How to become a civil aviation pilot. Profession "pilot"

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The profession of a pilot is multifaceted and interesting. Pilots are competent in different areas life. They can disassemble and reassemble an airplane engine in 5 minutes, recite a rhyme in Chinese, and even calm 500 panicking passengers. What are the pros and cons of being a pilot, how and where to learn to fly an airplane, read our article.

Where can I get a pilot's training?

How to become a pilot (method one): go to study civil aviation at a university

The work of universities is financed by the federal budget, so if you pass the entrance exams well, you can become a pilot for free.

Anyone who has 11 years of school and Unified State Exam results in the Russian language, mathematics and physics can enter a university to become a pilot.

The applicant can choose which diploma he will receive: either a bachelor's degree - pilot in 4 years, or a specialist pilot-engineer in 5 years. Getting into a specialty program is usually more difficult.

On budget department St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, the minimum passing score for a pilot in 2018 is 192.

In 2018, at the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Operations aircraft and organizations air traffic“There were 125 budget places.

Tuition price for one academic year, including practice

~178,000 rubles.

How to become a pilot (withmethod two): enroll in flight school

In schools, unlike universities, the full course of study lasts not 5 years, but 2 years and 10 months. During this time, students fully master the specialty, complete practical training, and at the end receive the qualification of a commercial pilot and can work in this field.

Education in schools is free, they are financed by the state. Students are provided with everything they need: scholarships, educational literature and exercise equipment, dormitories for non-residents - the guys feel comfortable.

They enter schools after 11th grade through a certificate competition (a report card of final grades in all subjects for grades 10 and 11).

How to become a pilot (method three): enroll in a private pilot school

Only a few study in them for free, but to do this you need to win a repost competition. But there is no competition at all for admission, you only need an average general education to become a pilot.

The theoretical course (~120 hours) costs ~50,000 rubles. The price for practice is “floating”, it depends on the aircraft model chosen for training. Renting one plane costs 10,000 rubles / hour, and another - 25,000 / hour. Professional instructors will teach you everything you need for a full flight: from professional English to the technical intricacies of the aircraft.

Upon completion, graduates are issued amateur pilot certificates. To get it you need to fly 42 hours. It’s unpleasant, but with such a classification you cannot work as a pilot. But you can fly for your own pleasure on a personal or leased aircraft.

Pros and cons of being a pilot:

Disadvantages of being a pilot

Think about your health. Many, even minor and insignificant, ailments can be a sufficient reason for the medical commission to reject your candidacy. As in the Airborne Forces, only healthy people are needed as pilots. You need to monitor your condition during your studies, because if it suddenly worsens, the student will be expelled and may not have another chance to become a pilot.

One of the main points in the medical examination that you undergo to become a pilot is psychological testing. It is its result that will be decisive if applicants with the same certificates apply for the same place.

There are no separate internal tests for this specialty, but you need to pass the physical education standards:

Physical standards for a pilot at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation for men (lower threshold):

  • 1000 m run - 3 min. 45 sec
  • 100m sprint - 13.9 sec
  • Pull-ups - 9 times

Physical standards for a pilot at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation for women (lower threshold):

  • 1000 m run - 4 min. 35 sec
  • 100m sprint - 16.5 sec
  • Pull-ups - 10 times

Immediately get into large company It's hard to be a pilot. There is a limit on the number of hours you need to fly to get a job as a pilot. Therefore, most beginners go to small regional companies, and then move to more serious organizations.

By the way, almost everywhere you need to undergo advanced training programs in order to learn how to fly a specific model of aircraft.

Pros of being a pilot

The difficulties of studying and becoming a pilot are more than compensated by the working conditions.

Even novice pilots receive from 150,000 rubles.

Career growth directly depends on the hours flown. For their work, pilots usually receive 70 days of vacation, discounted air tickets for children and husband/wife, and a good benefits package.

All pilots often look very presentable: stylish uniforms that arouse the envy of passers-by, erudition and knowledge foreign languages, healthy body and the opportunity to spend a lot of time in the sky.

