Download a short presentation of the Rainbow program. Presentation of the main educational program of the mbdou kindergarten "rainbow"

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Presentation on the topic: Program - Rainbow

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Important benefits"Rainbow" program "Rainbow" is a domestic program that reflects the realities Russian culture, created on the basis of the Russian general psychological theory of activity by A. N. Leontiev and implementing the cultural-historical approach of L. S. Vygotsky. "Rainbow" is a reliable program tested in practice, with extensive long-term experience in successfully achieving the goals defined by federal state requirements. "Rainbow" - a program for the socialization of children up to school age, in which the ideas of forming a comfortable developmental community of peers are put into practice. “Rainbow” is a new generation developmental program that realizes the individual potential of each student and ensures systematic preparation of the child for the next stage of education. "Rainbow" is a program addressed to mass kindergartens.

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“Rainbow” is the first program of a new generation, which, with its appearance, opened up variability preschool education. It embodied in real teaching practice: - new humanistic Concept preschool education, - the values ​​of respect for the developing personality of the child were affirmed, - attention to his state of mind, - the understanding that the main condition for development and well-being is communication with a competent and friendly adult. The updated version has been modified in accordance with the FGT to the structure of the main general educational program preschool education.

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METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE PROGRAM The program is modern integrative, implementing an activity-based approach to child development and a cultural approach to the selection of educational content. Program: Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child; Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability, based on the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy; Meets the criterion of completeness, allowing you to solve your goals and objectives using reasonable minimum necessary and sufficient material; avoiding overload of children; Ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of preschool children and is built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, as well as the specifics of these areas. The principle of complex thematic construction educational process implies the widespread use of various forms of work with children, both in joint activities of adults and children, and in independent activities of children, using the leading activity of preschoolers - games as the basis

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organizing the life of the children's community. The central idea of ​​the Russian psychological school- This is the idea of ​​​​the creative nature of development. The program treats the child as a subject individual development, actively appropriating culture. From these positions, the directions and boundaries of an adult’s pedagogical influence are determined. organizing the life of the children's community. The central idea of ​​the Russian psychological school is the idea of ​​the creative nature of development. The program views the child as a subject of individual development who actively appropriates culture. From these positions, the directions and boundaries of an adult’s pedagogical influence are determined. Implementing the principle of developmental education, the program’s team of authors takes the position of promoting the mental development of the child, and not simply taking into account his age characteristics. A special feature of the program is that each of the areas is presented, in addition to the list of educational skills acquired by the child in each age period, in terms of indicators of mental development, understood in line with the Russian general psychological theory of activity by A. N. Leontyev as the formation of the child’s activity, consciousness and personality. At preschool age, the formation of all components of activity occurs: the formation of motivations, familiarity with the diverse goals of adult activities and their appropriation by the child, including story game, mastery different ways actions. Independent species activity: cognitive activity, the result of which, by the end of the preschool period, is such a new formation as a primary coherent picture of the world and expanding the horizons of children. In progress cognitive development the following tasks are solved: - sensory development;

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intellectual development of children; intellectual development of children; speech development of children; formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children; development of research activities primarily in the form of children's experimentation and observation; formation of ideas about safe behavior of man in nature, everyday life, and society. Communication activity (communication), which can have different content (personal, business) and nature (situational, extra-situational). Objective: to develop in children ways of interacting with peers and adults, based on developed oral speech. Productive activity aimed at obtaining a product (drawing, sculpture, product, building) or result - labor. It is inextricably linked with the development of children's creativity, design, and introduction to art. Objectives: developing ideas about the activities of adults and the role of work in society; productive artistic creative activity; own practical activities in everyday life, corresponding to age capabilities, needs, interests.

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Playing activity is the leading activity of the child preschool age; Playing activity is the leading activity of a preschool child; Educational activity, which becomes the leading activity of a child of primary school age, its prerequisite is formed in preschool age. The novelty of the program lies in the fact that the special goal is to maintain basic motivations in children: - cognition, - communication, - creation, the formation of learning motivation (senior preschool age).

