Which is better, collimator or optics? What is important for hunting

Collimator or optical sight: what is the difference?

Often, those who have recently taken up an air gun or a firearm are wondering what kind of sight to choose for it: optical or collimator? Open or closed? With constant or variable frequency?

The presence of various options always raises the question, which one is the best for your particular case?

There are only two main types of sights: sights are optical and collimator. The question of which of the two options is better to choose makes many novice hunters or just those who like to shoot with pneumatics think. The main thing in this matter is not to think about what will be “more solid”, but to think about the purposes for which you want to buy a scope.

If you need a sight for shooting at fast-moving targets, and you will be shooting from a relatively short distance, you will need a collimator type. A collimator sight will also help you out if you lack visual acuity and this prevents you from aiming; Many sights of this type provide the possibility of diopter adjustment, which in most cases varies from +3 to -3. Plus, on such a sight the brand does not cover the target, as inevitably happens with conventional optical models. In general, a collimator sight was created precisely to make it easier for the shooter to aim in conditions when:

There's no time to take careful aim

You have to shoot from an awkward position.

On collimator sights, the aiming mark is aligned directly with the target, which significantly increases the likelihood of a successful shot. In addition, it is often possible to adjust the brightness of the reticle depending on the lighting. So, a mark glowing in the twilight simply will not allow you to miss. On the one hand, this is without a doubt a plus, on the other hand, this function involves powering the collimator sight from a battery. This means that everything will be perfect until the battery runs out or you get caught in the rain. In conditions of high humidity, the red dot sight can, at a minimum, quickly discharge, and in the worst case, a short circuit may occur. Of course, many sights of this type have good moisture protection and even nitrogen filling, but such a sight will cost a little more. The presence of an infrared pointer can result in both pros and cons. On the one hand, the probability of missing is reduced to zero, on the other hand, such a pointer detects the hunter.

To summarize the discussion collimator sights, we can definitely say that they are absolutely irreplaceable in cases where it is necessary to fire at fast-moving targets from a distance of 100-150 meters. Open-type collimator sights are considered the most convenient, but they are not recommended for use in the rain, since if a drop of water gets on the glass of the beam exit, the aiming mark begins to fragment. If you want your scope to be ready for battle at all times, you won't regret choosing a closed-type scope. It is less convenient than an open one, but with it you definitely won’t have to complain about the aiming mark even in rainy weather.

In many ways, a red dot sight is almost ideal, but just as good as it is for rapid-fire shooting, such a sight is not suitable for long-distance shots at a slow-moving target. Therefore, if you are the happy owner of a gun with a firing range of 300-400 meters, buying a red dot sight is pointless, because here you will need good old, trouble-free optics.

A conventional optical sight is characterized by its low price, unpretentiousness and reliability. One of its disadvantages is the small angle of view compared to collimator sights. And the greater the magnification of the sight, the narrower the field of view will be. However optical sights ideal for long-range shooting at large targets from pre-selected positions.

An optical sight, like a collimator sight, can be installed on rifled and smooth-bore firearms, as well as on crossbows and air guns. Since these sights are designed for shooting at distant targets, their optics very often have variable magnification with a maximum magnification of up to 40 times or more. If the magnification of an optical sight is constant, it will still be greater than 1. Optical sights with a constant magnification have a higher aperture ratio than sights with a variable magnification, however, an optical sight with a constant equal magnification is less versatile, since it is only effective if you know in advance at what distance It’s more convenient for you to shoot and based on this you choose a sight.

The Helioscope optical equipment store offers optical sights with both variable and constant magnification equal to 4. Collimator sights for the most part have a constant magnification equal to 1.

Optical sights are installed mainly on heavy weapons: shotguns, carbines, hunting rifles. However, optics can also be quite different and can be characterized by different indicators of impact resistance. You can choose an optical sight for both heavy and lighter weapons.

