Megan Fox with straight hair. The evolution of Megan Fox's style: from simpleton to sex symbol

Megan Fox, whose style and beauty fascinates both men and women, is rightfully considered one of the sexiest girls on the planet. Many people like Megan Fox's hairstyle or her makeup. But every girl can look like a star.

Girls very often imitate star divas, and this is not strange. After all, all these beauties from the screen are luxurious, sexy and capable of winning the heart of even the most avid bachelor.

Many famous women trying to shock the audience. But that doesn't concern me at all famous fashion model and film actress Megan Fox, whose style is simple. She does not consider it necessary to wear bright, sometimes even “awkward” outfits or amaze the minds of the public with unimaginable structures on her head, and highlights in makeup. It's completely the opposite. Meghan prefers simple outfits that highlight lines, loose curls and natural makeup. Why not? After all, nature has endowed her with stunning appearance. Beautiful facial features, a sexy figure, luxurious hair - these are her main attributes for winning men’s hearts.

Megan considers her hair to be the main “trump card” of her appearance. And it's hard to argue with that. They always look great. Although she doesn’t try to come up with incredible hairstyles and is not at all interested in fashionable haircuts And. In one of the interviews, the film actress said that best hairstyle for a woman it means luxurious curls blowing in the wind. Of course, like any beauty, Megan has her own beauty secrets. But she doesn’t keep them in the strictest confidence and often shares interesting recipes.

In order to have beautiful hair, you first need to learn how to properly care for them. Megan Fox talks about how she constantly uses nourishing hair masks. She makes them herself from natural ingredients. And twice a week, Megan visits the salon, where her hair receives vitamin nutrition.

If you want a hairstyle like Megan Fox's, then first of all you will have to work a little on yourself. In fact, Meghan always has pretty simple hairstyles. Basically it's loose hair. There are several variations here: large loose curls, straight “straw-like” strands, or styled curls (imitation of the forties). Of course, such hairstyles can only be done if you have sufficient hair length. But if this very length is not available, then you can resort to a fashionable one, in Lately"building up".

The second aspect is hair color. The actress experimented a lot with colors. She was even blonde, but, according to critics, this experiment cannot be called successful. IN last years, the actress abandoned her search and settled on a dark chestnut color, similar to natural. It suits her very well and matches her “natural” style.

So, in order to create a hairstyle you will need: hair straightening (or curling) iron, styling gel, round comb, hair dryer and a little patience. First, you need to wash your hair with shampoo and use conditioner. Then mousse or gel is applied to clean hair to fix the style. Using a round comb, lift the strands and dry the hair at the root. This way you get wonderful volume at the very roots of your hair. What will add fluffiness to your hair. After your hair is dried, you need to decide on your hairstyle. If you want a “straight” style, you should use special hair straightening irons. If you like the “luxurious curls” hairstyle, then curls can be achieved using a hot curling iron. At the same time, you need to twist the strand ten to fifteen centimeters short of the roots. It's simple - twenty minutes, and any girl turns into a star.

But sometimes Megan Fox changes her hairstyle. If this does not apply to going out, then she chooses a strict bun at the back of her head or a straight ponytail. Her most important assistant in creating hairstyles is a special “hair gloss.” Megan always applies it generously, which gives her hair a special chic and attractiveness.

But, according to the beauty, hair is not everything. She has her own secrets that create her image and give her a unique charm. In order for the look to attract all attention and be imprinted in the hearts of fans for a long time, it is worth placing a bright emphasis on the eyelashes. To do this, you need to use soft pastel colors in your makeup, and highlight your eyelashes boldly with lengthening mascara. If you want to look sexy and even predatory, you can paint your lips with classic red, scarlet or carrot colors. And if your lips need extra volume, you should apply a soft pink lipstick on them, and then a transparent gloss. To add mystery to the image, you should always smile slightly.

In her interviews, Megan often says that it doesn’t matter what a woman wears, what makeup she wears, or what color her hair is. The main thing is your own style, which should not be contrived. It is intended only to express what a woman feels inside, how she feels.

