Whether there can be signs of pregnancy on the first. Discharge in early pregnancy before delay and other signs of conception

There is a period in a woman's life when she is waiting, worrying about the future. This is pregnancy. But in order for the upcoming 40 weeks to bring joy, it is important not to miss the very first signs of pregnancy. For doctors, the primary evidence of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation. But is it? Experienced women note that some manifestations can be noticed much earlier.

First of all, a few words about conception. The female cycle is usually 28 days. It is divided into three phases: menstruation, follicular, luteal. The duration of the 1st-2nd stage is 12-14 days. During this period, the female hormone estrogen dominates, the birth of a new life during its action is impossible. But in parallel with it, progesterone functions. Its peculiarity is that the quantity changes cyclically.

The apogee of the process, the beginning of the luteal phase - shortly before the 14th day of the cycle. In the ovaries, out of four prepared, mature follicles, three stop growing. The rest - continues its development. When the desired size is reached, the follicular membrane bursts, the egg comes out. This is how ovulation occurs: the woman's body is ready for conception. The cell travels to the fallopian tube to copulate with the sperm.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days

They fall just at the time of egg implantation. The bursting follicle is transformed into a "corpus luteum", sprouting blood vessels, releasing progesterone. Its function during this period is twofold:

  • stop menstrual bleeding for the next 40 weeks;
  • prepare the lining of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized cell.

If fertilization does not occur, the "yellow body" stops its work. The muscles of the uterus reject the endometrium with contractions, after a few days new bleeding occurs. As a result of the calculations, it was determined that conception occurs approximately on the 14-16th day of the cycle. The period of bearing a child, childbirth is traditionally calculated from the first day of the last menstruation. Therefore, the very first signs of pregnancy may appear 3 weeks after the start of the cycle or 7-10 days after conception.

It is desirable for a future mother to look closely, listen to her body. During this period, he is actively rebuilt for the birth of a child. This does not always bring convenience, sometimes leads to discomfort. But it's worth it!

On the other hand, nature gives a young woman a signal: reconsider your life principles, rules. Everything must be subordinated to him, the emergence of a new person: a reason to quit smoking, addiction to beer, stronger drinks. This applies to the woman herself, family members. After all, the unborn child from the first days of conception feels the harmony of the world or its hostility. Outdoor walks, moderate physical activity, swimming contribute to the smooth flow of the process.

Pregnancy symptoms 1 week after conception

Whether the great sacrament of conception has come to pass, mother does not yet know. The future baby, still in the form of one cell, has already begun its growth, a grandiose "journey". The cell is divided into two, then there are already 4 of them, then 8, 16, exponentially. But the pregnancy has not yet come.

7-10 days after conception, a small lump is obtained with a liquid inside, covered on top with a shell, villi. With their help, he moves from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where, under favorable circumstances, it attaches to it. Only now can we say that the woman is pregnant. The cervix becomes thicker, softer. Its lumen is closed with a mucous plug, protecting the fetus from infection.

The process of implantation may accompany the symptoms of pregnancy at 1 week after conception. Let's name the most common ones that are diagnosed independently:

Slight short-term yellowish-brown discharge, which appeared suddenly. A young woman is at a loss - after all, it's not time for menstruation yet. The reason is simple: the fetus is actively implanted in the lining of the uterus, which is riddled with blood vessels. Its introduction provokes insignificant allocations. Therefore, there is no reason to panic yet.

The onset of pregnancy can manifest itself as a malaise, a feeling of nasal congestion, a slight sore throat, and a cough. An increase in body temperature to 37°C adds to the discomfort. Chills, slight fever may be felt. With such signs, it is better for a future mother to take a day off for a few days, without aggravating the state of pain, to take care of the future baby. Vitamin tea, fresh fruits, home comfort will help you recover. At a higher temperature, you should seek medical help. Tablets are taken "with an eye" for a possible special condition.

Some women during this period acutely feel the stuffiness of the room, the lack of fresh air, and a decrease in blood pressure. As a result, fatigue appears, efficiency decreases, dizziness and fainting annoy. This can be explained by the restructuring of the body to a new rhythm, due to the production of progesterone.

