Curd cream for cake. How to make curd cream for a cake

Today we'll figure it out awesome delicious cream, which has many flavor variations, but its basis remains the same - cottage cheese.

The curd coating for the cake is made with sour cream, cream, yogurt, butter, and even brewed with milk. It can also serve as a separate dessert, decorated with nuts, chocolate or fruit.

Honestly, when I tried it, I simply fell in love with its very pleasant and non-greasy taste. It seemed to me that its preparation required a lot of products and some complex actions, but it turned out that none of this was true.

Store-bought cakes with this cream are much more expensive, and you can’t find many of them, but home cooks who prepare desserts to order use it very often.

But it was the moment when my sister prepared a cake with this decoration for my nephew’s first birthday that captivated me. Well, if she managed to prepare such a cream with a one-year-old baby in her arms, then it means that it is quite affordable. Let's start looking at the recipes.

So, to prepare curd cream you need only three products: cottage cheese, liquid milk component and sugar.

If you are for a healthy diet or counting calories, you can take a product with 0% fat and low-calorie yogurt, and everything will work out anyway!

Those who like it sweeter can add condensed milk to it, some add candied fruits and dried fruits, others like the taste of crushed nuts. All additives are up to your taste and imagination, but the basics remain the same.

This cream is prepared with and without gelatin. Gelatin allows the mass to become denser and hold its shape well; it is usually used for decoration.

2. We will need the rest of the milk when soaking the gelatin, which is what we do - for 20 grams of gelatin we take 100 ml of milk.

3. Mix the curd mass with vanilla and sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolves.

4. Dissolve gelatin in the microwave or in a water bath.

5.Add dissolved gelatin to the whipped mass and continue mixing with a mixer or kitchen machine for about three minutes.

6.Then take the butter, which is easily mixed with a spoon, and add it to the whipped mixture.

You don’t have to add oil, but it will make the cream more airy, light and delicate.

If you don’t need the mass to sit on the cake, then you can take 10 grams of gelatin rather than 20 grams.

You need to start working with it right away, before all the gelatin has taken over.

Curd sour cream recipe

Sour cream is very affordable product, so she is most often involved in the preparation of baked goods and creams. But try adding cottage cheese to regular sour cream, and you will see how much more unusual and tastier it becomes. You will also need less sour cream, which will reduce the calorie content of the cake.


  • 500 g sour cream
  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 300 g granulated sugar

1. Beat cold sour cream until smooth.

2.Add sugar or powdered sugar and mix first at low mixer speed, and then increase it.

3.When the consistency of the sour cream becomes thicker, mix it with cottage cheese, which has previously been rubbed through a sieve a couple of times to saturate it with oxygen and crush the lumps.

At first, the cream may be difficult to mix until the curd is saturated with sour cream.

And then we will increase the speed and continue mixing for another two minutes.

Recipe for eclairs and profiteroles

For other desserts, the following recipe is suitable. Raw is added to it egg yolk, but don’t worry because it’s brewed with milk on the stove. I’m also not a supporter of eating raw store-bought eggs; I’ve already written that I don’t respect salmonellosis, but here everything will be harmless, you can also give it to children.


  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 10 g butter
  • 0.5 egg yolk
  • 35 g sour cream
  • 15 g sugar
  • 20 g milk
  • Vanillin

1. Grind the yolk with sugar.

2.Pour milk into the yolk, mix and place on the stove. Stirring, cook the mixture, but do not boil.

3.Then, stirring, put in cold water cool down.

4. Rub the cottage cheese into the cooled mixture through a sieve.

5.Then add sour cream, melted butter and vanillin. Mix well and put in the refrigerator.

Now the cream is ready to fill eclairs.

If the consistency seems thick to you, add sour cream. By the way, did you notice that we didn't use a mixer in this recipe?
Of course, the easiest way to measure grams is with a kitchen scale, but you can also count with spoons using various available measurement tables.

If you prepared the cream according to the recipes I described, please leave a comment.

This is just a magical dessert! Be sure to try it and treat your little connoisseurs! They will definitely appreciate it.

Many people perceive cottage cheese as an essential product that is part of a healthy diet. Faceless in taste and wonderful in composition, but not particularly appetizing in its original form for most people. However, cottage cheese is remarkable precisely because it does not have any pronounced characteristics, thanks to which it can be given the taste that you need with the help of other ingredients. This applies to all dishes, from appetizers to desserts.

In this article we will look at recipes that will help you learn how to prepare curd cream for sponge cake. More taste, more benefits in your everyday and holiday menus!

