Exercises with a roller for the press - hit the fat deposits with the wheel. Six-pack abs in a few weeks using an exercise roller – a reality

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A gymnastic roller is a very effective exercise machine, despite its simplicity. It helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, and also works on other equally important parts of the muscular corset. The roller also has other names, which include a sports wheel. The simulator is very comfortable to use for both women and men.

Also, exercises with a roller are recommended for beginners who have just started playing sports. But you should know that there are some contraindications for using a sports wheel, such as pain in the spine and injuries.

Technique for women

  1. Exercise No. 1
  • Place your knees on the floor and pick up a gymnastic roller. The arms are straight, and the roller is on the floor, this will be the starting position.
  • They grab the handles of the machine and very slowly roll it forward. In this case, the body should be directed down towards the hips and touch them with the chest area.
  • After this, you need to return to the starting position, they do it just as slowly and smoothly. Repeat about fifteen times.
  1. Exercise No. 2
  • Get on your knees and stretch your arms forward, while holding the sports wheel in your hands. This will be the starting position.
  • Move the roller forward, while transferring your entire body weight to it and keeping your legs straight.
  • During training, make sure that your arms do not bend at the elbow joint and that your knees are motionless.
  1. Exercise No. 3
  • Take a position lying on your stomach. At the same time, straighten your arms directly above your body and hold the roller in them. This will be the starting position.
  • When pressing on the gymnastic roller, make a movement in your direction. In this case, you need to make sure that your back bends.
  • Your hips should be pressed firmly to the floor. After a short pause, take the starting position.
  1. Exercise #4
  • If you want to shift the main load to the oblique muscles, then it is best to use the following training.
  • Take a sitting position on the floor, with your legs extended and pressed tightly against each other. The gymnastic roller is located on the right side. Try to push it forward as much as possible in the same direction; do the same in the opposite direction.
  • The exercise on each side is repeated ten times.

Technique for men

  1. Take a kneeling position with your arms extended forward, holding the roller in them. Make sure that the sports wheel is at the same level with your shoulders. Move the roller forward. The man's body and hips should lower towards the floor, but there should be no contact with it. Return to the starting position. Repeat the training about fifteen times.
  2. Do the exercise similar to the previous one, only in this case you need to take the starting position, standing leaning on your feet. The simulator can also be moved along an inclined surface.
  3. The roller is taken by the handles, just like a simple stick that is vertical. Bend over and place the roller on the floor, with your legs very wide apart, and start rolling the wheel in different directions. During this training, not only the abs are worked out, but also the shoulders and arms.

What muscles work when performing the exercise?

  1. Hands;
  2. Shoulders;
  3. Breast;
  4. Back.
  5. Lower press;
  6. Abdominal muscle;
  7. Small of the back;
  8. Buttocks.

Also included in the training are:

  • Biceps;


By incorporating roller exercises into your workout, you can press the following: positive sides:

  • will become much stronger;
  • Thanks to this training, you can create a durable muscle corset;
  • Up to twenty muscles are involved in the work;
  • The rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are very actively worked;
  • Endurance becomes higher;
  • Posture gets better;
  • Very good way reduce back pain and is used to prevent injuries;
  • With these exercises you can increase the weights in regular squats;
  • Improves muscle coordination;
  • Helps restore metabolism, which promotes fast weight loss, and also helps to gain muscle mass.


So that the training brings maximum benefit You need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • The sports wheel must be driven very slowly and smoothly;
  • The abdominal muscles should be constantly tense throughout the entire movement;
  • In a stretched position, you need to take a short pause;
  • If you kneel, you need to lay down a mat;
  • You should not use such exercises if you have back pain;
  • Approaches are done three times twelve repetitions.
  1. If the exercise is performed by female representatives, then they need to remember that excessive loads can be harmful. women's health. That is, working on the abs can cause many female diseases.
  2. Don't do more than you can, as this can lead to back injury.
  3. It is worth not forgetting about

In pursuit of a beautiful flat tummy, we work our abs to the point of exhaustion, but if the results come, they come very slowly. Therefore, the question naturally arises: is it possible to achieve the desired cubes faster? Of course yes.

By doing abdominal exercises with it, you can get excellent results for more short period than with normal training. For this you will not need a lot of time and money, since this projectile costs mere pennies.

