How to remove calves on your legs: secrets and rules. How to lose weight in calves? Complete How-To Guide

Many women are concerned appearance their legs. The calves are sometimes too massive. The muscles in the calves become enlarged due to swelling and excessive physical training. Sometimes they remain large when a girl has lost weight. As a result, the calves not only look too large, making the appearance unfeminine and rude, but also visually shorten the legs. This problem needs to be addressed because your calves can become so large that you simply won’t be able to wear your favorite jeans again. Yes, and in “mini” legs will look ridiculous. How to reduce calves on your legs? Let's consider the most effective exercises and preventive measures. You will need to change your menu, watch your habits and constantly exercise. Your legs will begin to change right before your eyes, and very soon you will forget about big calves.

How to prevent enlarged calves on your legs? Simple tips
First of all you will need to do general recommendations. This is the only way you can control the increase in your calves, create good conditions to reduce volumes.
  1. Shoes. Give up uncomfortable shoes, shoes on high heels, platform. It is advisable not to wear high-laced shoes, which interfere with blood circulation and cause swelling. Your shoes should certainly be comfortable: their task is not to squeeze, but to gently fit your feet.
  2. Nutrition. Keep an eye on your menu. Don't eat a lot of sweets and fatty foods, don't salt your food too much and don't add spices. Temporarily eliminate all smoked and spicy foods from your diet. Stop drinking water three hours before bed.
  3. Pose. If you have a habit of sitting in a chair or on a sofa with your legs bent, you need to forget about it. You interfere with blood circulation, your legs swell. As a result, the calves become large and the legs become disproportionate.
  4. Bike. Fans of cycling will have to give up their hobby for some time. You will develop too much this way calf muscles, charging will not be able to cope with the volumes. Don't ride a bike for at least 3-4 months until you see clear results from the exercise. If you need a bicycle, reduce your travel time by at least half. Otherwise, your big calves will stay with you.
  5. Walks. A golden mean is needed here. There is no point in giving up walking at all - your calves may “sag” and your leg will lose its shape and elasticity. In addition, walks on fresh air good for overall health and improves body tone. The best option is to walk for about half an hour, no more.
  6. Aerobics. Do regular aerobics, train with a jump rope. A good option is step aerobics.
  7. Losing weight. If you are losing weight, but your calves do not lose volume, try to slightly reduce the rate of weight loss during exercise. Otherwise, exercise will still not help eliminate the problem: you will lose weight quickly, and your calves will “dry out” more slowly.
  8. Fitness. When you are already concerned about the size of your calves, you need to stop doing leg exercises on machines. Otherwise, the muscles will continue to grow.
  9. Measure. Keep it in moderation and don’t forget about common sense, reducing the volume of your calves. Please note that the legs should not resemble sticks and should have the same volume along the entire length. A beautiful feminine leg is distinguished by graceful lines and a slight increase in volume above the knee. Legs that are too thin look ankle-shaped, reminiscent of the legs of a teenage girl. While exercising, doing special exercises To reduce calves on your legs, know how to stop in time. Your legs should be harmonious and feminine, look natural.
Follow the tips: this way you will be able to naturally reduce the volume of your calves and increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

How to reduce calves on your legs? Doing exercises!
Do a variety of exercises, exercise regularly, and gradually increase your stretching. It is this kind of targeted work on your body that will help you really reduce your calves noticeably. Don't forget about exercise. It is very important to perform them constantly, without long breaks or missing days.

