Amethyst for a woman's Taurus. Talisman stones for beautiful Taurus women

By sorting stones by zodiac sign, you can not only identify weak or strengths person, but also to protect from harm. The main thing is to choose your amulet. Taurus birthstone is sapphire. It is believed that it suits Taurus with absolutely no exceptions. This stone is valued more than a diamond and amazes lovers with its semi-precious play.

What colors do not shimmer its edges! Blue, turquoise, aqua, green, violet, and even shades of red can be seen in this proud and beautiful mineral.

The best talismans for Taurus are sapphires of blue and light blue shades. They have enormous energy potential. Taurus are incredibly lucky that this particular stone keeps and protects them from all kinds of adversity.

Astrologers assure: to choose stones according to the zodiac sign, you need to take into account not only the sign itself, but also the date of birth. The time period of each sign according to the horoscope is conventionally divided into three parts - decades. Representatives of different decades should better find out which stone is right for them.

  1. 1st decade (April 20 - May 1). Taurus born these days are under the influence of Mercury. They are more financially oriented than others, they know the value of money and know how to earn it. This is due to their high intellectual abilities. At the same time, they are prone to melancholy. Taurus stones that may suit such people: jasper, agate, aventurine, tiger's eye, carnelian, amethyst.
  2. 2nd decade (May 2 - 11). Dreamy and noble Taurus, ruled by the Moon, would do well to gain courage and determination. And the following can help them with this: turquoise, jadeite, corals, opal, chrysoprase, chalcedony.
  3. 3rd decade (May 12 - 20). The power of money over people born on these days is strong. One of their biggest fears is poverty and misery. Such people are ruled by Saturn, and they, as a rule, are introverts, focused inward, and prefer time alone to socializing in companies. Minerals for Taurus of the third decade are tourmaline, topaz, emerald, aquamarine, garnet, diamond.

How to choose a talisman as a gift for Taurus

If your friend's zodiac sign is Taurus, you should take into account some of his characteristics when choosing a gift.

Taurus should be given talisman stones with caution.

Taurus values ​​material wealth very much, so they will benefit from a talisman charged with success in business and attracting money - turquoise. This gemstone is perfect for both men and women.

Its noble properties are not revealed to everyone, and Taurus are the lucky ones who are lucky enough to be among the chosen ones. Turquoise helps you focus on important things, separate the wheat from the chaff, improves memory, and eliminates indecision and the fear of making a mistake. Turquoise is also a symbol of eternal love.

Topaz will protect you from envy and unkind words of people of the Taurus zodiac sign. They have plenty of envious people, since Taurus like to go ahead, without ceremony and sweeping away everyone in their path. They often overestimate their strength, which can lead to sudden illness.

Will protect its owner from physiological and mental problems with health, will protect against severe depressive states or prolonged melancholy, smooth out feelings of jealousy and strong stubbornness and give healthy prudence and generosity.

Taurus, who is protected by topaz, is not afraid of slander, envy and negative energy. But with topaz yellow color This zodiac sign is not very friendly. You should not carry it with you. Exceptions are if yellow topaz was inherited by Taurus from close relatives. This is not the best for a gift best stone.

Topaz will protect your body from health problems

The best talisman for Taurus is a stone, which has already been discussed superficially. This is a sapphire, definitely blue or dark blue. If Taurus has a family, then sapphire will become its guardian angel, maintain trust and mutual love spouses. Sometimes Taurus’ energy is in full swing, they are drawn to exploits, and often not in the most correct direction.

Sapphire will help redirect energy, slightly limit unbridled aspirations and smooth out the sharp edges of stubbornness.

And another talisman stone for Taurus is emerald. This sign does not choose simple minerals for itself; all its amulets are jewelry highest quality. A shining emerald will charge its owner with vigor, strength and patience, relieve him of gloomy thoughts, and bring into his consciousness a drop of kindness and the ability to enjoy little things.

Talismans for women and men

Women born under the zodiac sign Taurus are full of ideas and ideas, but often give in to difficulties and slip into the framework of indecision and fear of making mistakes.

Therefore, the best stone for a Taurus woman is turquoise.

In addition to the fact that turquoise has strong energetic properties, it also looks very beautiful as a piece of jewelry. The Taurus girl will be delighted with the delicate, sophisticated turquoise jewelry. This mineral will also have a good effect on her family life, and women's health. Turquoise will give a long-awaited pregnancy to a woman thirsty for children.

