Night light for baby. How should a newborn sleep?

Organizing a children's room is not an easy task, but it is very exciting. You can use the services of a designer or realize your ideas using pictures from the Internet.

For pregnant women, this becomes part of the expectation of the baby, preparation for its birth. A newborn's room is his first home, where he will grow and develop, but the most important thing for a baby is his health. And here parents do not always know how to act, what things they will need first and what factors to pay attention to.

It is from the point of view of the child’s health that the advice of Dr. Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky from his best-selling book “Child Health and common sense his relatives" on organizing a nursery for a newborn.

It is sad to note that a children's room for many of our compatriots is a theoretical concept. The option in which only mom and dad are in the same room with the child is considered quite wonderful, but that’s not the point. Of fundamental importance is the fact that necessary for the child conditions may never, under any circumstances, be unsuitable for other family members.

If you have the opportunity to choose a room (with which I really want to congratulate you), then it is advisable that this room It was not a walk-through room and had access to a balcony. If you are so prosperous that you have several balconies and can choose the cardinal directions to which the windows of your room are oriented, choose the southwest, but this is not important - a room on the north side, but with a view of the garden, is better than a southwest room with a view to the motorway. The larger the room, the easier it will be for the baby to breathe in it and the more difficult it will be for you to maintain proper order in it.

The child does not need careful sealing of windows (to prevent drafts) and tight fitting of doors (to avoid drafts). If mom and dad are afraid of this, then tape it up and adjust it, but you don’t need to cover up your own frailty with caring for the newborn.

Important rule:

The room should have the minimum possible number of dust accumulations(carpets, rugs, books, unnecessary things). This is especially true for carpets, which in Lately have become almost an obligatory element of well-being. You should know that many microbes that quickly die in the air or during washing can survive for weeks and months in sources house dust: staphylococci, streptococci, diphtheria bacillus, salmonella (the list is incomplete, but I think this is enough).


  • the fewer carpets the better;
  • books are only behind glass;
  • be patient with soft toys;
  • the number of souvenirs hanging on the walls is moderate;
  • There is no storage of unnecessary things on cabinets, in corners and under beds.

There’s a lot you can’t give up, so:

  • all dust accumulators in the children's room (upholstered furniture, for example) must be constantly and systematically put in order using a vacuum cleaner;
  • it is advisable to strive to ensure that the surface of all objects can be subjected to wet cleaning;
  • if, due to the lack of storage rooms, you are simply forced to use the closet as a storage for not very necessary things (they lie on it, covered with dust), then wash them, fold them carefully and cover them with plastic wrap.
  • An aquarium cannot be a hindrance, and in some cases even useful (humidifies the air), especially if you know how to care for it and do not have the habit of bullying the fish, forcing them to absorb dry food. It is better to place a stuffed animal of a beloved parrot who suddenly died or the skin of a bear defeated by grandfather in an unequal struggle in grandfather’s room.

In the children's room we will need:

Crib- optimally wooden, it’s good when you can adjust the height of the bottom and sides. Commercially available wooden beds are quite acceptable, but the same cannot be said for the vast majority of mattresses. No pillows needed(regardless of softness and size) up to a year.

Baby changing table- a very desirable thing, although you can, of course, swaddle the baby on the sofa, on the coffee table, and in his own crib. As a rule, there is no need to purchase a special table - there is always a table in the house that you can do without for six months. It’s very good when the mother doesn’t have to bend over while swaddling her baby (this is about the height of the table).

Next to the changing table it would be nice to place a cabinet or shelf for storing baby things: hats, diapers, etc. Since we will use the changing table as a place where we will put the baby in order (wipe, wipe, cut, sprinkle, lubricate, treat), then directly on it or next to it (on a cabinet, for example) it would be necessary to place first aid kit and all sorts of cans(with cotton wool, with pacifiers, with pacifiers) and bottles(with water, oil).

Room thermometer- a necessary and useful thing. Just, most importantly, don’t get rid of yourself by following the path of beauty and size. Reliability comes first. A regular alcohol thermometer is optimal. Hang it near the child's bed at a height of about 1.5 meters from the floor.

Hygrometer is a device that measures and displays air humidity. Inexpensive electronic watches equipped with sensors for measuring room temperature and relative air humidity are quite suitable.

