Talismans of the seven planets (compiled). The magic of talismans

Hello, guests of my page and dear clients. Today I want to tell you about the talismans ruled by Saturn. This is a complex planet in terms of perception (not everyone is suitable for this cold, deadening energy that can change reality - turn white into red, and red into black). Saturn - dangerous planet, its color is black, it shines underground, so the “Sun” here is a conditional name, being under the Black Sun is an immersion in one’s own unconscious, this is a state of coma, sleep or hypnosis, not controlled by circumstances and the mind. The Black Sun is able to protect, but only those who have already lost a lot, who have nowhere else to fall down, and therefore for whom the process of transformation will occur even before anything begins. The one who has lost everything can be warmed by the Black Sun. Saturn is immersed in nigredo, so Gold can only be obtained by Doing (this is an impetus for action, creating a precedent).

The talisman I created for a client is complex. Firstly, she herself must have sufficient properties and qualities to accept this talisman, so that it does not destroy her, as was the case with one of my early clients. This is only possible in the case when a person has either lost, has lost everything or almost everything, when the loss is not painful and there is no fear of losses. Secondly, she must understand her desires, know what she wants and not cross the line. Saturn is associated with death, almost always conditional, sometimes real. It's great if death is in in this case will concern negativity, problems, betrayal and fears. If there is nothing to kill, Saturn will find something on his own.

However, with the help of the same talisman, you can achieve your goal, you can get your desire fulfilled, get protection from diseases, dangers, physical influence, witchcraft and black magic. This talisman pushes its owner to new level life, but he will definitely take his sacrifice if you have not made it before. Therefore, it is important to remember - Saturn will always fill the silver of the moon with blood, and this is the meaning of its influence. If you are offended, then this talisman will make you invulnerable. If something was taken from you or you were treated unfairly, the talisman will help you gain even more than you had. If you feel danger, your home, office or you yourself will be safe. If you are striving for a long-term relationship, then this talisman will also help you achieve your goals. He will fill the emptiness and make your life what you deserve.

If you want to protect yourself from a specific person, bury him under the threshold of your enemy. And he will never commit another unseemly act.

If you want to protect your home, hang it above the entrance with special words - and no damage, no enemy, no thief will ever cross your threshold.

Saturn has enormous power, because he is already dead (or rather not alive), and therefore, he cannot die a second time, but he can move, giving rise to any action (birth, generation, beginning, doing). Well, meditation on this talisman allows you to remember your previous incarnations and extract valuable experience and knowledge of past lives. If you put it under your pillow, then in a dream you will be able to receive answers to your questions that bother you.

This talisman helps to stabilize agreements and any agreements, is designed for building long-term alliances, is ideal for career growth, and contributes to the growth of authority in society or among loved ones. If you are desperate, want change and are ready to give in return, then this talisman will make you stronger.

Making amulets in magic is one of the main areas of all magical art in general. After all, why does a person strive to master magic? To comprehend the secrets and laws that would help him influence the world. And since people want, first of all, security from the world, the first thing they apply magical knowledge to is the subjugation of forces that may pose a danger or that will provide stability, and keeping them under control with the help of such effective tools as amulets .

Amulets in magic represent a kind of seal or key to various energies and can be the most different types- protective, to attract good luck and wealth, to improve health, and the like. For this article, magical amulets have been selected that will help a witch or sorcerer attract the necessary energies from space, reveal in themselves many qualities that lie dormant in a state of unmanifested potency, and acquire abilities without which the path of witchcraft may turn out to be too thorny. At the same time, magical amulets can be included in the working toolkit; with their help, it is quite acceptable to solve problems with which those who seek magical help turn to a witch.

Amulet of Venus

The Venus amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Venus. The amulet bestows such qualities as femininity, charm, sexual attractiveness and strength, tenderness, fertility, talent in all areas of creativity, harmony, elegance, tact, artistry, emotionality, sensitivity, beauty, diplomacy.

Favorable period for making a Venus amulet: April 20 - May 20. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: October 23 - November 21. Production day: Friday. Hour of production: evening twilight.

The image is printed in green ink. After the amulet is made, you need to take it in your palm and say: “Spirits of earth and fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bring me beauty and joy, youth and luck and protect me from all evil. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the Venus amulet with chamomile, and in order for the amulet to be saturated magical power, leave it for one hour between six burning candles.

Moon Amulet

The Moon amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Moon. The amulet endows a person with such qualities as fertility, emotionality, beauty, sensitivity, daydreaming, religiosity, spirituality, the ability for mystical practices, poetry, tenderness, sexuality, openness to the other world, intuitiveness, charm.

Favorable period for manufacturing: June 22 - July 22. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: December 22 - January 20. Day to make the Moon amulet: Monday. Production hour: midnight.

The image is applied with silver ink. After the Moon amulet is made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of water, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will endow me with intuition and the ability of foresight, luck and peace and protect me from everything wicked. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet with St. John's wort, and in order for the Moon amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between three burning candles.

Amulet of Mars

The Mars amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Mars. The amulet helps to attract and enhance such qualities as masculinity, courage, risk-taking, assertiveness, activity, swiftness, belligerence, activity, openness to everything new, resilience, sociability, endurance, independence, impulsiveness, sexuality, resourcefulness.

Favorable period for manufacturing: March 21 - April 19. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: September 23 - October 22. Production day: Tuesday. Production time: noon.

The image is printed in red ink. After the amulet is made, you need to take it in your palm and say: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it brings me strength and endurance, luck and courage, so that it protects me from every enemy and envious person. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet of Mars with thistle, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between five burning candles.

Amulet of Mercury

The Mercury amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Mercury. A magical amulet brings such qualities as mobility, agility, dexterity, cunning, eloquence and sociability, responsiveness, spirituality, intelligence, quick wit, irony, diplomacy, the ability to achieve high magical practices, charm.

