Where to go on holiday at sea in March without a visa. Where is it already warm at sea in March?


First spring month Russians are not very happy with good weather. It’s still cold, there’s snow and I don’t even want to think about spring. And I already want everything to end as soon as possible, so that the bright and hot sun will shine, and we will lie on the beach and enjoy our vacation. And if you want it, then you need to make it happen! So let’s find out where you can go on holiday abroad in March 2019 inexpensively, so that there is a warm sea, and you don’t have to apply for a visa. And so, we have a small TOP of countries where it is warm and hot in March.

There are not very many countries where you can sunbathe and swim in March. This is due to the fact that in some countries the beach season ends and the rainy season begins, and in some countries, for example, in Europe, the warmth is still a couple of months away. But we still know where you can relax and spend warm money by the sea on white sand.

Distant but warm Vietnam.

The first month of spring is perhaps the most good time for relaxing on the beaches of Vietnam. It’s dry here, there’s no wind and the sun shines all day.

On average, the daytime temperature rises to +32 degrees. At the same time, it does not burn very much and tourists feel comfortable relaxing on the beach. As for the beaches themselves, they are wonderful in this country. Many of them were made by nature itself. There is nothing on them except sand and trees growing nearby. But this makes the beaches even more beautiful.
Evenings in Vietnam are not cold or even chilly. The temperature does not drop below +21 degrees, but you can walk along the seashore and enjoy the sound of the waves and the reflection of the moon in the water. And the water in the mat is gorgeous, up to +25 degrees. During the day it is even warmer, because the sun shines and warms. Tourists who relax here are in no hurry to leave the sea. They enjoy every minute and understand that this vacation is the best!

It will be especially good if you visit the resort of Phan Thiet. Tourists say that this resort is the best at this time of year. There is no precipitation here. Here the sun shines from morning to evening. The resort has modern hotels that have swimming pools, water parks and other entertainment for tourists. Be sure to visit this resort if you are planning a vacation in Vietnam.

Goa – a pleasure holiday!
Experienced tourists say that a holiday in Goa is a holiday of pleasure. And it’s hard to disagree with them.

Everyone who visits this resort for the first time is greatly impressed. There are great big beaches here. The views along the coast are magnificent. And everything around helps you forget about time and things to do. And just relax on the beach.
Tourists with children fly to Goa. It's cold time in Russia. Here you can rent a villa inexpensively and enjoy your holiday all winter and early spring. In March, local sea waters warm up to +26 degrees. the air is about +33, and sometimes even higher. There is no rain yet, but sometimes a light breeze blows. It does not interfere with your rest, but helps to cool you off from the scorching sun.

In March, the number of tourists in Goa decreases. Someone is in a hurry to go home, because winter is over. And some people don’t like the heat, which becomes more and more noticeable every March day.
But still, most of the tourists will remain at the resort until mid-April, when the rainy season has already begun and they will have to stay in hotels. So don’t miss your chance to relax cheaply and comfortably.

Cuba is far away, but the holiday is simply heavenly!
Holidays in Cuba are a heavenly holiday. It seems that the whole country is relaxing on the ocean shore. Here time stops and the whole world is only where you are!

Peak in March in Cuba beach season. Air and ocean temperatures are approaching their maximum values. During the day the air warms up to +34 degrees, in some areas even higher. The water near the shores is not lower than +27 degrees. there is no rain, and in general it is rare to see clouds and clouds in the sky. All spring in Cuba means sun, heat and ocean!
But there is a small drawback - the long flight. It can eat up half of your vacation budget. A vacation will cost you about $700 per person for 9-12 days.

If you are planning to go to Cuba, then choose a place where there are the beaches of Varadero, Matanzas, and Villa Clara. These places are the most beautiful and most loved by all tourists. And then there is Havana, where you can enjoy relaxation and beautiful ancient views of the capital of Cuba.


When it’s spring according to the calendar, not everything is so rosy and beautiful outside the window. There is still snow, blizzards are blowing, and the temperature is still low. So spring is only in the calendar and in the soul. But it’s too early to despair, because there are places in the world where a beach holiday at sea in March 2019 is a reality. Where to go to swim and sunbathe in the first month of spring? This is exactly what we are going to talk to you about. Let's look at the world map and search best places for a holiday where it is warm and inexpensive.

