Processing tires into crumbs: equipment price. Installation for processing used car tires into crumb rubber. Recycling tires at home.

From January 1, 2018 the Ministry natural resources introduces a ban on the disposal of car tires, tires and inner tubes at landfills. The measure is also aimed at protecting environment, and to stimulate processing enterprises. It's time to open your own factory.

Many products made from organic ingredients can be reused instead of just being thrown into landfills, polluting the environment. Car tires also fall into this category. Opening in Russia is not difficult; competition in the industry is still low.

A full-fledged tire recycling line requires, firstly, a carefully developed business plan, about 6 million rubles. start-up capital and the desire to preserve the environment. The exact cost of the equipment depends on the type of processing: grinding tires into crumbs or obtaining from used rubber liquid fuel.

Processing into crumbs requires less financial investment. the main task This method is to grind the raw material to the required fraction size. Equipment may vary, but the minimum set of devices is as follows:

  • for removing seat rings;
  • for cutting tires into strips;
  • for abrading tapes;
  • vibrating sieve;
  • fraction separator (separator);
  • conveyors for transporting raw materials between machines.

Assembling machines with your own hands is too difficult, the best way out- purchase a ready-made line. For a novice entrepreneur, the issue of price will be important, because equipment for tire recycling is quite expensive. For the first stages of production development, low-power devices will be sufficient - in case of problems with the supply of raw materials or the search for customers, losses from downtime will be less.

Even minimum power allows you to process up to 100 kilograms of raw materials per hour. The cost of such a set is around 1.5 million rubles, and more productive sets that allow processing up to a ton of raw materials per hour will cost the entrepreneur 3–10 million rubles.

Important! A tire recycling plant does not pollute the environment, but placing the workshop among residential areas is still prohibited due to the high noise level. It is worthwhile to find a place in advance that will be approved by the supervisory authorities.

The most popular equipment is ALPHA-TIRE RECYCLING lines of various capacities, RDK lines from the SIBPROMMASH company, lines from Ecostep and Eldan Recycling.

Processing tires into fuel requires large investments, but the final product is more profitable to sell. This method of processing car tires uses pyrolysis technology. To start production you will need:

  • containers for raw materials and final products;
  • transport system (forklifts, conveyor, cars);
  • machines for removing reinforcement from tires;

A high-quality pyrolysis installation is the most expensive part; it will cost no less than 5 million rubles. With its help, you can process up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. The average yield of liquid fuel at full load will be about 40% of the initial mass of raw materials.

Pyrolysis makes it possible to produce and sell not only fuel, but also gas and metal cord (used for reinforcing car tires). Tire recycling equipment can use the resulting gas as an energy source.

Since pyrolysis plants are expensive, ordering individual plants and ready-made kits from China is popular. Chinese equipment attracts with its price; suppliers usually meet halfway and are ready to make big discounts. But these machines are most often designed for the domestic Chinese market, which can bring some problems:

  • technical documentation in Chinese;
  • low availability of spare parts;
  • possible discrepancy between the actual installation and the declared characteristics.

Note! There is another type of tire recycling - cryogenic. Using this technology, raw materials are first frozen and then crushed. The technology is very effective, but not very popular: you will have to spend at least 30 million rubles on equipment for a cryogenic installation.

Equipment from a Russian manufacturer

Ordering equipment from China sometimes resembles a lottery - the installation can work for years, or it can break down the next day. German and Italian equipment is good because it has accessible documentation in world languages ​​and stable service centers, but the price hits your wallet. If you are not a representative of a large concern, for which a price range of several million rubles is not important, you should take a closer look at domestic equipment.

A two-block line RDK-500 from the Novosibirsk company SIBPROMMASH with a capacity of 500 kg of raw materials per hour will cost approximately 3 million rubles. The first block of the complex separates metal reinforcement and chops tires into large fragments (rubber chips). Contents of the first block:

  • machine for removing bead rings;
  • tire cutting machine;
  • primary grinding machine;
  • steel cord extractor;
  • air and magnetic separator.

The second block is designed for further grinding of tires into fine crumbs. The textile part of the rubber reinforcement is removed and the remaining metal is separated. The total output weight of crumb rubber will be 300 kilograms, textile - 130, metal - 70.

