Scenarios March 8 preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday in the preparatory group “March 8 is a special holiday”

Scenarios festive events and matinees dedicated to the International women's day March 8 in preparatory groups.

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Matinee March 8th 1st preparatory group. "Holiday of Grandmothers and Mothers" Matinee 8th March 1st preparatory group . « Holiday of grandmothers and mothers» . Target: Creation festive atmosphere. Tasks: Develop creative independence, the ability to correctly pronounce given sounds in front of a large audience. Cultivate a desire to please loved ones with poems...

Scenario of the matinee "March 8 - International Women's Day!" in the preparatory group Children enter the hall to the music "8 March is the best day of spring" become a semicircle. Leading: Today we feel as comfortable as at home, Like there are so many familiar faces in the hall. Moms came to us, we are glad to see you all! AND holiday cheerful let's start now! It is dedicated to you - the sweetest and gentlest...

Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group - Scenario holiday for March 8 “Magic bells” for children of the preparatory group

Publication “Celebration script for March 8th “Magic Bells” for children...” Integration educational areas:  Artistic and aesthetic development"  Cognitive development»  Speech development Social and communicative development  Physical development" Goal:  create a festive...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario for March 8 “To My Beloved Mother” preparatory group of preschool educational institution Scenario for the March 8 holiday for the preparatory group at the preschool educational institution “To My Beloved Mother” (Music sounds in music hall children enter) Host: Spring has come again! Again she brought a holiday, a joyful, bright and gentle holiday, a holiday for all our dear women. So...

Scenario for the holiday for older preschoolers “Women’s Day – March 8th”. The course of the holiday: Children run into the hall in subgroups to the music and stand in front of the audience. Dance "Clap Your Hands" 1Ved.: The music of spring is sounding louder and louder, And the sun, smiling, shines brightly! Today children you...

Scenario of the matinee for March 8th “In retro style” in the preparatory group Girl presenter: Hello, our beloved mothers! Boy presenter: Hello, our lovely ladies! Girl presenter: The month of March is a joyful, clear month. Dear women, how beautiful you are! Boy presenter: Some are beautiful in appearance, some are beautiful in appearance, but the majority are beautiful in soul!...

Scenarios March 8. Holiday in the preparatory group - March 8th holiday in the preparatory group

Scenario of the holiday “March 8 with Shapoklyak” Presenter: Today spring has come to us, we feel its breath, The rivers have woken up from sleep, and we can already hear the chirping of birds. With spring, our brightest holiday comes to visit us. We congratulate our mothers, we send them warm greetings. To the music in...

Matinee “Nesmeyana and March 8” for the preparatory group Participants: Children Presenter Nesmeyana Attributes: Medals or chocolates for girls, gifts for mothers and grandmothers. Garbage, 2 dustpans, flowers in parts, 2 easels Children run into the hall to the song “Mom’s Heart” and dance with balloons Presenter:...

Marshalova Tatyana Vladimirovna
GBOU Gymnasium No. 1797 "Bogorodskaya" DO 4-4 "Solnyshko"
Position: teacher
"Scenario for March 8th in the preparatory group"

Spring Festival in the preparatory group.

The music is playing, only boys come out:

Spring has come to our house again, again we are all waiting for the holiday!

How we will sing, how we will dance! But where are our girls?

They bring beauty! They said they'll be here soon

While they are gone, we read poems for mothers.

Mom, mom, mommy, my sunshine,

How joyful it is to be with you, how warm it is to be with you!

Without you, flowers don't bloom in my soul!

I will always be happy if you are near me!

Mom, mom, mom, always be like this,

You are the only one who is so kind to me!

I will sail the oceans, go around the whole world -

There is no better mommy in the whole world!

Song "The Best"

Why can't you see the girls? How long can you wait for them here?

I told you guys, we might not make it on time.

It's all the girls' fault, They should just sing songs!

Hush, hush, don't swear! Here they are, right there!

Smile more cheerfully, Our girls are coming!

Girls enter to the music and stand between the boys

Dear girls, we congratulate you.

We wish you all happiness and joy!

We sometimes don’t notice how we offend girls

And we take away the toys and drag them by their pigtails.

And for everything we are guilty of, you will forgive us, girls!

Don't be angry with us, we still love you.

Dittiesfor girls performed by boys:

Dear girls, congratulations on Women's Day!

And now we will sing ditties for you very loudly!