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The total volume of the program is calculated in accordance with the age of the children, the main directions of their development and includes the time allocated for: Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types children's activities (play, communication, music and art, reading); Educational activities carried out during restricted periods; Independent activity children: Interaction with families of pupils. The program is conceived and implemented as: Comprehensive, i.e. covering all the main aspects of upbringing, education and development of preschool children; Massive, i.e. intended for use in all regions of Russia; A personality-oriented system of upbringing, education and development of children, which has assimilated the main achievements of Russian pedagogical and psychological science.

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INTEGRATABLE AREAS OF FC – Physical Culture H - health B - safety C - socialization T - work P - cognition K - communication H - reading fiction HT - artistic creativity M - music Integration of educational areas is carried out through the use of cross-cutting forms, methods and techniques within one age group, determined by the age characteristics of children, principles of organization and leadership. They are the same for all areas and combine components into a single system.

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RESULTS OF MASTERING THE PROGRAM The results of mastering the program are divided into final and intermediate. Based on the results of mastering the Rainbow program, each child is: Sufficiently physically developed, masters basic cultural, hygienic and motor skills. Curious. Emotionally responsive. Sociable, knows the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. Able to manage his behavior and plan his actions based on primary value concepts, he complies with basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age; Having primary ideas about oneself, family, society (the nearest society), state (country), the world and nature. Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activity. Having mastered necessary skills and skills.

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DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF A RAINBOW GROUP GRADUATE Friendly and calm. Friendly to other people and living beings. Able to negotiate with peers and adults. Has a sphere of its own cognitive interests. Behaves in society in accordance with accepted cultural norms. Psychologically resistant to failure and able to constructively overcome emerging difficulties. He wants to study and become a schoolchild, viewing this as a new desirable and attractive stage in his own adulthood. Initiative in creativity and play. Has a feeling self-esteem and is able to respect others.

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Key goals Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health children, developing their habits for a healthy lifestyle Promoting the timely and full mental development of each child Providing each child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood Goals of educational work by age Key goal System of educational objectives

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Socio-communicative development Moral education Socialization Labor Cognitive development Natural world Human world Mathematical concepts Speech development Lexical side of speech Grammatical side of speech Pronunciation side of speech Connected speech Preparation for learning to read and write Artistically aesthetic development Fiction art Music Physical development Health protection Physical education Safety

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“Rainbow” is a psychologically oriented program. Fundamental principles are the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard: Supporting the diversity of childhood; preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as important stage in human development; the intrinsic value of childhood - understanding (considering) childhood as a period of life that is significant in itself, without any conditions; meaningful topics what is happening to the child now, and not the fact that this period is a period of preparation for next period; Personally developing and humanistic nature of interaction between adults (parents (legal representatives), teachers and other employees of the organization) and children; Respect for the child’s personality; Implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of play, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

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Structure of the Rainbow Program Target section Explanatory note general characteristics"Rainbow" Program Goals and objectives, principles and approaches to the formation of the "Rainbow" Program Characteristics of the developmental features of children of early and preschool age Planned results of mastering the "Rainbow" Program Content section Content of educational activities Technologies for implementing the content of the "Rainbow" Program in accordance with educational areas Support children's initiative Interaction with family Pedagogical diagnostics Corrective work Organizational section Daily routine Organization of group life Forms of implementation of preschool education Additional paid services Methodological support for the Rainbow Program Personnel policy educational organization implementing the Rainbow Program Developing subject-spatial educational environment Approximate calculations of standard costs of provision public services for the implementation of the Rainbow Program

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“Rainbow” is fully methodologically provided and provides the teacher with support in the form of a set Description of pedagogical work on the implementation of the content of all educational areas in the educational process; Description of the interaction of teachers with children in the main forms of children's activities: gaming, creative, visual, speech, musical, theatrical, research; communication; cognition; initial forms of labor and educational activity; Forms of organization of children's lives in kindergarten and a system for planning educational activities for all age groups; A set of benefits for children for all age groups; Description of the management system of an educational organization, which allows for the creation in the educational organization of the psychological – pedagogical conditions. “Rainbow” is an exemplary basic educational program that complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and is aimed at the development of a child from 2 months to 8 years in all educational areas, types of activities and cultural practices in a kindergarten setting.