You should always listen to your desires and remain yourself. The main thing for success is simplicity, naturalness, harmony and, of course, confidence in your own irresistibility!

At the very beginning of her career, Megan Fox was an ordinary, unremarkable girl, pretty, but nothing more. Then she bore little resemblance to the stunning beauty whom the whole world now knows and whom millions strive to imitate. In 2003, the aspiring actress had reddish hair, was a little plump, and really loved self-tanning. As for style, at that time Megan clearly gravitated toward the “tomboy” look and appeared at events as a tomboy. Following the fashion of the 2000s, she loved low-rise trousers that showed off her belly, tops and chunky wide belts.

“I feel sexy in jeans, a T-shirt and high heels.”

At the beginning of her career, Megan Fox was an ordinary, unremarkable girl.
The future star she bore little resemblance to the stunning beauty that the whole world now knows
At that time, Megan clearly gravitated toward the tomboy look and appeared at events as a tomboy.

A little later, Megan dyes her hair a fiery brunette and decides to try on the image of a fatal beauty. However, the first steps in this direction cannot be called successful: most of the actress’s images in 2003–2006 were vulgar and tasteless.

A little later, Megan dyed her hair a burning brunette and that was the right decision - dark color hair added brightness and personality to the girl
Megan decides to try on the image of a fatal beauty, but the first steps were not very successful
Most of the images of the rising star were vulgar and tasteless
Megan Fox at the premiere of the film "Star of the Stage" in 2004

If you pay attention to Megan's face, the first thing that catches your eye is the absence of Fox's signature cat-like look and unnaturally thin string eyebrows. There are no prominent cheekbones, instead there are chubby cheeks, the nose is not yet as thin as after plastic surgery, freckles and skin irregularities are clearly visible.

In 2004, Meghan's face was very different from what we were used to seeing

In 2007, after the release of “Transformers,” world fame fell on Megan and, of course, this could not but affect her appearance. The rising star transforms into a slender, long-haired sex bomb with a characteristic predatory look over her shoulder. But Megan has not yet learned to present herself in full beauty: she often chooses baggy styles that hide her figure, unfortunate necklines and inappropriate lengths.

In 2007, Megan Fox became a global star and this could not but affect her appearance.
The rising star transforms into a slender, long-haired sex bomb
A predatory look over her shoulder will soon become one of Megan's "tricks"
Megan did not immediately learn to present herself
She often chose baggy styles that hid her figure, unfortunate necklines and inappropriate lengths.
The dress Megan wore to the premiere of the Transformers film in Sydney caused a negative reaction from fans due to the unfortunate neckline

Although Megan had not yet resorted to the services of plastic surgeons in 2007, her face was noticeably transformed thanks to successful makeup, correct eyebrow shape and weight loss.

Although in 2007 Megan had not yet resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, her face was noticeably transformed thanks to successful makeup, correct eyebrow shape and weight loss

In 2008, the starlet exploits her visual appeal to the fullest and chooses tight dresses, provocative minis and deep necklines. Like her idol Marilyn Monroe, she strives to combine naivety and sexuality, creating playful and at the same time seductive images. Her appearances can hardly be called stylish and elegant, but Megan clearly succeeds in emphasizing her advantages and attracting attention.

In 2008, Megan exploits her visual attractiveness to the fullest
Having studied your strengths, the actress began to often choose short bustier dresses that emphasize her figure and reveal her legs
Like her idol Marilyn Monroe, she strives to combine naivety and sexuality
The actress likes to create playful and at the same time seductive images
Megan knows how to highlight her strengths and attract attention

Megan's face and figure change noticeably: her breasts become more rounded and toned, her lips become noticeably fuller, and her nose becomes neater. Thanks to such an unusual procedure as diamond resurfacing, the actress’s skin is smoothed out and acquires healthy shine, minor defects such as acne scars disappear.

In 2008, Megan's face changes noticeably: her lips become more juicy, and her nose becomes neater.

