Facebook advertising company. What is advertising on Facebook?

Grade: 5

The well-designed interface and enormous capabilities of Facebook are pleasing.
The interface is a little confusing, but this is only at first; after using it for several months, it will become like native.
It is possible to bulk edit ads, bulk change the click price, find and replace texts. This is very cool, I only appreciate the interface. What is not in the native VKontakte interface.

In terms of submitting an ad, everything is simple: choose a type, select an audience, choose a format, and start advertising.

It has its issues, but overall it's good.

Grade: 4

In general, advertising on Facebook is quite effective, given the huge number of users, which would be the envy of any specialized service working in this area. But it should be noted important points– it is limited to certain limits, this narrows the range of objects for promotion, and you will have to pay for it. Of course, no one will take money from you for casually mentioning some product, but there will be no effect from this either. By own experience I know that targeted advertising can bring good dividends, but such pleasure is not cheap, and for beginners, this is generally too complicated a process, despite the fact that the result can be a complete failure. I think this is far from the best option.

Grade: 5

Hello dear experts, I have been running advertising on Facebook for more than 3 months, and I was faced with a situation that was incomprehensible to me, throughout the entire time I launched 2 advertising campaigns,
1 - Engagement
2 - Messages
Engagement brought an average of 15 - 20 orders, recently it began to bring 4 - 5 orders per day, yesterday the same situation happened with Messages, on average there were 50 - 70 messages per day, now 20 - 30 messages per day.
Out of 40 orders, I started receiving 10 - 15.
I just can't figure out what this could be connected with.
Please tell me if anyone has encountered this situation and knows the solution.
Or maybe more experienced people who have been working with Facebook for a long time.
I will be glad for any minimal help.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Sincerely, Bogdan

Grade: 4

Since there are now few users on all similar social networks at once, even with the main focus on the VK contingent, I still allocate a little budget to targeted advertising on Facebook. Not much - because the target audience I need is represented there by a rather limited number of people. And here it’s worth saying a huge thank you to Facebook targeting - it’s very easy for me to isolate this audience because of the depth of the settings.

I set the costs myself, so the costs are quite low. The only thing is that you often have to run several campaigns in order to choose a priority for each specific product between mobile advertising and standard banners, and also, if necessary, modify each of them. The efficiency is not bad, the conversion is approximately at the level of VK, this allows you to collect what was lost in that social network audience. And unlike the same VK, there are much fewer competitors in the Russian space, and this is an advantage over clicking - contact’s competitors love to do this.

Grade: 5

Of the two strategy options (in financial aspect) I prefer payment for impressions. A bright advertising module will catch the eye in any case, the cost of placement per 1 click is tens of times lower, and taking into account impressions for a specific audience and transitions, in my case the benefit is obvious.
The conversion will depend on the specific promotion, I prefer to lure with sales, so that out of 100 converts, about 15-20 buy something, although the payback of the advertising campaign comes from only one transaction - as a result, I have a good saving on advertising with almost the same efficiency.
Expanded targeting makes it possible to easily segment your audience from all visitors to the social network, here I also prefer not to limit myself to one strategy, I spread it across several options - I make groups by age, interests, and then see in which category there is a greater return. At this rate, I was able to identify useless categories, thereby further increasing advertising revenue. I usually set the time to evening or lunch breaks - the peak visitation times.

Grade: 4

My priority option is advertising banner in the news feed. Unlike a regular side banner, it is immediately visible, it is difficult to ignore, and therefore its impact is greater. Due to clear targeting of my target audience, it is shown only to those whom I “ordered”. Because mobile advertising different from the usual one, I make 2 types - for the feed on the phone (most people are on Facebook via mobile devices) and a little classical computer. The higher the cost per click, the more often it appears in the feed of potential clients; I usually set it at 15 rubles and above. In general, everything is extremely fair. In terms of efficiency, everything is fine.
Unlike the “blind” zone, the news feed allows you to focus attention on the advertising message; the note that this is advertising is practically invisible. Much, of course, depends on the visual design of the advertisement, but if it is calculated well, then the target audience should be interested. The conversion from such advertising is high, although unlike the same side banner, here the number of missclicks on the banner in the feed is higher, and this is a drain on the budget.
It’s not an ideal option, but the result is still good.

