How to start passing the medical examination for admission. Medical certificate for admission to university

According to current legislation, before employment and entry into professional educational institutions, a preliminary medical examination is required. The result of the examination is a medical certificate 086у: which doctors need to be examined depends on the requirements of the organization and type of activity.

Why is a medical examination performed?

Preliminary medical examinations upon admission to work or an educational institution are carried out for several purposes:

  1. To determine the level physical development applicants and opportunities for physical education, as well as appointment of medical recommendations and health groups.
  2. To determine the suitability of an applicant for the position he occupies.
  3. For early detection and prevention of diseases, identification of borderline conditions as risk factors for the development of pathologies and disability.
  4. For legal protection of the employer in case of accidents. According to Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer does not have the right to give permission to work to persons who cannot fully perform the assigned work in accordance with job responsibilities, as well as whose health may deteriorate significantly due to existing conditions labor.
  5. To reduce injury rates and emergency situations in production.
  6. To monitor compliance sanitary rules, the spread of infections and the protection of public health.

Together with other documents, when applying for a job or when entering a technical school, college or university, document 086 must be provided - a certificate; what kind of doctors are needed to receive it, the contingent of people for whom examination is mandatory - all this is standardized labor code of the Russian Federation, by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n and internal documents of the organization or educational institution, approved in accordance with the established procedure.

The list of professions subject to preliminary examination is extensive; this includes not only those workers whose activities involve hazardous and harmful factors, but also people who spend more than half of their working day at the computer (for them, opinions of a neurologist and ophthalmologist are required), as well as employees sent to the regions Far North from other places, rotational personnel, minors (regardless of the type of work activity), athletes.

Help 086-u: what doctors and tests you need to undergo when applying for studies

Before entering an educational institution, an examination is carried out in public clinics at the place of registration or in private clinics that have the appropriate license to conduct examinations. For minors, a comprehensive assessment of the condition is carried out:

  1. the presence of functional pathologies, chronic diseases;
  2. state of the body's main systems;
  3. the body's resistance to adverse external factors;
  4. level of physical development and its harmony.

Depending on this, the pediatrician, upon completion of the examination, determines the health group:

  • Group I - healthy applicants who do not have any deviations in physical and mental development;
  • Group II - those people who do not have chronic diseases, but have some health problems ( infectious diseases moderate to severe; history of trauma or surgery; short stature; violations in the mass - excess or deficiency; lag in the level of physical development; frequent acute respiratory infections);
  • Group III - those with chronic diseases in remission, with infrequent exacerbations and no complications; with consequences of injuries and operations, physical disabilities, the severity of which does not limit the learning process;
  • Group IV - sufferers chronic diseases in an active form and in unstable remission with frequent exacerbations, with disturbances in the functioning of organs and systems requiring supportive treatment; with physical disabilities, injuries and operations that have led to limited learning opportunities;
  • Group V - those suffering from severe chronic pathologies with virtually no remissions, with frequent exacerbations and the presence of complications requiring constant treatment, as well as people with disabilities.

During the examination, it is necessary to take tests and undergo laboratory examinations: general analysis urine and blood, blood sugar testing, ECG, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fluorography (for children over 15 years old).

Listed below are the doctors you need to see for certificate 086:

  • Surgeon— clarifies whether there was a history of surgical operations and what diseases the person suffered in the past. Upon examination, he establishes the correct physique and the absence of changes in the skeleton.
  • Dentist- examines the mucous membrane of the mouth, gums and hard tissues of the teeth, checks for the absence infectious lesions oral cavity.
  • Urologist-andrologist or obstetrician-gynecologist performs an examination of the genital organs, and, if necessary, takes smears for pathogenic microflora.
  • Endocrinologist- examines the medical history for the presence of endocrine diseases, examines the thyroid gland and lymph nodes. May additionally prescribe a blood test for sugar, hormonal levels, ultrasound thyroid gland and other examinations.
  • Ophthalmologist— checks visual acuity and the absence of fundus pathologies.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist(ENT) - examines the cavities of the ear, nose and larynx. If necessary, prescribes taking smears from these organs; also tests hearing acuity.
  • Traumatologist-orthopedist- upon examination, it reveals clubfoot, flat feet, curvature of the spine, torticollis, joint pathologies, various bone pathologies and checks the patient’s history of injuries and congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Neuropathologist- studies the patient’s medical history in order to identify previous acute diseases central nervous system, as well as the functions of the cranial nerves (facial and oculomotor), motor nerves, muscle tone and reflexes of the arms and legs.
  • Psychiatrist— conducts an oral interview with the patient in order to identify mental abnormalities.
  • Pediatrician gives a final conclusion, and a certificate of form 086-y is issued; which doctors are required for this, you need to check with the admissions committee educational organization, since, depending on the profile of the latter, other specialists may be required (for example, when entering special educational institutions for persons with disabilities).

Help 086-u: what doctors and tests you need to undergo when applying for a job

When undergoing a preliminary examination for employment, you must pass the following tests:

  • Blood test with determination of hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, leukocytes, leukocyte formula, ESR and color index.
  • Urinalysis with determination of protein, sugar, specific gravity and sediment microscopy.
  • Fluorography (or radiography) chest in direct and right lateral projections.
  • Biochemical blood test to determine glucose and cholesterol levels.
  • An obstetrician-gynecologist must take a smear from all women to determine the vaginal flora and atypical cells.

Which doctors are needed for certificate 086, you need to find out from your employer, as he issues a referral for a medical examination. The direction indicates the name of the organization and its form of ownership, the type of inspection, personal data of the person being hired, the name of the department and position where the employee will be hired, and a list of harmful production factors. The direction is signed by the person authorized to issue it.

You must provide a referral, a passport, a health passport to a medical organization (if it is not available, it will be issued at this institution).

IN general case Schedule an examination with the following specialists:

  1. Neuropathologist.
  2. Surgeon.
  3. Ophthalmologist.
  4. Psychiatrist (local).
  5. Narcologist (at your place of residence).
  6. Otorhinolaryngologist.
  7. Gynecologist.
  8. Therapist.

Women over 40 years old should have a mammogram (ultrasound) of the mammary glands every 2 years.

The examination is considered completed if all medical specialists have passed through and all tests have been completed. Upon completion of the inspection medical organization a conclusion is drawn up in 2 copies, which indicates whether medical contraindications have been identified or not. The document is certified by the seal of the medical institution where the examination took place. Certificate 086 is valid for 6 months from the date of its issue.

Medical certificate form 086-u - which doctors are additionally required to obtain it

In addition to the above list of specialists required to obtain a certificate, others may be required, depending on the type of future activity:

  • When working with harmful chemicals, allergens, carcinogens, agrochemicals, antibiotics, you need to be examined by an endocrinologist, allergist, oncologist, urologist, dermatovenerologist; with fluorine and phosphorus compounds - see a dentist and orthopedist.
  • When working with biological materials that may be contaminated with infections - see a dermatovenerologist, allergist, phthisiatrician, infectious disease specialist, oncologist and dentist.
  • When working in areas with reduced or elevated temperature, as well as in remote areas where there are no specialized medical institutions - a dermatovenerologist and a dentist, and an FGDS is also required.

A complete list of work and relevant necessary examinations is indicated in Order No. 302n of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

Certificate form 086 must contain all data on past and chronic diseases. It may be issued with restrictions if the employee has contraindications for work due to illness or disability.

All school graduates are interested in a certificate for admission to a college or university. After all, without the appropriate documents, enrollment in an educational institution is impossible. In Russia, every applicant must pass and provide a health certificate. But how to get it? And what awaits people entering college before studying? We will have to understand all this further.

Document form

What certificate is needed to enter college? The same as in the case of a citizen’s enrollment in a university. It's about about a certificate in form 086/у.

This document is presented on a standard form. There is only a paper interpretation of the certificate. IN in electronic format Such documents are not yet issued.