General provisions

In order for the result to please you, you should adhere to the following rules:

The best

The most common filling among chefs is curd and cream for sponge cakes, as it goes well with any filling, has a very subtle sourness and a richer taste than regular whipped cream.

Consider a universal recipe for curd cream for sponge cakes and other confectionery products:
  • pasty cottage cheese - 250 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 150 grams;
  • vanilla extract or vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cream with a fat content of at least 33% - 500 ml.

Beat cottage cheese with powdered sugar and vanilla extract until smooth air mass. The sugar must be completely dissolved; squeaking on your teeth when eating is unacceptable!

Separately, whip the pre-chilled cream to stiff peaks.

Mix both masses with a spatula, kneading from bottom to top - thanks to this you will get a delicate, airy, strong cream that you can use at your discretion.

Base + options

Let us highlight several types of additives to universal recipe, which will allow you to get curd fillings that are completely different in taste:

  • Berry or fruit puree. Grind 100 grams of berries/fruits with intense flavor (raspberries, currants), rub through a sieve and add to the main cream.
  • White chocolate. Melt 100 grams of white chocolate with 20 grams of cream in a water bath, cool and stir into the cream. Thanks to this, the finished product will acquire the most delicate creamy taste.
  • Milk or dark chocolate. It is not recommended to add them in liquid form, since the finished curd cream for the biscuit will have a rough taste. If you really want a characteristic bitterness, you can grate 50 grams of chocolate, then mix it into the curd and cream mass.

From and to

The combination of chocolate and cherries is rightfully considered the most successful and win-win. Classic! And if you add curd cream to them, the triumph will be complete. Based on this, we offer you a recipe for a cake based on the legendary “Black Forest”.

  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • cocoa - 30 grams;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • sugar - 180 grams;
  • salt - a pinch.


  • pitted cherries - 600 grams;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • kirsch or cognac - 50 ml.

Curd cream for biscuit:

  • soft cottage cheese - 150 grams;
  • cream with a fat content of at least 33% - 600 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • powdered sugar - 50 grams.
  • chocolate - 100 grams;
  • cocktail cherries - 1 small jar.

All products are given based on a mold with a diameter of 22-24 cm.


Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line the pan with baking paper. Separate the whites from the yolks.

Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form. Without stopping whisking, start adding sugar. You should get a strong, shiny protein mass. Add the reserved yolks to the mixture one at a time, beating at low speed with the mixer. Sift the flour and cocoa mixture into the beaten eggs, stir with a spoon from bottom to top until smooth. You should get a light air mass.

Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 30-40 minutes. Focus on appearance biscuit. It should spring back when pressed in the center. Cool by turning cake pan upside down onto a wire rack. Thanks to this measure, the base will not fall off, and you will end up with an airy chocolate sponge cake with curd cream and cherries. Remove the completely cooled biscuit from the mold, wrap it in cling film and let it sit for 8-10 hours.

While preparing the sponge cake, work on the cherries. To do this, cook a syrup from sugar, water and cinnamon, add alcohol and pour the resulting liquid over the cherries.

For the cream, grind the cottage cheese with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Separately, whip the cream to strong peaks, carefully mix the two masses, maintaining the airiness.

Cut the biscuit lengthwise into three equal parts.

Place the cherries in a sieve to drain the syrup.


Process step by step:

  • place the biscuit layer on a plate;
  • soak in syrup;
  • spread the curd cream for the biscuit on top;
  • place half of the berries on top of the cream;
  • press the berries with a second sponge cake;
  • soak in syrup;
  • redistribute some of the cream evenly;
  • add remaining berries;
  • press with the last layer of sponge cake;
  • coat the cake with half of the remaining cream, smooth the top and sides;
  • grate the chocolate for decoration on a coarse grater (you can use a vegetable peeler for larger curls);
  • sprinkle chocolate over sides of cake;
  • From the top around the circumference of the product, plant roses from a pastry bag. Garnish each with a cocktail cherry;
  • if desired, place some chocolate in the center;
  • refrigerate the cake for at least 3 hours (the sponge cake with curd cream and cherries must sit for the flavor to fully develop);
  • serve.

Among a variety of desserts, curd cream is very popular. Why does chefs like it so much? Firstly, the benefits of dessert are undeniable. The main ingredient, cottage cheese, contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, as well as maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels. Secondly, it is quick and easy to prepare, and any novice cook can handle it. And thirdly, because of the magnificent delicate taste that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Recipes for curd cream with photos are presented below. This cream is ideal for any baking. It is used to spread cake layers for various cakes, fill custard pies, fill shortbread baskets, and decorate cookies and muffins. This cream goes well not only with light biscuits, but also with dark ones, the dough of which has had coffee or.

