Certification as a dental therapist of the highest category. General requirements for the preparation of an attestation report for the assignment of a qualification category for diagnostic specialties

But in fact, the assignment of one category or another does not always directly correspond to the real level of qualifications of the doctor. Often, a higher category reflects the commission’s leniency towards your “long” medical experience or the presence of “necessary contacts”. A lower category may indicate a conflict situation with the chief physician or doubts about one’s competence and fear of the exam.

Ranking doctors by category, in my opinion, is typical only for free medicine. Where medical personnel receive a salary depending on the complexity and volume of work performed, where clear prices for examination and treatment are established, the doctor must only have a license confirming his admission and ability to provide the services offered.

Nevertheless, modern culture, even in a society of “free medicine”, is based on the principle of individual competition. Therefore, there have always been, are and will be doctors who have ambitions and strive for success (including the protection of a higher qualification category). A higher qualification category evokes a feeling of legitimate pride, promotes self-affirmation, increased respect/envy among colleagues and little material reward.

What is needed for category certification?

1. Have an idea.

For lovers of bureaucratic documents, here are the following:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” dated July 25, 2011.
  • Letter of the Ministry of Health No. 2510/11568-01-32 “On the application of the regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” dated November 13, 2001.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 810n “On the central certification commission” dated July 25, 2011.

Be sure to look through the polemical article by Professor N. Melyanchenko “Doctor qualifications - an economic category.” From the article you will find out why there are no qualification categories in foreign countries and what is the admission system.

From January 1, 2016, certification is canceled and accreditation of doctors is introduced. The next article by Professor N. Melyanchenko will give you the opportunity to prepare for competition in the world of admissions and licenses.

2. Comply qualification requirements according to your specialty.

Qualification requirements for doctors are described in detail, including specific literature, in the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 579 “On approval of the qualification characteristics of medical specialists” dated July 21, 1988 - read.

The qualification characteristics of specialists with secondary medical education are disclosed in Appendix 4 to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 249 of August 19, 1997 - read.

It is extremely important that the education received and the specialty (basic, basic and additional) do not contradict the nomenclature of specialties, and that the specialty in which you are going to defend the category corresponds to the position of the specialist. Otherwise, problems will arise both with protection and with payment for the qualification category. You can familiarize yourself with the range of specialties in the subsection “Admission to activity”.

3. Complete training at the faculty of advanced training for doctors.

This is a mandatory requirement. Doctors who have not undergone advanced training in the certified specialty in state institutions are not allowed to undergo certification. educational institutions over the past five years. I advise you to immediately choose a certification cycle, so that after completing your training and successful completion exam and also receive a certificate.

The list of institutions where you can undergo advanced training is contained on the Russian Medical Universities page. Please note that some information cards include the current schedule of study cycles. There is also a list of the required minimum things and documents that will be required for training.
4. View examples of completed certification work for doctors and nurses.

Completed certification works of doctors and nurses are posted on the website as an example and are not intended for copying or replication. The inability to independently comprehend the results of one’s activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness.

  • Examples of doctors' certification reports
  • Examples of nurses' certification reports

5. Write a certification paper.

It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, completely stupid and lazy medical workers simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification papers.

  • What to write about in your certification report is described in the document “Approximate scheme and content of certification work”
  • You can find out what the certification work should look like from the file “Standards and requirements for the preparation of a certification report”

6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.

The papers that must be submitted to the certification commission are contained in the List of Documents for Medical Certification.

Good luck!

List of orders for certification

The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.”

Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary ().

At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system Russian Federation" This order left only one certification - voluntary.

In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued.

After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories,” which is still in effect today.

4.1 /5 (ratings: 21)


The Galaganovs are medical workers. Natalya Vasilievna is an ambulance paramedic, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich is a surgeon. They devoted many years to rural healthcare in the Primorsky Territory. Behind you married couple 20 years strong marriage, of which 18 are joint labor activities at the Yakovlevskaya central regional hospital.

Requirements for preparing a doctor’s certification report

The certification report is provided for the last 36 months of work.

The certification report must be placed in a binder folder. The volume of the report for the highest category is 30-35 sheets, for the first and second categories - 20-25 sheets.

General requirements

The certification report must be printed; handwritten work is not accepted.

The text must be black and located on one side of a standard sheet of white A4 paper (210x297 mm).

