Types of sturgeon fish: description of representatives and differences. Sturgeon fish species

Scientists have every reason to claim that more than 75 million years ago, sturgeon fish were already on our planet. Therefore, the fact that they have survived to this day cannot but surprise.

Their habitat is marine salty water, and they spawn in fresh water bodies. Sterlet is the smallest sturgeon. Its body length is from 30 cm to 1 m, it weighs from 500 g to 4 kg. Beluga is considered the largest, its weight reaches 2 tons and its length is 9 m.

Sturgeon fishing is practiced in many countries around the world; not only meat, but also caviar is considered valuable products. It is prohibited to fish during spawning, but poachers break the law, despite the ban and punishments. Other factors also affected the number of fish, for example, the deterioration of the environmental situation, which is why the names of large representatives of sturgeon can be seen in the International Red Book.

Getting to know sturgeon

Before the start of spawning, in the spring, sturgeon move to fresh water bodies and explore places with shallow depths. Numerous offspring are born, first in the form of larvae. Some representatives of sturgeon move to fresh water bodies not only for spawning, but also before the start of wintering. They successfully explore the bottom and find food there - small fish, worms, mollusks and insects.

Features of the body structure of sturgeon

Representatives of sturgeon are distinguished by their large weight and size. They have an elongated body, bony scutes are arranged in five rows, alternating with bony plates. The snout is cone-shaped, shaped like a shovel. There are two pairs of antennae on the muzzle, a mouth with fleshy lips, and no teeth.

Oddly enough, even adult fish do not have vertebral bodies. Representatives of this oldest family on our planet have much in common with sharks, for example, they both have a squirter.

Growth and puberty

Most sturgeon are long-lived. Individuals begin to spawn in different time, it all depends on the type of fish and the place where it lives. When the spawning ends, the fish returns to the sea, gains weight, and then goes to spawn again a year later.

Sturgeon do not grow as slowly as they mature. It is not uncommon for females to be ready to spawn only at 20 years of age. On average, this indicator is 8-21 years, males become sexually mature earlier, at the age of 5-18 years. For the inhabitants of the Don and Dnieper this happens faster, for fish living in the waters of the Volga it takes longer.

Every year, spawning occurs only in sterlet. Despite the fact that the current in the rivers is fast, this does not affect the eggs. Thanks to their adhesive structure, the eggs stick to the pebbles and maintain their integrity.

The most popular representatives of sturgeon

  • Beluga. These are real long-livers and giants among freshwater fish. The largest individuals weighed more than a ton and were four to five meters long. Scientists believe that these “record holders” were 65-70, and maybe 100 years old. This fish, shaped like a torpedo, is considered the oldest. Males are smaller than females. The fish feed on gobies, anchovies, roach, herring, and anchovy. Spawning in females begins with the onset of spring, once every two or four years. The number of eggs in one female can reach 7 million. Its meat is tasty and nutritious, but it is a little tougher than the meat of other sturgeons; caviar is considered a particularly valuable product. It is this fish that suffered more than others from barbaric destruction by poachers, so they are trying to correct the situation by growing it in specialized enterprises.


  • Russian sturgeon. It can be found in the waters of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. There are individuals up to two meters long, weighing from 12 to 24 kg. There are known cases when the weight of the caught fish was 80 kg, and the age was 50 years. The body of the sturgeon is spindle-shaped, the snout is blunt and short. The color changes from dark gray on the back to white on the belly.

    Russian sturgeon

  • Siberian sturgeon. Judging by the name, it is not difficult to guess where this fish lives. These are the basins of Russian rivers - Kolyma, Ob, Yenisei and Lena. Siberian sturgeon is a valuable commercial fish. Their fatness is higher than that of other sturgeon representatives. The fish weighs from 9 to 22 kg, but often this figure reaches 100 kg. Spawning for Siberian sturgeon begins in mid-summer. The fish feeds on chironomid larvae, amphipods, and mollusks.

    Siberian sturgeon

  • Stellate sturgeon. This is a very valuable commercial specimen, living in the waters of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, the average weight of one individual is 7 kg, life expectancy is 30 years. The color of the fish, like its relatives, depends on its habitat. Most often, the back is bluish-black, and the belly white. Stellate sturgeon meat is very tasty, valuable and healthy.