The girls in our group are smart and beautiful!

And I must admit, we boys really like it!

You are always beautiful: ponytails, braids

We sometimes pull for them, just out of habit!

When recess comes, we love to play with you

We run as fast as we can so that they can catch up with us!

Today we promise to pay you compliments

When you grow up a little, we will give you flowers!

We sang ditties for you, but we want to tell you more

We will boldly protect you always, everywhere and anywhere!

Let me invite you to dance on this holiday.

We will be very glad to be friends with you always!

"Waltz" performed (stood in a semicircle)

How beautiful mothers are on this festive day

Let them be proud of us, mom, here I am, your son.

Here I am, your daughter, look how I’ve grown up

Just recently, I was a little baby.

We will sing the best song for you, your family and loved ones.

We wish you happy days, congratulations on Women's Day! (ALL)

Song “Congratulations to Mom”

Scene “Three Mothers”



Katya, mother, grandmother performed by children

In the center of the hall there is a table and three chairs. A doll sits on one of the chairs.

There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table.


Our children are so stubborn! Everyone knows this themselves. Their mothers often tell them, but they don’t hear their mothers. Katyusha came back from a walk in the evening and asked the doll:

Katya comes out, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, and takes the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Katyusha’s mother came home from work and asked Katya: ( doctor's robe and cap)


How are you, daughter? Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny screamed for dinner more than once,

And you answered: now and now.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Then my grandmother - my mother's mother - came. And I asked my mother:

The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day, again there was not a minute for food,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich, you can’t sit all day without lunch.

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room.

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three:

Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

Song "Necessary words" (after the song the boys go out to change clothes)


Now, guys, guess the riddle:

Who reads books to you, takes you to kindergarten,

Who bakes pancakes for their grandchildren?

Affectionate, kind. So cute…

This is our grandmother, our dear grandmother. (All)

Today I am very happy to congratulate all mothers in a row

But more tender than all simple words, words for dear grandmothers!

Our dear grannies, our dads and moms, moms

We want to congratulate you, we will dedicate the dance to you.

Boys dancing"Grandmothers - old ladies" ( sundresses, scarves, glasses, threads, newspapers, magazines)

Our grandmother loves music and laughter,

Well, grandma dances simply better than anyone!

Let's congratulate our grandmothers on Women's Day

Now we’ll sing a funny song for them!

Song: "Grandma" (sit on chairs)

March, the prankster, flows like a gentle spring stream.

Spring has brought a beauty, and a good mother's holiday!

May he bring happy smiles to every home.

And a large bouquet of lilies of the valley on a holiday card!

Song: performed by soloists: Julia and Varya


Let's collect flowers for mom:
Petals are scattered around the room. Children are given instructions on what color flower to collect. On command, children pick flowers.

Help me move my mother's purchases:

Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes

There are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their own

to mothers. Let's see how they do it.


Let's gather grandma and mom for a concert:
At a distance of 3 meters from the adult there is a table on which there are beads, glasses, a hat, and a bag. Children need to bring one item each, adults put it on themselves.

Complete the portrait of your mother:
In the middle of Whatman A3, an oval is cut out from the face of an adult. Children are invited to complete the portrait, draw a neck, ears, hair, and you can draw jewelry.

Let's help mom cook borscht:
Children are divided into two teams. You need to take a vegetable, run and put it in the pan. Go back and pass the baton to the next player.

Let's help mom set the table:
Children are divided into two teams, each taking one children's utensils (saucers, cups, teapot, spoons, etc.). On opposite side, there is a table at a distance of 3 meters. On command, the children run one by one, put the dishes on the table, come back, pass the baton to the next one.

Let's draw a meadow of flowers for mom:
Children are divided into two teams. There is an easel with markers at a distance of 3 meters from the teams. On command, children take turns running up to the easel and painting flowers.


And for moms, I have one more task (calls moms). Here I have threads, needles and beads. Your task is to plant as many as possible in 1 minute

beads on a string. Who will have the longest chain?

Tie a scarf:

A rope is attached between two chairs, and balls are tied to the rope by strings.

You need to tie scarves on these balls. Whoever does it faster wins.

You can make the game more difficult by giving out mittens.

The music is playing again, mothers and grandmothers are invited to dance!

Dance with moms

Well, now that hour has come, cheerful, ringing, bright,
Now we are giving gifts to our beloved mothers!

