The first coffee shop was opened in. When and where did the first coffee shops open? Ethiopian legend: an accidental find



    The history of the coffee shop…………………………………….………4

    Two main groups of coffee shops………………………...…………………5

    Coffee shops in different parts peace………………………………………….……7

    Variety and assortment of coffee……………………………..…….9

    Coffee shop visitors………………………………………………………12

    Coffee shops globally, nationally and regionally……….13


    List of used literature……………………………………..17


What is it impossible to imagine a single morning without? Of course, without a hot cup aromatic coffee, which awakens us with just the smell, and there’s no point in talking about the taste at all, it’s simply delicious. No matter how you prepare it at home: be it on the stove or using a coffee machine, in specialized establishments the coffee will still have a more pronounced and rich flavor. Here, the entire process of preparing this divine drink is monitored by highly qualified staff, and the types of coffee are selected with great care. Coffee shops are such places to enjoy a unique taste.

coffee house -company Catering, specializing in the production and sale with on-site consumption of a wide range of hot drinks from coffee, cocoa and tea, flour dishes and bakery and confectionery products, culinary products from semi-finished products high degree readiness in a limited assortment, as well as alcoholic drinks and purchased goods.

A coffee shop is a gastronomic establishment that is a place for meetings and communication, where you can order drinks and dessert dishes (ice cream, cakes). As a rule, coffee shops offer coffee, but often the assortment of the establishment includes black and green tea, juices, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. In some coffee shops you can buy your favorite coffee beans.

The history of the coffee shop.

The first two coffee shops in the world opened in V V . IN the first coffee shops appear outside Ottoman Empire. Thus, the first coffee shop in Italy was opened in Venice in . The first coffee shop in England opened in . In this country they are called “penny universities” because they charge money both for entry into the coffee shop and for a cup of coffee. Coffee houses quickly gained popularity among merchants, and later among other segments of the population. Already in There were 551 coffee shops in London. Visitors to coffee shops, as a rule, were united by some common interests, mainly professional. The most famous coffee shop in Venice, still in existence today, was opened in . It's called Cafe Florian.

IN the first coffee shops appeared in and existed until the formation . Under Soviet rule, coffee shops were closed and returned to Russia only in the early 90s. Coffee shops continued to exist under Soviet rule only in some regions , and Western Ukraine.

Two main groups of coffee shops

All coffee shops can be divided into two main groups: thematic and network. The owner of a so-called themed coffee shop himself determines the style of the establishment and the rules for visitors to stay in it. Thematic coffee houses are very popular among people, revealing a specific theme, be it history, cinematography, style in culture. These completely individual establishments are not alike. Chain coffee shops are a complex of establishments united general rules, appearance, do not need special advertising, since they, for the most part, already have sufficient popularity. In both groups there are main types of coffee shops of three formats.

1. Traditional coffee shop. The main part of the menu is coffee, there are different kinds tea and hot chocolate. Visitors are offered sweet and rich desserts. Guests place an order at the bar and take whatever they choose to their table. The prices here are not high. The main advantage of traditional coffee shops is the small financial investment.

2. Coffee house “Russian format”. Very popular with visitors. Here, guests sit at a table waiting for the waiter, as in a restaurant, and place an order without leaving their seats. Here you can sit with a cup of divine drink while leisurely reading newspapers, discussing the latest gossip or show business news. The range of coffee in establishments of this format is quite wide and of high quality. In addition to desserts, there are also cold appetizers, salads, and hot main courses. Drinks also differ in their variety. Alcohol is also available. The coffee shop format, although the most expensive, is very popular and is very popular among visitors.

3. Fast food format. Very popular in large cities. The name speaks for itself. This is a quick meal and coffee drunk on the run from a plastic cup with a tightly closed lid and straw. This format is suitable for large stores, train stations, frequently visited places and institutions. Plus: requires minimal investment. Minus: no magic of the aroma of coffee, gatherings, calm and cozy atmosphere.
Whatever coffee shop you choose, the most important thing is that the aftertaste of the coffee you drink gives you peace and balance.

Coffee shops in different parts of the world.

Today, coffee and coffee drinks are popular all over the world. Coffee is grown in 80 countries: South and Central America, on the coast Caribbean Sea, in Africa and Asia. Largest countries Coffee suppliers are Brazil and Colombia, third place is occupied by Indonesia.