Grade: 5

Among the good functionality there is targeting by interests - it allows you to find good clients on the desired topic, there is targeting by fans of my page. A cool feature is remarketing - I track all random visitors to my site and unobtrusively offer them advertising of my products, the tool is quite effective, since very often buyers think twice after leaving the site, so an extra reminder is very useful.

Another useful tool here is similar audience targeting. There is an automatic selection of similar fans or clients (including ordinary visitors) of the site, who will then be targeted by the advertising campaign. In general, remarketing and similarity targeting allow you to find it automatically without an optimal selection of the target audience, which is quite effective. I tested this in different campaigns, where in one I did it as a standard, and in the second - through these tools. The performance is approximately the same.

Grade: 5

home distinctive feature targeted advertising on FB - the ease of its creation. Even when you install the Facebook Pixel (but you either have to ask a specialist or take a long time to figure it out yourself), it’s easy to track conversions in order to optimize advertising campaigns.
Setting up the targeting itself is easy; you don’t need any special skills; it’s enough just to determine the range of those I want to see as visitors or buyers and decide on the budget.
The price of the issue is moderate, I set an average of 7-12 rubles per click. The only point that needs to be taken into account is that Facebook is still focused on the English-speaking segment, in the RuNet space the same VK target is a little more effective, there the coverage is higher and the target audience is wider, but such an orientation in my particular case is only an advantage. Plus Facebook is more loyal to moderation promotional materials, especially when we're talking about O visual effects, which you overlay on pictures to make them more attractive. VK and Google are strict with this, over time they like to remove it, supposedly the image is “misleading”, although VK Lately takes on everything just like that.

Grade: 5

The most important thing is that before you start promoting any product/service on Facebook, you need to decide on the potential target audience in terms of geolocation. Just in the domestic space in this moment The leading social networks are VK and OK. FB is used here, as a rule, by serious companies. Actually, I promoted my clothing brand for Russia, Target, by email and advertising on VK, and reached neighboring countries through FB. And here this service showed itself quite well. The most important thing here is to set up the correct targeting, I needed an audience of both genders aged from 18 to 35 years old, in the near European countries. In principle, the narrower the target audience required in the overall coverage, the more expensive the advertising will be, the fewer transitions there will be, but on the other hand, most of the clicks will be conscious (by the way, there are no problems with bots). But if you have a limited budget, you can shoot original content for little money in the hope that a bright and catchy ad will attract an audience.

I managed to do this once, so even going beyond the required target audience can bring profit. In terms of costs, all strategies paid off smoothly, new clients were attracted, sales grew.

Grade: 5

Targeted advertising in social networks is as old as the world; in terms of its functionality, Facebook is no different from the same Kontaktovskaya, it’s just that the platform is different, and therefore the users are different. The only thing is that there are mainly “official” persons/firms here (but they usually don’t care about the targets, they are allowed through quietly) and young people are my main target audience here.

Before setting up targeting, you should think carefully about the ad unit itself; after all, the platform limits you to file types and text volumes. I prefer to mark promotions/discounts (there are crowds chasing freebies) and add pictures excellent quality. But the most important thing is to unobtrusively note in the text the required action, the most effective method. But in targeting itself, everything is simple - gender, age restrictions and geolocation are the most important parameters. The rest is fine tuning (preferences, interests), depends on each specific campaign; personally, I prefer to create several and then monitor their effectiveness. In terms of prices, the classic is for impressions or transitions.
I tried both. Each time the return is different, depending on what you advertise. According to the budget - not bad, for the same click it costs about 5 rubles, there is almost no traffic drain, if there is a transition, it means there is interest, and hence - a potential client. So it’s profitable to advertise youth products on Facebook; targeted advertising is a good thing.

