On what days do you have prophetic dreams? Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams - interpretation of dreams with search

Dream book - interpreter of dreams. It helps to decipher the dream, predicts what events or changes in life should be prepared for. The interpretation of a dream depends on the details of the dream and on who dreamed it: a girl, a woman, a guy, a man, etc.

How to use the dream book

Type into the search bar or find by letter the main image of the dream and familiarize yourself with its meaning.

The main image of a dream is a dreamed object, phenomenon or Living being. This is what I remember most about what I dreamed about, or around whom or what the events unfolded.

In addition to the main image, pay attention to the details of the dream. They help to decipher the dream in more detail.

Dreams come true

The fulfillment of a dream depends on the day of the week, the phase of the moon, lunar day, days of the month.

The reality of a dream I had tonight

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. Bright and pleasant dream portends good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have reciprocal value. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

17th lunar day

A dream, if interpreted correctly, can be significant for the sleeper. Pay attention to your emotional condition after waking up. If it's good, you go. the right way, where you are expected interesting acquaintances and new business contacts. Bad dream promises a lack of communication.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

March 23

The picture you see usually tells about future problems in communication, business and financial spheres, or personal life. Such dreams come true in the same way as in a dream.

IN certain days years, one may have prophetic dreams - dreams, the events from which exactly occur in reality. The greatest likelihood of seeing such a dream is in New Year's Eve, during the Christmas holidays - between the Nativity of Christ (January 7) and the Epiphany (January 19).

List of dream books

Popular classic dream interpreter. It was compiled by the American psychologist Gustav Miller at the beginning of the 20th century.

It was compiled by the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud in 1900. The author identifies three types of dreams: simple dreams- their interpretation is not difficult, reasonable - you need to think about their meaning, and curious - confusing and incomprehensible.

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What are dreams? Where do they come from? What do amazing fantasy images mean? Until now, neither scientists nor masters of esotericism have given an indisputable and unambiguous answer to these questions. And although attitudes to the issue change over time, dreams remain the most mysterious part of a person’s life.

In ancient times, people were sure: night visions are news from the spirits of the family, gods or ancestors, in this way mysterious forces communicate with those living today. Local sages, sorcerers and shamans had to decipher these messages. When, over time, primitive beliefs gave way to religious systems, the interpretation of dreams became the task of priests of various cults. At that time, night visions were taken more than seriously. As is known, in Ancient Greece Even special temples were built where visitors came to sleep if they needed to see a prophetic dream, and clergymen helped with the interpretation. The first dream book that has come down to us also appeared there - a five-volume book written by Artemidorus of Daldian.

If you have a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times:
“Wherever there is night, there comes sleep”

In the era of Christianity, dreams continued to be treated with great reverence. They looked for a secret meaning in them, trying to figure out what clues they gave higher power. And this is not surprising: even the Bible describes prophetic dreams.

At a later time, with the development of science, attitudes towards dreams began to change. Sigmund Freud created his own concept of their interpretation, discarding everything strange and mystical. From the point of view of the famous psychologist and his followers, dreams are a storehouse of information about personality, valuable material for psychoanalysis.

But interest in the mystical side of night visions, despite the popularity of the scientific approach, has not faded away. The services of magicians and fortune tellers, seers and dream interpreters have always been in demand, although they were not cheap.

So, in what worlds does the soul wander while you are quietly snoring in your bed, what experience does it gain from these wanderings and what can what it sees mean? If all these questions concern you, if you are worried about a strange dream, if you want to know what it is for, our online dream book will become an excellent interpretative consultant. Moreover, here you can get all the answers completely free of charge.

Famous dream book Miller, interpretations from the legendary soothsayer Vanga, apt author's interpretations from Nostradamus, Loff, Yuri Long, Tsvetkov, as well as amazing ethnic collections: Old Russian, Muslim, Persian, Ukrainian, Chinese - you will find all this with us. To make the interpretation of dreams as accurate as possible, use our recommendations.

The combined dream book of various authors presented on the site will help you find the most Full description every event or object seen in a dream.

