to this mixture.

    Apply the mask and leave it on for 20-30 minutes.

Berry facial brighteners

Berries are not only an excellent whitener, they also cleanse the skin well and act as a kind of natural “peeling.”

Red berries (raspberries, viburnum, strawberries) will help you best:

    Moisten a piece of gauze in the juice of some red berry.

    You apply it to your yellowed face for a couple of minutes.

Here's an alternative recipe:

    Grind the red berries and squeeze the juice out of them.

    Apply the resulting puree to yellowed skin.

    Keep it on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm running water.

    After this, apply some nourishing cream to your face.

Well, watch the video “How to lighten your skin and protect yourself from the sun”:

First association with yellowsunlight, and it is especially important after a long winter. Spring, revitalization, joy, sociability, fussiness are the main characteristics of yellow. This is the color of flowering, ripening, fertility.

This tone refers to the feminine essence: starting with ancient egypt and to this day. IN Greek mythology it belonged to Aphrodite, Athena and Apollo.

Women are, first of all, the famous female logic, which looks like incoherent replicas of the subconscious. So it is, yellow can be described as a manifestation of the subconscious. This quality attracts psychologists who can tell a lot about your nature and mental state by the way you accept, reject or ignore it. Refusing it is a sign of an unstable psyche.

Yellow is the color of intuition, the desire for intellectual adventure, it helps to objectively perceive the world, although it also accompanies fussiness and good frivolity. His connection with the subconscious gives him the power of insight, the birth of an idea. So Buddha appeared to people in sunny robes. Buddhism itself is built on the idea of ​​self-knowledge, enlightenment, which is associated with the luminous aura that yellow represents. In Christianity, this is the light emanating from God, angels and saints, it symbolizes the height of spiritual qualities.

What is the dark side of yellow? Lies, betrayal, treason, clouding of consciousness are often also attributed to this tone: for example, the yellow press is a lie, yellow flowers are a symbol of treason, a yellow house is a haven for the insane. If you look closely, all these qualities are associated with the subconscious, which insidiously strives for power and pleasure.

Shades of yellow

Shades of this color can be divided into:
pale, pastel colors, such as pale yellow, vanilla, champagne, etc.;
bright and clean: lemon, canary, signal, etc.;
deep yellow: sunny yellow, banana, corn...;
with orange undertone: apricot, amber, saffron...;
with a hint of blue: honey, gold, mustard...;
beige-yellow tones: fawn, sand, straw...;
green-yellow shades: gray-yellow, pear, olive yellow...;
dark yellow: curry, golden oak, tan...;

You can look in more detail about each shade in the section: yellow colors, and also expand your understanding of it by studying: 134 photos with names.

The use of yellow in the interior

1 It has been proven that children do not stain yellow walls.. This opens up enormous possibilities for using it in children’s rooms, kindergartens, and playgrounds. shopping centers. Children in such premises are cheerful and enterprising, because it activates the body, charging it with optimism and enthusiasm.

2 It increases productivity, use it for work rooms. This tone is an optimal catalyst for intellectual activity, promotes mental health and rapid recovery of strength. However, its bright shades can be irritating, so stick to muted shades.

3 It can be used abundantly in home and outdoor interiors. Positive influence this color on the psyche will support you in good mood. It improves perception, making the “picture” clearer and more saturated. Creates a feeling of goodness sunny day even if there is bad weather outside.

4 Use yellow in sanatoriums and recreation centers: he will dispel boredom, “suggest” new ideas for leisure activities and simply maintain the general spirit of relaxation.

5 It should not be used in hospitals, in order to avoid increased irritability of patients, this may complicate treatment. It is especially rejected by people with alcoholism and pregnant women with an “unwanted” child, etc.

The use of yellow in clothing

Yellow is a bright, active color that attracts attention without being riveting. Easy to perceive, and if it is not extremely bright, then it can be called unobtrusive.

1 It visually expands the volume like everyone is warm and light colors, but a well-chosen combination and cut can negate this effect.

