Lesson summary on life safety "international peacekeeping activities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation." Abstract: Peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

International peacekeeping activities Armed forces of the Russian Federation.

Peacemaking is unusual

a task for the military, but only the military can cope with it.

Former Gen. UN Secretary

Dag Hammerskjöld.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:
    Educational - to reveal the essence and knowledge of peacekeeping activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Developmental - to stimulate interest in the life and activities of the RF Armed Forces, to create a sense of friendship and camaraderie. Educational - to cultivate love for the Motherland, to form a sense of pride in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and for one’s country.
Equipment: laptop, projector.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.
Checking the availability of students.Establishing the order of the lesson.
    Checking homework.
Test “How to become an officer Russian army" The test questions are projected onto the screen, and students study on pieces of paper and give the correct answer options.Test."How to become an RA officer"1. The founder of the Russian military school is considered to be......A) John IV (the Terrible)B) Alexander NevskyB) A. V. SuvorovD) Peter ID) M.I. Kutuzov.2. First military school was created in......A) 1698B) 1701B) 1819D) 17323. A.V. Suvorov, Count Rymniksky was:A) Chief GeneralB) ColonelB) Lieutenant GeneralD) Generalissimo4. Senior military educational establishments prepare:A) sergeantsB) generalsB) officersD) midshipmen5. Upon completion of military schools, graduates receive:A) secondary – special educationB) higher military educationB) higher military-special educationD) secondary specialized military education6. The duration of training in military educational institutions is:A) 4 – 5 yearsB) 6 yearsB) 3 – 4 years7. The academic year in military educational institutions begins:A) August 1B) October 1B) September 1D) January 18. To the military educational institution Citizens who have reached the age have the right to enrollA) 16 – 22 years oldB) 14 – 20 years oldB) 16 – 24 years oldD) 18 – 22 years old
    Studying a new topic.
The topic of our lesson today is “International peacekeeping activities of the Russian Armed Forces.” Let's figure out together what the very concept of “peacekeeping” means. How do you understand this word?

Firstly, it is maintaining peace and order. Do you agree?

Secondly, it is to restrain conflicting parties from

senseless bloodshed and destruction.

But in order to better understand what “peacekeeping” actually means, let’s turn to history. As we already know, humanity has constantly fought various wars over its centuries-old history.The goals of these wars were very different. This includes the seizure of foreign territories, the satisfaction of personal ambitions, liberation wars, etc. A lot of examples can be given.We know that throughout its centuries-old history, Russia has never waged wars of conquest. But she was forced to constantly repel invasions of other countries. And the beginnings of peacemaking should be sought here.What examples can we give from history that relate to our topic?Suvorov - Balkans, Kutuzov - 1812. John IV Grozny (Astrakhan, Kazan). Catherine II (Crimea, Georgia, Persia (Iran)).The Russian army has always been known for its humane traditions, which is confirmed by numerous examples from its history.The great Russian commander M.I. Kutuzov said the following words:

“To earn the gratitude of foreign peoples and make Europe exclaim with a sense of surprise: “The Russian army is invincible in battles and inimitable in the generosity and virtue of peaceful people!” This is a rewarding goal worthy of heroes

The special status, and the very concept of peacekeeping, was formed under the impression of the grave consequences and horrors of the Second World War. The world community is coming to the conclusion that it is necessary to save the coming generation from the scourge of war. To this end, the UN was created in 1945, which received the authority to take effective collective measures to prevent and eliminate threats to peace and suppress acts of aggression. Three years later, in 1948. Sov-Bez. For the first time, the UN decided to establish a UN mission to monitor the implementation of the terms of the truce in the Middle East and involve military personnel from several countries in its composition. This is how it arose new form international military-political cooperation, which received the general name “peacekeeping”.

Currently, Russia has friendly contractual relations with many countries of the world and participates in various international organizations. To prevent inevitable conflicts, Russia first of all tries to use political, economic and other peaceful means. However, sometimes the use military force often more effective than persuasion and negotiation.

In addition, the need for a military presence in some strategically important regions of the world is in the interests of ensuring Russia’s national security.