  1. Warm up your muscles first. Before each lesson, you need to run in one place for about 2-3 minutes. The best option– do it on tiptoes. Also sit down a few times.
  2. Do some stretching. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Try to stand in one line. Feel your whole body. Slowly bend your body forward, bending at the waist. Touch the floor with your hands. Lower your head as low as possible. Imagine that you are bending in half, and be sure to watch the muscles of your calves: they should tense, stretch. Then straighten up just as calmly.
  3. Ballet exercise. One can truly envy the beauty of ballerinas' legs. A simple ballet exercise will help you reduce calves on your legs at home. Stand up straight. The feet should be parallel to the shoulders. Squat carefully and slowly. You only need to bend your knees, and tense your hip muscles. Focus on your feet first. Having squatted like this 10-15 times, repeat the exercise, but this time focusing on your toes, slightly rising on them.
  4. Take a jump rope and start jumping, noting the time on the clock. Jump on two legs for about 10 minutes. Then you need to jump on one leg for at least 5 minutes. When you are just getting used to exercise, you can limit yourself to 6 minutes on two legs, and 3 minutes of jumping on each leg separately. Increase the time gradually.
  5. Stretching to reduce the size of your calves. Stand up straight. You can lean your back a little on the wall for stability, but you can’t put any emphasis on your back. Place your entire body weight on one leg. The other leg needs to be bent at the knee. Take your foot with both hands and begin to gradually stretch the bent leg and straighten it. Try to create an angle of about 90 degrees between your legs. Pull your leg gently, but firmly enough - your calf muscles should tighten well. It is usually not possible to immediately achieve the desired angle, but with each session the stretching becomes better. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. Perform rolls. Stand on your heels and quickly take 15-20 steps, and then immediately roll onto your toes and continue walking on them, also about 20 times. Repeat the exercise at least 2 times.
  7. Warm up. As a warm-up, you need to run in place for about 2 minutes. It's better to do this on tiptoe. Then quickly tiptoe for about 20 small steps, standing in one line and raising your arms. Watch your calf muscles: they should be tense.
  8. Swing your legs. Before this exercise, place a chair nearby. You may need the backrest as a support point. Place your feet parallel to your shoulders and extend one leg forward. Pull the toe well so that all the muscles tense. Quickly swing back while holding onto the back of the chair. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  9. Squats again. Before the end of the workout, do squats again.
  10. Lunges forward. Lunging with your feet forward will help reduce your calves. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sharp lunges with your feet forward, one at a time. After lunging, be sure to fix your body position and feel how the muscles in your legs tense.
  11. Massage. After class, be sure to sit down, completely relax, stretching your legs. Massage your calves and massage them with a dry towel. You will increase blood flow, increasing the effectiveness of your workouts.
Do exercises every day. They should take you about an hour and a half. Gradually increase the load, remember that training should not harm your health. Follow the plan and don't skip exercises to achieve the best results. Your calves on your legs will begin to shrink before your eyes.

Continuing the series of articles devoted to figure correction, I’ll tell you how to quickly reduce calves on the legs for girls at home. Let's look at effective exercises, techniques and advice from trainers.

Girls are very concerned about how their legs look. Sometimes the calves are extremely massive due to excessive exercise or swelling. Even if a girl has lost weight, her calves often remain large. As a result, the appearance becomes rude and unfeminine.

The problem needs a solution, inaction leads to enlarged calves, then you will have to forget about your favorite jeans and short skirt. The material is devoted to exercises and preventive measures. It is recommended to exercise regularly, review your habits and make a number of changes to your diet to balance the proportions of your legs.

To take control of your calf enlargement and ensure optimal conditions for volume reduction, follow these guidelines: general.

  • First of all, give up uncomfortable shoes, including platform shoes or high heels. Do not wear high lace-up shoes, as they cause swelling and impair blood circulation. Choose fashionable shoes that hug your feet softly rather than being constrictive.
  • Review your diet. Consume sweet, fatty, salty or spiced foods in moderation. Temporarily eliminate smoked and spicy foods from your diet, and do not drink water several hours before bedtime.
  • If you sit on the sofa or in a chair with your legs bent, forget about this habit. This position contributes to swelling of the legs and has a bad effect on blood circulation. The result is large calves and disproportionate legs.
  • To achieve your goal, avoid cycling, because this sport develops your calf muscles. Give up this hobby for a few months until results appear. If you can't live without a bike, spend less time on the saddle.
  • When walking, find the middle ground. You shouldn’t give up completely, otherwise your calves will “sag” and your legs will lose their elasticity and shape. At the same time, walking is extremely beneficial and helps improve body tone. Walk for 30 minutes a day.
  • Pay attention to aerobics and training using a jump rope.
  • If you are trying to lose weight, and weight loss is not accompanied by a decrease in calf volume, slightly reduce the intensity of your weight loss. Otherwise, the exercise will be ineffective, and large calves will remain after the weight is lost.
  • If you are serious about fighting bulky calves and go to the gym, temporarily forget about exercise machines that help pump up your legs. Otherwise, the calf muscles will continue to develop.