The pages of the certification report must have the following margins: left 30 mm, right 15 mm, top 20 mm, bottom 20 mm.

The main text of the work should be justified.

Standard font is used Times New Roman. Font point (size) 12

points. Line spacing 1.5. Paragraph indent 1.25 cm.

The text of the certification work must be numbered. Page numbers

are placed without a dot in the lower right corner of the page. And on title page The number “1” is not put, but it is taken into account that the next page has the number “2”. The second page of the certification report must contain a table of contents indicating the page numbers of the main sections of the certification report.

Headings in the report are highlighted in a more saturated font size 14, are not underlined, and there is no period at the end. There should be a gap of at least 6-12 points between the title and the text.

Headings more high level are aligned “centered”, headings are more

low-level ones are aligned “left”. Headings are numbered in Arabic

numbers, subheadings are numbered separated by a dot (“1”, “1.1”, “1.2”, etc.). Each new chapter must begin with new page.

The certification report must include elements such as pictures, graphs, and tables. For them, continuous numbering is used throughout the entire work. If the work contains one table or one figure, then they are not numbered.

Design of tables.

The table is indicated by the word "Table" and the number written Arabic numerals, in the upper right corner, the No. sign is not indicated (for example, Table 1). This should be followed by a centered table title. The text contains a link to the table as follows: “see. table 1" or "From table. 1 it is clear that......

When designing tables, the following recommendations are taken into account:

If possible, you should not use the column “sequence number” (“No./n”), since in most cases it is not needed

Numbers are aligned right, text is aligned left, heading text is centered

All table cells are vertically aligned to the middle

The table should not contain empty rows

If the table does not fit on one page and has to be moved to

next, then on the new page write the words “continuation of the table” and indicate its serial number, then repeat the cells containing the column headings and then the continuation of the table follows.

Design of drawings.

Below the picture is written the title, aligned in the center, preceded by

abbreviation "Fig." and the serial number is a number written in Arabic numerals (the No. sign is not indicated). For example: "Fig. 1".

Application design.

Applications are located outside the text of the certification report. Applications may include tables, text, pictures, drawings, diagrams. Each application must start on a new page. Applications are identified by the word “APP” and a serial number (Arabic numerals) in the upper right corner (without the No. sign). This is followed by a centered application title. Links to applications in the main text

work is performed as follows: see Appendix 5.


1. Brief information about

It is advisable to keep it to one page. Briefly

highlight your career path, mark major milestones

professional growth, highlight achievements in

work, mention diplomas, certificates and

certificates from advanced training courses.

2. Brief information about

medical institution

Briefly and discreetly provide information about your

medical institution: number of beds, number

visits, types of diagnostic and treatment procedures

etc. Focus on features


3. Characteristics of your


divisions (for example,


Again in lapidary style (briefly, concisely,

expressively) present the characteristics of the department:

main tasks and principles of organizational work.

Equipment of the department (for functional,

Chief State sanitary doctor etc.

Day month Year

Document number 1

5. Title

Document's name


1. Own creativity (individually or as part of a team)

Attach a photocopy of your article published in a journal or provide a list of your own monographs, the title of reports presented at symposia, meetings of scientific societies and conferences at various levels over the past 5 years.

2. Literature

Provide a list of literature on the specialty studied over the past 5 years, and

list of literature used in writing the report.

If every soldier wants to become a general, then for every carrier white coat highest degree recognition is the status of a doctor of the highest category. What does it mean? - this question is asked by many patients who would like to receive more qualified medical care.

How to obtain the highest category of doctor?

  • Availability of higher professional education;
  • Ten years of experience in the specialty profile;
  • Leadership position;
  • High level theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
  • Availability of scientific publications in authoritative industry publications;
  • Timely and successful professional development;
  • Active participation in the life of the domestic (world) scientific community or professional medical association;
  • Knowledge of methods of treating and diagnosing patients not only in one’s own, but also in related specialties;
  • Compliance of existing qualifications with the requirements for employees of the highest category.