The popularity of coffee and drinks based on it remains unchanged high level. Now this business is successfully developing in Russia.On coffee shops serve as important social gathering places for men. Others come to coffee shops to listen to music, read books, play or , watch TV, etc. Hookah is also a traditional service in such coffee shops.

One famous American coffee shop is Central Perk in New York. It was first invented by the writers of the TV series “Friends,” whose characters spent their free time in it.

Coffee house "El Fishawy" – a coffee shop with almost 250 years of history, located in one of .

This small establishment, filled with fragrant smoke from hookahs, is memorable for guests with a large number of huge mirrors and carved wooden furniture.

Cafe Demel, Vienna, Austria. This sophisticated and luxurious café, with a pastry shop on the ground floor and a coffee shop on the second, has been located on Vienna's Kohlmarkt since the mid-19th century. And even then, the brainchild of Christophe Demel received the title of Imperial Confectionery. They still serve wonderful desserts and sweets here. self made which tourists buy as souvenirs. Excellent coffee, delicious sweets and elegant furnishings with gilded chandeliers, napkins with monograms and antique sugar bowls have been attracting visitors from all over the world for a century and a half.

Franchise Coffee House . The idea of ​​creation belongs to Russian businessman T. Khairutdinov. The first Russian coffee shop under this brand began operating in 1999. Today the Coffee House franchise is one of the most popular in Russia and Ukraine.

In Europe, mobile coffee shops have become widespread. Their peculiarity is that special bicycles ride along city streets, with a coffee machine in the trailer. Anyone can purchase the drink. The only caveat is that you will have to drink it on the street. Although for many this is not such a serious problem.

Variety and assortment of coffee.

A coffee shop is, first and foremost, coffee. Coffee here should be presented in a wide range. Depending on the coffee shop’s focus on certain clients, coffee can be either instant or elite.

Instant coffee- drink from , which with the help of various turns into powder or granules. After adding hot water the result is a drink similar in taste to .

Distinctive features elite coffee are: limited quantity, stable taste and aroma, as well as high price. Are purchasing at the time of harvest on the plantations, processing and calibration are also carried out there. Dealers carry out the export of coffee themselves, which guarantees the highest quality.

Assortment of coffee in coffee shops.

    Coffee with alcohol and whipped heavy cream. Served in special .

    Espresso coffee diluted with hot water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. Americano is prepared using an espresso coffee maker: after preparing 30 ml of espresso, the barista adds hot water to it until the volume reaches 120-160 ml.

    – cool coffee with a scoop of ice cream. Served in with a straw.

    – coffee with milk whipped into hot foam and lush silky milk-coffee foam (“hood”). It got its name thanks to the monks of the Capuchin Order, who, according to legend, were the first to add frothed milk to coffee. Cappuccino is the most popular drink in coffee shops. The usual serving is 150 ml. Recommended serving temperature is 60-70 degrees. Cappuccino coffee is often sprinkled with cinnamon or cocoa.

    – a coffee cocktail consisting of one part espresso and two parts warmed milk with foam. “Latte” (emphasis on the first syllable) means milk in Italian. Serve coffee latte in an Irish glass or in a tall glass with a straw. For flavor when preparing hot and cold lattes, add a variety of , with the exception of citrus fruits, which can cause the milk to sour. Often the foam on the surface of the drink is decorated with designs. This is a whole art called .

Methods of making coffee.

There are many in various ways brewing coffee, from the simplest, for which a simple Turk is enough, to complex, for which modern machines are needed.

Making coffee is both a sacrament and at the same time an ordinary action. Coffee can be prepared in a variety of ways, but they are based on the following basic principle - using hot water to extract the natural essential oils from the ground beans, i.e. caeol, which gives coffee its unique aroma and taste.

Grinding coffee - important stage to identify the aroma and taste of oils contained in coffee beans. The main purpose of grinding is to increase the area of ​​contact between coffee and water to carry out the extraction process.

Each method of preparing coffee requires its own grinding fineness - the longer the coffee is brewed, the coarser the grind should be. Therefore, the choice of grind depends on the brewing method. By adjusting the degree of grinding, you can significantly influence the quality of the drink. Espresso is especially sensitive to the degree of grinding. It is customary to distinguish the following types of grinding coffee beans.