Investigation of the Boeing 737 plane crash in Kazan. It turned out that the most “working” version of what happened was a crew error. IAC specialists found that technical condition the aircraft was at the proper level.

Pilot errors are leading to more and more plane crashes in Russia. According to experts, it is human factor became decisive in the last major air disasters: the crash of the Tu-134 near Petrozavodsk, the Tu-154 at Domodedovo airport and the Yak-42 airliner in Yaroslavl (then the entire Lokomotiv hockey team died).

The average age of pilots is rising. Young specialists appear, but not in sufficient numbers: pilots are trained in only three universities in the country.

The main one is the University of Civil Aviation in St. Petersburg. Training is conducted at 8 faculties, the average duration of training is five years. University graduates after graduation are called upon to pilot civil aviation aircraft. The university also trains aviation managers and technicians.

Another “pilot” university is located in Ulyanovsk - the Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation. It also has eight areas of training, with an average duration of study of four years. The school in Ulyanovsk is more “diversified” and trains not only pilots for civil aviation, but also those who can ensure the proper preparation of an aircraft for flight (diversified training).

The last representative of a specialized “flight” educational institution is. It has 12 faculties and the university is much more diverse. Rather, it trains specialists who can develop technical innovations for the aviation and space industries. The average training period is 5 years.

According to unofficial data, the first two universities have graduated 2,707 pilots over the past 10 years. Nowadays there is little competition for flight schools. There are cases when “retrained” military pilots are hired. Well, young pilots are immediately trusted serious tests. According to ", earlier first For three years, graduates were admitted only to the An-2 “maize”, then gradually transferred to larger ones - the An-26 and Tu-134.

And only after having all this experience did the pilots begin to fly 1st class aircraft (Tu-154 and Il-62). Now, under the right circumstances, you can become the commander of a prestigious Boeing at the age of 25.

There is another side to the problem. Previously, civilian pilots retired at age 60. Now there is no boundary for retirement as such. They fly until they are “healthy,” which in principle provides financial benefits: the pilot’s salary varies from 80 to 200 thousand rubles.

It is known that many states use the practice of “private” pilot training. Airlines themselves train young pilots so that they then stay to work for them. Russian authorities has already repeatedly approached airlines with a similar proposal, but so far the initiative has not been supported.

Many people dream of being brave pilots from childhood. Sometimes this dream becomes life goal. True, not everyone knows how to become a pilot. We'll tell you what it takes to become a pilot and how difficult it is to do so.

Path to civil aviation usually goes through special universities, because the profession of a pilot requires no person only management skills aircraft, But And teaches you to have responsibility for life and the health of other people. Therefore, only a person can become the manager of a passenger aircraft whose appropriate education.

How to become a pilot if you have no money? IN There are several universities in Russia that teach pilot skills for free, for example, the State University of Civil Aviation in St. Petersburg. You must graduate 11 to enroll. classes and have high results in independent exams. The future conqueror of the sky needs to pass several exams: mathematics, physics, and the state language.

Applicants usually choose their own direction. You can become a regular pilot or a pilot engineer. Often potential pilots choose "Aircraft Operation and air traffic organization." For applicants, no admitted to budget, you are given the opportunity to learn the basics of your specialty on a paid basis.

Even a person can become a commercial pilot, not admitted to university, or students with incomplete secondary education. Like after 9 class to become a pilot? Go to school. Less than 3 professions are taught there years. For admission you need to pass mathematics, physics and languages.

Behind Over a long period of time, each student of the school fully masters the basics of the flying specialty, undergoes an internship, and receives a commercial pilot diploma. IN flight organizations provide students with everything they need. You can learn to become a pilot here for free.

There is another way to become a commercial pilot. This method - private school. IN There is no competition for admission to such schools. To obtain a diploma, only secondary general education is required and money because the cost of training in private schools is quite high. By After graduating from school, a person becomes an amateur pilot with corresponding certificate. WITH With this document you can easily find your place in small aviation.

Many don't just want to fly a helicopter in within the specialty, but And sometimes they are the owners of such a device. To sit down helicopter helm, you also need to get the appropriate education, because law govern it Only persons with a diploma can. Therefore, many people want to know where to go to become a helicopter pilot. This can be done by enrolling in flight school or private aviation school.