Symptoms of pregnancy at 1 week after conception - a sudden change in taste preferences. “I want something sour or salty” is not uncommon. Some people have increased appetite, cravings for sweets, for certain foods. At first, such desires, even gluttony, can be completely yielded to.

How to find out about pregnancy before a delay: research methods

Sometimes the state of uncertainty for a woman planning a long-awaited pregnancy is unbearable. The tests don't show a "second line" yet, but anxiety contributes to the release of adrenaline, which prevents normal implantation. Therefore, methods are important on how to find out about pregnancy before the delay of menstruation. In such a situation, medicine suggests:

  • analysis of changes in basal temperature;
  • laboratory analysis.

Conception can manifest itself with a basal temperature at the level of 37-37.4 degrees. The increase is caused by the release of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. To be valid, a number of conditions must be met. A woman takes measurements in the rectum with a mercury thermometer. Every day, at the same time, in the same position, without getting out of bed. Prior sleep is at least 6 hours. If relatively flat readings of 37 degrees and above are reflected on the BT chart for several days, it can be assumed that there is a conception.

Systematic measurements make it possible to determine the implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. During this period, estrogen is released: the temperature values ​​​​for 1 day will drop sharply to 36.4-36.6 ° C., Then they will recover to the previous level. Implantation sinking on the basal temperature graph shows what has happened: pregnancy has come.

Laboratory research will also help. With their help, an increase in the level of the hormone hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, is determined. It is constantly present in the female body in small doses. Diagnosis is carried out by analysis of urine, blood. The task of the hormone during pregnancy is to "control" the harmonious combination of progesterone, estrogen in the female body, while maintaining favorable conditions for the development of the child. Active growth of indications is noted after the implantation of the embryo, since the substance is produced by the chorion membrane of the fetus. Lack of hCG causes rejection of a fertilized egg.

An increase in the level of the hormone indicates the normal course of pregnancy. There are special tables depending on the weekly period, concentrations. For the first week after conception (3rd from the beginning of the menstrual cycle), the level of the substance is 25-50 mIU / ml. The maximum values ​​are reached by 8-11 weeks. Then they go down a little, remain so until the very birth. Doctors pay attention: it is not the numbers that are important, but the general trend of change. An insufficient increase in concentration may indicate anomalies: the threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, the value of laboratory research is high.

Exploring new body sensations

We have outlined research methods for confirming the birth of new life. The BT method has certain disadvantages. Many factors can affect the temperature readings: insomnia, drinking alcohol even in a small dose, active evening pastime. The chance of error is significant.

Laboratory analysis gives a high degree of confidence in the result. But the analysis of the dynamics of hCG is recommended to be carried out in the same center. Since there may be different approaches in calculating the concentration of the hormone. It is carried out, most often, in private clinics, laboratories, for a fee. For many women, the laboratory method is not available due to the price, living in the outback.

Somatic methods remain the most accessible for the analysis of the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay. We note a number of indirect factors. The onset of pregnancy can manifest itself with sudden nausea, vomiting, loss of interest in food. At first, it doesn't do much harm. But frequent vomiting is a reason to see a doctor. On the one hand, the body in this state does not receive useful substances, loses fluid. On the other hand, during the process, the walls of the abdomen are strained, leading to the rejection of the embryo.

The first signs of an interesting state are associated with another new sensation: a reaction to smells. This is an easy version of toxicosis: there is no vomiting, but some aromas are disgusting. It can be cooking meat, food; sometimes cosmetics, perfume.

Fertilization, growth, implantation of the fetus are possible at a certain concentration in the female body of progesterone. This hormone is able to depress the female psyche. The result is distraction, drowsiness. It is more difficult for a woman to concentrate on work. It's not worth getting upset. Usually, by the 10th week, everything is gone. By this time, the formed placenta begins to produce estrogen. The expectant mother regains a good mood, which is important for a growing baby.

We figured out the new "feelings". But what happens to the female body during the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay? After implantation of the fetal egg, a slight increase, “swelling” of the breast is possible. For some, it becomes sensitive, painful. The skin around the nipples darkens, swelling-bumps appear. A clear liquid comes out of the nipples. The woman's body is preparing to feed the unborn baby.