The concept of “prophetic dreams” implies dreams in which a person can see a certain event that after some time happens in real life. Since ancient times, people have taken this phenomenon very seriously, but there is still no reliable answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur. Of course, not every dream is true. Also, you should not equate with them various symbols and images, which can be interpreted in completely different ways.

A true prophetic dream is considered very a rare occurrence. More often, a person, having seen a certain image, tries to fit it into reality, and if any coincidences arise, he begins to consider the dream true. As a rule, only selected people who devote their entire lives to a specific cause manage to see prophetic dreams. In fact, their brain gets used to it over time and, as it were, tunes in to a specific wave; a kind of obsession appears in its activity, which is reflected in dreams. This is how artists see their future masterpieces in their dreams, scientists see important scientific discoveries, etc.

What causes them?

To understand the various aspects of this interesting phenomenon and also answer main question A lot of research has been conducted into why prophetic dreams occur. It was possible to find out that the prediction seen is always associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional manifestations. The clearest and clearest dreams are for people of a creative nature, as well as for those who practice various meditative techniques and yoga.

As for the question of when exactly true dreams come, there is also no exact answer. There are quite a few folk beliefs, according to which, a prophetic dream can be seen on certain days of the week, for example on the night from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday, or in some specific phase of the moon. IN ancient Rus' people believed that true predictions dream about baptism, but Catholics believe that such dreams always come at Christmas. There is also a theory that says that the greatest probability of seeing true dreams occurs on days when there is an energetic imbalance, such as the full moon or the summer or winter solstice.

Types of dreams

Prophetic dreams can be literal or symbolic. Literal dreams are always easy to interpret, and the events seen in them are repeated in detail in real life. It is much more difficult to analyze symbolic images, which can also predict the future, but not directly, but indirectly.

And although nature prophetic dreams still poorly studied, they can all be divided into three groups, the first of which will include dreams associated with human activities, which she is engaged in most of her time. History knows many examples when poets saw their poems in their dreams, composers create melodies, engineers find new ideas for projects, etc. similar dreams can be easily explained by the fact that the human brain is heavily loaded with certain information. Even when distracted by extraneous matters, consciousness continues to concentrate on a specific activity or a certain idea. When a person sleeps, he is in complete silence in a state of rest, and it is at this moment that consciousness can give out an idea or solution to a problem that could not have been born before.

To some extent, those dreams that come true by the will of the person himself can also be classified as prophetic. We can simply believe that the dream we had is true and carry it out ourselves. It is also related to brain activity.

The third group is the most interesting and mysterious, because it includes those dreams that can be associated with the real gift of clairvoyance. Such dreams are seen by people with a very fine mental organization and emotional sphere. No one can reliably explain the ability to see the future in a dream, but, nevertheless, such a phenomenon exists.


Many people try not to show their true interest in dreams, but once they have seen a prophetic dream, they radically change their worldview. But how can you understand when dreams are truly prophetic? They can be recognized by the following criteria:

Astrologers claim that such true dreams are a solution to future or existing problems, which is suggested to a person by some higher mind.


The interpretation of dreams can only be appropriate when they do not concern truly exciting issues. this moment problems or events. If you go to bed on a full stomach in a poorly ventilated room, it is quite natural that you may have nightmares that essentially mean nothing and do not portend anything. Also, prophetic dreams cannot be dreamed while intoxicated or as a result of taking any psychotropic drugs or other medications. True dreams occur only in normal conditions at feeling good. Often they are in no way connected with present reality, therefore, upon waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains in order to somehow interpret his own dreams.

In fact, dream books are not needed to interpret dreams, but the internal state of the person himself, his emotions, feelings, and intuition are important. Astrologers believe that when trying to understand the meaning of a particular dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which it was dreamed, the phase of the moon and other factors. Often true dreams occur at a time in life when a person is experiencing some difficulties or going through serious changes. It is important to note that even unpleasant or downright scary prophetic dreams should not be taken too seriously and turned into an obsession, since this is just a tiny part of a person’s future, which can be interpreted in different ways, because a dream reflects, first of all, the internal state personality.

