Prayer for salary payment. Prayer for money debt to be returned

When a person has big financial problems and nothing helps, then you can try to use prayer so that you can get by. There are many different options that help not only increase your income or receive delayed wages, but also force a person to repay the debt.

Prayer to attract money

To make the ritual as effective as possible, buy an icon with the image of the saint in whose honor you were baptized; you will also need a wax candle.

“To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and my body, forgive me all who have sinned this day: and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that in no sin I will anger my God: but pray for me, sinful and unworthy servant, so that you are worthy to show me the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ, and all the saints, Amen.”

Prayer for the return of money by the debtor

If, after long waits, the debtor has not returned the money, then use prayer. First, you need to buy a wax candle, but don’t haggle or take change. At home, at sunset, you need to take a candle in your left hand, light it and, looking at the flame, whisper the following words 12 times:

“You (debtor’s name) are melting, you don’t pay back the debt, and if you don’t pay back, you will completely melt. Repay the debt, don’t do it again! May it be so by my trusted word! Sealed with fire, in the evening, not during the day (his full name)"

Powerful prayer for money

To improve your financial condition, it is recommended to turn to the saints, namely St. John the Merciful. This prayer must be read daily either at dawn or at sunset:

“To the Saint of God John, merciful protector of the orphans and those in adversity! We resort to you and pray to you, as the quick patron of all who seek consolation from God in troubles and sorrows: do not stop praying to the Lord for all who flow to you with faith! You were filled with Christ's love and goodness, you appeared like a wonderful palace of the virtue of mercy and you acquired for yourself the name merciful: you were like a river, constantly flowing with generous mercies and abundantly feeding all those who thirst. We believe that after you moved from earth to heaven, the gift of sowing grace increased in you and that you became an inexhaustible vessel of all goodness. Create therefore through your intercession and intercession before God all kinds of joy, so that those who come running to you may find peace and tranquility: grant them consolation in temporary sorrows and help in the needs of everyday life, instill in them the hope of eternal peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. In your life on earth you were a refuge for all things in every trouble and the needy, the offended and the sick, and not a single one of those who flowed to you and asked you for mercy was deprived of your grace: the same now, reigning with Christ God in Heaven, show to all who worship before your honorable icon and pray for help and intercession. Not only did you yourself show mercy to the helpless, but you also raised the hearts of others to the consolation of the weak and to the charity of the poor: move even now the hearts of the faithful to intercede for the orphans, to console the mourning and reassure the needy, so that the gifts of mercy do not become scarce in them, especially May peace and joy in the Holy Spirit dwell in them and in this house that watches over the suffering, to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen"

This money will help improve the well-being of your entire family, the main thing is to believe in a positive result and success.

Monetary obligations can become a stumbling block in relationships even with the closest people. When a problem requires an immediate solution, but it is impossible to influence it on your own, it’s time to turn to higher powers for help.

Of all the possible conflict situations the most unpleasant ones are those caused by money. Modern world it is especially rich in problems on a financial basis, because one cannot do without debts in one form or another: someone took out a loan from a bank, someone’s salary was delayed, and they had to borrow money from friends. And returning finances is often associated with difficulties. It’s not for nothing that people have a saying: “If you take someone else’s, you give away your own.”

Financial obligations darken the life of not only the debtor, but also the forced “creditor”. This especially applies to cases when a person lent money to a good friend, close friend or relative, and for unknown reasons he is in no hurry to return the amount. It seems that demanding urgent repayment of the debt in such cases is an absolutely inhumane act, because the debtor may have very difficult financial circumstances. Meanwhile, the returned amount would come in very handy - otherwise you would have to get yourself into a hole of debt... It is in such situations that prayer for the return of debts helps. Unlike conspiracies, which affect a person’s energy and cause him a feeling of discomfort until the debt is repaid, prayer has beneficial influence. The person who lent money prays for the borrower - and higher powers help the latter in a difficult situation, his financial condition stabilizes and he finds the strength to get rid of painful obligations.

How to Pray for Debt Repayment

In no case should it be pronounced with anger and bitterness against the debtor. Remember you are praying for him and ask heavenly powers for help not to myself, and to the person who owes you. Only sincere prayer will be truly effective, and soon the borrowed amount will return to you.

Choose a suitable time for prayer: it is important that you are in a calm mood and do not experience irritation or negative emotions. Wish your borrower happiness and speedy relief from financial problems, then start praying:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I am resorting to your help not out of a desire to get rich, not out of shameful motives, but with a request to guide the servant of God (name of the debtor) on the true path. Guide him with your hand, illuminate his path with your light, so that he can get out of the worldly problems that consume him. Send him help in his affairs, honor him with a peaceful and blissful life. Lead him out of the darkness and show him the right path, so that the heavy burden may fall from him and worldly problems will be resolved. For myself, Your sinful servant, I ask only for the return of the debt, in order to overcome the abyss of difficulties. Thy will be done. Amen.

