How to understand that you have been jinxed? Signs of the evil eye and damage. Charms against the evil eye

How to understand that you have been jinxed? There are certain methods with which you can determine whether there are traces of magical influence on you. Also, special rituals are used to diagnose damage or the evil eye. Let's consider the topic in detail.

Looking for traces of black magic

Damage or the evil eye is a negative magical intervention in a person’s life, and magic, especially dark magic, always leaves traces. Therefore, we will tell you how to understand that you have damage or the evil eye, and you look for the listed signs on yourself.

The most common symptoms of the evil eye or damage are as follows:

  1. Health suffers. A person’s immunity drops, chronic diseases worsen, he feels unwell, gets sick often, and may even contract an unknown disease, the cause of which doctors are unable to determine.
  2. If damage or the evil eye was imposed with the aim of divorcing you from your loved one, problems may arise in the relationship. These are conflicts, disagreements, quarrels. It’s as if you stop hearing each other, your partner is incredibly annoying and it seems that you made a mistake in choosing a life partner
  3. No sooner have you recovered from one disease than you immediately fall ill with something else.
  4. Suffering financial well-being and career matters. A person under the influence of the evil eye can be fired or fined. He may lose all his fortune and property due to an unforeseen event

It is noteworthy that the culprit of the damage could jinx you unconsciously, not on purpose. This happens when a person experiences intense envy to someone else's success. It’s not for nothing that they say that happiness loves silence. Boast less about your successes - than less people will envy you, the more protected you are from the accidental evil eye.

How to understand that you have been jinxed or damaged by common symptoms:

  1. You begin to get tired quickly, often burst into anger and become extremely absent-minded. Of course, these signs can be attributed to damage only if you have not noticed such phenomena before in your life
  2. A person who has been jinxed is characterized by extreme slowness and inhibition of reactions. He always looks lost: it feels like he is a child who got lost in the crowd and lost his mother
  3. Not able to take initiative in any, even the most basic situation. The brain seems to refuse to generate ideas, the person becomes dependent on the help and decisions of others
  4. Often angry, irritated, with or without reason. Because of this, relationships with loved ones, and with the entire environment in principle, can seriously deteriorate.
  5. Provokes quarrels and conflicts with family members, with colleagues, even in in public places can cause a scandal and completely involve strangers. There is also a serious escalation of long-standing conflicts.
  6. A person constantly feels an unpleasant tingling, sometimes burning sensation in the solar plexus area

The symptoms are very different. But the difficulty is that even if you know how to understand that you are damaged, you can never be sure using only these methods.

Some of them are also typical for completely ordinary people, for whom no one has performed magical rituals. For example, irritability or fatigue may be symptoms of normal overwork.

How to understand whether you have damage or the evil eye: folk methods

There are simple rituals that people used to determine whether a person has been damaged. One of these rituals is diagnosing spoilage using an ordinary chicken egg.

Take fresh egg and pour clean water V glass tumbler. There are nuances:

  • Check that the egg is fresh. Put it in water - the rotten one will float, the fresh one will sink to the bottom
  • The water must be distilled or melted. The ideal option is spring water. But this is not available to everyone, so try to at least use water from a natural source
  • You can't do it alone, so ask a relative or close friend to help you. It is very important that this person also believes in magical rituals, was not a skeptic

During the day, sit on a chair. Your assistant should stand behind you and place a glass of water on your head. With one hand he holds the container, and with the other he breaks the egg directly into the glass. Then you should wait a few minutes and examine the contents of the glass:

  • If the water and egg have not undergone any changes, you are fine. The water should remain clear and the egg should remain its normal color.
  • If the water has become cloudy and the egg is riddled with white thin threads, this is an alarming sign. He says that you most likely have damage

If the ritual confirms that you have traces of black magic, put the glass with the egg on the balcony or in another secluded place. After nine days, the egg that has gone rotten in the water should be poured under a tree. It is advisable to find a place where people rarely set foot.

What to do if you have been jinxed?

Get rid of severe damage yourself to an ordinary person, unless it has very powerful energy, it is almost impossible. It is necessary to turn to people who have psychic and healing abilities.

