How bay leaves attract money. Bay leaf as a talisman for the home against evil people

By enlisting the help of magic, you can solve many problems. To clean rooms from dark forces use rituals with bay leaves to attract love and good luck. But the most popular are rituals to attract money. Simple, harmless activities will help improve your family's well-being and give you a positive outlook.

Money rituals are very popular

Express money plot

Problems with money often confuse us, leaving us helpless in the face of life's difficulties. Express money plot Bay leaf will help you turn your money energy towards yourself, avoid difficulties at work or find a new more profitable proposition. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • album sheet;
  • pen;
  • 3-liter glass jar, always transparent;
  • jar lid;
  • 7 coins of different denominations;
  • Bay leaf.

The process will be successful if you learn to visualize your aspirations and sources of possible income. Don't get discouraged and focus too much on the problem. Try to find the positive side.

Take a landscape sheet, lay it out in front of you, stroke it with your palms, visualize as if this is your life and it begins with this white stripe. Cast aside all doubts and start writing a spell on a bay leaf:

“Just as coins fall into a glass vessel and jingle, so the better side my life. I lure luck, I jingle with coins. Today there are few of them, tomorrow there will be more. My problems are no longer scary. I’ll close the bank and save the wealth.”

Then fold the sheet in four and throw it into the jar. As they increase, also hide the coins in the vessel, throwing them one by one so that a ringing sound is heard. Light the bay leaf before placing the coins in the vessel. Inhaling the spicy smell, imagine possible options for getting out of the situation. Then throw this leaf into the jar and close the lid. It's okay if the paper with the written spell burns.

Make a hole in the lid in the evening and throw a coin into it every day. After a week, bury the remaining bay leaves and paper under the thickest tree. Make sure there are no dry branches on it. Collect the coins in your palm and say: “I’ll give them away at the store, I’ll take more for myself.” Leave one of the coins and hide it in the pocket of the clothes you wear often, saying: “Your spicy smell will attract money like a swarm.” On a new moon, while walking down the street, show this coin to the moon and put it back in your pocket. Don't look at the sky anymore. This is one of the ways to attract money, which is successfully used by gypsy fortune tellers.

Plot for good luck

Another effective conspiracy on a bay leaf to help lure money luck, helps to protect yourself from unnecessary spending. It is especially useful when certain financial investments have already come into your hands, but you do not know how to use them. Money doesn’t like to be wasted, so it can leave you very quickly.

You will need a few ingredients.

  1. Bay leaf, 2 possible.
  2. Green wax candles.
  3. Spring water.
  4. A few coins.

Spells and rituals using bay leaves for money will be more effective if carried out on a new moon. Collect spring water. Before the moon appears in the sky, sit comfortably near open window, light the candles. Set fire to a bay leaf and place it so that its aroma wafts throughout the room. Throw a coin into the water and, looking at the moon, begin to read the plot:

“The crescent moon came into the sky and illuminated the paths. Now I will say “no” to all senseless whims. The number of stars in the sky is the number of coins I have. I will preserve and increase them, the Moon will give her advice.”

Leave the water and coin on the windowsill. Position the vessel so that the light of the moon falls into it. With a candle, collect some wax and secure it to the remaining bay leaf. Place it all in a linen bag and hide it as a talisman. In the morning, take out a coin. Go to a deserted place, bury it under a tree. Having dug a hole, put a coin in it, wash your face over the hole with water charged moonlight, rinse your hands, pour the rest into the hole. Cover your planting with soil and go home.

Spell text on bay leaf

Spell for money in a wallet

A spell on a bay leaf in a wallet helps not only to attract financial luck, but also to save its owner from thieves, bad people who are trying to make his affairs go from bad to worse. A similar bay leaf spell is perfect if you have just purchased a wallet. Choose a more spacious house for money; they don’t like to huddle in cramped spaces.

To begin with, you should choose a lucky coin with your year of birth or numbers that together will symbolize your birth number. You need to make a hole in the coin. Then take a couple of bay leaves and green strong thread. Use this thread to connect the leaves and the coin.