March is the beginning of spring. In some countries, the holiday season is just beginning, and in some, on the contrary, it is coming to an end. We will offer you several options, but we cannot say one hundred percent that you will be lucky with the weather or the hotel. Our article contains only “bare” statistics and that’s all.

Thailand is your last chance to relax.
With the beginning of spring, the resorts of Thailand begin to slowly empty. But this is not because of the beginning of the rainy season, but because of the approaching heat. Yes, it is in March that the heat begins, which after a couple of months will gradually turn into the rainy season.

In March, there are still quite a lot of tourists on the coast of the country who are trying to catch the last chance to relax at local resorts. During the day, the air temperature often rises above +40 degrees. but in March this temperature is tolerated more or less normally. Humidity helps, which is also high and makes the air softer.

But the water in the sea at this time of year is simply gorgeous, it is heated to +29 degrees. The most popular destinations these days are Phuket and Pattaya. It is to these two resorts that tourists fly to spend their holidays.

Goa is the second most popular destination.
After the resorts of Thailand, the most popular holiday destination is Goa. People come to the Indian state for beach holiday, for excursions and elephant rides.

Those who come to Goa for the first time spend whole days relaxing on the beach and enjoying the sea and sun. Tourists who have already been here go into the jungle, admire nature and attend excursions.
In March, the weather in Goa is dry, as is the case along the entire coast. South-East Asia. There is no rain here, and every day the air warms up more and more. Because it's getting hot. And the rainy season is just around the corner, so anyway inexpensive holiday it becomes even cheaper. Hotels offer discounts to retain tourists. Cafes and restaurants are also keeping up with them. It is in March that Goa has the most low prices and here you can have a luxurious holiday for little money.

Vietnam - golden beaches.
Many people say that Vietnam is the Hawaii of the East. Perhaps this is so, we will not argue. One thing is clear - there is a very high-quality holiday for tourists here.

Vacationing in Vietnam means visiting eastern country, where it has its own laws, its own lifestyle and its own flavor. There are beautiful beaches, gorgeous jungles and unique waterfalls.
Vietnam is increasingly strengthening its position in the tourism market every year. Residents of Europe and the USA fly here, tourists relax here all year round.
Palm trees grow on the coasts and there are coconuts on them. Tourists pick coconuts and drink milk. If you go further into the jungle, you can find wild bananas and try them. In general, the nature of the country is very diverse and beautiful. Therefore, you shouldn’t spend all your time on the beach; you can take a walk along the shore and come across a waterfall or blue lagoon.

Israel - you can relax at sea.
With the beginning of spring, tourists begin to appear at Israeli resorts. Actually, they didn’t go anywhere, they were just not visible near the sea, since it was a little cool. But with the onset of March, the sea warms up and you can swim in it.

Israel compares favorably with Asian countries in that you do not need a visa. Plus the flight will not take much time. There are also many attractions, luxurious spa salons and the Dead Sea, which heals in itself.
Vacationing in the country is both healthy and beneficial. Tourists leave here with a smile on their face and in a great mood.

Everyone wants to not only have a great rest, but also get a great tan. And this desire arises for many before the start of the summer period. Where to go in March? At sea you can achieve what you want in full. In this review we will try to look at the most popular resorts that are worth visiting this month.

You can take part in excursions and admire the sights

On the banks Indian Ocean, the air temperature begins to rise. This month it fluctuates around 30 degrees. The water is also quite warm. Her temperature is 28 degrees. After the end of the spring period, the monsoon time begins. Many people like a holiday at this resort in March not only because of the warmth of the water, in which you can safely swim. Most people are attracted to this resort for its numerous excursions and attractions. So, where to go in March? Swim to your heart's content Buddhist temples admire, watch crocodiles, of which there are quite a lot in the rivers - all this and much more will be provided by Goa.

A trip to Thailand is a wonderful decision!