And prayers, talismans and a sincere appeal to God with a request to help will help you get rid of the evil eye. True, this method is unlikely to suit atheists. But people who are far from religion usually do not believe in the evil eye, preferring to be treated using traditional methods.

Important: if the evil eye is accompanied by poor health, do not rely solely on the power of prayers and healing spells. Be sure to consult a doctor to solve the problem from all sides.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to determine damage. And it is right. Now magic is spreading actively and it is used not by a few, but by the majority. Everything depends on the good intentions in a person.

Some use it for good, some for harm. Some people can deliberately bring negativity to you, so it is important to be able to identify and clean it.

What is damage

Damage is a conscious negative impact on a person, which is achieved through special rituals. It is created with the goal of destroying the life of the object of influence and directing negativity towards him. After such rituals, a person may experience illness, failure, loneliness and even death.

As a rule, a person who has been subjected to such negativity may begin to have misunderstandings in society. A person may become lonely. People turn away, quarrels occur with those around them.

The collapse of the material sphere is also possible. Some begin a series of failures, refusals, and financial losses.

Health also suffers. Illnesses appear, sometimes fatal. They are difficult to diagnose and heal with difficulty or nothing helps at all. The psyche is destroyed. Emotional condition goes into a negative component, phobias and depressive moments may appear.

Corruption also affects the will of the individual. There is a tendency towards addiction.

There are many options for negative impacts and they should be diagnosed in a timely manner.

Here are the symptoms and signs of damage:

  • Apathy, depressive thoughts
  • Sleep problems
  • Weakness
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Headache
  • Phobias, neuroses
  • Impotence
  • Loneliness
  • Losses
  • Failures
  • Ailments
  • Poor appetite
  • Insulation
  • Quarreling
  • Anxiety
  • Doom
  • Financial difficulties
  • Touchiness
  • Bad habits
  • Incense intolerance
  • Yawning, nausea during prayer and meditation
  • Discomfort in cathedrals
  • Finding supports (salt, needles, soil in a bag, etc.)
  • Animals behave inappropriately

We determine damage on our own

Not everything in the world can be explained rationally. A person is accustomed to dividing life into “black” and “white” stripes, the more difficult it is for him to understand and discern the magical influence sent to his destiny. Unfortunately, there are people who are endowed with knowledge of how to destroy short time the life of one's neighbor, with the help of black magic. And most often they succeed with ease.

In order to accurately determine whether a harmful ritual was performed, a person can perform an independent ritual. Self-diagnosis, at worst, will not harm him, and at best, it signals a real threat and will help him avoid serious danger.

To date, several ancient rituals have been preserved that reveal damage:

On a candle.

To determine damage, perform the ritual:

Holding a wax church candle in your hands, you need a few minutes eyes closed listen to your feelings, concentrate on your well-being.

As soon as a person feels that he is completely focused, he will need to light a candle and, holding it with both hands, without taking his eyes off the flame. If the fire is even and bright, then there is no reason to worry. When it begins to twitch as if from the wind, black smoke begins to hiss, or the candle suddenly goes out, this is confirmation of the negativity that has been imposed on the person, and measures should be taken immediately.

On a silver chain.

The chain must be worn and belong only to the person who performs the ritual to identify damage. It is not recommended to use a pectoral cross in this ritual.

You need to place a lit candle in front of you and hold a silver chain in your left hand (left-handed or right-handed). Looking at the candle flame, read any prayer that is closer to your soul.

When a magical effect is cast on a person, the chain oscillates and may begin to twitch or jump out of the hand.

On a chicken egg.

The classic way to detect negative action is egg. For the ceremony, you need to purchase a village egg (from supermarkets is not suitable).

So, place a glass filled with holy water at the head of the bed and, before going to bed, place an egg in it. In the morning, it is easy to recognize damage by its condition. If the egg has spoiled, changed color, or an unpleasant odor appears, there is an impact on humans. When the egg has not changed its qualities, there is nothing to worry about; no dangerous manipulations for the potential victim were performed.

Through matches

It is very easy to determine damage to a person through matches; for this you need to take a jar of water. Place it in front of you. And then take 3 or more matches from the box and hold them between your palms. This must be done in order to fill the matches with your energy. Then you need to give the matches a program: "Do I have negative impact?".