Then, on the new moon, sit in front of the window and begin to read the spell text: “How the lunar chariot rides across the sky and scatters stars. It’s not the stars, it’s the money falling into my wallet. I’m leaving myself a coin and a couple of pieces of paper, they will be my faithful assistants and advisers, they will save me from hard times. Neither a dashing devil nor an evil person will covet my wealth. I’ll close my wallet and hide my luck from everyone. What I give, I get back with interest.”

Leave the amulet on the windowsill and let it recharge with lunar energy. In the morning, put it in a secret compartment of your wallet. On the waxing moon of each month, charge your money talisman moonlight, like 1 time.

Rituals using bay leaves

With the help of a bay leaf, you can not only attract money to yourself, but also achieve the favor of fate in love. The bay leaf love spell is considered one of the most effective. Will help renew a good relationship in the family, to attract the attention of the guy you like.

The ritual to attract the love of a partner is best performed during the waxing moon. A few days before the ritual, give up alcohol and meat dishes. You need to cleanse your body and spirit to make room for new ones. positive emotions. All these days, concentrate on achieving your goal. Try to spend more time for yourself. Let go of the negativity. You need to start the ritual with a pure soul in order to attract only bright feelings into your life.

On the waxing moon, put on a white robe (or underwear) and comb your hair. Get one of your loved one’s things in advance, it can be anything: a comb, a T-shirt, jewelry. Light red wax candles, sit down comfortably, placing the chosen item and a bay leaf in front of you. Set fire to the candle leaf and recite the spell text:

“You, my dear, love me, don’t look at someone else’s side, don’t wander into other people’s mansions. I will fumigate your house with a spicy potion, you will become drunk from my love, you will crawl on your knees, and I will receive you, sip you, hug you.”

Walk around the house with a piece of paper on fire, say the spell several times (the number must be even). Then put out the candles, hide them in a far corner and go to bed.

Bay leaf will help attract love

On request

The following ritual is perfect for those who passionately desire the fulfillment of their cherished dreams. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • white candle;
  • bay leaf;
  • a silver or gold pen for writing text;
  • paper;
  • vessel with water.

Sit in a comfortable position, light a candle, think about your desire. When you feel that you are ready to start describing your dream on paper, light a bay leaf from a candle and throw it into the water and say three times: “Heavenly powers, I call on you, I reveal my desire to you.” Burn the leaf and throw the ashes into the water. Pour the contents of the vessel out of the window.

With money in the house

This money spell with bay leaf helps not only to attract money, but will also help protect the house from enemies. You will need whole bay sprigs. Get several laurel branches at once. On the new moon, open all the windows, set fire to one branch in the evening and walk through every corner of your home, saying:

“I enlist the help of magic. I blow spicy smoke, invite money to come to me, drive away enemies from my home. The money for the smoke of the laurel will come, and the enemies will no longer enter the house. My strong family will not need anything, there will be peace and joy in the house. My word is strong, it does not decay in the wind, it cannot be broken with a stone, it cannot be burned in fire. Amen".

After finishing your cleansing rituals, leave the branch to smoke on the windowsill in the living room or kitchen. Place the remaining branches in secluded corners in all rooms. After a week, replace the old branches with new ones. The cleansing ritual can be performed monthly. This will help establish a harmonious, trusting atmosphere in the home and improve relationships between family members. It can be carried out regardless of lunar phase. This method is an express method to quickly improve family relationships and attract cash flow.

For the ritual you will need laurel branches

Laurel - ancient plant, which has been used for many thousands of years for various purposes. The magical sphere is no exception. Mages and sorcerers preferred to make amulets out of it, but the most popular were conspiracies that allowed one to achieve financial well-being and fulfillment of desires. A conspiracy does not guarantee that money will fall from the sky on your head, but the right attitude will help create favorable conditions to attract positive energy into your life.

Most people are not satisfied with their life or any area of ​​it: they lack money, they dream of meeting true love, attract unprecedented luck. But they often do not want to make any effort; they often resort to the help of a fortune teller and leave her disappointed. Many people decide to take independent action and use the bay leaf spell, perceiving it as a universal remedy.