Curd cream is perfect as a summer dessert. It's not difficult to prepare. Place cream and fresh berries in layers in portioned bowls, and sprinkle chopped nuts or dark chocolate on top. Any berries are good, but not too sour. Strawberries, cherries and blueberries are ideal. You can decorate the dessert with fresh mint leaves.

From low-fat curd cream you can make very delicious jelly. It is often used for cakes or individual desserts. To do this, you need to first dissolve the gelatin in milk or cream, then mix it with the cream and put it in the refrigerator. Here you need to take into account one important nuance: add already cooled milk mixture to the curd cream. The amount of gelatin depends on what kind of jelly you want to get - hard or soft, more like jelly.

Classic recipe for curd cream

Cream prepared according to classic recipe, it turns out very tasty, but quite greasy. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it for sand. Classic cream is great for biscuits and custard cakes. It goes well with fresh juicy berries and fruits.

It is better to take homemade cottage cheese for this recipe, but in the absence of it, store-bought 12% is quite suitable. The oil must be chosen good quality, the taste of margarine will spoil the whole cream. It’s quite possible to make powdered sugar yourself. This is done very simply - regular sugar is crushed using a coffee grinder. You can use vanilla extract instead of vanilla sugar.

Required ingredients:

  • cottage cheese (fat, preferably homemade) – 250 g;
  • butter (butter, soft) – 50 g;
  • powdered sugar – 350 g;

Cooking does not take much time. First you need to mix the cottage cheese with vanilla extract. Then you should cut the soft butter into small pieces and add it to the cottage cheese. Beat all these components with a mixer. It is necessary to beat average speed. When the mass becomes homogeneous, you can add powdered sugar in small portions. First, mix with a regular spoon, then again with a mixer.

Cream cheese cream recipe

This recipe is lower in calories than the previous one. It is ideal for any cakes, pies and pastries. It is often used as an independent dish, served in portions, in dessert bowls. The composition of such a dessert depends on the imagination of the cook. You can add anything to it: fruits, berries, biscuit crumbs, grated chocolate, coconut flakes.

Unlike the previous recipe, for this you need to buy low-fat cottage cheese, preferably 0%. Cream should be chosen as thick as possible - at least 30%. Otherwise, the cream simply won’t be able to whip.

Required ingredients:

  • cottage cheese (low-fat) – 200 g;
  • cream (fat) – 200 ml;
  • sugar (regular, fine) – 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon.

First you need to grind the cottage cheese well. You can use a sieve or immersion blender for this purpose. The next step is to whip the cream with regular and vanilla sugar. For this you will need a mixer. You should start whipping at minimum speed, gradually increasing the speed to maximum. And then also gradually reach a minimum. To prevent the cream from separating, there is a little culinary trick - it is advisable to place the cream and the bowl in the refrigerator the day before whipping for a few minutes. At the end, you need to carefully mix the grated cottage cheese with whipped cream.

Recipe for curd cream with sour cream

A delicate cream made from cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream. Low-fat and healthy, it is perfect for any baking and especially for light ones. summer desserts. Making such a dessert is very simple: you just need to mix this cream with grated berries or pieces of fruit.

It is advisable to buy cottage cheese for this recipe that is not too high in calories. The most the best option will choose 5-6%. You should also choose low-fat sour cream - 15-20%. The amount of sugar should be adjusted to your taste. If the cream is planned for a berry dessert with sweet canned fruits, then regular sugar may not be added at all.

  • cottage cheese (low-fat) – 400 g;
  • sour cream (low-fat) – 75 g;
  • sugar (regular, fine) – 2 tablespoons;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon.

The recipe is simple and does not require much time. The cottage cheese should be covered with regular and vanilla sugar, then beat with a mixer. The result should be a homogeneous mass, without lumps. Then pour sour cream into the bowl with cottage cheese and continue whisking again for at least 3 minutes.

Curd cream can be prepared not only for desserts. It is often used in cooking for savory pies and impressive appetizers. Namely, as fillings for shortbread baskets, vol-au-vents and profiteroles. Of course, the composition of the ingredients differs from the sweet version - sugar is replaced with salt and spices. But the principle of the recipe remains the same, only additional crushed ingredients are added to the cream - cheese, nuts, herbs.