    Stellate sturgeon

  • Sterlet. This is a fish that is much smaller in size than its relatives; on average, it weighs no more than 700 g, but there have been specimens up to 16 kg. Its length is 40-60 cm, the fish is easily recognized by its elongated, slightly pointed nose. Life expectancy is 20 years. Sterlet begins puberty at the age of 7, which is why fish farms prefer to breed it. The lateral plates and fringed antennae are what distinguish the sterlet from other sturgeons. Color ranges from grayish-brown to yellowish-white. The meat of this fish is a delicacy; sterlet fish soup is considered especially tasty. Sterlet is found in the waters of rivers flowing into the Black, Azov and Caspian Sea, in the Northern Dvina, Yenisei, Ob. At one time, it was settled in the waters of the Western Dvina, Neman, Onega, Oka and in some reservoirs.


IN Tsarist Russia Only the richest people could feast on sturgeon. Nowadays, in fish habitats, dishes made from it are not considered something special. Fish meat contains a large number of vitamin and other beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. All of them are necessary for the maintenance and normal functioning of organs and systems. It is difficult to overestimate the importance that Omega3 polyunsaturated acid has for our body. It promotes the normal functioning of brain cells, strengthens the immune system, and improves memory. Based laboratory research scientists have concluded that people who regularly eat red fish are less likely to experience melancholy, they manage to avoid depression and mental disorders. Omega 3 prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer

Today there are a large number of hybrids that are the result of crossing sturgeons; in appearance they are very similar to their relatives.

More important than all sturgeon fish beluga(Huso huso), the giant of the entire family and clan; this fish reaches 8 m, and according to Lindeman, even 15 m in length and from 1000 to 1600 kg in weight*.

* The size that beluga can reach is greatly exaggerated: the length of record specimens does not exceed 5 m. The maximum life expectancy is 100 years.

The beluga is distinguished by a short triangular muzzle, flat antennae, a somewhat notched upper lip, divided in the middle by a lower lip, low back and front, and elevated dorsal scutes in the middle and small free-standing side scutes. The upper side is usually dark gray, the ventral side is dirty white; snout yellowish-white; the shields are the same color as the sides.
The distribution area is limited to the Black and Caspian seas, from where it penetrates into the rivers flowing into them.
Our current information about the life of fish in general leads us to the conclusion that the way of life various types sturgeon, in general, are almost the same.

They are actually marine fish and visit fresh waters only to breed or for hibernation. We know nothing about how sturgeons live in the sea, to what depth they go and what kind of food they find in salt water. But, in any case, we must admit that in the sea, as in rivers, they prefer sandy or muddy soil and, almost burrowing in it, slowly move forward, crawling rather than swimming; With their sharp snout they tear up silt and sand and look for the necessary food in the seabed with their lips extended forward*.

* Brem is wrong - sturgeons try to avoid areas with a muddy bottom and never burrow into the ground. In order to find food, they do not tear up the soil with their snouts or their antennae.

In the stomachs of those fish that visited the rivers, they found, along with animal food, almost decomposed remains of plants, but the latter could also accidentally get there. In any case, we must classify all sturgeons as predatory fish; about more known species we can probably say that they rise into the rivers following fish from the carp family and feed almost exclusively on them. However, during their travels, sturgeons rise to the upper layers of water and then move relatively quickly. These journeys take place in different species almost simultaneously (from March to May and late autumn) entire societies, the size of which varies depending on the location and other circumstances. In rivers abounding in fish, the number of sturgeon has greatly decreased; This is all the more noticeable the more fishing gear improves; in some very big rivers On the contrary, they are still found in large numbers, since the vastness of these waters does not allow fishermen to pursue them everywhere**.

* * Sturgeon catches in the Caspian and Black Seas have decreased several times over the past few years; in other areas of the world, their numbers in natural reservoirs are also low. Therefore, sturgeon are being bred and grown artificially. These fish are different rapid growth and unpretentiousness, scale artificial cultivation sturgeon population, primarily Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii, is rapidly increasing.