Another feature of optical sights is the wide variety of aiming marks. If on collimator sights this is a luminous red dot, then in the case of optics, the pattern of the aiming mark can be very different.

As a rule, optical sights operate without batteries and do not have reticle illumination, but on some modern models backlight is present. The ability to choose the most convenient, and often simply familiar, aiming mark often forces hunters to give preference to optical sights. A huge variety of sighting marks is one of the undeniable advantages of sights of this type.

If hunting is not just fun for you, then you need to approach the process of choosing a scope with responsibility and knowledge. Not only your prey, but possibly your life depends on how accurately you shoot! The sight is an integral part of the gun. It doesn’t matter what kind of sight you have: an optical sight, a collimator, a laser target designator or a simple front sight. The main thing is that you shoot accurately with this scope. Your sight should be in place. If you are conducting a driven hunt, you do not need to take a 20x optical sight. If you have a super perfect carbine with sighting range 400 meters, then there is no need to put a simple red dot sight on it. If you have an ordinary double-barreled shotgun, do not install the most advanced night sights or a super-strong optical sight on it. Approach this matter head-on and you will succeed.

Night devices

Human vision is far from the best indicator in comparison with other living species, for example, in comparison with a cat. Our eye perceives a certain spectrum of rays and has a certain light sensitivity, which limits our visual abilities in the dark. Optical specialists have long been looking for a solution to this problem at a technical level and have finally found it. As is known, night devices originally developed for military purposes, for army units. Moreover, the original purpose night devices- this is the detection of the enemy in conditions of poor visibility, namely in the dark. First night devices had quite massive dimensions, and they weighed a lot; they could not be used as a mobile, wearable device, unlike modern night devices. Such night devices were installed on turret machine gun mounts and were used as sight night vision .

Earlier night vision scopes worked on the basis of reflection of infrared light from a source; for this purpose, a searchlight with a red glow was installed on combat vehicles. This technology is far from perfect and has a number of serious drawbacks, take, for example, a simple failure of a spotlight and that’s it, what’s the point? night vision scope will not be. And the situation is completely different with products of this kind in our time.

Well, first of all, now night-vision devices are available for free sale, which by definition could not have happened before, and secondly, the operating principle night vision devices and their mobility have stepped far ahead compared to the first samples. Modern night-vision device- this is mobility, ease of use, reliability! The only obstacle to purchasing such a device is the price; unfortunately, the domestic industry in terms of production night vision devices occupies far from the first place, so this market is dominated mainly by foreign samples. The device itself is specific, since not every person has the need to observe something or someone in the dark of the night. For civilians night-vision devices- this is a privilege, first of all, of hunters. There is no doubt that any hunter who goes night hunting dreams of having such a device, at least as an observational tool, not to mention night vision scope, which can be mounted on a rifle.

To the simplest, and, accordingly, cheapest night vision devices can be classified as a night vision monocular. A night vision monocular is a device similar to binoculars that has one sight. These devices differ only in the magnification factor, since the basis is, of course, optics. A monocular cannot be called a comfortable device, although this is already determined by the user whether he is satisfied with such a product or not.

The next device that can be classified as the same type is night vision binoculars, which, unlike a monocle, have two sights, which is much more convenient to use. In addition, another equally well-known night vision device is the spotting scope. The advantage of a spotting scope over a monocle and binoculars is its magnification power. Spotting scopes usually have very good optical lenses. As for the price of spotting scopes, there is nothing to brag about; the price is at the same level as binoculars, and often much more expensive than night vision binoculars. The above night-vision devices can be classified as one class. They are popular not only among hunters; they are increasingly being acquired by various security structures whose activities involve round-the-clock security of various objects, which, unfortunately, do not always have good lighting due to the specifics of their location.