The implanted embryo stimulates a number of other processes. First of all, a new life requires space, the uterus begins to grow. The expectant mother may feel a certain increase in the abdomen, although it is still imperceptible. The pressure of the uterus on neighboring organs can lead to minor discomfort while sitting. The solution is simple: move around a little, find a position of the body in a chair that does not cause discomfort.

A growing embryo requires a constant supply of nutrients. Therefore, the blood supply to the reproductive organs, the pelvic organs is more intense. As a result, the load on the kidneys increases. Therefore, the onset of pregnancy may be "marked" by frequent urination. But you should not be upset, after a while everything returns to normal. Keep in mind: the uterus is located close to the bladder; as the fetus grows, the pressure on the surrounding organs will increase.

Pregnancy symptoms 2 weeks after conception

In the meantime, your baby is growing! Still called the embryo, it is a collection of living cells covered with a membrane. But he already gave my mother a lot of new sensations, signaling: I'm here, with you, take care of me.

The symptoms of pregnancy at 2 weeks after conception are similar to those described earlier. The fact is that you can talk about the onset of pregnancy only after the implantation of the egg in the endometrium. For some women, this process occurs on the 5th-7th day, i.e. 1st week, for others in the interval of 7-10 days, this is the second week after conception. Take a look at yourself, analyze your feelings.

A sharp change in mood, insomnia, causeless tears, anxiety, fear may indicate the upcoming appearance of a child. “Guilty” is progesterone, actively produced by the “yellow body”. Despite such a negative impact on the female psyche, without it, bearing a healthy baby is impossible. Spouse, family members should be sympathetic to the mood of the expectant mother, not upset her over trifles. It won't be long before everything falls into place.

Many note that a woman in anticipation loses interest in making love. The reason for this is the changed hormonal background. If there are no medical contraindications, due to miscarriage, both should not give up small joys. But you should beware:

  • discomfort during the act;
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.

Symptoms at week 2 are most often associated with new eating habits, aversion to food, individual products. If the mother has no diseases, special contraindications, the desires of the first weeks can be fully satisfied. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, fish are traditional food preferences of pregnant women. But everything needs to be measured. Eating salty foods requires drinking plenty of water, increasing the load on the excretory system. Salt retains moisture in the cells of the body, as a result - the appearance of swelling of the hands and feet.

The expectant mother, the family environment should be alarmed by systematic urge to vomit. Some people have them after every meal. We have already talked about the loss of fluid, nutrients. In such a situation, you need to urgently seek medical help. Since the body is exhausted, is constantly in a state of tension, the threat of egg rejection is high. There are various methods for overcoming early toxicosis recommended by doctors.

Once again, it is worth dwelling on low-alcohol, alcoholic beverages. In the second week after conception, the fetus still lacks a placental barrier that can weed out everything that is harmful. A woman who decides to have a baby should give up any unhealthy habits. Since, nicotine, alcohol, getting through the bloodstream into the baby's body, poison him.

Laboratory analysis of urine, blood of a woman in the second week after conception shows a 7-8-fold increase in the content of hCG, indicating normal processes.

Can I feel sick before menstruation: we distinguish PMS from pregnancy

Many people experience premenstrual syndrome. The reasons lie in a change in the hormonal background, a combination of hormones. In the female body, estrogen always dominates. The amount of progesterone is cyclical. At the time of ovulation, fertilization, its concentration is maximum, it is kept at such a level for implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, it lasts up to 11 weeks of pregnancy. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies, the level of the hormone drops.

As a result, there is a rejection of the epithelial layer, accompanied by menstrual bleeding. The external manifestation of hormonal changes in a woman's body is PMS. Its symptoms are varied and similar to the first signs of pregnancy. Nausea is one of them. Can you feel sick before your period? many women ask. The answer will be yes if the female body is systematically subject to such manifestations of the last phase of the cycle as weakness, dizziness, vomiting, skin rash, emotional imbalance.

