Dream of running away from snakes. Dream Interpretation - snake attack: interpretation of sleep

The meaning of dreams has been interesting to people since ancient times. Priests and prophets tried to unravel the images that came to people during sleep. Thanks to the information received from the subconscious, a person can avoid many problems in life. Often frightening images appear in dreams, for example, snakes. However, they do not always carry negative information.

Why do women dream about snakes?

As a rule, women are interested in dream books, since nature has endowed them with increased intuitive abilities. If unmarried girl had a dream about a snake, then it may be drawn into love triangle. The insidious reptile personifies a rival and for married lady. The details of the dream will tell you what the outcome of this situation will be. For a pregnant woman, such a dream will mean the birth of a daughter.

Why do men dream about snakes?

The famous master of psychoanalysis, Freud, gave the most positive interpretation of a dream when a man dreams of snakes. According to a psychoanalyst, a dream about a reptile indicates awakening male power, increased sexuality. In a dream, human emotions are important. If a man looks at a reptile with pleasure, then in reality he will have a pleasant romantic date. If a person is afraid of a snake in a dream, then he will have problems communicating with women.

Why do you dream about a snake bite?

Such a symbol does not necessarily indicate trouble. By version various dream books If a person is bitten by a snake in a dream, then this can symbolize both unpleasant rumors or gossip, and the acquisition of wisdom or wealth. You need to correctly analyze the details, colors and emotions of the dream. If you dreamed of a snake that entwines you and does not allow you to move, it means that a person will have to face life’s adversities that he cannot resist. If the reptile also bites, then people in whom there was unlimited trust can do harm.

As already mentioned, the snake is a controversial sign. Various dream books interpret the appearance of a black reptile in different ways. For example, according to Miller's interpretation, to see a black snake in a dream that attacks and tries to bite means that a person will find himself in the midst of a major scandal. If an asp bites, then you can expect trouble. According to the dream book of the sage Aesop, a large black snake in a dream speaks of a serious lesson that life has in store. Those who have passed it will be granted clairvoyance and happy changes for the better.

Kill the snake

In the Bible, this reptile came to man in the role of a tempter, therefore, if the dreamer kills it, then in reality he will escape temptation. Vanga's dream book interprets the situation as positive changes at the state level that will raise public morale. Great Freud correlates the reptile with the reproductive organ, therefore, if a man dreams of killing a snake, this means that he will have the opportunity to prove his fidelity to his wife and avoid sin. The dream promises recovery for the sick, and a high position for those who want to build a career.

Lots of snakes

To understand why such a vision is dreamed, you need to remember the details: where the reptiles were, what they were like, whether the man or woman dreamed about it. Dreaming of a ball of snakes? Beware of betrayal. And if they are still about to bite or have already bitten, then the people closest to you will cause suffering. If a lot of reptiles fall from the sky, it can harm a person who is endowed with power. If the bastards fell on you, then in life there will be a struggle for survival.

If you pick up several snakes and they are submissive to your will, you will find a way out of all the situations that befall you. When there are many obedient cobras around the sleeper, he will be able to achieve high positions. If you dreamed of reptiles in own home or apartment, then expect a big scandal in the family. A man dreams of a ball of reptiles to the fact that his enemies are women. Such a dream warns a girl that envious friends are spreading malicious gossip.


According to Miller's dream book, a large white reptile in a dream represents a person's sexual and spiritual energy, which needs adjustment. If the snake white plays, then the dreamer is in danger of succumbing to temptation. Catching it means that a person, regardless of gender, will seek sexual entertainment. Dr. Freud argued that if a man dreams of a white snake, then he runs the risk of taking part in games of a homosexual nature. According to the Islamic dream book, seeing an obedient white reptile is a sign of possible acquisition of property.


By Muslim dream book The reptile represents extraordinary intelligence and wisdom. The interpretation of this image changes the color of the reptile in different ways. When you dream of a green snake, it promises positive changes in your personal life. A person will be able to get rid of his addictions and bad habits. If a creature in a dream changes its color to blue, then this is interpreted as the sleeper’s reluctance or unpreparedness for a new way of life.

A thick emerald beauty anaconda reminds of the dreamer’s unresolved matters and deferred problems. The vision warns that it is time to resolve controversial issues, otherwise they will be resolved not in favor of the person. If the reptile is a bright green hue without aggression towards the sleeping one, then new ones await it interesting acquaintances and adventures. Holding a green reptile in your hands? Miller's dream book warns: minor events will bring troubles and worries.