But still, if you are a beginner athlete, then it is very important to figure out how to practice it. The technique of performing exercises with a fitness roller, although not complicated, still has several significant nuances, how to properly pump the roller, how to choose the right difficulty of the workout, as well as how much and when is best to do. We will try to answer all these questions in as much detail as possible.

First you need to decide on contraindications - the circumstances under which you cannot roll the apparatus. This is very important, because if you have diseases in which exercise will be dangerous to your health, then you do not need the technique of skating a fitness roller at all.


  • spinal injuries;
  • hernias and protrusions;
  • joint diseases;
  • heat;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • menstruation or pregnancy (for women);
  • high blood pressure.

As you can see, the list is not long, so exercises with a gymnastic wheel (also known as an ab roller) are recommended for almost everyone. But even if you are already working out with it, then if you are not feeling well, you should wait a little with training. Remember: beautiful belly, does not compensate you for lost health.

If you are absolutely healthy, then before buying a piece of equipment, read the rules on how to choose it correctly, because it depends on whether your training will be effective.

Important points when choosing:

  • wheel diameter - the smaller it is, the harder you will have to work. Therefore, if you are a beginner, take a closer look at the gymnastic wheel with the maximum diameter;
  • safety - for comfortable work The surface of the wheel and handles must be covered with a protective rubber layer. Its absence can lead to hands slipping during exercise and, as a result, injury;
  • type of implement - for beginners and people with spinal problems (osteochondrosis, for example), it is better to choose a wheel with a return stroke or pedals, as they are the most convenient to use. And here classic models should be taken by more experienced athletes (you don’t have to buy them, because the design is not complicated and you can make the apparatus with your own hands).

Ab roller: reviews and notes

How useful this equipment is can be seen by looking at the results before and after classes. So you can appreciate the enormous positive effect of exercises with an abdominal roller.

In just a month of training, you get perfectly pumped core muscles, as well as abs - and this means a beautiful, toned stomach and sculpted body. Many athletes also note the high effectiveness of this gymnastics machine in pumping up gluteal muscles(which, you see, would be a good bonus). Does it help with weight loss? This is definitely a yes. It is suitable for overweight people as it minimizes the damage caused to joints during exercise.

Its effectiveness is also evidenced by the fact that you will need to do crunches for at least half an hour to work off the same number of calories as the roller burns in 10 minutes.

But before you start training, you should pay attention to the fact that abdominal roller exercises are divided by gender - for men and women. There are also special classes for beginners. This division of training is not at all accidental - by choosing the right type of exercise, you will achieve the desired results faster (and easier).

What muscles are involved in the ab roller exercise?

The gymnastic wheel can rightfully be considered one of the most versatile sports equipment. The reason for this is the huge number of muscles that work when performing the exercise. That is why it is difficult to say what a sports roller for the press does.

Judging by the name, one gets the strong impression that its action is aimed at the stomach. You will, of course, pump up your abs, but in addition to this, your muscles will pump:

  • backs - trapezoid and wings (latissimus);
  • shoulder deltas;
  • gluteal;
  • femoral;
  • arms - biceps and triceps;

As you can see, the action of the video is very extensive and is not focused on the abdominal muscles.

Press roller with return mechanism

The special feature of the gymnastic wheel with a reverse mechanism is that it makes it easier for athletes. It’s easy to exercise and most importantly, it’s impossible to overstrain your muscles during training. With the roller you can pump up your abs without harming your body. A special mechanism (mechanical or electronic) ensures that the roller returns to its original position.

How to use such a video and if there are any special recommendations? Working with a gymnastic circle is the same for all types of this apparatus, so there are simply no exceptional rules for its use. Its uniqueness is not at all in how to do the exercise - it is in the ease of use.

Another visible health benefit of this ab roller is that the return mechanism allows you to remove the load from the spine and at the same time have tremendous efficiency. That is why this simulator is considered the best for people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Another very important question, of interest to beginners - how often do you need to practice to get good result? It’s worth warning right away that the ab roller is not used in intense daily training. All exercises with it involve fairly smooth execution, without sudden movements or accelerations. Misuse sports equipment can cause irreparable harm to the back and joints - so there is no need to rush.

Start with 10-12 repetitions of 3 sets and only then gradually increase your result. If any discomfort occurs, you should stop doing the exercise.