Bay Leaf Information

Few people realize that this inconspicuous herb can be used in various ceremonies and rituals. Bay leaf is a seasoning that is added to many dishes to enhance their taste. Almost every housewife has it in the kitchen, and you can buy it very cheaply, which makes it extremely accessible to everyone. Laurel belongs to evergreen trees, in size it can be a shrub.

From ancient history It is known that the plant was an important symbol among the Greeks - a laurel wreath was awarded to the winners. A drink was also made from the leaves, which was used to wash hands before eating. The plant attracted them to even greater success, which others could envy, but the laurel performed its protective function.

Even today, this is a sign of people who, by modern standards, are lucky in everything and emerge victorious from all troubles. For this reason, the bay leaf money spell has become popular.

Bay leaf can help everyone:

  • a leaf in a handbag can protect its owner from failure;
  • the most cherished desires can be performed using spells with this plant;
  • laurel placed in rooms can neutralize negative energy;
  • many people use laurel bunches as a talisman; it is especially useful to place it in the children's room and bedroom;
  • inhaling the laurel aroma is useful for weakness, overwork, it significantly invigorates;
  • a piece of paper under your pillow will relieve insomnia and restless sleep for a long time;
  • improving the quality of food and awakening appetite is the direct responsibility of this seasoning;
  • to attract monetary profit, luck, luck into life, for this, according to the rules, special rituals with bay leaves are carried out, among which there are many spells for money on bay leaves;
  • change your life for the better.

Rituals and rituals

Attracting good luck is not such a simple matter, everyone decides individually whether he will engage in a bay leaf spell or not, you need to be prepared for possible consequences. Before their practical implementation, it is necessary to read special literature.

To fulfill your wishes

This ritual will help you attract luck and success into your life. For it you will need:

  • Bay leaf;
  • gold or silver felt-tip pen;
  • candle;
  • cookware that can withstand fire.

With the candle lit, write with a felt-tip pen on leaf plate your strongest desire. You need to mentally imagine what you want in detail and bright colors, then kiss the leaf 3 times and light it with a candle. Then there are 2 options to choose from:

  • put the smoldering leaf in a bowl, accompanied by a conspiracy to fulfill a wish;
  • let it burn to the end.

This bay leaf spell is quite simple, but effective:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the Universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true. As I ordered, it happened!”

To attract finance

The financial topic is interesting to everyone, money is an urgent need for everyone. If their quantity is not satisfactory, then people often turn to bay leaf money spells.

In this case, you need to be aware that you cannot demand an exorbitant amount of money. Big money rarely brings happiness, and greed is a bad feeling. The lack of money often motivates people to great achievements, and its presence makes them passive.

Among the rituals with bay leaves for money, the following is considered the least simple: you should write an acceptable amount of money on paper, the numbers should not be astronomical. Then the piece of paper needs to be folded several times and placed in a jar or box made of dense material, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy to attract gold coins to yourself:

“The coins are shining, the coins are ringing - I have more and more of them. The coins are coming from where I don’t expect them to come from. From now on I will never know trouble again!”

Then you need to put 3 coins and 7 laurel leaves in this jar or box. This spell for money with a bay leaf will work if you add coins to the container every day. It is recommended to mentally imagine sources of income and not sit idly by; a piece of paper can later be buried in a deserted place.

In most cases, the wallet is a place to store money, so rituals are also performed in relation to this important thing. The contents of your wallet can become an object of envy evil people who dream of taking possession of other people's property, so he cannot do without protection.

The ceremony with bay leaves for money should be carried out with a new wallet big size, it will help its owner attract money. Need to take gold coin, it is advisable that it contains numbers from your date of birth. You will also need 2 bay leaves and a green thread, which must be threaded through the hole made in the coin. This ritual is performed on the new moon. Above the amulet you need to say the words:

“Money to money, need is beyond the threshold, benefit is with me, like a laurel on a bush.”

Afterwards, the leaf along with the rest of the items should be left overnight, and then the amulet should be placed in the wallet. This spell to place a bay leaf in a wallet can be repeated at every new moon.