On May 26, 1996, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the formation of a special military contingent of the RF Armed Forces to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and safety."

Based on these documents, a special contingent was formed consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 parachute battalions with a total number of 22 thousand people.

Geography of participation peacekeeping forces Russia is like this:

    Before 2000 – Transnistria and Abkhazia

    Since 1993 – Tajikistan

    Since 1999 – autonomous province of Kosovo (Yugoslavia)

Staffing of the MS occurs on a voluntary basis according to competitive selection from among persons undergoing military service under contract.

While serving, military personnel enjoy the status, privileges and immunities accorded to UN personnel during peacekeeping operations.

MS personnel are equipped with light small arms.

4. Homework 5. Lesson summary.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school in the village of Staropetrovo

Subject: Fundamentals of life safety.

Grade: 11

Topic No. 3.4

International (peacekeeping) activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Developed by:

Life safety teacher-organizer

Yanzeev A.M.

Time: 1 hour

Location: Life Safety Cabinet

Method: verbal, reproductive.

Lesson type:lesson on learning new material; Forms of organization of cognitive activity: frontal, group.

The purpose of the lesson:

Familiarization of students with the peacekeeping activities of the RF Armed Forces; instilling patriotism, a sense of responsibility and pride in Armed forces The Russian Federation, standing in defense of the Fatherland and peace on Earth.

Used Books:

Textbook: Basics of life safety, grade 11. V.V.Markov, V.N.Latchuk, S.K.Mironov, S.N. Vangorodsky. – M., “Bustard”, 2007, § 3.6 chapter 3 “A serviceman is a defender of the Fatherland. Honor and dignity of a warrior of the Armed Forces" section II.

Smirnov A. T., Fundamentals of life safety: A textbook for 11th grade students. educational institutions/ A. T. Smirnov, B. I. Mishin, V. A. Vasnev. - 3rd ed. - M., Enlightenment

Study questions:

1. Peacekeeping activities of the RF Armed Forces

2.Russia’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations

During the classes:

1. Survey based on the materials from the previous lesson.

2. Presentation and brief recording of lesson materials:

1. Peacekeeping activities of the RF Armed Forces

2.Russia’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations

The practical participation of Russia (USSR) in UN peacekeeping operations began in October 1973, when the first group of UN military observers was sent to the Middle East.

Since 1991, Russia's participation in these operations has intensified: in April, after the end of the Gulf War, a group of Russian UN military observers was sent to the Iraq-Kuwait border area, and in September to Western Sahara. Since the beginning of 1992 the scope of activity of our military observers expanded to Yugoslavia, Cambodia and Mozambique, and in January 1994. - to Rwanda. In October 1994 A UN RVN group was sent to Georgia in February 1995. - to Angola, in March 1997. - to Guatemala, in May 1998. - in Sierra Peone, in July 1999. - to East Timor, in November 1999. - V Democratic Republic Congo.

Currently, 10 groups of Russian military observers and UN staff officers totaling up to 70 people participate in peacekeeping operations conducted by the UN. Russian military observers can be found in the Middle East, Lebanon, on the Iraq-Kuwait border, Western Sahara, the former Yugoslavia, Georgia, Sierra Leone, East Timor, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The main tasks of military observers are to monitor the implementation of armistice agreements, ceasefire between the warring parties, as well as to prevent, through their presence without the right to use force, possible violations of accepted agreements and understandings of the conflicting parties.

The selection of candidates for UN military observers on a voluntary basis is carried out from among officers who have knowledge of foreign languages, who know the rules maintaining standard UN documents and having driving experience. Features of the UN military observer service, which require him to have qualities that allow him to make compromise decisions in the most unexpected situations and in as soon as possible, determines a special procedure for the selection and training of these officers. The UN requirements for a candidate military observer officer are very high.

The training of UN military observers for participation in UN peacekeeping operations since 1974 has been carried out on the basis of the former 1st Higher Officer Course “Vystrel”, currently it is the Training Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Officers of the Combined Arms Academy. Initially, courses were held once a year for 2 months. In connection with the expansion of participation of the USSR and Russia in UN peacekeeping operations, since 1991, courses began to be held 3 times a year. In total, from 1974 to 1999, over 800 officers were trained at the UN VN courses to participate in UN PKOs.