Where to go in March? There is still hunting at sea. Holidays in Thailand this month may be memorable big amount different beaches on different islands. Amazing weather warm water- all this and much more will leave only the best memories. On most islands, among which Phuket, Lantau, Yaoyai should be highlighted, there is very little rain this month. The air temperature fluctuates around 32 degrees. The water heats up to 28 degrees. The temperature will depend on what part of the country your chosen island is located in.

Plenty of holiday options

Where to go in March? At sea, namely at resorts in Sri Lanka, at this time it is simply Nice weather. At the same time, vacationers will have the opportunity to combine several activities at once. You can explore all the available attractions of the island, spend your time on a variety of beaches Maldives. The resort has a huge selection of different places that can interest people. You can visit the Lion Rock, the ancient cave temple, and the farm where elephants are bred. Or maybe you want to take part in an unusual dance show? There are quite a few others interesting places. And after finishing long excursions, it will be quite pleasant to relax on one of the beaches.

Even unpredictable weather will not ruin your holiday

Where to go on vacation at sea in March? Tours to Egypt are inexpensive. What is this connected with? The thing is that very strong winds prevail at Egyptian resorts this month. For this reason, diving into water may not be entirely pleasant. The air temperature is no more than 25 degrees. Accordingly, the water will be even colder. But due to the fact that tours are not too expensive, about a thousand people come here in the spring month. Where to go in March? A holiday at sea in Egypt can be ruined by unpredictable weather conditions. However, you can always take a variety of excursions or go on a trip along the Nile. In addition, Luxor and Giza are quite difficult to view during hotter periods due to the scorching sun, which is very tiring. But in March, admiring these sights is much easier and much more interesting.

The United Arab Emirates is waiting for you

Where to go on vacation in March? At sea in the United Arab Emirates. You just need to go here no earlier than the middle of the month. It is at this time that it will be established warm temperature, equal to 25 degrees. The water will warm up to 20 degrees. In addition, popular sales are held in the United Arab Emirates in March. Due to good tax conditions, everyone will be able to purchase items from famous world designers at quite attractive prices, differing in better side from the cost that is established in Europe. To relax with the whole family, the best choice is to make a choice in favor of coastal hotels in Dubai. This is a great option if you don’t know where to go on vacation at sea in March.

Holidays on the islands are wonderful

If you are ready to fly across the ocean, then a wonderful holiday awaits you on the beaches in Dominican Republic. They are famous for their excellent conditions Canary Islands. These places are attractive to many tourists. The reason for this is that favorable conditions here are created not only in various hotels and inns, but also outside them.

The island of Tenerife, which is located in the Canary Islands, has a large number of green valleys, forested slopes, fields, beautiful beaches and mountains. All these places can give you a great vacation and amazing memories that will never leave your memory. In addition, it is in March that magnificent carnivals are held in these places. The air temperature at the resorts reaches 24 degrees, and the water warms up to 23. It rarely rains in the northern part of the island.

March has arrived. Where to go to the sea? This month, due to the special microclimate, favorable weather is established on the coasts of Jordan. It will provide opportunities for a wonderful holiday. Red and Dead Sea warm up to 21 degrees. Not too hot weather will help have a great time. Thanks to this, it will be possible to visit those places that are difficult to reach in the summer due to extreme heat.

What should lovers of exotic countries do?

Where to go and where to relax at sea in March? If you belong to the category of exotic lovers, then your choice should be made in favor of Brazil, Mexico, Chile. However, if there is a desire to combine exoticism with China, then China will be the best option. On Hainan Island, on its coasts, the air temperature during the day will reach 30 degrees. The water will warm up to 25. Due to weather conditions, you will have the opportunity to have a great rest on almost all the beaches of this island.

If you want to not only relax, but also admire the sights characteristic of another culture, then Vietnam will be the best option. It is characterized by the presence of a huge number of very different landscapes. However, it should be noted that this month in Vietnam weather may be unstable. The country in March is characterized by the presence strong winds and rain. Only in the southern part of the country, in Dalat, is the temperature quite stable and favorable.

Where can you get caught in heavy rain?

The weather in the Seychelles is quite hot but humid. In this regard, it is possible heavy rainfall in the form of rain. The air warms up to about 29 degrees. Another negative side of the resort is that this month there are quite often cloudy days. Singapore is not happy either. Here, too, there is frequent rain in March. Does this fact not confuse those tourists who need Where to go on vacation in March? The choice in favor of Singapore can be made only due to the fact that in a given month the air temperature here is excellent. It reaches 28 degrees.

