Cattle breeding: features and prospects. Which equipment to choose

The number of cows is strictly taken into account in our country and abroad, since these animals are of particular value in agricultural activities. In many countries, growing large cattle occupies a leading position in agriculture. From the main products obtained - meat and milk - you can get secondary ones - such as sour cream, cheese, butter, kefir, sausages. This list is far from complete. The demand for such products is quite high and continues to grow along with the number of livestock in the world.

World cow population statistics

Almost all countries in the world are involved in livestock farming - some are more active, others not so much. The cattle population also includes animals such as yak, Indian buffalo and other less known species. They have similar physiology and different countries Domesticated species of bovines are called cattle.

Animal tour gave birth modern look Cattle. It is very difficult to answer the question of how many cows there are in the world according to the latest data, since this figure is changing quickly. At the beginning of 2017 there were approximately 1.3 billion heads.

The domestication of animals began in Asian countries, and specifically in Northern India. The domestication of cows in Europe occurred much later. It was not an easy task. Compared to goats and sheep, aurochs were difficult for humans to control. Cattle were the “supplier” of milk and meat.

Country rating

India is the leader in the number of cattle, but beef production is not developed there, since religion prohibits the consumption of cows for food. Despite everything, it is a noticeable leader in the world ranking - over 50 million heads. The cow in this country is a sacred animal, but some residents eat beef. In addition, dairy breeds are bred.

In the European Union, the number of livestock is 23.5 million, and it is in second place. But here the population is much smaller. Brazil came in third place. This is approximately 20.7 million heads of livestock. Every year there is a noticeable increase here. In this country, many farmers raise cows, and special farms are opened for raising calves.

Fourth place

The United States can be ranked fourth in terms of the number of cattle - 9.3 million. The majority of farms are located in the western part. They pay attention to the production of meat and skins. Huge herds find their food on pastures and only in the cold season receive additional food in the form of feed. China claims fifth place. There are approximately 8.7 million animals here. The reason for the low position in the ranking is that the country gives preference to small livestock, while cattle are mainly used as draft animals.

And although the first place is given to India, cows there mostly just live near people. And the huge number of animals is due only to the ban on killing cows. The production of milk and related products is the primary cattle-related activity in the country. While, for example, in America cows are kept specifically for the production of beef and skins. Animals occupy large areas of land and gather in huge herds. But in some Asian countries, cattle are used as pack and draft animals.

Russian statistics

Russian livestock farming is strengthening its position thanks to commercial sphere. Compared to previous years, the volume of agricultural products in 2017 increased significantly. The cattle population in Russia consists of dairy and dairy-meat breeds. However, in past years there was a serious reduction in this category, while there was an active increase in the number of beef cattle.

In the Russian Federation, the following leaders in livestock production are noted:

  • Bashkortostan (last year 2016 showed the largest population, as a percentage of the entire country it was 5.8%);
  • Tatarstan (the number of heads has increased noticeably and in 2016 amounted to 5.3% of all cattle in the country);
  • Dagestan (slightly behind second place and gaining 5.2%);
  • Altai region slightly ahead, but gaining 2.7% for 2016;
  • Rostov region amounted to 3.1% of the total livestock population in Russia.

Other regions

All other regions of the country are also actively involved in livestock farming, but the top five have been the largest leaders for several years. However, the lag behind other regions is not too great. The smallest percentage for 2016 is gaining Irkutsk region – 1,6%.

The distribution density of cows in Russia, given its vast territory, is not the same. These animals are not at all suitable for living in areas Far North. The main herds live in the south of the country, as well as in its central and Far Eastern parts. This is where the lushest grasses and water meadows are located. Accordingly, the livestock in these areas is the largest.

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Cattle(abbr. cattle) - farm animals of the “Bulls” subfamily. The main purpose of cattle breeding is the production of meat and the production of skins and sometimes wool. Additional income in each of the main areas there is pedigree breeding with the aim of selling young animals.

Of the mandatory in any of the directions, you will definitely need agricultural machinery for the preparation and transportation of feed, animals, hand tools, a hayloft, a calf barn, areas for walking and grazing cattle, a barn with stands, thanks to which it becomes more convenient to feed the animals, as well as to carry out control.