After setting, light them and throw water into the jar. then interpret the answer according to the following criteria:

  • The matches do not intersect, they are freely located on the surface: you have no damage.
  • Matches intersect or are tilted towards the bottom: evil eye.
  • The matches went down: damage

On wax.

This method is popular among village healers. It helps determine whether there is damage. Church candle is divided into several parts and placed in a container. Holding it over an open fire (for example, over a burner) you need to melt the wax. The container with melted wax must be held over the victim’s head for several seconds. Afterwards, the wax is poured into a bowl of cold water.

The pattern of frozen wax determines the presence of damage on a person. When the pattern is curved lines, depressions or bulges with bubbles, this is considered a sign of black influence. When the drawing is frozen in an even circle or consists of rounded lines, then everything is in order and there is nothing to be afraid of.

For this there is the following ritual:

Melt natural wax in a water bath and carefully pour into a bowl filled with water (the container should not be chlorinated). In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the spell: “The wax is poured out, the enemy is exposed.” A wax image is formed in the bowl, and if it is a flower or a moon, the damage is made by a woman. When a bear, a raven, a wolf or a square figure (maybe a rhombus) is seen in the image, the man is involved in the applied black magic. Often there were episodes when the victim of damage saw a clear image of the culprit in the bowl.

On egg white.

The method is similar to the above, but in this case the wax is replaced broken egg. The yolk and white should lie evenly in the water, without mixing with each other. The bowl with its contents is held above the head of the intended victim for about three minutes. If the protein has curled up, bubbles, spots or dots of different colors have formed on it, then this indicates a strong negative.

Identifying the disease is only half the battle; it is necessary to find out the cause so that the disease does not occur again. In other words, it is not enough to find out about the presence of a negative impact on a person; it is necessary to establish who from the environment caused damage and protect yourself from the society of a black magician.

For coffee

You can determine the presence of spoilage thanks to coffee. To do this, you need to brew and drink coffee, and then turn the cup over and contemplate the drawing. Draw conclusions based on the patterns. Huge lumps will indicate negativity. Moreover, the degree of induced evil depends on their magnitude.

With the help of a cat

To understand the presence or absence of damage, bring home a black cat (from the yard). Let her stay in the apartment for a couple of hours, win her over, give her time to get used to the new environment. Then pick her up and watch the animal's behavior. If the cat calmly cowers at you, everything is fine, there is no negativity, if it breaks out, is aggressive, etc., then there is negativity.

Through a pendulum or frame

In bioenergy, in order to understand whether there is damage to a person, two simple tools are used - a frame or a pendulum.

Thanks to the frame, they look at a person’s chakras, analyzing whether there are any breakdowns in them. They simply direct the frame starting from Sahasrara and further down to the remaining chakras, while asking the necessary questions. And they watch how they rotate. In addition, at the beginning they ask general question: "Is there any damage to this person".

Naturally, this instrument is given the desired program. And after each answer, the frame is cleaned using a special method.

It's even easier to work with a pendulum. They can buy it in any esoteric store or create it on their own. They get ready to work and perform a simple ritual.

They set a program: if there is damage to a given person, rotate according to the emergency; if not, then against it. They knock on the table and watch the magic instrument rotate.

For the pendulum to give accurate answers, you need to make friends with it, pick it up more often, and put it under your pillow.

Types of damage

There are many different types damage. Basically they are done on:

  • Loneliness
  • Disease
  • Death
  • Failures
  • Sexual helplessness
  • Mental problems
  • Impotence
  • Black stripe.
  • Money problems
  • Moving in
  • Obsession
  • Suicide

Damage to relationships

  • Love spell
  • Seal of loneliness
  • Lapel
  • Quarrel
  • Crown of celibacy
  • Family breakup

Pointing methods

  • Lining
  • Damage through the church
  • Through food
  • Via phone
  • Through a doll
  • On personal power
  • Through the churchyard
  • Besovskie
  • Omorochki
  • Damn
  • And so on

In addition to damage done through rituals, there is also everyday damage that can be acquired unconsciously, for example, through strong resentment, anger, hatred, envy.