If you kill a yellow reptile that was about to bite you, then this is a symbol of an uncompromising decision that you have made. The master of psychoanalysis, Freud, interprets the appearance of such a reptile in a dream differently. In his opinion, if you were bitten by a huge yellow viper or tried to kiss it, then you need oral sex. The psychiatrist saw a sexual beginning in everything, so if in a dream you dance with a cobra of this color, he regards it as desire love relationship. Seeing a yellow snake hanging over you in a dream is a harbinger of illness.

In water

According to dream interpreters, seeing water reptiles is a sign of danger that is associated with a person’s past. Noble dream book connects the plot about a swimming viper with the risk for the dreamer to plunge into melancholy, and if there are a lot of snakes, one should beware of prolonged depression. However, if you dream of a snake in the water, but after a while it crawls out of it, then this promises recovery. If an aquatic reptile bites you, beware of the water element in reality. To fight with big python in water means an emotional outburst. Negative emotions will prevent you from realizing your plans.


Often such a symbol is not very favorable, but if the dreamed reptile is friendly, then the dreamer has the opportunity to achieve what he wants. A person has high potential that will allow him to withstand any difficulties. Seeing a large black snake in a dream means that the sleeper will not be able to overcome some physical obstacle. The dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the type of reptile:

  • motley – bright events, interesting adventures with hidden danger;
  • gold - success, wealth, big profit;
  • white – a person’s touch with dangerous knowledge;
  • python is the hidden power of the sleeper.


The bright red color of the reptile indicates that you will soon find yourself in a risky situation. What the outcome will be depends on the details of the dream. If a red snake is in a cage in a dream, then beware of an enemy who will gain your trust. Most likely, he is among his best friends. An encounter with a creeping red creature in nature promises a pleasant journey in reality, but if indoors, beware of a thief.

Why do you dream about a dead snake?

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a killed reptile means defeating the enemy. He claims that the death of these creatures in a dream is the acquisition of hope to overcome their sins. If you dream dead snake that bites, then beware of a blow in the back, do not lose your vigilance. According to the seer Vanga, the killed reptile symbolizes the triumph of light. If in sleep of the dead there were a lot of reptiles, then the dreamer will have to win many victories. In the East they worshiped reptiles, so they consider such a dream bad sign: a person will not be able to solve pressing problems.


Catching a small viper in a dream, according to psychologist Gustav Miller, means mastering the situation, solving a small problem. For a woman, small snakes in a dream represent the hypocrisy of her friends. Seeing children playing with vipers means the confusion of a person who is trying to find enemies among his friends. According to esotericists, seeing small black reptiles means mental disharmony and internal discord with oneself. The noble dream book claims that white snakes will bring the sleeper a little money.


Such a dream foreshadows gossip, intrigues of ill-wishers, great danger for a person. It will be a good omen if you catch poisonous cobra, kill or eat. If you dreamed that a reptile bit your hand, good friends will do harm, and your leg means danger on the road, so it’s better to cancel the trip. A dream with snakes crawling to a watering hole means that someone close to you is planning betrayal against you. If a cobra dances to the tune, then the sleeping person has an ill-wisher. If a person plays himself, then he has superiority over his enemies.

Why do you dream of running away from a snake?

It is human nature to be afraid of reptiles, so internal fears always make themselves felt during rest. If you dreamed that the dreamer was running away from a snake, then in reality the dreamer is afraid of fighting with enemies or does not want to solve pressing problems. Sometimes such a dream indicates an indecisive person who does not want to take responsibility for his life and is constantly adapting. Freud believed that running away from a creeping reptile is showing fear of intimacy with the opposite sex.

Attacking snake

On the one hand, such a dream warns of deceit and malicious attacks, and on the other hand, an attack by a snake means receiving a large profit or inheritance. The details of the dream are important. Miller's dream book promises the dreamer to be used by an influential person for his own purposes, but if a green adder attacks, then this is an excellent omen, since this color means vitality and energy.

If a reptile crawls over a woman’s body and then attacks, but does not bite, then she may have imminent pregnancy. When you dreamed that a reptile attacked and squeezed your neck, the dreamer is unhappy in your marriage. From point of view eastern dream books– an attacking cobra brings wisdom to a person, so such a dream promises a new period of life. The closer the reptile is to you, the closer the lucky moment, which you must try not to miss.