To attract good luck

Luck is a fickle category; you can try to attract it with the help of a bay leaf. This ritual is preferably performed during the waxing moon; it is also performed in case of professional failures or lack of career growth.

You need to take a wax candle, write your wish on a piece of paper, it can be both global and small, relating to a specific case. You should make a circle of candle wax around the text, blow it out, place it on a laurel leaf, and say the words that attract good luck:

“I attract luck, I come out a winner, I fix the wax with a bay leaf, I turn fortune towards myself. All mine cherished dreams will come true and wishes will be fulfilled, that’s what I want. Amen".

Then read the wish out loud three times. Afterwards, the bay leaf must be carefully placed in paper so that it forms an envelope, which should be carried with you at all times. The written wish and spell on a bay leaf should be repeated every day until it comes true.

For love

Nothing living can live without love, people need it vitally, but everyone receives it in different quantities. Sometimes, no matter what a person does, love does not come, he begins to look for rituals to attract it.

It should be noted that such a ritual awakens a feeling of falling in love, but does not guarantee its longevity - efforts will have to be made to further attract the object. This ritual is fully effective when there is an opportunity to contact your loved one.

Take a few leaves and place them in a porcelain container. Another sheet needs to be set on fire and, using it, circular movements over the plate, say:

“You, my dear, love me, don’t look at someone else’s side, don’t wander into other people’s mansions. I will fumigate your house with a spicy potion, you will become drunk from my love, you will crawl on your knees, and I will receive you, sip you, hug you.”

1-2 charmed laurel leaves should be placed in the shoes under the insole of the object of love. You should put a similar leaf in your shoes. The shoes need to be worn for 3 days, then get rid of the grass, it is best to burn it. A love spell on a bay leaf can be dangerous, because it resembles a love spell, so you need to weigh everything carefully.


Attracting positive things - love, luck, money in moderation is a good idea, but everyone chooses different ways to implement it. Everyone has their own reasons for choosing, many of them are due to laziness, which prevents you from making minimal efforts to change your life for the better.

Often people choose means of achieving well-being in life, in which they are subsequently disappointed or understand, if the goal is achieved, that they wanted something completely different. This situation often happens to those people who carry out various conspiracies and rituals for bay leaves for money. Too much money can bring them unhappiness that they cannot handle.

Laurel is considered a magical plant, and its leaves are used in a variety of rituals.

Crushed laurel brings success and good luck, because it is no coincidence that a laurel wreath crowns the head of the winner.

Laurel is crushed for success, good luck, protection, spiritual cleansing, healing, enhances personal attractiveness, sharpens mental strength, and is sometimes used in rituals of money magic.

Laurel magic is used in rituals aimed at personal attractiveness, good luck and success, gaining well-deserved fame, and in rituals of money magic.

To remove obstacles and protect yourself from evil forces, you need to carry a bay leaf with you.

You can increase your income by using 3 bay leaves and orange essential oil. Lubricate each leaf on both sides with essential oil, and then remove it for 3 minutes. different places where money is stored in your family: wallet, safe, etc.

To make money come from unexpected sources, read how to do it with a bay leaf.

Amulet for successful employment

Take a green handkerchief, or a square piece of green cloth of approximately the same size. Spread it on the table with one corner facing you. Place three cardamom seeds, a bay leaf and a sprig of rosemary (you can use dry) in the middle of the scarf.

These herbs give confidence in action and attract energy. Cardamom makes you pleasant to talk to and reveals the gift of eloquence. Bay leaf is a symbol of success and victory. Rosemary is the herb of achievement and mental readiness.

Gather the corners of the scarf together and tie them with a ribbon, you will get a small knot with herbs inside. Before you go to apply for a job (for an interview, competition, or just in the HR department), take this bundle in your hands and mentally “scroll through” the whole process, imagining in detail how you go there, how successfully the meeting with the employer goes, and you get a job under the best conditions.

Be sure to take this amulet with you. At the same time, you should know that any refusal by the employer is a signal that this place of work will not bring you anything good.