All sturgeons are among the most prolific fish known to us. Beluga sturgeons were found whose ovaries, with a total weight of 1400 kg, weighed 400 kg. Eggs are laid by fish on the bottom of the river, after which the fish quickly rise to the upper layers and swim into the open sea, while the young remain in the river water for quite a long time, maybe even the first two years of life.
The meat of all types of sturgeon is very tasty, as a result of which they are caught everywhere and eaten fresh, salted or smoked. Among ancient peoples, sturgeon was held in high esteem.
“Bring the sturgeon to the Palatine’s table, so that the feast will be decorated with such a rare dish,” says Marpial. Among the rich Romans, this fish was decorated with flowers when served to the table. In Greece, its meat was considered the most noble dish; in China it was reserved for the emperor’s table; in England and France, the right to eat sturgeon belonged only to the sovereign and the richest nobles; In Russia, sturgeon meat is also highly valued. However, sturgeon are caught for their caviar and swim bladder rather than their meat. As is known, caviar is prepared from their eggs, and the most beautiful glue is made from the bubble.
From representatives of the genus sturgeon(Acipenser) I will first mention the most famous Atlantic sturgeon(Acipenser sturios); it has a not very elongated muzzle, a narrow upper lip, a swollen and divided lower lip in the middle, simple mustaches closely adjacent to each other, large lateral scutes and low dorsal scutes on the sides, convex in the middle. The color of the upper part is more or less dark brown or yellow-brown, the lower part is shiny silvery-white; the scutes have a dirty white tint. The length can reach 6 m, but rarely exceeds 2 m*.

* The Atlantic sturgeon is the largest of the sturgeons, reaching over 3 m in length and over 300 kg in weight.

Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Northern and Baltic Sea serve as a habitat for Atlantic sturgeon, which, however, is also found off the eastern shores North America; in the Black Sea it is completely absent and is also never found in the Danube basin**.

* * Lives in the Black Sea, but rarely.

Sterlet(Acipenser rithenus) is easily recognized by its elongated, narrow snout and rather long, fringed inside mustache; on a narrow upper lip a slight notch is visible; underlip divided in the middle. The dorsal shields are slightly elevated in front, but rise gradually towards the tail and end in a point. The color of the back is dark gray, the belly is lighter; pectoral, dorsal and caudal fins are gray, ventral and anal fins are dirty white; the dorsal scutes are the same color as the back, the lateral and ventral scutes are whitish. Its length rarely exceeds 1 m; weight no more than 12 kg. The sterlet lives in the Black Sea and rises from there along all the rivers flowing into it, for example into the Danube and almost all of its tributaries. It is constantly caught near Vienna. In addition to the Black Sea, it is also found in the Caspian Sea, and therefore is also caught in all the rivers flowing into it, as well as in Siberian rivers, namely the Ob.

They tried several times to move the sterlet to the rivers of northern Germany, and, apparently, it acclimatized in the Oder***.

* * * Brehm is wrong. Sterlet is a freshwater fish and goes to sea extremely rarely.

Sterlet appears somewhat less frequently in the middle part of the Danube stellate sturgeon(Acipenser stellatus); it is very similar to the sterlet, lives in the same seas, is quite common in Russia and reaches about 2 m in length and 25 kg in weight; it can be easily recognized by its long, sharp, sword-shaped snout, simple antennae, notched upper lip, almost absent lower lip, and separated side scutes. The light reddish-brown back is sometimes bluish-black; the lower part of the muzzle is meat-colored; the sides and belly are white, the shields are dirty white.
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  • - family of fish nadotr. cartilaginous ganoids. Dl. up to 9 m, weight up to 1.5 tons, 4 genera, 23 species, in the North. hemispheres. Anadromous, semi-anadromous and freshwater fish. Number is shrinking. 5 species are protected...

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  • - a family of fish from the ganoid order, suborder Chondrostei. They are characterized by the following features: the body is elongated, almost valval, with 5 longitudinal rows of bony scutes...

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  • - a family of fish of the cartilaginous ganoid group. Snout more or less elongated; mouth without teeth, retractable, lower, 4 antennae in front of it. The internal skeleton is cartilaginous...

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  • - a family of fish of the superorder of cartilaginous ganoids. Length up to 9 m, weight up to 1.5 tons. 4 genera, 23 species, in the Northern Hemisphere. Anadromous, semi-anadromous and freshwater fish. The number is declining. 5 species - protected...

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  • - sturgeon pl. A family of fish that includes sterlet, stellate sturgeon, beluga, sturgeon and...

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"The Sturgeon Family" in books

Sturgeon breeds

From the book Cookbook Orthodox posts author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Sturgeon breeds

From the book The World's Best Fish Dishes author Zubakin Mikhail

Sturgeon merchant cabbage rolls

From the book Festive Table in Russian author collection of recipes


From the book 1000 delicious dishes [for reader programs WITH SUPPORT OF tables] author DRASUTENE E.