Our dreams have the mysterious power of prediction. Often what we see in dreams can shed light on our future. It is especially important to know why a snake is dreamed of, because it has a special, sacred meaning.

The snake has long personified two rather contradictory things in people's minds. On the one hand, it was considered a symbol of renewal, eternity, long life and rebirth. After all, everyone knows that snakes shed their skin, thereby, as it were, being “born again.” It was believed that they lived a long time, and, like all long-livers, they had wisdom.

On the other hand, snakes were feared. They were credited with cunning and a willingness to attack on the sly. The snake was considered a "bad" animal, associated with witchcraft and evil spirits. It is this perception that still lives in the human subconscious. Therefore, these reptiles are still feared, and therefore dreams about them do not bode well.

What does a snake mean in a dream?

Dreaming snake symbolizes enemies and hostile people.

Snake ball dreams when you can get involved in an unpleasant matter that discredits you.

Feed the snake or talk to her- to a hidden bad person who pretends to be your friend and gets closer to you.

Run away from snakes in a dream - to evil gossip and rumors that can harm you.

snake language to see in a dream - to the same thing.

If you strangled by writhing snake coils, it means that out of envy someone wants to be in your place and is gradually drawing positive energy out of you.

Snake bite dreaming that you are seriously hurt by a person whom you considered close and trusted him very much.

If repeats nightmare associated with snakes, it means you are in danger of serious trouble.

But even when you dreamed of a snake, you should not get upset in advance and certainly wait for the blows of fate. Remember that prophetic dreams only occur at certain times. In addition, dreams help to foresee only a possible future. Having received such a warning from your own subconscious, take it into account, take a closer look at your recent friends, and do not be frank with people you are not sure about. And then troubles can be avoided. Look into the dream book more often and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.08.2015 00:20

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If you had to run away from a snake in a dream, then take this vision almost literally. You will probably have to face real evil or its various manifestations in reality. The dream book will explain in detail why this creepy plot is still dreamed of.

Did you dream that you had a chance to run away from a snake? Miller's dream book insists: in reality, troubles will fall on your head. And the only way to avoid consequences is not to attach too much importance to them.

Attention - magic attack!

Why else do you dream about running away from a snake? Alas, the dream book believes that you will be overtaken by deep disappointment in a fairly close person.

Sometimes seeing your own flight from a snake in a dream is a symbol of magical intervention in life. Perhaps subconsciously you understand that a targeted attack is underway, and thus try to avoid it.

The same action in a dream means that there are a huge number of ill-wishers and hidden enemies around you.

More specifics

More specific interpretation dream will give a type of reptile in a dream. If, of course, you were able to determine this while trying to run away from the snake.

  • Cobra - a friend will let you down.
  • Viper - mental suffering.
  • Python is an invisible absorption of life force.
  • Fire-breathing snake – demonic energy, alcoholism.
  • Any non-poisonous one is trouble, minor problems.
  • White - unusual, possibly destructive knowledge.
  • Water is a danger that comes from the past.

What are you running from?

Why do you dream that you had to run away from a very large snake? The dream book is sure that you will encounter envy, lies, deceit and even death.

Sometimes a large individual symbolizes wisdom, spirituality, and healing. Essentially, you are running from your own unique abilities.

Did you dream of escaping from a big snake? Perhaps some evil woman is bothering you. The same image means in a dream that in real world you have to defend your own dignity.

Rivalry or wandering?

Almost all reptiles in a dream symbolize deceit, intrigue and meanness. Did you dream that you had to run away from a snake? The dream book believes that tomorrow you will find out that you are surrounded by imaginary friends.

For a woman to see how she runs from a snake - to the appearance of a cunning and in some ways even dangerous rival. Sometimes similar plot promises a rather long journey in the future, or rather even a wandering.

Do not exaggerate!

Why do you dream of escaping from a truly huge snake? The dream book is sure that sometimes this image symbolically reflects the dreamer’s fears.

You exaggerate the significance of problems too much, which is why they acquire threatening proportions and, as a consequence, bad influence on you.

Did you dream that you were running away from a huge snake? This plot reflects the desire to avoid death. There is a possibility of a real illness, but more often this is just a consequence of unpleasant thoughts about this.

The snake is dreamed of as a warning about impending negative events. Perhaps this is betrayal or gossip, torment of conscience or the struggle for one’s place in the sun. And sometimes even the evil that a loved one can cause.