When moving towards your goal, follow moderation and remember common sense. Do not forget that beautiful female legs are a combination of graceful lines with a slight increase in volume in the hips, and not straight sticks.

When doing exercises and performing a set of exercises, which we will consider below, try to stop on time. This is the only way to make your legs natural, harmonious and feminine.

How to shrink your calves with exercises

If a girl wide hips, getting rid of excess fat will help reduce them. When it comes to voluminous calves, complex questions arise. Before you reduce your calves with exercises, be sure to identify the root cause of the problem. In most cases it is caused by overweight, but often contributes to improper weight loss, supplemented wrong exercises.

If your calves have become enlarged as a result of constant training, reduce the number of strength training sessions to a minimum and switch to exercises focused on stretching the muscles. I advise you to use the services of a yoga instructor.

In the case of voluminous calves caused by excess fat, I recommend starting the process with a diet. By eliminating fatty, sweet and protein foods from your diet, you will lose weight. As a result, the load on the calves, which contributes to their enlargement, will be reduced.

Besides proper nutrition, perform exercises aimed at improving the shape of your calves. The complex that I will share consists of a training exercise and stretching.

6 effective exercises

  1. Stand straight, spread your legs hip-width apart, and inhale. As you exhale, rise up onto your toes. At first, twenty repetitions are enough. Over time, increase the number of repetitions to thirty.
  2. Taking a similar position, spread your feet slightly to the sides. Shift your body weight to one leg and bend the other at the knee. After inhaling, rise onto the toes of your supporting limb. 15 reps for each leg. Later, increase the number of repetitions to 20.
  3. Using the starting position from the first exercise, point your toes inward, inhale, and as you exhale rise onto your toes. The number of repetitions is 20, then 30.
  4. Get on your knees, straighten your back and place your arms freely in front of you. Sit on the floor in turn in different directions, trying to press your hips more tightly to the floor. Minimum – 20 repetitions.
  5. The next exercise will require elevation. Stand on it so that your heels are in a hanging position and do not touch the floor covering. Rise onto your toes and lower yourself, keeping your back vertical. Repeat 20 times. The exercise is used by athletes who train muscles.
  6. Place one leg forward and place your palms on your buttocks. Bend the protruding limb at the knee, extending it forward as much as possible. During the subsequent squat, the calf muscle will stretch.

I shared an algorithm for reducing calves with exercises. By following the complex and following a diet, achieve your goal within a quarter. Don't trust people who promise to help solve the problem in a few weeks.

Video exercises

After achieving results, continue doing the exercises. I recommend including them in morning exercises carried out daily. This will consolidate and improve the result.

Other ways to reduce your calves

Relaxing the calf muscles with massage. It is not necessary to contact a massage therapist. Rub, knead and stroke the problem point yourself. To prevent skin damage during the procedure, use oil. After a hard time working day or an intense workout, shaking your legs will help relieve tension in your calves.

Visit to the pool and exercise equipment. An elliptical trainer or treadmill. After completing the physical or water procedure, do not eat immediately.

Elliptical training. The sports device improves the aerobic capacity of the body. Exercising on the machine is safe for joints and stretches the calf muscles, which reduces volume.

Video training

If you dream of slender legs and neat calves, try aerobics, swimming, an elliptical trainer and a set of exercises. I advise you to pamper your feet with cream, relaxing baths and massages.

Do not forget that full shins are a temporary phenomenon with proper attention. Be patient, follow the advice, and your legs will become ideal in proportion and volume. Good luck!