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Methodological basis“Rainbow” programs General psychological theory of activity by A.N. Leontiev Cultural and historical approach of L.S. Vygotsky The central idea of ​​the Russian psychological school is the creative nature of development. The child is a subject of individual development who actively appropriates culture. The principle of developmental education is to promote the mental development of the child, as the formation of activity, consciousness and personality. Activity in psychology is understood as activity that is motivated by motive, aimed at achieving a more or less realized and formulated goal, and presupposes mastery of the methods necessary for this. The activity has final product or result.

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Types of activities as a psychological category are divided depending on the motive underlying the activity. Cognitive activity. The result is a primary coherent picture of the world. Formation of primary skills in working with information obtained from various sources (verbal, non-verbal); Formation of mental operations of analysis, generalization, finding patterns; Mastering the initial methods of research and observation. Communication activities, which may have different content (personal, business) and nature (situational, extra-situational); A variety of productive activities aimed at obtaining a product or result - labor; Playing activity is the leading activity of a preschool child; Educational activity, which becomes the main type in primary school age. At preschool age, it is necessary to form its prerequisites.

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Important advantages of the Rainbow program

“Rainbow” is a domestic program that reflects the realities of Russian culture, created on the basis of the domestic general psychological theory of activity of A. N. Leontiev and implementing the cultural-historical approach of L. S. Vygotsky. “Rainbow” is a proven, reliable program with extensive long-term experience in successfully achieving the goals defined by federal state requirements. “Rainbow” is a socialization program for a preschool child, in which the ideas of creating a comfortable, developing community of peers are put into practice. “Rainbow” is a new generation developmental program that realizes the individual potential of each student and ensures systematic preparation of the child for the next stage of education. "Rainbow" is a program addressed to mass kindergartens.

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“Rainbow” is the first program of a new generation, which, with its appearance, opened up the variability of preschool education. It embodied in real pedagogical practice: - a new humanistic Concept of preschool education, - the values ​​of respect for the developing personality of the child were approved, - attention to his mental state, - the understanding that the main condition for development and well-being is communication with a competent and benevolent adult. The updated version has been modified in accordance with the FGT to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education.

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The program is modern integrative, implementing an activity-based approach to child development and a cultural approach to the selection of educational content. Program: Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child; Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability, based on the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy; Meets the criterion of completeness, allowing you to solve your goals and objectives using reasonable minimum necessary and sufficient material; avoiding overload of children; Ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of preschool children and is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, as well as the specifics of these areas. The principle of a complex thematic construction of the educational process implies the widespread use of various forms of work with children, both in the joint activities of adults and children, and in the independent activities of children, using the leading activity of preschoolers - games as the basis

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organizing the life of the children's community. The central idea of ​​the Russian psychological school is the idea of ​​the creative nature of development. The program views the child as a subject of individual development who actively appropriates culture. From these positions, the directions and boundaries of an adult’s pedagogical influence are determined. Implementing the principle of developmental education, the program’s team of authors takes the position of promoting the mental development of the child, and not simply taking into account his age characteristics. A special feature of the program is that each of the areas is presented, in addition to the list of educational skills acquired by the child in each age period, in terms of indicators of mental development, understood in line with the Russian general psychological theory of activity by A. N. Leontyev as the formation of the child’s activity, consciousness and personality. At preschool age, the formation of all components of activity occurs: the formation of motivations, familiarization with the diverse goals of adults’ activities and their appropriation by the child, including in a story game, mastery of various methods of action. Independent activities: cognitive activity, the result of which, by the end of the preschool period, is such a new formation as a primary coherent picture of the world and expanding the horizons of children. In the process of cognitive development, the following tasks are solved: - sensory development;