The medical statement reflects information about the citizen’s state of health, as well as about the vaccinations given to him. All this is very important when entering universities and technical schools. Therefore, every schoolchild will have to think about receiving form 086/u.

Where to get

We found out what certificate Russian applicants will need to enter college. But where can I get it?

There is no way to give a definite answer. The thing is that certificates of the established form can be issued in the following places:

  • clinics;
  • hospitals with outpatient departments;
  • private medical laboratories;
  • paid multidisciplinary private clinics.

Accordingly, everyone chooses where to turn for help. It all depends on the desires and capabilities of the applicant.

What to choose

Where can I get a certificate for admission to college? We already know the answer to this question. But which is better to choose?

If a person seeks help from state budgetary medical institutions, he will receive the appropriate service absolutely free of charge. But you will have to spend a lot of time to pass the commission of the established form.

Because of this, applicants often turn to private clinics and laboratories. This technique allows you to pass the commission in a few hours. But you will have to pay for the provision of services.


A certificate for admission to college requires certain costs. Not always, but very often.

If a citizen applies for a document at a public clinic, there is no need to pay a fee in the established form. specialists in private clinics involves significant expenses.

The exact cost of the certificate depends on the region of residence of the citizen. On average, you will have to pay about 2,000 rubles for the commission for form 086/u. This is the minimum threshold that is recommended to be aimed at.

Production time

How quickly is a college admission certificate issued? It is not difficult to guess that a lot depends on the circumstances.

The thing is that citizens can pass the commission in a few days, or maybe in a week or even more. But, as a rule, a certificate in form 086/y is issued immediately after examination by all specialists.

About doctors

What kind of doctors will you have to undergo before entering a university or college? Today, Russia has approved a unified list of specialists who must examine an applicant.

Do you need a certificate for admission to medical college and more? Then you have to meet:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • ENT;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

But that is not all. Typically, school graduates are asked to do an ECG and undergo a series of tests. What is it about?

About analyzes

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. It is best to undergo a series of tests in advance and only after that contact the doctors to obtain a certificate for admission to medical school. college or university.

Mandatory tests include:

  • general urine/stool analysis;
  • blood analysis;
  • fluorogram.

You will also have to present your vaccination book. It indicates all vaccinations given to the applicant. Only with the presence of the listed studies will it be possible to obtain form 086/y.

Only for schoolchildren

It is important to pay attention to the fact that some schools and lyceums organize mass medical examinations of future graduates. As a rule, only 11th grade students face the relevant commission.

In such circumstances, children are sent to local clinics and undergo medical examination. During this process, a certificate is issued in form 086/у. That is, there is no need to think specifically about the design of the document being studied.

Documents for the commission

Some people are interested in what documents will be useful for registering for a medical examination in the prescribed form. There is no clear answer to this question.

If a patient goes to a public clinic, he will be required to:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy.

If you go to a private clinic, you can only take your passport and money with you. Nothing else is needed.


A certificate for admission to college has its own validity period. After a certain period it will have to be redone. That is, go through the commission of the established form in full.

Today, extract 086/у is valid for six months from the date of its issue. No more, no less. Therefore, you can pass the commission for admission to a university or college in advance.


We found out what a certificate for admission to college looks like. We also managed to understand how to draw up the appropriate paperwork. Every modern citizen is capable of coping with this task.

If a child is decided to be sent for a medical examination to a private clinic, it is often necessary to carry out an operation with the participation of legal representatives. But this is a very rare occurrence.

Today, some organizations offer to issue an extract on the applicant’s health status without undergoing a medical examination. You should not believe such tempting promises. After all, then form 086/y will be considered a fake. For its use, the applicant will face certain punishment. It is better to act within the law and spend a few days on a medical commission. Then the citizen will not have any problems.

Is it possible to do without the mentioned form? Usually not. After all, educational institutions must be sure that the applicant does not have any health restrictions when entering a particular specialty.