In 2009, after the release of the second part of Transformers, Megan regularly appears at premieres and various events, showing off increasingly luxurious images. Now Fox prefers maxi lengths and just below the knees, playfulness gradually giving way to mature sexuality and elegance. As part of the promotional tour “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” Megan demonstrates many magnificent images that competently emphasize all the advantages of the star: chic floor-length dresses with slits that allow you to see the actress’s legs, unusual dress in Greek style, bright bustier dress, little black dress.

In 2009, Megan regularly appears at premieres and various events, demonstrating increasingly luxurious looks.
Now playfulness gives way to mature sexuality and elegance
As part of the "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" promotional tour, Megan shows off a variety of stunning looks.
Among them - White dress to the floor in Greek style
For the premiere of the film "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" in Moscow, the star chose a spectacular bustier dress
As part of the promotional tour, there was a place for discreet classics

One of the most striking images of that period was the appearance of Megan Fox at the Golden Globe ceremony in a dazzling golden floor-length dress from Ralph Lauren, showing off the actress’s beautiful figure.

Megan Fox at the Golden Globes in a gold floor-length dress from Ralph Lauren

Becoming a frequent guest various events, Megan learns to wisely select images that suit the location and occasion. Thus, at the Emporio Armani show, held as part of Milan Fashion Week, the star appeared in a discreet black and white outfit, and for the Teen Choice Awards 2009 she chose a shiny minidress with a deep neckline.

Megan quickly learned to select images that suit the location and occasion.
Megan in a discreet look at the Emporio Armani show, held as part of Milan Fashion Week At the Teen Choice Awards 2009, the star appeared in a minidress with a deep neckline

It’s easy to see that Megan prefers minimalism: she complements her bright appearance only with an equally spectacular outfit, without overloading the image with details and focusing all the attention on her face.

“My definition of beauty is simplicity, elegance and sensuality.”

Megan Fox is a supporter of minimalism and simplicity The actress prefers to focus on her face

In 2011, significant changes took place in the star’s face: due to excessive use of Botox, it began to look immobilized and unnatural. Fortunately, the actress came to her senses in time and returned to her previous appearance.

In 2011, due to excessive use of Botox, Megan's face begins to look immobilized and unnatural.

After the birth of her child, Megan's style changes noticeably: her images become more restrained, simple and laconic. Provocative, daring sexuality is replaced by soft femininity.

After the birth of the child, Megan's style has changed a lot
Her images are becoming more and more restrained
Provocative daring sexuality is replaced by soft femininity

Actress today

In 2014, after a long break, Megan reappeared on screens and red carpets thanks to her renewed collaboration with Michael Bay. The blockbusters “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2” returned her to the pinnacle of fame and her usual role as a seductive beauty. However, it cannot be said that Megan is “stuck” in one image: when appearing at events, she follows modern trends fashion, takes note of trends, keeps up with the times, but at the same time always takes into account its strengths and weak sides, advantages and disadvantages.

However, the star cannot be blamed for being “stuck” in the 2000s.

Styles that highlight the star’s impeccable figure, bold bustier dresses, animal prints, piquant cuts and leather details help her create the image of a sex symbol on the red carpet. The actress also likes to show off her long slender legs, and often chooses a mini length.

The actress chooses bold bustier dresses, animal prints, and piquant slits.
Megan has a wonderful figure and slender long legs, it is not surprising that she likes to highlight them

And of course, the beauty remembers her main trump cards, which made her so beautiful and unique - a mop of luxurious dark hair, sensual lips and eyes wild cat from under neat arched eyebrows.

Megan Fox stays true to her signature sexy brunette look
A head of luxurious dark hair, sensual lips and the look of a wild cat from under neat curved eyebrows - that’s what makes Megan so beautiful and unique

Blogger and author of articles. Since 2013, I have been collaborating with electronic magazines Fashiony and Since 2017, I have been running my blog on LiveJournal about society, culture and celebrities and an Instagram page dedicated to travel.