Children give gifts to mothers

Boys giving gifts to girls (photo)


The holiday has come to an end,

Let me wish everyone good health in parting.

Do not be ill. Don't get old. Never be angry!

So young. Stay forever!


(show program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” for children in the preparatory group)

Design and attributes: Balloons, on the central wall there are bright, expressive “faces” of children, on the mirror there are portraits of mothers (children’s drawings)

Progress of the show program

We want you today

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart at this hour,

Let poems and many songs

They will bring smiles and laughter!

We are starting our holiday,

And we meet our guys!

The boys come in to the music, line up in a semicircle, and read poetry.

1. We are mischievous guys.

Do you already recognize us?

This is not our first time on stage,

But we are worried now.

2. We will speak,

We will give flowers

We'll sing and dance,

Congratulations to your beloved mothers!

3. Look outside the window,

It got a little warmer there,

The main holiday is coming

The sun greets him!

4. This holiday is the sweetest,

The kindest and most beautiful!

We congratulate our mothers -

All: We are so pleased!

Presenter: Boys, where are our girls? How can you start a holiday without them? Maybe they were offended by you and left? Admit it, have you bullied girls? Did you pull your pigtails? Did you make faces?

Let's greet the girls with friendly applause!

The boys stand along the edge of the carpet.

Dance with Balloons in the Form of Flowers (girls)

(Boys escort girls to chairs)

Presenter. Today is not a simple holiday; today is a mischievous holiday.

You didn’t think, you didn’t know, but you came to our competition.

“Through the Mouth of a Baby” - fun, simple and sweet,

I wanted it to be interesting and playful.

I choose two teams and I invite parents to take part.

The team is playing against you -

Children in chorus: “Children” - You won’t find them smarter in the whole world!

Now I ask you to greet the team of grandmothers and mothers - you will not meet more charming ladies!

So... we begin the show program “Through the Mouth of a Baby.”

Dear audience! Attention please! The rivals are worried, everyone is waiting...

Our children already know a lot

Parents don't even think about it.

You have the opportunity to thoroughly verify

How smart and original children are.

  1. At this time of year the snow begins to melt.

2. The rain begins to drop, the birds fly in, the sun warms brighter.

3. We congratulate our dearest and most beloved people on this holiday.

4. This day is also called differently.

Montage of a girl

1st child: Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday.

The holiday is joyful, bright, gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women.

2nd child: May you all smile today,

Your children did their best for you.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performances.

3rd child: Today the sun is shining

For our dear mothers.

The spring wind is singing

For our dear mothers.

4th child: The timid snowdrop is blooming

For our dear mothers.

And the songs are heard

For our dear mothers.

5th child: Today is mother’s holiday.

Listen guys.

ALL: Congratulations to all mothers Today is kindergarten!

Song: “Mom's Day” (Drip, drip, drip)

Let us move a little away from traditional broadcast competitions,

Let's move on smoothly to the next explanation.

Explainer 2. (flowers)

  1. They are different types and shades.
  2. They grow everywhere; in the room and outside.
  3. They are given on holidays one at a time or in many.

Parents answer: Flowers.

Presenter. Right! We announce the next Competition “Dance Dances”

Pair dance “The flowers in the garden are beautiful.

Presenter: Attention! Explainer 3. (Mom)

1.- This person performs the main mission on Earth.

He owns the most kind heart and the most caring hands.

2.- Children cannot be happy without this person.

Parents give the answer: mom.


The team of mothers and grandmothers is simply super, master class! With this song we honor you!

"Song Dear Mother"

The game is played:

"Tie a bow."

Children and adults must tie bows for each other (all team members at the same time). Whose team is the first to tie bows and line up to show how cute they are in bows is declared the winner.

“Which pair is the fastest and most agile.”

Need to run to specific place and back, holding balloon with their heads, without using their hands, pass the ball to the next pair of players.

I propose to arrange a short poetic intermission.

We need inspiration, replenishment of intellectual costs.

Let mothers and grandmothers listen in silence to poems about themselves.

It is gratifying for us to dedicate warm lines to them, let grandmothers and mothers be pleased.

Children read prepared poems.


Presenter. Let's find out who is the fastest, Let's start the race!

Presenter. Explainer 4.

1. He is responsible for the accurate and timely completion of duties and tasks.

  1. He monitors the good condition of his weapons and entrusted military equipment.
  2. He obeys the commander.
  3. Protects the country and people.

Dance "Soldiers"

Explainer 5.