Each negative impact caused by a black magician, with the aim of distorting a person’s life, affects the health of the victim of the ritual, both physical and mental. So the rule clearly applies here: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Indeed, you need to find out about the presence of a magical influence, that is, induced damage, as early as possible and immediately begin to solve the problem (after consulting with esoteric specialists in advance). This greatly increases a person’s chances of a positive outcome.

Every person on whom large and small troubles begin to rain down, sooner or later suspicions arise that he is being damaged. But at the same time, he is by no means sure of the presence of such negativity, and therefore continues to be inactive, only aggravating the situation. It is useful for everyone to know how to understand that you have been jinxed in order to protect yourself from negativity and protect your family. Damage can be determined by indirect signs and with the help of special rituals.

How to understand that they have jinxed or caused damage?

You can suspect the evil eye based on the following symptoms:

  • deterioration in health, constant loss of interest in life, depression, thoughts of suicide;
  • sudden deterioration in health, exacerbation of chronic diseases, emergence of new ones, and several at once;
  • the emergence of numerous problems at work or even its loss, aggravation of relations with colleagues and superiors;
  • aggravation of the financial situation, loss of money, theft, encounter with scammers, sharp decrease in income;
  • developing addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, promiscuous sexual relations, dangerous extreme entertainment.

Of course, this can also be attributed to a banal coincidence. To check for sure, you should resort to a simple magical action. If you don’t know how to understand that a person has been jinxed, you should take an ordinary chicken egg and a glass of clean water. They put a glass on the head of the “spoiled” person, ask them to hold it with their hands, break an egg into a container, and a little later they see what happens. If the contents have not changed color, everything is fine; if it becomes cloudy or blackened, the evil eye is present.

How to understand that you have been jinxed by love?

If a person does not have a relationship with the opposite sex, he cannot find his soulmate, and It seems that the established relationship immediately begins to fall apart, then, most likely, there is a love evil eye. You can definitely find out with the help of a wax candle. You should light it, drip the wax into a container of water: if it has frozen evenly, everything is in order, if it has bubbles, craters, grooves, rays, the evil eye is on you.

How to understand that a family has been jinxed?

It often happens that things suddenly deteriorate between family members: quarrels, scandals begin, close people become strangers. This can also be signs of damage. Place bunches of dry St. John's wort in the corners of the house: if it starts to smell strongly, the family has been jinxed.

In this article, the magician Sergei Artgrom will tell you how to independently recognize the evil eye at home, I will give signs of accessible ways to check for negativity that are not associated with complex rituals. When the need arises to check the evil eye on yourself, you can do it at home. There is no particular difficulty here, and no special skills are required. With magical damage on a person it is somewhat more complicated, since the effect is much more serious than the evil eye. At home, find out if there is damage, you can use runic layouts or layouts on Tarot cards. This effective ways checking for the presence of negativity in the biofield, but they require knowledge and skills.

Find out on your own whether there is damage - how difficult is it and what do you need to know?

You can determine damage to a person yourself using runes, for example, there is a good layout for identifying magical negativity Runic wax. It shows any type of presence of magical negativity on a person, and, in addition, makes it clear where it came from, who initiated it and what, which witchcraft will affect in a negative way. However, if you don’t know the runes, you will hardly be able to read and understand their message.

Tarot cards are very informative and will help you find out for yourself whether there is damage to you. Especially dark decks when it comes to negativity. Some magicians believe that the rune system is complex and uninformative, while others think the messages of the runes are simple and understandable. Diagnosing the cards of the Tarot deck also has many of its own peculiarities. Simply put, the magician works with what is closest to his spirit. If you have mastered any prediction system, you will be able to find out about the state of your own biofield, as well as determine damage to a person at home. Otherwise, you need the help of a specialist runologist or tarot reader.

As for how to independently recognize the evil eye at home, everything is simple, and now I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about it.

Find out for yourself whether there is an evil eye - several options for home diagnostics

Firstly, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say with complete certainty that a sensitive person, an intuitive person who lives by sensations and trusts his body, will certainly feel the evil eye, because the evil eye is nothing more than a charge of negative energy that will certainly affect a person, and will act in a negative way.

  • sudden weakness in the limbs,
  • dizziness,
  • darkening in the eyes,
  • feeling of weightlessness,
  • nausea

These are signs of an energy strike. If you are an insightful person, you will not miss this moment, these body signals.