Favorable period for manufacturing: May 21 - June 21. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: November 22 - December 21. Day of production: Wednesday. Hour of production: morning twilight.

The image is printed in dark blue ink. After the amulet is made, you need to take it in your palm and say: “Spirits of the air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bestow me with eloquence and dexterity, luck and prosperity, so that it will protect me from the evil eye and damage. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the Mercury amulet with sage, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between seven burning candles.

Amulet of Saturn

The Saturn amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Saturn. The amulet bestows such qualities as thoroughness, asceticism, the ability for long meditative practices, consistency, power and authoritarianism, prudence, prudence, organization, perseverance, perseverance, calm and leisurely business.

Favorable period for making this magical amulet: January 21 - February 19. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: July 23 - August 22. Day of production: Saturday. Production hour: midnight.

The image is printed in black ink. After the amulet is made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of the earth and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bring me self-confidence and perseverance, luck and power, and also protect me from everything dark and unclean. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet of Saturn with wormwood, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between eight burning candles.

Amulet of the Sun

The Sun Amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the Sun star. The amulet brings fertility, courage, royalty, openness to everything new, generosity, kindness, responsiveness, sexuality, attractiveness, charm, creative problem solving, sincerity, honesty, authority, spirituality, artistry, originality and sociability.

Favorable period for making a Sun amulet: July 23 - August 22. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: January 21 - February 19. Day of production: Sunday. Production hour: dawn.

The image is applied with golden ink. After the amulet of the Sun is made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will give me the power of light and the magic of charm, so that it will bestow good luck and success in any business, and also protected from any black magic. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet of the Sun with chamomile, St. John's wort and sage, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour next to a burning candle.

Amulet of Jupiter

The Jupiter amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Jupiter. The amulet bestows such qualities as royalty, generosity, tolerance for other people's shortcomings, majesty, authority, nobility, aristocracy, justice, wisdom, self-confidence, selflessness, religiosity and spirituality, and the ability to lead people.

Favorable period for manufacturing: November 22 - December 21. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: May 21 - June 21. Production day: Thursday. Production time: evening.

The image is printed in red ink. After magic amulet will be made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of water and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bring me the favor of people of power and success in my career, so that it will bestow good luck and wisdom, and also protect me from any evil and evil spirits. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the Jupiter amulet with thyme, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between nine burning candles.


Saturn talisman
Jupiter Talisman
Talisman of Mars
Sun Talisman
Venus talisman
Mercury Talisman
Moon Talisman

Saturn Talisman Number 3.

Angels of Saturday: good - Orifiel, evil - Nabam, Spirit - Aratron,
The angels of Saturn are Darokiel, Jophiel and the commander of the 7th legion - Boel.

Preparation. Take a round plaque of clean, well-polished lead. Using a diamond cutter, engrave on one side a braid enclosed in a pentagram, and on the other, the head of a calf inscribed in a six-pointed star and surrounded by the name Rempha, in Kaballa Orifiel, written in the letters of the magicians.
A person who wishes to wear this talisman must carve it himself (without witnesses and without informing anyone of his intention) on Saturday and perform a magical consecration of the talisman. It consists of fumigating it with smoke from burning a mixture of alum, asafoetida, clommanene and sulfur, with cypress wood, ash and black cemetica stems in a clay brazier that has not been used (which is then buried in coal powder and hidden in an uninhabited place). After this, the talisman is sewn into a black silk bag and hung on the same ribbons crossing on the chest.
Properties. Protects from apoplexy, cancer, caries, dropsy, tabes, paralysis, consumption, from the danger of being buried alive, killed in an ambush, villainously killed, poisoned, from falling, breaking arms and legs, women from danger in childbirth. Increases the number of objects surrounding him. Suggests grumpiness. In the rider's left boot - makes his horse invulnerable. Useful when purchasing livestock and raising it. Buried by the army commander in the ground, it forces the enemy to retreat.

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Jupiter sign

Signature of a sentient being

Demon Signature


3 - AB
9 - MOVE
15 - IAH
45 - AGIEL
45 - ZAZEL


Angels of Saturday - Cassiel, Mahatan and Uriel
Angels of the Air - Maimon the King
His ministers are Abumalit, Assenbi, Balidet
Wind - South-Western
Awe - Sulfur.

Left-hand side.

Right side

This talisman is often depicted like this: on the one hand, at the top there is the inscription “Saturi”, under it there is an image five ultimate star, and then a bearded old man with a scythe in his hands, and on the other - a cipher square with numbers from 1 to 9, or the “Kabbalistic Table”.

According to Kabbalah, the demon of the Sabbath, Nabam, is depicted as a decrepit old man standing on the letter “Tau” or a Jewish overturned chair. Christian mysticism contrasts it with the cross of Christ or "Tau" straight and the name Orifiel - the angel of the Saturday.


You need to take 2. ounces of magnetic stone, black poppy and mandrake seeds and 1 grain of myrrh resin. Grind all this into powder, mix with the blood of a bat and the brain of a black without markings of a cat. Having made balls the size of a large pea, store in a black glass jar Before use, three balls at a time.

Magic circle of Saturday.


NUMBER 34. (According to PAPUS - 35) (According to TsIOBU - 4)

Angel of Thursday: good - Zahariel, evil - Aham, Spirit - Betor, angel - Sadkiel, genius of good - Zakiel, evil - Elwah-Samabiel. The angel who commands the 6th Legion is Sashiel.

Preparation. On a round plaque of well-polished tin, cut with a diamond cutter a crown with four teeth in a tetragram, and on the other side. - the head of an eagle in the middle of a six-pointed star, surrounded by the inscription Pi-Leons (according to Kab. - Zahariel) - the name of the planetary genius.