The highest rank can be awarded after seven years of experience for the following categories medical workers:

Procedure for the commission meeting

The decision to assign or deprive a medical category is made by certifying commission:

  1. Its meeting is scheduled within 90 days from the moment the documents for passing the qualification exam were registered;
  2. The expert group is formed at least a month before the meeting day based on the decision of the executive secretary;
  3. Invited experts review the report regarding the work of a particular specialist;
  4. Then a date is set for the meeting with notification of the specialist claiming a higher professional status (or a refusal is sent with reference to the relevant provisions of the review);
  5. Testing of a medical worker is carried out in written (testing) and oral (interview) forms;
  6. The test is considered successfully completed if the subject answers 70% of all questions correctly;
  7. The interview is conducted with the participation of relevant specialists and covers theoretical and practical knowledge;
  8. The decision to assign (refuse, deprive) qualifications is made during an open vote by a simple majority of votes (with at least 2/3 of the commission members participating in the voting);
  9. If the test fails, the applicant has the right to a second chance, but not less than after 12 months.

What does the highest category give to doctors?

There are several reasons why healthcare professionals may be interested in obtaining higher qualifications:

  1. Increased prestige and respect from colleagues and patients. An indication of a high position is always reflected on badges and plaques in the office;
  2. High voice weight in controversial or conflict situations. Even in the event of harm to the patient in the event of an unsuccessful operation, you can hide behind your qualifications: the case was so serious that even such a professional could not cope;
  3. Direct material interest. The salary increase turns out to be quite significant and can range, depending on the region, from several thousand to several tens of thousands. Sometimes so-called “presidential allowances” are provided (5-10 thousand rubles).

In addition to the privileges of the lucky one, there are also pitfalls:

  • Increased level of responsibility;
  • Additional grunt work: the need to fill out piles of paperwork;
  • The need to make a report on your activities every five years (work comparable in volume to a university diploma).

Deprivation of medical status

The decision to deprive a person of status is made in the same manner as receiving it - within the framework of a meeting of the qualification commission. The reasons for such a disastrous verdict may be:

  • Medical error- negligence shown during diagnosis or treatment. In most cases, the offender is sent to advanced training courses. In especially severe cases, criminal liability is possible;
  • Systematic violation of medical ethics(provisions of the Hippocratic oath). Complaints from colleagues or patients are considered as evidence;
  • Corrupt practices. It was this reason that the head of the Ministry of Health named as one of the main ones;
  • Incompetence. A loss professional qualifications and lack of long-term work experience.

In case of deprivation of the highest category, two options are possible:

  1. With the provision of another category, lower (first or second);
  2. Without providing another status.

There are known cases of arbitrariness on the part of chief doctors who threaten to deprive categories without convening a commission. Such behavior is subject to prosecution in the labor commission or in court.

What categories of doctors are higher?

Medical career ladder is not limited to the concepts of ranks that are assigned for their experience. A doctor can be not only a practitioner, but also a scientist who contributes to theoretical medicine.

After a year in internship and a couple of years in clinical residency, a young specialist can receive one of the following degrees:

  • Candidate of Medical Sciences. To obtain this title, a certified physician after graduation and postgraduate education must complete three more years of graduate school. The result of the training will be a dissertation on a current topic in the field of medicine;
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences. After receiving a PhD, a doctor can go further and try his hand at doctoral studies. The doctoral dissertation represents a fundamental treatise, something few can write. That is why there are so few doctors of medicine - a little over one hundred thousand throughout the country. Get this title in at a young age almost impossible: in isolated cases this is possible at the age of 32-33, but most often it is in later years.

High salary, respect from colleagues and career. Approximately this picture appears in the minds of interns when they hear the coveted words “doctor of the highest category.” What does this mean in reality? by example more senior colleagues are convinced: menial paperwork, constant stress and increased responsibility. And the material benefits are very doubtful, given the modern Ministry of Health’s pursuit of the notorious “efficiency”.

Video about a doctor of the highest category

In this video, Dr. Vladislav Rogachev will tell you what you need to do to stop getting sick:

Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 5, 2003.
Registration No. 29005

In accordance with subclause 5.2.116 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3526),


  1. Approve the attached Procedure and deadlines for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category.
  2. Recognize the order of the Ministry of Health as no longer in force and social development Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2011, registration No. 21875).
  3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation I.N. Kagramanyan.


by order of the Ministry of Health
Russian Federation
dated April 23, 2013 No. 240n

The procedure and timing for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category

I. General provisions

1. These Procedures and terms for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category (hereinafter referred to as certification and the Procedure, respectively) determine the rules for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to undergo certification and apply to specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, specialists with higher vocational education carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities (hereinafter referred to as specialists).