In addition, if your inner voice tells you that you have been jinxed, then it is so, and you need to at least try independently determine the evil eye. There are such rituals in witchcraft. They are quite simple, applicable at home, and do not require special skills or serious knowledge. By using these methods of diagnosing yourself at home, you will be able to identify negativity, and even with some skill, understand what nature and intensity this negativity is.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, suggest trying to identify the evil eye at home using:

  1. wax candle
  2. matches
  3. fresh chicken egg

Diagnostics magical ways allows a person to find out whether he has the evil eye, and also to independently check the damage at home. Light witchcraft rituals are used even by practicing magicians.

How to determine damage and the evil eye at home using a candle

Diagnostics can be carried out on any day, regardless of lunar phases. This way you can diagnose a magical negative in yourself, or you can independently determine the negative in a person, for example, a family member. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you, interesting fact, for thought. The one who diagnoses another person, no matter what subject - to identify damage, determine defenses, etc., must himself be clean. In other words, the diagnostician should not have any induced negativity that obscures the truth.

If a person who identifies magical negativity in another person himself walks under the damage done to him, then the answers will most likely be received incorrectly. Therefore, before diagnosing other people, you should check the damage on yourself; You can do this yourself by using a witchcraft ritual with a candle, or using a chicken egg diagnostic method.

Diagnosing the evil eye on yourself using a candle is not very convenient, although if you try, you can do it and get objective answers. But, you can always choose witchcraft rituals to independently determine the presence of damage that are convenient for you. So, how does one identify negativity in the biofield using a candle made of natural wax? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have said more than once that it is natural wax that is important, and not paraffin, colored or perfumed.

  • Place the person you will be diagnosing for traces of damage and the evil eye on a chair facing east. The patient's hands rest loosely on his knees, palms open.
  • Stand behind him, holding a burning candle in your hand. Read the “Our Father” prayer if you and your patient are baptized Christians, live in accordance with the institutions of the church and are under the protection of the church egregor. In this case, Christian Forces are called upon. If you are not related to the Christian egregor, then it is clear that, wanting to independently check whether there is damage to a person, you call on your assistants.
  • Walk around the person three times clockwise. Hold the candle at a distance of 10 -15 cm from the person’s body, and move it in spiral movements from the top of the head to the knees and back. If the candle flame is calm, does not change its color, if the candle does not crack, does not spark, does not turn black or cry, then the biofield is clear.

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The evil eye can be either a random influence of an envious person with strong energy, or a directed influence, but not fully realized by the person himself. An ill-wisher, a friend, a girlfriend, a relative, i.e. can cast the evil eye. any person who does not love you either loves you excessively or is intensely jealous of you. Not every person is so courageous and honest with himself as to admit that he is an envious person, because this is unsightly. Therefore, people (who mostly have a good opinion of themselves) deny envy. If a person is jealous, he sometimes hides it so carefully from himself that he is not aware of the fact that he is capable of putting the evil eye on someone. Although, there are obvious envious people and quarrelsome people, and there are many of them.

And finally, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will remind you that you can jinx yourself, thereby ruining your affairs. In real magic there are rituals that allow you to protect yourself from the self-evil eye. Let's return to the candle with which we try Find out for yourself if there is an evil eye. Energy damage localized behind the back of the head and in the upper part of the human body - neck, shoulders. The area affected by the evil eye is usually small. The candle will let you know if there is energy damage in the biofield. However, the candle will not behave as violently as in the presence magical damage in a person's aura.

Damage is a strong influence, accompanied by certain actions of the sorcerer and words of the Force. Real damage causes significant damage to the biofield. Therefore the candle you use to check damage at home, will react violently with a change in the color of the flame to red or purple, with soot, sparks and crackling sounds, and an unpleasant odor. Sometimes the candle melts with strong drips and cries. The more negative the person being tested is, the more energetic the candle will react.

How to independently identify the evil eye using matches

This is old folk recipe determining the presence of the evil eye and magical damage on a person. Home diagnostics using matches requires clarification, especially if you suspect a negative effect on yourself that is much stronger than the banal evil eye, and you want to independently determine the presence of damage.
To perform the ritual you will need:

  1. glass container with cold water
  2. Matchbox

Take an odd number of matches, no less than 3. Hold them in your hands for a while, having a clear intention, and thinking about the need to determine damage and the evil eye at home. Having charged them with our energy, we light these matches one by one and throw them into the water. Then look at the result.