You can pray this way several times, but only at those moments when you really want it. After the prayer, you can submit a special note to the church with the name of the debtor so that he is mentioned during the prayer service for health.

Higher power always help those who are in difficult situations. Be honest with yourself and those around you, and Heaven will not leave you without its protection. We wish you good luck and only positive emotions, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.11.2016 03:10

IN Orthodox world there are many saints to whom you can turn for help in one or...

Orthodox holidays- it's the right time to improve your life. On Easter week...

In our world, many problems are solved with the help of money, and let a person have a clean, kind soul, this is not at all a reason to refuse benefits and conveniences. In difficult moments, you are ready to come to the aid of a friend, relative, neighbor, to help - to lend money for repairs or treatment, but what to do if such sincerity and honesty does not come in response?

A conspiracy to repay a debt is an extreme but effective measure

Magic in difficult situations

A conspiracy to repay a debt is an extreme but effective measure that a person is forced to take. Not everyone is able to recognize the rotten essence of loved ones or friends, but everyone has the power to defend their rights and honor. You are able to file a lawsuit, spend additional money on top of the debt, your own precious time and not get the desired result, because if it concerns relatives, then there are no promissory notes. What to do then? Difficult situations require unusual solutions, and even if you are still overcome by doubts and fear - help yourself. Magic and occult sciences do not always act in a negative way or traumatize a person’s energy; sometimes, with the right approach, they act in your interests without dire consequences. An experienced magician who has been practicing for many years will be able to choose the spell that is right for you. The process of repaying debt through such manipulations is purely individual and in such cases cannot be done without an integrated approach. You must remember that in order to force the repayment of the debt (your property), drastic measures are not just necessary, but necessary for justice and peace of mind for your entire family.

The nature of the return plot

Each spoken conspiracy has its own characteristics and acts completely differently. The main motive force ( active conspiracy to repay the debt) will be the impact of your energy on the will of the debtor. Thus, a correctly performed ritual leads to pangs of conscience, nervousness and fear among people who owe you money. Force repayment of debt short time– a completely doable task if done properly. For some people, the conspiracy will act like painful good memories, causing a desire to quickly return the borrowed amount, while others will feel the burden of strangers. Money. In any case, magical conspiracies will not pass without a trace. For debtors, other people's money becomes a burden, like a stone, pulling down - so a person is looking for affordable ways to get rid of the load. Any energetic intervention requires knowledge and responsibility, otherwise in the wrong hands, your weapon can turn against you.

Features of magic related to money

If we're talking about It is about the return of funds that practicing magicians call such rituals household magic, you should learn about the specifics of manipulations aimed at debtors in full. Magic rituals, related to debt recovery, have a long history. How much the world is worth, people determine the value of human words in monetary terms.

A conspiracy to return material wealth has its pitfalls, which are important to know about:

  • For powerful conspiracy the period of the waxing moon is approaching ( good time for the ritual of attracting money);
  • the money return magic does not work instantly (the debtor may not have the funds or the ability to repay the debt), you will have to read and repeat the spell several times;
  • conspiracies associated with black magic pose a direct threat to both the customer and the performer;
  • a conspiracy is not a prayer, it needs to strengthen your protective energy systems;
  • After successfully repaying the debt, mentally let go of the situation and say “thank you” to the unfortunate debtor.

Enough simple rules will serve as protection for you and your family. No amount of money is worth spoiled energy, through holes in which you will lose your own strength.

A conspiracy to return material wealth has its pitfalls

A variety of debt recovery conspiracies

If good will does not push the debtor to fulfill his obligations, you have no choice but to contribute to the return of the money. Magicians and healers use various powerful spells in their work.

The ritual with the leg of a chair or stool is called one of the most effective. To do this, you need to break off one of the legs of the old stool with your own hands. Place the remaining structure behind the house or in front of the threshold, and read (read in a whisper) simple words from the plot. To enhance the effect, the procedure is repeated several times. Afterwards, the rest of the chair is thrown away, and the wood chips remaining on the floor are taken to the crossroads.

For another ancient conspiracy that can solve your problems, you will need a gypsy needle, salt, bird feathers, hairballs from any cat and a piece of fabric. The ritual is performed in a matter of minutes: the name of the debtor is written on a piece of paper with chalk or soap (to accurately direct the impact), then all the ingredients necessary for the ritual are laid out on top, wrapped and sealed with the words of the conspiracy (read out loud). The results of this ritual will not keep you waiting.