You should immediately think about veterinary medicine, as livestock can become very seriously ill and dangerous diseases such as anthrax, various flus, in which all livestock are sent to slaughter. Every farmer must keep his production premises, pastures and carry out periodic processing required by veterinary medicine.

Depending on the capabilities of the peasant farm, climatic features, as well as requirements for meat, several systems for keeping cattle are used:

  • Stall-pasture. They are kept indoors in winter (with regular walking in pens), and in summer on pasture. IN warm seasons pen-camps are equipped in which animals are kept. Each cow has access to greens, water, and mineral elements.
  • Stall-walking system. With it, the herd is kept indoors with mandatory daily walks in special runs, platforms, and mechanized installations.

Farmers often build sheds under which bulls and cows rest or hide from bad weather.

Breeding bulls for meat

Meat breeds

Because the trend recent years breeding of meat-producing breeds began High Quality, for example, marbled, then we will list first of all the meat breeds that have marbleization. Many of them are already being bred by enterprising businessmen in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Aberdeen Angus

This breed is naturally prone to marbling, and proper fattening and care can produce meat of the highest marble category - completely permeated with the thinnest layers of fat, very juicy and tender. Angus gains weight in the region of 1 ton and has a height of up to 1.6 meters. They were bred in Scotland, from where they spread throughout the world, including the CIS countries.


Limousines grow up to 1.5 meters in height and weigh about 1 ton. The meat is very tender, juicy with varying degrees marbling. It is the most exported among French breeds.


Originally from France, it grows up to 1.5 meters in height and weighs about 1,500 kilograms. The best bulls of this breed have a genetic defect in the form of increased production of the protein myostatin, which is responsible for increasing muscle mass. But it is impossible to carry out selection on this basis. However, normal Charolais also produce excellent marbled and lean meat.


Height is about 1.5 meters, weight is about 1100 kg. Herefords come from England and were bred as meat breeds. It is quite unpretentious, so it occupies one of the most important places in the meat market. When properly fattened, the meat is very well marbled.


It was bred in England and is one of the most common. Shorthorns are characterized by high early maturity. The weight of cows is 500-600 kg, bulls - 800-1000 kg. The meat is very tender, juicy, with fat evenly permeated. The average slaughter yield is around 65%.

Grain and grass fed

This example Suitable for both large and small farms.

useful links

  • Codex Alimentarius - Code of Hygienic Practice for Meat developed by FAO
  • Everything related to cattle // Forum, communication between farmers on this topic

Cattle breeding in Russia in 2016, data as of October 1

Cattle breeding in Russia in 2016- a review article prepared by specialists of the Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center" based on Rosstat data. The materials of the article include statistical data on the number of cattle, beef and milk production in 2013-2016, including by category of farms, by quarter. Long-term trends (since 2001) are presented at the link - Livestock farming in Russia. Review backed up useful links, complementing the material.

Number of cattle (cattle) in 2016

The total number of cattle (dairy, beef, meat and dairy breeds) in Russia as of October 1, 2016 on farms of all categories totaled 19,456.1 thousand heads. Including, the number of cows amounted to 8,322.4 thousand heads. Compared to October 1, 2015, the livestock population decreased by 1.8% or 358.3 thousand heads, by October 1, 2014 - by 3.7% or by 751.1 thousand heads, by October 1, 2013 - by 5.1% or by 1042.0 thousand heads.

Let us recall that the main part of the cattle herd in Russia is dairy and dairy-meat breeds. Overall reduction over the course of a number of years, the number of livestock has been achieved precisely at the expense of this category of cattle. Compared to 2001, as a result of optimizing production efficiency (culling low-yielding cows), it decreased by 29.0%. At the same time, as a result of the increase in milk yield per cow, milk production in the country is relatively stable (in the period from 2001 to 2015 it fluctuates between 31-33 million tons). See Milk production in Russia.

At the same time, there has been a significant increase in the number of beef cattle. For more information about the trends in the development of the beef cattle breeding industry in Russia (data on livestock by region, on the import of purebred pedigree cattle by breed, on the dynamics of development of pedigree cattle breeding in the Russian Federation), see the links:

The structure of the cattle population as of October 1, 2016 was distributed as follows: 43.5% belonged to agricultural organizations, 12.4% to peasant farms, 44.1% to household households.