Actress Megan Fox disappeared from TV screens for a while, and she had a respectful reason. 2 months ago she gave birth to her son Noah.

Having become a mother and having acquired an appetizing figure, the most controversial actress in America appeared at the premiere of the new film “Grown-Up Love,” which took place in Los Angeles before the New Year. Megan was wonderfully beautiful, and we noticed that the actress became more feminine and seemed to have finally matured.

Motherhood greatly influenced the “bad girl’s” worldview, which she did not fail to tell reporters about: “The birth of a child changes your whole world. Now I will approach the choice of roles and topics photo sessions more responsible. I wouldn't like to play the role of a sexy beauty. I imagine with horror that in the future my son’s classmates will show each other my bikini photos for magazines, and he will be unpleasant. I have a different attitude towards choosing clothes , in which I go out into the street. Now I am responsible for my actions not only to myself, but also to my child. It is important that the mother has a good reputation, then the child will respect her.”

Will the world no longer be able to see the beautiful Megan in all her glory? It's hard to believe that this " bad girl", who recently admitted to the press that she had a bisexual relationship with a stripper, has sharply settled down. Moreover, her pompous words do not fit with the new role that she happened to try on in the premiere comedy film. In the story, the actress plays a saleswoman who turns into a call girl at night.

But Megan is steadfastly standing her ground, and it seems that a change in her consciousness has indeed occurred. For example, the actress claims that she turned her attention towards religion.

“I named my son Noah after the biblical hero. I grew up in a small town in Tennessee. My parents raised me strictly, religion and faith were part of my upbringing, we went to church on Sundays. But my whole being protested against this part of life; for a long time I could not come to God. Now I understand how important spirituality is in a person, and this necessary element to become a whole person,” Fox said.

About New film the actress says with great sarcasm: “You understand that this is a comedy, a farce, where everything is exaggerated and distorted so that the viewer sees part of his life, in in this casefamily life with children, dogs and all the ensuing consequences, and laughed until I cried. Of all the genres, I prefer to act in comedies. I don’t like to pretend to cry, to play in pain, but making faces and joking is my role.”

Journalists asked Megan the most questions about her figure, because she gave birth quite recently and looks slim. Skinny sheath dress from Roland Mouret burgundy color, which fit the actress perfectly, is proof of this. “Probably doesn’t leave the gym,” spiteful critics gossiped. Megan claims that caring for her baby is fitness for her.

Hair and makeup Megan Fox

“I gained 23 pounds during my pregnancy and have already lost 10. I still have 10 left to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape. But, you know, I’m not going to do everything to the detriment of the child. free time in gym. It is important for me to see the baby, take care of him, watch him laugh. I understand what it is little creature needs me, and I’m not going to leave him for a second if possible,” Megan said.

At first, the actress refused the services of a nanny and decided to take care of the baby on her own with her husband Brian (author's note - actor Brian Austin Green), but current circumstances forced her to change her mind.

"Caring for a child is big job, especially in the first months of his life. But we had no idea that we would face so many difficulties. In the end, I told my husband that we would either get a divorce or hire a nanny. Because in this house, at least one of us must get enough sleep, otherwise we will start to lose our tempers and simply kill each other,” the actress explained, laughing.

By the way, before Megan gave birth to a child, she already had experience of motherhood. After all, she for a long time has a son, Brian, from a previous marriage. Now the boy is 10 years old, the actress claims that he is very happy about the appearance of his brother and is not at all jealous.

Fox relies on her husband for everything and can trust him with raising a child. “Do you know what I noticed? Brian often shows special care towards the child, sometimes it seems to me that he is even a better mother than me. And at this moment I am not being sarcastic. I can rely on my husband in everything; he is my friend, ally, and adviser. Next to him, I can relax and feel like a little girl who will be cherished and cherished,” Megan said.

In the meantime, Megan Fox is enjoying motherhood, let's try to replicate her new look - it's simply amazing!