Equipment for processing tires from the Novokuznetsk company ALFA-SPK is interesting due to its large capacity range: the ALFA-TIRE RECYCLING line includes complexes that process 250, 300, 500, 1000 kilograms of raw materials per hour. A dust removal and protection system has been added to the package. Including installation, commissioning and start-up, the ATR line will cost 6-9 million rubles, depending on the selected power.

One of the ATR lines, the video shows the control panel, conveyor, grinders, magnetic separator, and vibrating sieve in operation.

The EcoStep company from Tolyatti operates on a franchise basis. There are several options for equipment configuration:

  • rubber chips production line;
  • automatic crumb rubber production line with a capacity of 500 kg/h;
  • automatic crumb rubber production line with a capacity of 700 kg/h.

Purchasing a franchise will require costs of 950 thousand rubles for the minimum configuration. The company provides start-up and commissioning services, personnel training and warranty service. The advantages also include concluding a contract for the purchase of products - you do not have to conquer the sales market on your own. Tire shredding on EcoStep lines is carried out using the hydrocutting method, which means that less money will be spent on replacement knives.

How to choose equipment

Choosing equipment for a processing plant is a responsible matter and should be taken seriously. Firstly, it is worth assessing your financial capabilities and the location of the future plant (closer to delivery from Europe, China or central Russia). Secondly, understand in advance whether you are ready to look for distribution channels on your own.

Important! Equipment from China is cheaper, but may have quality and efficiency issues, and it is rarely possible to test the operation of the line before purchasing it.

Advantage Russian companies the fact that you can verify the effectiveness of the equipment personally, and the documentation will be in Russian.

Before purchasing you need to pay attention to the details technological process and get acquainted with the lines in real work:

  1. Check the quality of the finished product. The resulting crumb should be free of traces of textile reinforcement, oxidation and burning. The line must receive raw materials reinforced not only with metal, but also with textiles. Compare the actual efficiency of the line with the declared ones technical characteristics, estimate the loss of raw materials in each sector.
  2. Make sure the line is secure. Each processing machine operates at specific temperatures. Compliance of the temperature of the machines with the declared indicators reflects the reliability of the cooling systems. It is also important to monitor the correspondence of energy consumption by the line in real operation.
  3. Check out the details. Find out how many personnel will be required, what qualifications the workers must have. Are transport conveyors included and how are they controlled? It is very important to find out in advance what types of tires the line processes (truck, passenger or utility) and whether the beads are removed before cutting.
  4. Take advantage of other people's experiences. Look at the reviews of the selected company: is their policy regarding technical documentation and payments transparent, is the start-up and setup of the line included in the total cost or paid separately, does the equipment supplier provide a guarantee, where is the closest one to you? service center, how quickly you will be provided with replacement parts in the event of a breakdown.

Opening your own tire recycling plant is not so difficult: if you have the means and want to be the owner waste-free production, choose a pyrolysis unit. Less money, but do you already have crumb rubber buyers in mind? Then cut tires using domestic machines. There are no clients yet and your budget is limited? Buy a franchise.

The issue of tire recycling in Russia is quite acute. It takes from 120 to 140 years for the natural decomposition of waste in this category, and the volumes arriving at landfills, and often in places of unauthorized waste storage, are simply enormous. Meanwhile, crumb rubber is a sought-after raw material for many industries ( road surfaces, as a filler, regenerator of new rubber products...), which opens up broad prospects for the development of a profitable business.

Unlike European countries, in the domestic market there are few enterprises engaged in tire recycling on a global scale. Accordingly, you should not expect high competition. At the same time, the development of the industry is hampered by a high barrier to entry into the market, which amounts to about 20 million rubles, as well as the lack of a centralized public policy regarding waste management. However, legislation is gradually being improved, which means that those who are ready to combine environmental values ​​and the opportunity to receive stable income, it is worth paying attention to this type of business.

Market situation

The world's reserves of waste tires amount to about 80 million tons. Every year this amount increases by 10 million tons. And even in countries where competent work has been carried out for a long time, tire recycling enterprises cannot cope with the existing volumes.