Number of cattle (cattle) in 2016 by region

The region with the largest cattle population (total number of dairy and beef cattle, including cows) as of October 1, 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1120.1 thousand heads). The republic's share in the total cattle population in Russia was 5.8%. Compared to the same date in 2015, the cattle population here decreased by 8.8% or by 108.5 thousand heads.

In second place is the Republic of Tatarstan with a livestock of 1030.6 thousand heads (5.3% of the all-Russian livestock). Compared to October 1, 2015, the reduction in livestock was 0.8% or 8.4 thousand heads.

The third place is occupied by the Republic of Dagestan with a share of the total livestock of 5.2% (1007.5 thousand heads). In this region, there is an increase in the number of livestock - by 0.9% or 9.3 thousand heads over the year.

The Altai Territory is in 4th place in the Russian Federation in terms of cattle population as of October 1, 2016 (820.1 thousand heads). The share in the entire cattle population was 4.2%. Over the year, the livestock decreased by 2.7% or 22.7 thousand heads.

In the Rostov region, with a livestock of 601.0 thousand heads, the share in the all-Russian livestock was 3.1%. Compared to October 1, 2015, the livestock decreased by 1.8% or 11.1 thousand heads.

6. Orenburg region- 577.0 thousand heads, share in the total cattle population in Russia - 3.0%.

7. Krasnodar region- 541.3 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Republic of Kalmykia - 523.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.

9. Trans-Baikal Territory - 485.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

10. Novosibirsk region - 483.3 thousand heads, 2.5%.

11. Voronezh region- 464.1 thousand heads, 2.4%.

12. Bryansk region- 463.4 thousand heads, 2.4%.

13. Omsk region - 434.0 thousand heads, 2.2%.

14. Krasnoyarsk region- 432.6 thousand heads, 2.2%.

15. Saratov region - 430.3 thousand heads, 2.2%.

16. Republic of Buryatia - 415.3 thousand heads, 2.1%.

17. Stavropol Territory - 382.8 thousand heads, 2.0%.

18. Udmurt republic- 350.2 thousand heads, 1.8%.

19. Chelyabinsk region- 346.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

20. Irkutsk region - 315.6 thousand heads, 1.6%.

As of October 1, 2016, the cattle population in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 totaled 8,232.1 thousand heads (42.3% of the total cattle population in Russia).

Beef production in 2016

Beef production in Russia (total, from both dairy and beef cattle) in January-September 2016, according to AB-Center calculations, amounted to 953.0 thousand tons in terms of slaughter weight (1,677.2 thousand tons in live weight according to Rosstat).

Compared to January-September 2015, beef production decreased by 1.3% (by 12.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight). Over two years, compared to January-September 2014, the decrease was 2.9% (28.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight); over 3 years, beef production in the Russian Federation decreased by 1.0% (by 9.2 thousand . tons).

An increase in production is observed only in peasant- farms, where in January-September 2016 they produced 80.6 thousand tons of beef in slaughter weight. Over the past 3 years, by January-September 2013, the increase in beef production here amounted to 33.4% (20.0 thousand tons).

In agricultural organizations over 3 years, production volume decreased by 0.1% (0.2 thousand tons), in households - by 5.5% (29.1 thousand tons).

In the structure of beef production in January-September 2016, 39.5% came from agricultural organizations, about 52.1% from households, 8.5% from peasant farms.

Beef production in 2016 by region

Important! Data on beef production by region of Russia are presented in terms of slaughter weight.

The main producer of beef in Russia in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan. During this period, its share in the total volume of beef production in the Russian Federation reached 7.1% (67.9 thousand tons). Compared to January-September 2015, the volume decreased by 13.1% or 10.2 thousand tons.

In second place in terms of beef production in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Tatarstan with a share of 5.5% (52.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight). In the republic, production volumes compared to the same period in 2015 increased by 5.3% or 2.6 thousand tons.

The Rostov region ranks third in beef production in January-September 2016 - 41.4 thousand tons (4.3% of total production). There is also an increase of 5.2% or 2.0 thousand tons.

In January-September 2016, the Altai Territory produced 40.8 thousand tons of beef in slaughter weight, which is 3.9% or 1.6 thousand tons less than in the same period in 2015. The share of the Altai Territory in all-Russian beef production in 2016 was 4.3% (4th place in the Russian Federation).