The most striking examples

The history of mankind knows many examples when someone managed to see a dream that was truly prophetic and significant in all respects. If you turn to the Bible, you can remember Joseph, to whom an angel came in a dream and ordered him to take Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to his house. Hecuba also had a prophetic dream. She dreamed that she gave birth to a torch that burned the entire city. To prevent the dream from coming true, her newborn son Paris was left far in the mountains, but he grew up and returned to Troy, meeting there beautiful Elena. Further events are known - a brutal war broke out, and the city was completely burned.

Also of interest is the incident that occurred with the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, who received a prophecy about own death. Exactly ten days before his death, he dreamed of a coffin under the state one, standing in the middle of the hall in the White House. It was the funeral of the country's president.

An interesting fact is that many of the greatest scientists and artists saw prophetic dreams and found inspiration in them to accomplish scientific discoveries and creativity. One can immediately recall the case when Dmitry Mendeleev managed to see a table of chemical elements in a dream. We can recall other great examples: the writer Dante dreamed of the plot of his famous “Divine Comedy”, the mathematician Turing saw the diagram and created the first computer based on it, the composer Tartini wrote “The Devil’s Sonata”, also inspired by the plot of his dream.


Many people are interested in the question of how and when this can be done. In ancient times, people performed special rituals to attract true dreams. In fact, anyone can try to do this by doing a few simple rules psychological preparation:

  • before going to bed, it is useful to meditate to relax, clear your thoughts and focus as much as possible on the desired object;
  • it is also important to correctly formulate the desire in your mind, because even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, the main thing is that they are clearly formulated;
  • trying to induce prophetic dreams, you can light pleasant incense in the room, you must go to bed alone;
  • if you see true dream If you succeed, it is advisable to remember it well, so that you can then try to interpret it correctly. There are also special techniques for remembering images seen.

The human mind, as well as memory, rests during sleep, which explains why it can be so difficult to remember one’s own dream. Interestingly, prophetic dreams are usually so clear and vivid that they are practically not forgotten. If a person tries to invoke a true dream intentionally, he needs to learn to remember it. To do this, you can keep a kind of dream diary, in which you will need to record in detail each of the dreams you have and be sure to date them. You need to enter information into your diary immediately after waking up to make sure you don’t forget anything. Subsequently, it will be possible to compare events occurring in life with your own dreams and understand whether any of them were truly prophetic.

Why interpret dreams and can they tell you the right decision. Where to find manuals for studying dreams. The most popular dream books.

Dreams have big influence on a person’s life, although many people do not attach serious importance to this. Nevertheless, almost everyone wakes up in a bad mood when they have nightmares, and on the contrary, they are happy if they dream about something pleasant. Let's figure out what the reason is.

Why interpret dreams

Experts believe that any of the vivid and memorable dreams is an attempt by the subconscious to signal us about something. If you are attentive enough and take the time to remember the details of the events that appeared, this may ultimately turn out to be important and useful.

Correctly understood symbols that the brain reproduces during a person's rest period can open up new ways to solve problems and give strength to overcome problems. difficult situation. It was not for nothing that the famous chemist Mendeleev saw in a dream a complete table of elements, which he had been trying to compile for a long time. Therefore, the correct interpretation of dreams can clarify confusing moments in your life and this gift should hardly be neglected.

Where to find the interpretation of prophetic dreams

You can find out about the meaning of certain visions in special collections called dream books. Most of them contain information collected over many centuries. For example, the oldest manual of this kind is called “Oneirocriticism” and was compiled in the 2nd century AD in Greece. This proves that people have always been interested in studying encrypted messages from the subconscious.

Today, such collections can be purchased in bookstores and esoteric stores, and some dream books are posted on our website. This is very convenient for the user, as we can find different variants and then compare the result.

The most popular dream books

The most common collections, which contain research by famous experts in this field, are called the dream books of Miller, Hasse and Freud.