  • If all the matches float on the surface of the water without intersecting, then you are fine. There is no evil eye or magical damage.
  • If the matches are tilted down or floating on top of each other, this can be interpreted as the presence of an evil eye.
  • If at least one match has dropped and is in layers of water, there is a possibility that there is damage.

Self-diagnosis at home using matches is one of the simplest. And, of course, the answers received require clarification. For greater confidence, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend identifying damage yourself in different ways.

How to check spoilage yourself - diagnosing egg spoilage

For a long time, village healers checked whether a person was cursed using a fresh chicken egg. The egg has a sensitive biofield. When it comes into contact with someone else's energy, the biological field of the egg reacts to the negative, which leads

  1. fresh chicken egg
  2. clear glass container with cold water

The egg must be from domestic chicken, fresh. Hold the egg in your palms, then begin to gently roll it over the patient’s body from head to feet. Then break the egg into the water without damaging the yolk. And look.

  • If the yolk is torn, or looks like it is scalded, this can be interpreted as the presence of gaps in the biofield. There is a possibility that there was a magical attack on you, someone did some damage.
  • If there are serious effects caused by witchcraft, the protein in the water will be cloudy, white threads, protein cobwebs, and dark inclusions will be visible.
  • If there are air bubbles in the egg structure, we can talk about significant damage to the biofield. Rolling out an egg is also good because with this ritual you can independently find out whether there is a curse.

The second method of diagnosing negativity is similar to what I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, just described, but it is even simpler. First, hold the container of water above your head. The water will take information from his aura. Then break the egg into water and see what the result is. What you see should be interpreted as in the previous method.

And the third way is how independently identify negativity in a person or on yourself, the simplest. Place a glass container of water at the head of the bed overnight, breaking a chicken egg into it. In the morning you can check the state of the biofield by appearance eggs.

People sometimes notice that troubles begin to fall on them like heavy summer rain. But they don’t add any freshness to life or bring joy. It's all about energy. Such people are under the influence of damage or the evil eye. The condition is not only unpleasant, but also very dangerous. How to identify damage in order to get rid of it quickly? What are its symptoms? Let's figure it out.

When should you start worrying?

It is clear that everyone has dark (or gray) streaks in life. You won’t begin to suspect for every reason that damage has appeared. There is quite a lot of information on how to determine this condition. It is recommended to start with recollection and analysis. The fact is that this negative impact affects all aspects of life. It can be imagined as a huge black hole through which human strength pours out. Just imagine that you need a certain amount of “resources” for a normal existence. It's not just food, water and other material goods. It's about about your energy. In a normal state, a person has a lot of it, or, let’s say, enough. And if there is damage or the evil eye, its deficiency is felt. It’s just that some of the energy is taken away by negative egregors. Which one, you ask? But this is a separate conversation. The arsenal here is quite large. If you feel a lack of strength, then you definitely need to know how to identify damage in order to confirm your suspicions.


Now let's talk about a specific diagnosis. Don't swear and be patient. You will see for yourself that it is impossible to name several specific symptoms of such a negative impact. It is too multifactorial, resourceful, cunning. When figuring out how to identify spoilage, focus on what is important to you personally. That is, negativity manifests itself in the “most subtle” place. And precisely in the area of ​​life that is most sensitive for a person. If you try to “fit” your symptoms to certain parameters, you can get confused, mistaking the secondary for the main. And if you use the criterion of importance, it will be clearer. When analyzing events, pay attention to the moment when negative changes occur. If it can be clearly identified, there is most likely damage. Although, it does not always begin to act quickly, sharply plunging the victim into a period of troubles and misfortunes. However, the boundary can still be felt or remembered. In addition, when you think about how to determine damage in yourself or loved one, concentrate on how you feel. Organism in in this case acts as your ally. He will definitely tell you if there is negativity in the aura.