This profession - Not just a certificate and specialized education. A person who dreams of mastering this specialty must have nerves of steel and impeccable physical training - the sky is not tolerates weak people.

Maybe can a woman become a pilot?

Of course it can. This is proven by world practice. Behind women aviators abroad - Absolutely not rarity. IN in our country now few girls dream of rising to the top heaven and connect your life with aviation.
How can a girl become a pilot? Civil Aviation Flight Academy - here is the answer to this question. Enroll in This institution is now difficult even for men, but even a fragile girl can become a student at the academy. On in extreme cases, a persistent young lady can always turn to certificate in private flight school.

Before what age can you become a pilot

Often people are for 30 years decide to change of profession. Some people remember their childhood dream, others find out that pilots get paid well. Can whether in 30 years or after 40 become a pilot? Now in flight schools have no restrictions on age, anyone can become such a student. The main thing is that he Not had health problems.

The most common reason for refusal is obtaining a flight certificate becomes difficult eyes. Can whether with poor eyesight become a pilot? Yes, and V Russian aviation V including. True, for this not you there must be chronic eye diseases or vision changes greater than 4 diopter. Wearers of contact lenses and points can obtain an aviator's license in any private institution.

It is possible to become a pilot V 35 And V 40 years. However, older flight school students need to remember that they are less likely to be found Good work By completion of the training course, because large airlines and small private owners with look at with doubt such graduates. They prefer to take job of younger applicants. On Such organizations will pay attention to a mature applicant only if there is a shortage of personnel.

Become a pilot after 30 almost impossible for free. To obtain a pilot's diploma, older students are required to pay money for education. Education and aviator skills for adult men can be obtained at state flight schools contract, and also in many private schools.

Learn on a pilot can behind border. However, far from all officials of our state recognize diplomas from foreign schools - keep this in mind when making a decision.

Mar 21, 2016

For many boys, their passion for aviation begins with aircraft modeling courses, but few decide on something more serious. For those who are like Howard Hughes or intend to be at the controls of an airplane, the site asked pressing questions about learning to fly to the owner of the flight school, Andrei Borisevich. Heradically changed his whole life in order to do something that makes his eyes sparkle - he left the Russian media business and founded the ideal school for teaching flights in Miami.

Andrey Borisevich, owner of the SkyEagle Aviation Academy flight school. Photo: Andrey’s personal archive.

Andrey, do you teach at a flight school yourself?

I recently received my Ground Instructor certification, which means I can teach theoretical courses in the Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot programs. I have long wanted to complete my training to become a full-fledged flight instructor, but administrative functions take up most of my time and there simply isn’t enough time for my own studies.

What should a person do who has decided that he wants to learn to fly an airplane?

First of all, decide what it is for. If the goal is to fly for pleasure, then in Russia there are still aviation training centers (I can recommend Chelavia, as the largest in the Moscow region), which can train a private aircraft pilot and issue a pilot’s certificate Russian model. Among helicopter training centers, I can recommend the proven “Heliport”, where I received my own helicopter license. After receiving a private pilot certificate (in the Russian Federation it is absurdly called a “recreational pilot” certificate, which is not true), an aspiring pilot can begin flying around Russia on his own or a rented airplane/helicopter.

If the goal is to become a professional civil aviation pilot, then practically the only way is a flight school or academy (Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg State University civil aviation, Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School) or the same Chelavia, which is currently training commercial pilots in Chelyabinsk.

End of data educational institutions does not yet guarantee employment, because in the Russian Federation there is now an excess of active pilots and there seems to be no shortage for obvious reasons (only after the bankruptcy of Transaero more than 1000 qualified pilots appeared on the market).

Cessna 172 over Miami (USA), photo: SkyEagle Aviation Academy.

What distinguishes a business aviation pilot from a civil aviation pilot?

The fundamental difference lies in the work and flight schedules. A civil aviation pilot flies on a schedule, working for a large airline (for example, Aeroflot). Such a pilot puts in 80-90 hours a month, has a fairly strict schedule, plus duty in the reserve crew. Well, such a pilot flies with big amount passengers “behind” if it is Airbus or Boeing.