The ritual using an icon has long been famous among the people as effective method force the repayment of overdue debts. For the ceremony, an icon with the saint whose name the debtor bears is selected. With the help of a mirror, a dark cloth and the face of a saint, a bundle is folded, hands are placed on top and the sentences are spoken magic words. Prayer after the ceremony will cleanse your soul in order to avoid such situations in the future.

A ritual with candle wax will help you quickly and for a long time forget about problems such as long-term debts with money thrown away. The candle is lit before sunset in solitude, and the plot must be read exactly one hundred and three times. The next morning, it is recommended to visit a church or temple and leave a half-burnt candle near the icon to consolidate the result of the ceremony.

The phases of the moon have gained considerable popularity among magicians and healers; a full or waxing moon enhances the magical effect and the ideal time for repaying debt is the full moon. The conspiracy to repay the debt is read at sunset with sincere faith in the heart.

The strongest ritual to this day is called the ritual with eggs. Two holes are made in the shell, and then the eggs are boiled in water. The main condition for performing the ritual is that the doors and windows in the house are locked. The words from the conspiracy must be read in a half-whisper over the water.

Prayer to repay debts will help ease your soul. Read a simple prayer “Our Father” or call on the saints (read in church or at home) - the choice is yours.

A conspiracy to repay a debt is read at sunset

It is not always possible to repay the debt the first time, so as not to despair right away, remember - if one ritual misfires, then the second one will be right for you. The most powerful rituals require repeated performance, they have to be read often, and maintaining all the little details and the clear order of words in a spell requires skill. The energy of the debtor, his defense system, will resist negative influences, so weak rituals pass without leaving a trace. At any time of the year or day, you can find an experienced assistant - a magician or healer who knows his business thoroughly. Such a person will conduct the ceremony, fulfill all its requirements and ensure the safety of you and your family.

Additional rituals

Proven methods of debt repayment have long proven themselves, our ancestors used them and were satisfied with the result, but the world does not stand still and such a sphere as magic lends itself to development and expansion. Behind last years New opportunities have emerged for those who are let down by debtors. To return money borrowed from an irresponsible person or a friend living nearby, you will need a very ordinary broom. A new broom sweeps the house up to the threshold with a verdict about luring one's money into the house, then an old broom sweeps the debtor's threshold with the opposite conspiracy. After a couple of days of waiting, a careless friend will come to you himself.

For a simple but effective ritual, a box of matches and a candle from the church will do. The plot is read in the process of burning matches from a candle flame. Fire is a powerful element that gives limitless strength. The ashes from the matches must be saved until the borrowed material goods are fully returned (to be sure).

If the debtor is a friend, you will need a ritual with ordinary coins. This ritual is harmless; it only pushes the person who likes you to return the money. Stronger magical manipulations can destroy friendship forever. At dawn, bury a coin under a tree, saying “grievances will come as soon as I dig up the coin.” The plot is read only three times, and then it is recommended to contact the debtor and remind him of his obligations. As soon as your friend repays the debt, dig up the coin and throw it away so as not to harm the relationship.

White magic is your assistant, in the right hands, helping not only to regain what was lost, but also, along with money, to maintain relationships with debtors. After all, people don’t lend money to those they don’t care about. To return your hard-earned money, so as not to lose true friends, use your own instincts and faith, and prayer at night or in the morning will calm your soul.

Sometimes you can hear complaints from one person to another: they borrowed money, but they don’t give the money back. The second one suggests a way to get your money back - pray, they say. The first one rejoices, goes online and a whole sea of ​​different sites opens up in front of him. What kind of “prayers” are there - one more beautiful than the other. A wild mixture of conspiracies and names of the Lord, the Mother of God or saints. These spells have nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Is there a prayer to the Lord God to return a monetary debt? There is no specific information on this topic. But there are many prayers that can be read when turning to the Savior with your request.

How to ask God?

A question of interest to those who have just begun to join the Church. How to contact God? You’ve read your morning prayers, you’ve read your evening prayers, what next? Asking in your own words seems stupid.

Not at all, this is the most sincere prayer to the Creator. What is more important: to read a dozen prayer texts according to the principle “this is how it should be” or to pray sincerely and from the heart? When we mutter incomprehensible words from the prayer book in front of our home icons, without thinking at all about their meaning, is such a prayer pleasing to God? Hardly. It’s a different matter when a person asks for help with all his heart. She cries out to the Savior with all her heart. It seems that the request is quite insignificant and there is no need to disturb God over trifles? Others have much more serious problems, so why pray about your debt? Pray and do not be embarrassed by such a thought. It’s not for nothing that the Lord said: “Seek and it will be given to you, knock and it will be opened to you.”

What prayer is read for debt repayment? You can't go wrong if you read the classic and well-known one. The Lord himself gave it:

Our Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread this day. And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

This is the very first prayer we teach. Many have known her since childhood. And reading it automatically, they don’t think about the words of this prayer at all. Let's not just read it quickly, but slowly and thoughtfully. At the end, you can ask God for help in repaying the debt in your own words.