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intellectual development of children; speech development of children; formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children; development of research activities primarily in the form of children's experimentation and observation; formation of ideas about safe human behavior in nature, everyday life, and in society. Communication activity (communication), which can have different content (personal, business) and nature (situational, extra-situational). Objective: to develop in children ways of interacting with peers and adults, based on developed oral speech. Productive activity aimed at obtaining a product (drawing, sculpture, product, building) or result - labor. It is inextricably linked with the development of children's creativity, design, and introduction to art. Objectives: developing ideas about the activities of adults and the role of work in society; productive artistic creative activity; own practical activities in everyday life, corresponding to age capabilities, needs, interests.

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Playing activity is the leading activity of a preschool child; Educational activity, which becomes the leading activity of a child of primary school age, its prerequisite is formed in preschool age. The novelty of the program lies in the fact that the special goal is to maintain basic motivations in children: - cognition, - communication, - creation, the formation of learning motivation (senior preschool age).

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The total volume of the program is calculated in accordance with the age of the children, the main directions of their development and includes the time allocated for: Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (game, communicative, musical and artistic, reading); Educational activities carried out during restricted periods; Independent activity of children: Interaction with families of pupils. The program is conceived and implemented as: Comprehensive, i.e. covering all the main aspects of upbringing, education and development of preschool children; Massive, i.e. intended for use in all regions of Russia; A personality-oriented system of upbringing, education and development of children, which has assimilated the main achievements of Russian pedagogical and psychological science.

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Program structure

Goals: - Preserve and strengthen the health of children, formulate in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle. - To promote the timely and complete mental development of each child - To provide each child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood. Objectives: - Promote physical development. Form the foundations healthy image life. Contribute to the development of activities. Contribute to the formation of consciousness. Lay the foundations of personality. Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort. Create conditions for creative self-expression. Create conditions for parents to participate in the life of the group. Organize bright, joyful common events in the life of the group.

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FC - physical education Z - health B - safety C - socialization T - work P - cognition K - communication H - reading fiction HT - artistic creativity M - music Integration of educational areas is carried out through the use of cross-cutting forms, methods and methods within one age group techniques determined by the age characteristics of children, principles of organization and leadership. They are the same for all areas and combine components into a single system.

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Mandatory part of the program Presented in tables by age groups Contents of the work Program objectives (tasks of working with children) Main ways to solve them Variable part of the program Regional component (its place is indicated in the program) on issues of promoting the health and physical development of children, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and ecology of the region ; program for introducing children to national cultures; issues of nurturing love and respect for the small homeland; Program components that reflect the features species diversity preschool institutions

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The results of mastering the program are divided into final and intermediate. Based on the results of mastering the Rainbow program, each child is: Sufficiently physically developed, masters basic cultural, hygienic and motor skills. Curious. Emotionally responsive. Sociable, knows the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. Able to manage his behavior and plan his actions based on primary value concepts, he complies with basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age; Having primary ideas about oneself, family, society (the nearest society), state (country), the world and nature. Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities. Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities.

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Friendly and calm. Friendly to other people and living beings. Able to negotiate with peers and adults. Has a sphere of his own cognitive interests. Behaves in society in accordance with accepted cultural norms. Psychologically resistant to failure and able to constructively overcome emerging difficulties. He wants to study and become a schoolchild, viewing this as a new desirable and attractive stage in his own adulthood. Initiative in creativity and play. Has self-esteem and is able to respect others.