Coarse grind: coarse grind, with particles up to 0.8 mm in size. It is well suited for brewing in a piston coffee maker or in any coffee pot. The extraction time for this coffee is from 6 to 8 minutes.

Medium Grind: This is a fairly versatile grind as it can be used for a variety of coffee brewing methods. Extraction time is from 4 to 6 minutes.

Fine grind: used for preparing a drink in filter coffee makers. Extraction time for finely ground coffee from 1 to 4 minutes

Here are some of the most popular ways to make coffee.

    Oriental coffee or Turkish coffee (cezve)

    French press (cafeteria) or piston method

    Coffee pot

    Drip method or filtration method

    Espresso coffee machine, compression coffee maker

Coffee shop visitors.

The coffee industry today is developing very dynamically and its active growth is expected in the next decade. According to statistics available to Montana Coffee, one of the largest suppliers of coffee beans with an annual turnover of $2.5 billion, per one Russian family Four people consume 500-700 grams of coffee per month, while in Europe the same family consumes 5-7 kg over the same period of time.

The main visitors to the coffee shop are students and working young people aged 16 to 25 years. It is also interesting that, according to observations, 20-30% of the tables in the evening are occupied exclusively by female groups. During the daytime, a significant part of the visitors are people wearing ties - today it is becoming fashionable to hold business meetings in quiet, not noisy coffee shops. The majority of visitors during the day are guests who come for a business lunch

The coffee market in our country is also growing steadily, and along with it, the demands of visitors are growing. And, despite the fact that some experts believe that only large networks can survive in such a competitive struggle, nevertheless, if you use a well-built marketing strategy and modern advertising technologies, it is quite possible to occupy your niche and gain a strong foothold in this market segment.

You can see it in the diagram. That the first factor that influences a client’s opinion when choosing a coffee shop is the opinion of his friends. The second factor is, of course, the location of the coffee shop. The next 21% of visitors choose a coffee shop based on its exquisite design, and only then pay attention to the taste and aroma of the proposed drinks and desserts. And the remaining 16% choose a coffee shop based on their attachment to the service and services of a particular network.

Coffee shops on a global, national and regional scale.

Coffee shops in Europe.

Along with the increasing popularity of coffee, the coffee shop market is also growing. At the end of 2015, the number of coffee shops of 70 leading brands in Europe reached 10,474 points. The British chain Costa Coffee took first place in terms of the number of outlets: today this brand operates 1,550 outlets in 14 European countries, including Russia. The second place was taken by the McCafe brand (more than 1000 coffee shops). In terms of growth in the number of establishments, the “European” top places were distributed as follows: in first place in absolute terms, McCafé (+282), followed by Costa Coffee (+208), Starbucks (+105) and the Russian brand Shokoladnitsa (+61 ). The most widely represented chains in Europe are Segafredo (37 European countries), McCafé (23 countries) and Starbucks (21 countries).

Russian market coffee

Russia is traditionally considered a “tea” country. The country ranks only 31st in the world in terms of coffee consumption per capita. If in Finland, which occupies a leading position, a resident consumes on average 9.7 kilograms of coffee beans per year, then in Russia only 0.8 kilograms.

Coffee consumption per capita (kg/year)

Coffee consumption in the Russian Federation, according to KPMG analysts, is gradually growing. If in 2012 a resident of the Russian Federation drank on average 1.79 cups of coffee per day and 3, then in 2014-2015 - 2.02 cups of coffee.

Coffee consumption per capita (cups per day)



2014-2015 (forecast)





Coffee shops in numbers

On this moment There are about 3 thousand coffee shops in Russia. At the same time, according to RBC, about 1,340 of them are managed by chains, of which there were more than 80 in Russia at the end of 2015. According to the inFOLIO Research Group, of the coffee shops operating in the Russian Federation, about 410 are located in Moscow, about 350 in St. Petersburg. In other million-plus cities there are only slightly more than 350 coffee shops. At the same time, in cities with a population of less than 150 thousand people, the company’s specialists recorded only 32 establishments positioning themselves as coffee shops.

Coffee shops in the region.