March is the dry season in Cuba. The weather here can change quite often. One can observe enough heavy rains and winds. But this has no effect on the weather in general.

Europe will provide opportunities for a wonderful holiday

Where to go on vacation in March - at sea or in Europe? This question is quite relevant. It should be noted that this month you should pay attention to trips to Europe. They will provide an opportunity to fully experience the approach of spring with the help of warm weather. Due to the fact that no sultry heat and a large number of tourists, there will be an opportunity to devote their time to sightseeing. There are quite a lot of them in Spain, Greece, Italy and Portugal. In addition, in March it is quite warm in these countries. For this reason, even simple walks will become enjoyable and will be remembered for a lifetime.

In Scandinavia in March it is quite cold, since the air temperature practically does not exceed 0 degrees. In this regard, to make a trip here, you should stock up on warm clothes. The weather is not warm enough in Norway and Sweden either.

The question of where to go to the seaside in March is quite popular. However, why not turn your attention to ski resorts? Of course, the seasons are already ending. But complexes located in Andorra, Italy, and Austria still welcome tourists who are not averse to skiing and snowboarding. In addition, excellent conditions for lovers ski resorts observed in March in Finland and Sweden.

Why not travel around Russia?

In March, when the cold begins to recede, it is time to visit quite beautiful places Russia, located in the North. IN Arkhangelsk region You can take advantage of special tours. While participating in them, it is worth admiring the flora and fauna of the country, as well as karst caves.

Karelia also provides excellent conditions for recreation. Here you can have a great rest on the frozen shores. You will have the opportunity to ride a snowmobile. In addition, it will be possible to go to Kizhi. In March, everyone will be able to watch nature come to life.

With the onset of spring, you can visit St. Petersburg. Naturally, the best option is summer walks around St. Petersburg. But you can also get a lot of pleasure in spring.

Where to spend time with the whole family?

Where to go with children in March? At the moment of onset, parents have a desire to participate with their children in a variety of educational excursions. Schoolchildren will especially enjoy looking at ancient buildings and castles, which are located in Germany, the Czech Republic and France. Your holiday in Greece will also be memorable.

If children want to have fun and not go on excursions, then they should visit European amusement parks. In March, such trips will be the best option compared to in summer. This is due to more favorable weather. In addition, in spring there are relatively few tourists here. The most famous and popular entertainment centers include Disneyland, Port Aventura and Parque Warner Madrid.

Where to go with children in March? A good option would be different language schools located in Malta. The programs at these institutions are designed specifically for the spring period. They are perfect not only for schoolchildren, but also for children. Moreover, in Malta at this time attention is paid not only to the learning process foreign languages, but also to a variety of excursions. However, the water is not yet warm enough for swimming.

The first month of spring brings joy with the first rays of the sun. Tired of the winter cold, many want to go to warm countries to escape from the slush and greyness. A holiday in March can be organized quite profitably, because expensive New Year holidays already behind us, and the peak of summer demand has not yet arrived. However, there are many countries where March has wonderful weather and you can enjoy the warm sea breeze. Let's try to figure out where to go to the sea in March to swim and sunbathe not expensively.

Organizing your holiday in March is quite simple. During this month, the weather is warm only in the countries of the subtropical zone. These include the coasts of Asia and Latin America, where February and March are the peak holiday season. In the Mediterranean countries and Russia, the beach season has not yet arrived in March. You can walk along the seashore, but you won’t be able to sunbathe, much less swim. Relax in March warm countries ah, it won’t be cheap, but if you want, you can pick up last-minute and profitable tours and save a lot of money at the same time. And if you like independent travel, then finding a plane ticket and booking a hotel will not be difficult. The majority of the cost of your upcoming vacation will be air tickets. After all, flying to warm countries is not close.

In March, the body needs vitamins more than ever, which can be obtained in sufficient quantities from inexpensive fruits from warm countries. There is usually more choice there than in local stores. Replenish the lack of vitamins and get the right portion sun rays- these are the main advantages of a March holiday at sea.