But it happens that the beginning of the menstrual cycle does not cause much inconvenience. And then suddenly, shortly before menstruation, nausea appears. In such a situation, the manifestation of the disease, the body's reaction to low-quality food is excluded. There are two ways to confirm early pregnancy:

  • having passed a laboratory analysis for hCG;
  • with a specific test.

Since the first method is not available to everyone, we will focus on the second. The pharmacy chain offers a range of tests that identify pregnancy. From the whole variety, a woman who reacts to the minimum content of hCG in the urine of a woman is chosen. Such a test is called highly sensitive; it can be applied even for a period of 10 days from the intended conception. With a high degree of probability, he will “answer” the question of whether he can feel sick before menstruation.

Do pregnancy tests lie? - Interesting video

Tingling in the uterus: fiction or fact?

Pregnant women are almost always accompanied by uncharacteristic sensations. The reason for this is the same progesterone, which somewhat depresses the psyche, forming women's fears, suspiciousness. But the tingling in the uterus is more truth than whim. Conception requires good blood supply to the pelvic organs, preparation of the uterus for implantation. It is literally riddled with blood vessels. Increased blood flow causes a barely perceptible tingling sensation.

After the introduction of the embryo, the uterus increases in volume, "winning" a more comfortable place from the neighboring abdominal organs, associated with some pain. Tingling in the uterus accompanies another sign. At the time when menstruation occurs, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. That is why doctors advise pregnant women to protect themselves in every possible way on such days: do not be nervous, reduce physical activity, refrain from being close to your loved one.

Simultaneously with pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the lower back, backache may appear. You can fight them by changing the position of the body. If the pain appeared when walking, you need to lie down, placing a pillow under your back for comfort. If the backache caught up while sitting, you need to get up, walk around. Good for mom, baby.

Discharge before pregnancy delay

Pregnancy is a physiological process associated with some inconvenience for a woman. One of them is vaginal discharge. The question is natural, can there be discharge before a delay in pregnancy?

We have already talked about some. This may be due to the implantation of a fertilized egg in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. Allocations have a specific color, appear for a short time.

But there is still vaginal discharge. Their appearance is quite understandable - they are caused by a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. The purpose of the vaginal secret is to protect the internal genital organs from the penetration of microorganisms. But his condition must be monitored. Since the influence of pathogenic microflora can be significant. A woman should be alerted by the changed color of the discharge, the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Another problem associated with discharge before pregnancy delay is thrush. Yeast formations (Candida family, Candida) are always present in the vagina, but a healthy microflora inhibits their activity. Hypothermia, colds, impaired immunity, can lead to the reproduction of the fungus. As a result, there are unpleasant sensations, itching of the external genitalia, burning, pain during urination. Thrush during pregnancy requires mandatory treatment. Since there is a possibility of infection of the fetus, ruptures during childbirth.

The very first signs of pregnancy are not always pleasant. But it is important for a young woman to pay attention to them. This will help keep the future baby, mother, healthy.

The first signs of pregnancy: discharge, lack of menstruation, swollen breasts, nausea, drowsiness. Every woman knows about such signs and often looks forward to letting them. Allocations are a completely natural phenomenon that manifests itself at any period of life, including during the bearing of a child. Allocations in the first days of pregnancy are: transparent, slightly yellow or dark brown. But in any case, their number is minimal, and the presence of such secretions indicates that the placental body is attached to the wall of the uterus.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy by discharge? Naturally, you can. During the period of "non-pregnancy", a woman can observe transparent discharge in herself, with various pathologies, such discharge has a yellowish or greenish tint, has an unpleasant odor and a rather strong viscous consistency. You need to be able to understand whether discharges are signs of pregnancy, because an untimely determination of the pathological condition can lead to an unfavorable outcome.

Discharge rate

Discharge during pregnancy is different. In their properties, they do not differ from those that are in the second phase of menstruation (cycle). They are not plentiful, transparent and completely odorless. As a kind of norm, it is mucus, similar in consistency to chicken protein. The fact is that mucous secretions make it possible to protect the genitals from infections. They also become an excellent lubricant for spermatozoa, which, without such help, cannot penetrate deep into the vagina.