Such establishments are especially popular among coffee lovers. You can always find it on the menu various varieties of this drink: Arabica, Colombian and even Mexican coffee. Each visitor will always be able to choose the most suitable scent for themselves. In addition, the menu of many establishments includes all kinds of dishes: cakes, chocolates, sandwiches, and cheesecakes.

Since 2013, mobile coffee shops have appeared in our region.

The drink can be tasted in almost every establishment. And, by the way, our region also has its own famous coffee shops, a visit to which will bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

According to statistics, currently more than half of the population of large Russian cities visits coffee shops at least once a week.


My article discusses the features of such an enterprise as a coffee shop. Sometimes it is mistakenly associated with an ordinary cafe. This is not entirely true. More precisely, an ordinary cafe can be called a coffee shop, but at the same time it will not be one.

A distinctive feature of each of our coffee shops is its elegant and cozy interior design, warm and unique atmosphere. In the overview available to Guests there is always a special showcase where you can immediately choose the dessert you like and personally communicate with the barista - a coffee preparation specialist.

The menu range is very diverse and can satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste!

Today there is a rapid increase in the number of coffee shops. This phenomenon is explained by many factors. First of all, with rising incomes, many city residents can already afford professionally prepared natural coffe. In addition, there are more and more advertisements on the streets of our city and on television that promote this aromatic and tonic drink. Finally, visiting coffee shops is becoming simply fashionable. Why not really chat with friends over an espresso or cappuccino? And if you do this regularly, you will gradually develop a desire to try other drinks, learn something about coffee-producing countries - in a word, expand your “coffee” horizons. So, a coffee shop is a kind of institution where theory is combined with practice, thus forming a culture of consumption of an aromatic drink.

The history of the emergence of coffee begins with legends that turn into consumer culture, and then intrigue for the right to be involved in the coffee business. Looking back, we can say that this was partly justified, because today the second largest legal business after oil is coffee. Wherever coffee appeared, it changed a lot around it: it created traditions, made changes to the culture of hospitality, changed the economies of countries for the better and provided jobs to hundreds of thousands of people. So let's try to put together the coffee-historical puzzle and talk briefly about its origin and the main stages of its journey around the world.

Legends of the origin of coffee

Today there is no clear truth about the origin of coffee, we know that the origins of the homeland lie in Ethiopia, and there are several versions of its discovery, but there is one that I want to retell, about the shepherd Kaldi. It sends us back to the middle of the 9th century, where we first learned about the miracle of berries that give an unprecedented supply of vigor. At first, it was not people who recognized the remarkable effect, but goats, who turned out to be more inquisitive, and their shepherd, whose name was Kaldi, noticed the consequences. He noticed that after eating the berries, his goats became cheerful and began to jump wildly. Then he took the berries to the local monastery, where the monks tried them, and, having convinced themselves of the effect, began to use this decoction so as not to fall asleep during long night services.

There is also a well-known fact that during this period one of the African tribes used coffee berries with fat as an energy food, which adds credibility to this legend.

Origins of cultural coffee consumption

What they didn’t do with coffee: they used it in medicine as medicinal plant, soaked in cold water for coffee decoctions, they were mixed into food with fat, but they began to fry and grind only in the 13th century, at least the first mentions date back to this time. During that period, with the growing influence of Islam in the east, many began to follow Muhammad’s ban on wine and other alcohol, and coffee became an excellent alternative, which would later be called “Arabian wine.” By the way, the Arabian Peninsula gave Arabica coffee its legendary name.

The origins of coffee as a business

The Muslims quickly realized that coffee would become an important export commodity and took control of it, which remained with them for 300 years. They took maximum measures to remain a monopoly: they strictly protected coffee plantations and prohibited visiting them, did not allow the export of coffee trees, and when exporting green raw materials, they scalded it in boiling water or partially fried it. Arabia has become the only place in the world where coffee could be bought, and Turkey by the 15th century became the world's main distributor, conquering the markets of Persia, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Greece, and by the 16th century it was already supplying coffee to Italy. By the way, the appearance of coffee in Italy was controversial; Catholics believed that it was the drink of the devil and petitioned Pope Clement to ban it. The pope wanted to approve the petition, but first try what he was going to ban. Having taken a sip, he immediately christened it, saying that the drink was too good to be drunk only by the Turks. So coffee was approved in Christianity.