Most likely, you will sleep with your child in the same room for at least several months, so you need a small lamp (25 or 40 W bulb) that can be easily and quickly turned on (preferably without getting out of bed), without risking -or overturn.

Almost all books and textbooks on child care draw attention to the obvious fact that the baby's body temperature regulation mechanisms are imperfect, and therefore there is a high risk of hypothermia. From this, in general, absolutely correct position, the child’s parents often draw absolutely wrong conclusions. Protecting your baby from hypothermia is given top priority, to the point that purchasing an electric heater is one of the most mandatory steps when preparing to welcome a newborn. If, as we have already mentioned, the air temperature in the newborn ward of the maternity hospital should, in accordance with the instructions, be no lower than 22° (as a rule, it is higher), then parents who are afraid of everything will strive at any cost to ensure that it is below this figure ( temperature) did not drop at all. Panicically afraid of the cold, parents often don’t even think about the fact that the imperfection of thermoregulation mechanisms we mentioned is fraught not only with hypothermia, but also with overheating.

Metabolism in a newborn is very intense and is accompanied by the production of a significant amount of heat. The child’s body needs to get rid of this heat. This can be done in two ways - through the lungs and through the skin (direct heat transfer when two environments come into contact with different temperatures, plus sweat evaporation).

The air inhaled by a person (a newborn is no exception), reaching the lungs, heats up to body temperature. That is, the child inhales air with a temperature of 18°, and exhales, respectively, 36.6°. In this case, of course, a certain amount of heat is lost. If the temperature of the inhaled air is 23°, then it is obvious that heat loss is noticeably reduced. But you have to lose heat! And the child activates the second way of loss - through the skin. It is necessary to form sweat, which is not only wet, but also salty - this means that water and salts are lost, and the newborn’s reserves of both are very small.

Even with a slight lack of fluid, the functioning of all systems and organs is significantly disrupted. And you will definitely discover the consequences of these violations when you turn the child around. Overheating organized in the maternity hospital (as long as you don’t say that you have a cold) is first of all visible on the skin of your newborn - it is bright red, in those places where sweat accumulates, in the groin, for example, there is diaper rash. His tummy is swollen and painful (thick intestinal juices due to lack of fluid are difficult to digest food), there are white spots in his mouth - thrush (thick saliva due to lack of fluid does not perform its functions), dry crusts in the nose, making breathing difficult ( sometimes he can’t even suck), etc.

Regulating the temperature of a newborn can be accomplished by solving two problems:

  • Air temperature in the children's room.
  • Child's clothes.

Both of these problems must be solved immediately, on the very first day after returning from the hospital. The longer you take to get together and decide, the worse it will be for you and your baby, the greater the efforts you will subsequently need to catch up.

It is extremely important (!!!) not to confuse or confuse such concepts as “the child is cold” and “the temperature of the air that the child breathes.”

The optimal temperature in a child's room is 18-22 °C.

The higher, the worse. But for the rest of your life - both yours and your child's - you need to remember most important rule, allowing you to accept correct solution if in doubt:


Only this way and not otherwise, because we cannot, in no case should we forget that overheating a child is no less, and, as a rule, much more dangerous than hypothermia!

Natural conditions usually allow you to create optimal temperature regime(18-22 °C), but there are exceptions, and they are not uncommon. A child may be born in the hot season, in a country with a hot climate, in a city where heating system workers tend to be more diligent in their duties, etc.

Protect your child from overheating when high temperature indoors (above 22 °C) you can act in three directions:

  • clothing, or rather, the minimum amount of it;
  • sufficient intake of fluids into the child’s body other than milk (water);
  • bath.

Another factor - no less significant in comparison with the temperature in the children's room - relative humidity air.

The relevance of this parameter is extremely high specifically for children, and this is all connected with the same features of thermoregulation of infants that we previously mentioned. The exhaled air has body temperature and humidity of 100%. The drier the inhaled air, the more fluid the child’s body spends to hydrate it, and we have already reported what additional water losses lead to.

Most readers of this book live in very specific climatic conditions, when there is a heating season for at least six months (from October to April at best), and a fundamental feature of almost all heating systems is drying the air in residential areas.

The optimal relative humidity in a children's room is 50 -70%.