From the book Great Culinary Dictionary by Dumas Alexander


From the book Recreational Fishing [with illustrations] author Kurkin Boris Mikhailovich

STURGEON FAMILY Fish of this family differ significantly from all others in that on their elongated, spindle-shaped body there are five longitudinal rows of bony bugs - convex, on top irregular shape. One row of them is located on the back, two - on the sides of the body, and two -

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Sturgeon The possibility of growing sturgeon near your home is of particular interest. For commercial cultivation, the following species and hybrid forms are most widely used: Lena and Russian sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, bester (a hybrid of beluga and sterlet),


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FAMILY OF PUMAS? Not for the first time, finding themselves without help, local farmers are trying to solve an ominous mystery on their own. In 1986, flocks of sheep in Cinco Villas de Aragon were attacked by some cruel beast. The newspaper Diario de Navarra reported the incident as follows:

Sturgeon fish

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (N-O) author Brockhaus F.A.

Sturgeon fishes Sturgeon fishes (Acipeuseridae) are a family of fish from the order (other subclass) ganoids (Ganoidei), suborder (other order) Chondrostei. They are characterized by the following features: the body is elongated, almost valval, with 5 longitudinal rows of bony scutes; muzzle


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (C) author Brockhaus F.A.

Family Family (famila) is a taxonomic group proposed in 1780 by Batsch and usually embraces several genera (genera.), although there are families containing only one genus. Several (or even one) S. form a suborder or detachment (subordo and ordo). Sometimes S. contains


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bb) The whole family

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bb) The whole family Under the head and the whole family - all its members. First of all, they must have a head, not remain without it, and not allow there to be two or more of them. This is required by simple prudence and their own good, otherwise impossible, p) Then, when

Any fishing can be very exciting, but sturgeon fishing is especially exciting. Sturgeon species fish are protected by the Red Book, and they can only be caught with a special permit, or on paid reservoirs. But no high cost bothers lovers of active fishing. The costs of catching the king fish are fully compensated by the pleasure and burst of adrenaline.

Phylogenetically, this is the oldest group of fish on the planet. Today, nineteen species have survived in the world, eleven of which can be found as part of the ichthyofauna of Russian water areas. They are united by common structural features:

  • cartilaginous skeleton with a cartilaginous notochord (“dorsal chord”) instead of a spine;
  • spindle-shaped body shape;
  • thick, rough skin with diamond-shaped scales (“bugs”) covered with enamel-like ganoin;
  • five rows of plates protecting the body from the abdominal, dorsal and sides;
  • the dorsal fin is far removed from the head, the anterior ray of the pectoral fin is in the form of a spine;
  • the front part of the skull is extended into the rostrum (snout);
  • oral opening in the form of a semilunar slit on the lower part of the snout;
  • the mouth is retractable, with soft lips, without teeth, surrounded by four sensitive antennae;
  • rudimentary squirter on the gill cover;
  • small black caviar.

Sturgeon fish is found in three forms: semi-anadromous, anadromous and residential. Anadromous species are sea sturgeons. Most of the time they “graze” in the sea, entering rivers.

Semi-anadromous fish do not tolerate high salinity, but like to feed in pre-estuarine areas where sea water is diluted. Semi-anadromous species of sturgeon rise to the upper reaches of rivers to spawn.

Residential (or local) are river or lake freshwater sturgeons. They migrate to spawning grounds without going to sea.

All species of sturgeon live in the Northern Hemisphere. Mostly seen in temperate latitudes. One of the most “southern” species is the Adriatic sturgeon, living off the coast of Italy.

Sturgeon is a fish with a mainly benthic diet. Leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, eating mollusks, crustaceans, and larvae. Adult large individuals (beluga, kaluga) feed on fish.

The sturgeon's weight and size vary greatly depending on the species. The “tallest” – a. .

On a note. Sturgeon fish reach maturity very late. Some varieties mature only at 15 years. Sturgeon spawning occurs at intervals of several years. Females spawn only 2-5 times in their lives.

Photo 1. Kaluga fish.

Sturgeons of the Russian expanses: a brief overview

In Russia, the sturgeon's habitat extends from White Sea to the Caspian Sea. Distributed in the basins of Siberian rivers. In the west it is sometimes found in the Baltic Sea, in the east – in the Pacific Ocean.