Consecration. Immersed in incense of incense, ambergris, balsam, grains of paradise, saffron, nutmeg shells, burned with wood of oak, poplar, fig tree, pomegranate, in a new clay brazier, which is then buried in coal powder in an uninhabited place. The talisman is hung on the chest in a silk sky-blue bag on the same intersecting ribbons.

Properties. Attracts universal goodwill and disposition, removes worries, patronizes noble enterprises, increases wealth, protects against unexpected accidents and the danger of violent death. Protects against death due to liver disease, pneumonia, malignant tumors and severe suffering of the spinal cord. Dispels sorrows, panic and gives good luck in trading in all sorts of enterprises.

Serves for dominion over people and for happiness. Engraved on a plate of pure silver, depicts Jupiter, powerful, dominant; he gives wealth, favor, love, peace and harmony, reconciles enemies, establishes honors, reverence and advice. Engraved on coral (red) - counteracts harm from witchcraft.

Sign of Jupiter Signature of the intelligent Signature of the demon


4 - ABBA
16 - TAIV
16 - EXIE
34 - ELAB
136 - JOFIEL



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Left-hand side

General form Jupiter talisman


Thursday Angels: Sachiel, Castiel, Azachiel.
Angels of the air on Thursday: Gyut-King.
His Ministers: Magyut, Gutriz.
The wind is south (there are no names of the angels of the air).
Incense - Saffron.

This talisman is often depicted on silver like this: on one side at the top there is the inscription “Jupiter”, under it there is an image of a five-pointed star, at the bottom there is a man in priest’s clothes with a book in his hands, and on the other side - magic square with numbers from 1 to 16, or a Kabbalistic table.


Thursday Magic Circle


Frankincense, ambergris, mint, grains of paradise, nutmeg and saffron in equal parts.

Angel of Tuesday - Samael, geniuses: good - Amabile, evil - Adramelek, spirit of the planet - Phaleg. The angel in command of the 5th Legion is Asimon.

Preparation. Carve with a diamond cutter on a well-polished pure iron plaque on one side - swords in a pentagram, and on the other - a lion's head in the middle of a 6-pointed star, surrounded by the name of Eptoza. According to Kab. - Samael, planetary genius of Mars.

Consecration. Immerse in incense of dried wormwood and rue, wrap in red silk. Wear on the chest with intersecting ribbons of the same color and material.

Properties. Provides invulnerability, extraordinary strength and strength. Protects from attacks by enemies in battles, from death due to fever, corrosive wounds or epidemics, execution on the scaffold predicted by the birth horoscope. If such a talisman is closed by the commandant of the fortress in the citadel, then it will be impregnable. Made from the best iron. On one side there is a square, and on the other there is a figure of the planet: a warrior in armor and a helmet with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand. Above the head there is a star and the inscription - Mars. When made, it is wrapped in red taffeta. Makes you invulnerable, imparts strength and strength, and victories in battles. Placed when laying the fortress makes it inaccessible.

A table engraved on an iron plate or sword with a favorable position of Mars makes a person powerful in war, wise in judgment, happy in requests, terrible for opponents and gives victory over the enemy. Engraved on coralline (stone, polyp), stops blood and stops female regulation.

Sign of Mars Signature of the intelligent Demon of Mars
creatures of Mars

Tuesday Angel Seal


5 - HE (letter of the holy name)
25 - ZEI
325 - BARZABEL "


Angels of Tuesday: Samael, Satael, Amabil.
Tuesday angel of air: Samakas the king.
His ministers: Carmax, Ispoli, Paffran.
Wind: southeast.

Angels 5th heaven,

Friagane, Gudel, Damael, Calsas, Aragon.

Reigning on Tuesday
who are called

Lama, Astanya, Lobkin, Sonkas, Zhaxel, Isael

from all four countries of the world

Rahyumel, Hiniel, Reyel, Serafiel,
Matiel, Frasiel.

Sakriel, Jannel, Galdel, Ozael.


This talisman is often depicted like this: on one side at the top there is an inscription - Mars and an image of a five-pointed star, and under them an armed warrior with a shield in the left and a sword in right hand, on the other hand - a digital square with numbers from 1 to 23 or a Kabbalistic table.

According to Kabbalah, the demon of Tuesday, Nambrot, is depicted as a warrior in an iron crown, holding a sword in his right hand, and in his left a shield with the image of a tower taken by attack. Christians contrast him with a cup with the sacrament of peace and the inscription Pax, and the name. Angela Samael. Two snakes bite the edges of the bowl, making up its handles.


Rosin, crooked juice or bledevo resin, naidatyr, hellebore - 4 ounces each, ground and mixed with one grain of sulfur powder, black cat blood and raven brain. Balls are made from this.



Angel of Sunday Michael. Geniuses: good - Dardiel of evil - Shavaiot, spirit of the planet - Oeh,
The angel in command of the 4th Legion is Salamia.

Preparation. Take a round plaque of completely pure, well-polished gold and draw on it with a diamond cutter: on one side - a circle in a pentagram, and on the other - human head to the star, near which write “Pi-Rhe” (and according to Kabbalah - Michael), written in the letters of the magicians. A person who wishes to wear this talisman must make it himself (without witnesses) and, without informing anyone of his intention, on Sunday and perform the mayrical consecration of the talisman. It consists of fumigating it with smoke from cinnamon, incense, saffron and red sandalwood, which are burned with laurel wood and dried heliotrope stems in a clay brazier specially designed for this purpose. After this, the talisman is sewn into light yellow silk, strengthened crosswise with the same braids on the chest.