Business aviation pilot working for small company charter operator or private aircraft owner. As a rule, the work schedule of such a pilot is “on call”, when the owner or potential client wants to fly somewhere. The flight time of such pilots is much less (20-40 hours per month), but the salary can be much higher, because they work for wealthy business jet owners who value safety, loyalty and other qualities of a “personal pilot”.

Who is a Line Pilot?

Line pilot is highest level pilot qualification, which confirms that the pilot has more than 1,500 hours of flight time and has passed exams in accordance with the requirements for a civil aviation line pilot. All pilot-in-commands on scheduled services (in large airlines) are definitely qualified as “Line Pilots”. Co-pilots usually have a Commercial Pilot qualification.

Russian student Nikolai Batrakov after completing the PPL program at the Fort Lauderdale Executive airfield ( South Florida). Photo: SkyEagle Aviation Academy.

What does it take to start studying at your school?

Only three things:

  • Wish;
  • Language (at least at the Advanced level);
  • Money.

What the cost of studying?

We have many programs and options. We train both private and commercial pilots on airplanes and helicopters. In addition, we provide additional ratings (instrument rating for instrument flight, multi-engine rating for flights on aircraft with two or more engines).

The cost of training starts from 10-12 thousand dollars for a private pilot course and up to 50-55 thousand dollars for a complete program from scratch for a commercial pilot of a multi-engine aircraft.

What happens at the end of classes? Can I then fly in Russia and Europe?

After training, the student receives a pilot certificate (private or commercial, depending on the chosen program) and can fly around the world in airplanes or helicopters with registration N (this is the first letter of the registration number of American aircraft).

If the holder of such a license wants to fly in other countries on aircraft with a different registration, he must undergo a validation procedure. As a rule, any country in the world recognizes an American certificate and the validation procedure does not present any problems.

Andrey Borisevich with a flight school student who validated a foreign private pilot certificate to fly a helicopter into an FAA PPL(h) license, photo: SkyEagle Aviation Academy.

What are the most difficult learning moments?

For foreign students, the first problem is language and radio communication with control services on English language. 60% of our students who do not pass the exam the first time do so precisely because their level of English is insufficient.

The second difficult point is theory. It is very extensive even for private pilots: you need to know the design of the aircraft, weather and forecast maps, US airspace, radio traffic, navigation, drawing up flight plans, and so on. This is such a thick textbook of 400 pages. Plus aviation legislation.

What advantages do your graduates have compared to other schools?

We place great emphasis on theory. Most American schools prefer to give theory to self-study. Books and training materials are provided and “if you have any questions, you can contact your instructor.” We take a different approach and always teach theory in classes with lectures, presentations, and educational materials. This helps when passing the exam and makes pilots more professional and allows them to absorb more knowledge. In addition, since the school is owned by foreigners (Russians), we know how to work with foreign students, what they need, we help with cars, accommodation and even meals during their studies.

At graduation, any graduate of any US school will have the same license, but we hope that the knowledge acquired at our school will be more complete, better quality and correct for safe flights around the world.

Piper Arrow aircraft for training commercial pilots (model with retractable landing gear). Photo: Piper.

Are there statistics on why students at your school learn to fly - for a profession or as a hobby?

50 / 50. Most international students study for a profession and work as a pilot in their home country. American students generally only receive private pilot licenses and sometimes an instrument rating for instrument flight in poor weather conditions. Although among them there are many who dream of making this a profession. Especially now, with a shortage of pilots in US airlines.

How many hours do you need to fly to not be afraid to fly an airplane?

Depends on the person, the minimum program is 35 flight hours. As a rule, the average figure is from 40 to 60, but we consider a pilot confident after 100 hours, of which 40-50 he must fly himself, without an instructor.

Is learning to fly an airplane very different from learning to fly a helicopter?

It's radically different! We have students who already have permission to fly airplanes and now they are studying to fly helicopters. And there is the opposite story, now we have three helicopter pilots undergoing training for the aircraft. Including one instructor who plans to continue working at our school.

What technology is taught at your school?