Certificate form 086/U is required for minors to enter college, university or work; it may also be required in sports sections. It is needed to find out whether the child has contraindications due to which he cannot study, work or exercise physical activity. Therefore, it is required to receive it.

Medical form 086/U was approved back in 1980; in 2019, minor changes in design appeared. In the article we will tell you how to get a certificate, which doctors you need to see for this and what should be indicated in it.

Medical certificate 086/U: where to get it

A medical certificate can be obtained both at a city clinic and at private medical centers. But a private clinic must have a state license to provide medical care.

Flaw municipal institutions- queues in which you will have to stand for several hours. In private clinics, the examination is faster, especially if you make an appointment in advance. But be prepared for the fact that the tests will be paid. Consider this a way to buy time - you can get a certificate in 1 day. It makes sense to undergo some procedures for free at the clinic. For example, do fluorography at your place of residence and only after that go to a private clinic.

In many schools, certificates are issued by school health workers at the end of grades 9 and 11 or at the request of parents. Information is taken from school medical records if the child had a medical examination during the last six months.

What doctors and tests are needed for reference?

To obtain a certificate of form 086/U, you need to visit the following specialists:

  • Surgeon;
  • Otolaryngologist;
  • Neurologist;
  • Ophthalmologist.

The form may additionally include specialists whose qualifications are required by the applicant. For example, a psychiatrist and narcologist for those entering the military and teaching professions.

It is also necessary to undergo fluorography, pass clinical analysis blood and general urine analysis. In the blood I calculate hemoglobin, leukocyte formula and erythrocyte sedimentation rate - ESR. Protein and sugar are determined in urine. If you have already undergone fluorography this year, they will simply write down the date for you; you do not need to undergo it again.

The document also indicates preventive vaccinations. If some are missing, they must be made. According to the national vaccination calendar, there are 3 of them:

  • At 16 years old - from tetanus, diphtheria and hepatitis B.
  • For those who have not been ill before - from measles.
  • For girls under 25 who have not given birth - rubella.

Often in the vaccination office they limit themselves to the words “vaccinated according to age.” If vaccinations cannot be given for medical reasons, you need to discuss this issue with your therapist individually.

The therapist is the last person to be seen. He checks whether everything has been passed and makes a conclusion that allows or prohibits admission, work or sports.

A conclusion about professional suitability is made in accordance with the list methodological instructions on medical selection of persons entering higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

What information will be indicated in certificate 086/U?

Applicants or schoolchildren receive a form that contains basic information about their state of health and the conclusions of the doctors conducting the examination. It includes:

  • The patient's name, gender, date of birth and current registration.
  • Date of examinations.
  • Name and address of the center, hospital or private clinic where the examination took place.
  • Designation of the educational institution for which 086/U is issued.
  • Data on previous diseases.
  • Preventive vaccinations.
  • The result of examination by an ophthalmologist, surgeon, otolaryngologist, neurologist.
  • Note on fluorography.
  • Laboratory data.
  • Conclusion on professional suitability.

The form is affixed with signatures and personal seals of specialists and the seal of a medical institution. The head physician or head of the clinic also puts his stamp and signature. The certificate is valid for 6 months, then everything will have to be done again. Information about this is printed at the very bottom of the back of the form.

Purchasing a certificate is prohibited by Articles 19.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, this does not make sense: during the examination, health problems may be identified in which the chosen type of activity will be dangerous for the child.

The portal provides information on where you can get a certificate form 086/U in Moscow for a child: addresses and telephone numbers of city medical centers, the cost of the service, as well as patient reviews. A convenient filter by metro and region allows you to select a center based on location, and the cost of the service indicated in the tables will help you compare different medical institutions.

Providing documents on health status is a guarantee of the absence of contraindications for work. A medical examination must also be completed before entering an educational institution. As a result of the examination by specialists, a certificate 086 is issued. We offer short time receive a certificate of the standard form established by law without passing unpleasant procedures and doctor visits.

Who needs a certificate?