Properties. The person who wears it with full faith will be pleased strong of the world This, deserving honor, wealth and respect, it makes the wearer graceful in Movements, amiable, glorious, powerful in all matters, like kings and princes, elevating him to the highest level of happiness and delivering everything he desires.

Sign of the Sun Signature of the intelligent Demon of the Sun
creatures of the sun


6 - VO (letter of the holy name)
6 - HE (too)
666 - SORAT



Angels of Resurrection: Michael, Dardiel, Khuratapel.
Angel of the air reigning on Sunday: Votkai - King.
His ministers: Tyus, Anas, Sinabal.
The wind to which these are subordinate. angels: Borosi.

Angels of the fourth heaven, reigning on Sunday and who must be called from 4 cardinal directions:

East - Samael, Bachiel, Athel, Gabriel, Vionauraba;
West - Anael - Pabel, Ustael, Burhat, Sukratos, Kapabili;
North - Aiel, Aniel, After all, Aquiel, Magabriel, Sapiel, Matuiel;
South - Habyudiel, Maskaziel, Harfiel, Uriel, Natomiel.
Sunday Incense: Red Sandalwood.

This talisman is often depicted like this: on one side a digital square with numbers from 1 to 36 or a Kabbalistic table is engraved, and on the other - a king in a crown, with a scepter, on a throne, pointing with his left hand to a lion lying at his feet, a sign is depicted above him The sun, and above it the inscription “Sun”.


Powder and mix 74 ounces each of saffron, frankincense, balsam, bay seeds, cloves and myrtle, one grain each of musk and ambergris, dilute all this in rose water with stragan gum and, making balls the size of large peas, dry on Sun. When using, take three balls at a time.


Angels of Venus - Tserirel, geniuses: good - Anael, evil - Bilita and Nahem, spirit of Venus - Hatiel. The angel ruling the 3rd Legion is Azhiel.

Preparation. A round plaque of pure copper is well polished and engraved with a diamond cutter on one side in a double pentagram with the letter “w” of the alphabet of magicians, on the other side to depict a dove in a star, around which the name Anael, the genius of Venus, is written. A person who wishes to wear this talisman must cut it himself (without witnesses and without informing anyone of his Intention) on Friday and perform the magical consecration of the talisman. It consists of fumigating it with the smoke of violet and rose, burned with olive wood. After this, the talisman is sewn into green or pink silk material and hung crosswise with the same braids on the chest.

Properties. Maintains harmony and love between spouses, removes attacks, envy and malice, protects women from deadly and terrible disease cancer, poisoning, eliminates the dangers that threaten Mars in the birth horoscope, establishes harmony, destroys enmity, brings favor to women, promotes conception, destroys infertility and makes powerful in marital cohabitation. Detects the damage of witchcraft: restores peace between a man and a woman. If it is possible to give a mortal enemy to drink some liquid in which the Venus talisman has been dipped, the hatred of that enemy is converted into favor and devotion. It produces in abundance all kinds of animals. Placed in a dovecote, it promotes the breeding of pigeons. Helps against melancholy, gives strength and protects when traveling during the hours of Venus. For the letters of the angel of Friday, see below. This talisman is often depicted on silver like this: on one side there is a “digital square” engraved with numbers from 1 to 49 or a Kabbalistic table, and on the other side at the top there is the inscription “Venus” and an image of a five-pointed star, below them a woman, on the left side of which Cupid is placed with a bow and a lit arrow, she holds a musical instrument in her left hand.


Spirit of the Intelligent Demon

Friday Angel Seal


157 - CADEMEL,

Friday Angels: Anael, Rashiel, Sashiel.
Friday Angel of Air: Marabot the King.
His ministers: Amabil, Aba, Abalidot, Flaef.
Wind: Zephyr.

Angels of the third heaven:

East - Sershiel, Sheduzitaniel, Korat, Tamael, Tanasied;
West - Turiel, Soniel, Babiel, Kadiel, Maltiel, Huzatiel;
North - Peniel, Penael, Penate, Raphael, Raniel, Dormiel;
South - Porna, Sashiel, Shermiel, Samael, Santanael, Famiel;
Incense - Rooster feathers.

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Talisman of Venus, according to Christian's "Magic"



According to Kabbalah, the demon of Friday - Astarte is depicted in the form of a foggy female figure, each leg of which ends in the tail of a snake. Christians contrast it with the sign of the double lingam, the monogram of the Virgin Mary and the name of the angel Anael.


Musk, ambergris and red coral, one grain at a time, are ground into powder with dry roses and aloe wood, then mixed with the blood of a white turtle dove and the brains of two sparrows. Balls are made from this dough.


color:#666600">MERCURY TALISMAN. NUMBER - 8

Angel of Mercury - Raphael, geniuses: good Miel, evil - Sahabiel, spirit of the planet - Ophiel, angel commander of the 2nd legion - Sarafiel.

Preparation. A round plaque is made from a mixture of silver, tin and mercury (or from solid mercury, the preparation of which will be indicated below). Using an agate cutter, you need to engrave on one side in a double pentagram the image of a Caduceus with wings, and on the other - the head of a dog in a six-pointed star. A person who wishes to wear this talisman must cut it himself (without witnesses) and without informing anyone of his intention, on Wednesday and perform the magical illumination of the talisman. It consists of fumigating it with smoke from a mixture of powdered benzoya (dewy incense), mace (nutmeg shell) and styrax (liquid amber), burned with dried stems of lily, narcissus, fume and marjoram. After this, the talisman is sewn into rainbow-colored silk material and hung on the same ribbon crossing on the chest.

Properties. Brings patronage to all kinds of trade and industry; being placed under the threshold of a store, it attracts customers, protects against epilepsy, etc. madness, murder and poisoning, traps and betrayal. Placed under the pillow, gives prophetic dreams. Gives the wearer attractiveness and happiness in achieving what he wants. Delivers winnings and prosperity, memory, intelligence and the gift of divination.