2. Certification of specialists with secondary and higher medical and pharmaceutical education is carried out in specialties provided for by the current nomenclature of specialties of specialists with medical and pharmaceutical education (hereinafter referred to as specialties).

3. Certification of specialists who have another higher professional education and carry out medical and pharmaceutical activities is carried out for positions provided for by the current nomenclature of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers (hereinafter referred to as positions).

4. Certification is voluntary and is carried out by certification commissions in three qualification categories: second, first and highest.

5. Certification is carried out once every five years. The assigned qualification category is valid throughout the Russian Federation for five years from the date of publication of the administrative act on assignment.

6. Specialists can apply for a higher qualification category no earlier than three years from the date of publication of the administrative act on the assignment of a qualification category.

7. During certification, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform professional responsibilities in relevant specialties and positions, based on the results of the qualification exam.

The qualifying exam includes an expert assessment of the report on professional activity specialist (hereinafter referred to as the report), test knowledge control and interview.

8. Specialist applying for second qualification category, must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of professional activity;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information, possess the skills of analyzing quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, drawing up a report on the work;
  • have work experience in your specialty (position) of at least three years.

9. Specialist applying for first qualification category, must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of professional activity and related disciplines;
  • use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and master diagnostic and treatment equipment in the field of professional activity;
  • be able to competently analyze professional performance indicators and navigate modern scientific and technical information;
  • participate in solving tactical issues of organizing professional activities;
  • have at least five years of experience in the specialty (position).

10. Specialist applying for highest qualification category, must:

  • have high theoretical training and practical skills in the field of professional activity, know related disciplines;
  • use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and master diagnostic and treatment equipment in the field of professional activity;
  • be able to competently evaluate data from special research methods in order to establish a diagnosis;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information and use it to solve tactical and strategic issues professional activity;
  • have at least seven years of experience in the specialty (position).

11. Qualification categories assigned to specialists before the entry into force of this Procedure are retained for the period for which they were assigned.

II. Formation of certification commissions

12. To conduct certification of specialists:

  • federal body executive power, performing the functions of developing and implementing public policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare, a central certification commission is being created;
  • federal executive authorities, state academies sciences, organizations with subordinate medical organizations and pharmaceutical organizations create departmental certification commissions;
  • executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create territorial certification commissions.

13. Certification commissions in their activities are guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts federal bodies executive power and bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as this Procedure.

14. The certification commission consists of a Coordination Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which carries out the functions of organizing the activities of the certification commission, including ensuring the activities of the certification commission during breaks between meetings, and expert groups in specialties (hereinafter referred to as the Expert Groups), which carry out the certification of specialists in terms of consideration documents and conducting a qualification exam.

The certification commission includes leading specialists from organizations engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities, representatives of medical professional non-profit organizations, employers, government bodies or organizations that form the certification commission, and other persons.

The personal composition of the certification commission is approved by an administrative act of the government body or organization that created the certification commission.

15. The chairman of the certification commission is the chairman of the Committee, carries out general management of the activities of the certification commission, presides at meetings of the Committee, organizes the work of the certification commission, exercises general control over the implementation of decisions made by the certification commission, distributes responsibilities between members of the certification commission.

The deputy chairman of the certification commission is the deputy chairman of the Committee, acts as the chairman of the certification commission in his absence, and performs other functions on behalf of the chairman of the certification commission.

The executive secretary of the certification commission is the executive secretary of the Committee, appointed from among the representatives of the government body or organization that forms the certification commission.

The executive secretary of the certification commission registers and reviews documents received by the certification commission of specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category, for compliance with the requirements established by these Procedures and deadlines for the list and execution of documents, generates materials for sending to Expert Groups, prepares materials for meetings The Committee, draft decisions of the Committee, performs other functions in accordance with this Procedure and on behalf of the chairman of the certification commission.

The deputy executive secretary of the certification commission performs the duties of the executive secretary of the certification commission in his absence, and carries out other functions on behalf of the chairman of the certification commission.

The Chairman of the Expert Group provides general management of the activities of the Expert Group, chairs meetings of the Expert Group, organizes the work of the Expert Group, and distributes responsibilities among the members of the Expert Group.