The first coffee shop in the world and its followers

The first coffee shop in the world opened in 1475 in Constantinople, now the capital of Turkey - Istanbul. The Turks have made a significant contribution to the development of world coffee culture, including consumption, because until now, Turkish coffee is one of the most popular ways of brewing at home.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the door to Europe opened for coffee and by 1670 coffee houses had appeared in almost every big city, and European countries adapted this phenomenon into culture in different ways:

Loss of monopoly on coffee production

Arabs and Turks have long been monopolists in coffee production, but everything does not last forever, especially since there was only one European country, which perfectly mastered shipbuilding and traded with the whole world. Once, she already managed to bypass the Turks in the lucrative spice trade by finding sea routes that passed through territories not subject to Turkey. These were the Dutch, and they were also interested in the coffee trade.

At the end of the 17th century, an event occurred that changed coffee history: a ship from Amsterdam arrived at the port of Mocha, from which tons of green coffee had been shipped for 300 years. There were sailors on the ship who were able to buy a live coffee tree from the farmer. Having carried it secretly onto the ship, they did not yet fully realize what they had done, because this was the starting point in the loss of the monopoly on coffee production.

The expansion of this stolen coffee tree began, first spreading to the Dutch colonies in Indonesia, then the French in the Caribbean, and then overtook Brazil, which would later become the largest coffee producer in the world.

Coffee in Russia

To Russia, coffee, like many others good goods, for example, potatoes, were brought by Peter the Great, he liked this drink in Holland and decided that a Russian person should definitely try it. Like many goods imported by Peter, coffee was received coldly, but after a while it took root, although for a long time it was inferior in popularity to tea.

Coffee realities today

Undoubtedly, the history of coffee continues, and a lot has changed since it was opened to the world: a hobby has grown into a serious business, engineers have invented cool equipment for roasting and preparation, scientists have created instant coffee and decaffeinated coffee, industry professionals find new ways every year. brewing, and restaurateurs are opening new formats of coffee shops. Today it is difficult to imagine a world without coffee, and for many people their normal day would be without a cup of the invigorating drink.

In Russia, coffee consumption is growing every year, local roasters are opening, which allows many to drink fresh product, and in principle, the market is shifting towards an alternative to instant or imported coffee. Affordable methods of brewing coffee at home are appearing, people are beginning to understand that for a tasty cup you don’t need an expensive coffee machine, but rather a simple French press or simply brew it in a cup. Of course, in terms of coffee consumption per capita, we are inferior to many Western countries, led by Finland, where each resident drinks about 13 kilograms annually. But we know that nothing lasts forever, because once upon a time only goats could afford to enjoy coffee.

Where and when did the first coffee shop in the world open? And when did coffee come to Russia?

In the Arab world, Islam prohibited the consumption of alcohol, so coffee was received with a bang. The habit of drinking coffee quickly spread among ordinary people. They crushed coffee beans, mixed them with animal fat, honey and milk, rolled them into balls and took them with them on the road as a refresher.
The first coffee shop was opened in Istanbul in 1564, and coffee shops appeared here like mushrooms after rain. Sultan Mehmet, disguised as a commoner, visited several coffee houses and was horrified by the free morals that reigned there. (It got to the point that the Sultan himself was ridiculed and criticized!) He ordered all coffee shops to be closed and coffee lovers thrown into prison. If a coffee drinker was caught a second time, he was sewn up in a bag and thrown into the sea.
In Europe, the first coffee shop appeared in England in London (1652) and until the 18th century, coffee was considered the national drink of England.
Then coffee shops were opened in Venice (1654), Marseille (1671), Paris (1672), Vienna (1683), Berlin (1721).
In the 17th century, English women opposed its use because their husbands spent hours in public coffee houses. In 1674, women published a petition against coffee, complaining: “Never have the male sex worn wider breeches, and never has there been so little manhood in them!” This situation has arisen due to the “excessive consumption of the disgusting heathen liquor called coffee, which... has made our husbands eunuchs and crippled our dear gallant gentlemen... they come home squeezed like lemons, and there is nothing wet in their whole body, “except snotty noses, nothing hard except bones, nothing standing except ears.” In 1702, there were 2,000 coffee houses in London, where visitors could drink a cup of strong aromatic drink with the traditional freshest biscuit. Women were not allowed into coffee shops.
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Coffee came to Russia thanks to Peter I, who became addicted to it in Holland. However, coffee gained widespread recognition only after Patriotic War 1812.
The first mention of coffee in Russia is found in The Tale of Bygone Years., which says that Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (12th century) drank the drink “kava”. According to V. Dahl's dictionary, kava is a Polish drink and translated from Polish means “coffee”.
The next mention of coffee in Russia dates back to 1665. The court physician prescribed coffee as a cure “for runny noses and headaches” to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna was also an ardent supporter of coffee. In 1740, by her highest order, the first coffee houses were opened in Russia. Peter III (husband of Catherine the Great), tormented daily by a severe hangover, drank strong coffee in the morning and smoked cigars. This was the only way he managed to come to his senses.