As for Russia, of the total share of the corresponding raw materials, only 20% is processed. Moreover, 60% of this amount is distributed among four large enterprises:

  • Volzhsky regenerative tire repair plant (Volgograd region);
  • Chekhov regeneration plant (Moscow region);
  • "KST-ecology" (Smolensk region);
  • Tire recycling plant No. 1 (Vladimir region).

One of the reasons for this state of affairs is the fact that the majority of both large and small enterprises accept tires for recycling without partial compensation of their cost. Accordingly, it is more profitable for the population to simply take garbage to a landfill than to deliver it for recycling at their own expense.

Thus, a novice entrepreneur has three ways to develop his business: follow the “traditions” of free receipt of raw materials, determine an economically justified price for receipt, or enter into agreements with landfills, service stations and other “suppliers” who would benefit from the removal of used tires from the territory. In the latter case, you can try to enlist the support of the municipality or ecologists.

What recyclable materials can be obtained from tires?

The most common processing technology involves mechanical shredding of tires in special units. During this process the following materials are formed:

  • crumb rubber with fraction sizes of 1 mm, 2-3 mm, 4-5 mm (each of them has its own scope of application);
  • textile cord, suitable, after processing using pyrolysis technology, for the production of fuels and lubricants;
  • metal cord intended for melting.

IN developed countries A common occurrence is the restoration of worn tires for their intended purpose. It involves applying a new profile to the old frame.

Processing technology

The process of processing tires into crumbs involves a number of successive stages:

  • Quality control of received tires. Products are carefully inspected for the presence of spikes and other elements that are not suitable for processing.
  • Pre-grinding. Tires are cut into segments measuring 200x200 mm.
  • Removal of metal fraction. The raw materials are conveyed through the conveyor into the shredder for the next stage of grinding. In parallel, using magnetic device The bead wire and other metal elements are removed from the mass.
  • Grinding to final fraction. In a rotary crusher, the material is brought to a given fraction size and is also cleared of metal cord.
  • Separation. In the separator, textile cord and metal cord residues are removed from the mass.
  • Sorting by factions. This is done by passing the material through a system of vibrating screens.
  • Packaging and warehousing. The material is packed into bags and sent to the warehouse.

Equipment for processing tires into crumbs + Video

The universal line contains the following components:

  • knife for cutting car tires;
  • band conveyer;
  • shredders for primary grinding (2 pcs.);
  • small cyclones (2 pcs.);
  • fan (3 pcs.);
  • pneumatic conveyor;
  • units for magnetic separation (3 pcs.);
  • crusher;
  • vibrating sieves (2 pcs.);
  • large cyclones;
  • electrical equipment;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • cord belt conveyor;
  • metal carcass.

You can usually buy such a line within 12-15 million rubles. Also, to launch the plant, it is necessary to purchase industrial scales (20 thousand rubles), a unit for packing bags (10 thousand rubles) and the bags themselves (10 thousand rubles), tools and Consumables for installation maintenance (30 thousand rubles).

Another about 100 thousand rubles. it is necessary to budget about 150 thousand rubles for the delivery of equipment. for its installation and commissioning. In this case, transportation costs will depend on the distance of the region from the manufacturing plant. The procedure for commissioning, terms of warranty and post-warranty service, as well as other points are specified in the supply agreement. It is optimal when, among other things, the supplier commits to training your staff to work with the units.

Example of line operation:

Requirements for the arrangement of workshop and warehouse space

A plant for processing tires into crumbs must contain a direct production workshop with an area of ​​at least 200 m², a storage area for raw materials in the form of an unheated hangar or simply a fenced area, as well as a warehouse for finished products. The presence of sanitary facilities is also required. The office part is arranged depending on the preferences and financial capabilities of the business owner.

The premises can be purchased or rented. Often the first option is unrealistic for a beginning entrepreneur, so a lease agreement becomes the optimal solution. Its cost directly depends on the region, and in Russia it can range from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles per month.


To operate a line with a processing capacity of 150 tons of tires per month, a minimum of 10 people will be required. At the same time, it is important to have a technologist on the team who is able to control the production process and a person who will be involved in the routine maintenance of the lines. To eliminate significant damage and Maintenance It is rational to involve representatives of the equipment manufacturer. To do this, as mentioned above, this clause should be written down in the contract.