If you carry laurel leaves in your wallet, bag or pocket. This brings protection from troubles and good luck in business. It also provides lightning protection.

Bay leaf makes wishes come true

Indeed, bay leaf is one of the types of magical plants used in rites and rituals to fulfill a cherished desire.

Take any fireproof container, 1 large bay leaf, 1 white candle and 1 gold or silver colored marker.

Light a candle and write your wish on a bay leaf with a gold or silver marker.

Visualize your desire by imagining that you have already received what you wanted and how you feel about it.

Ask for blessings higher powers, then kiss the bay leaf three times and light it on a candle flame. Place the burning sheet in a fireproof container with these words:

“The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true, As I commanded, so it happened!

In addition, you can simply write your wish on a laurel leaf and burn it to fulfill it.

Other properties of bay leaf

If you place laurel in the corners of the house, it will protect the room and attract good luck to the residents. In general, laurel magic can protect against negative energy and drive out evil spirits.

Laurel is also endowed with the power to achieve glory, helps to overcome fears and uncertainty, achieve goals and gain victory over enemies.

In addition, it enhances a person’s divinatory gift.

And if you crush laurel into powder and add it to your bath, you can bring success and respect into your life.

Video about practical application magical properties of laurel.

The most famous spice is bay leaf. It is added to almost every dish to add a pleasant piquant aroma. But this famous plant is used not only in cooking. There are many different magical rituals associated with this plant. There is a spell for bay leaves to attract good luck, love and even money.

Spells on bay leaves help to attract good luck and ward off misfortune. With the help of bay leaf spells, you can attract love and find your happiness.

Legends about the appearance of the laurel bush

An ancient legend about the laurel tree, which has survived to this day, tells of its magical and mysterious origin. The legend is retold as follows: In ancient times, there lived a certain Apollo, who was handsome, stately and strong. After his next victory over the serpent Python, he met the god of love, who held a bow and arrows in his hands. Apollo began to laugh at Eros and joke about his ability to shoot accurately, because he himself was considered the best archer. Eros was offended by such ridicule and shot two arrows from his magic bow.

One stele was intended for Apollo himself, it was the stele of love, after which he fell madly in love with the nymph Daphne. Eros fired a second arrow at Daphne, but this arrow was intended for the girl to kill love in her forever.

Apollo, with passionate feelings and constant persecution, completely pushed Daphne away from him. A tired and exhausted girl asked Peneus, her father, to turn her into a beautiful fragrant plant. After which the father turned Daphne into a laurel bush. And the lover Apollo wove a wreath from the branches of a tree and put it on his head. So the evergreen laurel became a symbol of love and devotion.

The laurel plant is a symbol of immortality and purity of thoughts; it personifies unbending will and determination for victory.

What can a bay leaf do?

Since ancient times, people have believed that if small leaves of a bay plant are placed in all corners of the home, this will remove all negativity. It is believed that laurel absorbs negative energy, accumulated over long years residence in this premises. After all, every house has its own energy, and it is filled with positive aspects the lives of the owners, and negative.

To clean the house, you need to clean it with bay branches and leaves. After the plant has been in the house for a week, it should be replaced with fresh leaves, and it is advisable to burn or bury the old ones. Rituals with laurel leaves can be performed every month; such a plant will definitely not cause harm, and the house will become fragrant.

There is a belief that laurel protects the home from thieves and natural disasters.

Bay leaves can not only be spread around the room, but also the whole house can be smoky with their aroma. To do this, place the bay leaf in a dry and clean frying pan and turn on low heat. Once the pan is heated, the bay leaf will begin to release a pleasant spicy aroma. This smell leads nervous system into a state of peace and tranquility. Your thoughts will be directed in a positive way, and all negativity will disappear. During such aromatherapy, you can meditate, sitting in a cozy chair and throwing away all thoughts, enjoying the aroma of a spicy plant.

A frying pan with smoldering bay leaves should be carried throughout the house, as if fumigating it. With this action you will expel negative energy from your home, this will affect your excellent health and high spirits. It is better to wash off the burnt bay leaf from the frying pan with water, while mentally repeating that you are washing away all troubles and adversity along with the ashes.