Is white discharge before period a sign of pregnancy? Not a fact, similar discharge can be both dark brown and light pink. Often the pregnant woman herself is worried that the discharge before pregnancy has changed its consistency, become thicker or changed color. At the same time, the doctor will not always pay attention to this, since the absence of abundant mucus and odor is not considered a pathology. If a woman believes that yellow discharge is a sign of pregnancy, but there is an unpleasant odor, burning or itching, then most likely we are talking about an infection or some kind of disease. You can't do without consultation and examination by an experienced gynecologist.

Causes of discharge at the beginning of pregnancy

In the first trimeter in the female body, the hormone progesterone has the main influence. First, it is formed by the corpus luteum of the ovary when the follicle ruptures during ovulation when the egg is released. After fertilization of the egg, luteinizing hormone allows the corpus luteum to grow. It, in turn, produces a large amount of progesterone, which allows it to securely attach to the uterine cavity and create a thick mucous plug in the cervical canal. It is because of this important hormone that clear discharge is produced before menstruation or pregnancy. These discharges are thick, glassy, ​​and sometimes whitish.

The phenomena of itching, burning, other unpleasant and alarming symptoms are a serious reason for an urgent appeal to a specialist.

After the first 12-13 weeks, the fetus is reliably strengthened, so estrogen begins to be actively produced during this period. This hormone is responsible for the growth of the uterus, in which the placenta and fetus will grow and develop. It is also necessary in order for the glandular tissue to grow in the breast and the milk ducts to form normally. Under the influence of this hormone, white or yellow discharge can be observed as a sign of pregnancy, if before that the woman had doubts about her interesting position.

White discharge

Very often, white discharge appears before menstruation as a sign of pregnancy. They can cause anxiety in a woman, but, as a rule, such discharge does not include any pathology. What are such allocations?

This is the mucus secreted by the glands of the reproductive system (uterus, cervix, vagina). Also, the secretions include microorganisms, which in a healthy woman are mostly lactic acid bacteria. Another component is epithelial cells, which are constantly updated, peeled off, and new ones appear in their place.

White discharge before menstruation may not always be present as a sign of pregnancy. The vast majority of cases are associated with the normal menstrual cycle. The first half of the cycle - they are watery, and in the second half (after ovulation) - they become viscous and acquire a white or beige hue. Only a specialist can determine which discharge - before menstruation or pregnancy. Since their color and consistency may indicate not only the onset of fertilization, but also pathologies. So, white curdled discharge with an unpleasant sour smell may indicate the presence of candidiasis.

A woman must definitely notice what kind of discharge during pregnancy occurs before menstruation. In case of a fishy, ​​putrid or other smell, discomfort, pain, cramps, itching, you should not hesitate to visit a specialist, immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of an infection.
yellow discharge

How to determine pregnancy by discharge? This question may arise in many women who wish to become pregnant and are trying to find in themselves the symptoms that the pregnancy did occur. And if normally the mucus can be transparent or white, then yellow discharge in women is considered not quite healthy, this may be a sign of pregnancy, but with concomitant pathology.

The very first reason for this color is the presence of an inflammatory process. As you know, during pregnancy, all chronic and latent diseases are fully manifested. Therefore, you need to take care of your health in advance so that there are no problems during the period of bearing a child. The immune system is weakened, and bacteria and dangerous germs in the vagina develop at an incredible rate. And if symptoms such as pain, cramps in the lower abdomen, an unpleasant odor are added to the discharge, then you should immediately consult a doctor - this may be a sign of spontaneous abortion. But there are no special prerequisites to panic, because the condition may indicate less serious problems. For example, about an allergy to a hygiene product.

brown discharge

Brown discharge - can it be a sign of pregnancy? Naturally, they can. But there may be several reasons for such allocations. First of all, an ectopic pregnancy should be attributed to dangerous pathologies with such a symptom.

Some women often do not even know what exactly happened. And only by the nature of the discharge can you determine that something is wrong with the body. If there is a light brown discharge before menstruation, such a symptom can be considered a sign of pregnancy. At this point, the placental egg may adhere to the wall of the uterus, causing a small amount of bleeding that combines with the normal whitish discharge.