How to do ab roller exercises

Before you begin active training with a gymnastic circle, you need to figure out how to use it correctly. It’s not enough to just know how to use it - you need to clearly understand the technique of performing each exercise.

We present to your attention several basic techniques on how to roll a roller correctly:

  1. Lay out a sports mat, kneel on it, straighten your back, lower your hands with the roller to the floor. Start slowly rolling it forward along the floor. Tilt your body and stretch after the projectile until your entire body is in line. At the maximum point, pause a little and begin forward movements back to the starting position. It is important to do everything as smoothly as possible without jerking. Also, do not forget to keep your abdominal muscles constantly toned.
  2. The starting position of this exercise is similar to, only the hands are fixed on the roller. Having taken the desired position, begin to slowly roll the roller towards you, raising your lower back until you are fully on your feet. Then do the opposite movement - bend over and roll the roller until your body is parallel to the floor.
  3. Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms with the apparatus forward. Start rolling the roller towards you, lifting it up as much as possible. top part torso. Return to the starting position by rolling the roller back.
  4. Sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart. Place the apparatus on the floor and roll it forward as far as your stretch allows. Then also slowly and measuredly make a progressive movement back.
  5. Stand straight next to the roller. Bend over and roll the gymnastic circle until your body is parallel to the floor. Make sure that your back does not sag in the lower back, and that your body is as tense as possible (like a string). Return to the starting position by rolling the roller towards you.

The ab roller is perfect for both girls and men. It is easy to use, not hazardous to health, and is not at all expensive. The gymnastics circle is recommended for beginner girls and guys who want to have a beautiful, toned body. It also has a fat-burning effect and will certainly appeal to those who want to lose weight. Therefore, if you want to exercise with maximum results, choose an ab roller and exercise for your own pleasure.

When you want to keep your figure in good physical shape, but there is no opportunity to visit a gym or fitness center, you can purchase a machine and exercise with it at home yourself. A gymnastic wheel is ideal for this; performing exercises on which you can work out almost all muscle groups.

Using a gymnastic wheel will not work out your biceps and triceps, but to keep your body in good physical shape, exercising with a roller will be an excellent choice.

Strong muscles perfect shapes body will be provided with exercises with a gymnastic wheel

Benefits of exercises with a wheel:

  1. Exercises with a gymnastic roller are useful for those who want to smooth out their abdominal contour, strengthen their abs and correct their posture.
  2. Exercising on a simulator can be an addition to your diet, if available. excess weight.
  3. When performing exercises on a gymnastic wheel, almost all the main and non-core muscles are involved, which allows you to train the whole body.

What muscles can you work?

Most of the load when exercising with a wheel goes to the abdominal muscles. If you choose the right set of exercises, you can also train the muscles of the back, legs, hips, arms, shoulders and neck. When performing a classic exercise with a gymnastic wheel, almost all the main muscles and many non-core muscles are worked.

The muscles of the abs, hips and shoulders are worked to a greater extent. The muscles of the back and arms are also tense, as they help to hold own weight. If you modify the exercise and perform it while standing, you will add additional stress to the muscles of the legs and arms.

Rules for performing exercises

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel in order to avoid injuries and increase efficiency must be performed, observing several simple rules:

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises with a wheel

If exercises with a gymnastic wheel have been performed for a long time, or the body is athletic and prepared, increase the time or number of repetitions of the exercises.

Increasing the complexity of standard exercises contributes to greater effectiveness. If exercises with the wheel were carried out in the initial position on the knees, then they should be performed in a standing position, thus increasing the load on the abdominal muscles, arms, and strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

You need to move on to more complex exercises gradually and carefully to avoid sprains and injuries.

Precautions and contraindications

The exercises can be done by anyone, regardless of physical training, age and gender, but there are still several contraindications to exercises with a gymnastic wheel.

Contraindications include:

  1. Women need to avoid excessive exercise, as when performing exercises, the abdominal muscles are worked, which put pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system, which can cause female diseases.
  2. You should stop exercising if you have back injuries. The load can not only aggravate the existing condition, but also lead to more serious damage.
  3. Lower back pain. When performing exercises with a gymnastic wheel, the lower back muscles are involved in the work, so it is better to postpone the exercises until the pain goes away.
  4. High pressure. If there is a tendency to increase blood pressure, it is necessary to perform exercises with caution, monitoring the condition of the body.
  5. You should stop exercising if you feel unwell, dizziness, nausea, or headaches.