A slim figure is the dream object of most girls. For some, nature gave ideal proportions, while for others, it was necessary to work hard to achieve them. One of the most common problems is calves on the legs. Is it possible to reduce them and how to do this is a question that many want an answer to.

The calf muscles help a person move. Walking, running and jumping are the main activities where they are involved.

They can increase excessively in size for the following reasons:

Both predisposition and excess weight require a special approach to reduce the volume of calves in girls. To solve this problem, there are special techniques that will help get your legs in order.

Methods for reducing pumped calves

If a girl is involved in sports that require great strength in the calves, then over time these muscles acquire an impressive volume. If the problem of large calves bothers a person more than sports achivments, then the very first recommendation is to stop this type of training.

In this case, the calves themselves become smaller over time. However, this result will not always be sufficient. In this case, physical activity will come to the rescue again. Only this time the training method will be different.

Here are its main features:

  1. Working with light weights. No record approaches to take maximum weight. The weight should be such that a person can do at least 20 repetitions with it. You can work with weights at first own body, without additional weights.
  2. Lots of repetitions. There is no exact number. You need to load the muscle until you feel a strong burning sensation. Typically, this effect is achieved with 25–40 repetitions.
  3. Avoiding explosive loads. To reduce the volume of the calf muscles, the loads should be low-intensity but long-lasting. The main task is to tire the muscle with light, but monotonous and long work.

Watching athletes, you can notice interesting fact. Those whose task is to quickly do a record amount of work have a large volume of muscles. An example is sprinters. They are big and powerful.

The second example is marathon runners. They are thin and slender. Their task is to produce low-intensity but continuous work. To reduce the volume of pumped calves, you need to make them hardy “marathon runners”.

Losing weight in calves if you are overweight

How to reduce calves on your legs - this issue is extremely important for girls. If their excessive volume is caused by excess weight, then this issue can be solved by losing weight. It is impossible to get rid of calf fat locally. You'll have to lose weight entirely.

It is important to limit your daily caloric intake.

How many calories to consume is an individual question, but there are approximate values:

You need to choose a value based on the closest desired weight. If a girl weighing 75 kg wants to lose weight to 60 kg, then caloric intake should be reduced gradually. First, up to 2100 kcal per day, after reaching 70 kg - up to 1950 kcal per day, and so on.

To lose weight, simply monitor the number of calories you consume. But in order for the body to become slim and elastic, it is necessary to monitor the quality of food consumed. Eat less fast food and more green vegetables. Avoid overeating at night and reduce your intake of sweets.

To ensure that your legs not only get smaller, but become slender and seductive, you should add exercises to train them.

Stretching exercises to reduce calves

Stretching your calves after a workout helps the body rid this muscle group of lactic acid faster and also prevents spasms and cramps.

Useful stretching techniques that will allow you to effectively recover and reduce the size of your calf muscles:


Calf bends stretch the legs and waist, strengthening the body and toning these muscle groups.

How to properly perform shin bends:

Lift to the leg

The complex is similar to the previous one, but is performed while sitting.

Calf raise

Fitness trainers know how to reduce calves on the legs for girls. They recommend including mandatory calf raises in your training regimen. If you follow the correct technique, the exercise is considered the best technique for reducing the size of your calves.

Correct technique classes:

When the exercise becomes simple, you need to start doing it for your legs one by one.


Lunges are an excellent exercise for comprehensively strengthening the leg muscles. It is useful not only for calves, but also for thighs and buttocks.

  1. Stand upright, feet at a distance of 20–30 cm. Hands are lowered down parallel to the body.
  2. Take a medium-length step forward. You can stretch your arms forward for balance. The front leg bends at an angle of 90°. The thigh should be parallel to the training surface. The back leg bends at a right angle, the knee almost touching the ground.
  3. Stay in the pose for 1 second. Get into the starting position, leaning on your back leg.
  4. Repeat for the other limb. The total number of repetitions is 10 rubles. for each leg.

Raising the knees to the sternum

The complex promotes the development of the muscles of the thighs and lower legs.