One cannot help but recall here another device called night vision optical sight, which has in its set of capabilities not only the detection and observation function, but also aiming, which makes the device universal in its class. Optical night vision scopes until recently they were used exclusively in special army units and were (and are) installed on sniper rifles. Modern assortment hunting weapons so diverse that it allows you to install night vision optical sights for some types hunting rifles. Known to all hunters (and not only) the Saiga carbine is perfectly suited for night sight. With this “tuning” the rifle is not particularly different from a sniper rifle, which is why the question of banning the use of optical sights while hunting. Based only on the fact that such a weapon leaves no chance for the beast to survive, it is already difficult to underestimate the superiority night vision scope. As for their classification, they have no special differences, with the exception of the magnification factor, which is characteristic of almost all optical instruments. Prices night vision scopes are quite high, but according to statistics this does not affect the desire of hunters to acquire such a “toy”.

To what's new on the market night vision devices include night vision goggles. It is premature to talk about the effectiveness and usefulness of such glasses, since this new technology and like any new invention, most likely, it has its shortcomings. In general, before purchasing night vision devices should be guided, first of all, by the goal that is planned to be achieved, and it is also necessary to pay attention to specifications, which determine how well the device will meet your expectations.

During operation night vision devices Be sure to follow all the requirements prescribed for the device in the operating and maintenance instructions, this will increase the service life of the device. Under no circumstances should mechanical damage be allowed that could affect either the integrity of the lenses or their position in the frame. night vision device.

Collimator sights

Not every person knows the meaning of the word “collimator”, but, for sure, everyone has seen the principle of operation of a collimator sight on TV screens. This is nothing more than the so-called “red dot on the forehead.” Collimator sights used with almost any type of modern small arms- from pistol to sniper rifle. Collimator sights, like any electrical product, have their disadvantages and advantages. The main goal in the manufacture of such sights was set for the company's employees to develop systems for targeted firing, fast and accurate aiming of weapons, and aiming in conditions of limited visibility. Mostly red dot sights are used for aiming at a target at short distances and good weather conditions, when the target is moving, or when there is no time for a very accurate shot. Principle of operation collimator sight is based on the supply of electrical power (battery) to a light source (manufacturers often use an LED), after which a beam of light, passing through the lenses, forms a light beam, as a result of which the shooter sees a “marker”. Markers have different shapes: it can be either a circle or a diamond, as well as a triangle, crosshair, or grid.

So, about the shortcomings. Reflex sights have batteries that periodically need to be changed, in addition, it is worth taking into account the operating conditions of the device; the presence of sources of moisture is not welcome here, although, according to the manufacturers, the sights are waterproof, but no one gives a 100% guarantee against an electrical circuit. The next disadvantage is self-detection, which is extremely unpleasant and negative indicator during combat operations and military operations.

To the benefits collimator sights refers to the high speed of targeting and the ability to constantly hold a moving target in the firing sector. Collimator sights have a narrow application in relation to sniper weapons. This is again due to shortcomings in terms of self-detection. The sniper must be out of sight of the enemy, and the light sources of the sight reduce the shooter's stealth to zero, and it is simply pointless to disguise them. Red dot sniper sights have a number of differences from conventional red dot sights. The main difference is the presence of the optical sight itself, which has an illuminated aiming scale, which significantly improves the quality of shooting due to the difference in the contrast between the light balance of the target and the aiming scale. In this case, the shooter’s task in order to make an accurate shot is to combine the aiming scale in the optical sight with the marker on the target. On shotguns, red dot sights are used mainly with a marker in the form of a grid, since a shot shot has a large affected area at short distances.

Collimator sights also found their place in certain circles of civilians, which include hunters and fans of bullet shooting. Collimator sights have mechanisms for adjusting the marker, and in the case of a sniper scope, they also have a number of settings that are regulated by the manufacturer. For correct settings The sight uses a form or an instruction manual (depending on the release form of the device).

What is parallax?

In the conversations of “experienced” people, when it comes to optical sights, the concept of “parallax” often “pops up”. At the same time, many companies and models of sights are mentioned, and various assessments are made.

