Where is the smallest island in the world located? Bishop's Rock: The smallest island in the world

There is no way to strictly determine which of the myriad of islands scattered in different corners world, is the smallest. There are only conditional contenders for this honorary title. For example, the Guinness Book of Records names Bishop Rock, which sticks out of the water in the south of Great Britain among the 1,040 other islands of the archipelago. There was only room on it for a lighthouse. Of course, in reality there are thousands of islands even smaller. This rating also includes the smallest islands that have a developed tourist infrastructure.

1. South Bass, USA (6.43 sq. km)

The smallest tourist island in the world is located in that part of Lake Erie that belongs to the American state of Ohio. Its small area could accommodate a small brewery and winery, which employ the indigenous people of these places. In total, no more than 400 people live on the island. Tourists come here not only to try local intoxicating drinks, but also to go boating on the lake and live in nature at campsites.

2. Cay Caulker, Belize (6.5 sq. km)

This island is located in the water area Caribbean Sea, 20 miles off the coast of Belize. This is where the largest is located coral reef in the Western Hemisphere.
Less than 1,500 people live on the island. Until the mid-19th century, Cay Caulker was uninhabited, with British ships visiting only occasionally to replenish water supplies or for simple repairs. But then Mexican refugees came here, planted coconut trees and founded a fishing village with sandy paths, which has now turned into a very popular, albeit small resort. The island even had an airstrip, although it remains vulnerable to hurricanes.

3. Fox Island, Alaska (10.4 sq. km)

This island, off the coast of Seward, has pebble beaches and secluded coves, so there is plenty sea ​​creatures such as whales and sea lions.

4. Saba Island, Lesser Antilles (13 sq. km)

In the Caribbean Sea, west of Saint Martin, there is the island of Saba, whose population is 1,200 people. It is best to visit it in January-March. It is called the "untouched queen of the Caribbean" for its unspoiled nature. There is practically no tourist infrastructure and places suitable for swimming. But this dormant volcano, which has become an island, is very attractive to divers. There is a unique marine park here.

5. Corvo Island, Azores (15.6 sq. km)

In the Azores, lost in the vastness of the Atlantic, the most secluded and tiny is the island of Corvo. There is an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, and the nature and green landscapes of the island, flowering hills, picturesque lakes and rocky shores delight those travelers who were able to climb so far with their pristine beauty. But the name of the island, meanwhile, is translated as “crow island.”
In the middle of the Atlantic reigns subtropical climate, thanks to which you can go fishing, scuba diving, explore the island in detail on leisurely walks, or enjoy fresh seafood almost all year round.
On Corvo, in the only village of Vila Novo do Corvo, about 500 people live, all of them are very welcoming. In a very cozy tiny town, houses are built of black stone, with cobbled streets flowing between them. The lifestyle here is absolutely pastoral, all the locals know each other very well. It has become an ancient tradition here to lock houses with wooden locks made by local craftsmen. Residents still use them, emphasizing their friendliness and openness.

An atoll is a coral island that partially or completely surrounds a lagoon. Atolls can come in a wide variety of shapes, configurations and sizes. Co...

6. Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands (15.7 sq. km)

In the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the coast of Argentina, there is a group disputed islands(Falkland for Great Britain and Malvinas for Argentina), among which the smallest bears the proud name of Sea Lion. The local waters have a very rich fauna: elephant seals, penguins, killer whales. Seven local residents keep order on the island, and the island becomes accessible to tourists in early October, and the season closes in April.

7. Little St. Simons, USA (40.61 sq. km)

Only 25 people live and work permanently on this island, and the rest of the residents are tourists. The island is located in the Atlantic waters off the coast of Georgia and is part of the archipelago of the Golden Isles of Georgia. The island has pristine clean sandy beaches and pine groves. The peak tourist season is in spring.