1.Who never gets tired of loving,

2. He bakes pies for us,

3. Delicious pancakes? These are our.....(grandmothers)

Children. "grandmothers"

Song "Song about Grandma."

Grandmother! Which kind word. For all the kids it’s home.

We wish our dear grandmothers not to get sick at all, but only every year

Getting younger and younger!

Poems about grandmother.

Dance "Buranovskie Babushki"

Presenter. We congratulate the grandmothers and invite them to play with us.

Game "Dress Grandma"

Two grandmothers and their grandchildren and children come out. There are things on the chairs (handkerchief, glasses, apron, ladle...)

Children run to the high chair to the music, take 1 thing each and dress their grandmother. Whoever completes the task first, that grandmother raises the ladle up.

Presenter. Explainer 7. Stars

Answer: Stars

Presenter. And we also have stars! These are your favorite kids. Greet them with applause!

"Star Dance"

Presenter. The explanations became clearer, everyone tried their best, had fun,

It is very difficult to sum up the show program. Who can be declared the winner?

The moms were so good today! Clap them with all your heart! (Applause.)

But the children exceeded all expectations:

They prepared too hard for the competition. What do we do? Tell me what to do.

Who should be declared the winner? Love and goodness won today!

May your smile, cordiality and warmth never leave you. Happy holiday, dear women!

Dear, lovely women - mothers and grandmothers! Congratulations on the first spring holiday - March 8th! I wish you to be happy, beautiful and loved! Your children, in turn, were very prepared for today’s event in order to please you with their creativity and give you the warmth of loving hearts.


1) To develop children’s interest in traditions, to promote the creation of warm relationships in the family.

2) Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, and girls.

3) to form the moral emotions of children

Celebration progress:

Children enter the hall in pairs. Dance a waltz to the music of Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”

Presenter: Dear guests! It has already become a tradition here in Russia every year kindergarten Celebrate Women's Day on March 8th. And our children should know about this. This is how we will cultivate in children’s hearts reverence, love, and respect for mothers and grandmothers.
Today on this day we welcome you to our hall and want to please you with our performances. And they were prepared by your most beloved, most charming children.

Children read poetry:

1. “March 8” is a special holiday,

Let's mark it now:
Nature awaits spring
And there is still snow in the yard.
But we are dear to our mothers
Let's give a fun concert!
We wish you warmth and smiles,
Huge childish one for you......
Hi everybody!

2. From the heart

In simple words
Come on guys
Let's talk about mom.

3. Why, when I'm with my mom?
Is even a gloomy day brighter?
Because because
There is no sweeter mommy.

4. Why, when I'm in pain,
Am I in a hurry to see my mother?
Because because
There is no more tender mother!

5. Why, when we are together
Am I the happiest person in the world?
Because because
There is no kinder mother!

Song “The Eighth of March is Mother’s Day.”

Presenter: Our children love to sing and dance.
Our children love to represent adults.
Actors and theatergoers are still small,
Don't be harsh on their performance.

Scene “Three Mothers”


The roles are played by children:

In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table and three chairs.

A doll sits on one of the chairs

There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table


Our children are so stubborn!

Everyone knows this themselves.

Mothers often tell them,

But they don't hear their mothers.

Tanyusha in the evening

I came from a walk

And I asked the doll

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Tanya's mom came home from work

And Tanya asked:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.


How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny shouted for dinner more than once,

And you answered: now and now.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a match

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Here grandmother - mother's mother - came

And I asked my mother:

The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.


How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again there was not a minute to eat,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

You can't sit all day without lunch.

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a match

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters,

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Sketch "Surprise"»

1. Boy: What gift will we give to mom on Mother’s Day? There are many fantastic ideas for this.. After all, preparing a surprise for mom is very interesting! We will knead the dough in the bathtub, or we will buy the dough!

2. Boy: Well, I’ll paint the closet with flowers as a gift to my mother... It would be nice if the ceiling was too, it’s a pity that he’s not tall...

Leading : Don't be upset boys! best gift there will be a dance for your mothers that you have prepared.

Dance to the song “I don’t notice toys” - boys dance

Presenter: How good. That we can congratulate our mothers twice a year! Both in spring and autumn!

(girls come out)

Child: Smile soon
Mom don't be sad!
I'll give you
Sunny days.
I'll give you leaves,
I'll give you flowers.
Let them come true for sure
All your dreams!