So what is parallax?
Parallax is the apparent shift in the target image relative to the reticle image when the eye moves away from the center of the eyepiece. This occurs due to the fact that the target image is not focused exactly in the focal plane of the reticle.
Maximum parallax occurs when the eye reaches the end of the scope's exit pupil. But even in this case, a scope with a constant 4x magnification, adjusted for parallax at 150 m (at the factory), will give an error of about 20 mm at a distance of 500 m.
At short distances, the parallax effect has virtually no effect on the accuracy of the shot. So for the scope mentioned above at a distance of 100 m the error will be only about 5 mm. It should also be kept in mind that when you keep your eye centered on the eyepiece (on the optical axis of the scope), the parallax effect is practically absent and does not affect shooting accuracy in most hunting situations.

Sights with factory parallax adjustment

Any sight with a fixed lens focusing system can be adjusted against parallax only at one specific distance. Most scopes have a factory parallax adjustment of 100-150 m.

The exceptions are low magnification sights, oriented for use with a shotgun or combined weapon (40-70 m) and so-called “tactical” and similar sights for long-distance shooting (300 m or more).

According to experts, you should not pay serious attention to parallax, provided that the shooting distance extends within: 1/3 closer... 2/3 further than the distance the sight is factory adjusted for parallax.

Example: The KAHLES ZF 95 10x42 "tactical" riflescope is factory set for parallax at 300 m. This means that when shooting at distances from 200 to 500 m you will not feel the parallax effect. In addition, when shooting at 500 m, the accuracy of the shot is influenced by a lot of factors related, first of all, to the characteristics of the weapon, the ballistics of the ammunition, weather conditions, the stability of the position of the weapon at the time of aiming and firing, leading to a deviation of the point of impact from the aiming point by values ​​significantly exceeding the deviation caused by parallax when firing from a rifle clamped in a vice in an absolute vacuum.

Another criterion: parallax does not appear significantly until the magnification factor exceeds 12x. Another thing is scopes for target shooting and varmint, like, say, 6-24x44 or 8-40x56.

Sights with parallax adjustment

Target shooting and varming require maximum aiming accuracy. To ensure the required accuracy at different shooting distances, sights are produced with additional focusing on the lens, eyepiece or on the body of the central tube and a corresponding distance scale. This focusing system allows you to combine the target image and the image of the aiming mark in the same focal plane.

To eliminate parallax at a selected distance, you must do the following:
1. The image of the aiming mark must be clear. This must be achieved using your scope's focusing mechanism (diopter adjustment).
2. Measure the distance to the target in some way. By turning the focusing ring on the lens or the handwheel on the body of the central tube, set the measured distance value opposite the corresponding mark.
3. Securely secure the weapon in the most stable position and look through the scope, concentrating on the center of the reticle. Raise your head slightly and then lower your head. The center of the aiming mark must be absolutely motionless in relation to the target. Otherwise, perform additional focusing by rotating the ring or drum until the movement of the center of the mark is completely eliminated.

The advantage of sights with parallax adjustment on the body of the central tube or on the eyepiece is that when adjusting the sight, the shooter does not need to change position when preparing to shoot.

Instead of output

Nothing happens for nothing. The appearance of an additional adjustment unit in the sight cannot but affect the overall reliability of the design, and, if properly executed, the price. In addition, the need to think about additional settings in a stressful situation cannot but affect the accuracy of your shot, and then you will be to blame for the miss and not your aim.

The above values ​​are taken from materials provided by Leupold (USA) and KAHLES (Austria).

Conventionally, hunting sights can be divided into two categories: purely mechanical devices and devices based on effects in optical glass - prisms and lenses. The first includes open and diopter sights, the second includes collimator and optical sights. The latter, due to the huge species diversity, deserve separate consideration; there are a good dozen main types of meshes alone.