It needs to be done as follows:

  1. Lie down on the floor. Legs lie together, toes extended.
  2. Bend your leg at the knee, pull it towards your sternum, trying to place your knee on your stomach as much as possible. Socks are still pulled up. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Without lifting your knee, try to straighten your leg. Now you need to pull your socks out reverse side. Fix at the top point for 1 second.

Leg abduction

The lesson is aimed at tightening the buttocks, stretching the back of the thigh and lower leg.

To reduce the calves on the legs using the “leg abduction” exercise for girls, it is recommended to attach an expander
  1. Stand upright. You can hold on to something for stability.
  2. Smoothly, without bending, move your legs back alternately. The body leans forward at this time.
  3. Lock your leg in highest point for 1–3 sec. Slowly lower it to the starting position.
  4. Do at least 10 repetitions on each side.

Complex at home

How to reduce calves on your legs - this is not an easy question for girls at home. But the task is doable. The set of measures will consist of stretching and exercises that do not require sports equipment.

With stretching, everything is clear - what and how to pull was discussed above. All that remains is to list the exercises that you can do at home.

Rope exercises

The most accessible type of exercise. In isolation, it includes the calves in the work, effectively loading them.

For jumping to be effective, you need to follow the technique of performing the exercise:

  • The jump should be low. Literally 2–3 cm to jump over the rope.
  • You need to rotate the rope with your hands. The forearms and shoulders are completely excluded from this process.
  • Your back should be straight and your legs slightly bent.
  • Jumps are performed exclusively on the toes in order to emphasize the load on the calves and eliminate the impact on the spine.

Alternating calf raises

Spread your feet one and a half shoulder widths apart, turn your toes out and squat slightly. The pose is similar to that of sumo wrestlers before a fight. Your back must be kept straight.

Without changing your position, you need to alternately rise on your toes, first with one leg, then with the other. This exercise statically loads the hips and trains the calf muscles.


Pistol squats are a powerful tool for comprehensive leg training.


  1. Stand up straight, feet together. Hold onto any support with your hand.
  2. Squat on one leg, extending the other leg forward. The free leg does not touch the ground.
  3. At the bottom point, keep the heel of the supporting leg on the ground.

The exercise is repeated 3–5 times with alternating legs. Gradually you need to increase the number of repetitions to 10.

Workout in the gym

Working out at home is good, but working out at the gym is more effective. This happens because the fitness club has the opportunity to use additional equipment and weights. They increase the effectiveness of your workout, allowing you to achieve faster results. desired result. Here are examples of exercises that work.

Leg press

Exercise in a special simulator.

Unlike the usual pressing technique on this apparatus, to reduce the calf muscles it is necessary to use the following technique:

  • Place the legs at the bottom of the platform. Your heels should be in the air.
  • The legs are slightly bent and do not change their position. All work is done exclusively with socks.
  • No additional weight is installed on the platform. She squeezes up only with her toes. The speed of execution is high, the amplitude is small. The number of repetitions is until there is a strong burning sensation. At least 20–30.

Calf raises with dumbbells

The exercise is similar to the previously discussed calf raise. For best performance, you need to hold a dumbbell in each hand. The weight is individual, but such that you can perform 15–20 repetitions. The technique is a smooth lowering and a quick rise.

Exercises for losing weight over pumped calves

In addition to the methods discussed, it will be effective to add cardio exercise. This will help to comprehensively influence the lower leg muscles and systematically reduce their volume.

High-intensity cardio should be avoided - no running with weights or jumping with additional weight. It is also necessary to control your diet so that excess calories do not go to waste. construction material.


One of the best ways reduce calves. Slow running over long distances is most effective. It is best to run in the fresh air - oxygen saturation of the blood helps best results.

To reduce the size of your calves, you should not run sprints - with such a load they can only grow.

Elliptical trainer

Sometimes there is no physical opportunity to run. If you have flat feet, running is contraindicated, and often there is simply no suitable landscape around. In this case, an elliptical trainer will help.