2 Bright yellow is not for everyone, combined with a cold face shade of weak contrast - it can highlight all the imperfections. But the skin will remain fresh and attractive. Bright yellow also looks good on a contrasting type of appearance () (for other types other shades of this tone are suitable)

3 Wearing clothes of this color can irritate your teachers or superiors.. This is because tired people reject it, and if they lead you or you depend on them, you may pay for your carelessness.

4 Don't wear it to business meetings. Firstly, due to its irritating effect. And secondly, because you will be considered not serious, and perhaps even deceitful.

Yellow color goes well

Yellow color creates bright, rich, festive combinations. Here we look at a combination with a classic deep pink color. You can use these tables for your use in any application: be it interior design, clothing, makeup, crafts, art, etc.

So, 9 palettes:

Color combination: yellow and pink- feminine, light, sunny. It is filled with lightheartedness and a feminine scent. It can be bright - with shades of fuchsia or delicate - with pastel colors. Example: a pair with white and pink, Barbie, hot pink, fuchsia, raspberry.

Combination of yellow and red- ardent, catchy. It is not suitable for the ordinary, everyday. This combination is designed to change ideas, it seems to be on fire, and its light beckons us. The palette is composed of scarlet, cinnabar, terracotta, mahogany, and wine.

Combination of yellow and orange- a combination of related shades, but it is more similar to the previous pair: it burns just like tongues of flame. Intense, daring, exciting the psyche, the couple attracts attention. Consider a palette with light peach, peach, fiery,
red-orange, red.

The combination of yellow with shades of its range it's more of a backdrop for other combinations, since similar tones won't be very light or dark for decent contrast. For example: combination with vanilla, pale yellow, sunny yellow, corn, gold.

Yellow goes well with warm shades of green forms a contrasting, juicy pair. Saturated yellow activates its undertone in green, but itself is practically lost, remaining just a sunny background. Consider combinations with chartreuse, herbs, greens, brown-greens, dark greens.

Yellow goes well with cool shades of green forming a contrast of warm and cold, light and dark. However, the main color in such a neighborhood also becomes a little cooler, so the purer it is, the more pleasant the combination. The palette includes neon green, mint, kelly, emerald, and malachite.

Have you ever wondered what the color yellow means? Yellow is a wonderful, cheerful color, but it only seems so at first glance. Let's look at all the features and meanings of the sunny color.

Yellow color in psychology

The color yellow has a stimulating and exciting effect on the brain. From a physiological point of view, it tones, stimulates vision and nervous activity. In nature, yellow attracts and indicates danger (flowers, bees). And the combination of black and yellow is the combination of the most contrasting colors, so it attracts the most attention. Remember the Beeline brand.

Yellow color in the interior

Yellow is the color of wisdom, clarity of mind, optimism, humor, practicality and intelligence. Promotes curiosity and learning. Overall it is a stimulating color, as already mentioned. Yellow also helps concentration, attentiveness, acceptance of other people's points of view, organizes and improves memory, promotes informed decision-making and clear thinking. But too much yellow is boring. Therefore, yellow in the interior is suitable for a study or living room, but you should not use it for the bedroom, as it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Yellow color in philosophy

In astrology, yellow is the color of Mercury. Since ancient times, yellow, of course, has been associated with the color of the sun and gold. For many peoples, yellow was considered a symbol of wealth, hallmark noble persons However, at the same time it is also the color of illness, the other world and death. Some Asian peoples associate the color yellow with mourning, sadness and death. In Europe, a yellow cross meant plague. A black and yellow flag- quarantine. And this is no coincidence. Remember how they are designated nuclear waste black and yellow.

People who prefer yellow are independent, open, mobile, sociable, and strive to relieve tension. But they say that choosing yellow can indicate self-delusion, self-coercion, superficiality and uncertainty about the future.

What does the yellow color of flowers mean?

Since Slavic peoples Yellow is considered the color of jealousy and betrayal, so not everyone decides to give yellow flowers. This stereotype is even enshrined in Russian songs. For example, Natasha Koroleva sang about “yellow tulips - harbingers of separation.” Although there are girls who really love this color.

Now you know enough about the color yellow, use this knowledge wisely.