The Deputy Chairman of the Expert Group acts as the chairman of the Expert Group in his absence, and performs other functions on behalf of the chairman of the certification commission and the chairman of the Expert Group.

The executive secretary of the Expert Group prepares materials for the meeting of the Expert Group and draft decisions of the Expert Group, performs other functions in accordance with this Procedure and on behalf of the chairman of the Expert Group.

16. The main functions of the Committee are:

  • organizing the activities of the certification commission;
  • coordination of the work of Expert Groups;
  • determining the location of the Expert Group meetings;
  • determination of methods, methods and technologies for assessing the qualifications of specialists;
  • consideration of the need to use variable certification methods: remote certification using telecommunication technologies (hereinafter referred to as remote certification), on-site meeting;
  • sending to the government body or organization that created the certification commission proposals for holding an on-site meeting of the Expert Group or remote certification, taking into account the level of workload of the Expert Group, the reasons for which the off-site meeting of the Expert Group or remote certification is planned, the number of specialists wishing to undergo certification, availability of equipped premises, the ability to comply with the requirements established by this Procedure;
  • preparation and submission for approval to the government body or organization that created the certification commission of a draft administrative act of the government body or organization on the assignment of qualification categories to specialists who have passed certification;
  • organizing the consideration of controversial issues, including in the event of a specialist’s disagreement with the decision of the Expert Group, and making decisions on them;
  • maintaining records of the certification commission.

17. Expert groups perform the following functions:

  • review documents submitted by specialists in accordance with this Procedure;
  • prepare conclusions on reports submitted in accordance with this Procedure;
  • conduct a knowledge test and an interview;
  • make decisions on issues of assigning qualification categories to specialists.

18. The main form of activity of the certification commission is meetings.

Meetings of the Committee are held if necessary by decision of the Chairman of the Committee, Expert group meetings are held at least once a month.

The Committee and Expert Groups independently determine the procedure for conducting their meetings and activities during breaks between meetings, taking into account the provisions of this Procedure.

A meeting of the Committee or Expert Group is considered valid if more than half of the members of the Committee or Expert Group are present.

19. The decision of the Committee and the Expert Group is made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Committee or the Expert Group present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the Committee or Expert Group is decisive.

When considering the issue of assigning a qualification category to a specialist who is a member of the certification commission, the latter does not participate in voting.

The decision of the Committee and the Expert Group is documented in a protocol, which is signed by all members of the Committee or the Expert Group who were present at the meeting of the Committee or the Expert Group.

Member of the Committee or Expert Group who disagrees with by decision, has the right to writing express a special opinion, which is attached to the minutes of the meeting of the Committee or Expert Group.

III. Carrying out certification

20. Specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category submit the following documents to the certification commission:

If you have documents issued on the territory of a foreign state and executed in foreign language, the specialist submits a duly certified translation of the documents into Russian.

  1. application addressed to the chairman of the certification commission , which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the specialist, the qualification category for which he is applying, the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, consent to receive and process personal data for the purpose of assessing qualifications, the personal signature of the specialist and date;
  2. a completed printed certification sheet certified by the organization’s human resources department carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, the employee of which is a specialist, in the form according to the recommended sample (Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure);
  3. a report on professional activities (hereinafter referred to as the report), personally signed by a specialist, agreed upon with the manager and certified by the seal of the organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, the employee of which is a specialist (the report must contain an analysis of professional activities for the last three years of work - for specialists with higher professional education and beyond Last year work - for specialists with secondary vocational education, including a description of the work performed, data on rationalization proposals and patents, conclusions of a specialist about his professional activity, proposals for its improvement);
  4. copies of documents about education (diploma, certificates, certificates, specialist certificates), work book, certified in accordance with the established procedure;
  5. in case of change of surname, name, patronymic - a copy of the document confirming the fact of change of surname, name, patronymic;
  6. a copy of the document confirming the assignment of the existing qualification category (in the presence of).

If the head of an organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, of which the specialist is an employee, refuses to approve the report, the specialist is given a written explanation from the head of the organization carrying out medical or pharmaceutical activities, of which the specialist is an employee, about the reasons for the refusal, which is attached to the application for a qualification category .

1.3. The qualification exam aims to stimulate the growth of specialist qualifications, improve the selection, placement and use of personnel in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, increase personal responsibility for fulfilling professional and job responsibilities.