Song “The holiday of our mothers is coming”

Presenter: Ours young artists They love their grandmothers very much. They prepared for them interesting gift- skit " Grandmothers»

Sketch “Grandmothers - Old Ladies”

5 boys come out dressed in skirts and scarves, with knitting needles and a skein of thread, and sit on chairs or a bench.

Leading: 5 The grandmothers were knitting on a bench, with 5 balls lying before their eyes. Grandma Tanya, Grandma Manya, Grandma Fenya, Grandma Zhenya and Grandma Nyusha. They are skilled at singing songs and knitting mittens.

“Grandmothers” sing the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming”

Presenter: Each of the grandmothers cannot praise enough about her grandchildren:

1Grandmother: My old granddaughter helped me all morning.

2 Grandmother: My beloved old lady helped me clean the apartment.

3 Grandmother: And my beloved washed all the dishes.

4 Grandmother: And my granddaughter bought white bread.

5 grandma: And my dear one feeds us lunch. We sit and smile with our grandfather.

Presenter: Granddaughters came running to congratulate their grandmothers on the holiday.

« Granddaughters": You are dear grandmothers, you worked and worked. We invite you to have fun.

“Granddaughters” sing the song “Old Grandmothers”

Presenter: There are grandmothers who live far away and you have to go to them through the forest, where there are evil wolves. But in our group there are very brave children, they are not afraid of anyone. And we will be convinced of this now.

Dance - dramatization of the song “Pancakes for Grandma”

Presenter : What is the most important thing for a child? Of course, native home and mother, who will always regret and call you the kindest and with gentle words: sunshine, kitten, bunny...... isn't that what you call your children? And now I would like the guys to say the warmest, most tender words to their mothers.

Guys, I have my heart in my hands. The heart is a symbol of love. Whoever gets it at the end of the music will tell us about his mother from the bottom of his heart.

Game "Tender words"(children stand in a circle and pass their hearts to each other to the music)

Presenter: We continue our holiday
And we announce the performance.
Famous artists perform
There are the best soloists in the garden!

Girls sing a song - a remake of the song “Wonderful Neighbor” to the music

Presenter: This is what our children are like
Children are the best in the world!
So let's not get bored.
We will sing and dance.

Dance to the song “Mom Be Next to Me.” (girls dance with their mothers)

Presenter: And now I want to invite the boys. They also tried their best and prepared congratulations for the girls. Let's welcome them!

The boys come out and sing ditties:

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we are ditties for you
Let's sing it very loud!

In our group of girls -
Smart girls, beauties!
And confess, to us boys,
Love this!

You are always beautiful:
Ponytails, braids.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

How does change come
We love to play with you:
We run away as much as we can,
So that they can catch up with us!

We promise you today
Give compliments.
And you will grow up a little,
We will give you flowers!

We sang ditties for you,
But we also want to say:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
We will boldly defend!

Presenter: Children are the same everywhere in the world
And the kids are always after their hearts
Birds, dragonflies. boats, wind,
But they don’t need war!
Children bathe in sunlight,
They watch the moon shine in the distance,
Children are the same everywhere in the world
The children of the earth need a joyful world!

The song “Don't be afraid, mom, I'm with you” is sung by the boys

Presenter: Well, our holiday is coming to an end. And I hope that both the kids and moms liked it! I wish you smiles, peace and happiness. May there always be peace, may children always smile!
And in memory of our holiday, the guys prepared small gifts. This is a piece of their heart with warm and gentle words for you. dear mothers!

Children, accompanied by music, give paper crafts (bags with flowers) to their mothers and grandmothers.

Holiday March 8th for children 5-7 years old. Scenario



Concert progress

To the music, children enter the music room and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Presenter. Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear women!

We are happy to see you at the holiday,

Although there are many worries ahead,

But you have postponed everything now.

For what? Everyone will understand this.

1st child.

You didn't come to visit, you came home.

We are very glad to see you.

Today is not an ordinary day,

Today is Mother's Day!

2nd child.

Dear mom, I love you!

I give you all the spring flowers!

The sun smiles, looking from above.

3rd child.

Dear granny, kind and gentle,

I will give you fresh snowdrops.

I remember your tender hands.

4th child.

My sister's laughter rolls like a bell,

Blue dress, red pigtails.

We play merrily and pick flowers in the field.

How great it is - I have you!

5th child.

I have a best, best friend.

And we are always together, that is, inseparable.