This talisman is most often depicted as follows: it is carved on an alloy of silver, tin and yellow copper or depicted on completely new parchment. On one side there is a digital square with numbers from 1 to 64 or a Kabbalist table, and on the other at the top there is the inscription “Mercury” and an image of a five-pointed star, and below them is a drawing of Mercury in the form of a winged genius with a caduceus in his right hand.

Sign of Mercury Signature of the intelligent Signature of the Demon
creatures of Mercury


Take 2 ounces of ammonia, graugreen, turn it all into powder in an iron cauldron, add. three mugs of ferruginous water and boil until one mug of the mixture remains, then pour into it 2 ounces of pure mercury and continue to boil, stirring constantly, until a solid mixture is obtained. This composition is washed clean water and rolled out on an oak board with 2 ounces of terra merita and Alexandrian zinc color, put in a melting crucible, which is covered with another of the same size, and sealed tightly. These crucibles are placed on fire until they are red hot, the resulting composition is fused with the same weight of borax. This is called solid mercury. A plate of the required size and size is prepared from it, which must be polished and depicted what is said.


64 - DIN
260 - ITRIEL

Angels of Wednesday: Raphael, Miel, Sarafiel.
Angels of the air reigning on Wednesday: Madiath. After all, Modiat is the King.
His ministers: Syukyuinos. Salladies.
The wind is west.
Angels of the second heaven, governing the environment, who must be called from 4 countries of the world:
East - Matlai, Tarmed, Varaborat.,
West - Iereskue, Mitraton;
North - Twiel, Rael, Iarahel, Venael, Velel, Abuiori, Yusirnuel;
South - Millel, Nelepa, Babel, Galuel, After all, Laquel.
Incense - Mastic.


According to Kabbalah, the demon of Wednesday - Astaroth or Tarthak - is depicted as a figure of a man with a donkey's head, carrying an inverted book in which the words "Liber Scientia" are written. Christians contrast it with the Seal of Solomon, two intersecting triangles representing a six-pointed star, around which is inscribed the word "Jehovah" and the name. angel Raphael.


You need to take 1/4 ounce of powder, ground from ash berries, lapis lazuli and wood wood, aloe and 1 grain of styrax, benzoin resin and the ends of peacock feathers, mix with swallow blood, a small amount of deer brain and from all this make balls the size into large peas.




Angel of the Moon - Gabriel, geniuses: good - Samael, evil - Belal and Lilita, spirit of the planet - Phil. The angel commander of the 1st Legion is Orphaniel.

Preparation. Take a round plaque of pure silver and engrave with a rock crystal cutter on one side in a double pentagram the image of the waxing Moon, and on the other - a cup enclosed in a six-pointed star surrounded by the name: “Pi-loh” (according to Kabbalah - Gabriel, the planetary genius of the Moon) A person who wishes to wear this talisman must cut it himself (without witnesses and without informing anyone of his intention) on Monday and perform a magical consecration of the talisman.This consists of fumigating it with smoke from powder: white sandalwood, camphor, aloe and cucumber seeds, burned in equal parts with dried stems of Chernobyl and lute.After which the talisman is sewn into a white silk flap and hung on the same braids crossing on the chest.


Properties. He patronizes sea travel, preventing shipwrecks, and removes the danger of violent displacement brought about by the influence of Saturn in the birth horoscope. Makes the wearer merciful, kind, meek, cheerful, respected, prevents all bad influence, helps increase wealth and bodily health. Expels enemies, eliminates harmful influences any place. Cures epilepsy, apoplexy, dropsy and insanity.

This talisman is often depicted like this: on one side there is a digital square with numbers from 1 to 81 or a Kabbalistic table, and on the other side there is the inscription “Moon” and an image of a five-pointed star at the top, and below them is a drawing of a woman dressed in a wide dress and standing on crescent, horns up, she holds the same crescent in her right hand.

The wind to which these angels are submissive: Zephyr.
Angels. 1st sky, ruling Monday and which must be called from 4 cardinal directions:
East - Garibel, Madiel, Deamiel, Yanael;
West - Sachiel, Habaiel, Vahanael, Korabiel;
North - Mael, Virael, Valmum, Baliel, Balai, Hysmastran;
South - Curaniel, Dabriel, Darkviel, Hanui, Anael, Vituel.
Monday Incense: Aloe.



According to Kabbalah, the demon of Monday - Lucifer - is depicted as a child standing on a crescent moon with its horns facing upward. There is an inverted pentagram above his head, and he has lowered wings behind his shoulders. bat, holding a lit torch in his hands. Christians contrast it with a straight pentagram, in the middle of which the name of Gabriel is written. At the corners of the Autumn pentagram there is a monogram depicted in Hebrew letters, pronounced - brlgey, that is, good redeemer Jesus, restorer of the glory of the Father, have pity on us.


The pupil or eyes of a white bull and the whole head of a frog are ground into powder with 1/4 ounces of incense and the same amount of camphor and white poppy seeds, from this powder mixed with the blood of a young goose a dough is made from which balls the size of large peas are rolled.



Spring - Talvi, Summer - Gasmaran, Autumn - Ardarel, Winter - Fallas.

Spring - Angels: Katakaza, Kore, Amatiel, Kommissoros. .
The head of the sign is Spyugliguel.
The name of the Earth in spring is Amadai,
Sun - Abraham,
Moons - Agusita.

Summer - Angels: Gargatel, Tariel, Gaviel.
The head of the sign is Tyubeel,
The name of the Earth in summer is Fasativi,
Sun - Astemai,
Moons - Armatas.