Collimator sights, despite the sufficient complexity of these devices, are similar to open devices in their area of ​​application, covering short shooting distances, in particular, in driven hunts. There is also no magnification of the image, adjustment of its magnification, or dioptric adjustment to the specific vision, which is typical for most optical sights. But the wide field, lack of parallax, and the ability to change the viewing angle make them an excellent option for shooting at moving targets.

Collimators are divided into passive, which do not require a power source, and active, in which the aiming mark in the form of a bright dot is additionally illuminated and does not depend on the level of external illumination. To aim, it is enough to align it with the target, while the angle of view is not at all important, the main thing is not to lose sight of the target.

When the pupil moves, the aiming mark also visually moves, but in reality remains at the aiming point. Which makes the shot accurate even when an animal suddenly appears and shoots without the correct insert.

Collimators are of open and closed types. The open one has only one lens, and the light source is located at the base.

They are characterized by excellent visibility, low weight and dimensions that do not interfere with the weight distribution of the weapon.

A special type of open collimators are holographic sights, in which a hologram located on a special reflector acts as a mark.

With higher accuracy of these devices, they are subject to a kind of “flash” of the image from bright light sources. In addition, they cost significantly more than their counterparts.

In a closed collimator, the light source that forms the mark is located in a sealed housing and, in addition to the front lens, there is also an eyepiece.

Among the main advantages is the ability to withstand the effects environment. Expensive devices from well-known manufacturers are originally intended for harsh conditions operation.

The image of all three types of collimators is also formed differently.

IN last years The capabilities of collimator sights have expanded even further. Thus, devices appeared with variable magnification, usually 1-4x. In the basic mode, they act in their usual role; when the magnification is changed, they turn into an optical sight-driver. Some models can work with night monoculars, which brings their capabilities closer to much more expensive NVGs.

It is already hundreds of years old, but the combination of rear sight and front sight is not going to finally give up its position. In the very simple version The rear sight is motionless, and the front sight cannot be adjusted. Basically, such devices have been preserved on smooth-bore weapons and are quite successfully used for short-range shooting. Frame sights, as a more advanced version, allow you to stepwise or smoothly adjust the aiming angle for long distances, which are divided into sectors of hundreds of meters.

1. Sight block. 2. Sector. 3. Sighting bar

For obvious reasons, sector sights have found their main application on rifled weapons, including army samples.

The aiming technology itself is extremely simple and intuitive, but it implies strict requirements for the state of vision and, in general, for the “physics” of the hunter: it is one thing to keep the optical mark on the target, and quite another thing to keep the front sight located strictly in the center of the rear sight slot at the aiming point.

The figure shows a method of aiming “at the bull’s-eye” of a target; there is also a “bull’s-eye” option, but it is used mainly for pistols and its features are due to the purely military use of personal weapons.

The most simplified version of open devices is the sighting bar. It is most popular on shotguns intended primarily for shooting, when it is almost impossible to reliably align the front sight with the sight slot. In this case, the plane of the bar itself sets the aiming line and allows you to confidently work with the choice of lead.

Mostly there are monolithic and ventilated sighting strips. The latter are rather a tribute to fashion, as they provide the weapon with a more attractive appearance.

Rapid cooling is necessary when you have to fire many shots in a row, say, for clay pigeon shooting. In hunting practice, beautiful figured slots serve only as an additional dirt collector, of which there are already enough on weapons. The straps themselves are flat and grooved, narrow and wide (mainly on sporting shotguns).

In recent years, the classic front sight on open sights has often been replaced by fiber optic designs. Their light-gathering properties allow the shooter to concentrate as quickly as possible, in addition, they are high-contrast and provide additional advantages in low-light conditions.

The main disadvantage is low mechanical strength, and guns that were not originally intended for them also have incorrect self-installation in most cases. At the same time, due to the additional fasteners, the front sight goes up, and the gun begins to noticeably “lower.”