The principle of working with it is the same as when running - minimum intensity and maximum duration.


Swimming does not specifically target the calves. Its benefit is the overall strengthening of body muscles and improved blood flow. This improves metabolism and stimulates fat burning.

Swimming alone will not help reduce the size of your calves. But it can increase the effect of other exercises.

Exercise bike

Effective only when working at low intensity.
No interval programs, just monotonous pedaling with low level difficulties. To achieve the effect, you need to exercise for at least 40–60 minutes in a row.

For girls who want to learn how to reduce calves on their legs, the following advice from professionals will be useful: follow a diet, stretch your muscles after each workout, exercise regularly and don’t skip workouts. Subject to these conditions, any result is achievable. The main thing is discipline and perseverance.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video on how to reduce the volume of calves on your legs

Exercises that will help reduce the size of your calves:

Too large calves on the legs can upset any girl. This is not only difficulty in choosing boots, but also a feeling of insecurity due to the inharmonious silhouette of the legs. Thick, overly muscular or swollen shins do not look very attractive and can make their owner feel complex. But don’t worry, because knowing how to reduce calves on your legs, you can solve this issue.

How to quickly reduce calves?

  • First of all, we must try to establish as accurately as possible the cause of excessively voluminous shins, the most common of which are:
  • Swelling of the extremities, which is accompanied by varicose veins. It may appear as a result of high tissue looseness, accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and pain. Some diseases can also cause swelling.
  • The innate body structure is the so-called hypersthenic build. Signs: predominance muscle mass, broad bones, stocky figure.
  • The presence of fat deposits in the legs, which can become pronounced if you lose weight in the waist and hips.
  • Heavily pumped muscles. Most often, this phenomenon occurs among athletes, professional ballerinas, when they are passionate about running, and, of course, excessive exercise.
  • Once the reason for the strong development of the calves has been established, you can begin to select a method for eliminating this defect.
  • If the issue is excess fat deposits, then you should use the following methods, namely:
  • Regularly apply a variety of wraps using cling film, which will provide a soft warming effect on the shin. Consequently, the process burns fat cells much faster, and also removes harmful toxins from the skin.
  • The benefits come from following special low-calorie diets with a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats.
  • Every day you need to perform a simple complex physical exercise aimed at addressing problem areas. At the same time, blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer is significantly improved. It is important that the exercises are performed daily, and long repetitions are encouraged.
  • Special massagers, which have a rough applicator - plastic or wooden, will also help get rid of fat deposits (you must act carefully to avoid bruising).

How to reduce the size of calves?

In women, calves can become enlarged as a result of excessive training, resulting in excess muscle mass. It is important to remember that this can happen both due to frequent exercise and as a result of daily diet There is too much protein present, which is necessary for muscle growth.

To prevent further increase in volumes, it is necessary to special attention review your own diet for proteins. It is useful to temporarily reduce the amount of consumption of legumes, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and meat dishes. Thanks to this, it will be possible to significantly slow down the growth of muscle mass.

If you cannot avoid straining your calves, then you should try to at least reduce this load to the necessary minimum - for example, use elevators, give up hiking and cycling for a while.

In case of training in gym, it is necessary to create a training program in such a way that there is minimal impact on the calves.

To reduce your calves, you can use a special set of exercises:

  1. Plie is one of the most popular exercises among professional ballerinas. You need to stand straight, place your feet parallel to your shoulders, and do squats. It is important that the muscles of the thighs are tensed, while the knees bend as much as possible. When performing the first 20 squats, support is placed on the entire foot, and for the next 20 repetitions you need to rise on your toes. When performing this exercise, you must be very careful, as there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. Jackknife - you need to sit on your buttocks and straighten your legs completely. Just like when doing stretches, you need to lean forward and stretch your arms, while trying to touch your feet with your fingers. You need to stay in this position for at least 1.5 minutes and perform up to 15 repetitions.
  3. Jump rope is a great way to help shrink your calves. Just 15 minutes on this sports equipment will be enough. Thanks to jumping, energy consumption accelerates, therefore, all extra calories, and the calves also begin to “dry out”.
  4. Rifles - this exercise aimed at stretching the lower leg. You need to stand on your heels and march 30 times, while you must clearly feel your calves. Then sharp rolls from heels to toes are performed and you have to march again. There is 1 such roll per approach. At least 4 approaches are performed.
  5. You need to stand straight, with your feet slightly wider than your pelvis. First the weight is transferred to left leg, and the right one rises and bends at the knee. Inhale and lift the left foot onto the toe. You need to perform 15 repetitions for each leg and gradually continue to increase the load.
  6. Lunges are a lighter option. In this case, you need to work not so as not to pump up the thigh muscles, but to reduce the size of your calves. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform a lunge, making sure that the heel of the second leg does not leave the floor. After a few seconds, return to the starting position.
  7. You need to stand straight, your legs are hip-width apart, your feet are parallel to each other. As you inhale, you need to rise up, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. To begin with, 20 repetitions are performed, and over time it is increased to 30.
  8. Lifting on toes - can be performed in several variations, so you can choose a more suitable option for yourself. You need to stand straight, transfer your body weight to your right leg, and bend your left leg at the knee. Now you need to rise on your toes (at least 15 times). Then the exercise is performed for the 2nd leg. You can choose a more difficult option - stand not on the floor, but on a step or step.
  9. You need to kneel down to avoid bruising and use a mat. Your hands are free, in front, your back is straight. Now you need to alternately sit down first in one direction, then in the other, while it is important to try to press your thigh as tightly as possible to the floor. At least 20 repetitions are performed.
  10. Batman - take a chair, holding the back, you need to stand next to it, your feet are parallel to each other. The right leg is extended forward, straining the toe, and a sharp swing forward is performed. For each leg you need to perform about 20 repetitions.

Thick calves: how to reduce?

In order to reduce the size of your calves and make them more graceful, just one exercise will not be enough, because you also need to pay special attention to your diet. Of course, we haven't figured it out yet special diet, aimed at losing weight in the calves of the legs, but at the same time you can use comprehensive weight loss, thanks to which the legs will gradually decrease.

Meals should be balanced, and you should not overeat before bed. You should also avoid eating too salty and fatty foods. If severe swelling is a concern, before going to bed it is recommended to place your feet on a small hill (you can take a small pillow) and keep them in this position for at least 15 minutes. Throughout the day, you should try to periodically raise your legs. In this case, not only will the swelling quickly go away, the calves will shrink, but you will also feel general relief.

To relax your legs after training and consolidate the results achieved, you should do a light massage. Thanks to such a pleasant procedure, after the first session you will not feel so much muscle pain.

Bulk calves can ruin even very slender legs. But it is quite possible to overcome this problem. To do this, it is recommended to use special exercises, review your diet and, if necessary, get rid of swelling in your legs.

Too voluminous calves disappoint many girls - this includes an inharmonious silhouette of the legs, difficulties in buying boots, and uncertainty in choosing the length of a skirt. A thin ankle is unattractive, but muscular or swollen, thick legs make their owners feel complex about their appearance and dream of how to shrink their calves faster.

Find out the nature of the problem

Women's figures differ from each other, but their shortcomings and problems can be reduced to several types. This will help you correctly determine how to reduce your calves.

Excessively voluminous calves can be due to:

  1. congenital body constitution - hypersthenic structure (predominance of muscle mass, stocky figure, wide bones);
  2. fat deposits on the legs, and losing weight in the hips and waist can emphasize it;
  3. swelling of the extremities with varicose veins - with loose tissue, pale skin, protruding veins, pain and burning sensation;
  4. pumped muscles - with a relatively thin ankle and medium-sized knee joint(occurs in ballerinas, athletes, with excessive passion for fitness, running).

To regain confidence in your attractiveness, choose one of the options that most accurately describes your data. This will point you in the right direction and help you figure out how to make your calves smaller, at least visually.