Coffee is not just a popular drink. There are a lot of legends about it, and the history of its development continues to this day. It’s hard to imagine how much views on an invigorating drink have changed in different years V different countries, but today there are only two. Behind one are coffee lovers who cannot imagine life without coffee, behind the second are opponents who consider the drink harmful and even narcotic.

Where was coffee born as a drink?

In short, the history of coffee begins in the distant 10th century in hot Ethiopia. According to one legend, the idea of ​​using the fruits and leaves of the coffee tree came to an ordinary shepherd, who noticed how the goats he was herding were frolicking after eating leaves and berries from a small tree in the mountains.

It was in the vicinity of a settlement called Kaffa. Soon its residents began actively preparing the drink, first from the leaves of the coffee tree, and then from fresh fruits. But the monks of the surrounding monasteries began to dry the berries and make coffee from it, and through trial and error they received the first recipe for making an invigorating drink. It was prepared not only from grains, but also from dried husks. It was the invigorating properties that prompted the monks to experiment and search better ways use of coffee. This is a brief history of the emergence of a new product, which stretched for almost 2 centuries.

The first coffee plantations appeared in Yemen and brought prosperity to the country for several centuries to come.

Only to XII century coffee culture was more clearly formed. A drink made from leaves and grains began to be prepared throughout the African continent, and it began to conquer the entire East.

Soon, coffee trees began to be grown on plantations in order to obtain greater yields and profits. This idea first occurred to one of the rulers of Yemen. For almost 200 years, this country was the main supplier of grain to the entire East, from where the expensive product began to conquer Europe.

At the beginning of the 15th century, people began to fry for the first time over an open fire. This merit belongs to the Turks, and they called the drink made from roasted grains Kahwa, and only after another 2 centuries it acquired its current name - coffee.

How did an unusual invigorating product penetrate into Europe? This happened only at the beginning of the 17th century. The origin of coffee and its properties were greatly exaggerated, but the taste was liked by many monarchs who gave the go-ahead to the common people to drink this drink. The triumphal march of coffee around the world begins in Italy, or more precisely, Venice, where a doctor accompanying the Venetian embassy brought several beans from Egypt. It was there that the guests were offered a hot black drink, which everyone really liked. Trade routes were quickly established between Venice and the countries of the East that grew coffee trees.

Prospero Alpini - the doctor who first described coffee as a medicinal drink and brought it to Italy

It was in Venice that the first coffee shops appeared, which became centers social life. The first coffee to arrive in Europe was African Mocha, which gave a rich chocolate aroma and a pleasant taste. Despite the fact that Ethiopia is considered the country of origin of coffee, Yemen and Egypt began supplying the product to the world market. One of the first coffee houses, which still exists today under the name Florian, appeared in Piazza San Marco in 1720.

From Italy, grains in bags came to England, then to Holland, Austria, France, Germany and Russia. It is believed that the drink became widespread with the light hand of Peter I, but the first coffee shops were opened here after 1740. Today Russia is considered one of the most coffee-drinking countries in the world. By the way, the appearance of coffee was preceded by black tea, which was positioned as a dried invigorating herb.

Coffee growing countries

Coffee, as the basis of the economy, is grown in the countries of South and Central America, Asia and Africa. Brazil has been considered the world leader in the export of this product for many years, but the top three also include Colombia and Ecuador. The area of ​​coffee plantations in Brazil is so large that it is compared with the area of ​​almost all of Europe.