The good old open sight, being continuously modernized, has absolutely no intention of dying in the near future. Moreover, many mounts for optics on hunting and especially army weapons made in such a way that it is possible to use the standard rear sight and front sight, for example, if the OP fails. There is another type mechanical devices- diopter (ring) sights.

They were not particularly widespread in hunting, being mainly limited to the military and sports spheres. In terms of aiming technique, when it is enough to align the front sight with the target without focusing on the rear sight, they resemble the heroes of the next review.

- This separate class optical sights for installation on military, hunting and sporting weapons. The collimators have a magnification of x1, which eliminates distortion of target sizes, and an unlimited field of view. Even with active movement of the eye relative to the center of the sight, due to the rapid alignment of the luminous mark with the target, the aiming speed is several times higher than with other devices. The luminous reticle is clearly visible both during the day and in relatively low light, and with several interchangeable reticles, you can change them depending on specific conditions. Some models are combined with a laser target designator for targeted shooting from any position.

The collimator sight is considered best choice for shooting at short distances (100-150 m) at moving targets of medium and large sizes. These red dot sights can be mounted on different types firearms, but they are most popular among fans of pneumatic weapons. Along with this, collimators are great for pistols, bows and crossbows. These sights usually have built-in mounting brackets, so when purchasing, you need to make sure that the device is compatible with the weapon you are using.


Active and passive. The first type of sights operates on batteries, so their reticle is always visible. In passive sights, the mark glows only when there is sufficient ambient light.

Open. The simplest in design and affordable sights, designed for standard shooting conditions. Open sights are also called single-lens sights because they only have a front lens in a frame. Due to the fact that these devices are less protected from atmospheric precipitation, they are not advisable to use during rain and snow, as drops can fall on the glass and distort the brand. At the same time, unlike closed sights, open sights are much lighter and more compact, therefore they do not block the view with their body and allow you to aim with both eyes. Their advantages include a clear, unobscured field of view. Open sights are the most optimal solution for small-caliber carbines.

Closed. Models in this category are a shortened version of an optical sight, where the optics are located in the spotting scope. Closed sights, in addition to the front lens, also have an eyepiece lens. They are better protected from external factors, therefore they belong to all-weather devices, but they are characterized by shading of the aiming area. Closed red dot sights are larger in size, but due to their durable housing they can withstand greater recoil. If you install a special optical attachment, you can double the magnification of the sight and, accordingly, its range. Fixed sights are usually mounted on long guns of medium and large calibers.

Holographic. Devices of this class are of the open type, so they do not block the view and allow you to aim with both eyes. Main feature holographic sights are the presence of a flat hologram with an aiming mark, which is visualized by a laser beam. Both standard and 3D reticles are applied to this transparent hologram. They are perfectly visible in any lighting and are always located in the center, regardless of what angle the shooter is looking at. Holographic sights, like closed-type models, have proven themselves to be excellent when used with shotguns. Their cost is higher than other types of collimators, since the process of producing a hologram is complex and expensive.



The SightMark Laser Dual Short Sight collimator sight with laser target is a hunting model from a well-known American company, part of the Yukon concern. This is an open type sight with an integrated laser designator, designed for use with smoothbore weapons caliber up to 12/70 and has proven itself during ambush and raid hunting. The device demonstrates impressive results when shooting at moving targets, including dense thickets. You can buy a scope not only for hunting, but also for sport shooting.

The optics of the SightMark Laser Dual Short Sight with a laser sight are a 33x24 mm lens and lenses with anti-reflective ruby ​​coating. Good visibility is ensured as in bright sunlight, and at dusk. The model has a red reticle of 4 modifications and a 7-step brightness adjustment. The brightness switches, like the battery compartment, are located at the top of the case. Common characteristics of collimators also include 1x magnification and unlimited eye relief.

The body of the SightMark Laser Dual Short Sight red dot sight is shockproof, waterproof and made of anodized aluminum alloy. The model does not require zeroing after dismantling and re-installation. For mounting, a Weaver/Picatinny rail with a mounting size of 17-23 mm is used. The device operates for two hours on a CR2032 lithium battery and weighs 162 g.