Prayer to the Mother of God

Who should I pray to get my money back? Ask the Mother of God for help in this matter. Who, if not she, will hear the request and quickly respond to it. The Mother of God is a mother for all people, and a mother always helps her children. Especially in a difficult situation.

What prayers should I read? Start with the simplest “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.”

Virgin Mary, rejoice. Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are You among women. And blessed is the Fruit of Your womb. For she gave birth to the Savior, who art our souls.

Here are two more short prayers to the Mother of God:

First prayer: O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! Raise us up, servant of God (names) from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and from all evil. Grant us, O Lady, peace and health and enlighten our minds and the eyes of our hearts to salvation, and grant us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: for His power is blessed with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit.

Second prayer: Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, show me, the wretched, and the servants of God (names) Your ancient mercies: send down the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. Hey, Most Pure Lady! Be merciful to me here and at the Last Judgment. For you are, O Lady, the glory of heaven and the hope of earth. Amen.

There is an opportunity to go to the temple - very good. Go, order a prayer for health, light candles in front of the icon Mother of God, ask her for help.

Isn't there such a possibility? Pray at home, in front of the iconostasis. Light a lamp or candle and from the bottom of your heart ask the Virgin Mary to help. She will not abandon anyone who needs help.

Prayer to the saints of God

Prayers to the holy saints are presented in this article. Before we get to them, I would like to talk about who exactly to pray to.

The answer is as follows: to any saint whom you especially venerate. This could be the Abbot of the Russian land - Sergius of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov (whose memory falls on the first of August), Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Spyridon of Trimythous. In general, turn to any saint for help.

Let us note that prayer is not a spell. If there is no answer immediately after reading, you should not start blaming God for the fact that it does not exist. And put the prayer book aside, as if by this gesture saying that the saint did not hear me. I heard if they prayed from the heart. And it will help.

During his lifetime, Saint Spyridon of Trimythous was a shepherd. He had a family: wife and children. He was distinguished by his pious life, gentleness and readiness to always come to the aid of those in need.

After the death of his wife, he was appointed bishop. He is those who have problems with money and real estate.

Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky:

Oh, blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Standing in heaven before the Throne of God with the faces of angels, look with your merciful eye on the people present here (name) and asking for your strong help. Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession ! Deliver everyone who comes to God with undoubted faith from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander! Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a patron to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the infant, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a helmsman to the sailors, and intercede to all who require your strong help, whatever is useful for salvation! For if we are instructed and observed by your prayers, we will achieve eternal peace and together with you we will glorify God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

People want to receive a strong prayer to return their money debt. And specific, only for this case. But there is no such thing, no matter how it sounds. Pray to God, the Virgin Mary or the saints. They will help and will not leave those who ask.

Pray to Seraphim of Sarov. This saint from his youth strove to monastic life. When he turned 17, he left parents' house. At first he carried out obediences in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. And then he labored in the Sarov Desert, near Tambov.

Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky is famous for his feat. He prayed on a stone, kneeling, for 1000 days. He passed away to the Lord at the age of just over 70 years. I met death in prayer, on my knees.

How to pray to the monk? Here is the text of the prayer:

Prayer: O most wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one left you weary and inconsolable, but everyone was blessed by the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, which multiplied like the stars of heaven: for throughout the ends of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring man of prayer to Him, denying no one who calls you, offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He strengthen our power, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is spiritual useful to salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sin and teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in unfathomable glory, and sing there with all the saints Life-giving Trinity until the end of time. Amen.

Prayer: O Reverend Father Seraphim! Lift up for us, servants of God (names), Your powerful prayer to the Lord of hosts, may he grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sins and may he teach us true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now beyond shine with glory, and there sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever.

Prayer: O great servant of God, reverend and God-bearing Father Seraphim! Look down from the heavenly glory on us humble and weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation to those who ask. Approach us with your mercy and help us to preserve the commandments of the Lord immaculately, to firmly maintain the Orthodox faith, to diligently bring repentance for our sins to God, to gracefully prosper in piety as Christians and to be worthy of your prayerful intercession for us. To her, Holiness of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us, and protect us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, so that those powers do not possess us, but yes With your help, let us be worthy to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, merciful Father: be truly a guide to our salvation and lead us to the unevening Light of eternal life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, may we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh

Hegumen of the Russian land - that's what they call him. While still in the mother's womb, Venerable Sergius showed himself to the world.

His parents were pious people. The mother was standing in the temple when the baby cried three times. It would seem, what’s wrong with this? Many children scream in church. Everything would have been fine, but the future saint was still in his mother’s womb.