According to legend, the bay leaf is the soul of a Greek nymph. Therefore, you can talk out your troubles on the laurel, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with him, trust your thoughts and innermost desires. To do this, take an odd number of leaves and place them on your palm. After heart-to-heart conversations, a person’s soul becomes easier, and he finds answers to the questions that tormented him.

Beliefs associated with bay leaves

  • A wreath woven from bay leaves protects against thunder and lightning;
  • A home in which the leaves of the plant are laid out will never be robbed;
  • The leaves of the plant protect against diseases;
  • If you carry laurel in your pocket, it will protect you from troubles and misfortunes;
  • If you sniff the fragrant leaves of the plant, it will give strength and relieve fatigue of the body;
  • Laurel leaves under the pillow will guarantee only good dreams;
  • Crossed bay leaves placed under a rug at the threshold will bring good luck to the house;
  • Before the wedding, placing bay leaves in the shoes of the bride and groom will bring long and happy life newlyweds;
  • There is a belief that if you take five laurel leaves and tie them with scarlet twine or a thick woolen thread, and then attach such a composition above the front door, then everyone living in the house will be accompanied by good luck in all matters;
  • If you hang a bay leaf over a baby's crib, then no one will be able to jinx the baby.

Attracting money with laurel

There is a conspiracy for money with bay leaves. With its help, you can count on good luck in the monetary sphere and the growth of accumulated funds.

To perform it, you need to take a beautiful container and put a large denomination coin into it. Each coin lining must be accompanied by a laurel leaf lining. When placing a coin in a container, you must say where the money will come from. It could be a gift, an inheritance, good earnings or a sudden discovery.

After the ritual, the container is closed and shaken. At the same time the conspiracy is said:

“Money for money, but poverty is beyond the threshold, profit is with me like a laurel on a bush.” Afterwards, the container with the spoken coins is placed in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. If money comes to you exactly as promised, then every time it comes Money Don’t forget to gratefully put a coin and a bay leaf into your piggy bank.

There is another conspiracy to use bay leaves for money. In order for you to always have money and increase your capital, you should choose a large and whole sheet bay leaves This leaf should be rubbed between the palms of both hands, asking the laurel to help you in any financial affairs. Then you need to apply a little of any essential oil so that its smell merges with the smell of laurel. After this, the sheet must be placed in the place where the money is stored. At the same time the words are spoken:

“Money to money, wealth to wealth.”

A bay leaf will attract cash flows and protect you from unnecessary spending.

The enchanted plant can be placed in a wallet so that money can be transferred and not transferred. Such rituals attract cash flows, and stimulate a person to learn how to earn good money himself.

Bay leaf is used very often to attract money. In order for there to be money in the house, there is another ritual; for it you need to take seven large and undamaged leaves of the plant. The leaves should have long stems. These legs are bandaged with red wool thread. Either a bill or a coin is tied to the thread, symbolizing monetary energy. This kind of amulet hangs over front door with words:

“Money goes into the house, but poverty is beyond the threshold.”

A bay leaf spell for money is best done and read on a waxing moon. It is believed that it is in this phase that flows open that help increase profits and material well-being.

Attracting good luck with bay leaves

There are many bay leaf spells that help attract good luck.

The simplest and effective way to attract good luck: you need to take a bay leaf and rub it between your fingers, then inhale the aroma of the plant and say your request. You can do this loudly, as if shouting and asking heavenly powers help you make your wishes come true.

Since laurel is considered a plant of winners, it carries a charge of success and victory. Many ambitious people use bay leaves to attract good luck and success in their work and personal lives. What is needed to perform the ritual. To do this, you need to take a large white candle and a sheet of paper with written wishes. The candle is lit and dripped onto a sheet of paper so that the written words appear in a wax circle. A large beautiful lava leaf is placed on top of the leaf. Such rituals are performed on the full moon.

During the ritual, a spell is read on a bay leaf:

“I attract luck, I come out a winner, I fix the wax with a bay leaf, I turn fortune towards myself. All my cherished dreams will come true, and my wishes will come true, that’s what I want.”