In addition to training military observers, staff officers and UN military police (organized since 1992), the courses actively participated in the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on the Limitation of Armed Forces and Conventional Arms in Europe. In 1990-1991, the courses trained more than 250 inspector officers to monitor the reduction of armed forces and conventional weapons in Europe.

The practice of participation of Russian officers in UN missions has shown that in terms of level vocational training, moral and psychological state, ability to extreme situations make the most appropriate decision; they fully meet the requirements. And the experience accumulated by Russian military observers is actively used in organizing work to prepare for participation in new peacekeeping operations and improving their training methods.

The high level of training of officers of the Russian Armed Forces for participation in UN peacekeeping operations, the consistency of training programs and rich experience in improving the educational process at UN military observer courses arouse interest from foreign specialists and organizations.

Since 1996 The courses provide training for foreign military personnel. In 1996-1998, 55 officers from Great Britain (23), Denmark (2), Canada (2), Norway (2), USA (17), Germany (5), Sweden (4) were trained at 1 VOC “Vystrel” .

In October 1999 5 foreign students attended the courses (Great Britain - 2, Germany, Canada, Sweden - one each).

Training camps for the training of UN military observers are held three times a year for a two-month program. The timing of the training is coordinated with the schedule for replacing specialists taking part in UN peacekeeping operations (PKOs). The annual curriculum also provides for one month of training for UN PKO staff officers.

Scheduled classes in the UN VN training program are conducted with the participation of teachers of the main cycles of the training center, as well as seconded instructor officers with practical experience participation in UN peacekeeping operations. The training of foreign military personnel is carried out according to a one-month program together with Russian military personnel, starting from the second month of each training camp.

Teaching of special tactical and military-technical disciplines is conducted in Russian with the help of an interpreter. Special training classes, in English, are conducted by instructor officers.

The training and material base provided by the training center for conducting training sessions for UN military observers includes:

- equipped classrooms;

- automobile and other equipment;

- technical training aids;

- polygon;

- a hotel for students to stay.

The existing educational and material base allows us to train in English the following categories of specialists to participate in UN PKOs:

- UN military observers;

- UN peacekeeping force (PFO) staff officers;

- commanders of the logistics and technical services of the UN MS;

- UN military police officers;

- UN civilian police officers.

In April 1992, for the first time in the history of Russian peacekeeping activities, on the basis of resolution No. 743 of the UN Security Council and after completing the necessary internal procedures (decision of the Supreme Council Russian Federation) a Russian infantry battalion of 900 people was sent to the former Yugoslavia, which in January 1994. reinforced with personnel, BTR-80 armored personnel carriers and other weapons and military equipment.

In accordance with political decision Russian leadership part of the forces of the Russian contingent of the UN forces in February 1994. was redeployed to the Sarajevo area and, after appropriate reinforcement, was transformed into the second battalion (numbering up to 500 people). The main task of this battalion was to ensure the separation of the parties (Bosnian Serbs and Muslims) and monitor compliance with the ceasefire agreement.

In connection with the transfer of powers from the UN to NATO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the battalion of the Sarajevo sector in January 1996. stopped performing peacekeeping tasks and was withdrawn to Russian territory.

In accordance with the decision of the UN Security Council to end the UN mission in Eastern Slovenia from January 15, 1998, the Russian infantry battalion (up to 950 people), which carried out the tasks of separating the parties (Serbs and Croats), was withdrawn in January. from Croatia to Russian territory.

In June 1995 A Russian peacekeeping unit appears on the African continent. To solve the problems of aviation support for the UN Verification Mission in Angola (UNAVEM-3), a Russian military contingent consisting of seven Mi-8 helicopters and up to 160 military personnel was sent to Angola. Russian aviators coped with the assigned tasks in the most difficult tropical conditions of Africa.

In March 1999 The Russian aviation group of the UN Observer Mission in Angola (UNOMA) was withdrawn to the Russian Federation due to the cessation of the UN mission.