Also for quality work the enterprise will need an accountant, cleaners, security personnel and at least one truck driver delivering tires and finished products.

In this situation, the approximate amount of the wage fund will be about 400-450 million rubles. However, much here also depends on the average salary in the region.

Obtaining a license

In a number of sources you can find information about optional licensing of the business of processing tires into crumbs. However, it is not. The raw materials used belong to the fourth hazard class. Accordingly, according to Russian legislation, the reception and disposal of such solid waste is subject to mandatory licensing.

Before submitting documents, an entrepreneur must complete the following steps:

  • Register an enterprise (in this business it is optimal).
  • Prepare production areas, including the industrial site and sanitary area.
  • Prepare documents and certificates for equipment.
  • Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, and fire inspection.

The license is issued within 45 days. Its cost is 7,500 rubles. If you want to simplify the process by using the services of intermediaries, the costs will increase several times.

How much does crumb rubber cost?

What income can be generated by processing tires into crumbs with a capacity of 150 tons per month?

The average cost of rubber granules on the market is 150 thousand rubles. Accordingly, receiving 100 tons of crumbs monthly, we have 1.5 million rubles.

Also, during processing, 30 tons of metal and 20 tons of textile cord are formed, worth 90 thousand rubles. and 40 thousand rubles, respectively.

Thus, the total dirty income can amount to 1.68 million rubles. Subtracting monthly expenses from this amount, we get net profit. At the same time, the profitability of the enterprise will be influenced by such factors as the location of the enterprise (rental cost, transportation costs), the availability of sales markets, sources of raw materials, marketing policy and others. On average, investments in this type of business pay off within one and a half to two years.

Search for markets

When searching for sales markets, it is necessary to carefully analyze the scope of activity of manufacturing enterprises operating in a particular region. It makes sense only for large processing companies to focus on the all-Russian market and foreign supplies, since transportation costs lead to a significant increase in the price of the material.

Among the main consumers of crumb rubber:

  • companies specializing in laying seamless floor coverings (self-leveling floors);
  • manufacturers of tiles and rolled floor coverings;
  • enterprises involved in road construction (mainly regional centers);
  • companies that carry out government orders in the construction of sports complexes, sidewalks and other facilities.

Small quantities of crumb rubber from tires are readily purchased by companies engaged in the production of sculptures for playgrounds, fences, curbs, punching bags, wheel bags, bitumen mastics, rubber shoes, insulation materials, etc.

At the same time, it is not enough to identify potential consumers of crumb rubber - do not hesitate to contact the management of enterprises directly to find out if they are interested in your offer, in what volume they are ready to purchase raw materials and of what quality.

How to avoid pitfalls?

The main mistake of entrepreneurs who decide to build a business on processing tires into crumbs is the wrong choice of equipment. The fact is that, unlike tires foreign production, domestic tires contain a mixed or textile diagonal cord. Almost all machines manufactured for the European market are not adapted to work with these materials, so even expensive equipment may be useless.

Conclusion: check which tires each unit is intended for processing.

Another one current problem– presence of defects in new equipment. Most often this happens with units made in China. An analysis of the manufacturer itself will help you maintain a balance between quality and optimal cost. As a rule, responsible suppliers, along with the manufacture of machine tools, are involved in the processing of tires and the manufacture of various products from the resulting raw materials. In addition, you should not believe the stories about the ultra-high performance of the equipment - the higher the speed, the greater the risk that the unit will break if a foreign object gets “under the knife”, which is a very common situation.

This is not the entire list of situations that may arise on the way to making a profit. For example, a lack of raw materials often leads to the need to buy tires from the population, which can lead to an increase in the cost of crumb rubber. In any case, a detailed analysis of initial stage will allow you to enter the business smoothly and quickly recoup your investment.

Humanity has long been thinking about how to recycle used car tires, of which the number is increasing every year. But even today, of the total number of tires in the world, only about 20% is recycled, although methods for recycling tires exist today. And you can even make money on some of them, while simultaneously improving the environmental situation.