But in some cases, why a woman dreams of snakes, a man’s dream book can mean renewal in some areas of life or a decision complex problems. The answer to why a snake is dreamed of can only be given by a detailed interpretation of the dream.

Why do women dream about snakes?

Since ancient times, the snake was considered a symbol of wisdom and vitality, which personifies aggression, intelligence and sexuality. This means that a dream in which a snake was dreamed will affect precisely these areas.

If a woman dreams of a snake, it can mean an envious ill-wisher or a hypocrite who is seeking some kind of benefit.

Looking into the dream book, you can understand that in order to correctly decipher what you see, you need to evaluate the actions of the snake and its character: friendly or aggressive.

Why do women and men dream about snakes? The dream book has different interpretations of such a dream.

To dream of a woman can mean an envious ill-wisher or a hypocrite who is seeking some kind of benefit.

Why does a married woman dream of a snake?

"Note!" If you dream about a snake married woman, then it is obvious that the snake is a rival who is trying to get close to her husband, and with whom she will probably have to fight. This is especially true if a snake attacks in a dream and tries to bite.

If the snake was discovered unexpectedly, then unpleasant news will soon be learned or an unfortunate misunderstanding will occur.

Finding a snake in your purse or seeing it crawling out of the bedroom may indicate that someone is exerting a magical effect, or even damage.

Why do snakes dream, a lot of snakes - for a woman

Snakes in large quantities mean that many enemies or unfriendly people have appeared in life. If a woman dreams of a lot of snakes, then she will be in the very center of events, where she will be surrounded evil people.

Because a lot of snakes is not very good sign, then you can expect trouble even from close circle. If snakes swirl around your feet, expect betrayal or a stab in the back.

To see snakes crawling into a house means you need to figure out which of those nearby wants to harm, or which of your loved ones is up to something evil.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a snake?

Pregnant women often dream strange dreams, not similar to reality, but snakes are dreams:

  • to possible deviations in health if you have to step over them;
  • when snakes are swarming in a pond and it is necessary to wade, then expecting success is premature and problems may arise;
  • holding in your hands and not being afraid means solving problems and defeating enemies;
  • to see snakes on your head - it’s worth thinking about whether too much attention is paid to trifles or empty dreams;

Interesting fact! IN ancient dream books It was mentioned that when a pregnant girl dreams of a snake, it means that a girl will be born. And Miller’s dream book indicates monetary losses and the need to show prudence in this matter.

Why does a girl dream about a snake?

When a young girl sees a snake in a dream, she expects to meet a young man, her lover. The date may have a romantic continuation.

If you dream that a snake crawled into the house, then it is probably imminent marriage, and if a snake crawled out of the house, then there will be a separation from a friend or someone close.

Why does a man dream about a snake?

Since snakes dream of troubles that are about to happen, men dream of snakes:

  • if snakes wriggle at your feet, this means a fight against ill-wishers or remorse;
  • there are a lot of small snakes around the house - the guests you invite to your place will spread rumors and try to upset all plans;
  • I dream of a snake curled up in a ring, sleeping peacefully on the side - the enemy is hiding and waiting for an opportune moment to attack;
  • if snakes attack others, it means you will offend your friends;
  • killing a reptile means that you will stop at nothing to achieve your goal;
  • a ball of snakes - one of your relatives or friends is jealous and wishes for misfortune in the family, and even death.

What does the dream book say if you are bitten by a snake?

A snake bite is a warning, which must be interpreted depending on the circumstances under which it occurred, and indicates the most vulnerabilities and character traits. The color of the snake and the location of the bite are very important for correct interpretation.

What is the meaning of the dream book: why do you dream of a snake bite in the hand?

If a snake bites your hand in a dream, it means that a conflict is brewing at work, which was bound to happen sooner or later. It seems that it will no longer be possible to resolve the situation peacefully; it is necessary to be prepared for the upcoming conflict.

It is not possible to control everything, but it is quite possible to find the strength in yourself not to make a huge scandal out of this.

If a finger on your hand was bitten, then, according to the dream book, someone is trying to prevent you from achieving material well-being.

Why do you dream of a snake bite in the leg?

If you have such a dream, it means that there is no strength left for battle, and the person is on the verge of a breakdown. There is no stable position in life, there is no support from loved one, and there is no desire to deal with pressing matters.

Most likely, you need a vacation or just a trip out of town, into the forest, away from civilization. And perhaps, in order to raise the tone, you will have to change your image.

Kill a snake in a dream

When you dream that you are killing a snake, it means that you can cope with the problems that have piled up, which did not allow us to move on, also material rewards or vital energy.