Exercises for beginners with photos

The gymnastic wheel is suitable for those who are just starting to play sports. The main thing is to start with simple exercises and not do them a large number of times, gradually increasing the load.

  1. One of basic exercises aimed at strengthening the abs and training the oblique muscles. Sitting on the floor, you should spread your legs slightly to the sides. The wheel is in front in the hands. Start moving forward until it stops, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is similar to the classic abdominal pump, only with the help of a simulator. First, they roll forward several times, sitting straight, then move the wheel to the right of the body and move it to the side, repeat the same thing by moving the wheel to the left of the body. When moving to the side, you need to bend as low as possible so that your chest touches the floor.
  2. Another exercise is wheel rollouts while kneeling. Starting position - kneeling, the wheel is in outstretched arms in front. They slowly begin to move forward, then also smoothly return to their starting position. You can start with small rollouts and increase the amplitude with each repetition. Ideally, the wheel should be in front with outstretched arms, while the body remains level and does not touch the floor.
  3. Exercise against a wall. To perform this, you need to sit on your knees so that there is a wall at a short distance in front. The wheel must be held in your hands and rolled forward until it hits the wall. In this position, you need to tense your abs and hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. The emphasis on the wall with the wheel allows you to keep the body in tension for more long time, which puts additional stress on the abs, shoulders and back.
  4. Rolls to the sides. Take the starting position, lying down, holding the body straight. Take a gymnastic wheel and place it opposite your chest. When moving forward, you need to roll the wheel to the side, approximately 45 degrees. In this position, finish the exercise and then do the same, pointing the wheel in the other direction.

Exercises for advanced people with photos

When the gymnastic wheel has been mastered and exercises with it are performed with ease, you can continue to complicate your workouts by increasing the load:

  1. An exercise that was performed while kneeling can be performed while standing on straight legs.. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below holding the wheel, resting it on the floor. Slowly begin to roll the wheel forward as far as possible from a standing position, then also slowly return to its original position. Perform the same actions when the legs are closed together. When performing these exercises, the load on the legs, as well as on the back and lower back, increases. To complicate the workout, you need to roll the wheel, taking a lying position, and stretch your arms up. Having fixed yourself for a few seconds and leaning on your feet again, move the wheel towards you.
  2. Plank with a wheel. Take a lying position, leaning on your toes, and hold a wheel in your hands. Then slowly move your arms forward, keeping your torso parallel to the floor. At the maximum rollout, you should fixate for a few seconds and slowly return back.
  3. Exercise from a lying position. You need to take the starting position lying on the floor, with straight arms extended forward and holding the wheel. They smoothly begin to move the exercise machine towards themselves, lifting and bending the body. Feet should remain pressed to the floor. They stay in this position for 2-3 minutes and begin to lower themselves to the floor, stretching their arms up.
  4. Rolling on one hand. You can perform the exercise on your knees or straight legs. You need to take a lying position, take the wheel in one hand and begin to roll slowly forward. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can use your other hand to lean on it a little. Repeat several rounds on one and the other hand.
  5. Rolling on one leg. You need to start this workout with strengthened leg muscles, since you will have to support the weight of your entire body on one leg. Place your legs straight and, bending down, take the wheel with your hands and begin to move forward, slowly lowering yourself. When the maximum rolling point is reached, lift one leg and return back.
  6. Rolling legs. For this type of training you will need a wheel with special pedals for your feet. Get into a plank position with your arms straight. The wheel is secured to the feet and begins to move forward until the knees touch the chest. Then they return back, straightening their legs.

How often to exercise

Training with the wheel must be carried out regularly, only then can you achieve the desired result. You should start exercising for 5-10 minutes, and perform the exercises every other day. Then, if possible, practice daily for 20-30 minutes. It is advisable that training take place at the same time every day.

How many repetitions to do

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel should be started with several repetitions, about 5-7 times at first. Gradually increasing the load, you should add 1-2 repetitions each workout.

To be effective, it is enough to repeat the exercises 20-30 times daily. But it is worth remembering that this is an average value and the number of repetitions is selected individually depending on the preparedness and endurance of the body.