The fact is that worn tires are quite valuable polymer raw materials: 1 ton of tires contains about 700 kilograms of rubber, which can be reused for the production of fuel, rubber products and construction materials. At the same time, if you burn 1 ton of used tires, 270 kg of soot and 450 kg of toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

Making tire recycling economical on an industrial scale is challenging. However, according to manufacturers of waste disposal equipment, your own mini-plant for recycling tires is a completely profitable production.

The production complex is a prefabricated installation with a total area of ​​17.5 square meters. m and 10 meters high, which can process up to 5 tons of raw materials per day. In addition, the production site includes a raw material warehouse (worn out tires and plastics), a raw material preparation area (cutting tires into pieces), finished product warehouses: a liquid fuel warehouse, a carbon black warehouse, and a scrap metal storage area (steel cord).

Tire Recycling Business: Recycling Process

Used tires are collected and transported by road to a raw materials warehouse. Next, the tires are inspected for the presence of metal discs and rings and sent for cutting. After cutting, the crushed raw material is fed into the receiving hopper of the reactor.

The raw materials in the reactor undergo decomposition at a temperature of approximately 450°C, during which intermediate products are obtained: gas, liquid fuel fraction, carbon-containing residue and steel cord. The gas is partially returned to the reactor furnace to maintain the process. The remaining part of the gas is released through the pipe (by appearance and the amount of gas coming out is comparable to truck exhaust). The carbon-containing residue after quenching and cooling is subjected to magnetic separation (or sieved through a sieve) in order to separate the steel cord wire. Liquid fuel, steel cord and carbon-containing residue are sent to a warehouse for further shipment to the consumer.

Tire Recycling Business: Equipment Description

The productivity of the installation (per day) is: for liquid fuel - 2 tons/day; for carbon-containing solid residue - 1.5 tons/day; for steel cord - 0.5 tons/day; for gas - 1 ton/day.

Consumption of raw materials - 5 tons/day. This means that the yield of liquid fuel is 40% of the weight of loaded rubber.

The installation operates continuously using gas produced during the processing of tires. Installed in an open area.

dimensions: height - 10 m; width - 3.5 m; length - 5 m.

Electricity consumption - 14.5 kW/h (installation - 7 kW/h and scissors - 7.5 kW/h).

Serves 2 people.

Tire recycling business: start-up capital

The installation cost is approximately RUB 1,100,000. (without delivery). In addition, tanks will be needed to store fuel oil obtained during processing. To obtain greater profits during periods of declining prices, it is recommended to accumulate fuel in tanks and sell the accumulated products during periods of increased prices. 60-ton used tanks can be purchased at a price of 20 - 25 thousand rubles per 1 piece. Six tanks will be enough.

Plus warehouse equipment, tools, workwear - at least another 100 thousand rubles. Thus, the cost of equipment, taking into account the rental of territory and premises, delivery, installation and various approvals, will amount to at least 1.5 million rubles.
Current expenses

Four workers are required to work two shifts. Wage each -
about 10 thousand rubles per month. You will also need an office for accounting and at least two more employees, one of whom will organize the supply of raw materials, and the second - the sale of finished products. In total - at least 70,000 rubles per month for salary employees plus taxes and office space rent.

Electricity consumption is 14.5 kW/h, that is, 10440 kW/month.

Monthly expenses for the current activities of the enterprise will amount to about 100 thousand rubles.

Tire Recycling Business: Revenues

The advantage of the project is that the raw materials are virtually free. Moreover, in some cases you can already earn money by collecting it.

For example, industrial enterprises they pay for the recycling of tires, because... City landfills do not accept tires. The cost varies in different cities. This is stipulated in the contract with the company. In Chelyabinsk, for example, enterprises pay 2,000 rubles for recycling 1 ton of tires, in Krasnodar - 3,500 rubles.

Scrap metal is accepted by recycling enterprises at a price of about 4,000 rubles per ton. The cost of low-quality carbon is about 3,000 rubles per ton. Carbon is used to make various coatings.

Thus, total income per installation per month is 375,000 rubles (2?3000 (fuel oil) + 1.5?3000 (carbon) + 0.5?4000 (scrap metal) = 12,500 rub./day). Monthly costs: 100,000 (worker salaries and office) + 14,616 (electricity) = 114,616 rubles. Thus, the payback period for the installation is about 6 months from the start of production.