We have five planes and one helicopter. We primarily use the most popular and common aircraft, the Cessna C172 () for initial training, in addition we have a Piper Arrow for commercial pilot training (the aircraft must have retractable landing gear) and a twin-engine Piper Seneca II aircraft for multi-engine rating training.

Cessna 172 Skyhawk. Photo: Cessna Media Gallery.

For helicopter program students, we use my favorite helicopter, the Robinson R44.

Does your school allow you to rent a plane like a car and fly to another state? How much does it cost on average?

Of course it is possible. In August I had a guy from Russia who rented a plane for two weeks and flew all over the Bahamas with his wife, then flew across the country to and from and returned. In two weeks, he flew about 50 hours independently throughout the United States. Such a trip costs about $10,000. The plane can be rented from $140 per flight hour and above.

Another student is planning to rent a plane from me to travel with his family to the Bahamas for 4 days, which will cost him approximately $3,000.

The priority area of ​​activity of the Aist flying club has become the training of amateur pilots (private pilots) wishing to obtain a PPL (Private Pilot License). The flight school provides training on Yak-18T training aircraft, which have given more than one thousand Russian and foreign pilots a ticket to the skies.

Theory and practice of flying

Flight training courses (FTC) take place in two main stages: theoretical and practical training.

  1. The study of flight theory is carried out in Moscow, at the training base of our partners - aviation training center"Wingspan". Previously, we taught theory ourselves, but we were faced with the fact that it was more convenient for our cadets to attend evening theoretical classes in Moscow during the week. The theoretical pilot training course includes the following subjects:
  • air legislation;
  • practical aerodynamics;
  • aircraft design;
  • aircraft navigation and navigation in the sky;
  • aircraft power plant design;
  • design of aviation and radio equipment;
  • technical and flight operation of aircraft;
  • rescue equipment, their use;
  • meteorology in aviation;
  • conduct and phraseology of radio communications;
  • aviation security and many others. etc.
  1. The initial flight training program at the pilot school is conducted at the Beloomut airfield with an experienced pilot instructor. Cadets will acquire the following skills:
  • ground pre-flight training for amateur pilots;
  • primary piloting skills, first solo flight;
  • flight at critically low and high air speeds;
  • elimination of the spin effect in flight;
  • takeoffs and landings at normal conditions and in strong side winds;
  • recognition of stall (initial and developed) and recovery from it;
  • takeoffs/landings in limited areas;
  • training to fly using instruments only;
  • flying along a developed route using visual references, using dead reckoning methods and radio navigation aids;
  • simulated flight emergency situation: failure of the engine, on-board equipment, etc.;
  • night flights and many others. etc.

Procedure and duration of training:

  1. The duration of the theoretical course is 172 hours (approximately four months). At the end of the training, students are tested and take exams in all theoretical disciplines.
  2. The estimated duration of flight training is 42 hours. For effective learning To develop and maintain piloting skills, regular flight time of at least two hours per week is required. Otherwise, there will be no progress, and learning to fly an airplane and obtaining a private pilot certificate will be delayed indefinitely. After completing the course, examinations are carried out on aircraft navigation and piloting techniques.
  3. You can start performing training flights in Moscow at the same time as attending theoretical classes.
  4. Upon successful passing of the theoretical and flight training exams, the registration documents are transferred to Working group Higher Qualification Commission Federal agency air transport (Rosaviation) Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (RG VKK).
  5. After passing the certification, the graduate will be awarded a private pilot license PPL (Private Pilot License). With this document you have the right to fly on private aircraft.

Cost of education

  • Payment for the full course of study can be made in whole or in parts, in cash or by bank transfer.
  • The cost of a theoretical pilot school course is 36,000 rubles. If you missed a lesson, you can easily attend a similar lecture on another day in another group.
  • average cost the flight course is about 450,000 rubles. or 180 rub./min. The final price depends on several factors, including special role play individual psychophysiological characteristics of accounting - type nervous system, properties of temperament. However, practice shows that the most important are motivational features - interest in flying, desire to learn, as well as persistence in learning. educational material, regularity of raids. In short, pilots are not born, but made. We will help you with this!