Hair and makeup Megan Fox

Makeup “Snow Queen”

This makeup Suitable for those with aristocratic pallor, such as Megan. Perfect white skin, silver eye shadow and bright lipstick will make you a real queen winter tale.

  1. Achieve ideal smoothness of your face. To do this, apply the base, and on top - Foundation (driving movements). Or use a special cream with a smoothing and leveling effect.
  2. Highlight the moving eyelid with silver shadows, slightly extending beyond the fold separating the moving and fixed eyelids. Apply pearl shadows to the inner corner of the eye, dark gray to the outer corner and 1/4 of the lower eyelid. Blend.
  3. Apply mascara in two layers.
  4. Be sure to give your eyebrows perfect shape– such cold makeup does not tolerate negligence. Apply a shadow one tone darker than the natural pigment to the eyebrows along the entire length.
  5. Highlight the apples of your cheeks with coral blush and blend them carefully towards your temples.
  6. Apply base, foundation or concealer to your lips, and on top - dark pink, burgundy or scarlet lipstick .

Your beauty assistants:


And blue-black hair and red lips are the classic image of a vamp. Despite its apparent simplicity, achieving the ideal dark shade of curls and maintaining it in the future is quite difficult. But Monica Bellucci, Demi Moore, Bella Hadid and other star beauties succeed. Famous brunettes who don't change their dark color, in the BeautyHack selection.

Advice from celebrity stylist, owner of the Muze beauty salon, Wella Professionals partner Alexandra Matiz: “Today, coloring in several tones is at the peak of popularity. If you want to give your hair a light shade, choose a dye without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It adds shine and beautiful color tints, but does not cover gray hair and is washed off in 6-8 times.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox changed her dark hair color only once, by doing an ombre and lightening the ends. However, the beauty experiment did not last long, and soon the Transformers star returned to the shade of cold chocolate.

Penelope Cruz

In one of the interviews, the owner of a luxurious head of hair, Penelope Cruz, said that she was not ready to change the color even for the sake of important role. After an unsuccessful youth experiment - lightening her curls, during which the actress burned her gorgeous hair, she swore never to do this again. Therefore, now her maximum is light highlighting.

Demi Moore

Demi Moore has preferred dark hair color since her first appearance on the screen (the television series “General Hospital”). Being a natural brunette, the actress did not wear makeup for a long time.

Now Demi is slightly over 50, but she is still faithful to the dark. As for hair care, the main secret of her luxurious curls is the absence of a hair dryer. Everyday life and an impressive arsenal of moisturizers.

Monica Bellucci

Even those who have never watched films with her participation know about this Italian (although we doubt that there are any of them left). Monica is the owner of chic, dark hair. The actress prefers the shade of dark chocolate. Bellucci says he washes his hair no more than twice a week to avoid drying out his hair, and dilutes his shampoo at the same time. mineral water to reduce the concentration of chemicals. The best mask according to the actress - olive oil. Monica does not use a hairdryer in everyday life and tries to style her hair with a curling iron as little as possible.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Screen image of Catherine Zeta-Jones: long hair and makeup with an emphasis on the eyes. At the beginning of her career, the actress's curls fell below her waist. However, a little later, Katherine gave up this length, and strands of a nut hue appeared in her hair. The actress's favorite mask: a mixture of beer and honey. After the procedure, Catherine rinses her hair with water lemon juice to get rid of the smell.

Liv Tyler

The daughter of Aerosmith musician Liv Tyler has repeatedly topped the TOP beautiful women Hollywood. The actress and model played her first starring role in the legendary film “Armageddon”, after the release of which she woke up famous. For many years now, Liv has remained faithful to her dark hair color, and her main hack when washing her hair is to use large quantity moisturizing hair conditioner.

Mila Kunis

Already twice a mother and actress with Ukrainian roots, Mila Kunis is a convinced brunette. However, sometimes the performer of one of the main roles in the acclaimed film “Black Swan” adds softness to her image with the help of lighter strands. The basis of Mila's color is strong coffee. Honey strands along all lengths add completeness to the look.