Speaking about which stones are suitable for Taurus women, it is worth mentioning agate. This stone in various colors brings success in personal and professional affairs. will help in business, and green and white will charge you with energy and fighting spirit.

Useful stones for women of this earthly zodiac sign are cacholong and opal. The first is a typically feminine stone; it will reveal a woman’s inner emotional potential, help her openly express her feelings, and lift her above the level of everyday life. And jewelry with opal is a talisman for a woman who dreams of finding her soulmate and creating strong family with home comfort.

This mineral helps turn on romantic relationship and protects against unhappy love, deception and manipulation.

A Taurus man will definitely need agate. On the one hand, it gives success in business, and on the other, it helps uncompromising materialist men become more humane and generous and realize that there are other aspects of life besides the material. Black agate is suitable for male politicians, big businessmen, public people of the zodiac sign Taurus.

Callous and tough men will become softer and more accommodating under the influence of emerald. This mineral also protects against bad habits, addictions, greed, and melancholy. Unromantic Taurus men who want to please their soulmate will find inspiration with the help of emerald, reveal the full breadth of their feelings and activate a wave of creative thinking.

What stones should you be wary of?

In addition, which stones are suitable for Taurus, it would be useful to find out which minerals representatives of this sign should stay away from. Absolutely not suitable stones for Taurus - amber, heliotrope, obsidian, pyrite. Amethyst should be treated with extreme caution.

Amethyst has a very ambiguous zodiac meaning. Sometimes it can be worn by children to increase attention and concentration on studies. This gem is also good when fighting bad habits, into which Taurus often fall in pursuit of pleasure and a pleasant life. But once the habit is defeated, wearing these stones is not advisable for Taurus.

Main stone of Taurus woman

This is, of course, turquoise. For the Earth sign, this living mineral brings love to life and stability, provided the stone is worn constantly. For those born in late April-early May, turquoise serves as a talisman. By appearance The fossil shows whether the owner was attacked from outside. The stone, taking the blow upon itself, may become covered with stains, in this case it is worth giving it a rest, holding it for several days. But if the color of turquoise changes, you should consult a doctor, as most likely this is a sign of some disease.

Taurus Gems

These include: sapphire, emerald, opal, malachite, lapis lazuli, diamond. All of them serve as amulets and amulets for Taurus.

Taurus Woman Stone


With this amulet, any doors will be open to you. Protects the owner from slander, betrayal and evil rock. If utensils are made from sapphire, the quality of any food contained in it noticeably improves. In addition, it is a talisman of love and fidelity.


One of the best defenders. Especially when it is a talisman based on your zodiac sign. And this is exactly the case of Taurus. For a spring sign, this rich green beryl is a talisman of good luck in all areas, including health, love and wealth. Like most minerals, it can harm an evil and vile person, and on the contrary, it will help and protect a merciful and kind owner.


Milky-colored cacholong is especially good for fair half population. This stone of the Taurus woman protects the family, protects it, and brings peace and prosperity. It has feminine. Stone of monks, purity of thoughts.


It is of great value for discovering talents in children. Then develops these abilities. A stone of wisdom and knowledge, it acts by purifying consciousness and enlightening thoughts. It is also a talisman of health.

Lapis lazuli

This beautiful mineral is suitable for people who communicate with big amount people. Gives eloquence and endows oratorical abilities. It helps fickle owners to spend their energy wisely and be more careful in performing various actions and more restrained in their statements.


It is capable of both helping and harming its owner if he received the stone illegally or is a person with low desires and evil thoughts. It is believed that this gemstone works better when passed on by inheritance or as a gift from someone you trust, otherwise, owning a diamond will not turn out to be anything good for you. How strong a talisman is. Grants brave warriors fighting for good causes invincibility and courage.

And further…

The Taurus woman's stone must be able to control her, because this Earth sign often suffers from excess both in deeds and actions, as well as in food and statements. Taurus just doesn't know when to stop. In general, this is a rather peaceful and permanent sign. To maintain mental strength, stimulants such as amazonite and carnelian are suitable, and rock crystal and Moonstone will help develop the gift of foresight, intuition, make you richer spiritual world spring constellation. Stones with high energy potential, too active, are not recommended for Taurus, since the sign already has a fairly high vitality.

Taurus- This is a fixed earth sign, persistent, practical, loves to work and is good at it.

Taurus is easily able to create comfortable living conditions. Patient, capable for a long time wait for the right moment and, in the end, wait for it. Before committing an act, he will certainly analyze the situation and possible consequences.