The famous dream book of Gustav Miller is a large-scale work where the knowledge of famous dream interpreters, dating back to ancient times, is collected and systematized. Many people prefer to use this guide to interpret events in visions, since it gives fairly clear answers.

An equally famous collection was compiled by the medium Miss Hasse, pointing out that not all dreams will come true. The clairvoyant gave her own calculations of when dreams are most likely to come true. It depends on the date, month and specific phase of the moon.

Freud's Dream Book is considered by many to be the most original and interesting research. After all, the cult psychologist based his teaching on psychoanalysis precisely on the interpretation of dreams and human associations. Since he paid a lot of attention to unconscious sexual desires, his selection was called an erotic dream book.

Anyone who wants to penetrate the secrets of the subconscious can easily use the system of image interpretation, created over thousands of years by real specialists. Perhaps this will be a clue to the questions that have been bothering you. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Incredible facts

For many years now, humanity has been interested in omens of the future that come in dreams. Many of us have learned to understand and correctly interpret our dreams, thereby receiving the necessary clues.

But why does it happen that alone dreams do they come true immediately, others - over time, and others never come true? It turns out that the day of the week on which we dream also plays an important role.

Before we begin to interpret each day of the week, it is important to note that the highest probability of prophetic dreams appears in the period of time between the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord. This time, Christmastide, is surrounded by numerous signs and omens.

Prophetic dreams

They say that it was during this period that the souls of the dead wander among living people, and with them various other otherworldly creatures, evil spirits and angels. All these guests come, among other things, to tell a person about the future, and in a dream too.

All dreams during the holiday week are prophetic, and each night of the week starting after Christmas carries its own sleepy prophecies. For example, the night from January 7 to 8 may show you a dream about the plans of competitors or rivals. On the night of the 10th, you have dreams that tell about family and the fate of loved ones.

The next night will tell you about moral well-being and health. On the night of 11 to 12, dreams will show you possible prospects for the development of your business or career advancement. Before you go to bed on the 14th, ask any question, the answer should come in a dream.

A dream on the night of the 15th can show you the right way to build relationships with a competitor or rival. And from the 15th to the 16th, don’t make any wishes, while a dream on the night of January 17th will tell you about the difficulties that you will have to face in the coming year.

A dream seen on the eve of January 18 carries a message about love relationships, about the likelihood of marriage and in general about family and children.

It is important to add that if you are telling fortunes at Christmas time, do not forget to repent, because in an attempt to predict fate, a person, willy-nilly, includes various evil spirits and forces of darkness in his work. And these creatures will definitely ask you to pay for their services.

Also, dreams that occur right before any church holiday are often prophetic, and their peculiarity is their rapid embodiment. They say that on the night of the 3rd of any month a person can see a prophetic dream, but dreams on the night of the 25th are always empty and unfulfilled.

When you have prophetic dreams

So, let's move on to the interpretation by day of the week.


This is the day patronized by the Moon, which rules the sensual and emotional life of a person. Therefore, everything that you dream about this night is in one way or another connected with experiences and emotions.

Dreams on Monday night reflect inner human thoughts and dreams. They are not prophetic, and you should not expect that what you see will be repeated in reality, because the Moon is very cunning and changeable.

However, on this night it is allowed to guess what a person will dream about. The moon can help solve important and complex issues that concern the person who has fallen asleep in reality. But still, if what you saw in a dream is remembered with great difficulty, then the dream is empty.

If the same symbols appeared throughout the dream, then it is worth deciphering them in order to obtain important information that can warn of trouble or a problem.

There is another aspect to dreams on Monday night. The more severe a person’s psychological state, the more conflicts he has with other people and with himself, the heavier and more confusing his dreams will be. These dreams do not bring anything important to life, and if they can predict something, it is only minor household chores.


This day of the week is influenced by Mars and is ruled by courage and strength. Mars is the planet of aspirations and ambitions, so whatever the dream book foretells, it will be connected with your spirit. Everything favorable should come true within 10 days if you show character, determination and willpower.