Where to go to the sea in March to swim and sunbathe

To make it easier to make a choice, I have prepared a small selection of countries where it is warm and you can swim. She will help you navigate vacation spots and prices.


Thailand will be a good choice for a beach holiday in March. The rainy season with high temperatures and humidity is still far away, and the most active influx of tourists has passed. This month, the popular resorts enjoy beautiful sunny weather, and the sea delights with its gentle waves. Throughout March, the air temperature rises, and in April it reaches its peak. March is considered the driest season. But you shouldn’t assume that Thailand is only a beach holiday; this country has something to surprise tourists.

You can choose excursions at your own discretion. In Pattaya, an excursion to the River Kwai is deservedly popular, where you can get acquainted with the nature of the country and ride elephants, rafts and boats. And vacationers in Phuket are sure to swim to Semilan or Phi Phi, where the famous film The Beach was filmed.

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Egypt in March has always attracted tourists with its excellent price-quality ratio. Flying to this country is much closer than to Asia, which means the cost of a vacation will be noticeably lower. In addition, in Egypt, many hotels use an all-inclusive system, which allows you not to think about food and additional expenses. This food is often chosen by families with children. For several years Egypt was closed from Russian tourists, But last news They say the security problems have been resolved and they are about to start selling tours.

In March the temperature is not hot, about 25 degrees during the day. But at night the thermometer can drop to 15 degrees, so you will need warm clothes for evening walks. There are not many tourists in March, so the beaches are quite free.

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A holiday in the UAE in March will give you unforgettable emotions and pleasure. For relaxation, it is better to choose resorts in the Persian Gulf; on the Oman coast, the water temperature at this time will still be cool. Climate United Arab Emirates will allow tourists to enjoy on sunny days and the beautiful sea. At the beginning of March, the weather is more changeable; by the end of the month it becomes noticeably hotter. In March in the country perfect holiday with a child, because there is no extreme heat. In this weather it will be comfortable on excursions. There are many entertainment options for children in the UAE, such as water parks and theme parks. The country can offer a pleasant holiday for the whole family.

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In the first month of spring, you can fly to the Chinese island of Hainan. There is no stifling heat here, but the approach of a hot summer can already be felt. The air warms up to 28 degrees, and the water in the sea becomes like new milk. Spring is on tropical island dry and soft. For a beach holiday, it is better to choose resorts on south coast(Dadonghai, Sanya, Yalongwan), on the northern coast the water is much cooler.

Hainan has a developed infrastructure and many attractions. Tourists who prefer leisure can go rafting or diving. For a more relaxed understanding of local customs and culture, you should visit the “Edge of the World” park, one of the museums or temple complexes. In addition to excursions, you can engage in wellness treatments: go for a massage or acupuncture. In March, the island hosts a coconut festival. On this day, local residents organize fairs with handicrafts.

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Our compatriots choose a holiday in GOA in winter months, but even in March you will be able to recharge yourself with warmth and sea ​​air. During this period, the Indian resort may open from a completely different perspective. With the arrival of the monsoons, there is more greenery and the air temperature rises. Lush vegetation in March gives Goa a special charm. This month it is comfortable to swim and sunbathe. The sandy beaches of the resort attract tourists from all over the world. Goa can only compete with Srilanka, whose sea will delight those who like to swim in warm water.

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Where else to go, where it’s warm in March abroad

There are many other countries where the weather is excellent and where tourists enjoy going on vacation. Among the most popular ones:

  • Vietnam,
  • Philippines,
  • Bali,
  • Dominican Republic,
  • Cuba,
  • Brazil,
  • Tenerife.

By going to any of them you can enjoy warm weather, delicious food and local flavor. Each country has its own interesting features.

Where to go on March 8

Holidays in March are also promoted by additional days holidays that can be added to your vacation. Some tourists even resort to a trick and take vacation days between February 23 and March 8, thus receiving a few more days as a bonus that they can spend carefree on the beach. For many, it remains a dream to celebrate the March holidays on the seashore, and for those who have already decided to travel, all that remains is to choose where to go on March 8th.