Taurus is good at making incredible and attractive dreams come true.

What stones does a Taurus need?

Such a noble and independent zodiac sign would be well suited for jewelry worthy of it:

  1. Turquoise. This is the winner's stone. The ease of understanding the situation and the confidence conveyed by this stone will help the owner defeat competitors without depleting moral and physical energy reserves.
  2. . Used as a talisman during negotiations and significant meetings, since it catalyzes oratory. Black agate improves material well-being, blue is the source of vitality.
  3. . Dangerous for people with unstable mental health. Opens psychic abilities in humans, bestows the prophetic gift. This mineral cannot be given as a gift; a gift can cause envy and anger towards the giver.
  4. Nephritis. Gambling, dangerous ideas and even ordinary life affairs, thanks to this mineral, will be accompanied by good luck and luck.
  5. . Can increase self-confidence and self-esteem.
  6. Chalcedony. It is recommended for use on social events with a large crowd of people. Helps cope with stress, protects against negative energy surrounding people.

Which talisman stones are suitable for your date of birth?

April 22-30

If Taurus's birthday is April 22-30, then the talisman stones should interact well with Mercury, which patronizes Taurus.

Such stones are:

  1. Quartz. Used if you are experiencing health problems, in case of frequent moral stress and problems.
  2. For people whose life is associated with risk and frequent dangerous undertakings, this stone will be indispensable. It will help you catch your luck and emerge victorious from a difficult situation.
  3. Bloody Jasper. This stone will help people whose profession involves seriousness and concentration. People who deal with the law, such as lawyers and military personnel, can wear it and feel great at work. At home, you should not resort to this stone. In relationships with family, he can bring unnecessary problems.
  4. . Helps romantic Taurus come down to earth and begin to perceive the world realistically. Makes Taurus less vulnerable and helps them stop worrying about unimportant but unpleasant events.
  5. Cornelian. Will help improve relationships with the opposite sex. Will attract success to commercial activities. It will help people whose work is related to creativity to discover their talents and achieve success in their favorite business.
  6. Agate. It will help Taurus calm down after a quarrel or an unpleasant event in life. Reduces the number and strength of angry outbursts. For shy and modest Taurus, the stone will help to perk up and increase their activity. Black agate can improve your financial situation. This is especially important for a money-loving sign. Agate will give you confidence and determination on the path to your goal.

May 1-10

Indecisive romantics born in the second decade can choose a stone that interacts with the moon.

Such stones are:

  1. Coralfamily man it will add prudence and help you become wiser. Relieves tension, thereby helping to always remain in a good mood. Protects from temptations. It has a good effect on the mood and atmosphere within the Taurus family.
  2. Chalcedony. Gives joy, helps to be generous in right moment. Taurus begins to better understand how much emotion and warmth his loved ones need in this moment. Allows a person to enjoy simple things more and more often.
  3. Onyx. This is a leader's stone. With its help it is possible to gain the respect of other people. This is why the stone is recommended serious people, those who take the matter responsibly. Helps you focus on the task at hand and has a good effect on concentration.
  4. Opal. Wealth and good mood will accompany a person with such a talisman. Good mood will become the habitual state of a Taurus who has made opal his talisman.
  5. . Capable of indulging her master in everything. May fall in love with the owner and bring him good luck. Brings happiness only to people who keep the commandments. Serves as an indicator of health. If the owner notices that the stone has darkened, it’s time to pay attention to their well-being and check their health.
  6. Chrysoprase— the stone will be useful to designers and inventors. Since many Taurus feel insecure during public speaking. This stone helps to cope with anxiety. It makes a person more self-confident and increases his performance. When wearing this stone for a long time, Taurus becomes a confident and independent person.

May 11-20

For misanthropes and pessimists of the third decade, stones that are able to “get along well” with the patron planet, Saturn, will be preferred. It is quite heavy and therefore not every talisman will appeal to Taurus of the third decade.

Mostly preferred gems.

So, the following stones are suitable for such people:

  1. Diamond- protects against bad energy and helps maintain mental clarity.
  2. Emerald. Helps to realize all the wildest ideas and plans of a Taurus. With him a person finds peace of mind.
  3. Sapphire. Helps strengthen morale. Let Sagittarius be stable and stand firmly on his feet - the help of such a talisman stone will have a positive effect on all areas of the life of the person who has chosen this stone as a talisman.
  4. Aquamarine. Helps you choose a worthy life partner. Gives new ideas. That is why the stone will be useful for creative people whose activities involve a flow of fresh ideas.
  5. Topaz. Protects from the evil eye, helps not to pay attention to negative energy.
  6. Tourmaline. Strengthens relationships, helps get rid of unjustified fear of many things. Thanks to this stone, the desired result can be achieved with less effort.