Curd cream recipes was last modified: April 22nd, 2016 by Gulya

Curd cream is used in cooking sponge cake, honey cake, profiteroles, eclairs, croquembouche or as a separate dessert with the addition of berries, fruits, nuts and honey. The curd cream has a delicate airy consistency.

The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste, replaced with natural fructose or compensated with sweet dried fruits or berries, reducing the calorie content.

To make homemade cottage cheese cream, take cream cheese, ready-made cheese curds or paste-like cottage cheese. You can also work with plain cottage cheese, but then you need to beat the cottage cheese into a homogeneous paste without lumps, using an immersion blender.

Cottage cheese cream

Delicate cream is suitable for eclairs and profiteroles. The dessert consists of only four components.

Cooking time – 20-30 minutes.


  • 150 gr. curd paste or cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml heavy cream;
  • vanillin;
  • powdered sugar.


  1. Place the curd mixture into a bowl. Mash with a fork.
  2. Gradually add powdered sugar. Adjust the sweetness of the mixture to your taste.
  3. Add cream and vanilla to the curd mixture. Beat the cream until it has a homogeneous, dense structure. Do not beat for too long, otherwise it may get mixed into the butter and separate.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Curd and sour cream

Many homemade cake recipes include sour cream filling. By diluting sour cream with delicate cottage cheese, you get an airy and delicate taste. The cream can be used in making sponge cakes, pastries or served with berries and chocolate chips.

It will take 1 hour and 20 minutes to prepare the curd and sour cream.


  • 500 gr. fat sour cream;
  • 250 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • vanilla to taste.


  1. Cool the sour cream in the refrigerator and squeeze through cheesecloth. Beat lightly with a blender.
  2. Beat the sugar into powdered sugar. Add the powder to the sour cream and beat for a few seconds at low speed. Gradually increase intensity and beat for 5 minutes.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender. Add cottage cheese to sour cream, beat for 2 minutes at low speed. Add vanilla to taste and beat the cream at high speed for 3 minutes.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator to steep for 1 hour.


  • 200 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 400 gr. heavy cream;
  • 100 gr. dark chocolate;
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk;
  • sugar to taste;
  • vanilla to taste.


  1. Place the dark chocolate in the freezer for 10 minutes. Grate part of the chocolate on a fine grater to decorate the dessert, break the second part and place in a water bath.
  2. Add milk to chocolate, mix thoroughly.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and knead in a bowl with a fork until smooth.
  4. Cool the cream and whip it into a thick foam.
  5. Mix cream with cottage cheese. Divide the resulting curd cream into two parts.
  6. Mix one part of the cottage cheese with chocolate, the second with vanilla.
  7. Place chocolate and vanilla cream in bowls in random order. You can leave the dessert in layers or stir with a long wooden stick for a marbled effect.
  8. Place the bowls in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  9. Before serving, decorate the dessert with chocolate chips.

Curd-cranberry cream

To prepare an original layer for a sponge cake, you can diversify the taste of the curd cream with sweet and sour cranberries. The mousse turns out beautiful and delicate Pink colour and incredibly gentle. The cream can be used as a layer for a cake or served as a separate dessert for the holidays.

If you want to cook not only delicious, but also healthy dessert, and not too “heavy” in terms of calories, choose curd cream for your dessert, the recipe (and more than one) of which we will discuss today. Don't worry that it will turn out uneven. Armed with modern technology, you can grind the cottage cheese to a homogeneous consistency, so making it a tender and moist addition to biscuits or cakes is as easy as shelling pears. What will you need besides a blender? Each recipe requires its own ingredients. Read, choose an option to your taste - and create for fun!

Option from our grandmothers - sour cream

Your ingredients

  • 200 g, that is, one pack of fatty cottage cheese (from 9% and higher in fat content, or homemade);
  • 400 ml of fat sour cream (if purchased, then from 20% and above);
  • 1 glass of sugar (without a grain).

The dish is prepared: about 10 minutes.
Difficulty: easy.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the curd mass by grinding the curd using a blender or through a sieve (do not skip this step, the cream recipe requires homogeneity of the curd).
  2. Mix the curd mass, sugar and sour cream.
  3. Beat the curd cream thoroughly with a mixer and you’re done!

The curd and sour cream cream can be slightly adjusted by adding vanilla, roasted and crushed (but not into flour) nuts, and cocoa to the recipe. A cake with curd cream prepared according to the specified recipe quickly soaks in and becomes very moist and “heavy”, but has a pleasant fresh sourness.