Grade: 5

I think everyone should take a closer look at Facebook advertising. I assume that very soon the service will become a major competitor to Google Adwords and Yandex Direct. Why? Yes, because Facebook has the largest volume personal information about millions of people around the world, which means you can target more deeply. In addition, it is possible to display advertising not only directly on Facebook, but also on any website. Therefore, if you consider yourself an expert in contextual advertising, monitoring the development of this service will be very useful. Personally, I was pleased with advertising on Facebook. Worked well! The general impression of working with Facebook targeting is the following: the overall return is small, advertising costs in the aggregate are small, but almost all transitions are targeted and carry potential clients. Grade: 5

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Facebook Advertising

Facebook gained enormous popularity in all countries. It is the most famous social network in the world, with more than 800 million users. The number of Russian-speaking participants is growing steadily.

Why is advertising needed?

Facebook advertising is excellent remedy to achieve many marketing goals. For example, it helps in disseminating information about the brand and implementing extensive advertising campaigns. Also Facebook advertising contributes to the fact that people begin to actively buy up any product, becoming interested in the brand. These are the main tasks, but in addition to them there are a number of secondary ones.

Advertising cost

It is customary to pay for:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks

If you choose to pay for clicks, then your funds will be invested in visits to your resource or Facebook page. Paying for impressions is quite risky. Of course, thousands of people will see your ad, but not all of them will go to your site, and your money will be wasted.

But there are two sides to the coin, so in some cases the decision to pay for impressions is justified. This option is suitable for the owners of those companies that are not faced with the task of selling a website, but there is a need to ensure that people begin to recognize the brand. If Facebook ads are placed correctly, people registered on the site may even become fans of your cafe or store.

The price of one transition is determined by the settings targeting And type of advertising. If there are few potential buyers, then the cost per click will be small. In addition, the cost gradually decreases as your advertisement gains fame. Now you understand why you need to create bright and original ads: the number of clicks will increase, and their cost will decrease.

If you want to find out in numbers how much advertising on Facebook costs, then the lowest cost per click is a third of the ruble. The minimum cost per thousand impressions is typically 3 dollars(about 90 rubles).

Advertising on Facebook can be quite expensive big amount methods, now we will look at them in more detail. If you are wondering how to pay for advertising on Facebook, then know that you can do it as follows:

  • Plastic card Mastercard.
  • Plastic card Visa.
  • Plastic card American Express.
  • Plastic card Discover.
  • Plastic card JCB.
  • Credit card.
  • System PayPal(not available everywhere).
  • Yandex money.
  • Mobile phone.
  • If none of the above methods suits you, additional payment options can be seen if you click on the appropriate link.

How to Add Ads on Facebook

Now you know what Facebook advertising is and how to pay for it.

The following video explains how to run Facebook ads.

How to advertise for free

When you log into your account, the first thing that appears before your eyes is news feed.


The news feed allows you to follow your friends' news, as well as updates on interesting pages. To open your timeline, you need to click on your name at the top of the page.

Now you need to go to

You need to find the video you want to post.

Now you need to return to Facebook and paste the link into the window where it says "What are you thinking about?"

The modern world can no longer be imagined without advertising on the Internet. This method is the most effective for promoting any goods and services. In social networks alone, the flow of users reaches 1 billion people around the world within a day. It is not surprising that many are interested in the question of advertising on Facebook, how to place it and how much it costs? Let's look at all the details and find out the price.