At birth, he refused to breastfeed fast days(Wednesday and Friday). Having matured, he and his brother left home to pursue asceticism. The brother could not bear the load, and Sergius of Radonezh founded the well-known Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

There is no prayer for the money debt to be returned. More precisely, there is no special prayer. But there are saints to whom you can turn for help. The abbot of the Russian land is one of them.

O sacred head, venerable and God-bearing Father Sergius, by your prayer, and by faith and love, even for God, and by purity of heart, you established your soul on earth in the monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, and was granted angelic communion and the visitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, and the gift of miracles received by grace, after your departure from the earthly, especially drawing closer to God and sharing heavenly powers, but also not retreating from us with the spirit of your love, and your honest relics, like a vessel of grace full and overflowing, left to us! Having great boldness towards the all-merciful Master, pray to save His servants, His grace existing in you, believing and flowing to you with love. Help us, may our Fatherland be well-governed in peace and prosperity, and may all resistance submit under its feet. Ask us from our great-gifted God every gift that is beneficial to everyone: observance of the blameless faith, establishment of our cities, peace, deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, consolation for the afflicted, healing for the sick, restoration for those who have fallen, for those who have gone astray on the path of truth and salvation return, strengthening for those who struggle, prosperity and blessing for those who do good in good deeds, education for babies, instruction for young people, admonition for unbelievers, intercession for orphans and widows, departing from this temporary life for the eternal, good preparation and parting words, blessed rest for those departed, and all of us are helped by your prayers vouchsafe, on the day of the Last Judgment, to be delivered from this part, and to be partakers of the right hand of the country and to hear that blessed voice of the Lord Christ: come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The future saint was born in the city of Patara. WITH youth was drawn to the ascetic life. When he grew up, he was elected presbyter and then bishop of the city of Myra.

Russian people especially revere Nikolai Ugodnik. There is probably not a single house where the icon of the holy saint of God is missing in the red corner.

Prayer: O all-good Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer, quickly strive and deliver the flock of Christ from the wolves that are destroying it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice , invasions of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

An amazing saint - a special intercessor of Moscow. She was born blind. Youngest daughter in a family of poor peasants, the mother wanted to give the child to a wealthier family. But after I saw a wonderful dream, being pregnant with Matronushka, I changed my mind.

At the age of eighteen, the girl’s legs gave out. For the rest of her life she sat or lay down, but could not walk. And she didn’t grumble against the Lord, quite the opposite. She glorified him with her deeds. She healed the sick and sick, and helped those who had gone astray. Matrona was perspicacious.

The old woman died in 1952. She bequeathed to go to her grave, as if alive, to tell everything. And there is an endless stream of people to Pokrovsky convent. Each with their own troubles and requests. You won’t see anyone in line to see the relics. Even an African American once stood with a large bouquet of flowers. There is wind and snow outside, and he stands there smiling. And he repeats one word to all questions - “necessary”.

So we need prayer for the money debt to be returned. The text is presented below.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow (first)

O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow (second)

O blessed Mother Matrono, with your soul standing in heaven before the Throne of God, with your body resting on earth, and exuding various miracles by the grace given from above. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, our waiting days, comfort us, desperate ones, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are allowed by our sins, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, in whose image we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg

Another amazing saint who took upon herself the feat of foolishness.

Ksenia was married. When she turned 26 years old, her husband died. The young widow dressed in his clothes, gave away her estate and set off to wander around St. Petersburg.

She endured a lot of ridicule. Children threw stones at the saint, laughed at her, and threw mud at her. At first the adults didn't stop them. Then they realized that the woman who seemed crazy at first glance was not crazy at all. Under her foolishness and false madness, she hid the depths of her soul.

Ksenia of Petersburg was perspicacious. She helped many during her lifetime. When people noticed this, they stopped mocking the blessed one. And they forbade children to offend her.

The remains of the saint rest in the Smolensk cemetery in the city of St. Petersburg. There is a chapel with Ksenia’s grave. People come to her from all over Russia, hoping to get help.

Will the prayer for the money debt be returned to Blessed Xenia? It depends on the diligence of the person asking. As he prays, he will receive it. Do you pray with all your heart? Get help.

Prayer: Oh, holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! Having lived under the shelter of the Most High, knowing and strengthened by the Mother of God, having endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you have received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and are resting under the canopy of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you: standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and present with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him , ask for eternal salvation for those who flow to you, and for our good deeds and undertakings a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Ksenia, babies with the light of the Holy Illuminate Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and chastity and grant them success in learning; heal the sick and sick, family love and consent was sent down, with a monastic feat worthy to strive for goodness and protect from reproach, strengthen the shepherds in the strength of spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, for those deprived of the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour: you are our hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Let's summarize

In the article we talked about who you should pray to in order to get your money back. And they found out that there is no special prayer for the money debt to be returned. Everything that can be found on the Internet is a mixture of spells and words from prayers. This is poison for the soul.