Heating the air, as a rule, leads to the fact that its humidity is on average two times lower than recommended. And the more the child’s relatives are concerned about the risk of freezing, the more actively the children’s room is heated - the drier the air, the higher the likelihood of health problems for the baby: drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (coughing, snorting), skin problems, thickening of the blood, etc. d.

The conclusion is obvious: controlling indoor air humidity and maintaining it at the proper level is the most important parental task. Frequent wet cleaning, open containers with water, spray bottles, decorative fountains, an aquarium are options for solving it. Modern technologies make achieving the goal less labor-intensive. The child’s relatives should at least know that there is such a simple, not particularly expensive and very effective contraption called a household air humidifier (they are steam and ultrasonic; the latter are quieter and safer).

Now let's pay attention to such a surprising phenomenon from an everyday point of view as a draft.

“DRAFT - a through wind, a stream of air blowing a room through openings located opposite each other.”

I wonder who was the first to come up with the idea of ​​what Nature can create? biological species, for whom a jet of air poses a formidable danger?

Dear people! It’s you and me who are afraid of drafts, because our parents protected us with everything possible ways from these very drafts. But what does the baby have to do with it? Of course, there is no need to go too far, but there are constant shouts: “Close the door quickly!” - do not lead to anything good. The child is afraid of the unknown. And you can’t live your life without ever encountering a draft. So it’s better to get to know him in infancy, having ceased to be afraid, than to shout at the whole bus as an adult and respectable man: “Close the window, it’s drafty!” From the moment you return from the maternity hospital, do not pay attention to whether the door to the room where the child is open or closed. From the point of view of his health, it does not matter where the bed is located and whether air enters it from a slightly open window. For a five-year-old child, already spoiled by the desire to protect him, it has. But for a newborn - no.

The fear of the dark haunts children from birth; many children, waking up in the middle of the night, are capable of getting quite a serious fright, which will then be very difficult to cure. Most new parents underestimate the importance of proper night lighting in the room where the newborn baby sleeps. Meanwhile, psychologists, especially children's psychologists, insist on the mandatory presence of a night light, and not only in the room where the baby sleeps, but also in any children's room.
Having installed a small night light, you no longer have to worry about unexpected obstacles when getting up at night. And you will have to get up quite often to change and feed the baby. Another advantage of using a night light is that when mom gets up at night, she doesn’t need to turn on the main lighting. The baby is not afraid of a suddenly lit bright light.
Today, the industry of goods and accessories for newborns offers very big choice night lights for newborns. In order not to make a mistake and choose the ideal lamp for your particular case, you need to know how they differ and which model has which advantages.

What is a baby night light for newborns?

A night light for a newborn is a small and not very bright lamp that should be placed close to the baby's crib. The lamp must be installed so close that it provides enough light to the baby and mother when the baby needs to be changed or fed. But at the same time, it should be located far enough so as not to blind the baby and not interfere with his sleep.
When choosing a night light for a child, pay attention first of all to what material it is made of. Remember, plastic is bad in this case choice, because when heated, plastic begins to release odor and harmful substances. The ideal option would be a glass night light, but it also has special requirements.

  1. Strength— if you are buying a glass lamp, give preference to a product made from tempered glass. If such a lamp breaks, it will not harm the child, because its fragments are not sharp.
  2. Brightness– after all, a night light is not just a lamp, and therefore the brightness should be dim, so to speak, soft light.
  3. Color- you don’t need to take a night light made of bright glass, for example red, it will fill the room with a bloody light, and this does not at all contribute to calmness or tranquility.
  4. Sound— if you choose a musical night light, be sure to check what melody is built into it. The thing is that a melody that is too intense or too fast is a bad choice for a newborn; it is better to give preference to lullabies and calm sounds - for example, the sound of rushing water or the sounds of nature. If you choose a night light with several melodies, listen to each one separately to know which one will be ideal for the night time.

Important!!! Do not buy lamps that are too bright; they will provide too much light and disturb your child's sleep.

Types of children's night lights

Now modern industry can offer the consumer a large selection of night lights of all types. In order not to make a mistake in choosing and to purchase exactly the product you require in your particular case, you need to know what the features or advantages of a particular model are.