1.4. The process of obtaining qualification categories is ensured by certification commissions and includes procedures for obtaining qualification categories - stages of conformity assessment professional knowledge and skills of specialists (hereinafter referred to as qualification procedures).

1.6. Principles of the qualifying examination:

  • independence and objectivity of expert assessments;
  • openness of qualification procedures;
  • sequential assignment of qualification categories;
  • compliance with professional ethics;
  • compliance with the strict sequence of qualification procedures provided for by these Regulations;
  • high qualifications and competence of persons carrying out qualification procedures.

1.12. Certification commissions carry out their activities in accordance with the sequence of qualification procedures established by these Regulations. Qualification procedures are aimed at assessing the professional qualifications and competence of specialists.

1.13. A specialist can receive a qualification category both in the main and in a combined specialty.

1.14. Qualification categories are assigned in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties.

II. The procedure for obtaining qualification categories

2.1. Qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to qualification characteristics specialists, and work experience in the specialty:

  • the second - at least three years for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education;
  • the first - at least seven years for specialists with higher professional education and at least five years for specialists with secondary vocational education;
  • higher - at least ten years for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years for specialists with secondary vocational education.

2.2. When assigning qualification categories, the following sequence is used: second, first, highest.

2.4. The head of the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities creates conditions for:

  • submission by the specialist of qualification documentation drawn up in accordance with the requirements of completeness and correctness;
  • interaction between the organization and the certification commission regarding the procedure for obtaining a qualification category by a specialist;
  • submission to the certification commission of information on the number of specialists carrying out professional activities in medical organization and those who have completed the procedure for obtaining a qualification category (indicating the certification commission and the qualification category received), as well as specialists wishing to receive (confirm) a qualification category in the next calendar year;
  • notification of a specialist who has expressed a desire to receive a qualification category.

2.5. The requirements specified in paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of these Regulations regarding the need to certify documents submitted by a specialist and ensure interaction between the organization and the certification commission do not apply to specialists carrying out professional activities in private system healthcare.

2.6. The documents that make up the qualification documentation must be neatly executed and bound.

2.7. Qualification documentation is sent to the certification commissions by post, as well as directly by the specialist, an official of the organization authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission.

2.8. In order to maintain a previously assigned qualification category, the specialist sends qualification documentation to the certification commission no later than four months before the expiration of the qualification category. If the examination documentation is sent later than the specified period, the date of the qualification exam may be set after the expiration of the qualification category.

III. Procedure for meeting of certification commissions

3.1. The meeting of the certification commission is scheduled within a period not exceeding three months from the moment of registration of examination documentation.

3.2. Federal specialists government agencies, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, submit qualification documentation to the Central Attestation Commission.

Specialists of state institutions under the jurisdiction of other federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit qualification documentation to the relevant departmental certification commissions.

Specialists carrying out medical and pharmaceutical activities in organizations state system healthcare of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the municipal healthcare system, as well as specialists carrying out professional activities in the private healthcare system, submit qualification documentation to the certification commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the territory of which they carry out their activities.

3.3. Qualification documentation received by the certification commission is registered in the document registration journal (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 4 to these Regulations) after checking its compliance with the requirements of completeness and correctness of execution within 7 calendar days. If the qualification documentation does not meet the specified requirements, the person who submitted the qualification documentation (an official of the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities, authorized to interact with the organization with the certification commission) is informed of the reasons for the refusal to accept the examination documentation with an explanation of the possibility of eliminating them.

A refusal to accept qualification documentation received by the certification commission must be sent to the specialist no later than 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the examination [probably qualification, but that’s how it’s written in the original] documentation by the certification commission.

To eliminate deficiencies in the qualification documentation, the specialist is asked to eliminate the identified deficiencies within a month.

3.4. Monitoring compliance with the registration procedure, completeness requirements and correct execution of qualification documentation submitted to the certification commission is carried out by the executive secretary of the relevant certification commission.

3.5. The executive secretary of the certification commission, no later than one month from the date of registration of the qualification documentation, determines the expert group of the certification commission corresponding to the specialty (direction) declared in the qualification documentation and agrees with its chairman on the timing of the specialist’s qualification examination.

3.6. Based on the results of reviewing the qualification documentation, the chairman of the expert group determines the members of the expert group to review the report on the professional activities of the specialist.