Key aspects:

    Ask God for help.

    Contact the Mother of God.

    Saints are our helpers. Ask them, contact Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sergius of Radonezh. Pray to Seraphim of Sarov, Matronushka and Ksenyushka.

    Prayer must be sincere, from the bottom of your heart. Can't you read the text like this? Ask in your own words, there is nothing scary or shameful about it.


Now readers know how and to whom to pray if they need help getting their own money back.

Don't hesitate to pray to God. He is our main assistant and trustee. The Lord is our father. Would a loving father refuse to help his child when the latter needs it? Hardly. Likewise, God gives us help when needed.

Religious reading: strongest prayer about debt repayment to help our readers.

According to statistics, only a quarter of the population has never used credit, while the remaining three quarters are actively accumulating credit debts.

It is quite difficult to get out of such a situation safely, and often it happens that it is completely impossible.

Strong prayer for debts and loans will help Orthodox person get out of the “debt hole”. At the fervent requests of those in need, many miracles are performed, including those related to material problems.

Orthodox prayers for debts and loans

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling on your speedy intercession for help: see us weak, caught from everywhere, deprived of every good and darkened in mind from cowardice. Try, O servant of God, do not leave us in the captivity of sin, so that we may not joyfully be our enemy and die in our evil deeds. Pray for us unworthy of our Creator and Master, to whom you stand with disembodied faces: make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that He will not reward us according to our deeds and the impurity of our hearts, but according to His goodness He will reward us . For we trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, we call upon your intercession for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help: deliver us, saint of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not be desecrated in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

O all-praised saint and servant of Christ, our Father Tikhon! Having lived as an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your long-ago glorification: we believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our compassionate helper and prayer book, through your honest intercessions and grace, abundantly given to you from the Lord, ever contribute to our salvation. Accept therefore, blessed servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man; strive, speedy representative for us, with your favorable intercession to beg the Lord, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants (names), may He heal with His grace the unhealed ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may He dissolve our petrified hearts tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins, and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna; May He grant to all His faithful people peace and quiet, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, so that having lived a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, let us be worthy to glorify and sing the all-holy name of the Father with the Angels and with all the saints and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

O holy all-blessed mother Ksenia! Having lived under the shelter of the Most High, knowing and strengthened by the Mother of God, having endured hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you have received the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God and are resting under the shelter of the Almighty. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorifies you: standing at the place of your burial, before your holy image, as if you were alive and dry with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring them to the Throne of the Merciful Heavenly Father, as you have boldness towards Him , ask for eternal salvation for those who flow to you, and for our good deeds and undertakings a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinners, help, holy blessed mother Ksenia, babies with the light of the Holy Illuminate Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and chastity and grant them success in learning; Heal the sick and ailing, send down love and harmony to families, honor the monastic feat of a good struggle and protect from reproach, strengthen the shepherds in the strength of spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and tranquility, pray for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ in the dying hour: you are ours hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Preparation for prayer work

Not every person enters the walls of the Temple of God with kind hearted and pure thoughts.

But in order for Christ’s Saints to hear the sighs of the suffering, it is necessary to give up pride, be humble, have a kind and forgiving soul, bright thoughts and love in the heart.

It is necessary to understand that the financial test was sent from Above for something, so you need to comprehend the real cause of the troubles. There is no need to blame anyone for the current problems.

If a person has sinned, he is obliged to repent before God in the Sacrament of Confession and be held accountable for his actions.

Prayer for debt repayment will help not only throw off the heavy burden of material responsibilities, but also choose the path of purifying the soul, gaining faith in the justice and kindness of Christ.

How to pray correctly

A prayer request is a sincere conversation between a person and a saint, a request for help.

It is important to be a believing Orthodox Christian, to lead a pious life, to participate in Church Sacraments, and to be freed from accumulated sins.

  1. Requests should be made sincerely, without deception or pretense.
  2. Before starting the prayer, you must apologize for your sins, committed voluntarily or involuntarily.
  3. When addressing a saint, you should be focused on your words and not be distracted by extraneous conversations and thoughts (these are the machinations of the devil, who dreams of getting a sinful soul).
  4. The text must be pronounced clearly and clearly, with the desire to be heard.
  5. You should not read his words to yourself, it will not bring any benefit (you need to read it in a whisper or out loud).
  6. You need to ask a saint for help more than once; it happens that a person waits for what he asks for for several years.
  7. If you can’t achieve what you want, then you shouldn’t sin, blaspheme God and lose faith - the Lord will definitely reward the one asking for patience and humility.
  8. It is advisable, in addition to prayer, to read an akathist to the saint for 40 days, but not everyone can master this action (it is necessary to obtain the blessing of a priest for the feat of prayer).
  9. During fasting, you cannot read the akathist, but you need to pray daily.