Even if the vacation didn’t work out, you can fly nearby for 4 days. Israel or Egypt would be a great place to celebrate the holiday. Just a 4-hour flight and you will go from winter to summer. This short trip can be a wonderful gift.

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Beach holiday in March without a visa

Many tourists, finding last-minute tours, prefer to spend their holidays in countries where a visa is not required. Every year there are more and more such countries. In addition to saving time on processing documents for a visa, you also save money, because a visa makes the trip more expensive. For a beach holiday in March, without a visa, you can go, for example, to Vietnam, Thailand or the Dominican Republic.

Where to relax in March with a child

Families with children have their own preferences when choosing a holiday destination in March. Now in many countries all conditions have been created for family vacation. This includes children's entertainment at resorts and beaches and special children's menu in the cafe. And foreign fruits will appeal to both children and adults.

Many hotels in the Dominican Republic and Cuba operate on an all-inclusive basis and organize special animation programs for children. A holiday in such a place will appeal to both children and their parents. It will be especially comfortable to vacation in these countries with small children, the main thing is to survive the long flight. While parents are relaxing on the beach, the child will be looked after at the children's club. And if your baby is already very big, then you can spend a vacation in the UAE with a visit to the Ferrari Park. Its attractions will give you a lot of delight and will become a wonderful memory.

Where to go inexpensively

March is great for budget travelers. During this month the demand for tours is not so high, so you can find very profitable offer. You can view current prices for tours in the form below. Select the country and desired date, and the system will automatically show you the best offer.

A simple formula will help you save on buying a tour.

  1. Looking for a tour on hotellook
  2. We check prices for the same tour on Level.travel
  3. We compare what we found with offers on Onlinetours.
  4. We draw the final line and buy the most profitable option in all systems. Sometimes you can save several thousand rubles using this method.

Modern online tour stores help you choose the best option without leaving your home. At the same time, you can read reviews of hotels to make sure your vacation is a success.

And for independent travelers There is an equally simple formula for a profitable trip.

  1. We choose tickets for Aviasales.

2. Compare hotels using the hotellook or roomguru booking system. They are looking for the best prices in different systems reservations, including booking. By the way, booking.com does not always offer the best prices.

Now you know where to go on holiday at sea in March and how to find the best prices.

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    Discussion: 15 comments

  1. The choice of destinations is simply huge. The main thing is to decide for yourself what exactly you want and take into account the interests of the child.


Winter has passed, but the cold has not. Quite a common situation. I would like sun, warmth, and in general, to go to the sea. For those who are planning to celebrate spring on the coast, we have compiled a list best countries for a beach holiday in .

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka - a win-win for those who want to spend time away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and nature.

There is hardly a more “leisurely” country in the world than Sri Lanka: here no one is in a hurry, everyone enjoys life. People usually prefer picnics, fishing and, of course, relaxed relaxation on the coast to a noisy party on the island.


Russians need it to enter. It’s easy to get: submit your documents online on the ETA website or at Colombo airport. The cost will be $35.

Planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.


The most favorable seasonfrom to the end . The air temperature practically does not change all year round - +28...+30 °C, with the exception of mountainous areas, where in winter it gets cold to +10 °C. The average water temperature is +26 °C.


  • Direct flights;
  • Volcanic sand - distinguishing feature;
  • Cheap shopping;
  • The Teide volcano is one of the main attractions of Tenerife and the entire archipelago.


  • Few cheap housing;
  • Schengen.


Holidays in Vietnam are full of advantages: an unusual and exciting “excursion”, beautiful beaches with ample opportunities for active pastime, an extensive and high-quality hotel base, reasonable prices in hotels, restaurants, and excursions.


Russian citizens arriving in Vietnam for up to 15 days do not require a visa, provided that they do not leave the country during this time. People are allowed into Phu Quoc without a visa for 30 days (). But in both cases, it is worth ordering a health insurance policy in advance.


The coastal part of Vietnam has two seasons - wet and dry. The first traditionally lasts from to November, the rainiest months are June-August. The second usually starts in and ends in April. For European tourists this is the most favorable time. From the end of February to May there are hot days without rain.