In August 2000, a Russian aviation unit was again sent to the African continent as part of the UN peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone. This is a Russian aviation group consisting of 4 Mi-24 helicopters and up to 115 personnel.

However, Russia bears the main material costs with the participation of a special military contingent of the Russian Armed Forces in activities to maintain international peace and security in zones of armed conflicts on the territory of the former Yugoslavia and the CIS member states.

Former Yugoslavia. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been participating in the operation of the multinational forces since April 1992. in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions N 743 of 02.26.1992 and of June 10, 1999 1244. Currently, the Russian military contingent is taking part in peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and in the autonomous region of Kosovo of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia. The main tasks of Russian peacekeepers:

- preventing the resumption of hostilities;

- creating security conditions for the return of refugees and displaced persons;

- ensuring public safety;

- supervision of mine clearance;

- support, if necessary, for an international civil presence;

- fulfillment of border control duties;

- ensuring the protection and freedom of movement of its forces, the international civilian presence and the personnel of other international organizations.

Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone on July 23. to 08/31/1992 on the basis of the Moldovan-Russian agreement on the principles of the peaceful settlement of the armed conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova dated July 21. 1992

The main task is to monitor compliance with the terms of the truce and assist in maintaining law and order.

South Ossetia. The military contingent was introduced into the conflict zone on July 9, 1992 on the basis of the Georgian-Russian Dagomys Agreement of June 24. 1992 on the settlement of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The main task is to ensure control over the ceasefire, the withdrawal of armed formations, the dissolution of self-defense forces and ensuring the security regime in the control zone.

Abkhazia. The military contingent was introduced into the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict on June 23, 1994 on the basis of the Agreement on Ceasefire and Separation of Forces of May 14, 1994.

The main tasks are blocking the conflict area, monitoring the withdrawal of troops and their disarmament, protecting important facilities and communications, escorting humanitarian cargo, and others.

Tajikistan. 201 medical units with reinforcement equipment became part of the CIS Collective Peacekeeping Forces in October 1993 on the basis of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation in the military field dated May 25, 1993, the Agreement of the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth Independent States on the Collective Peacekeeping Forces and joint measures for their logistical support.

The main tasks are assistance in normalizing the situation on the Tajik-Afghan border, protecting vital facilities and others.

Status of military personnel taking part in UN peacekeeping operations

The legal status of UN military personnel is regulated by a set of legal principles and norms belonging to different legal systems and having different legal natures.

IN legal status military personnel reflects its specificity primarily as an integral part of a functional interstate mechanism - an international organization. Home legal basis regulation of activities international organizations and their employees is the international legal basis, the form is international legal principles and norms. In this regard, the status of the personnel is primarily international in nature and limited to functional boundaries.

A peculiarity of the legal status of military personnel taking part in UN peacekeeping operations is that they do not enter service with the United Nations, they do not become UN personnel as such. The military personnel are temporarily assigned to the UN peacekeeping mission.

After the secondment of citizens of one state to serve in a body of an international organization located on the territory of another state, legal relations remain and arise between the employees and these states. Military personnel remain and become participants in legal relations that are regulated by the norms of the relevant national legal systems.

In addition, an international organization, the activities of which are subordinated to the will of the member states, is endowed by the member states with a certain independence in order to achieve its goals. The independence of the organization is embodied in functional legal personality and materialized through functional competence, in particular, to create rules of law, including those regulating the activities of personnel. These norms have unconditional legal binding, however, they are not international legal, they have a special legal nature and sources.

From the above it follows that all norms and principles governing the legal status of personnel can be divided according to the nature of their sources and belong to:

1) to the standards international law contained in the charters of the UN and its specialized agencies, in special agreements, in acts of organizations and other international legal acts;

2) to norms that have domestic sources, contained in the domestic authorities of the host country, transit, business trip.

3) to the norms of internal UN law created and applied within the organization;

4) to norms that have domestic sources, contained in acts of certain domestic bodies.

Heterogeneous character legal regulation the status of military personnel taking part in UN peacekeeping operations reflects the legal status of such military personnel as a special category of participants in international legal relations. This specificity led to the determination of the sources of norms on the legal status of personnel and thereby the features of its regulation in various legal fields.