Where do debts and loans come from?

Of course, from the unreasonable use of finances, often in the case when the desire to spend money is higher than the ability to earn enough of it.

It often happens that it is convenient for a person to have an item that, in reality, is not yet considered his personal property, because the item was purchased on credit and the debt “hangs” in the bank. And suddenly force majeure happens: a person is fired from work, he becomes seriously ill and becomes disabled, etc. He loses the opportunity to sleep peacefully, there is no peace in his soul, he is worried about the very fact of having a debt, calls from the bank and threats from collection agencies.

In a word, an Orthodox Christian is prohibited from living on credit. And if it is available, it is necessary to make every effort, physical and spiritual, to quickly get rid of the debt burden.


The borrower may be your closest friend with whom you do not want to spoil your relationship.

To get started, visit Orthodox church

and submit a registered note about the health of the borrower.

Place 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ,

saying these prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Let the borrower return to me soon,

and will deal with the matter successfully.

Cross yourself diligently and return back.

Additionally, buy 12 more candles for your home

Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Pleasant.

Secluded in the room, light candles.

Place icons nearby.

Mentally imagine the borrower

coming to you with a financial debt.

Start reading multiple times

addressed to the Lord God.

I am not turning to you out of sinful gain,

and for help in repaying the debt.

Send me speedy retribution,

and the borrower a solid increase.

Let there be no strangers on the road,

Now you can have no doubt: you will receive your financial debt “through the channels” of holy Orthodoxy.

How to force a person to repay all his debts using a conspiracy?

Friendship is friendship, but debts still need to be repaid, everyone knows this. But not many people know what to do if the debtor does not want to give back the money he borrowed. Some try to forgive debts, others turn to magic to force a person to return what you lent him. For those who are interested in what money return conspiracies and debt conspiracies exist, we are publishing this article.

Often, even the best friends can quarrel when it comes to repaying a debt. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such problems and not lose people dear to you, pay attention to magical ways to return what you borrowed.

A broom will help solve the problem

A conspiracy to return money, which requires the most ordinary broom, is very popular. Despite its simplicity, this magical method is one of the most effective. Especially if the person who borrowed money from you lives on the same street as you.

To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare 2 ordinary brooms:

This conspiracy to return a sum of money is quite strong. If you want it to be more effective, perform the ritual with brooms on the days of the waxing moon. First, take a new broom. While sweeping the threshold of your house with it, say the following spell:

“I sweep my threshold with a good broom, I sweep it, I call my money to me.”

Taking an old broom, go to the debtor’s house. While sweeping the threshold of his home, say the words:

“I’ll leave a bad broom at the doorstep so that the debtor will be tormented by thoughts about the debt, so that soon my money from someone else’s house will return to me.”

To complete the ritual, you should pull out several twigs from a thin broom and throw them near the house of the person who borrowed the money. After this, return home, reading prayers (“Our Father”). For several days after the ritual, do not think about repaying the debt. It is also not recommended to speak badly about the debtor. After completing everything as described, you will soon receive the entire amount back.

Charming a box of matches

If you need more strong conspiracy to help repay an old debt, use this ritual. To carry it out you will need:
  • a matchbox purchased before the ceremony;
  • candle from the church (thin);
  • saucer.

To perform the ritual and read the magic words of the debt repayment spell, calculate the stage of the waxing moon. In the evening, on one of these days, sit at the table, place a candle on a saucer and light it. To force a person who borrowed a specific amount of money from you to repay the debt, light matches from a candle. You need to set them on fire one at a time and wait until they burn out. At the same time, a conspiracy to repay the debt should be pronounced:

“Holy Fire, protecting! Help the servant of God (state the name of the debtor) return what he owes. Until he gives all the money, let sorrowful thoughts torment him and prevent him from sleeping! There is power in the fire, this power will help me get a return! Amen"

The text of this prayer for debt repayment should be said while each match is burning. When you've burned the entire box, collect the ashes. It should be put in a secluded place and stored until the plot takes effect.

We charm the coin

Unlike the previous ritual, this one is not as strong. It can be used when you want to force a close friend to return a sum of money. In this case, to perform the ritual you will need an ordinary coin. It is advisable to prepare in advance a penny made of white metal and with a denomination equal to the average equivalent.

“I bury a coin under the tree, repay my debt, so that the servant of God (say the name of the debtor) will give me the money. As soon as the debt is returned, the coin will be dug up, and all grievances will be forgotten. Amen".

This conspiracy to repay monetary debts must be repeated three times. After this, you should go home and call the debtor. The repayment of the debt will not take long. By saying these words, you can encourage the person to return what belongs to you, without losing a friend.