8. Benguerra Island, Mozambique Islands (55 sq. km)

In the Mozambican archipelago there is the island of Benguerra, on which a national marine reserve is located. There are many of the most different types birds: flamingos, terns, kingfishers, egrets, cormorants. One and a half kilometers east of the island there is a coral reef, very popular among divers vacationing in Mozambique. Very beautiful corals grow here, clown fish, small sharks, sea ​​bass and a variety of colorful coral fish. Here nature has formed a unique pool among the corals, which is called an “aquarium”, and is ideal for snorkeling.
The island's rhythm of life matches the leisurely existence of the locals, who boast a rich culture. In the north of the island, African dhows scurry along the horizon, some hauling fishing nets, others taking tourists to the coral reef.
On the tropical islands of Mozambique, summer reigns all year round. But it is best to come here in the dry and slightly cooler season in May-November, that is, in winter for Mozambique. But from December to January it is too hot here, and in February-March there are tropical downpours.

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9. Yap, Micronesia (101.4 sq. km)

This island is in the southern part Pacific Ocean is part of the Federated States of Micronesia. Only part of the island is intended for tourists, while the other is given over to Agriculture. There are excellent conditions for scuba diving.
1200 people permanently live on the island - they are simple, friendly, calm, smiling people, just like on other islands. Guests do not bother them if they respect their way of life and traditions.
The local tribe has the hardest currency in the world - stone money. And not small coins, but three-meter circles weighing several centners. The value of each coin rose if a person was personally sacrificed for it. For example, if during a foray to the island of Palau, where the “mint” was located, the head of the family died, then all the “hard currency” owned by his relatives rose in price. To this day, walking along stone paths in the thickets, you can see these huge stone treasures, thoroughly overgrown with moss.

10. Madeleine, USA (109.2 sq. km)

Among the 22 islands of the Apostle archipelago, only Madeleine Island is inhabited. 300 people live here permanently. Best time for a holiday here in May-October. In the summer you can even play golf, ride a bike or kayak here, while in the winter you can ski or throw snow on snowmobiles.

How many islands are there in the world? This is perhaps the most mysterious information. Although many researchers claim that there are about 500 thousand of them on planet Earth. They differ in size, distance from continents, number of inhabitants and other factors. Each of them has its own history, and some even have legends. We offer you a selection of the smallest islands in the world that attract the attention of tourists.

Bishop Rock

The smallest built-up island in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. It is located 6400 m west of the Scilly Archipelago in Cornwall. The area of ​​the island is only 720 square meters. m. It is so small that throughout its entire territory there is only one building - a 49-meter tower of a granite lighthouse, which for several centuries saved many ships from shipwreck. From 1858 until 1992, there were keepers at the lighthouse who had to live next to the ever-raging sea elements. Today, Bishop Rock is very popular among tourists; boat excursions are held to the ancient lighthouse and extreme sports enthusiasts have the opportunity to live there for a period of one to three weeks.

How to get there: from major cities in England to the only airport in the Scilly archipelago - St. Marys, then by boat or helicopter to the island.

Tiberina (Isola Tiberina)

A small island, which is shaped like a ship that has run aground, is located on the Tiber River in Rome. Its area is 270 m long and 67 m wide. Any tourist can get to the island. To do this, you don’t have to hire a helicopter or rent a boat; you can reach it on foot - Tiberina is connected to the capital of Italy by two ancient bridges, Fabrizio and Cesti. There are many legends and myths associated with this island, which are so intertwined with the official historical facts, that it is already difficult to figure out where is truth and where is fiction. Currently, the territory of Tiberina is home to the operating hospital of San Giovanni di Dio, better known as Fatebenefratelli, the Pierleoni fortress tower and the Basilica of St. Bartolomeo.

How to get there: from the center of Rome on foot or by car. The island is located on the Tiber embankment, near the Trastevere district and the Jewish Quarter.

Bay Island (Dunbar Rock)

Rumor has it that on this tiny island in Honduras, more than a hundred years ago, a pirate nicknamed Blackbeard hid his treasure in Dunbar Rock. It’s so good that so far no one has been able to find this mysterious treasure. Apparently, this is why Bey was resold so often. Today, on the island, whose area does not exceed half a hectare, a three-story villa has been built, surrounded by a man-made oak forest. This piece of land is especially loved by fans of scuba diving, who come here to watch clear water for rich fauna and flora.