Advertising formats

In order to start effectively advertising on Facebook, a person does not need to have special knowledge in the field. computer technology. Special tools of this social network make this easy to do. The format is like this:

  • Photos. This method perfectly helps to express your brand and make it attractive to customers. This format is very simple; it allows you to post pictures and descriptions of them in 90 characters, even on your own page.
  • Videos. Their use helps to communicate the advantages of your organization with a unique description of goods or services. Training videos are also very popular; they make it easier to promote pages.
  • Slide show. This format is designed to accommodate the fact that not everyone has a high-speed Internet connection. Facebook users will be able to view pictures in the form of slides with descriptions even at low speed.
  • Collection. Here you can place both photos and descriptions in the form of videos in one ad. This allows potential clients personally determine the most comfortable viewing format.
  • Circular gallery. This is an excellent opportunity to create a group of ads into which you can insert no more than 10 video files with pictures and links to them.
  • Text format. Thus, it will be possible to interest the public with text of up to 500 characters.
  • Canvas. Makes it possible to display pictures, videos, galleries, as well as blocks with texts according to the advertiser’s preference.

To promote on Facebook, there are many formats that allow you to create publications. It all depends on the user’s goal, it can be sales, promotion or public promotion.

Place an advertisment

To post ads on Facebook, users can use the following three types:

You can publish an ad in a group yourself using Ads Manager. Even a beginner can do this. IN this manager The interface is clear and there will be no problems understanding the settings. There is a function to control the number of users who clicked on the ad and other useful features.

The advantages of posting ads yourself are:

  • The user controls finances.
  • If the target audience on Facebook is not defined, then the advertiser can try it himself various ways settings and choose the most effective option.
  • The advertiser has the opportunity to personally analyze and predict their product or website and remove them at the right time.

To maximize the effect, it is better to use several methods, but first you should advertise in thematic communities, and then personally conduct an analysis and choose the most suitable method. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to place an advertisement yourself:

  • Step 1. In your account, you need to click the triangle in the upper right corner, and then the “Create advertisement” menu item. After that, Facebook will ask you to select a goal. It should be chosen depending on the expected result. You can learn about each of them in the “Help” section. The first 3 options on the list are best to start with.
  • Step 2: Now you need to create a campaign. If you want to direct traffic to your website, you should select "Increase website conversions." If you need to create an advertisement for a group on Facebook, then you need to select the first 2 points.
  • Step 3. Next, you need to set up an advertising account. FB selects the country and time zone automatically. The user must indicate to whom the advertisement will be shown and to what target audience.
  • Step 4. Now you need to determine the budget and advertising location. Facebook independently offers the best option for your budget, but you can also customize it. In the “Placement” section, you need to choose from four options for advertising placement.
  • Step 5. Now you need to create an advertisement. You need to choose one or more images, attach a Facebook page (if it doesn’t exist, you need to create one), come up with ad text, select a call to action button (optional).
  • Step 6. Set up a payment method.

How much does it cost and how to pay for it

  • Payment for 1 thousand ad impressions. This means that the advertiser can independently set the advertising budget rate and determine his own target audience. The administration of the social network allows the possibility of going beyond the advertiser's budget by 25%.
  • Pay for the number of clicks. The price of advertising may vary depending on the specific purpose of the ad and which targeting option is selected. The cost of clicking on the link ranges from 8 to 20 rubles.

What happens if you don't pay for advertising?

Placing, as well as publishing your own advertisements on social media Facebook networks, is carried out on the principle of prepayment. They will continue to appear until this loan is completed. After this period, the administrator may decide to stop displaying advertising until the debt is fully repaid. The advertiser's account may also be blocked.

Cost of advertising through the community

In order to place advertisements in groups, you need to negotiate this with their administrators. The average price is from 1 to 2 thousand rubles per 1 day. Then it is removed. If the advertiser paid for the placement of an ad on an ongoing basis, then this service costs at least 2 times more than a daily subscription.