      • Night light projector for newborns- most often such products are produced in in the form of little animals or some fairy-tale characters. The main feature of such a night light is that the projector built into it, when turned on, projects various images, pictures, figures, and so on onto the ceiling and walls of the children's room. Most often, nightlights and projectors are equipped with a rotating mechanism, which allows the rays of light to move. If you have just such a projector, do not place it at high speeds, this may irritate the baby with the circulation of rays. In general, it is best for a newborn if the lamp is set to calm mode, that is, the light will not move.
      • Night light-projector on the crib— in principle, no different from a regular night light-protector, but if a regular one is installed on a bedside table or hung on the wall, then such a projector is installed directly on the back of the crib. A very convenient option, especially if it is not possible to place a table or stand for a night light near the crib. In general, for newborns this is the most ideal lighting option because the baby will see the light source.
      • Musical night light projector for newborns- the same usual one A night light is a projector for newborns, but in addition to the movement function, it also has a built-in melody playback function. Previously, manufacturers offered musical lamps with one melody, but now night lights with several different melodies have appeared on sale. Their main feature The point is that you can set both the mode of step-by-step playback of all melodies, and selective playback of one particular melody. By the way, according to psychologists, just such a night light is ideal for a newborn, but do not forget about adjusting the sound - the night light should sound quietly without disturbing the baby’s calm.
      • Sensory night light for newborns or as it is also commonly called a smart lamp. The peculiarity of this night light is that it turns on itself when the room is plunged into evening darkness and turns off by itself when daylight comes. Of course, such a night light can be called an ideal option, both for a newborn and for an older baby’s nursery, but to be honest, given the high, or rather very high high price he is far from ideal. But if you want just such a lamp, remember that you need to handle it extremely carefully - you cannot wash it, moisture will damage the sensor, it is also not advisable to give it to a child, in addition, it is difficult to adjust the brightness and intensity of the lighting. Another important nuance is that if such a lamp suddenly breaks down, you are unlikely to find a workshop for it.
      • Children's night light-clock— most often this model includes three functions: night light, clock, and alarm clock for mom. This is not to say that this is an ideal option for a newborn, or rather the opposite. The thing is that such a night light is designed to give a musical signal at a clearly set time, and this is not particularly good for a newborn, because a sound in the middle of the night that can wake up a mother for an hour-long feeding of the baby can frighten the child. And therefore such a night light, of course useful thing, but not for a child’s room, for a baby it is better to choose a projector night light or a sound night light, from which the melody always flows, and does not sound sharply by the hour.
      • Children's night light wall lamp— probably the most practical night lamp for children in its simplicity. Well, firstly, installed on the wall in close proximity to the crib, it illuminates the child and his cradle does not disturb the other inhabitants of the room. Secondly, the lighting intensity can also be ideally minimal, which in turn is very convenient for parents for whom the light may interfere with proper rest. In general, a children's night light-wall lamp is the most convenient option also because it can be placed not just at the head of the bed or on the side of the crib itself, but in any part of the room, then it will dispel the darkness and will not disturb the child.

Portable night light a convenient option primarily for mothers, because with it you can move around the room and, if necessary, find things needed in a particular situation, for example, a pacifier, diapers, and so on. In addition, such a lamp can be placed not directly next to the baby’s crib, but for example on a table, but if necessary, you can take it and bring it to the crib.

Do you need a children's night light?

Well, on this issue, the opinions of psychologists, frankly speaking, are divided, some say that it is necessary, others that it is not necessary. For example, if we talk about hourly feeding, then yes, a lamp is very necessary. Because, when hungry, the baby will wake up in pitch darkness and be scared.
Not the darkness itself, little children are not afraid of the dark, they are simply worried about an unusual situation and unusual sensations, and then a mother or a night light turns on, another aggravation of an unusual situation, or even picks them up in complete darkness, and this is a serious blow to the child’s psyche . Therefore, we conclude that yes, a night light is needed, it is simply necessary in some situations.
On the other hand, a child, one might say, from the first days of life will learn to sleep with light and as he grows up, he will develop the concept that darkness is bad and scary, and this is also not a slight violation of the child’s psyche. In general, an ideal option for gradually accustoming your baby to the dark is a night light with adjustable light intensity that will come to your aid. When will the baby reach full-fledged age? night sleep You should gradually reduce the intensity of the light every night until the moment comes when you can simply turn off the lights without upsetting your baby.