How to get there: by plane or ferry from the largest cities of Honduras to the island of Guanaja, then by boat to the villa.

“Just Room Enough Island”

This particular island is the smallest inhabited island in the world, but not officially, like Bishop Rock, but in fact. Its area is only 306 square meters. m. But this was enough for the American Sizeland family, who purchased it in 1950 to plant a tree there and build a cottage with a veranda. Just Room Enough Island is one of the Thousand Islands archipelago located on the St. Lawrence River along the Canada-US border. In total, the archipelago consists of 1864 islands, the sizes of which range from 100 square meters. km to plots of land about 0.1 sq. m.

How to get there: by car from the nearest Canadian cities or from any large city Western America before national park“Thousand Islands” or by public transport - a Greyhound bus from Brockville or Kingston (Canada). Then take a boat or pleasure boat to the island.


One of the Shetland Islands and the most remote island from all inhabited Britain. Fula is located 32 km west of the neighboring island. But despite this, more than 30 people currently live on the island. They are all like one big, friendly family. Most of them make their living from fishing, sheep farming and tourism. Fula Island is very attractive for tourists, but not everyone risks visiting it due to frequent storms. In case of bad weather, you simply cannot leave there. And locals say this is one of the reasons they love living on the island. They are not even embarrassed by the fact that for groceries and medical care you need to travel by boat or fly across the ocean. By the way, there is Internet and telephone communication on the island, so amateurs social networks it won't be boring there.

How to get there: by air from Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Inverness or London to Shetland. Or a 12-hour ferry from Aberdeen and Kirkwall. Then by plane or by sea from Mainland Island to Fula Island. However, it is worth considering that flights to Fula are not regular.

Pitcairn Islands

This two-mile-long, inhabited island is located in the South Pacific Ocean. It will take a very long time to get to it. Therefore, not everyone will risk going on such a long journey on their own. It is known that with the opening of the Panama Canal, cruise ships call at Pitcairn 4 times a year for several hours. During this time, tourists have time to explore local attractions and communicate with local residents. There are currently 50 people living on Pitcairn, all of whom are descendants of the famous HMS Bounty mutineers who settled the island in 1790. Of these, only 15 people are able to work. That is why in 2014 the Pitcairn government tried to attract new settlers to the island and deployed special program. However, there were very few people willing to live far from world centers - only one person took the risk and applied for a visa.

How to get there: from Tahiti, a 4-hour flight to Gambier Island (planes fly only once a week) and more than a day by sea from Mangareva Island (Gambier) to Pitcairn.

Suwarrow Atoll

This is a real treasure island, which is located in the South Pacific Ocean. And if it has still not been possible to find a hidden treasure on Bay Island, then a chest with gold coins has already been dug up on this piece of land. But Suvorov Atoll is known not only for its treasures; in 1978, the first and so far only national park Cook Islands, where many seabirds nest, including turquoise parrots. The atoll is a group of coral islets, which sometimes reach only a few tens of square meters and surround two lagoons - both large and deep. The entire land area is 1.68 square meters. km. This place is very popular among divers and pearl hunters. The coral island was discovered by the Russian navigator Mikhail Lazarev, who visited here on September 17, 1814. His ship, on which he discovered this piece of land, was called “Suvorov”, and that’s why the atoll got its name.

How to get there: from Australia, New Zealand, the USA or French Polynesia to the island of Rarotonga, then using the research vessel “Bounty Bay” or, having received permission, on your own on a rented yacht.

Mont Saint Michel

The rocky island fortress, 80 m high and about 950 m in circumference, is located in Basse-Normandy in northwestern France. Perhaps this is one of the most popular areas of land among tourists. About 3 million people visit Mont Saint-Michel every year. They are attracted to him interesting story origin and unique architecture. In addition, the Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel is the fourth pilgrimage site in the West after Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela. Twice a year it is especially crowded here: when the day of the appearance of the Archangel Michael in Monte Gargano is celebrated and on the day of the consecration of the Roman altar dedicated to the archangel. It is worth noting that this island is not only a tourist attraction and an important pilgrimage center, but also a place of residence for several dozen people.