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September 2016, 40.2 thousand tons of beef were produced (4.2% of total production, 5th place in the Russian Federation). The growth compared to January-September 2015 was 2.1% or 0.8 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions TOP 20 beef producing regions

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 38.8 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in total beef production - 4.1%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (27.6 thousand tons, 2.9%).

8. Saratov region (26.7 thousand tons, 2.8%).

9. Volgograd region (26.4 thousand tons, 2.8%).

10. Bryansk region (24.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).

11. Stavropol Territory (23.7 thousand tons, 2.5%).

12. Novosibirsk region (21.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

13. Orenburg region (21.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory (21.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).

15. Omsk region (19.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Samara Region(18.1 thousand tons, 1.9%).

17. Oryol Region(16.8 thousand tons, 1.8%).

18. Belgorod region(15.3 thousand tons, 1.6%).

19. Sverdlovsk region(15.2 thousand tons, 1.6%).

20. Republic of Kalmykia (15.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of beef in January-September 2016 in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 amounted to 378.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight (39.7% of total beef production).

Milk production in 2016

Milk production in Russia in farms of all categories in January-September 2016 amounted to 24,031.9 thousand tons. Compared to the same period in 2015, milk yield decreased by 0.7% or 163.0 thousand tons. Compared to the same period in 2014 - by 0.9% or 224.4 thousand tons, by January-September 2013 - by 0.8% or 203.8 thousand tons.

The increase in production occurred in agricultural organizations and peasant farms. Thus, over 3 years (in January-September 2016, compared to January-September 2013), milk production in agricultural organizations increased by 5.8% or 632.2 thousand tons. In peasant farms, the growth was 15.0% or 210.4 thousand tons. In households, there is a decrease in production volumes by 8.8% or 1,046.4 thousand tons.

In the structure of milk production in January-September 2016, 48.0% came from agricultural organizations, 45.3% from households, 6.7% from peasant farms.

Milk production in 2016 by region

The leader in milk production in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1,425.5 thousand tons). The republic's share in total milk production in the Russian Federation was 5.9%. Compared to January-September 2015, production increased by 0.4% or 5.5 thousand tons.

In second place is the Republic of Tatarstan with figures of 1,373.8 thousand tons (5.7% of total milk yield in the Russian Federation). The growth compared to the same period in 2015 was 1.0% or 13.8 thousand tons.

Altai Territory ranks third with a share of total production of 4.6% (1,112.5 thousand tons). There is a decrease in milk yield compared to January-September 2015 by 0.9% or 10.6 thousand tons.

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September 2016, milk yield amounted to 1,018.8 thousand tons (4.2% of all-Russian milk production). Compared to the same period in 2015, production increased by 1.2% or 12.1 thousand tons.

The Rostov region closes the top five leading regions in milk production in January-September 2016 - 846.3 thousand tons (3.5% of total milk production). The decrease compared to January-September 2015 was 0.02% or 0.1 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions TOP 20 milk producing regions in farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 660.6 thousand tons, share in all-Russian milk production - 2.7%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (645.1 thousand tons, 2.7%).

8. Orenburg region (619.8 thousand tons, 2.6%).

9. Saratov region (587.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Udmurt Republic (580.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

11. Krasnoyarsk Territory (562.2 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Novosibirsk region (535.3 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Omsk region (512.8 thousand tons, 2.1%).

14. Stavropol Territory (504.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

15. Sverdlovsk region (501.2 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Nizhny Novgorod Region(474.7 thousand tons, 2.0%).

17. Moscow region (472.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

18. Leningrad region(458.9 thousand tons, 1.9%).

19. Kirov region (458.4 thousand tons, 1.9%).

20. Tyumen region (426.4 thousand tons, 1.8%).

The total milk production in January-September 2016 in farms of all categories in regions not included in the TOP 20 amounted to 10,254.7 thousand tons (42.7% of total milk production).

Livestock farming in Russia

Livestock farming in Russia- analytical article prepared by specialists of the Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center" Materials include both general information on livestock farming in Russia, as well as statistical data on its individual sectors. This review is supported by useful links that complement the material.

Livestock farming in Russia, along with crop production, forms the industry Agriculture country, which is one of the key sectors of the economy. At the same time, livestock farming is also divided into a number of industries.