If the dream book tells you about unpleasant events in the future, then you need to activate all your strength to avoid them. If after 10 days nothing comes true, then it will never come true.

Also, dreams on Tuesday night reflect a person’s creative potential; they are bright and futuristic. If the dream was bad, then you should not start a new business, and vice versa, if the dream is pleasant and positive, then you should act decisively. Pay attention to dreams in which you win; such dreams in some way can be prophetic, especially if you dreamed on the night of the 3rd day of the month.


The patron of the environment is Mercury, he is light, airy, calm and changeable. He shouldn't be trusted. On this night, people usually have dreams with colorful storylines, but, as a rule, they have a contradictory nature and opposite meaning. These dreams are just fantasies, hints, there is practically no truth in them, and it is very unlikely that the dream will ever come true.

But if the dream book promises very great happiness, then be sure to believe in it in order to attract what you want. Dreams on Wednesday night are almost always positive.

Prophetic dreams and days of the week


This day of the week is under the control of Jupiter, which controls everything related to activity, affairs and actions. Dreams on this day show possible prospects, the state of affairs, and they often come true.

When interpreting dreams on Thursday night, it is worth remembering that this day is associated with activity, so even if the dream book predicts romance, love and feelings for you (which happens extremely rarely on the night of Jupiter), then think twice and translate the interpretation into a business aspect.

Dreams often come with symbols or predictions for promotions and also indicate your role on the team. Dreams can also show ways to resolve disputes, conflicts and important issues. Moreover, a dream on Thursday night may offer a way to resolve your financial problems for a short time.


The owner of Friday is Venus, a sensual and loving planet.

It is well known that on the night from Thursday to Friday people see prophetic dreams, especially if they relate to love issues. Often dreamed events are repeated very accurately in reality.

If the interpretation points you to something related to work or finances, then know that this will come true, but will be in a certain way connected with love affairs.

These dreams have special meaning including because Jesus was crucified on the night from Thursday to Friday. They say that it is better not to plan to start important things on this day, because in most cases a person will face failure and failure.

The positive emotions and feelings that you experience in a dream foreshadow a new period in your life, full of victories.

However, Friday is also considered a mystical day that activates secret human powers. For example, intuition. Strong energy is carried by Fridays, which are preceded by some church holidays. Dreams on these Fridays can predict fate and other important events.

List of Good Fridays:

During the first week of Lent

Eve of the Annunciation

Eve of Palm Sunday

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord

Before Trinity

Before the Nativity of John the Baptist

Eve of the Day of Elijah the Prophet

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Before the day of the Archangel Michael

Feast of Saints Damian and Cosmas

Before Epiphany


The patron of Saturday is Saturn, which is associated with rock, trials and fate. Saturn sets rules and laws, often warning people through signs and symbols. Therefore, this night you may have frightening dreams, and something very scary and disturbing. Be sure to take note of the information from the dream book if it gives you a warning.

It is important to note that dreams on Saturday night often carry symbols not only for the person who sees them, but also for people close to him.


Sunday is in the power of the Sun. This star gives life, strength, energy and joy. Sunday dreams are wonderful in all respects, because they are created by the planet of life, happiness and love. Dreams on this day quickly come true, most often on the same day.

These dreams have one interesting feature: if you dreamed of something good and positive, then it will probably come true, and negative dreams can be safely canceled in the case of Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday not only convey the truth, they are also very happy and do not promise anything bad.

Days of prophetic dreams

What to do to ensure that your prophetic dream comes true?

Surprisingly, while we sleep, everything is clear to us. We are not surprised by the most incredible transformations, actions and conversations. And only when we wake up do we understand all the illogicality and absurdity.

For this reason, it is not always possible for everyone to describe or tell in detail what they dreamed. In most cases, only fragments are remembered. But it is important to know that only those dreams that are stored in memory come true.

If you are faced with the task of remembering a dream, then you can use ancient folk methods:

Place a small pebble under your pillow;

Try to sleep on your right side, not on your stomach;

After waking up, do not look out the window or look at the flames;

In the morning, bite the corner of your pillow.