Which night light to choose for a newborn baby?

Most parents, trying to give their baby the best, even prefer to choose a lamp for newborns, so to speak, with bells and whistles, namely a projector lamp with a melody, rotating on its own, changing the light intensity, and so on. Of course, this is a normal desire loving parents give the baby all the best, but in fact this is not at all necessary. There are several special rules that need to be followed when choosing this accessory for a child's room.

  1. Quality— first of all, a lamp for a newborn should be of high quality. Buy only certified products with a quality mark.
  2. Size- Believe me, it’s better to buy a small lamp for the crib than a huge sconce lamp for the wall.
  3. Brightness— a lamp for newborns is not a spotlight, and therefore the brightness should be minimal.
  4. Sound— the musical lamp should play quietly and the music should be calm and smooth.

Important!!! Do not buy plastic lamps; they are harmful to health and do not last long.

Night light for newborns: reviews from parents

      • Vladimir, 27 years old. Moscow.“When my wife gave birth to my son, I was overjoyed and rushed to buy all the children’s things to decorate the nursery. I also bought a sensory night light, a very convenient thing by the way, considering that the baby sleeps most of the time, no worries - it got dark outside the window, the flashlight turned on, the day came, the flashlight went out, perfect convenient.”
      • Alla, 29 years old. Krasnodar.“With the advent of our second baby, we didn’t think about whether we needed a lamp for a newborn or not, it’s clear that we do. At one time, the eldest son had a night light. We bought a projector lamp, and frankly, we regretted it - it’s wildly annoying with its whirlwind. We used it for two days and bought an ordinary small sconce, hung it over the crib and that’s it, no worries.”
      • Olya, 23 years old. Kursk“I myself am very afraid of the dark, and therefore, when our baby was born, we bought him a special children’s lamp for his crib, and not a simple one, but a projector. To be honest, it didn’t produce any particularly exciting effect, well, of course it’s beautiful, but the lamp as a lamp is nothing special.”
      • Natasha, 22 years old. Novosibirsk“When choosing a lamp for our baby, we went through a lot of options and settled on a musical projector lamp with several melodies. A very interesting and useful thing - it’s convenient for me to feed the baby, I don’t need to turn on the light, and the baby likes to fall asleep to quiet and gentle music.”
      • Galina, 25 years old. Saint Petersburg.“Among the huge selection of lamps for newborns, I chose the Children’s Night Light-Clock for a reason, because it is very convenient to control the baby’s feeding hours. This lamp greatly simplified my life even when the baby grew up and moved into his own room. Cool choice, useful purchase, I recommend.”
      • Oksana, 24 years old. Moscow.“One of the main and most necessary accessories for a child’s room can rightfully be considered a lamp for newborns. I don’t know about anyone, but I couldn’t manage without this little thing, and the baby fell asleep better with the music and woke up calmly and quite cheerfully for feeding. This is really a nanny lamp.”

Before the baby is born or immediately after, parents try to buy everything they need for their comfortable existence. The crib, bed linen, canopy, mobile, feeding accessories, and rattles “settle” in the place where the baby will grow up. And, according to experienced parents, a night light for a newborn would not be a superfluous purchase. It perfectly solves the lighting problem when you need to approach your baby at night. Some models also entertain, soothe and put a newborn to sleep. And this is so important when a mother does not have the strength or time to sing a song or rock her child.

Night lights for newborns. What are they needed for

Most young parents believe that a baby should not be plunged into pitch darkness even at night. There must certainly be a source of low light in the room, near his or his parent’s bed.

Soft, dim and diffused light supposedly calms the baby. In addition, it is convenient for adults when they need to approach it in the middle of the night. You won’t turn on the overhead lights, you could scare the child. It is for such purposes that there is a night light for a newborn. And these devices, if they are bright, animalistic or fairy-tale, serve as an unusual decoration for the nursery and harmoniously complement it.

Night light for a newborn. What is it like?

Let's start with the fact that night lights can be expensive or not very expensive, ordinary, projector, sounded with music or without it. There are also toy nightlights that, in addition to their intended purpose, serve as fun for the baby. Night light for a newborn who has additional functions, also performs a training task. Depending on the available modes, it develops gaze concentration, color perception, etc. They are equipped with several melodies, including classical works, sounds of nature, and animals. In addition, a night light projector for newborns is very popular today. Let's take a closer look at its characteristics.