Autumn - Angels: Tarkaam, Gubarel.
The head of the sign is Torquaret.
The name of the Earth in autumn is Rakhimara,
Sun - Abragini,
Moons - Matazignais.

Winter - Angels: Amabael, Ktarari.
The head of the sign is Altarib.
The name of the Earth in winter is Commutav,
Sun - Geremia,
Moons - Affaterim.

Zodiac signs

Kabbalah: perfume

Theology; ranks of angels

Aries (March)

Taurus (April)

Gemini (May)

Cancer (June)

Leo (July)

Virgo (August)

Libra (September)

Scorpio (October)

Sagittarius (November)

Capricorn (December)

Aquarius (January)

Pisces (February)

















Amulet “Seventh Seal of Saturn” - this is a little-known, but the strongest pentacle of Kabbalah from the collection of mystical seals of King Solomon.

Names are engraved in the center of the seal (see below) Nine Ranks (Orders) of Angels, capable of giving their owner unprecedented power and the ability to control energy fields. Thanks to this amulet, a person gains the ability to condense the conscious energy of the Higher spheres.

Endowing its owner with the gift of persuasion, it makes it possible to influence the opinions of others and achieve a given goal. A necessary amulet for businessmen and public political figures.

There is a saying on the outer circle (see below) from the book of Psalms of David (Psalm 18.8) calling on the Almighty to provide protection and patronage. Learn to anticipate dangerous situations and possible disasters.

The kit includes:

  1. Amulet 925 silver (24k gold plated)

  2. 925 silver chain (24k gold plated)

  3. Black velvet case with security seal - for storage

  4. Illustrated product catalog

Dear customers!

Carefully read the rules for selecting, activating, using and storing amulets(see below)

. . .

Material: silver 925 etc. gold 24 k.
Size: 2.5 cm.
Weight: 8 gr.
Included silver medallion + chain + storage case + product catalog with descriptions
Manufacturer country: Israel

Attention: limited quantity of goods in stock!

Will be available:


In the center of the seal are engraved the names of the Nine Ranks (Orders) of Angels, capable of giving their owner unprecedented power and the ability to control higher forces.

The six names are written in the style of classical ancient Hebrew. Three using the secret Kabbalistic alphabet “Crossing the River”, used to enhance the powers of the pentacle.

from the center

  1. ELOHIM - Higher powers

  2. BENI ELOHIM - Sons of God

  3. KERUBIM - Cherubim

  4. CHASCHMALIM - Almighty

  5. SERAPHIM - Fiery

  6. MELANIM - Superior


  8. AUPHANIM - Travelers

  9. ARALIM - Valiant

On the outer circle is a saying from the book of Psalms of David (Psalm 18.8) calling on the Almighty to provide protection and patronage.


Your call to the Lord will be heard and your offenders will be punished.

Rules for selecting your Seal of Solomon:

  1. Please read the description of this amulet carefully. (see product)

  2. Imagine yourself after getting what you want. (see description)

  3. With your eyes closed, try to see the pentacle on yourself.

  4. If this is your Amulet, you will feel calmer and more confident.

Rules for activating your Seal of Solomon

Rules for using and storing your Seal of Solomon

  1. After activation, you can wear the Pentacle of Solomon both constantly and occasionally.

  2. Keep the amulet under your clothes, especially in public places.

  3. Do not leave your print without a case on an open surface (bedside table, table, shelf)

  4. Each amulet requires separate storage in its own “house” (see above), without coming into contact with other products .

- When purchasing you receive as a GIFT:

individual case for I am storing the amulet

. Illustrated catalog of the company “King Solomon”

- In our online store you can buy guaranteed authentic products manufactured by Israeli Company “King Solomon”, who is the author and implementer of the idea of ​​producing Silver Seals of Solomon since the middle of the last century.

Astrological TALISMAN- This in a special way a magnetized object that is intended to protect against various kinds of troubles, misfortunes or dangers, to treat ailments and develop certain abilities, for success and good luck.

Any thing can serve as a talisman. Particularly often used in this role are natural minerals, which, having been formed over millions of years, have accumulated special power Earth. Any object can be artificially magnetized, and certain properties can be assigned to it. Here we're talking about about occult magnetism, which is a multipolar phenomenon, although there are two powerful poles: “YANG” and “YIN”.

We invite you create your personal astrological account , where you can find out everything about yourself and your forecasts!

Available for calculation:

  • free version Your Horoscope
  • birth horoscope, accommodation
  • microhoroscopes - 210 answers to the most intimate questions
  • Compatible with 12 unique blocks
  • horoscope for today, forecast for 2018, different kinds forecasts
  • cosmogram, karmic and business horoscope
  • event map- horoscopes for others, selection auspicious days, events

Description of talismans in classical astrology according to the Papus method

Talismans of the Sun

The vitality of the body, success, happiness, well-being, improve health for women, increase attractiveness, endow them with attractiveness, love talismans for women. Yakhont was the name given to ruby ​​in ancient times. Ruby is the main solar talisman. Necessary for an actor, a teacher, a player - it ensures luck and success in the game. Can act as a healing talisman.

Helps improve mood. Wolf Messing had such a talisman. The ruby ​​may be artificial. Pomegranate orange color, amber in color, carnelian, the main quality that is used for talismans, the stone was orange in color. The Sun is in the sign of control or exaltation Aries or Leo according to Papus. Certain days weeks are ruled by planets. When a planet is magnetized on the day of the planet, its strength increases. Planetary clock.

*The star of magicians, it gives rulers of the days of the week.