The joy of a future visit to school, kindergarten, university or applying for a new job may be overshadowed by the need to go through a long list of doctors:

  1. Neurologist and therapist;
  2. Surgeon and ENT specialist;
  3. Ophthalmologist.

Preparation of medical certificate 086/у also requires a urine and blood test (general). Required condition to obtain paper with stamps - do fluorography. In addition to the specified list of doctors and laboratory medical tests, to confirm professional suitability for some organizations it is necessary to additionally undergo an examination by specialized specialists. This is done to gain access to perform functional duties in the position held.

For admission to kindergarten, school, the medical commission includes a dermatologist, and test results for infections are also required. It is extremely important for an applicant to undergo a medical examination. As a result, members of the medical commission draw conclusions about the possibility of training and further employment of a person after graduation from the institute or university.

Obtaining a medical certificate 086 becomes an insurmountable obstacle if you lack time or desire, or are far from a medical institution. And the need to collect bags with things for the applicant to move to another city to start his studies further complicates the process of obtaining a medical certificate of form 086/u.

In ordinary clinics, a future schoolchild or incoming student is guaranteed endless lines of tired and irritated people, and rudeness of doctors. It is impossible to bypass all the specialists in one day to obtain form 086/у on your own. Laboratory reports alone take several days to process. To keep children and their parents calm, our portal offers to issue the certificates you need at an affordable price.

Registration procedure

The document can be obtained for a fee by passing a medical examination in centers that have the appropriate license. Free issuance of certificate 086у is possible in government agencies medical institutions, clinics, hospitals, but the time for passing doctors is delayed.

By accessing our portal, you will receive a certificate of form 086/у in a short time. The procedure for preparing a certificate is as follows:

  1. An application for a certificate can be submitted by phone number or through a form on the website;
  2. The client indicates the data required to fill out the form;
  3. After accepting the order, all information is sent to the current doctor of the clinic, who will process the medical certificate form 086/у;
  4. The paper will be ready within 1 hour.

The portal operator records the customer's last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, as well as the name and address of the place where the certificate must be provided. The address of the place of residence or registration, information about vaccinations, past diseases is indicated.

The finished certificate 086 will contain the stamp, name and address of the institution that issued it, marks and seals of medical specialists, results of fluorographic and laboratory tests.

The documents filled out and issued by our portal are genuine. They are filled out and issued by current doctors of hospitals, city clinics, and private medical centers. Information about the doctor’s last name, first name, patronymic, his seal - confirmation of the authenticity of the document.

You can ask additional questions to the portal operator regarding the procedure for preparing, delivering, and paying for a medical certificate. Our employees politely communicate with each client who receives a medical certificate, explaining the key points of order fulfillment.

Our advantages

Our portal takes care of every client. With our help, you can obtain the necessary medical documentation faster than if you decided to deal with this issue yourself. You do not need to stand in long lines, risking contracting a disease from the people present in it or becoming a victim of medical greed. From us you can buy a certificate inexpensively with delivery.

The list of site services also includes issuing medical records, permits to carry and store weapons, certificates for obtaining a driver’s license, sick leave certificates and other documents.

Advantages of the site:

  1. For clients who decide to issue 2 or more certificates with our help for the first time, the payment amount will be reduced by 5%;
  2. By bringing a friend who is interested in where to get a certificate 086/у in Moscow in order to enroll in a new job or university, you are guaranteed to receive a 10% discount;
  3. We guarantee free shipping to any metro station, when ordering over 3,000 rubles.

By contacting us and finding out how much it costs to purchase a certificate, you will recommend us to your friends. You quickly receive an original document about your health status, completed and taking into account all the requirements. The cost of the certificate is adequate, it is better to pay money and receive an officially completed certificate with stamps in 1 hour, than to visit all the doctors and take tests, wasting time and energy on it.