Also, brown discharge may be present if an incomplete miscarriage occurs. In such cases, the discharge becomes bloody with brown clots. In this case, severe spasmolytic pains appear. Sometimes, even with the onset of pregnancy, you can see blood on your underwear after sexual contact. If the doctor determines that everything is fine and there is no threat to bearing a child, then the problem is related to irritation of the cervix. Such situations are not uncommon, and the appointment of a doctor may be limited to the exclusion of sexual intercourse for a certain period.

You can talk about some more or less reliable signs no earlier than five weeks of pregnancy. It always refers to the obstetric period. What it is?

The gestational age is never counted from the moment of conception, because it is impossible to determine this date (even if you know when there was sexual contact).

In order not to be confused, the gestational age is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. It is always measured in weeks, not months.

So why can't pregnancy be determined before five weeks? Let's take a quick look at the theory.

For a pregnancy to occur, the egg must meet with the sperm in the fallopian tube. This should happen within one or two days after ovulation - the maturation of the egg in the ovary. A fertilized egg from the fallopian tube travels to the uterus to attach to it.

Several days pass between fertilization and attachment of the embryo to the uterus.

What does this mean for us? This means that trying to detect pregnancy immediately after sexual intercourse is pointless.

As a rule, it is not possible to understand that you are pregnant until the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy.

That is, from the first day of the last menstruation, about five weeks should pass. During this time, conception occurs, the egg attaches to the uterus, the body begins to produce hCG (a special hormone necessary for the successful start of pregnancy), the fetal egg becomes visible on ultrasound. And this despite the fact that you have a standard menstrual cycle - from 21 to 32 days. For exceptional cases, the timing will be different.

Signs that indicate pregnancy

As we have already understood, immediately after sexual intercourse, there is no need to talk about any special signs of pregnancy. Sometimes there are especially sensitive women who, at the level of intuition, can determine that something has changed in the body. But such sensations cannot be measured or confirmed, so it will not work to determine whether you are pregnant or not.

How to suspect and confirm pregnancy?

no menstruation

A delay of more than seven days is a reason to go to the doctor and take tests that will show exactly what happened. Sometimes during pregnancy there are false periods, implantation bleeding. If the usual menstruation somehow goes wrong, it makes sense to check why.

Chest hurts

This is an indirect symptom that may not appear at all or signal breast diseases (or about). Breasts usually respond to hormonal changes in the body.

Positive pregnancy test


Pharmacy tests reveal the level of hCG, the very hormone that is released when the ovum is attached to the uterus. In terms of timing, this happens at the same time at which menstruation is delayed. Therefore, tests are recommended to be done from the first day of the delay.

Any home test can show a false result, so do not be too lazy to repeat the test, and if in doubt, conduct an accurate examination.

Blood test for hCG

For analysis in the laboratory, you need to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach. Such a check is more accurate than pharmacy express tests, and you will still get the result quickly, maximum in a day.

The result may be false, but in very rare cases, usually talking about some kind of disease, but this is already a topic for communication with a doctor.


With an ultrasound examination after the fifth week of pregnancy, the doctor can already see the fetal egg, recognize an ectopic pregnancy, and check the condition of the organs.

Fetal heartbeat and movements

An obstetrician-gynecologist with the help of special equipment can hear the fetal heartbeat from the 8–9th week, and from the 16–18th week, only a stethoscope is required for this. By the 20th week, fetal movements are already felt, and the forms often speak for themselves - this is the middle of pregnancy. But there are also cases when a woman is unaware of her condition even at this time.

Special condition of the organs

Some signs of pregnancy are visible only to the doctor, and he will definitely note them during the examination.

Early signs of pregnancy that don't mean much


The woman's body reacts to the new position, so the condition of the pregnant woman is different from the usual. Some reactions will tell you what's going on.

Rising basal body temperature

This can be noticed only by women who check this very temperature every day and do not make mistakes when measuring. An increase in basal temperature indicates ovulation (a favorable time for conception), pregnancy. Or just that she has risen. Or even the usual statistical error.

Nauseous in the morning

They like to demonstrate this sign in films so that the viewer understands that the heroine is pregnant. Toxicosis in the first or second trimester really often torments pregnant women. But toxicosis does not begin immediately after conception.