This symptom is definitely, perhaps, the most accurate. A person’s mood changes when he is affected by the evil eye and damage. How to determine this? So just watch yourself. Most people, when negatively affected, experience uncertainty, depression, and despondency. What previously made me happy is no longer interesting. And in general, the world is becoming gray and losing its colors. Incomprehensible tears flow from my eyes every now and then. People around you seem to evaluate you negatively, become angry, or find fault with you. Change of mood - very sure sign. After all, with the usual blues, soon the colors return to your world again. Damage is another matter. There is no point in guessing how to determine this. If the period of despondency lasts quite a long time, and even has no real reasons, then the diagnosis is correct.


This symptom is suitable only for people who remember nightly, astral travel. At negative impact their aura becomes alarming, even creepy. In the morning you may not even remember the plots completely, but the feeling of trouble will remain. Dreams become painful, dark, and disturbing. It feels like you're being chased by enemies or something worse. Symptomatic images have nothing to do with ordinary nightmares. A person wakes up with such a heaviness in his soul that he simply does not want to get up. There is absolutely no strength, the coming day only causes even greater despondency. Have you seen this happen to yourself? This means you can be sure that you have the evil eye and damage. How to determine what is being negatively impacted? This will be discussed further.


First, just a few words about what exactly the evil eye or damage brings. Troubles, as a rule, come to all areas of life. There is chaos at work, scandals at home, money evaporates in an unknown direction, friends turn away, and loved ones sulk or worse. This listing is, of course, inaccurate. Most often, damage affects one area. However, everyone else falls under attack. The main thing is that all these troubles and ups and downs take away a person’s feeling of happiness, peace, and joy. They weigh heavily on your shoulders, exhausting your soul, forcing you to make one mistake after another. And there is no rest anywhere. All exits, as the witch grandmothers say, are closed. By the way, these specialists in magical services know exactly how to determine damage on a person. Ask anyone and you will find out more the right way.

Determining egg spoilage

This method is well known. He is considered the most faithful among the witches. You need to take a fresh chicken egg. This means that the product must be obtained from the chicken on the day of the ritual. It cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Then the egg is considered alive. Take it in your hands if you want to determine your condition yourself. Think about all your misfortunes (or what you perceive as such). Break the egg into a jar or bowl with clean water. It is advisable to take a transparent container to see what you can get. Once broken, hold the container above your head for several minutes. Now you can watch. If the yolk has spread, then there is definitely damage. When the protein rises to the surface in threads topped with bubbles, as the witches say, “the heads come out.” This is most likely an evil eye or damage that does not need to be removed. It will pass on its own. This also happens. Negative shows broken yolk, blood or rotten egg. In this case, it is necessary to remove the damage. Let's talk about this too.

How to identify damage or the evil eye in a church

There is still a sure way to diagnose energy problems. It is suitable mainly for believers. We need to go to the temple. There, light a candle for yourself next to the Icon of the Mother of God. Before lighting the lamp, pray and ask for blessings. Now say this: “Mother of God! Mother of Jesus Christ! You are a comforter to every sinner! Tell me, show me, do I have witchcraft spells, evil human eyes?” Now light the candle. If it begins to smoke or sparkle, you know that you have negativity. Stand near the light. Watch further. Damage will be indicated by black streams. If you see them, ask the Mother of God for help. But when a candle shoots out like a tiny sparkler, then look for help on the side. Severe damage has been brought upon you. You may not be able to cope on your own.

How to determine damage to loneliness

The joys of love are one of the greatest values ​​in our world. But not everyone has them in their lives. Naturally, such unfortunate people suspect a negative impact. For them there is a way to determine the damage to loneliness. Needed for the ritual regular pin. In the morning, pin it to your clothes. Say this: “Lord, save me, a sinner, from inconsolable loneliness, lead me onto the dear path to my doorstep! Amen!" Now go about your business. And in the evening look at the pin. If it is unfastened or lost, then there is definitely damage. The tiger's eye will help you find out who brought it up. This is a stone. It must be placed under the mattress at night. Evil person will dream or manifest itself differently. You won't necessarily see your enemy. But in a dream there will probably be a clue where the trouble came from. This needs to be dealt with separately. Well, the damage needs to be removed, of course.

Is there damage in the family?