I can’t live a day without you, my friend.

How great it is - I have you!

6th child.

We congratulate you on the spring holiday!

We wish everyone happiness, laughter, joy and health!

May all your dreams come true today!

How great it is that we exist in the world!

T. Fadeeva

Children perform the song “The Good Witch,” music and lyrics by S. Yudina.

7th child.

The drops began to gurgle

And spring is at this door

A bright bird

Today it fluttered.

So let's sing

Have fun, joke,

In honor of spring,

What warmth has returned to us!

8th child.

On this sunny day

We are not too lazy to sing songs

And for mothers to dance in this hall.

We, dear ones, are for you

We prepared "Waltz".

Look how hard we tried!

Children perform “Waltz” at the choice of the music director. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


We sing at the holiday

And we read poetry.

And to make it more fun,

Let's play!

Games are held with the participation of mothers.

"Decorate Your Mom"

Several willing couples are invited to play - children with mothers. In the middle of the hall there is a table with attributes: hats, scarves, beads, clips, hairpins, lipstick, etc.

Mothers sit on chairs around the table. At a signal, children begin to “decorate” their mothers with everything that is available. Everyone present appreciates the effort with friendly applause.

"Treat for Mom"

Several pairs of people are invited to participate in this game. Mothers sit on chairs. There are bananas cut in half on a tray. At the signal, the children peel the bananas and feed their mothers. You can use small packages of yogurt for the game. This is where teaspoons come in handy.

❧ The games are a lot of fun. Both participants and spectators like them. Just don’t forget to offer the mothers - participants in the extreme show - wet wipes to get yourself in order after these games.

During the games, the girls participating in the fashion show go backstage. Moms help them change clothes. To make “evening models” of clothes, any mother’s outfits are used. Dresses, blouses, high heels, hats, scarves, and jewelry are suitable.

9th child.

Our girls

They don't want to stand on the sidelines.

Everyone smiles sweetly

Like mothers, they dress up.

They want to go on the podium sooner,

To show off in a beautiful dress.

Our girls are such fashionistas!

We'll go and sit on the sidelines.

Fashion demonstration “Evening toilet from mom”

Recorded music plays. The girls take turns wearing “evening” outfits made from their mother’s dresses. It is very simple to prepare an outfit: any mother’s dress is adjusted to the child’s figure using pins, ropes, and hairpins, complemented by all kinds of accessories (hats, handbags, scarves, etc.) and jewelry. The girls walk one at a time through the center of the hall, slowly spin around in place, showing off their outfit, return to the central wall and stop in a beautiful pose. When all the willing girls have demonstrated their outfit and stand in a line at the central wall, then once again everyone goes forward together, stops in front of the audience, stands for a short time and one after another goes backstage.

While the girls are changing into their outfits, the rest of the children sing the song “Fashionista”, music by L. Olifirova (“The Sun Laughs”)

Emelya enters the hall to the Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak.”


Oh, I was almost late!

But did I get there?

I hurried to the kids in kindergarten,

After all, today is their holiday!

It seems they are expecting guests here?

Of course, I’m right there!

Presenter. We are, of course, very pleased that you came to our holiday. But we still don’t understand who you are?


If you guess the riddle,

Who am I, you will all know!

I sent buckets to the river,

He himself slept peacefully on the stove.

I slept for a whole week.

What's my name?

Children. Emelya!


Do you know, kids,

Which book did I come from?

You will guess another riddle -

Find out the name of the fairy tale!

People are surprised:

The stove is moving, the smoke is coming out,

And Emelya on the stove

Eats big rolls.

The tea pours itself

According to his will.

And the fairy tale is called...

Children. "By magic!"

Presenter. Emelya, do you know what holiday we celebrate here?

Emelya. Some good guy, funny. Maybe New Year?

Children. No!

Emelya. A! Understood! Dear teacher, happy birthday to you!

Presenter. You were wrong again, Emelya! Today is not my birthday, but the very first spring holiday. Guess which one?


For a long time, children, don’t languish,

Tell me quickly!


What kind of holiday are we with you?

First met in the spring?

Let's ask Lera, ask Sasha,

Let's ask Dima and Natasha,

The children will all answer us:

Children(together). This is our mothers' holiday!

1st child.

Today is a holiday!

Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

2nd child.

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the most tender words!

3rd child.

And for our mothers

We all sing and dance here!

And you, Emelya, don’t be lazy,

Come dance with us!