Nausea a week after the alleged conception is more of a digestive problem, not toxicosis.

Everything has changed

Because of the new processes in the body, many things change.

  • Always want to sleep.
  • The mood becomes unstable, irritability and tearfulness appear.
  • New taste habits appear: you want sweet, sour, salty, unusual combinations of products. And the dishes you used to love, on the contrary, cease to be liked.
  • Feels unwell, like a mild cold.

All of these signs are unstable, do not accurately indicate pregnancy, and provide an additional clue in case of a delay.

Often want to go to the toilet

Due to the fact that the level of hCG is growing, even at a fairly early date, a woman has to visit the toilet often: it seems that the bladder is constantly full, although this is not so. This sign appears after the attachment of the fetal egg to the uterus.

Also, frequent urination is a symptom of an inflammation of the bladder, so do not confuse.

The fish dreamed

Even if the fish spawned, there is no need to count on omens. And try to detect pregnancy by methods with iodine, a ring on a string and fortune-telling. A regular test is done faster, and the results are obviously more accurate.

How to detect pregnancy

To begin with, listen to yourself, but do not go crazy. More or less reliable signs appear a few weeks after conception, so you don’t need to do a test every day and look for two strips under a microscope. If you are very worried about the possible, then you can get a full set of false symptoms: morning sickness, mood swings, and love for lemons with salt.

And when the body sends unambiguous signals - delay, pain, other signs - you must definitely go to the doctor.

After conception, physiological changes occur in a woman's body, which are manifested by unusual symptoms. At the very beginning, these manifestations are weak, not all women pay attention to them. However, it is useful to be aware of the most common first signs of pregnancy so that you do not confuse this condition with a common ailment and proceed with treatment that could harm the unborn baby. The first weeks of its intrauterine development is a very crucial period, so it is important for a woman to find out about her situation even before the delay appears.

In the first weeks of development of the embryo, the most important organs are laid in it. Incorrect behavior of the mother (too intense sports, increased nervousness, drinking alcohol, smoking) can adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. Infectious diseases are of particular concern.

A woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby must introduce some restrictions into her life from the very first days of pregnancy. She needs to stop drinking alcohol, as well as strong coffee, she should take a more responsible approach to nutrition. Pregnant women should not be nervous, overstrain physically. If an indisposition appeared and you had to consult a doctor, you must warn him about your possible condition so that he takes it into account when prescribing medicines.

Conception can also be unplanned (for example, contraception was unsuccessful or a woman made a mistake in calculating safe days). The first signs will tell you that an unexpected event has occurred, she should be careful not to harm the baby. If a woman does not intend to give birth, she will be able to have an early abortion, avoid toxicosis and other ailments that have to be endured before a regular abortion at a later date.

When do the first symptoms appear

Fertilization of the egg occurs only after ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the 28-day cycle. There may be slight deviations in the timing of conception due to the presence of individual physiology in women, as well as the existence of differences in the activity of spermatozoa in men. However, it is safe to say that trying to detect reliable signs earlier than a week after sexual intercourse does not make sense.

When is it appropriate to test

If you use the test earlier, the result may be false negative. That is, conception has occurred, but the level of the hormone that is secreted by the fetus (hCG) is still too low. More expensive inkjet tests have the highest accuracy. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, as with the wrong actions, the result may be false positive.

Blood test for hCG

A reliable result of the analysis for the hormone can be obtained only 10-12 days after intercourse. A fertilized egg must have time to gain a foothold in the uterus, only after that the chorion (embryonic membrane) begins to secrete hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Each week of pregnancy corresponds to a certain level of the hormone, higher than in non-pregnant women.

However, this sign is not absolutely accurate, since an increase in the level of the hormone occurs not only during pregnancy, but also with kidney disease or diabetes.

Signs of pathological pregnancy

If the test gives a positive result, and the hCG test shows its blood level is below normal, this indicates that the pregnancy is ectopic. It is especially dangerous when the fetus begins to develop in the uterine tube. The condition in which the pipe breaks occurs is life-threatening for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to identify such a pathology as early as possible and remove the fetus. Signs of improper fixation of the embryo are the appearance of cramping pains on one side of the lower abdomen, as well as spotting spotting.