3.7. The chairman of the expert group determines the need to attract independent specialists (experts) to review the report on the specialist’s professional activities.

3.8. A review of a report on the professional activities of a specialist is signed by members of the expert group participating in the review or independent specialists (experts) and the chairman of the expert group.

3.9. The review should reflect:

  • possession of modern diagnostic and treatment methods that meet the qualification requirements for specialists of the second, first and highest categories;
  • participation of a specialist in the work of a scientific society or professional medical association;
  • availability of publications and printed works;
  • duration and timing of the last advanced training;
  • forms of self-education used by a specialist;
  • compliance of the volume of theoretical knowledge, actually performed diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills with the qualification requirements for specialists in the declared qualification category.

3.10. The period for examination of qualification documentation by an expert group cannot exceed 14 calendar days.

3.11. Based on the results of the review, the expert group prepares a conclusion on the assessment of the specialist’s report and, together with the executive secretary of the certification commission, determines the date for the meeting in the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

The secretary of the expert group notifies the specialist about the date of the meeting.

3.12. During the expert group meeting, the specialist is tested and interviewed.

  • Testing provides for the implementation test tasks corresponding to the declared qualification category and specialty, and is recognized as a passed specialist subject to at least 70% correct answers to test tasks.
  • Interview involves interviewing a specialist members of the expert group on theoretical and practical issues relevant to the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

3.13. At a meeting of the expert group, the secretary of the expert group keeps individual protocols of specialists undergoing qualification procedures (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Regulations). Each individual protocol is certified by the members and the chairman of the expert group.

3.14. The decision on the compliance of a specialist with the declared category is made based on the results of testing, interviews and taking into account the assessment of the report on the professional activities of the specialist and is entered into the qualification sheet.

3.15. At the meeting, the expert group of the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

  • assign a second qualification category;
  • improve the second qualification category by assigning the first;
  • upgrade the first qualification category with assignment to the highest;
  • confirm the previously assigned qualified category;
  • remove the first (highest) qualification category and assign a lower qualification category;
  • deprive of qualification category (second, first, highest);
  • reschedule certification;
  • refuse to assign a qualification category.

3.16. In case of deprivation, downgrading or refusal to assign a higher qualification category, the specialist’s individual protocol indicates the reasons why the expert group of the certification commission made the corresponding decision.

3.17. The assessment of a specialist’s qualifications is adopted by open voting if at least 2/3 of the members of the expert group of the certification commission are present at the meeting.

3.19. When making a decision to assign a qualification category to a specialist who is a member of the certification commission, the latter does not participate in voting.

3.20. A specialist has the right to take a re-qualification exam, but not earlier than one year after a decision is made about non-compliance with the qualification category.

3.21. Individual protocols of the specialists being examined are sent to the executive secretary of the certification commission for the preparation of minutes of the meeting of the certification commission (the recommended sample is given in Appendix No. 6 to these Regulations). The minutes of the meeting of the expert group are certified by the members of the expert group and approved by the deputy chairman of the certification commission.

3.22. Replacing a member of the expert group with another person who is not part of it is not allowed.

3.23. A draft order for the assignment of a qualification category is prepared by the executive secretary of the certification commission based on its decision. The body under which the certification commission is created issues an order to assign a qualification category within one month.

3.24. Within a week from the date of issuance of the order to assign a qualification category, the executive secretary of the certification commission draws up a document on receipt of the qualification category, which is signed by the chairman of the certification commission and certified by the seal of the body under which it was created.

3.25. A document confirming the assignment of a qualification category is issued to a specialist or a person authorized by him (based on a power of attorney) upon presentation of an identification document of the recipient, or sent via postal service(with the consent of the specialist).

3.26. The issued document on assignment of a qualification category is registered in the document registration journal.

3.27. In case of loss of a document on assignment of a qualification category, based on a written application from a specialist to the certification commission, a duplicate is issued within a month. When registering it, the word “Duplicate” is written on the upper left side.

3.28. Qualification documentation, copies of orders for the assignment of qualification categories and other organizational and administrative documents relating to the work of the certification commission are stored in the certification commission for five years, after which they are subject to destruction in accordance with the established procedure.

3.29. The specialist has the right to familiarize himself with the documents submitted to the certification commission.

3.30. Decisions of certification commissions, within thirty days from the date of their adoption, can be appealed by sending an application justifying the reasons for disagreement to the bodies under which the certification commissions were created, as well as to the Central Certification Commission.