Species of sturgeon



Amur sturgeonThe Amur River basin, including floodplain lakes: Bolon, Kizi, Orel-Chlya.Endemic, not found in other areas. The Amur sturgeon is a residential species, its feeding range coincides with its spawning range. Very large: grows up to more than three meters, weighing up to 250 kg. In the wild, the Amur sturgeon can live up to 60 years.
KalugaThe Amur basin along its entire length. Found in Ussuri, Zeya, and Lake Orel. It does not go into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.Belongs to the Beluga genus. Very close-up view: length more than 4 meters, weight up to 1 ton. Kaluga is a long-liver. With a weight of about 600 kg, the age for this fish is 50 years. It feeds on fish - silver carp, carp. Small individuals also hunt lamprey. Puberty occurs at 18-20 years of age.
Atlantic sturgeon (Baltic sturgeon)In Russia, it lives in Lake Ladoga and comes to Svir, Volkhov and Syas to spawn. Almost exterminated in the Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea waters.Migratory fish, resident only in Lake Ladoga. Atlantic sturgeon is a massive fish (3 meters long and weighs up to 300 kg). In Ladoga and rivers it feeds on benthos (worms, mollusks, crayfish). In the seas he hunts for fish. In Western European farms, Baltic sturgeon is bred artificially.
Russian sturgeon (Caspian-Black Sea)Water areas of the Caspian and Azov seas. Enters the Volga, Don, Kuban, Tuapse to spawn. Sometimes it comes across in Kama. In the adjacent territories - Dnieper, Dniester, Rioni.Quite a large anadromous fish (1.5-2 m), but there are as many variations in weight and size as there are populations. For example, the Volga sturgeon is larger than the Don sturgeon. Can live up to 50 years. The diet is predominantly benthic, but in the Caspian Sea they hunt for gobies and sprat.
ThornBasins of the Black, Caspian and Aral seas. Often rises into the Ural River. Occasionally enters the Volga delta.A characteristic feature of the spine is the undivided lower lip. Ichthyologists have doubts about this fish: whether it is a pure species. According to some assumptions, the thorn is a hybrid of beluga and sturgeon. Large fish - more than 2 meters in length, weighing 20-30 kg. The skin color is quite light for a sturgeon, which is why the sturgeon is sometimes called the “white sturgeon.”
Caspian and Azov Seas. It rises into the Volga, Kuban, Laba, Don, and Ural rivers.The strongly elongated rostrum makes it possible to distinguish the stellate sturgeon from other sturgeons. Usual sizes are from 130 to 150 cm, weight – up to 10 kg. Lives up to 30 years. The Caspian stellate sturgeon eats crustaceans and marine polychaete worms. The diet of the Azov fish is amphipods, worms, small fish.
SterletBasins of Ladoga and Lake Onega, Volga, Don, Irtysh, Ob, Northern Dvina. Artificially populated in Neman, Pechora, Amur.The fish are mainly of a residential form. Only in the Volga delta does it become semi-passable. Among sturgeon it is the smallest: up to 125 cm long and up to 16 kg in weight. But even such instances are rare. More often, sterlet weighing about 2-4 kg is caught. The diet is exclusively benthic. Spawns annually.
BelugaCaspian, Azov and Black seas. Along the Volga it gets to the mouth of the Samara River, along the Kama - to Vishera. Found in the waters of Vyatka, Belaya, Don, and the Urals.A giant among sturgeons – more than 5 meters long. Weight can exceed a ton. Migratory, long-lived fish (lives up to one hundred years). A predator that feeds on fish in the sea (sprat, herring, gobies), sometimes attacks Caspian seal cubs.

On a note. In nature, many species of sturgeon easily form hybrids. Thanks to this, bester, a hybrid of sterlet and beluga, was artificially bred for commercial cultivation.

Photo 2. Sevruga

Seasonal sturgeon migrations

Sturgeon fish are constantly on the move. They distinguish between spawning and feeding migrations. Spawning - from the wintering and feeding areas to the spawning grounds, feeding - in the opposite direction. Sea sturgeon migrate to rivers to spawn because their eggs and larvae survive only in fresh water. But residential freshwater forms also move along river beds - they look for clean shallow waters with fast currents and a pebble bottom.

All sturgeon spawn in the spring and summer, but they migrate to the spawning grounds at different times. On this basis, sturgeon are divided into seasonal races - winter and spring. Spring fish begin their spawning run immediately before spawning, in the spring. Winter crops - in the fall, with sexual products that have not yet ripened, and their spawning migration coincides with the wintering migration. It is curious that different seasonal races can form even within the same species, depending on the specific habitat.

Spawned anadromous and semi-anadromous sturgeons migrate back to the sea to feed. Residents are also returning to their permanent place of residence. During this period, the fish is “thin”, with an extremely low body fat content. The fry that hatch from the eggs grow for some time near the spawning ground, and then follow their parents.