Moon Talismans

They are amulets; their main role is protective. They are associated with protection from danger. They improve a person’s well-being and enhance the feeling of affection. For men they are talismans of love. Well-being in home and family.
It is good to magnetize on real estate. For prosperity in the economy and living conditions. The moon is responsible for conception; they are amulets for pregnant women and during childbirth. The Moon is responsible for sensitivity, receptivity, sensitivity. They are necessary for the astrologer to find the key to the soul of each person. Luna is responsible for interaction with the public. This is a doctor, a salesman, a consultant.

In order to be able to inspire trust and win over you need a talisman of the Moon. Bad sellers have a damaged Moon.
Mercury Moon and Uranus are success when working with clients. The moon is related to travel and especially on water. Papus says it protects against shipwrecks. Made to protect small children under 6 years old.

Materials: blue objects, things, bluish-green, emerald stone, freshwater pearls, shell. Rainbow is responsible for Uranus. Milky white stones are considered lunar. Opal is a stone that contains microscopic drops of water. That's why he has such a play of colors. It can be attributed to Uranus and the Moon.

Talismans of the Moon are magnetized when it is in Cancer and Taurus. Sun in Cancer or Taurus.
Because Venus is friends with the Moon. On Monday, the planetary hour of the Moon is 1 hour after sunrise. Numbers 8, 17, 26. Position in houses 4 and 2 and any corner houses.
Moon talismans must be with the intact Moon in harmonious aspects.
Magnetize water to use when strong moon. All drinks are associated with the Moon except alcoholic drinks.
To magnetize water, the health improvement formula 6 - 8 - 12 is used.
You can wash away negative information with water. It is advisable to use melt water for magnetization. It is better to store in crystal or porcelain dishes. In ancient times it was believed that talismans of the moon were talismans of the weather.

Talismans of Mercury

Designed for intellectual activities, mental work, language learning, improving attention, writing, speech, contacts. They help in the work of an astrologer. They are needed where there is work with documents, for contacts with bureaucratic organizations and the delivery and receipt of documents, for trade. According to Papus, the Mercury talisman protects against slander, betrayal, deceit and theft, and from murderers.

For Mercurian healing talismans, it is best to use beeswax. They are made from melted wax. The jar of wax is placed in a pan of water on the fire. Pour into a plastic lid. Magnetize when the wax hardens. Wax is poured into right time. By freezing, it retains information.

These talismans act for a very long time. The talisman relieves pain and, if strong, treats chronic diseases. Formula 6 – 8 – 12 or one of these combinations. Paraffin is located under Jupiter. Melted wax is poured into water opposite the diseased organ. Wax takes information about the disease onto itself.

Materials for Mercury. All items are green and yellow-green. Malachite, jasper, jade, beryl. Metal mercury, magnesium. Herbal medicine is associated with Virgo and Mercury. Paper. Cards made of colored paper are used as talismans. Items: fountain pens, notepads, pencils and anything that is used for writing. Books respond to Jupiter.
The symbolism of Mercury is the snake, Gemini. You can use zodiac signs as symbols. The bee symbol relates to Virgo and Mercury. Magnetize when Mercury or the Sun is in Gemini or Virgo on Wednesday at the hour of Mercury number 7, 16, 25
Hermetic sciences from Mercury. Position of Mercury in 3rd or 6th or angular houses. The 3rd house enhances the intellect and concentration. The 6th house is healing talismans.

Venus talismans

Sugar is associated with Venus. These are talismans of harmony, love, peace, happiness, help with depression, relieve sadness and melancholy. These are talismans of prosperity and prosperity. For men, these are talismans of love. They neutralize the effect of the evil Mars in the horoscope.
According to Papus, it protects from envy and malice, destroys disagreements, establishes peace, arouses sympathy, and reveals corruption.

Damage and the evil eye are associated with Mars. Therefore, the Venus talisman can remove damage. The actions of talismans can occur through circumstances and events. To accumulate experience in skill and talent, especially in art, Venus talismans are used. They restore natural heat (if a person is cold). Venus is responsible for capillaries.

Venus talismans expand the capillaries, so natural heat is restored. They have yellow, golden, pink color. And stones of this color are agate, rose quartz and all pink stones, copper, cupronickel. The symbolism of the coins is associated with Venus. Yellow coins have copper, so they can be used for Venus, silk, lipstick and various fabrics. Symbolism of Venus copper medals Venus Taurus, Libra, butterflies, flowers, especially roses, dove, cow, beech, garden fruit trees and their fruits.

Magnetize when Venus or the Sun is in Taurus - Libra - Pisces. Friday, numbers 6, 15,24
Venus in angular houses and in the 2nd, 7th and 12th houses.
The affected Neptune is responsible for damage natal chart. If Neptune is damaged by Mars it is damage. If Neptune is damaged by other planets it is an evil eye.

Talismans of Mars

It is necessary to ensure that Mars in the local chart is not related to the evil houses 6 8 12 houses and that it is harmonious. This applies to all evil planets. The main thing is that the Mars of the talisman does not damage the aspects in the natal chart.
They give invulnerability in battle, protect against bullets and daggers, and impart strength and bravery to courage. They protect against infections during epidemics, protect against wounds, and increase immunity. They give the inaccessibility of fortresses. The talisman is laid into the foundation.
Gives victory over the enemy, stops bleeding, cures paralysis, and is necessary in dangerous professions.
To protect your home from illegal intrusion. Papus says that Mars gives happiness in requests. Increases magical abilities, hypnosis. Because Mars and the 8th house are associated with magic. Gives wisdom in judgment, eloquence, and the ability to persuade others.
Materials: iron, horseshoe, scissors. Red colored stones are hematite, smoky topaz. The symbolism of Mars is the eagle, scarab (the dung beetle is associated with money), raven, scorpion, spiders and all poisonous insects and animals. Magnetize when Mars or the Sun are in Scorpio, Capricorn, Tuesday, hour of Mars, numbers 5, 14, 23. Mars in the 8th and 10th houses.
The talismans of Mars are needed by the magician; they increase his abilities. The Mars talisman increases immunity, which helps with recovery from illness.