Perhaps, if there are health problems, then such a dream portends get well soon. In any case, we should expect changes that will happen not only around us, but also in our souls.

Why do women dream of snakes? Dream book for men: a snake bite is a warning, which must be interpreted depending on the circumstances under which it happened, and indicates the most vulnerable places and character traits.

There may be new acquaintances or a real chance to get a more promising job.

Why do you dream about a black snake?

It is difficult to understand why a black snake is dreamed of, because dream books give very contradictory information, but everyone agrees that in reality there is a riddle waiting for you to solve.

The decision determines whether new perspectives will open up in life, or whether everything will not be the way you want. The details may suggest the details of the dream.

Why do you dream about a big snake?

If the snake is big, then the game will be big, but the winnings will not be small either. A life stage passed with honor will bring experience and changes for the better.

The upcoming responsible choice, an important mission and difficult times, all this is foreshadowed by the dream.

Why do you dream of killing a snake?

Killing a large black snake in a dream means conquering one’s fears or gaining victory over one’s enemies. Moreover, everything can be achieved without losses and special effort, you just need to firmly define your goals and go towards them, despite any obstacles, then your efforts will not be in vain.

Why do you dream about a white snake?

It is not difficult to understand why a white snake is dreamed of. It helps to find out what kind of energy: spiritual or sexual - is missing in this moment. The snake in this dream serves as a harbinger of good luck, and may also warn of health problems.

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If a snake bites, then expect deception or betrayal. A dream in which I had to step over white snake, speaks of easy solutions to complex problems and issues.

The snake has wrapped itself around the neck and is trying to squeeze harder - not a good sign, foreshadowing a fight against a serious illness.

Why do you dream about a yellow snake?

A yellow snake in a dream is a symbol of betrayal. If she attacks, there will be serious stressful situations, you will have to defend your point of view, and with the help physical strength. If yellow snake managed to bite, then the dream book interprets this as a betrayal of a friend or marriage partner.

The snake turned out to be poisonous - the fight is useless, the winner will be someone else. A yellow snake lies and basks in the sun, the probability of getting sick is very high, the snake was killed - the sick person will soon recover.

Green snake in a dream

A dream of a green snake warns that a person may be deceived or not very good events await him, but sometimes the same green snake can become a symbol of health or wisdom.

The dream book also interprets such a dream as a symbol of temptation - the green serpent tempter. If a snake bites, then most likely the person will succumb to temptation, but then will regret it.

If the green snake was caught, the temptation will be avoided!

Why do you dream about snakes in water?

When you dreamed of a snake in the water, it is worth remembering the feelings that remained when remembering this dream. If your soul is calm and good, then most likely the dream indicates that the person will cope with the upcoming changes, even though they will be unpleasant.

If there are disturbing memories left, then the enemies will not remain inactive, and you should expect active action.

"It is important to know!" When you dream of a swimming snake, get ready to be defeated, the situation requires outside help. If there are a lot of snakes swimming in the water, then the situation is very confusing and requires a quick resolution, especially if the one who is dreaming is himself in the water.

Dream Interpretation - a snake attacks in a dream

If you dream of a snake that attacks, get ready to fight for your love, or worry a lot about it.

Also, this dream may foreshadow torment of conscience over the disclosure of some bad deeds.

A dream of a green snake warns that a person may be deceived or not very good events await him, but sometimes the same green snake can become a symbol of health or wisdom.

If the attacked snake bites, then it is possible to receive any amount of money, and even receive an inheritance, or simply someone will help financial assistance, which will turn out to be just in time.

A sick person dreams of a dream - to a speedy recovery!

Why do you dream about a huge snake?

Seeing a big snake in a dream means problems, if it squeezes the neck, then this is a very bad sign, foreshadowing the death of someone close to you. A person who dreamed of a large snake will need great courage and willpower and help the dying person.

Another dream like this can be interpreted as:

  • to illness;
  • to betrayal;
  • to a woman who is not friendly;
  • to temptations and “interesting” offers from the opposite sex.

Some dream books interpret a dreamed snake as a symbol of wisdom if the snake is on a tree without leaves.

Why do you dream about a snake in the house?

More often, a dream of a snake in the house warns that someone close to you is making insidious plans. If she tries to bite, then most likely the plans of her ill-wishers will come true.