Projector night lights. Characteristics

Projector night lights are usually made in the shape of an animal or in another funny form.

Their main feature is the presence of a projector, which, depending on the topic, broadcasts various pictures and images onto the ceiling and walls of the room. These are basically projections of the night sky with several constellations, sea ​​creatures or magical heroes.

To make it easier to understand, let’s look at their functions using the example of the “First Dreams” night light from Chicco. This is a night light toy, which is decorated with a sitting gnome.

The device is easy to remove and wash, you can play with it. The device plays several sounds (Rossini, Bach), as well as nature sounds to calm your baby before bed. With the help of a projector, the room turns into a planetarium: stars “come to life” on the ceilings and walls, introducing the little one to astronomical phenomena. The atmosphere of the starry sky puts not only the child, but also the adults next to him to sleep. It should be noted that the music, light and projector modes can work alternately, and there is also an automatic shutdown mode. The night light operates on batteries and can be used as a regular table lamp.

There are many reasons that prevent your baby from sleeping." baby's sleep" You will be able to cope with most of them by the end of the first year of life. It is important to remember that only adults can understand what interferes with a calm newborn sleep, and remove these obstacles...

First months of life infant rarely are the times. But time is running, and everything falls into place. As a rule, sleep disturbances are a temporary phenomenon; this is part of, an indicator of its adaptation to the outside world. When your treasures grow, most of them will not be lifted by a gun!

Putting a child to sleep day after day is the first test of the strength of young parents. You should always remember that a child’s sleep is inextricably linked with emotional state mother, with a special relationship connecting her with her baby. And it is thanks to her that the newborn will enter the correct rhythm of life. The care with which the parents surround the baby, the feeling of security, boundless trust in warm hands, confident and affectionate touches, tenderness in the voice - all this will allow him to serenely surrender to the power of sleep... Meanwhile, adults will need a lot of patience, perseverance and humor to calmly pass through the trials of the first years of life. You are about to find out that there are children with good sleep and restless, babies who sleep serenely in their crib, and those who run out of it as fast as they can! Of course, you will have to adapt to the sleep pattern of your child, whatever it may be... But only until you find the answer to the most exciting question: what prevents your baby from sleeping peacefully in his crib all night?

Here we go again!

Every day at a certain hour, most of the kids give the same concert. This phase usually occurs between 18 and 22 hours, and it is impossible to skip it even if the day went well. Your newborn may cry for an hour or two, despite your best efforts to calm him down. Just like a schoolboy who flies off the handle after school, or an adult who can flare up after a hard day at work. Then he, tired during the day from the abundance of new impressions, “switches off.” These bouts of crying, repeated day after day, help the baby relieve the stress accumulated during the day and precede the transition from wakefulness to sleep. It's imperfect, but nonetheless effective way self-soothing, which the baby “invented” to help himself fall asleep. When he grows up, he will have other ways, for example, he will dream. But now he needs your help and care so that crying really helps him calm down and does not turn into hysteria. Pick up your baby and rock him to give him warmth and a sense of security. You can use a kangaroo backpack to be able to go about your business, the baby will be calmed by the rhythm of your movements. Does he keep crying? This is a “healing” cry that will help him relax.

Try to remain calm; the child senses your anxiety and impatience. If you feel tired and irritated, pass the baton to your father or another person in your family. close circle. After some time, this phase will shorten and your baby will only need a few minutes of whimpering before falling asleep peacefully.

Remember that the sleep of the little ones is organized differently from ours. Up to six months, it consists of two phases: restless sleep at the beginning of the cycle and calm sleep at the end. During “restless” sleep, the child moves a lot, tosses and turns, smiles, frowns, and his eyes may be slightly open. Don't worry and try to “calm down” the baby. This phase is necessary for normal functioning nervous system and to process information received during the day.

Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Do not rush to the baby at the slightest cry. Give him the opportunity to fall asleep on his own; do not run to the baby if he begins to move or toss and turn in his cradle. Is he crying quietly? He may simply be between two sleep cycles and will most likely be able to fall asleep on his own. Try waiting two to three minutes. Is the crying getting worse? Take your baby in your arms; he may be feeling unwell, scared or hungry.
  2. Many parents prefer to leave the baby's cradle in their room. Of course, it’s convenient if your child sleeps next to you, because you often have restless nights. In addition, many mothers feel emptiness and anxiety if the baby is not around. But already at 3-4 months, when the newborn begins to fall asleep on his own, it is very important that he has his own room or corner, separated from the parent’s bed. Parents need to revive intimate relationships, and their child - to learn to sleep alone.
  3. Sometimes, when they find themselves in a new environment, children return to their old habits and demand that you be nearby when they sleep. At this age, changes in the environment are of great importance, so in order for a child to feel confident, he needs to listen to your breathing and feel warmth. But this does not mean that when you return home you will continue to sleep next to each other. You should explain the rules to your baby again: he must fall asleep on his own in his room, just as he did before the vacation. It is possible that he will refuse to go to bed or will cry for several nights until he gets used to the usual rhythm again...
  4. Share your sleepy worries with dad. Your baby intuitively senses what you feel: your doubts, your guilt over his crying, and your desire to immediately pick him up and calm him down. You risk becoming his “slave” if the child’s father does not periodically replace you in your post. Dad’s attitude is usually stricter, the tone of voice is lower and more confident, the gaze is tougher... With a father, your son or daughter, as a rule, knows the boundary that should not be crossed!
  5. Don't bother your baby unnecessarily. If your baby is over 5 months old and can already roll over, there is no need to worry too much about him sleeping on his stomach. Many mothers are afraid that the baby will have difficulty breathing... If the child is able to roll over, then he may well turn his head and lift it if something prevents him from breathing. There is absolutely no reason to bother your baby by turning him over several times a night. But, nevertheless, in the evening, place the child on his back, without a pillow, and cover him with a light blanket.
  6. If your baby's naps are divided into short periods throughout the day, it can make it difficult to establish long periods of sleep and wakefulness. If a child is accustomed to such “broken” sleep during the day, he can reproduce a similar pattern at night. And on this occasion, wake you up several times a night. Try to organize daytime naps so that your child does not have to sleep in fits and starts. Then he will be able to sleep peacefully at night, without feeling the need to take a break. Watch for the first signs of drowsiness. By the end of the first year, the internal clock is finally adjusted. The baby goes to bed at about the same time.
  7. Don't miss this moment! He yawns, whines, rubs his eyes, sucks thumb, clutching your favorite toy to your chest? Time to go to bed. Don't put it off under the pretext that you haven't seen your child all day.
Children should not be allowed to sleep with the light on, as this disrupts the functioning of the so-called “clock genes”, which are responsible for changing periods of sleep and wakefulness in the body. This is evidenced by the results of a joint study of Japanese and American scientists published in Japan.

During experiments that experts carried out on mice, it was found that in experimental subjects with the light constantly on, the mentioned genes began to malfunction and the time of awakening and falling asleep in animals was different. For the same mice in which the “time of day” changed every 12 hours, no anomalies were found. One of the important results of the study was that it now confirmed the need to strictly regulate lighting in incubators in which premature babies are placed. According to experts, the mechanism of operation of “clock genes” in mice and humans is almost identical. Vzglyad reports this.

Bright light at night causes cancer

Also in Soviet time It has been proven that bright light at night, also known as “light pollution” environment"causes cancer because it interferes with the formation of the hormone melatonin (which the body produces only in the dark). However, scientists do not stop studying the phenomenon, apparently assuming that the new is the well-forgotten old. Another experiment was carried out by Professor Abraham Haim from the University of Haifa. Four groups of mice were injected with cancer cells and then given different light conditions. The first group was given a long day - 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness. The second group also had a long day, but they were given melatonin. The third had a short day, eight hours. And the fourth group in the middle long night bright lights were turned on for half an hour. The result was this: in mice short day the tumor grew to 0.85 cm3, with a long day - 5.92 cm3. Half an hour of light at night provided 1.84 cm3, and melatonin during long days turned out to be beneficial - the tumor size in these mice was only 0.62 cm3.

“Light pollution is a concern for medical professionals around the world. The WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer has already identified shifts in night length as factors that increase the risk of the disease,” notes Professor Haim. This was reported by Chemistry and Life with reference to the NewsWise agency.