The Aimpoint Micro H-1 closed-type collimator sight is a representative of the Micro compact series, into which the manufacturer has introduced an aiming system for full-size models. Designed for hunters, the scope is marketed for use with shotguns, rifles and handguns up to .500 Nitro Express caliber. Possessing the increased reliability characteristic of all products from the world-famous Aimpoint company (Sweden), these are the lightest closed collimators in their class. Thanks to this, sights can be installed on lightweight weapons, as well as on hunting revolvers, crossbows and bows.

The lens of the Aimpoint Micro H-1 collimator sight has dimensions of 21x15 mm, and all lenses have a double-sided multilayer Anti Reflex coating. Beyond optics High Quality, providing a clear image, a large field of view allows for effective shooting offhand at short distances. The model features a 2 MOA red reticle with a mechanical intensity switch. The ability to use the sight day and night is provided by a 12-step brightness adjustment of the mark.

The Aimpoint Micro H-1 red dot sights are produced in an aluminum waterproof case - the device does not fail even when immersed in water at 5 m. This model has protective rubber covers and a patented mount to the case that reduces recoil. For installation on weapons, the manufacturer recommends using brackets from the German company Frank Henneberger. Thanks to Acet energy-saving technology, the sight is capable of operating on one set of CR2032 batteries for up to 50,000 hours (about 5 years). Together with the mount, the device weighs 105 g.


The EOTech EXPS3-2 holographic sight is a popular model in the EXPS line for targeted shooting at short and medium distances. The device differs from the XPS series in improved case protection, the presence of quick-release brackets for the Weaver bar and side buttons for switching modes. The sight allows you to detect a target at a distance of up to 280 m and can be fully used on light weapons– carbines, semi-automatic and automatic rifles. The design of the device was developed with the participation of representatives of the US Army special forces and professional shooters.

The EOTech EXPS3-2 holographic sight features anti-fog optics with anti-reflective coating and no parallax effect. This model can be used with night vision devices. For night mode there are 10 levels of grid brightness adjustment, and for standard conditions– 30. EOTech EXPS3-2 is compatible with G33.STS magnifiers from the same manufacturer, which have a magnification of 3.25x, which allows you to switch from close to medium distances. The A65/1 2-dot modification is used as an aiming network - a circle with a diameter of 65 MOA and two dots (1 MOA) for ballistic corrections. Like regular red dot sights, holographic ones also have 1x magnification and unlimited eye relief.

EOTech EXPS3-2 hunting scopes are of the open type and are housed in a sealed housing. The complete waterproofness of the internal optics allows the device not to fail when submerged to 3 m. Installing the sight on a weapon is greatly simplified by quick-release mounting bases. This model is powered by a single lithium battery, providing autonomy up to 600 hours, and weighs 317 g.


The Elcan SpecterDR 1-4x CX5396 7.62 optical sight is a representative of the SpecterDR series, which includes the world's first combat sights with a dual field of view, designed for shooting at short and medium distances. All models in the line undergo rigorous testing to meet the standards of optical devices developed for the US Army. This is a pancratic sight with variable magnification of 1-4x, allowing you to easily switch from long-range targets to near ones with a constant eye relief (70 mm). The aiming range is 100-600 m, and in terms of the field of view angle at 1x magnification it is one of best models in your class. The device is designed for use with weapons of various calibers, including large ones (.300, .308), as well as to work together with high magnification sights and collimators with a Docter mounting base.

The optics of the Elcan SpecterDR 1-4x CX5396 7.62 sights have a multi-layer anti-reflective coating that provides a detailed image and clear color reproduction. The model has a lens with a diameter of 32 mm and a system for optimized transmission of light rays. The reticle uses a double-thick crosshair with 5 brightness levels: you can set the device to the crosshair or just the central red dot. The stamp size at 1x magnification is 6 MOA, at 4x magnification is 1 MOA.