Advertising setup

So that a Facebook advertising campaign gives maximum effect, it must be configured correctly. This social network has all the tools for this. They allow you to ensure that advertising is shown to the target audience. The advertiser can independently choose who exactly to broadcast it to. When setting up an ad, you need to clearly indicate the following parameters:

  • Which audience is the user interested in?
  • Selecting the age category, gender of readers and language of communication.
  • Selection of target audience based on place of residence. Here you can set the country, region, city.
  • Selection by demographics. There are settings for education level, marital status and other similar indicators.
  • Hobby customization. An advertiser can select a target audience based on interests such as travel, cinema, fashion, music and more.
  • Setting up ad displays based on time of day.

This is not the entire list of parameters that can be configured advertising campaign in Facebook. But it’s worth considering that the choice of who the advertisement will be shown to depends on its effectiveness. The fact is that the social network analyzes in detail how users behave, what they write about, and what groups they subscribe to. FB accurately determines who exactly to show advertising to. Correct settings will help the advertiser use his own funds as efficiently as possible.

Facebook provides ample opportunities to set up and launch an advertising campaign. With its help, millions of people were able to significantly increase product sales, attract customers and promote their own brand.

At first glance, it seems to users of the social network that setting up an advertising campaign is too difficult, but if you look carefully, this is not so. Anyone can understand all the nuances in just an hour. If for some reason this does not work out for him, then you can turn to specialists. They can set up advertising quickly and for a small fee, on average 500 rubles. To find them, just visit specialized exchanges freelancing, for example, Kwork. Posting ads on Facebook is the best promotion tool.

Update of the article (01/09/2014) due to a change in the Facebook advertising manager interface

This is the first part of three about Facebook advertising, in which I will walk you through how to create and set up an ad. In the second part, I will tell you how to manage and monitor an advertising campaign, and in the third, I will share the secrets of successful advertisements (pictures, texts - long, short) and campaigns, features of reducing the cost per click and the factors that influence it, choosing the target audience.

Facebook advertising is divided into several types, which can be schematically depicted as follows:

Creating your first advertisement

Follow this link http://www.facebook.com/advertising/ to the Facebook advertising platform. The first time you'll be asked to authorize the Facebook Ads app so you can create and manage ads. Then click the “Create ad” button at the top right.

will appear before you step by step ad settings (the next step will appear only after completing the current step, so you can’t get confused):

Step 1— select from the list what goal you want to achieve: 1) promote the publication to get more engagement for it, 2) get more fans for the Page, 3) more transitions to the site, 4) get not only transitions, but also conversions (targeted actions) on the site, 5) to your Facebook or mobile app could immediately install, 6) so that they interact more with your Facebook application, 7) promote the Event, 8) is no longer relevant. When you hover your mouse over each item, hints appear. I'll choose "Page Likes" because in this article I'll show an example of creating an ad specifically for a fan page.

Step 2— I write the name of my fan page and select it from the drop-down list.

Step 3— loading pictures. They can be loaded from 1 to 6. In this case, Facebook will create an appropriate number of ads, which will differ only in pictures. You can upload images from your computer, select from previously downloaded ones, or use the free image database (the “Image Search” button). Note! For ads in the right column, the image sizes are 100 pixels by 72 pixels (read the section on how to choose an effective image). For News Feed ads, the minimum size is 600 pixels by 315 pixels (as long as the aspect ratio is 1.91:1). Therefore, it is better to create a separate ad for the right column with a suitable picture, and then create a similar ad only for the News Feed, also with a suitable picture. In this example, I'll create an ad for the right column only.

Step 4— then I move on to the rest of the ad settings. On the left I fill necessary information. On the right I see the result in a preview. Next to the “News Feed” heading, I click delete, thereby leaving only the advertisement in the right column. So, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Heading— displayed at the top of the ad next to the name of the fan page (the number of characters is limited and is displayed to the right at the top).
  • Text— everything is clear, this is the text of the advertisement (the number of characters is limited and is displayed to the right at the top).
  • Advertising News- I leave the checkbox. What it is? When a new fan appears on your fan page, his friends can see an advertising message that “Your friend Vanya Ivanov has become a fan of the Page” (and then there is the friend’s avatar, the avatar and cover of the Page, its name and the avatars of other friends who joined the fan page previously, and the “Like” button). Such advertising news has a good click-through rate. They show up in your News Feed and are very effective, so I recommend using them all the time.
  • Below, be sure to open the advanced options if they are hidden.
  • Goals page spread— this is the tab that users will be taken to after clicking on an ad. Be sure to do it and set it up so as not to lose conversion.