How to get there: from the center of Paris by sightseeing bus, rented car or high-speed train from Montparnasse station.

Caye Chapel

The island resort, just two and a half miles long, is located 20 km off the coast of Belize in the western Caribbean. Despite its small size, Caye Chapelle has a private airstrip, 8 villas, apartments, bars and restaurants, an 18-hole golf course, large complex swimming pools and more than 2 kilometers of pristine sandy beaches. Caye Chapel Resort can accommodate a maximum of 50 guests. Although everyone who can afford it has the opportunity to relax on the island only alone, with their family or with their cheerful company. The standard stay includes the option of exclusive rental of the entire island for 3 days or more.

How to Get There: Via a 2-hour flight from the continental US or a 10-minute flight from Belize City (BZE).

22.06.2016 620 Views

The most small island in the world, Bishop Rock is considered to be Bishop Rock, located in Sicily and is a kind of barrier between the Atlantic Ocean and England. On this tiny piece of rock sticking out of the sea, a lighthouse was built, occupying its entire free area and preventing ships from colliding with the rock and running aground.

Construction of the lighthouse on the island began in 1847, but after some time the unfinished metal structure was washed away by the waves. For the second time, the chief engineer of the project decided to create a lighthouse from stone and was not mistaken. Already in 1858, the 45-meter lighthouse was completely ready to illuminate the water surface. By the way, the island was even included in the Guinness Book of Records.

If we talk about inhabited islands, then the palm is occupied by Dunbar Rock, which territorially belongs to the Bay Islands in Honduras and is located in the bay of Guanaja Island approximately 70 km from the coastline.

The area of ​​the rock is almost half a hectare, but this did not stop us from creating a unique piece of paradise here. Its current owner has built a three-story white villa on a pile of stones, surrounded by a small oak forest.

Now Dunbar Island is rightfully considered the most mysterious island. Local legend says that a pirate named Blackbeard, who traded in these areas, hid treasure in the rock caves more than a hundred years ago. Despite the fact that Dunbar changed his owners many times, no one has yet managed to find the treasure.

The building is currently used as a hotel for diving and fishing enthusiasts.

Bishop Rock is a small rock that acts as a kind of barrier in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and England. The base of the rock is located at a depth of the sea, approximately 45 meters, the protruding part is no more than 16 meters wide and 46 meters long. On this small ledge there is a lighthouse tower that turns Bishop Rock into one of the smallest islands. There is a structure on the island that is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The history of the lighthouse is very fascinating. sea ​​waters near the Isles of Scilly have consistently been ranked among the most risky in the world. There is a busy shipping route in these areas Northern Europe, a large number of shipwrecks have been recorded, the root causes of which are hidden in the cliffs scattered around the perimeter, in the shallows and fantastically big waves, which, picking up speed on the expanses of the Atlantic, rise to a height of 35 meters!

An entire armada of ships became wrecked in 1707, under the rule Admiral Cloudesley. The sea abyss took the lives of more than 2 thousand sailors.

Lead Engineer at Trinity House James Walker, opposed the construction of a tower made of solid granite on Bishop Rock, he argued that the rock made of stone was too small, and the sea and the force of the wind were very powerful. Such a tower was not able to withstand enormous power seas, and showed that wind pressure from time to time exceeds 34,176 kilograms per square meter.

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In 1847, it was decided to rebuild the tower on stilts. The main problem was the installation of steel piles in granite, secured with bases made of iron. According to the plan, the waves were supposed to break through the piles and not affect the tower made of powerful masonry. The construction of the lighthouse was completed in 2 years. When all that remained was to install the electric lighting apparatus. In 1850, at the beginning of February, a year after the completion of construction, before the installation of the lantern, a strong storm completely destroyed the structure.

After this, James Walker decided to build a granite tower. It was an unsafe mission, the sea was rough and the island too small. The builders were forced to live on a small, uninhabited small island that was located nearby; workshops and living quarters were built for them there. After 7 years of difficult work, construction was finally completed in 1858.