When the refund occurs, you will need to return for the coin. After digging it out of the ground, bring it home. Put the penny in a secluded place and keep it, without speaking ill of the debtor.

Ritual for those who have been made beggars by dishonest means

There is another one strong ritual. It helps to pay off debts and get out of poverty. Getting rid of debts occurs as follows.

The ritual must be performed during the waxing moon. Rising at dawn, read the prayers (“Our Father”, “The Most Holy Theotokos”). Then go to church to celebrate the service and buy a candle. You must hold the bill during the service.

On the way to the temple and back, try not to talk to anyone. When you return home, sit at the table, lay out a bill and light a candle. Now read the plot against debts:

“Mother of God, Jesus the Savior, help me drive out destruction and poverty from my home. Help us exchange poverty for money, ruin for a modest life, and debts for our daily bread. Who took my money dishonestly and wanted to return it. I ask you to help me get mine. Amen".

For such a conspiracy to return money to work, you should put the bill out of sight for three days, and then buy bread with it without change.

Orthodox prayers ☦

4 strong prayers to John the Warrior

Prayer to John the Warrior from the offender

“O martyr of Christ, John the warrior! Thou art brave in battle, and a chaser of the enemy, and an intercessor for the offended, for all Orthodox Christians. O great intercessor and servant of Christ, John the warrior! Have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede in troubles and sorrows, and in sorrows and in every evil adversity, and from every evil and offending person, for you have been given such grace from God to pray for us, sinners, in troubles and besieged those who suffer evil. Deliver us from those who offend and hate, and be a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies. O great champion, John the warrior! Do not forget us, who always pray to you, asking for your help and your endless mercy, and grant us, sinners and unworthy, to receive from God the ineffable goodness that is prepared for those who love Him. For all glory, honor and worship is due to Him, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer to John the Warrior for a lost item and the return of stolen property

“Oh, Martyr of Christ John the Warrior! Brave in battle, and quick intercessor of Orthodox Christians in their troubles and misfortunes, by the given grace from God!

Be our champion strong against all our visible and invisible enemies. Grant victory to our army against our enemies, so that those who oppose us will humble themselves and come to their senses, and may know the true God and His holy Orthodox Church. May we, sinners, be worthy to glorify the Lord our Savior in His Kingdom together with you forever. Amen."

Prayer to John the Warrior for repayment of debt

“O great martyr of Christ John, champion of the Orthodox, chaser of enemies and intercessor of the offended! Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if grace from God was given to you quickly to console the sad, to help the weak, to deliver the innocent from vain death, and to pray for all those who suffer evil. Be therefore a strong champion for us against all our visible and invisible enemies, for with your help and fight all those who show us evil will be put to shame. Pray to our Lord to grant us His sinful and unworthy servants ( names), to receive from Him the ineffable goodness that is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones glorified by God, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer to John the Warrior personal petition

“O glorious servant of Christ, John the Warrior!

You were a brave man in the army, a chaser of the enemy and a defender of the offended, now you are for everyone Orthodox Christian the ambulance is here.

Remember us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede for us in troubles and sorrows and sorrows and in every evil adversity, and protect us from every evil and offending person: for you have been given the grace from God to pray for us sinners ( Name), the evil sufferer.

Oh, great champion of the enemies, the driver of the enemies, the patron of the Christ-loving army and the offended intercessor, John the Warrior! Do not forget us sinners, praying to you and your help and asking for endless mercy, and grant us sinners and unworthy people the ineffable goodness to receive from God. For to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Prayer to the Lord God to return the money debt

If you lent a large sum and you can’t get it back, be sure to read a prayer to the Lord God that helps you repay your financial debt.

The borrower may be your closest friend with whom you do not want to spoil your relationship.

It is quite possible that he forgot about the debts or decided to “play” on your good nature.

Don't rush into swearing too much.

Just turn to the Lord God for help, reminding the debtor about the money through light energy channels.

First, visit an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about the health of the borrower.

Place 3 candles at the icon of Jesus Christ, saying these prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let the borrower return to me soon and deal with the matter successfully. Thy will be done. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and return back.

Additionally, buy 12 more candles for your home and orthodox icons Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Pleasant.

Secluded in the room, light candles. Place icons nearby.

Mentally imagine a borrower in good health coming to you with a financial debt.

You begin to repeatedly read the Orthodox prayer addressed to the Lord God.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I am not turning to you out of sinful self-interest, but for help in repaying my debt. Grant me a speedy payment and a substantial increase for the borrower. Let someone else's property not be found on the road, but let yours return as soon as possible. Thy will be done. Amen.

Now you can have no doubt: you will receive your financial debt “through the channels” of holy Orthodoxy.

Live in abundance!