Where to go

Vietnam is ready to delight guests with a variety of diverse entertainment: from elephant riding, visits to snake restaurants with crocodile sanctuaries, national parks and fishing to casinos and nightclubs. The highlight of the country's excursion program is the Ku Chi guerrilla tunnels, but besides them there are more than enough attractions here.

IN national park Ha Long Bay is one of the most beautiful scenery on the planet. Several thousand small limestone islands and cliffs rising from the sea waters and having a bizarre shape make one believe in the legend of this place. It says that the Ha Long Islands were created by a giant dragon that lived in the mountains. Bizarre cliffs and rocks are shaped like a turtle, camel, cat, dog's head or dragon.


  • Mild climate;
  • A heavenly place for shopaholics;
  • Inexpensive excursions;
  • A universal resort for the whole family.


  • Chaos on the roads;
  • Jellyfish;
  • Tourist deception is common.


Israel is one of the countries that do not lose their popularity all year round. However, this is not surprising: some come here to dive into ancient history, others - to correct frayed nerves in the healing expanses of the Dead Sea (which, by the way, you can’t really dive into - the water is too dense because of the salt), others - to dive into the Red Sea with scuba diving, fourth - to spend a vacation on the beach, nothing doing.


Russian citizens can visit Israel freely if the duration of the trip does not exceed 90 days.


In some resort regions of Israel, the temperature sea ​​water in March it gets closer to summer values. The water in the Red Sea (Eilat) warms up to 21–24°C, but it is still cool - about 17°C, in rare cases the temperature rises to 22°C. But the Dead Sea remains the warmest; at the end of the month the water temperature in it reaches 25°C, thereby being compared with the air temperature.

Where to go

Most Popular beach resorts on the Mediterranean Sea these are Tel Aviv, Netanya and Herzliya. The entire coast is sandy, almost everywhere there are sun loungers, umbrellas and snack bars. However, private beaches in Israel are rare; only the most expensive hotels can afford this.

The beaches of Tel Aviv are inhabited mainly by young people. There are many bars, discos, foam parties and wet T-shirt competitions. Herzliya is a respectable resort designed for wealthy tourists. There are many luxury hotels, restaurants and a peaceful atmosphere. Just as quiet and peaceful, but much cheaper - in Netanya - this place is great for family relaxation with small children.


  • Unique climatic conditions, which allow you to relax and improve your health, despite the this moment season;
  • Nature: dense green forests, numerous parks, nature reserves, lakes, seas;
  • High level of local service;
  • Clearly established excursion routes for tourists.


  • Too strict security controls at the airport upon arrival;
  • High prices: V Lately Israel is considered one of the most expensive countries for tourists.


Thailand is a multifaceted and amazing country. The most available in the country different variants entertainment with benefit and pleasure, from round-the-clock “frenzy” in local bars and discos to diving and the search for enlightenment in old temples. However, despite the apparent mass character and openness of the trend, there is still exoticism in Thailand.


Tourists from Russia do not require a visa to Thailand for traveling for up to 30 days. But reliable insurance will come in handy. The country is exotic, different things can happen.

Interesting: Where to look for clean ones


The climate of the central part of Thailand is presented in three seasons: hot - from March to May, the temperature reaches +42 °C; rainy - from to , temperature +26...+32 °C, and cool - from November to , temperature +18...+32 °C.

Where to go

Arriving in Hainan, you should definitely set aside 2-3 days and drive around the surrounding area in search of beautiful views and interesting sights. To get to know Buddhist culture better, you should go to Nanshan Temple. Not far from it, on an artificial island, stands the world's tallest statue of the goddess Guanyin, and in the sanctuary there are a dozen sculptures of Buddha himself. From the observation deck in front of Nanshan there is a picturesque view of the sea and a giant statue of a bodhisattva.

Betel Nat Ethnic Park is located 30 km from Sanya. It is dedicated to the life, customs and traditions of the small peoples of Li and Meow. There are huts scattered throughout the area where you can learn about the tattoos, dialects and other characteristics of the local residents. And further on the program there may be hot healing springs, which do not need any special introduction.


  • Mild weather;
  • Varied entertainment;
  • Natural and cultural attractions.


  • the beginning of the beach season;
  • long flight.

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