The main branches of livestock farming in Russia include pig breeding, cattle breeding (dairy and meat), poultry farming (meat and egg), sheep breeding and goat breeding. Livestock farming also includes such branches as horse breeding, reindeer husbandry, beekeeping, and rabbit breeding.

AB-Center articles devoted to individual sectors of livestock farming in Russia:

Livestock production in Russia - total production volumes

At the end of 2015, livestock farming in Russia provided 47.7% of all agricultural products produced in value terms. Accordingly, 52.3% fell on the Russian crop production industry.

The volume of livestock products produced in all categories of farms (the commercial sector, which includes agricultural organizations and peasant farms, and the non-commercial sector - household farms) in Russia in 2015 in value terms is 2,400.4 billion rubles. Compared to 2014, the cost of livestock products increased by 14.5% or 303.8 billion rubles. Over 5 years it grew by 71.9% or by 1004.1 billion rubles. Over 10 years - by 237.5% or 1689.2 billion rubles.

Sustainable development of livestock farming in Russia is carried out mainly through the industrial (commercial) sector. The total volume of livestock products produced by agricultural organizations and farms in the Russian Federation increased compared to 2014 in actual prices by 18.0% or by 227.6 billion rubles. and reached 1,491.8 billion rubles in 2015. Compared to 2010, the growth was already 107.8% or 773.9 billion rubles, by 2005 - 336.8% or 1,150.3 billion rubles.

In households, the cost of production in 2015 increased compared to 2014 by 9.2% or by 76.2 billion rubles. and reached 908.6 billion rubles, by 2010 - by 33.9% or by 230.2 billion rubles, by 2005 - by 145.8% or by 538.9 billion rubles.

Important! The dynamics of Russian livestock production are presented here in actual prices. When converting the indicators into prices for the reporting year, taking into account the annual inflation rate, there is no consistent upward trend in some years.

Livestock farming in Russian regions

The largest livestock-raising region in Russia is the Belgorod region. The region’s share in the total value of livestock products produced in the Russian Federation is 6.4% (produced products worth 154.3 billion rubles).

The Republic of Tatarstan is in second place - 109.0 billion rubles. (4.5% of the all-Russian value of livestock products produced).

Third place is occupied by the Krasnodar Territory with a share of the total value of 3.8% (RUB 91.1 billion).

The Republic of Bashkortostan is in fourth place in the ranking - 84.5 billion rubles (3.5% of the all-Russian value of livestock products in 2015).

The Chelyabinsk region with its share of 3.2% (76.4 billion rubles) closes the top five livestock-raising regions in 2015. This is more than in 2014 by 20.5% or 13.0 billion rubles.

The TOP 20 livestock-raising regions of the Russian Federation also included: Rostov region (cost of livestock products - 74.2 billion rubles, share in the total cost - 3.1%), Voronezh region (69.0 billion rubles, 2.9%), Leningrad region region (68.8 billion rubles, 2.9%), Altai Territory (68.0 billion rubles, 2.8%), Stavropol Territory (55.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Orenburg region (55.6 billion rubles, 2.3%), Republic of Dagestan (54.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Novosibirsk region (50.1 billion rubles, 2.1%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (50.0 billion rubles, 2. 1%), Kursk region(48.0 billion rubles, 2.0%), Sverdlovsk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Bryansk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Moscow region including the territories of New Moscow ( 45.6 billion rubles, 1.9%), Omsk region (45.0 billion rubles, 1.9%), Tambov Region(RUB 43.4 billion, 1.8%).

The TOP 20 regions accounted for 55.7% of the total value of all livestock products in Russia in 2015, the TOP 30 regions accounted for 71.2%.

Livestock numbers in Russia

The number of cattle in Russia in all categories of farms as of the end of 2015 totaled 18,963.2 thousand heads. Including, the number of cows amounted to 8,379.2 thousand heads. Compared to 2014, the size of the cattle herd decreased by 1.6%, by 2010 - by 5.0%, by 2005 - by 12.3%, by 2001 - by 30.8%. The number of cows decreased by 1.8% over the year, by 5.3% over 5 years, by 12.0% over 10 years, and by 31.9% by 2001.

The number of pigs in Russia at the end of 2015 in all categories of farms amounted to 21,419.2 thousand heads. Over the course of a year, the livestock grew by 9.6%, over 5 years - by 24.4%, over 10 years - by 55.1%, by 2001 - by 32.0%.