Step 5— I select the parameters of the target audience that will see my advertising, i.e. I target advertising. You can select your target audience using the following options:

The right column under the “speedometer” displays the current potential target audience according to your targeting. And in big bold numbers is the recommended range of bids per click or impressions.

Campaign, schedule and price

Step 6— here you set the budget, schedule and price for your advertising.

Each of your ads should be part of some kind of advertising campaign. Therefore, you need to come up with a name for your first advertising campaign or use the one suggested by Facebook. You can change the name later at any time.

When installing Budget There are two options: “On the day” and “For the entire validity period.” If you choose the first option, then you need to indicate maximum amount(in dollars) you want to spend on advertising per day. Once this limit is reached, advertising will stop showing until the next day. If you select “for the entire period,” then you need to indicate the amount that will be spent throughout the entire advertising campaign.

Schedule— you can check the box “conduct an advertising campaign constantly, starting from this day” (for example, advertising of my fan page is ongoing), or you can set time limits (for example, for advertising a competition).

Rates and Prices

Initially, Facebook automatically sets the price per click or per impression so that you don’t have to worry about this issue. For example, Facebook suggests optimizing my ad impressions for those users who are more likely to become fans. In this case, the price for impressions will be determined automatically.

But these can be very high prices, so for beginners I recommend setting your cost per impression or per click manually. To do this, in the drop-down list of bids, select “Bid for impressions” or “Bid for clicks”. When paying for clicks, check the “Manually set the maximum bid for clicks (CPC)” checkbox.

What to choose depends on your goals. If your goal is to increase brand awareness, then it makes sense to choose Pay Per Impression.

If you are running an advertising campaign aimed at achieving a certain conversion (visits to a fan page, website, purchases, etc.), then you should select the “Click rate”, because in this case you will only pay when someone... then they will click on your ad, regardless of the number of impressions.

I'll select "Click bid" and then select the "Manually set maximum click bid (CPC)" checkbox.

Facebook recommends a certain bid range, which in its opinion will allow your ad to pass the auction and start showing to users. You can take this rate into account or not. Your experience will tell you this when you run several advertising campaigns.

Facebook says you won't pay above this range, but below this range the price may go down, which is good for us. In order for the price to drop below the recommended bid, your ad must have a high CTR (Click The Rate). But more on that in the article. For the first time, set the average cost per click from the suggested range.

That's it, the settings are ready. Click the “Place an order” button.

It remains to indicate the method of payment for advertising. It could be bank card, PayPal or Facebook coupon (but the coupon must be linked to one of the first payment sources). There is no other way today. So if you don't have a bank debit card, now is the time to open one.

After creation, the ad is sent for approval, which can last from one hour to one day (if a day has passed, but the ad is awaiting moderation, then delete it and create a new one). What violations can there be? You cannot use the word “Facebook”, you cannot offer illegal products, the picture must not contain images prohibited by law and morality :) If there are no violations in the advertisement, it will automatically begin to appear after moderation. You will receive an email from Facebook about this event.


This article covered creating and targeting your first Facebook ad. The next article will tell you how to monitor a campaign and how to create and manage multiple ads and campaigns.

Facebook has gathered a solvent audience: business owners, politicians, experts - “live” on Facebook. We believe that the average salary of Facebook users is higher than that of users of other social networks.

We divide advertisements into two categories:

  1. Advertising in the news feed.
  2. Advertising in the right column of the site.

You definitely need to choose Business Manager for your work because:

  1. Business Manager has more options.
  2. It is easy to use.
  3. Instagram advertising can also be set up through Business Manager.