A medical examination is required for admission to a university - this is an immutable requirement of the law, Order No. 834n of the Ministry of Health), which protects the health of participants educational process. Academic medical Center“Soyuz-Ostankino” is staffed with specialists authorized to diagnose individuals preparing to study at a higher educational institution:

    Gynecologist (for girls);

    Urologist (for young people);



  • Otolaryngologist.

If there is no fresh, no older than 12 months, fluorography, the Center performs and X-ray examination lungs.

Which doctors should I see and what tests should I take?

So that the applicant can submit documents to admissions committee higher educational institution, academic medical center "Soyuz-Ostankino" provides a comprehensive service. It includes examinations by doctors and research in a certain volume health of the future student, clinical diagnostic studies - tests:

    Feces for helminths;

The result of a complex of medical and laboratory activities is a medical certificate 086u, issued in finished form last doctor commission - a therapist. Equipped with seals, signatures, conclusions and other details, the document officially records one of five levels of physical and mental development, classified into groups:

    1st - completely healthy;

    2nd - minor violations;

    3rd - chronic pathologies in remission;

    4th - active form chronic disorders;

    5th - disabled people and serious illnesses.

A comprehensive expert opinion is crucial for the administration of an educational institution:

    Defining physical education group or exempting students from physical education classes based on indications;

    Taking into account the presence of chronic and acute pathologies in students.


Medical certificate for the traffic police (GAI) 003-В/у
1200 rub.
Help for studies 086 u
1500 rub.
Certificate for public service 001 ГС/у
1500 rub.
Sick leave
500 rub.
Help for visiting the pool 083/4-89
500 rub.
Sanatorium-resort card 072/u-04
2100 rub.
Help for managing small vessels in GIMS
To obtain license to operate watercraft and jet skis.
800 rub.
Certificate for weapons 002- O/u
Required to obtain a weapons license.
1500 rub.
Certificate of temporary disability 095-u
Certifies the temporary disability of students. Used to confirm temporary disability of military personnel and police officers.
2000 rub.
Certificate for traveling abroad 082
Required for medical insurance.
2500 rub.
Medical extract, discharge summary 027/у
It is a conclusion about the causes of the disease, diagnosis and treatment received.
2000 rub.
Certificate of completion of fluorography
Medical document, indicating the absence of pathologies in the lungs and chest organs.
500 rub.
Certificate of exemption from physical education
Issued by the attending physician or therapist.
2000 rub.
Help for obtaining a permit 070/у-05
2100 rub.
Examination for the position of judge 086-1/u
1200 rub.
Help for sports 073
900 rub.
Help for pioneer camp 079/u 1200 rub.
Reviews about us

I had an appointment with dentist Vladimir Vladimirovich Babichev, I was very pleased with the work and attitude, thank you very much for your work!


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Tatyana Mikhailovna

I came on Saturday to get a certificate from the traffic police, it turned out that the certificate cost 800 rubles!! nice savings and staff! Thank you!!!

Andrey V.

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Tylbek Alybaev

I received a certificate to replace my category B driver's license. As promised over the phone, receiving it took no more than 15-20 minutes. Immediately - without reminders - they also gave me a copy of the medical center’s license, which is needed when submitting a certificate to the traffic police. I paid 1000 rubles for the certificate. I submitted the documents, including her, to the MFC, there were no comments. I'm waiting for a new VU - in 10 days. Soyuz-Ostankino is a good “office”, it works well.

Our certificates

Also see:

Medical certificate for the traffic police (GAI) 003-В/у
A medical certificate is issued to drivers and driver candidates after passing the commission.
1200 rub.
Help for studies 086 u
Health certificate for study or work
1500 rub.
Certificate for public service 001 ГС/у
An expert opinion, mandatory for each applicant for a position in a municipal or public service
1500 rub.
Sick leave
official confirmation of temporary disability. It is issued on a specially protected form.
500 rub.
Help for visiting the pool 083/4-89
Confirms that the bearer has no skin, viral or sexually transmitted diseases.
500 rub.
Sanatorium-resort card 072/u-04
Provided to the attending physician of the sanatorium or resort where treatment will take place.
2100 rub.