Tire Recycling Business: Pitfalls

Firstly, there are no vacant plots - all the land has already been distributed for residential buildings. Secondly, the distance from residential buildings must be at least 300 meters - such a site is not easy to find. It is even more difficult to pass the examination. Plus public opinion- people do not want a new enterprise to be built “under their windows,” especially one for waste processing.

It is much easier to organize such production on the territory of existing enterprises and organizations. It's no secret that many production sites are now idle. And their territory has all the necessary environmental conclusions and approvals. All that remains is to come to an agreement with the enterprise itself - it is much easier to agree on difficult issues with the landlord than with environmentalists, firefighters and other authorities.

Another important point. To prevent environmental pollution from such production, most likely, you will have to purchase a special purification plant, which will cost the entrepreneur several times more than the production itself.

Also, according to experts, it is not practical to build one small processing plant specializing in one type of product. It is necessary to cover the recycling of as many products as possible: glass, plastic, metal, rubber, paper, etc.

The project does not provide for many unforeseen expenses that will certainly arise in the process of preparation and full-fledged production activities. There will be problems with environmentalists and firefighters. For example, to store fuel oil in old tanks, one fire shield is not enough. A number of safety measures are required here: from hoses through which fuel or gas flows, to instructions for personnel.

And environmentalists are completely jealous of landfills and recycling plants. There is always something to complain about, and the cost of meeting all the requirements amounts to hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Dmitry Kiro

Magazine "Svoe Delo"

The problem of recycling used tires is acute in many countries. In this matter, not only the environmental aspect is important, but also the economic one, because the material obtained during processing is a good raw material for chemical industry. Let's find out what processing methods are currently used in the world, how effective and safe they are.

Types of recycling of used tires can be divided into two groups:

  • electromechanical grinding;
  • processing that changes the chemical structure.

Tire processing using these methods differs in the principle of operation and the resulting raw materials. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are worth talking about in more detail.

Mechanical tire shredding

This method is considered relatively safe from an environmental point of view and is widely used throughout the world. Tires are subjected to the following processing:

  1. Old tires are washed, the beads are removed and cut into large pieces.
  2. Raw materials are cleaned from steel cord using magnetic separation.
  3. The pieces are then heated (for processing at elevated temperature) or cooled (for the cryogenic method).
  4. Rubber is crushed by cutting, impact, explosion, compression or abrasion.
  5. The resulting raw material is ground to obtain crumbs of the desired size.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost final product, since tire shredding requires special equipment and is considered an expensive processing method. Electricity costs are also high - up to 1000 kWh per 1 ton of processed raw materials.

At the same time, shredding has significant advantages over chemical methods of tire processing: technical simplicity, lack of toxic emissions (unlike combustion or pyrolysis). Rubber processing by grinding preserves the technological parameters of the material.

Crumb rubber obtained by grinding is widely used in industry and construction: for the manufacture of household products, additives in mortar, and for laying roads.

The following video shows how tires are processed into crumb rubber and what equipment is used.

Other Tire Shredding Methods

There are other methods for shredding old tires, but various reasons many of them did not receive wide application. Most known methods processing:

  • using a rotary disperser;
  • ozone knife method;
  • barodestruction method;
  • shock wave grinding (explosive circular).

For the rotary disperser, the tire is crushed into small pieces. The rubber is then compressed in the sleeve and passed through a hole with a diameter of about 1 mm. The result is fine rubber dust with a highly developed surface that can effectively react with other components of the mixtures. Such dust is used for the manufacture of sorbents, new tires, roofing materials, etc.

Tire recycling using the ozone knife method involves the effect of ozone on worn tires in a special chamber and subsequent mechanical grinding. Ozone contributes to the destruction of the rubber structure, facilitating further grinding of the tire mechanical methods. As a result of old tire the result is pure rubber crumb and metal, and there is no need for separation, since the metal and rubber themselves separate from each other when exposed to ozone.

When treated with the barodestruction method, tires are first cut and shredded, and then in a special chamber under the influence of high pressure and temperatures bring the rubber to fluidity, separating it from the metal cord. The result is fine rubber crumbs with a granule size of about 0.8 cm.