Bella Hadid

Recently, the 21-year-old model shocked her fans with a photo in which she appeared as a blonde with pink ends fashionable this season. They did not appreciate such radical beauty experiments and begged Bella to return the dark one, cool color hair. To the delight of her frantic fans, the model very quickly joined the brunette band again, simply by removing her wig.

Emily Ratajkowski

Emily Ratajkowski's success came from starring in Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video. Despite the fact that the original was removed from rotation, this did not stop the girl from becoming an it-girl. Emily debuted with smooth, black hair color. However, a little later, the model slightly lightened the tips, which gave her image freshness and carefree.

Keira Knightley

Whenever Keira Knightley experimented with her style: she wore short haircut, cut my hair long bangs, walked with a boy’s cut and was even almost blonde. However, all such experiences of the actress ended the same way: she painted herself dark again. And it’s not surprising - this image is the most successful out of all the variety of haircuts and styles.

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Megan Fox's style: unlike any other, sexy, light, inimitable - almost all fans of the star are sure of this. Meanwhile, millions of girls all over the world want to be like the original beauty. Want to take on some celebrity advice? We have collected the most interesting ones, and NameWoman will talk about how Megan Fox takes care of her appearance.

Megan Fox's style: glamor and naturalness in one

Megan Fox's style is a combination of luxurious hair, a slender, toned figure (the secrets of which we tried to reveal in the article ""), unique makeup, ideal, most feminine and sexy outfits on the red carpet and sporty looks in everyday life. .

Imitating others: in ninth grade, Megan Fox dreamed of being like Carmen Electra...

A cap, jeans and a shirt are Megan’s favorite clothes, while “out in the world” the star will certainly wear a flirty sexy dress and definitely cool stilettos. She does not bother herself with careful skin care, however, even such a “lazy” girl like Megan sometimes has to resort to the help of a cosmetologist and stylist. The star does not hide the fact that her image is not exclusively individual work: sometimes it is very important to trust yourself in the hands of professionals.

Megan Fox's color type: stylists argue

Her appearance has always caused controversial issues among critics. Most people classify the girl as a “winter” type, since contrast and brightness are her main assets. In the end, stylists came to the conclusion that this “ warm winter", or even the off-season. The reasons for this were, first of all, “cold but natural eyes” and very dark hair. However, Megan Fox’s dark complexion, warm shades of glitter and blush in Megan Fox’s makeup “soften” her appearance.

Megan Fox is a little lazy when it comes to skin care...

Megan systematically does peelings to improve skin tone and rejuvenation. One of the first in Hollywood, Fox began doing diamond skin resurfacing. “Expensive, but effective” - this was the result that not every star lady can boast of. Another secret of the film star’s beauty is the use of mineral seafood and a love of sunbathing. The girl loves the sea, and at any free moment she runs to the beach to expose her skin to the rays of the sun, which is the reason for her amazing natural chocolate tan. Megan Fox knows what a beautiful tan is and would never prefer aristocratic pallor to it.

Megan Fox's hair: shine is the secret of sexuality

Megan Fox believes that hair is every woman's greatest asset. The girl often pampers them with all sorts of professional treatments, so they always look silky and healthy. The star places special emphasis on.

A couple of times a month, Megan goes to the hairdresser and undergoes vitamin treatments. The beauty has a negative attitude towards the craze for fashionable haircuts, believing that hair should be natural. Megan Fox's favorite hairstyle is sexy strands blowing in the wind. So experiments with the beauty’s hair are only for photo shoots. NameWoman managed to find a photo of Megan (on the right) with an original long oblique bang to the side; the actress looks with such a hairstyle with her hair pulled back at the same time sexy and very touching.

Loving the sun has its downsides, so to prevent her curls from looking faded, Fox not only maintains it, but also periodically tints it to give it a richer black or chocolate shade.