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“Educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard” - Criteria for the readiness of educational institutions to introduce the standard. Logistical support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The material, technical and information equipment of the educational process should provide the opportunity (clause 25): Information and educational environment educational institution should include:

“Multi-colored rainbow” - Wishes. The sun is shining and laughing, And the rain is pouring on the Earth. Every. Where. Sun rays, falling on raindrops in the sky, they break up into multi-colored rays. Is sitting. Why is the rainbow multicolored? Hunter. And the Seven-Colored Arc emerges into the meadows. Pheasant. Colors of rainbow. This is how a rainbow is formed. Know,

“Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” - The main targets in the implementation of the third generation Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education are competencies. The need to form a socio-cultural environment and conditions necessary for the comprehensive development of the individual. Formation of funds of assessment tools for the implementation of a modular rating system of training. Ensuring the quality of education.

“For parents about the Federal State Educational Standard” - 2. Teach your child to sit down for lessons on time. How to help your child prepare homework? What is the Federal State Standard for Primary general education? 3. Don't force people to redo poorly done class work. What is the distinctive feature of the new Standard? 1. Check if it is organized correctly workplace child.

"FSES textbooks" - Biology. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (2010). Textbooks for Federal State Educational Standards. Educational system "School 2100". The differences relate primarily to the basic curricula. Federal component state standard general education (2004).

“Federal State Educational Standards of the New Generation” - Main results of the work. 634050, Tomsk, Belentsa st., 11 51-80-62, 51-36-12 Problems of transition to the new generation Federal State Educational Standards. Thank you for your attention! Deputy Director for UMR E.A. Terentyev. Planning and organization of work on the transition to the new generation Federal State Educational Standards (main results). Short term for the development of basic professional educational programs; Absence methodological recommendations to assess students’ general and professional competencies; Absence unified system on the development and evaluation of PM; The complexity of the process of including employers in the development of basic professional educational programs.

Important advantages of the “Rainbow” program 1. “Rainbow” is a domestic program that reflects the realities of Russian culture, created on the basis of the Russian general psychological theory of activity of A. N. Leontiev and implementing the cultural-historical approach of L. S. Vygotsky. 2. “Rainbow” is a reliable program tested in practice, with extensive long-term experience in successfully achieving the goals defined by federal state requirements. 3. “Rainbow” is a socialization program for a preschool child, in which the ideas of forming a comfortable developmental community of peers are put into practice. 4. “Rainbow” is a new generation developmental program that realizes the individual potential of each student and ensures systematic preparation of the child for the next stage of education. 5. “Rainbow” - a program addressed to mass kindergartens.

“Rainbow” is the first program of a new generation, which, with its appearance, opened up the variability of preschool education. It embodied in real pedagogical practice: - a new humanistic Concept of preschool education, - the values ​​of respect for the developing personality of the child were approved, - attention to his mental state, - the understanding that the main condition for development and well-being is communication with a competent and benevolent adult. The updated version has been modified in accordance with the FGT to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education.

METHODOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE PROGRAM The program is modern integrative, implementing an activity-based approach to child development and a cultural approach to the selection of educational content. Program: Corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child; Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability, based on the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy; Meets the criterion of completeness, allowing you to solve your goals and objectives using reasonable minimum necessary and sufficient material; avoiding overload of children; Ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of preschool children and is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, as well as the specifics of these areas. The principle of a complex thematic construction of the educational process implies the widespread use of various forms of work with children, both in the joint activities of adults and children, and in the independent activities of children, using the leading activity of preschoolers - games as the basis

Organizations of life activities of the children's community. The central idea of ​​the Russian psychological school is the idea of ​​the creative nature of development. The program views the child as a subject of individual development who actively appropriates culture. From these positions, the directions and boundaries of an adult’s pedagogical influence are determined. Implementing the principle of developmental education, the program’s team of authors takes the position of promoting the mental development of the child, and not simply taking into account his age characteristics. A special feature of the program is that each of the areas is presented, in addition to the list of educational skills acquired by the child in each age period, in terms of indicators of mental development, understood in line with the Russian general psychological theory of activity by A. N. Leontyev as the formation of the child’s activity, consciousness and personality. At preschool age, the formation of all components of activity occurs: the formation of motivations, familiarization with the diverse goals of adults’ activities and their appropriation by the child, including in a story game, mastery of various methods of action. Independent types of activities: -cognitive activity, the result of which, by the end of the preschool period, is such a new formation as a primary coherent picture of the world and broadening the horizons of children. In the process of cognitive development, the following tasks are solved: - sensory development;