Processing methods that change the chemical structure

Recycling of car tires, which changes the structure, is also not very profitable. The rubber component disappears after processing, and the resulting product has a lower cost than in the case of mechanical processing. At the same time, the cost of final raw materials is quite high.

Among the chemical methods for recycling tires, the most common are the following:

  • pyrolysis;
  • thermal destruction (combustion);
  • dissolution.

Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition that occurs in a special chamber without air access. This method is most often used to obtain thermal energy. Rubber processing by combustion and pyrolysis has a number of limitations, they are associated with the release of carbon dioxide and toxic substances. This method requires more attention from an environmental point of view.

When burned in cement kilns, tires replace combustible materials such as coal and fuel oil. Applicable this method in the cement industry and for heat generation.

Many experts consider the dissolution of old tires to be a promising and very effective method, although it has not yet been widely used. Under the influence of the solvent, raw materials are obtained that can be successfully used in metallurgy and the chemical industry.

It is expected that this technology will help to effectively recycle tires of all types and sizes in the future.

Tire recycling in Russia and Europe

European countries boast recycling rates of old tires reaching 90%. About 20% of them are recovered and reused, 40% is used to generate heat, and more than 30% turns into crumbs.

Unfortunately, the global average is not that high - less than 40% of tires are recycled, and 60% of unrecycled rubber goes to landfill.

Important! Every year about 10 million tons of new waste from old waste appears in the world car tires, what is he doing environmental situation simply catastrophic. It is very important to pay close attention to this problem and introduce recycling methods in countries where it is not developed.

In Russia the situation is completely sad, although it is gradually improving year by year. Tire recycling currently accounts for about 10%, and has grown by a quarter over the past few years. Tire recycling organizations in Russia are not yet very active; in our country people are not used to investing money in secondary production, disposal and recycling.

One of the additional problems is that it is more difficult to recycle domestically produced tires, common in Russia, Belarus and other neighboring countries, than European ones. Our old tires are additionally reinforced with radial synthetic cord, and a large admixture of textiles creates great difficulties for processing. As a result, processing domestic tires is much more expensive and more difficult than Western-made tires with an all-metal cord type.

Additional Information! The most common processing methods in Russia are crushing and pyrolysis. It should be noted that pyrolysis is prohibited in some developed countries due to its harmful effects on the environment. However, domestic entrepreneurs consider more expensive processing methods to be too expensive, so they use them much less frequently.

We hand over rubber for recycling

However, there is still reason for optimism - over the past few years, new environmentally friendly and safe complexes for the production of crumb rubber have appeared in Russia. In particular, such complexes operate in Samara, Kursk, Tver, and Vyazma. A processing center was built in Primorye, and a franchise helped many enterprises operating in this industry launch production.

Almost every major automobile service center in Russia accepts old tires from car enthusiasts. You often have to pay extra to return tires, although some services accept them for free. Companies are increasingly entering into contracts with recycling companies, handing over significant volumes of old rubber for recycling.

You can hand over tires for recycling at factories and complexes that produce secondary raw materials, as well as at car service stations. It is worth considering that large enterprises They usually do not accept tires from the public due to the small volume of the product being handed over, so citizens have to monitor promotions at car service stations in order to get rid of one or two sets of tires.

Economics and ecology

The economic benefits of recycling tires are undeniable. In a number of countries, flammable gas, which is released during the heat treatment of tires, is used to heat rooms, and it is also used to generate electricity. Liquid pyrolysis products are used in the production of plastic, and crushed rubber particles are an excellent raw material for asphalt bitumen.

Note! The decomposition of tires in the ground continues for more than 100 years, all this time dangerous and toxic compounds, such as phenanthrene, diphenylamine and many others, are constantly being washed out of old tires. They all remain in the soil and are then washed away groundwater and rainfall, getting into drinking water sources and agricultural facilities.

Thus, in the coming years, tire recycling methods will be improved, and the volume of rubber recycling will grow. This is especially true for developed countries, where environmental issues and reuse materials have long been under the close attention of both citizens and authorities.

The situation in Russia is still reminiscent of the situation in African countries, but the principles of responsible consumption are gradually penetrating the consciousness of our citizens. In a few decades, both car enthusiasts themselves and business representatives will know exactly what and how to do with old tires in order to extract maximum benefit for yourself and the environment.