A frozen pregnancy is possible, when the embryo stops developing and dies, while a miscarriage does not occur, the fetus also has to be removed surgically. Such a pathology occurs if a woman has polycystic ovaries or an increased level of androgens in the body. An early sign of a missed pregnancy is a low level of hCG in the blood.

There is such an anomaly as false pregnancy. At the same time, the signs are so real that it is difficult to dissuade a woman in her self-hypnosis.

Video: By what signs do they recognize pregnancy

Early signs of conception

All signs of pregnancy that appear before the delay in menstruation are not absolutely reliable, they only allow us to make an assumption about its likely onset.

These include the following manifestations:

  1. Nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of toxicosis. They appear about 3-4 weeks after conception. At this time, a woman develops intolerance to certain odors (for example, perfume aromas or the smell of meat broth), as well as unusual taste preferences (love for pickles, sweets).
  2. Drowsiness and fatigue, lowering blood pressure, inability to concentrate, weakening of memory.
  3. Frequent mood swings. The desire to cry over the smallest of things.
  4. Change in the nature of the discharge. If a woman is not pregnant, then before the onset of menstruation, the leucorrhoea becomes more meager and thicker. After fertilization has occurred, the level of progesterone (the corpus luteum hormone that remains in the ovary after ovulation) remains high. Due to this, the glands of the cervix, which produce mucus, are activated. Allocations literally from the first days of pregnancy become abundant, transparent and liquid.
  5. Implantation bleeding. Droplets of blood may appear in the discharge for a short time. At the same time, a particularly sensitive woman feels a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms occur at the time of the introduction of the fetal egg into the endometrium of the uterus. If the bleeding occurs just before the expected period or coincides with them in time, they are sometimes mistaken for menstruation. In other cases, women mistake them for intermenstrual bleeding. You need to know that it is possible to assume the onset of pregnancy if such "menstruation" is too scarce and short.
  6. Swelling and soreness of the mammary glands. Changes in their condition occur immediately after conception. Before the delay, the skin around the nipple may darken, tubercles become more noticeable on the areola. Sometimes there is a clear yellowish discharge from the nipple (colostrum).
  7. Constipation, feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen.
  8. Increased urination, cystitis. With the onset of pregnancy in women, immunity decreases sharply. In this way, the body "adjusts" to a new state, doing everything so that the rejection of the fetus does not occur. Decreased immune defenses lead to increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of pregnancy, inflammatory processes are exacerbated (in particular, in the bladder). Colds may become more frequent.

Note: Do not forget that these signs are nonspecific. Nausea and vomiting can also occur with intestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis), poisoning, strong feelings. Intolerance to odors happens even with the flu. Passion for sweets occurs with nervous stress.

It is important not to confuse changes in the mammary glands with symptoms of diseases. If the pain becomes obsessive, seals appear, the skin of the chest turns red, it is necessary to visit a mammologist.

Basal temperature

One of the first signs of pregnancy is the constancy of the basal temperature in a woman after conception. True, it can be detected only if the measurements were carried out for a long time (for several cycles) in the previous period.

Measure basal body temperature rectally. This allows you to exclude the influence of various external factors on the performance. The procedure is carried out in the morning at the same time. In this case, the woman must still be in bed. By changing the temperature, you can find out when ovulation has occurred, since at this moment it reaches a maximum (37 °). If fertilization does not occur, the temperature drops. And if conception has occurred, it remains slightly elevated.

Thrush in early pregnancy

A natural decrease in immunity can provoke the appearance or exacerbation of thrush. The onset of the disease is also facilitated by a change in the state of the vaginal microflora due to an increase in the volume of secretions. The lack of beneficial lactobacilli leads to the multiplication of Candida fungi in the body.

However, thrush does not occur in all pregnant women. It all depends on the state of immunity and the characteristics of the hormonal shift that occurs in the body. Therefore, the presence of thrush cannot be considered a reliable way to establish the fact of conception.

Video: Early symptoms in pregnant women