Where to begin

1. Set a goal that needs to be achieved in a given month, determine a deadline

For example:

  • receive 10 applications on the site;
  • attract 300 subscribers to the group.

2. Determine the critical cost of the application

For example: One application should not cost more than 2000 ₽. This means that the budget for testing is 20,000 rubles.

Many will disagree: “How can we name the price if we have never done this?” Often even agencies refuse to name the cost of the application, “excusing it” with the wording “needs to be tested.”

We believe that this approach is wrong. There should always be a goal that the agency strives for. A test period is necessary in order to understand whether the goal is achievable. If it is achievable, then continue to work with financial responsibility for the result.

Calculate how much an application from other advertising channels costs, and set yourself a goal to reduce this cost. Does the application cost more after the first week? Test other formats, we’ll talk about this later.

3. Determine your target audience

Facebook has the following targeting options:

Look at your competitors' ads. Record how they position themselves and what their benefits are.

Checklist: what to look at competitors on Facebook.

  1. What promotions are offered?
  2. What advantages do they use?
  3. What calls are used?
  4. Which pages do the ads lead to? home page website, promotions or other pages.
  5. What is shown in the pictures.

5. Develop several text options for ads

Text required:

  • for image:

    Working with Business Manager

    Registration in the business account


    1. Click on the “Campaign Settings” button. Next, you need to go through the stages of creating a company.

    2. Add your Facebook page or request access to work with someone else's page.

    It is also possible to add an administrator, advertiser or ad account analyst using Email. Added people will receive emails inviting them to join the promotion and must accept the invitation.

    4. You need to appoint one administrator in case access is lost or assistance is needed in managing the resource.

    5. Instagram section. You can also add an Instagram account: to run ads on Instagram, you don’t need to have an account on Instagram.

    6. Install the pixel on your site. A pixel is a retargeting code that captures all users who visit your site. It allows you to evaluate, optimize and create audiences for advertising campaigns:

    Launch an advertisement

    Select Ads Manager from the menu.

    1. Choose a goal. Everything is quite simple here: if you want traffic to the site, select “Traffic”. If you need to increase the number of subscribers to a page, select “Engagement” and “Page Likes.” When you hover over each target, a clear explanation appears of how exactly the selected target will work. You can only set one goal for one company. We will talk using traffic as an example.

    Give the campaign a name and click Continue.

    2. Give the ad group a name and determine where the traffic will be directed.

    3. Next - important stage on creating an audience. If the audience has been created in advance, you can choose from the available ones. If not, then Facebook gives you the opportunity to create three different types audience:

    4. Choice of placement. You can select "Automatic Placements". We recommend “Edit placements” and exclude Audience Network - this network gives cheap clicks, but they are not converting (there is a lot of “left traffic”).

    5. Next, set up a budget. Select an amount, determine whether it will be a daily budget or a lifetime budget. It is also possible to set a schedule for displaying an ad (only with a budget for the entire period of validity), that is, either by testing the ad to determine the activity of your audience, or if you already have this data, set a schedule for display.

    It is better not to touch the remaining parameters, since Facebook has an algorithm that independently optimizes advertising and tries to display it as cheaply as possible.

    6. Next stage. Write the title of the ad. Select your Facebook page or Instagram account.

    • ad using an image;
    • ring gallery: this is an opportunity to show several photos or videos at once in one ad;
    • video;
    • slide show;
    • canvas is an advertising format adapted for mobile devices. This format adds: header, photos, link buttons, text block, carousel gallery, video and product set.

    8. Upload an image:

    • The optimal image size is 1200×628 pixels;
    • It’s better to use your own images, since everyone is already tired of stock images and people don’t click on them.

    9. Enter the site URL. You can use a link with UTM tags.

    10. Create a headline and then the ad text itself, you can also choose a call to action.

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