The gymnastic wheel is a universal exercise machine. Exercises with it are highly effective, as they help to work almost all muscles. Everyone can train, regardless of gender and age, the main thing is to choose the right set of exercises and load so as not to harm your health.

Video about exercises with a gymnastic wheel for women

Exercising with a gymnastic wheel will strengthen your muscles and prevent weight gain:

How to properly perform exercises with a gymnastic wheel:

Many people dream of a sports figure and six-pack abs on their stomach. There is an opinion that in such physical fitness you can bring yourself only by visiting Gym and giving a lot of money to professional trainers. But at home it is quite possible to achieve what you want. slim body. You won’t be able to develop a mountain of muscles, but you can create elasticity and fit at home.

It is necessary to purchase sports equipment. An effective exercise machine for developing the abs is a regular roller. Perhaps many have seen such a device in the classroom physical culture at school or university. It is intended to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Ab rollers

This is a cheap exercise equipment that strengthens muscles, not just the abdomen. The design is simple, the exercises are effective. Many people face difficulties in using the device due to the fact that their abdominal and back muscles are poorly developed. The rectus and oblique muscles contract isometrically, slightly bending the waist under resistance. If waist flexion is absent, the rectus and external oblique muscles will act as stabilizers of the pelvis and waist during hip flexion.

Muscle atlas

Let's look at the muscles that are used when using this video:

At correct use simulator, these muscle groups are involved during training. This is a lot of muscle for such a simulator.

Pros of using a roller

The simulator will do for burning subcutaneous fat . It is useful when used correctly and following a diet. Let's consider what benefits the buyer of this simple device will receive.

  1. Strengthens the abdominals. By strengthening the core muscles, a strong muscle corset is created.
  2. Get involved in the work approximately 20 muscles.
  3. Actively involved rectus and oblique abdominal muscles– this cannot be achieved with ordinary crunches when training the abs.
  4. Much endurance increases, posture improves, back pain goes away, an increase in working weights is achieved when squatting with a barbell.
  5. And muscle coordination develops, calorie burning increases during the period without training.

Ab roller: doing exercises

Exercise technique

There are nuances when performing exercises with an ab roller. It is important to know how to perform all manipulations with the simulator correctly. To figure this out, you need to learn the technique of performing the exercise:


To achieve maximum effect, you must follow the rules:

  1. you need to roll the simulator slowly, controlling the process forward and backward;
  2. the abdominal muscles should be tense;
  3. in the stretched position you need to stay for 1-2 seconds, and then return to the starting position;
  4. It is better to perform exercises on a mat - this way your knees will not be injured;
  5. to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles and create a strong girdle corset, it is necessary to combine this exercise with the “plank”;
  6. when the technique is fully mastered, diagonal rolling can be used;
  7. If you have pain in the lower back or a hernia, you should not engage in this type of training. The ideal number of approaches is 2-3, repetitions should be performed from 8 to 12.

Variations of the exercise

There are other variations using equipment. You can use a fitness ball, reverse roller or barbell for training.

It is preferable to purchase a roller, since the exercise is easier with it. Some physical scientists have conducted experiments and compared the use of a roller with other abdominal exercises.

The study showed that the roller shows the best results: it uses 80% of the upper muscles of a person and 85% of the lower ones. If you use other training methods, the upper muscles will be involved by 70%, the lower ones by 80%. The application of the ab roller is the best option to work out the body and reduce fat layers.

Ab roller: reviews

Many people have tried this type of simulator and share their impressions through reviews:

I would like to note right away that if you are new to training, it is better to start with simple exercises without a roller, since the load is significant. It is because of this that the video is perfect for those who want to add extra stress to themselves during training. I would like to note that when training with a roller, not only the abdominal muscles are involved, but also the legs, forearms and back. After the first workout, everything will hurt, but there’s no getting around it. Oh, by the way, be careful the first time, because it is quite possible to hit your nose on the floor.

I bought an Adidas video. It is very convenient to train, the material is of high quality, the load on the body is felt immediately during the first lesson.

Everyone wants to be the owner of a toned torso and surprise everyone with the relief of their developed muscles. After winter, the excess weight that appears requires active action: it is necessary to combat figure flaws, and this can be done at home - for this there are special exercises on a roller for the press.