Brazilian Santos is the most common Arabica variety.

Coffee from Brazil is average in price and quality. This affordable product, which is blended with other types of Robusta and Arabica to achieve better taste and aroma properties. Colombian coffee is much higher in quality and price. This is a high-grade Arabica, which is especially valued in Italy. Among other countries where they grow unusual varieties coffee, performers Philippines, Vietnam, Haiti, Mexico, Guatemala, India, countries African continent.

Modern history

Modern history coffee is no less interesting than the ancient one, which talks about its appearance, recipes and properties. This is the history of the emergence and development of different roasting techniques, creation unusual species, brewing methods, special cooking machines and related products. World leaders have also emerged, offering a wide range of products that have won love in many countries around the world.

Dozens delicious drinks prepared from roasted coffee beans

Coffee connoisseurs and the best specialists Italians are considered in the coffee business. The most famous brands, such as Lavazza and ILLi, come from Italy. There is even a roasting option for coffee beans called Italian, which means the strongest or blackest. Today they produce ground, soluble, freeze-dried, packaged, intended for coffee machines. There are also many options for coffee-based drinks. The most famous of them are:

  • espresso;
  • Americano;
  • cappuccino;
  • mochaccino;
  • look;
  • latte and others.

IN last years natural green coffee is gaining popularity, which is not roasted to preserve more beneficial components, especially chlorogenic acid, which has revolutionized the ranks of everyone who wants to lose weight quickly. Another paradox in the market is a product called Luwak coffee. It is obtained from the excrement of a small animal that lives in Indonesia and loves to feast on fresh fruits of the coffee tree. The drink, prepared from grains that have passed through the animal’s digestive tract, according to experts, has the most wonderful taste. This is why Luwak has become the most expensive product of its kind.

If the origin of coffee as a fact is clarified, then the future history of this popular grain will surprise more than one generation of coffee lovers. Warm, cold, hot coffee drinks are products that will always attract a person with their smell and anticipation. new portion cheerfulness and optimism.

Coffee comes from Arab world Accordingly, coffee shops began to appear in these countries. The first two establishments opened in 1554 in Constantinople, now the modern capital of Turkey - Istanbul. The popularization of the consumption of an invigorating drink in gastronomic establishments pushed society to begin opening them in various European countries. The first coffee shop in Italy opened its doors to visitors in the mid-17th century. Since coffee came to the eastern part of Europe thanks to sea transportation, the first coffee shop was opened in Venice in 1654. Well, the Florian coffee house is especially popular, which has been welcoming its visitors from 1720 to the present period.

To the northern part globe coffee began to spread after conquering the European market. On the English island, a coffee and gastronomic establishment was opened in 1652. However, in this state they were characterized distinctive feature. Here the coffee shops were called “one-penny universities” because they charged both for a cup of invigorating drink and for entry into its premises.

Since England owned lands on the American continent, its leaders brought their culture to America. Thus, in 1670, the first coffee shop was opened in the capital of Massachusetts, Boston, by William Penn. The country of eternal fashion, culture and style - France - was not long in coming. This is where a coffee shop first appeared in Paris in 1672 thanks to a native of Sicily, Francesco Proccopio. The merchant made a tactical move and opened an establishment opposite the popular Comedie Francaise theater. The highest elite had the opportunity to organize their meetings in modern establishments over a cup of aromatic drink of vigor. In central Europe, the first gastronomic coffee establishment opened in 1683 in Vienna, after the liberation of the country from the invaders of the Ottoman Empire. Yuri Franz Kulchitsky developed own recipe preparing the drink. Now there are over three thousand coffee establishments in the Austrian capital. Their distinctive feature is not only spending time together, but also the privacy of a person over a cup of coffee with a newspaper or his thoughts. In the German capital Berlin, the first coffee shop began operating in 1721. In Russia, the first coffee shops appeared under the rule of the country by Peter I. It was this ruler who tried coffee as a ready-to-drink drink in Holland and, upon returning to Russian lands, began to actively popularize it. The establishments delighted visitors before the onset of proletarian power. When in bloom Soviet Union all coffee shops were closed and restored their work in the early 90s. The first coffee shop in modern style opened in St. Petersburg. All coffee shops in Russia are united into trade brands and operate on a network basis.