Currently, the active participation of Russian citizens in the peacekeeping efforts of the world community requires the development of “Participant Status peacekeeping operations”, corresponding to international legal norms, which would define legal rights and obligations and provide social guarantees for all participants in this process.

Conclusion: Reinforcing the material covered.

Homework:- Textbook: Basics of life safety, grade 11. V.V.Markov, V.N.Latchuk, S.K.Mironov, S.N. Vangorodsky. – M., “Bustard”, 2007, § 3.6 chapter 3 “A serviceman is a defender of the Fatherland. Honor and dignity of a warrior of the Armed Forces" section II.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Peacekeeping activities of the RF Armed Forces The presentation was prepared by I.A. Smogunova, teacher-organizer of life safety, MBOU Secondary School No. 7, Gulkevichi.

2 slide

Slide description:

UN peacekeeping activities are one of the most important tools used by the world organization to fulfill its main statutory function - ensuring international peace and security.

3 slide

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The main document that determined the creation of Russian peacekeeping forces, the principles of their use and the procedure for using them is the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security” (adopted State Duma May 26, 1995). To implement this law, in May 1996, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 637 “On the formation of a special military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

4 slide

Slide description:

In accordance with this decree, a special military contingent with a total strength of 22 thousand people, consisting of 17 motorized rifle and 4 parachute battalions, was formed in the Russian Armed Forces. In total, until April 2002, one thousand military personnel from peacekeeping units The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out tasks to maintain peace and security in two regions - the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Abkhazia.

5 slide

Slide description:

UN Peacekeeper Patrol In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore peace and security” dated June 30, 1995, the decision to send citizens of the Russian Federation to participate in peacekeeping activities is made by the President of the Russian Federation. The President of Russia determines the area of ​​peacekeeping operations, tasks, subordination, duration of stay, replacement procedure, number of contingents and their logistical support.

6 slide

Slide description:

The principles of using Russian peacekeepers are defined in the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, in the concept foreign policy RF and concepts national security, adopted in 2000 Federal laws and by-laws of the departments of the Russian Federation establish additional guarantees and compensation for peacekeepers and members of their families. All legislative acts and practical actions fully comply with accepted international obligations and norms of international law.

7 slide

Slide description:

In 2002 General Assembly The UN declared May 29 as International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. This day is designed to honor the sacrifice and dedication of peacekeepers serving around the world. It commemorates what the UN has done in various countries to alleviate suffering and reconcile warring parties.

8 slide

Slide description:

Blue-helmeted military personnel and their civilian counterparts work together to organize elections, actively participate in police and judicial reform, promote and protect human rights, promote principles of gender equality, organize the voluntary disarmament of former combatants, carry out demining of territories, and support return efforts refugees and displaced persons to their homes.

Slide 9

Slide description:

Peacekeepers of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara check their route with a map. In accordance with the UN Charter, all UN Member States are required to make available to the Security Council the armed forces and capabilities necessary to conduct peacekeeping operations (PKOs). These operations are financed by the international community. All UN member states are required to pay their share of the costs of peacekeeping operations in accordance with the scale of assessments that they themselves set.

10 slide

Slide description:

The means of conducting UN peacekeeping operations are observer missions, expert missions (for example, to clarify situations of human rights violations), “good offices” missions (mainly carried out by Secretary General UN), reconciliation groups, mediators, special representatives of the UN Secretary-General, deployment of UN contingents in the conflict zone.

11 slide

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"Blue Berets" - military observer missions - a group of military specialists from different countries, sent to the regions international conflicts to collect information about cases of violation of the peace agreement. Military observers are completely unarmed.

12 slide

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The Blue Helmets are an international military contingent capable of conducting combat operations if necessary.

Slide 13

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UN Peacekeeping Forces Honored Nobel Prize world for 1988. The Nobel Committee justified its decision by saying that “United Nations peacekeeping forces, under extremely difficult conditions, have contributed to reducing tensions in situations where a truce has been reached but a peace treaty has not yet been concluded.” “...The peacekeeping forces through their efforts have made an important contribution to the implementation of one of the fundamental principles of the United Nations. So this world organization began to play a more central role in world affairs and enjoy increasing confidence.”