The number of sheep and goats in Russia at the end of 2015 totaled 24,528.4 thousand heads. Compared to 2014, it decreased by 0.7%, but over 5 years it grew by 12.4%, over 10 years it also increased by 32.0%, and by 2001 - by 57.5%.

Meat production in Russia

The total volume of production of meat of all types in Russia in slaughter weight in all categories of farms in 2015 amounted to 9,483.9 thousand tons. This is 4.6% or 413.3 thousand tons more than in 2014. Over 5 years (compared to 2010), volumes increased by 32.3% (by 2,317.1 thousand tons), over 10 years (by 2005) - by 90.1% (by 4,494.4 thousand tons). tons). The volume of meat production was exceeded for the first time in 1991, when it amounted to 9,375.2 thousand tons.

Structure meat production in Russia in 2015 is as follows: poultry accounted for 47.3%, pork - 32.6%, beef - 17.3%, lamb and goat meat - 2.1%, other types of meat - 0.8 %.

Meat production in Russia has been steadily increasing since the mid-2000s, when meat import quotas were introduced. Increasing volumes in 2014-2016. contributed by the devaluation of the ruble (which also had an impact on the fall in import supplies), as well as the ban on meat imports from a number of countries, introduced in August 2014.

More detailed data on meat production by type and other trends in the meat market can be found in the article at the link - meat market .

Egg production in Russia

In 2015, farms of all categories in Russia produced 42,523.6 million eggs. Over the year, production increased by 1.6%, compared to 2010 - by 4.7%, by 2005 - by 14.5%, and by 2001 - by 20.7%.

The TOP 10 egg-producing regions in 2015 are as follows: Leningrad region (volume of egg production in farms of all categories - 3,060.9 million pieces, share in all-Russian egg production - 7.2%), Rostov region (1,907. 0 million pieces, 4.5%), Yaroslavl region(1,717.1 million units, 4.0%), Chelyabinsk region (1,577.8 million units, 3.7%), Krasnodar region (1,516.7 million units, 3.6%), Belgorod region (1 474.0 million units, 3.5%), Tyumen region (1,456.8 million units, 3.4%), Sverdlovsk region (1,448.8 million units, 3.4%), Republic of Mordovia (1,422, 5 million units, 3.3%), Nizhny Novgorod region (1,329.5 million units, 3.1%).

Milk production in Russia

Milk production in Russia in 2015 in farms of all categories amounted to 30,781.1 thousand tons. Over the year, production decreased by 0.03%, over 5 years - by 3.3%, over 10 years - by 0.9%, by 2001 - by 6.4%.

The TOP 10 milk producing regions in 2015 included: the Republic of Bashkortostan (milk production volume - 1,812.3 thousand tons, share in total milk yield in the Russian Federation - 5.9%), the Republic of Tatarstan (1,750.7 thousand tons, 5.7%), Altai Territory (1,414.9 thousand tons, 4.6%), Krasnodar Territory (1,328.2 thousand tons, 4.3%), Rostov region (1,080.5 thousand tons, 3.5%), Republic of Dagestan (820.2 thousand tons, 2.7%), Voronezh region (805.8 thousand tons, 2.6%), Orenburg region (797.1 thousand tons) tons, 2.6%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (730.2 thousand tons, 2.4%), Udmurt Republic (729.0 thousand tons, 2.4%).

Honey production in Russia

The production of commercial honey in Russia in 2015 in farms of all categories amounted to 67.7 thousand tons. This is 9.5% less than what was produced in 2014, 31.4% more than in 2010 and 29.1% higher than in 2005. Compared to 2001, the growth was 27.9%.

The TOP 10 honey producing regions in 2015 include: the Republic of Bashkortostan (honey production volume - 5.9 thousand tons, share in total honey production in Russia - 8.8%), Republic of Tatarstan (5.6 thousand tons , 8.3%), Primorsky Territory (4.9 thousand tons, 7.3%), Altai Territory (4.8 thousand tons, 7.1%), Rostov region (3.9 thousand tons, 5 .7%), Saratov region (2.4 thousand tons, 3.5%), Krasnodar region (2.4 thousand tons, 3.5%), Belgorod region (2.1 thousand tons, 3.1 %), Orenburg region (1.9 thousand tons, 2.8%), Kostroma region (1.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

06 06 2016

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog. Just the other day, a seminar was held in the Starorussky district on the topic “Experience and problems of recovery from bovine leukemia of all forms of ownership in the Novgorod region.”