How to save a pumped-up shin

A similar problem occurs in women whose body responds too actively to physical activity, building up excess muscle mass.

This happens over long periods of time physical activity and the abundant presence in the diet of proteins necessary for building muscles that continue to develop rapidly. How to stop the unwanted process and make your legs more feminine?

The first thing to do is to review your diet for proteins and temporarily reduce the amount of meat dishes, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and legumes. This will force the body to some extent “calm down” the excessive growth of muscle fibers.

The next important step is to reduce the stress on your calf muscles. For those who work out in the gym, it will not be difficult to choose exercises that train the body bypassing the lower leg muscles.

For those who absolutely cannot do without straining their calves, you should try not to overload them. Everyday life: stop cycling, use elevators, replace hiking with another type of recreation.

How to reduce fat shin

Sometimes, having lost weight at the waist and having difficulty removing fat from the hips, women notice that their legs are not going to give up so easily. Indeed, if adipose tissue has somehow accumulated in large quantities below the knee, then getting rid of it becomes difficult, but by no means impossible.

Almost the same actions as for losing weight in the waist and hips will help you:

  1. continue the diet with low content fats and carbohydrates;
  2. “break” fat deposits with a massage using a rough applicator (wooden or plastic massager with “fingers”);
  3. Perform daily exercises that improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer - with long repetitions, as well as stretching;
  4. use wraps with cling film, the warming effect of which will help transform adipose tissue and remove toxins from the problem area.

Exercises for losing weight of the lower leg

Single leg calf raise. Bend the other leg and hold it, hooking your foot just below your standing leg. Do 2x12 reps on each leg.

“Swallow” with dumbbells. Starting position - standing, arms hanging freely along the body, a dumbbell weighing 3-4 kg in each hand. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, take your right leg back and lift it, while leaning your body forward. Hands with dumbbells serve as a counterweight, which must be held not by the lower back, but by tension in the muscles of the left leg. Do 3x8 reps on each leg.

Stretching against the wall. Stand facing the wall, stepping back 50 cm from it. Take a step with your right foot, placing your foot against the wall, without lifting your left heel from the floor. Do not bend the lower back, left knee, hip joint, stretch the leg muscles in a tilted position. Do a stretch on your right leg. Perform 3x1 min.

Ask a specialist for help

A voluminous “swollen” shin and ankle causes a lot of trouble: the boot tops are difficult to fasten, the legs “hum” from tight tights in the evening, the contours of the ankle become blurred and disappear into the swelling of the ankle bone.

Overweight women are sometimes helped by thin ankles, which can be safely shown from under a skirt or put on flirty shoes, but swollen legs, on the contrary, can visually make the figure obese and add several extra years to their owner.

The reason for this condition of the legs is, of course, varicose veins. Reduce the load on your legs, give up stimulating massage, hot baths, smoking, and alcohol. Use extract-based medicinal ointments horse chestnut. Make sure your shoes are comfortable and your bag is light.

But the most important thing in the fight against such a problem is to consult a doctor who will conduct a competent examination of the vessels of the legs and prescribe the necessary treatment. An examination may be required internal organs, in particular the kidneys.

Varicose veins are not at all terrible disease, and qualified health care will definitely improve the condition of your feet and restore their attractive appearance.

If you are unhappy with the structure of your legs

How to correct the figure given by nature, the shape of the legs, inherited and, perhaps, a family “trait” on the maternal side? Wide, fleshy calves are not uncommon among women different professions and inclinations, but none of them wants to look like a hardy peasant woman with a working figure.

Then all sorts of corrective means are used that can completely transform the silhouette and divert attention to more spectacular parts of the body.

For example, in 10–12 months of training in the gym, you can very noticeably change small body proportions (the ratio of muscle volumes and large joints, for example, shins, knees and hips).

An experienced trainer will help you develop certain muscles of the legs, back, chest, and the awkwardness of the wide shin will disappear without a trace. For this you need good food, determination and endurance.

Amazing results can be achieved by choosing clothes, playing with styles, lengths and colors.