Intellectual development children; -speech development children; -formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children; -development of research activities primarily in the form of children's experimentation and observation; -formation of ideas about safe human behavior in nature, everyday life, and in society. - Communication activities (communication), which can have different content (personal, business) and nature (situational, extra-situational). Objective: -formation in children of ways of interacting with peers and adults, based on developed oral speech. -Productive activity aimed at obtaining a product (drawing, sculpture, product, building) or result - labor. It is inextricably linked with the development of children's creativity, design, and introduction to art. Objectives: -formation of ideas about the activities of adults and the role of work in society; -productive artistic creative activity; - own practical activities in everyday life, corresponding to age capabilities, needs, interests.

Playing activity is the leading activity of a preschool child; Educational activity, which becomes the leading activity of a child of primary school age, its prerequisite is formed in preschool age. The novelty of the program lies in the fact that the special goal is to maintain basic motivations in children: - cognition, - communication, - creation, - formation of learning motivation (senior preschool age).

The total volume of the program is calculated in accordance with the age of the children, the main directions of their development and includes the time allocated for: Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (game, communicative, musical and artistic, reading); Educational activities carried out during restricted periods; Independent activity of children: Interaction with families of pupils. The program is conceived and implemented as: Comprehensive, i.e. covering all the main aspects of upbringing, education and development of preschool children; Massive, i.e. intended for use in all regions of Russia; A personality-oriented system of upbringing, education and development of children, which has assimilated the main achievements of Russian pedagogical and psychological science.

Program structure Goals: - Preserve and strengthen the health of children, formulate in them the habit of a healthy lifestyle. - To promote the timely and complete mental development of each child - To provide each child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood. Objectives: - Promote physical development. Form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. - Contribute to the development of activities. -Promote the formation of consciousness. -Lay the foundations of personality. -Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort. -Create conditions for creative self-expression. -Create conditions for parents to participate in the life of the group. -Organize bright, joyful common events in the life of the group.

INTEGRATED AREAS FC - physical education H - health B - safety C - socialization T - labor P - cognition K - communication H - reading fiction HT - artistic creativity M - music Integration of educational areas is carried out through the use of cross-cutting forms within one age group, methods and techniques determined by the age characteristics of children, principles of organization and leadership. They are the same for all areas and combine components into a single system.

Mandatory part of the program Presented in tables by age groups Contents of the work Program objectives (tasks of working with children) Main ways to solve them Variable part of the program Regional component (its place is indicated in the program) on issues of promoting the health and physical development of children, taking into account the peculiarities of the climate and ecology of the region ; program for introducing children to national cultures; issues of nurturing love and respect for the small homeland; Program components that reflect the specific diversity of preschool institutions

RESULTS OF MASTERING THE PROGRAM The results of mastering the program are divided into final and intermediate. Based on the results of mastering the Rainbow program, each child is: Sufficiently physically developed, masters basic cultural, hygienic and motor skills. Curious. Emotionally responsive. Sociable, knows the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers. Able to manage his behavior and plan his actions based on primary value concepts, he complies with basic generally accepted norms and rules of behavior. Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) appropriate for age; Having primary ideas about oneself, family, society (the nearest society), state (country), the world and nature. Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities. Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities.

DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF A RAINBOW GROUP GRADUATE Friendly and calm. Friendly to other people and living beings. Able to negotiate with peers and adults. Has a sphere of his own cognitive interests. Behaves in society in accordance with accepted cultural norms. Psychologically resistant to failure and able to constructively overcome emerging difficulties. He wants to study and become a schoolchild, viewing this as a new desirable and attractive stage in his own adulthood. Initiative in creativity and play. Has self-esteem and is able to respect others.