Slide 14

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Peacemakers in any situation must remain neutral towards the parties to the conflict, impartial, highly moral, conscientious, responsive and embody the desire of all people for peace on the planet.

15 slide

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As a sign of respect for the memory of fallen peacekeepers, the UN Secretary-General established a special award for posthumous awarding - the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal (Dag Hammarskjöld - deceased UN Secretary-General).

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Coordinator speaking International Association“Soldiers of Peace” Mikhail Letyagin: “Russia, as a UN member state, the founding country of the peacekeeping movement, makes its contribution. But, unfortunately, Russia now ranks only 68th in terms of participation in peacekeeping missions. There are currently only 100 officers and civilian police serving on just 10 UN missions. It’s a bit of a shame that such a state occupies, say, remote place, while Pakistan and India allocate large contingents to participate in peacekeeping missions. I would like Russia to rise to this level.”

Presentation on the subject of life safety, grade 10

Since the topic of this presentation is closely related to politics, every year it will require additions in accordance with the realities of life, and perhaps even revision. For example, in the early 2000s it was believed that relations between Russia, the United States and Western Europe inspire optimism. This cannot be said now.
The presentation was compiled in the spring of 2015, then it was clear that an introduction was being prepared Russian troops to a certain country. Now the presentation could well be supplemented with a slide about the Syrian conflict.

In our time, the state of relations between the United States, the states of Western Europe and Russia does not contribute to optimism in the low probability of a global nuclear conflict and another world war.

Constantly emerging small and large military conflicts in Europe and Asia, third world countries, instability political systems in many of these states they do not exclude the possibility of events developing according to an unpredictable scenario, including a major military tragedy.

Currently, to prevent war and armed conflicts, preference is given to political, economic and other non-military means.

In this regard, the most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both nuclear and conventional large-scale or regional war.

Protection national interests state assumes that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must provide reliable defense of the country. At the same time, the Armed Forces must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security predetermine the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world.

A peacekeeping mission is established with the consent of the government of the country where it is deployed and, usually, the other parties involved, and it cannot in any way be used to support one party to the detriment of another. The most effective "weapon" of peacekeepers is their impartiality and legitimacy due to the fact that they represent the international community as a whole.

In October 1973, by decision of the USSR government, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution, the first group of our officers was sent to the Middle East. They were to monitor the ceasefire in the zone Suez Canal and on the Golan Heights after the military operations ended here. The group was led by Colonel Nikolai Belik.

Since 1991, Russia's participation in these operations has intensified: in April, after the end of the Gulf War, a group of Russian military observers (RVO) of the UN was sent to the Iraq-Kuwait border area, and in September to Western Sahara.

Since the beginning of 1992, the scope of our military observers has expanded to Yugoslavia, Cambodia and Mozambique, and in January 1994 - to Rwanda. In October 1994, a UN RVN group was sent to Georgia, in February 1995 - to Angola, in March 1997 - to Guatemala, in May 1998 - to Sierra Leone, in July 1999 - to East Timor, in November 1999 - to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Since June 11, 1999, Russian peacekeepers have been on the territory of the autonomous region of Kosovo (Yugoslavia), where in the late 90s. A serious armed confrontation arose between the Serbs and Albanians. The number of Russian contingents was 3,600 people. A separate sector occupied by Russians in Kosovo gave the Russian Federation equal rights in resolving this issue. ethnic conflict with the five leading NATO countries (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy).

Since 1992, South Ossetia existed as a virtually independent unrecognized state, most of whose territory, however, was controlled by the Georgian government. Security in the region was called upon to be supported by the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, created in accordance with the Dagomys Agreements of 1992 between Russia and Georgia.
In August 2008, after an armed conflict involving Georgia, Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia Russian leadership announced the recognition of the state independence of the Republic of South Ossetia.
In total, over the period from 1992 to 2008, more than 200 Russian peacekeepers died in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