After the plot is pronounced, the candle must be blown out. In the light of the moon, fold the leaf into an envelope so that there is a plant in the middle. You should carry this envelope with you in your pocket or put it in your wallet. Don’t forget to periodically repeat your wish to yourself. Soon, everything planned and imagined will come true.

Bay leaf for health

If you want to improve your health, then a plant such as laurel will definitely help, it will strengthen your sleep and improve your well-being. The plant is placed under a mattress or pillow.

Bay leaf: fulfills wishes, brings good luck, health, love, removes rivals

Magical properties of bay leaf.

It is better to place the plant on the waning moon. It is in this phase that it has a positive effect on human health. Every month the leaves are replaced with new bay leaves. Old leaves are collected and burned.

ABOUT magical properties bay leaf has been known since ancient times. IN ancient Rome and Greece, this magical plant was used in rites and rituals to fulfill desires, to attract good luck and get rid of diseases. It was believed that this leaf brings success, victory and protects against misfortune.

Why don't you also resort to its magical powers?

Bay leaf for fulfillment of wishes

Full moon ritual


  • Bay leaf (3pcs)
  • Pen with red paste
  • Paper

The ritual is performed ONLY on the full moon. Write your wish down on paper and say it out loud three times. Then fold the paper in three and say the wish again three times. Place the bay leaf inside a sheet of paper and fold it three times again. Hide the laurel sealed in this way in a dark place and say your wish three times every morning.

Ritual on ordinary days

We will need:

  • Laurel leaf (1 piece)
  • Orange marker
  • Clay plate or cup
  • White candle

Write your wish on a large bay leaf with a marker and light the candle. Looking at the flame, begin to desire, vividly imagining it in all details. Kiss the bay leaf 3 times and light it with a candle flame. Place the burning leaf on a plate and say the following words: “By the power of the Universe and the power of Miracles, the power of the Gods and the power of Heaven! My wish comes true, as I wish, so it comes true!”

Making money wishes come true with bay leaf

Write the amount of money you need on a piece of paper and place it in any metal container. Take 7 coins and throw them one by one into the jar, saying: “The coins are sparkling, the coins are ringing, I have more and more of them!” Coins are coming from where I didn’t expect them, now I won’t know the need anymore!” Place three bay leaves on top of the coins, close the jar with a lid and hide it from prying eyes. Every day, be sure to replenish the contents of the jar with one or two new coins, imagining new sources of income. Before closing the lid, repeat the same spell. Exactly after 3 months, take the piece of paper with your wish out of the jar, wrap bay leaves in it and bury it in the ground.

Place three drops of orange-scented essential oil on three bay leaves (a drop per leaf). Place the leaves in your money places - where you store or earn money. This could be a wallet or purse, a safe with money, a desk drawer, etc. Magic force The laurel will attract financial flows there and cash receipts will begin to increase.

Rituals to attract good luck with bay leaf

Tie 5 dry bay leaves using red thread and hang them above the front door inside your home. Say the following spell out loud: “A laurel grown under the hot sun brings happiness and good luck to my house!”

Make a cross shape from four bay leaves (the petioles should be directed inward). At the new moon, place them under the rug in front of your front door. The "laurel cross" - a symbol of good luck - will attract success and luck into your life. At each new moon, replace the leaves if they break.

!!! In all the rituals described above, carefully monitor the condition of the bay leaves. If they begin to crumble, break or become moldy, there is a high probability energy attack directed against you. In this case, bury them as far as possible from your home, after thanking them for your help, and replace them with new ones.

The magical properties of bay leaves

  • To attract positive changes in your life, you need to rub the laurel in your palms, inhale its aroma deeply 3 times and say out loud your desire for positive changes.
  • A bay leaf placed under the pillow promotes sleep and brings pleasant dreams.
  • 4 laurel leaves, placed in the corners of the bedroom, protect its inhabitants from illnesses and diseases
  • The laurel aroma will save you from overwork and gives additional strength and a “second wind” to athletes

This is what he is like - this magic laurel! I sincerely hope that all these techniques