Talismans of Jupiter

Tin is the material of Jupiter. These are talismans of happiness, just like the Sun and Venus. Talismans material well-being. They multiply human wealth. This is a talisman for controlling destiny. Jupiter is associated with the 9th house, so the talisman will help you receive help from above. This is why Jupiter talismans remove curses and neutralize the evil Saturn in the horoscope. Jupiter is the planet of white magicians. For them it is at the beginning of the 9th house. Saves from blows, bruises and falls. Treats chronic diseases. Jupiter is responsible for medicine. For healers, Jupiter is in the 6th house. Psychiatrists have it in the 12th house. For clinicians in the 8th house.
Papus writes the talisman of Jupiter, dispels sadness and horror. Possession of treasures. Helps in creativity, study of sciences and sports; it becomes successful in travel. Litigation defense. Tanning records helps athletes.
Jupiter Materials tin, red garnet stones, or purple. Jupiter patronizes all official religions and their objects of worship. The symbolism is associated with the elephant. Jupiter or Sun in Sagittarius or Cancer. Numbers 4, 13, 22, 31. Number 13 is the number of Buddha. Thursday, planetary hour of Jupiter. Houses are angular and Jupiter retrograde in the 12th house.

Saturn talisman

You have to be careful with them because it is an evil planet. What matters is which Saturn is in the client’s horoscope. The talisman is equal in power to Jupiter. According to Papus, it protects against stroke. They protect from the danger of being villainously killed, from fractures and bruises. Helps women during childbirth. Saturn in the 2nd house gives constant income and prosperity. Helps farmers. Increases diligence, organizational skills, helps in implementing plans, gaining the trust of elders and superiors. During construction, they create an inaccessible fortress and help increase real estate. They make the house impregnable. When laying the talisman in the foundation. Helps achieve stabilization of agreements, long-term alliances, careers, and promotes the growth of authority.

Dark blue color that turns into black rock crystal, coal, graphite, jet, diamond, silicon, onyx, wood, spruce.

Diamond eliminates unwanted people. They simply cannot reach the client. It is magnetized when Saturn is in Capricorn, Libra.

Uranus talisman

They have to do with the weather, rain and thunderstorms. Contribute to help - the 11th house is the house of a guardian angel or a good genius. Therefore, Uranus talismans give good luck and luck. Intuition increases. They promote the development of clairvoyance, good for astrologers. Symbolism: dog, lightning, aluminum, opal, cloud, cloud. Aluminum. Protects against harmful magical influences Sun or Uranus in Aquarius Scorpio. It's Saturday, and the planetary hours are the same as Saturn's. Numbers 2, 11, 20, 29. Uranus in the talisman's horoscope in the 8th house to control electricity. For clairvoyance in the 11th or 3rd house.

Pluto talisman

Made for speed, so that everything happens quickly. All fast things are associated with it. vehicles Metro, high-speed trains, mobile communications. Pluto, as the ruler of the 1st zodiac sign, turns out to be the ruler of the entire zodiac. Pluto meets everything that comes in solar system. He is a pioneer, helps to find new things, quickly and quickly. Personal computers. If you buy a computer during Pluto's talisman, it will become his talisman.

The watch is a wonderful talisman of Saturn. All measuring instruments are located under Saturn and the ruler too. Planet of power over minds and hearts. For a pop star, the Pluto talisman helps achieve recognition. Shestopalov says that the planet should be placed on the cusps of houses. Martian talismans can protect against accidents and assist in surgical operations.

Pluto talismans help to win competitions, competitions and competitions. They provide rich opportunities and can improve your financial situation. The materials of Pluto, like those of Mars, are steel, bright scarlet objects and things. Fabrics can be used to magnetize talismans. Amethyst stone. Buy mobile phone, and he will become the talisman of Pluto.

Symbolism of Aries, lamb, rat and mouse. In Chinese symbolism, the mouse is a symbol of wealth. Rats avoid obstacles. Owls peregrine falcon, falcon. All fast-growing plants are bamboo, poplar, primroses. All the very first things. Pioneer tie. Pluto in Aries and Capricorn, retrograde in Aquarius. The sun is in Aries and Aquarius.

The day is Tuesday, like Mars. Number 0 and 10. All numbers that add up to 10 19 28. All corner houses and the 11th house. This makes it possible to magnetize the Pluto talisman.

From the lectures of Shestopalov S.V.

These were the classical methods described by Papus. Practice has shown that talismans based on event formulas are more powerful than Papus’ method. Here are some formulas.

Any person can choose the desired formula of events and, at a time when there is such a horoscope, buy any thing. This thing will become a talisman and attract the events for which it was created.

  • wealth
  • love
  • marriage
  • earnings
  • medium business
  • accident protection
  • magnetization of healing water
  • control of fate
  • the astrologer helps to build accurate horoscope and rectification
  • success of social and creative implementation of recognition of merit
  • to protect against accusations and persecution.
  • protection from danger and physical harm from injury
  • careers
  • healer
  • teacher and those performing on stage
  • material well-being
  • purchase, sale and small business.
  • consultant and intellectual activities. Helps with sales.
  • Creating large wealth and income helps to get a loan.
  • rich opportunities

The more aspects and instructions there are in the talisman formula, the more powerful it is. The ORION-offline program (planned on the website in the near future) allows you to build graphs of the formulas of talismans on which their power is visible. This allows you to a short time choose the most favorable time to magnetize or purchase them.

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Tags: magic of talismans, astrology of magnetization, talismans based on event formulas, Papus method, magnetization of objects, things as a talisman