You understand that close people influence each other. Sometimes the bad mood or well-being of one person makes everyone feel bad. This happens if damage has been caused to the family. The witches also advise how to identify this “infection”. You need to go out of town and pick St. John's wort there. Since ancient times, this herb has been considered protective or protective. You need to collect as many branches as there are people living in the house. Hang it in everyone's room (near the bed). Now watch how the grass begins to wither. The one who withered the fastest should be reprimanded. This man is damaged. And if everything withers evenly, not quickly, but after a couple of days, then there is no negativity in the house. The person is simply moping or sick. Most likely, he will have to go to the doctor. But just in case, burn church candles in the house for a couple of days. And it would be nice to hang icons. The images of believers have always been protected from the devil's machinations.

There is discord in the family

Quarrels and scandals have probably happened to everyone at least once. It is difficult to suspect external influence here. But when this condition drags on, peace does not come to the house, perhaps damage has been caused to divorce. How to determine such an impact accurately, so as not to doubt? Yes, it’s not difficult either. Nettle leaves are needed for the ritual. The witches recommend collecting them yourself, before sunrise. But if this is not possible, buy dried herbs at the pharmacy. Just add a pinch to your tea when you start having a meal together. If you really have a spell for divorce, you will feel headache. It can appear in either one or both spouses. Therefore, it is recommended to drink tea together and watch. This is the right way. Especially when you collect and dry the grass yourself.

Let's summarize the diagnostic results

Know that when you suspect negativity, you need to be especially observant. After all, there are many ways to cause damage. Any nuance should attract your attention. For example, some strange things in the house or under the threshold. They should not be touched with hands. When lifting suspicious objects, you need to wear gloves or sweep them with a broom and dustpan. Then it’s better to burn it. If you want to know how to determine damage yourself, you will have to learn to pay attention to all sorts of little things. For example, a glance or a whisper behind your back. In this way, negativity is often introduced into a person’s field. But, of course, you can’t protect yourself from everything. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to yourself, your feelings, mood, and well-being. The body is the first to detect energy loss. If there is a cat in the house, then involve it in the diagnosis. This animal not only senses negativity, but also sees entities from another world. She begins to worry, breaks out, does not want to go into the arms of the person who has damage.

Methods of dealing with negativity

If everything is clear with the diagnosis, then we come to the most basic thing. Namely, we’ll look at how to get rid of damage yourself. Don't believe it's impossible. The aura is your own, why can’t you cope with it? One of the most popular methods is egg rolling. For the ritual, only fresh products are needed, as described above. Learn the prayers by heart. The Lord's Prayer and Psalm 90 are recommended. Take the egg in your hand and roll it over your skin while reciting prayers. Ideally, you want to cover your entire body. The process is long and grueling. After a certain time, you will feel that the egg has become heavy. You should throw it away and get another one. As a rule, the ceremony lasts at least three hours. It can be strengthened by ringing a bell. Find the video and play it on repeat. Let it sound continuously. For beginners, not all damage may go away the first time. If negative phenomena continue to invade your life, then perform the ritual again. By the way, it is best to drive out damage on the waning moon. The Queen of the Night will help you.

Pour onto wax

Buy candles at the temple. At least two are required for the ceremony. But when severe damage you will have to repeat it several times, so think through all the options and stock up on “attributes” for future use. Also have a spoon and a bowl of water ready. Light one candle. Read the Lord's Prayer. Now put the wax from the second candle into a spoon and heat it in the flame of the first. Say this: “Lord Almighty! Everything is Your will! Protect Your sinful servant (name). Let witchcraft and villainy go away, sorcery does not oppress me. Let the devilish forces leave the blood and work, I don’t care about them. Amen!" WITH the last word pour the melted wax into the water. Look what happened. The figures will tell you who caused the damage and what she wanted. So, needles speak of obstacles, holes - of diseases. Sometimes a witch is made of wax. This is a sign of damage to your personal life. If you see “knots” and weaves, they mean that someone is jealous of your income and well-being. The described procedure must be repeated three times. The wax is thrown away. Under no circumstances should he be left in the house. Knowledgeable experts recommend repeating the entire process in a month to definitely get rid of damage or the evil eye.

We have looked at what damage is, how to identify and remove this scourge. This is just the most basic information. Remember that negativity is tricky. He can hide under the guise of goodness. Be attentive to yourself and your loved ones.