Children perform a general dance at the choice of the music director.


I'm dancing wildly

But I can only sing quietly.

While I was catching pike,

I had a severe cold in my throat.

Presenter. And our guys sing very well, loudly. Their songs for their beloved mothers always sound affectionate and tender. Listen, Emelya, to a song called “I love my mother.”

Children perform the song “I Love Mom,” lyrics by I. Skladanov, music by Y. Mikhailenko.

Emelya. Nice song, sweet. It's immediately obvious that you love your mommies.


On the occasion of the Eighth of March

We have collected advice:

Do we love our mother?

Do we love or not?

All children. We love you!


Everyone said the answer in unison,

This means she needs help.

Now Petya will tell us how he helps his mother manage the house...

The child recites the poem “Mom’s Helper.”

I love my mom very much!

I will always help her.

Can I sweep the floor?

Take the chair to the kitchen.

Wipe off dust from all things

And pour some cabbage soup for the kitten.

I can wash the dishes

But I won't wash it today.

And I'm ready to help,

I'll bake her some pancakes!

I’ll definitely help my mom -

I love pancakes myself!

G. Galkina

Emelya. Tell me honestly, do you all help your mothers with housework? I believe, I believe, but I’d better check it myself now!

The games “Move Mom’s Shopping” are held; “Make soup and compote”; “Set the table for tea”; “Put away the dirty dishes.”

Emelya. Did a great job! It’s immediately obvious that good helpers are growing! But something made me sad... After all, today is a holiday for all women. And grandma is also a woman.

She's my mother's mother! And I completely forgot to congratulate my beloved grandmother on such a wonderful holiday...

Presenter. But the holiday is not over yet!

Let's congratulate all the grandmothers together at once!

Emelya. Will it work?

Presenter. But of course! But where is she, your grandmother?

Emelya. We are organizing this now! At the behest of the pike, at my will, grandma-granny, appear, show yourself to me!

Grandmother Emelya enters. Emelya joyfully rushes to meet her.

Grandmother! The guys and I will now congratulate you and other grandmothers! Grandmother. Oh, Emelyushka, you scared me! Is that possible? He didn’t even let me say hello to the guys or the guests! Hello, dear guests: both old and young, married and single! I am glad to welcome you to this upper room! Happy holiday!

Presenter. Hello, dear grandmother! Sit down with us and listen to the poems that the guys prepared especially for grandmothers.

1st child.

Grandmothers have a lot of different worries,

Grandmothers have a lot of troubles.

Our kind, dear grandmother,

There is no you better, younger and more beautiful.

2nd child.

I love grandma's house

Help on the farm,

I love being next to my grandmother

Walk along the street.

I love together with my grandmother

Watch a football match.

My grandmother and I decided a long time ago

We are rooting for Spartak.

3rd child.

Our old grandmothers

Our grandchildren love us very much:

They buy us toys

And they take us for a walk in the garden.

These are the good ones

Our dear grandmothers!

There are many different songs

About everything in the world,

And now we’ll sing a song for you

Let's sing about grandma.

Children perform the song “About Grandma,” music and lyrics by N. Toptygina.


For our dear grandmothers

We, friends, also dance!

The dance “Old Grandmothers” is performed to the soundtrack of a song by V. Dobrynin with verses by S. Osiashvili.


And now we'll play -

Let's quickly wind the thread into a ball.

Grandma is playing the game “Who can wind a ball faster.”


Having fun from the heart -

The songs and dances are good!

But now it’s time for us to go to a fairy tale -

Perform a different dance.

Goodbye friends,

I'll meet you again!

Emelya and Grandma leave.

Presenter. Dear grandmothers and mothers! Ours has come to an end fun party. Emelya and her grandmother went back to the fairy tale. It's time for us to return to our group.

Goodbye once again

We want to congratulate you!

1st child.

Today we congratulate

Our dear, kind mothers.

And with all our hearts we wish

We wish you great happiness!

2nd child.

Of course, we know ourselves

Why are you tormented with us?

We are not always good

And patience to every mother

We wish from the heart.

3rd child.

We will all be attentive

Listen to your advice

And definitely soup

Eat two plates at a time.

4th child.

Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,

We know how often she gets tired.

And we give our word to our beloved mother

All children. That we will always obey in everything!

Children perform the song “Dear Grandmothers and Mothers”, lyrics by 3. Alexandrova, music by I. Bodrachenko