What gemstones are suitable for Taurus women?

The Taurus woman herself is calm, pragmatic, and deliberate. She is stubborn and hardworking. He goes straight to his goal, but at the same time has a very peaceful character. Representatives of this sign are peaceful and sentimental. Such girls will not like all the jewelry.

But the following stones can have beneficial effect for the lives of these ladies:

  • Sapphire can help a woman find a purpose in life, help her overcome fear and uncertainty. Gives a person wisdom, makes him meek and helps him become calmer.
  • Aventurine. Thanks to aventurine, any undertaking will be a dizzying success. The stone will provide excellent protection from damage. For risky bodies, this mineral is simply irreplaceable. It will also strengthen the leadership qualities of a person.
  • Bloody Jasper eliminates negative energy accumulated in a person.
  • Eye of the Tiger Great for older women, it gives them courage, helps them gather their thoughts and start thinking sensibly. Helps to gain self-confidence.
  • Cornelian- in love he will become a good helper. With him, quarrels leave the house, the family becomes stronger. Protects well from lurking dangers.
  • Agate makes a person a pleasant conversationalist. Helps you make the right decision. Improves health and protects against infections.
  • Coral relieves tension, reduces feelings of fear, prevents depression, and relieves the owner of negative emotions.
  • Chalcedony relieves attacks of melancholy, neutralizes outbursts of anger. He also takes care of maintaining peace and harmony in the family.
  • Onyx gives clarity of mind and endows its owner with insight.
  • Opal helps you begin to believe in yourself, dispels gloomy thoughts, and normalizes all body functions.
  • Turquoise capable of trying on enemies. Does not allow the appearance of angry thoughts and unkind thoughts. The stone can attract money and make the owner ambitious.

What stone should Taurus wear?

Semi-precious stones for Taurus can help in life, allow a person to avoid life’s problems and protect nerves in conditions of constant stress. What amulets can be, you can find out here.

So, Taurus should wear the following stones:

  • Rose quartz helps develop mental activity. Attracts good luck in love. Develops imagination.
  • Aquamarine Possessing positive energy, it lifts the mood and helps to create a feeling of love and friendship in the life of the owner.
  • Topaz able to assist in the development mental abilities. After the appearance of this stone in life, Taurus can observe that right decisions and quick reaction to various events gradually become part of life.
  • Tourmaline. Positive influence tourmaline is to develop creative potential. The stone improves health and helps to find peace. Which ones you can find out here.

What stones should Taurus not wear?

The choice of a talisman stone should be approached with the utmost seriousness, and some jewelry should be treated with caution. The impressive list of favorable stones should be supplemented by dangerous stones, which Taurus are strongly advised to avoid for a number of reasons. A Taurus woman should choose a stone without high energy activity.

Taurus should not wear the following stones:

  1. Obsidian. With him, Taurus ceases to understand what he should do and gets lost. Due to this influence, life begins to pass by and a person loses precious time on useless tossing. Self-sufficiency disappears from his life.
  2. Amethyst. Capable of dispersing the energy of the body. A person becomes lazy and prone to empty dreams. Nothing remains of the former business orientation. This is very bad for productivity. Taurus is unable to do his job efficiently under such conditions.
  3. Amber. The most undesirable stone for Taurus. Troubles and misfortunes will very soon begin to negatively affect a person’s life. The power of this stone does not weaken over time. You should get rid of the stone with dignity, because it was once considered an amulet. It is not enough to simply throw away such amber jewelry.
  4. Pyrite. Immensely enhances the impressive penetrating power of Taurus, pushing them to rash actions. A person begins to do things that he will later regret and apologize to people about.
  5. Heliotrope. Negative influence is expressed in a decrease in aggressiveness, which leads to failures in work and sports. Excessive softness in this case will prevent you from defending your point of view and will not allow you to achieve success.
  6. Jet. The disharmony brought by the stone disturbs the peace of the Taurus and turns him into a misanthrope. Absence positive emotions prevents Taurus from reaching its full potential.

The design of the stone in decoration also matters. The appearance of a talisman should make a person happy. If the owner sees a professionally designed stone, he will be more happy to wear this jewelry and talisman stones will be able to help the Taurus as much as possible in life’s affairs.