3.31. In cases of conflict, an employee can appeal the decision of the certification commission in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.32. Information (certificate, extract from the protocol, etc.) about specialists who have received a qualification category can be issued upon a written request from the specialist himself or at the request of law enforcement agencies.

IV. Forms of work of the certification commission

4.1. Certifying commission:

  • analyzes the activities of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education who have submitted documents for obtaining qualification categories;
  • summarizes the experience of work and implementation of qualification procedures and provides an annual report to the body under which it was created;
  • considers the need to hold off-site meetings.

4.2. The need to hold an on-site meeting is determined by the certification commission based on requests from organizations and other structures representing the interests of specialists. When studying the issue of the need to hold an on-site meeting, the certification commission has the right to request data on the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to receive a qualification category, and the specialties (directions) declared for the qualification exam.

4.3. The chairman of the certification commission sends to the body under which the certification commission was created a justification for the need (or lack of need) to hold an on-site meeting of the certification commission.

4.4. When preparing a justification for the need (lack of need), the following are taken into account:

  • the level of workload of the expert groups of the certification commission and their members at the main place of work;
  • circumstances due to which specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam cannot appear at the meeting place of the certification commission;
  • the quantitative composition of specialists wishing to pass the qualification exam;
  • information about the qualifications of these specialists, provided by the organizations in which they carry out professional activities;
  • the opportunity to comply with the requirements, including the qualification procedures established by these Regulations, during the on-site meeting of the certification commission.

4.5. The body under which the certification commission is created makes a decision to hold an on-site meeting of the attestation commission and, by its order, approves the personal composition of the attestation commission and expert groups, the timing of the on-site meeting of the attestation commission and its tasks.

Saying a lot with little means is what skill comes down to
(A.M. Vasnetsov)

A doctor’s certification report on the work done is, in fact, a scientific and practical work in which the doctor analyzes the results of his professional practice and professional activities over the past three years on all issues of their specialty.

Below are the sections that a normal doctor’s certification report should consist of.

I. Introduction

1. Brief information about the author It is advisable to keep it to one page. Sparingly cover your career path, note the main milestones of professional growth, highlight achievements in your work, remember diplomas, certificates and certificates from advanced training courses.
2. Brief information about the medical institution Briefly and discreetly provide information about your medical institution: number of beds, number of visits, types of diagnostic and treatment procedures, etc. Focus on the features of the institution.
3. Characteristics of your structural unit (for example, department) Again, in a lapidary style, present the characteristics of the department: the main tasks and principles of organizational work. Equipment of the department (for functional, laboratory, physiotherapy, etc.) Staffing structure of medical personnel and the place occupied by the doctor in the described structure. Department performance indicators for reporting period on years.

II. The main part of the certification report is the doctor’s personal work over the past three years

All indicators are presented in comparison with annual data analysis for the last three years. It will be appropriate to compare your data with similar indicators for the institution, region or country. Each digital material (table, graph, diagram) should be followed by an analytical explanation that reveals the essence of the dynamics of the numbers (or lack thereof), which will demonstrate your ability to critically analyze.

1. Characteristics of the contingent Structure of treated patients by age, gender, groups, highlighting the most common nosological forms, complex cases. Features of the clinic, age-related pathology. Analysis of the contingent (in comparison with previous years).
2. Diagnostic system Display the diagnostic system (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Demonstrate your knowledge in modern methods diagnostics: capabilities, limitations, indications, interpretation. Give examples of the most difficult diagnostic cases from practice.
3. Therapeutic work Display treatment work (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Analysis of treatment results with global assessment, own experience application of certain methods. Describe clinically interesting cases from practice.
4. Mortality analysis Analysis of fatal cases by nosological units.
5. Innovation Rationalization work or development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. It is especially important to describe the therapeutic and diagnostic effect achieved as a result of the introduction of new methods.
6. Advisory work See treatment work analysis
7. Organizational and methodological work As a rule, this section of the certification report is intended for heads of departments. Development methodological instructions, instructions, implementation of a system for monitoring and analyzing the quality of work, etc.

III. Sections of the certification report that may be required

IN different regions may set their own rules of the game and require additional disclosure of certain issues in their attestation report.