Elcan SpecterDR 1-4x CX5396 optical sights are produced in an aluminum alloy body with an anodized coating, which is extremely resistant not only to weather conditions, but also to falls, shocks and immersion in water up to 10 m. The devices have a quick-release mounting base with a special patented mechanism , which eliminates the failure of the reticle settings. The device weighs 660 g and can operate up to 3000 hours on one 3V lithium battery.


The DOCTER Sight II+ 3.5 collimator sight is a model of an ultra-compact open collimator from the German manufacturer Analytik Jena AG, specially designed for dynamic hunting, especially for shooting offhand. Thanks to the mounts, which are purchased separately, the device can be installed on different types of small arms (rifled, smooth-bore, short-barreled) and conduct aimed shooting at short and medium distances. Models of the Docter Sight series have no caliber restrictions - the sight has a very high recoil resistance (1000 g).

The optical system of the DOCTER Sight II+ 3.5 collimator sight consists of two glued lenses. The observation range without parallax is 40 m. A 3.5 MOA red dot with automatic brightness adjustment is used as an aiming mark, covering a 5 cm zone at 50 meters. The dot is clearly visible in any light, both in complete darkness and during the day. Effective shooting is also ensured by the ability to aim with two eyes. Like all collimators, the magnification of the DOCTER Sight II+ 3.5 is 1x. This model does not have a separate switch: the device operates in energy saving mode and turns on after installing the protective cover.

All elements of the DOCTER Sight II+ 3.5 collimator sights, which bear the main load, are made of stainless steel and anodized aluminum alloys. The device is fully usable in a wide temperature range (from -25C to +40C) and is moisture resistant, but not waterproof. For power supply, one CR 2032 lithium battery is provided, which can not be changed for 2-3 years. The sight has ultra-compact dimensions and a light weight– only 25 g.


The Hakko BED-35 Panorama MR-02 collimator sight is a multi-purpose open collimator made in Japan, which is very popular among hunters in different countries. Of the entire series, this model is undisputed leader on sales for more than one season. Despite the low price, the sight belongs to the professional class. Zeroing takes only a few minutes, and the results of the device are stable both at short and medium distances. The manufacturing company provides a lifetime warranty on these sights, regardless of the caliber of weapon with which they will be used.

The Hakko BED-35 Panorama MR-02 red dot sight has a 33 mm objective lens and multi-layer coated lenses that completely eliminate any distortion in image transmission. The observation range without parallax is 50 m. The device has 4 types of 4 MOA luminous reticle, which can be changed using a switch, and a 7-step brightness control. The brand is clearly visible even in clear sunny weather. Like all collimators, this model is not critical to eye distance and has a 1x magnification.

The Hakko BED-35 Panorama MR-02 collimator sight is produced in a sealed case and is installed on any weapon with a Weaver base and on shotguns with side mounting through an adapter bracket. The sale of the sight is intended for owners of rifled, smooth-bore and air guns, as well as carbines and pistols. The model does not require zeroing after removal and reinstallation. The device is powered by one CR2032 battery, providing operation for more than 100 hours, and weighs 112 g.


It is believed that collimators increase the weight of the weapon, although even when using closed sights the weight is not so significant. In addition, the installation of any optical sighting devices, one way or another, affects the total weight of the weapon, but this does not mean that this deteriorates its balance. Red dot sights (especially open sights) get dirty quickly, but regular cleaning or protective caps on the lens and eyepiece will reduce the likelihood of dirt getting in. There is an opinion that when low temperatures The battery life of active collimators powered by alkaline batteries is reduced to a minimum. However, as practice shows, even with a decrease in capacity at subzero temperatures, alkaline batteries can provide several hours of full operation of the sight. Along with this, you can always have a spare set or use lithium cells that are less sensitive to cold.