Features of sturgeon fishing

Sturgeon fishing can begin after spawning. Places of wild reservoirs where sturgeon live are recognized by the following signs:

  1. Large shallows, underwater slides and spits.
  2. Gaps between dams.
  3. Places with slow currents up to two meters deep.
  4. Artificial coastal fills.
  5. Vast oxbow lakes.
  6. Mouths of tributaries.
  7. Sandy coastal areas with stumps and boulders.

Considering the rarity of sturgeon and taking care of their safety, it is, of course, more correct to use the services of paid reservoirs. You won’t be able to get a trophy from them, but you can catch small sturgeon for your own pleasure. Individuals weighing 1-4 kg are usually launched into “pay zones”. The fish that were released the day before are biting the most actively.

Tackle for sturgeon is prepared taking into account its bottom-dwelling lifestyle. Most often used with rigid forms. Bolognese fishing rods are not suitable - sturgeons easily break them. The length of the rod depends on the fishing method: from the shore or from a boat, in the near zone or with long casts.

Photo 3. White sturgeon.

Many anglers use barbless hooks to reduce trauma to the sturgeon's soft mouth. Hook sizes for fishing on paid reservoirs are No. 8-10. For larger wild individuals - No. 2-6. Be sure to prepare a wide carp fishing rod and gloves so as not to injure your hands on the spiked prey.

It is better to find out in advance from the owners of the reservoir or other fishermen what to use for catching sturgeon on the “pay site”. IN general case Animal baits that work best for sturgeon are:

  • smoked capelin;
  • bunches of earthworms or dung worms;
  • fish fillet.

A separate topic is pearl barley or toothless meat. With its help, sturgeon fishing can be very successful, since in nature sturgeon willingly suck these mollusks from the shell. You can dial them right on the spot.

Sturgeon bait can be prepared for carp. It will be large enough so that it won’t be taken away right away. small fish, slowly dissolving and aromatic. Sturgeons have poor eyesight, but a sensitive sense of smell, so it is better not to use unnecessary flavorings. It is also not worth feeding this fish heavily.

There is one secret about how to catch a sturgeon: you need to immediately respond by hooking even a barely noticeable bite. Sturgeon are able to very gently remove the bait without swallowing the hook.

The caught sturgeon sharply presses to the bottom and strongly resists. You need to reel it in quickly and confidently. A sturgeon can break loose when jumping out of the water, so it’s better not to hesitate. However, even if he manages to get off the hook in this way, the spectacle of the signature sturgeon “candle” and the pleasure of fighting with a strong opponent will completely compensate for the lack of a catch.

The sturgeon family belongs to the few remnants of the most ancient forms, the heyday of which occurred in the time preceding the appearance of bony waterfowl.


One of the oldest characteristics of sturgeons is the preserved cartilaginous notochord, which serves as the basis of the axial skeleton. Even adult fish of this family lack vertebral bodies. The peculiarities of sturgeon are contained in the preserved cartilaginous basis of the internal skeleton and cranium.

Like sharks, this ancient family has a squirter. It is a special hole leading from the gill cavity to the upper edge of its cover. At the base of the ventral fins there is an anus. The conus arteriosus is located in the heart muscle, and the spiral valve is located in the intestine.

Sturgeon fish still retain a special enamel-like substance called ganoin on their rhombic scales. This is a distinctive characteristic of sturgeon. That is why fish of this family are also called cartilaginous ganoids.

The habitat of freshwater and anadromous sturgeon is the Northern Hemisphere. They are distinguished from all other fish by the presence of bony plates pointed towards the apex. One row of them is located on the back, two are located on the sides and on the belly. The top row goes from the back of the head to the very base of the fin. The lateral ones extend from the gill opening to the tail. The abdominal rows extend to the lower fins, starting from the shoulder girdle. Smaller ones are scattered between the large plates.

Sturgeon fish have a spindle-shaped, elongated body. Their heads are covered with durable bone scutes. Various species of sturgeon fish have a sword-shaped, elongated or conically pointed snout. The mouth, located at the bottom of the head, is a transverse slit. It can be semicircular with fleshy lips, or retractable without teeth. In front of the mouth, forming a transverse row, there are four antennae.

Sturgeon breeds have a heterocercal (unequal) caudal fin. Their spine has a sharp bend at the end. This is the basis of the caudal fin, which is covered with rhombic scales.