Curd and cream option

Your ingredients

  • 200 ml heavy whipping cream;
  • 200 g cottage cheese (preferably low-fat);
  • 100 g regular sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

The dish is prepared: from 15 to 20 minutes.
Difficulty: easy.

Cooking method

  1. The beginning is similar to the previous recipe - grind the cottage cheese as thoroughly as possible.
  2. Mix the cream with vanilla and sugar, then connect the mixer to the mixer and beat the whole mass into a fluffy cream.
  3. Mix prepared cottage cheese and cloud-shaped cream. Here the curd cream is ready!

This cottage cheese cream turns out to be especially tender. It is suitable for both sponge cake and pastries, as well as a recipe for a separate dish (in a vase, sprinkled with grated chocolate, the creamy dessert looks especially elegant and appetizing).

Option with yoghurt and gelatin

Your ingredients

  • 0.5 kg of fatty, fresh cottage cheese (ideally homemade);
  • 120 ml, that is, half a glass of juice (can be replaced with cold boiled water);
  • 400 g of yogurt (if you take juice, it is better to take yogurt with a neutral taste);
  • 20 g gelatin;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar (if the juice is sweet, less can be used).

The dish takes over an hour to prepare.
Difficulty: slightly above average.

Cooking method

  1. First you need to deal with gelatin. It must be filled with juice or water and left for 40 minutes. By the way, the “recipe” for gelatin swelling may differ depending on the manufacturer, so look at the information on the packaging.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese in the same way - through a sieve or with a blender (even an immersion blender will do).
  3. Beat the grated cottage cheese, sugar and yogurt additionally.
  4. Heat gelatin over low heat. This must be done carefully so that it is completely dissolved, but does not manage to boil. After this, cool the solution - we need it warm.
  5. Add the solution to the curd mixture and beat it well with gelatin.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid or film and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Important: when scooping this cream to cover the sponge cake, do not spread it over the surface of the cake, but simply apply it in small portions, and at the end level it with a spatula.

Curd cream with gelatin prepared according to the specified recipe turns out to be soufflé-like, like “Bird's milk”.

Option with butter

Your ingredients

  • 200 g (one pack) butter;
  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese (cottage cheese left in the refrigerator will not work);
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • a little vanilla.

The dish is prepared: 20 minutes + 1 hour for cooling.
Difficulty: medium.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the butter warmed to room temperature into pieces, mix with powdered sugar, and then beat.
  2. Rub the curd until smooth.
  3. Combine the creamy part of the cream and cottage cheese. Beat the resulting mass. At the end of whipping, add aromatic vanillin to the cream.
  4. Hide our curd cream for the cake in a cold place to cool. After an hour of “imprisonment” it is ready and you can work with it.

Jelly-custard option

Your ingredients

  • 4 tablespoons flour (no heaps);
  • 200 ml milk (partial faceted glass);
  • 150 g of cottage cheese (necessarily fresh);
  • 4 eggs (well chilled);
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife (or half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar);
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin (with a large mound if you are not sure of the quality of this product);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • about 2 tablespoons butter.

The dish is prepared: about 40 minutes + 4 hours for cooling.
Difficulty: high.

Cooking method

  1. Mix the flour with a spoon or two of milk, grind well, and then pour in the remaining milk. Bring this mixture to a boil and remove from heat.
  2. Pour gelatin with water (strictly according to the instructions on the package). Leave to swell for at least 20 minutes. After this, heat in the microwave or on the stove until all the swollen lumps melt - but do not boil.
  3. Rub the cottage cheese as described repeatedly above.
  4. Combine cottage cheese with butter (room temperature), sugar and vanilla.
  5. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat all the yolks (you can use a whisk) and combine with the cottage cheese.
  6. Add cooled milk to the curd mass.
  7. Beat the whites until foamy (you can add a little salt to them, or add a drop of lemon juice– this is the most popular “recipe” for whipping egg whites).
  8. It's time to finally make this curd cream. We combine all the scattered ingredients (curd mass, proteins, gelatin). Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Four hours - and dessert is ready.

In general, you would have good biscuit– and it’s not difficult to find a recipe for a cream for it! The main thing is that nothing - neither a harmful diet, nor a lack of free time, nor kitchen appliances that broke at the wrong time - prevent you from preparing the next cooking masterpiece. And at the end (the most pleasant thing!) - sit down with a cup of coffee and enjoy, enjoy every crumb, feeling how your most delicate curd cream for the sponge cake melts in your mouth...

In general, bon appetit!