It doesn’t matter what talisman for Taurus women is listed in the book. This can be understood by trusting your feelings. You should not choose a stone based solely on instructions. If the talisman evokes positive feelings: warmth in the soul, calmness, peace, then the stone is suitable for the person and will help him in life and protect him from troubles. Such a stone will help in all matters and will become a good companion for its owner.


Taurus is a material sign of the Zodiac, whose happiness lies in a beloved family, valuable property, and good work. Taurus values ​​money for the freedom and independence it gives, and uses it for its intended purpose. Taurus is not wasteful, but generous; for relatives and friends, he is always ready to sacrifice as much as necessary. He values ​​and loves his home, family, friends, is attached to them and is generally quite conservative in life, does not like to change his habits. In general, this is a calm zodiac sign, emotional and sensual, but not impulsive. Practical and rational, Taurus is truly ruled by feelings and intuition. He does not like to think and reason for a long time, but simply acts as he sees fit. It’s difficult to make him angry, but when he’s angry, Taurus is scary, even to himself – after an outburst, he needs time to recover. Taurus They are not prone to adventures, prefer to take care of everything in advance and like to reap the fruits of what they have sown before.
Taurus Stones- first of all, agates and chalcedony, formed in cavities deep underground, are noble blue and white stones (especially lunar stones). Despite the fact that spring is in full swing, Taurus is a symbol of stability and inevitability of the revival of nature, the development of already emerging life. Too active and punchy stones are not recommended for Taurus, since the internal development potential of Taurus is already quite high, and the main task- just direct it in a constructive direction.

BELOMORIT . The name "belomorite" comes from the name White Sea, located in North Karelia, it was there that this stone was first found. Technically, it is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in grey-blue, white and violet tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white moonstones. Belomorite has a bluish tint, is a very fragile stone, and breaks easily. It is difficult to make crafts from it because it is soft and flakes like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. Firstly, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clean, bright, and memorable. Belomorite is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life chosen by a person. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, sloppiness, or excess trash in his owner's house. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in a house will cause a person irresistible desire disassemble cabinets, desk drawers, get rid of unnecessary things, make general cleaning(or even repairs), purchase the necessary things.
Belomorite will also help to restore order in the head of its owner: it will force him to logically comprehend the reasons for which troubles occur in his life; will require that a person urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in his professional field of activity, and do his job conscientiously.
Belomorite does not tolerate disorder in the owner’s personal life. If the owner of the stone is prone to frequent changes of partners, petty affairs, infidelity and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and abandon his previous habits.
Wear it well in the ring on the little finger, cabochon cut with a treated inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase it any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

Taurus is characterized by perseverance, hard work and a tendency towards conservatism. People born under this zodiac sign are characterized by determination and enviable perseverance in achieving their goals.

Both Taurus women and men are sensitive to a negative emotional climate; they do not tolerate quarrels and conflicts well. It is difficult to anger a Taurus, but when angry he resembles an angry bull.

When choosing a talisman stone for the Taurus sign, you need to be guided by the objectives:

  • Rose quartz will help add attractiveness
  • Career and success in any endeavors is ensured by onyx
  • Turquoise of a heavenly hue can bring peace and harmony in the family
  • Opal will help you achieve wealth and the ability to influence other people
  • Emerald allows you to cope with routine responsibilities and enhance energy
  • For spiritual development best choice will become a sapphire

If you are subject to frequent stress and depression, then purchase malachite jewelry. This is one of the most powerful magical amulets, uplifting and absorbing negativity. If relations with the team do not work out, then you can install a malachite figurine in the workplace.

Choosing an amulet by date of birth

This table will help you choose a talisman stone for your Zodiac sign “Taurus” based on your date of birth.

Taurus is a talisman stone for women

from 21.04 to 1.05

from 2.05 to 11.05

from 12.05 to 20.05





Taurus talisman for men

from 21.04 to 1.05

from 2.05 to 11.05

from 12.05 to 20.05



For the Taurus sign, the talisman stone should be chosen taking into account a suitable frame. For example, emerald goes well with gold. A silver frame is ideal for turquoise. Copper helps enhance the properties of white, blue, pink and green minerals.

Stones to Avoid

Talismans with a golden or yellow hue, such as jet and heliotrope, are not suitable for Taurus. Rubies and amber should be used with caution. It is also undesirable to wear amber, amethyst, pyrite and obsidian. Opal is not recommended to be given as a gift; Taurus must purchase jewelry with opal on his own.