There is a strong thickening on the pectoral fin. Its anterior ray is a spine. The peculiarity of the sturgeon's dorsal fin is that it is set far away from the head.


Sturgeon fish are long-lived. The only exception is sterlet. Puberty of these fish occurs late, only when they reach a significant size. To spawn, sturgeons rise into rivers. However, they do not spawn annually.

At the end of spawning, sturgeon fish roll back into the sea. Here they feed and increase in size, so that after two or three years they come out again to spawn.

Growth of juveniles

Sturgeon larvae live for a long period, feeding on the contents of the yolk sac. After the resorption of its walls, they exist by eating small zooplankton, and a little later - bottom organisms.

The fry begin their journey along the river and end up in the sea in the summer. The situation is somewhat different in large reservoirs. Here the young can stay for two to three years. But after that she will certainly begin her journey to the sea.

In Russia there are huge natural nurseries for sturgeon fish. These are such inland seas as the Azov, Caspian and Black. In them, fish feed and grow until puberty, as well as during the periods between spawnings.

Diversity of Representatives

The sturgeon family includes semi-anadromous, anadromous species, as well as individuals living in freshwater bodies. They can be found in the seas and rivers of Europe, North America and northern Asia.

All sturgeon fish are divided into four genera and twenty-five species. Some of them are distributed in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Here, in the sea basins in the south, as well as in the Baltic Sea, in the Amur and in the rivers of Siberia, three genera and thirteen species are found.

Sturgeon fish, the names of which are presented below, include in their list:



All of them are passable. Only one sturgeon fish is freshwater. This is a sterlet.

Description of representatives of the species

The sturgeon fish, which is found in the basins of the Black, Azov and Caspian seas, is the Russian sturgeon. Sometimes the length of some of its representatives reaches two meters. Average weight Russian sturgeon ranges from 12 to 24 kilograms. Very rarely it can exceed the 80 kg mark.

The order “sturgeon” is represented by such valuable commercial fish as the Siberian sturgeon. These individuals differ from other species in their high fatness. The average weight of Siberian sturgeon is from 9 to 22 kg. There are individuals reaching one hundred or more kilograms.

A very valuable commercial sturgeon fish is the stellate sturgeon. It is found in the Caspian and also in the Azov-Black Sea basins. The main differences between the stellate sturgeon are its long sword-shaped snout and a large number of star-shaped light plates on the sides. These individuals are characterized by a broken lower lip. The average weight of stellate sturgeon is between seven and eight kilograms. The value of fish lies in its meat, which has high taste.

In the rivers of Western Siberia and the European part of the CIS there is another representative of the sturgeon - the sterlet. The average weight of individuals reaches 250-700 grams. Sterlet is different big amount lateral plates than other sturgeons. These fish have fringed antennae. Sterlet meat is very tasty. The soup made from it is especially good.

The only fish in the Aral Basin belonging to the sturgeon family is the sturgeon. Representatives of this species can also be found in the Azov, Caspian and Black Seas. The average weight of a spike ranges from 12 to 15 kg. There are individuals up to one hundred kilograms. The thorn has a round mouth, a pointed snout and a large first dorsal plate.

Beluga is found in the Azov-Black Sea and Caspian basins. Sturgeon of this species live a very long time and reach enormous sizes. Beluga is considered one of the largest fish that lives in freshwater bodies of the globe. More recently they were caught giant specimens, whose length ranged from four to five meters and weighed more than a ton. Their ages were also determined. It was 65-70 years old.

Another representative of the sturgeon family, kaluga, is very similar to beluga. This is a valuable commercial fish found in the Amur River. Externally, they can be distinguished by the first dorsal plates. In the beluga it is the smallest, and in the kaluga it is larger than all the others.


Almost all species of sturgeon fish use invertebrates that live at the bottom of the reservoir as their main food source. Their list includes worms and crustaceans, chironomid larvae and mollusks.

Based on the type of feeding, sturgeon representatives are classified as benthophages. But there is an exception. Thus, the largest species of sturgeon (beluga and kaluga) are predatory.

The main food reserves for sturgeon are concentrated in the Sea of ​​Azov. There is food for these fish in the northwestern parts of the Black Sea, as well as in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Semi-anadromous types of the sturgeon family feed in the deltas of fast and large rivers. There is food for them in the pre-estuarine zones. With the onset of a warm period, these fish rise up river beds to spawn.

Representatives of sturgeon grow very quickly. This is facilitated by their ability to use existing food resources with maximum efficiency.