I wasn’t there, but the wave of information reached my ears. At this seminar, it was decided to hold negotiations with breeding breeders in the region on the possible exchange of + cattle for healthy cattle from among the culled livestock due to low milk yield.

Thus, as I understand it, breeding farms will have to deal with the ranking of the herd.

Herd ranking– this is the sale of low-productive livestock (by the standards of breeding reproducers) to other farms, and not transferring it to fattening, and then to slaughter.

But in order to engage in ranking, you need to clearly understand what the structure of a cattle herd is.

Herd structure is percentage sex and age criteria of animals on the farm.

In dairy farming, the following groups are distinguished:

- cows,

- heifers

- heifers over one year old

- heifers up to one year old,

- bulls over a year old

- bulls up to one year old.

Actually, each livestock specialist fills out all these groups in a monthly report on the movement of livestock.

From a breeding point of view, the structure of the herd is slightly different. As in the first case, the entire herd is divided into milking herd and young animals. In turn, the dairy herd consists of animals included in the breeding core, breeding group, production group and rejects (fattening).

Cow breeding core– a group of animals that have high productivity and impeccable body proportions (based on grading). In simple words- this is the livestock from which you want to receive replacement young stock. The breeding core should cover approximately 50-60% of the population.

Breeding group– is isolated from the breeding core in order to obtain bulls from her for the tribe. Basically 20% of the breeding population.

Production group- these are all those cows that did not make it into the breeding core.

Marriage- These are unwanted animals for a number of reasons. This may be barrenness, chronic mastitis, zoobrak, etc.

The young animals, in turn, are divided into replacement young animals and rejects. I would also highlight a separate group for sale.

Since breeding producers are required to sell 10% of animals to other farms.

How to form the structure of a cattle herd?

Go to the program menu - Reports (third column) - Valuation report - table No. 4 “Characteristics of cows and fat content in milk per p.z.l.)

Let's assume that there is enough milk for feed cow on your farm is 7,000 liters. Feel free to highlight the interval from 6000 and above. For me it is 146 years. Almost 50% of the livestock. Actually, that's what we need.

But there are two shortcomings in this table:

  1. We don't see the animal's number and name
  2. The list includes animals that have undergone assessment. That is, if you have a herd of 400 animals, then the program can give you 310 animals.

To obtain full information you need to go to another program report form.

Reports - tab “Lists of cows” - in the criteria, check the box “Milk yield 305 days”. Click “Report.” A list is generated where the cows are listed by milk yield level from minimum to maximum. All that remains is to identify the animals in the herd.

There is another way to view the best cows. We go to the same “Reports” - “Valuation Code” - table 7 mol/2 “Inventory of the best cows selected in the group of mothers of bulls.” Here we are asked to form a selection group.

What can be concluded? If my farm were offered to sell culls based on productivity, there would only be 10 such cows! Is this a lot or a little for the Novgorod region? I think this is a drop in the ocean...

I hope that this article about herd structure on a dairy farm was useful to you and that you can now easily identify individual groups. This element of work is very important in breeding.

This concludes my article, take care of yourself and your cows! See you!

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Discussion: 2 comments

    Victor, thank you! Interesting stuff, with examples and calculations. And most importantly, it is applicable in practice, in order to speak the same language with livestock specialists and set them the right tasks. We don't have such a technique. And here’s a topic that interests me - zootechnical selection of young animals (by appearance, by weight, by the productivity of parents, by other breeding characteristics) at the age of 1-3 months. How to do it correctly in practice and formalize it? After all, it must be, especially in breeding farms, otherwise the milking herd will decline. I would like to read your materials on this topic as a practice.


    1. Hello, Natalia. I'm glad that this material was useful to you in practice.

      As for the selection of young animals aged 1-3 months, there are few selection criteria. The main thing is to monitor the increase in live weight so that the calf meets the planned weight gain.

      The selection of young animals should be carried out in more mature age. As a rule, this is done before the heifers are mated.

      I think I will write a separate article on this issue.


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