Today there are generators there, and in 1976 a helicopter platform was built. The tower now consists of 10 floors and can accommodate up to three guests at a time.

A woman asks the captain of the ship:
- And who is that man on the shore running around the fire, jumping and waving his arms at us?
“I don’t know, but every time we swim past he is so happy.”

Which one is the best? According to the Guinness Book of Records, this is Bishop Rock. Its location is the south of Great Britain, it is one of 1040. There is only one lighthouse on the island and nothing else... This list can be continued indefinitely - after all, there are a huge number of undeveloped small islands on our planet, just like . Nevertheless, our rating consists of small ones with a developed tourist infrastructure and is compiled according to the information provided by the site https://www.frommers.com.
1 Caye Caulker, Belize – 6.5 sq. km

The island is located in the Caribbean Sea, 20 miles off the coast of Belize. The largest coral reef in the Western Hemisphere is located here. Population: less than 1,500 inhabitants. In the past this little one fishing village with three sandy roads. Now it is a small but fascinating resort beloved by tourists.

2 Fox Island, Alaska – 10.4 sq. km

The sheltered coves and pebble beaches of this island, located off the coast of Seward, provide an excellent refuge for a variety of marine life. By visiting this small island, you can meet sea lions and whales.

3 Saba Island, Lesser Antilles – 13 sq. km

Located in the Caribbean Sea, west of Saint Martin. The population of the island is 1200 people. It has virtually no beaches, but is attractive for diving and hiking enthusiasts. The island's landscape - a dormant volcano - attracts many tourists. Most favorable period for visiting - from January to March.

4 Corvo Island, Azores–15.6 sq. km

It is part of the Azores island archipelago. Located in the Atlantic Ocean west of the coast of Portugal. Only 300 people live here. The temperate climate allows tourists to enjoy scuba diving, fishing, a variety of fresh seafood and secluded walks year-round.

5 Island Sea lion(Sea Lion Island), Falkland Islands - 15.7 sq. km

Located in the South Atlantic Ocean. There are only seven permanent residents. But here you can see five species of penguins, killer whales, and elephant seals. Favorable tourist season lasts from October to April.

6 South Bass Island, Ohio - 20.8 sq. km

Location: Lake Erie, off the northeastern shores of Ohio. Population: less than 400 people. Despite this, the island offers boating and camping. Has its own brewery and winery.

7 Little St. Simons Island, Georgia - 40.61 sq. km

Only 25 people work and live on this island, the rest are a few tourists. This small island is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Georgia, part of the archipelago of the Golden Isles of Georgia. The landscape of the island is made up of beautiful pristine beaches combined with cedar forest and pristine coastline. The high tourist season is spring.

8 Benguerra Island, Mozambique Islands - 55 sq. km

The second largest island of the archipelago (after Bazaruto Island). This is the territory of the National marine reserve. The rarest animals live here: terns, flamingos, egrets, kingfishers, cormorants. 1.5 km east of the island is the Mile 2 coral reef, which is recognized as one of the best diving sites in Mozambique. In addition to the extraordinary beauty of the underwater coral, the reef is home to small species of sharks, clown fish, sea ​​eel and a variety of colorful tropical fish.

9 Yap, Micronesia – 101.4 sq. km

Part of the Federated States of Micronesia - South part Pacific Ocean. This is one of best places for diving. By the way, the island is only partly developed for tourism and partly for rural areas. Only 1,200 permanent residents live here.

10 Madeline Island, Wisconsin, USA - 109.2 sq. km

This island is the only developed island of the 22 Apostle islands. All year round There are only 300 permanent residents here. High season for tourists - from May to October. In the summer you can enjoy golfing, kayaking or cycling, and in the winter you can enjoy cross-country skiing and snowmobiling.

Holidays on a small island are like traveling to a small exotic country, which is lost on the world map and lives its own original life, with its own concepts of civilization and special cultural flavor. Travel and enjoy pristine beaches, extraordinary natural landscapes and the friendliness of the few local residents.