To be fair, it is worth noting that Megan Fox was not always a brunette. In the first photo below, Megan has hazel hair with honey highlights. Here she is very sweet and warm, and if you look closely, you can find traces of... freckles on her nose and cheeks. Dark curls and an even complexion made Megan clearly hotter...

A terrible secret about Megan Fox's hair from NameWoman: in her youth she dreamed of being... blonde. Armed with a bottle of perhydrol, Megan was transformed, but... not into a beautiful Barbie doll, but simply into a girl with... orange hair! With them, and even with braces on her teeth, little Megan went through a whole year...

Megan Fox's makeup: her face is her calling card

The girl does not deny that she is endowed with natural beauty (she was lucky with her genes - Italian, Indian and French roots in her family make themselves felt), without which it would be almost impossible to get “higher”. The truth is in order to correctly direct this natural beauty and it took a lot of work to bring it to perfection. Therefore, reproaches that the Megan Fox project is a bet on appearance do not hurt her much.

Megan prefers to keep her face makeup light (while admitting that in her youth she always tried to make her makeup brighter), focusing on her eyes. A little foundation on the skin, a soft bronze blush - and the tan tone is perfectly shaded.

Lip makeup: glitter and sex

Sponges Hollywood beauty are considered one of the standards of beauty, so the girl does not try to “draw” them in any special way. In everyday life, Megan uses only a barely noticeable lip gloss, but on the red carpet, scarlet is Fox’s faithful friend and companion. Combined with luxurious long eyelashes, a seductive smile can easily arouse the delight of fans and the envy of co-stars.

Megan always uses balm to care for her lips; it is one of the must-have products in her cosmetic bag.

Eye makeup: a ton of mascara is my “trick” (according to Megan Fox herself)

Fluffy long eyelashes- This business card Megan. “I prefer a million strokes of mascara rather than shadow,” the actress admits in an interview. She practically does not use shadows, and “bends” her eyelashes upward along the entire contour, so she knows everything about it. By the way, Megan is very partial to false eyelashes...

Fox's evening eye makeup is a weak “smoky” effect, without fanaticism. The beauty believes that she already has bright eyes.

Megan Fox's eyebrows: beauty is in the details

Megan Fox's eyebrows are the subject of envy and much talk. And this is not surprising: the film actress pays a lot of attention to the shape of her eyebrows. She believes that well-groomed eyebrows emphasize the naturalness and beauty of the eyes, so they should always be in impeccable condition. By her own admission, Megan Fox has been since she was 9 years old, because the actress’s teeth were... almost fused from birth. Now a specialist monitors the beauty’s eyebrows, periodically correcting them, giving them the desired attractive shape with the help of competent tattooing and auxiliary products. The actress’s eyebrows and eyes evoke such envy among fans that a number of beauty salons are already offering a special service, so now you can even get a tattoo in Moscow modeled after Megan Fox.

Favorites among cosmetic products :

Dark cherry nail polish - Megan likes it for its association with the “vampire theme”;

Rose oil - Megan adds a little of it to all her cosmetics, loves it for its aroma and moisturizing ability;

Hairspray - Megan Fox always has a small can of hairspray with her, just in case.

Tips from Megan Fox: keep it simple and don't try to seem different

In Hollywood, Megan is known as capricious and capricious. They say that because of this, the filming of the third “Transformers” took place without her. However, the celebrity herself believes that doing something if it is above principles is not worth it, since if you break your inner “core”, you can get completely lost . Sometimes you can be capricious if it’s in your nature...

Megan remains true to herself and her convictions, does not mindlessly agree with absolutely everything that she is “incited” to, but at the same time does not consider it humiliating to ask for anything. She is stubborn and purposeful, it is unlikely that such a sex symbol can stop anything - even the Golden Raspberry nominations... Megan Fox chose Ava Gardner as her style icon in her youth. (pictured left) for his brightness, ability to stand up for himself and... sometimes daring expressions.

« When a woman does not betray her values ​​and is in harmony with herself, she will always “shine” in the rays of glory, be it the red carpet or family circle ", says Megan Fox.

Liliya Gurikova