Gymnastic roller for the press

The Torneo press roller has a simple mechanism; it consists of a rotating wheel and a handle. This is an ideal exercise machine to tighten your stomach and pump up your body. The advantages of the roller are that you don’t have to go to the gym, but work on yourself at home. Abdominal exercises with a roller will help you quickly achieve the desired result. You need to choose a roller trainer taking into account your physical fitness:

  • If you are just starting to practice, buy a circle with a limiter, which has a return mechanism, it will help you return from the lying position to the starting position.
  • The more wheels, the easier it is to maintain balance. Beginners should pay attention to a fitness video of this modification.
  • The wide wheel increases the effectiveness of the load on the abdominal muscles. For professionals, the heavier the disc, the better.

How to properly exercise with an ab roller

Exercises on the abdominal wheel are not recommended for those who have had a back injury, osteochondrosis or an umbilical hernia. Classes with a roller give more physical activity, if used incorrectly, may not bring benefit, but cause irreparable harm to health. Before using this sports equipment, it is better to consult a doctor for contraindications. Exercises with an abdominal roller from the knees:

  1. Starting position: kneel down, hold the disc in outstretched arms under your shoulders, fix the roller on the floor.
  2. As you inhale, begin to roll the wheel forward until you reach your maximum distance. When moving, try not to bend your elbows. Try to stay in this position.
  3. Exhaling and tensing as much as possible, begin to pull yourself back. Try to straighten up to your original position.
  4. You need to roll the wheel several times per approach.

Ab roller exercises for women

When starting training, remember that you don’t even difficult exercises with an abdominal wheel for women can cause severe soreness. After class, be sure to stretch. Exercises with a roller for weight loss and abs:

  1. Kneel down, placing them a short distance apart. Hold on to the handle, press yourself to the floor. Move forward and backward at half the range of motion.
  2. Repeat the previous exercise with full amplitude. Try not to bend your arms. Return to an even stance.
  3. The “squatting” version differs only in the initial pose: lie on the mat at arm’s length, put the roller down, grab the handle, and as you exhale, reach towards your knees.

Ab roller exercise for men

The exercise machine can be used to pump up not only the abs in a variety of ways and effectively: the muscles of the back, legs, arms, and buttocks take an active part during training. It is very difficult to pump up the press with this device, but it is effective. Men first need to work only from their knees at a slow pace. Let it be 10-12 repetitions in two sets. It is better to watch a video before class to perform the exercises as correctly as possible. Gradually increase the pace. The next stage of the training will be working from a standing position.

  1. Stand in full height, legs slightly apart.
  2. Take the disk in your hands and rest it on the floor near your feet.
  3. Start rolling, be sure to keep your arms level, try to stretch out as far as possible, but do not lie down completely. Perform the action while inhaling.
  4. When you manage to achieve maximum extension on the floor, begin to linger in the fold, the results of your training will be more noticeable.

More complex exercises with an abdominal wheel for men, when you move the roller obliquely or to the sides - this helps strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles:

  1. Performed sitting with legs extended.
  2. Push the roller away from you to the right and left 7 times.
  3. The same task can be performed from a full-height stance.

This exercise requires a lot of energy. Exercise regularly and the effect will be amazing. A more difficult task is to pump up the press on a wheel on one hand: for this you need to use two rollers - one in each hand. More clearly, you can see all these exercises in the video, but for now:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. One hand is motionless, and with the help of the second you stretch the body according to the same principle, but rising as much as you can in a lying position. Sports uniform you are guaranteed.

Exercise with a gymnastic roller for beginners

For beginners, each abdominal roller exercise will not be easy, but the results are worth the effort. You can distribute the approaches evenly throughout the day. Keep in mind that these loads cause strong muscle tension, they must be done by gradually increasing the load. Beginners should use the roller with caution. Before class, do a short warm-up: warm up - good help muscles and injury prevention.

Anyone can master this simple ab wheel exercise for beginners:

  • Approach the wall a short distance and roll the wheel from your knees so that it rests against the wall at a distance convenient for you. At the same time, make sure that your arms are straight.
  • Repeat this exercise up to 20 times. Gradually you will be able to move further away from the wall.
  • When you can complete the task with ease, get up from your knees and do everything in the same order, but from a standing position.
  • After twenty rolls, move back until you can fully stretch.

Video: exercises with a gymnastic roller