An interesting fact is that in the same body of water sometimes there are species of sturgeon that differ in the type of food they eat. Moreover, they all complement each other in a certain way. For example, in the Caspian basin, beluga is common predatory fish. There is also a Russian sturgeon that eats shellfish. The food for stellate sturgeon are crustaceans and worms. Freshwater sterlet eats small invertebrates that live on the bottom of rivers. Thus, the food supply of the reservoir is used most efficiently.

Differences within species

Anadromous sturgeons have a rather complex classification. Within each species there are certain races. They differ in their breeding season. So, some of the subspecies go to spawn in the warm period, while others - in the cold.

The existence of different races is also possible due to differences in the use of places chosen for the deposition of eggs.

The emergence of hybrids

Sometimes in natural conditions different species of sturgeon are crossed with each other. As a result, a variety of hybrid options appear.

A huge number of individuals have been studied that arose from the crossing of almost all species of sturgeon. Recently, the diversity of hybrids continues to increase. This is due to a decrease in the area of ​​areas that are suitable for spawning. In those reservoirs where deposition of eggs is possible, there is a large accumulation of individuals of various species.


These are very peculiar fish that belong to the sturgeon subfamily. Shovel-nosed fish are adapted to life in fast flows of water carrying a large number of different suspensions.

A characteristic feature of representatives of this subfamily are very small eyes, sometimes almost covered with skin. This indicates that vision in these fish does not play a special role in life. But shovel-nosed animals have a superbly developed sense of touch. Its main organs are long antennae and the lower part of the snout. The body of these fish is protected from mechanical damage by large bony plates, which are a kind of shell. It is no coincidence that shovel-nosed animals have a flat snout. This shape allows the fish to stay afloat under a fast stream of water.

Representatives of this sturgeon subfamily can be found only in two regions of our planet. Individuals belonging to the genus American shovelnose are found in the Mississippi River basin. They are divided into two types. The first includes the common shovelnose. This is a fish whose length reaches 90 cm. White shovelnose is somewhat less common in Mississippi. This is a typical river fish, whose habitat is parts of the river with a very fast current. The length of representatives of this species reaches one meter.

False pathologists are a genus of sturgeon that live in the basins of rivers such as the Syr Darya and Amu Darya. This fish differs from its American relatives in its shorter body and fewer bony scutes.

Central Asian shovelnose snakes choose flat areas of river beds as their habitat. These fish do not go into the salty waters of the Aral Sea. The largest Amu Darya shovelnose reaches a length of 58 cm. Its weight is 760 g. A small representative of this genus has a body whose length does not exceed 27 cm.

Shovelnose stick to pebble and sandbanks. They can also be found in ducts. It’s not just the flat and wide snout that helps these fish stay in fast currents of water. Their pectoral fins, which act as suction cups, also have a special folded shape.

Shovelnose breeding occurs on sandy coarse-grained shallows, as well as on rocky placers, which are found in river beds at a depth of one and a half to two meters. Spawning of these fish occurs in March-April, when the water temperature reaches 14-16 degrees.

The main food of shovelnose fish is bottom invertebrates and fish eggs. Larger individuals prefer juvenile sabrefish, barbel and other large prey.

Delicacy fish

Sturgeon fish can be found on sale both live and chilled, smoked and frozen. It is used for the production of various canned food and balyk.

The sale of salted sturgeon fish is prohibited. This is due to the likelihood of the presence in delicatessen meat of a pathogenic anaerobe - botulinus, which causes severe poisoning.

Previously, only those belonging to the sturgeon family were called red fish. These are species such as sterlet, beluga, sturgeon and stellate sturgeon. But they were valued not at all for the pinkish-yellow color of the meat, but for their high nutritional and taste qualities. Today it is common name also assigned to salmon species. Thus, chum salmon, pink salmon and salmon are called red.

There is a certain trade and culinary classification of this fish. Its first group includes sturgeon, whose habitat is the Black and Caspian Seas. These are species such as stellate sturgeon and sturgeon, thorn and sterlet, and beluga. The second group includes salmon, such as trout and salmon, chum salmon and pink salmon, and the third group includes white salmon species (taimen and nelma, coho salmon and white fish).

The value of red fish meat is determined by the rich content of iodine and fluorine, calcium and phosphorus, zinc, vitamins B, A, D, PP and E. But the most important for human health is Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is necessary to improve memory, maintain immunity and normal brain function.

Scientists have confirmed that those who regularly include red fish in their diet reduce the risk of cancer and hypertension by three times, and also do not experience depression.