If a snake is crawling around the house, then you need to carefully monitor your health. By killing a snake in a dream, you will be able to get out of a difficult situation without major losses; a truce between spouses or lovers is also possible.

Why do you dream about a dead snake?

If you dreamed of a dead snake, then there is nothing to fear, this is a good sign, which says that all the troubles are over, victory has been won and there are no obstacles.

When a woman dreams of a dead snake, then most likely her rival has been eliminated and she can claim her rights to her loved one. If a dead snake tries to bite, then expect a quarrel with a close friend, and if you had to fight, then the showdown will be very stormy.

A small dead viper portends little troubles or intrigue, or perhaps it is a warning that you should pay attention to your health. Overwork can have a negative impact on nervous system. It's time to rest to avoid more serious problems.

Seeing two snakes in a dream

Changes in personal or public life await those who dreamed of two snakes at once:

  • if they were small and black, then you need to be prepared for gossip;
  • huge snakes - your health will be bad, your mood will be bad too, and then it’s not far from depression;
  • Fighting snakes will predict problems in relationships between friends or internal worries and doubts.

If snakes are blocking the way, then it is time to make a decision before the situation gets completely out of control.

Running away from a snake in a dream

There may be several different interpretations if in a dream you have to run away from a snake:

  • expect troubles that will haunt you in reality, but try not to give them special significance, then it will be easier to deal with them.
  • disappointment in loved ones can bring many unpleasant moments.
  • possible intervention magical influence, and the subconscious mind suggests this through a dream.
  • if a snake crawled out of the water, then the past will remind itself of itself with minor troubles.

Sometimes such a dream indicates the need to think about who or what you have to run away from in reality.

Why do you dream about a poisonous snake?

The dream in which I had a dream poisonous snake, suggests that you will have to face the anger of people around you. Gossip, intrigue and betrayal await at work or at home. An unpleasant conversation with your boss is possible, which can be provoked by someone’s gossip.

If a poisonous snake bites, then trouble can cause great damage to your reputation.

Why do you dream about a ball of snakes?

A ball of snakes dreams of a meeting of envious people, who hide their true colors under the guise of friendliness. This could be a work team, or close friends who are welcomed into the house.

The situation is very advanced, it may be very difficult to get out of it.

Snakes sting each other - you will have to watch someone’s squabbles or intrigues from the sidelines.

Dream Interpretation – snake in bed

When you dream similar dream, then this, oddly enough, is a good sign. Such a dream promises the acquisition of new knowledge and experience, and possibly worldly wisdom.

If there were several snakes, there will be a lot of information and knowledge, this will be a good help in later life.

But perhaps such a dream simply indicates the presence of a rival in a love relationship.

Dream Interpretation - small snake

Small snakes in a dream foreshadow petty quarrels and deceptions, moreover, if the snake is on a tree, then you will be slandered, intrigues will come from people who were previously treated with trust.

If the snake suddenly begins to grow, do not underestimate what is happening, it is probably not so harmless. Although, perhaps, there is simply no need to panic and try to objectively assess the events taking place.

Why do you dream about a cobra snake?

If you dream of a cobra crawling past, you should not fear for further events, this is a good sign, which says that Life is going calm and peaceful. But if the cobra tries to attack, beware; a strong enemy can come forward and cause significant harm.

If the snake curls around without causing harm, a new whirlwind romance is possible, which will develop into strong relationships and marriage.

Catch a snake in a dream

If a snake was caught in a dream, this is a good sign, it means life is under control, and the machinations of the enemies will not cause any harm, and it is possible to stop everything at the very beginning.

Although, according to other interpretations, if you hold a caught snake in your hands, then this foreshadows betrayal from someone from whom you could not expect it at all.

If you dream of a snake that attacks, stings, or simply crawls past, the main thing is not to despair and be grateful for the warning and the opportunity to take control of everything. Then any dream will be a good omen of future victories!

Why do women and men dream about snakes? Dream Interpretation: interpretation of such dreams:

Why can snakes dream? Watch the dream interpretation in this video:

Why do you dream of fleeing from a snake? A person should take this eerie plot in a dream literally. Cold-blooded - personifications of evil that will have to be faced in reality. Thanks to the details of the dream, the dream book can decipher the vision more accurately.

Miller's interpretation

What does running away from a snake mean? Miller deciphers this message as the approach of a troublesome period. Worries will appear one after another. The dream book advises to avoid negative consequences, you need to abstract yourself from the situation. You shouldn't attach such importance to problems.

Magical intervention

There are several answers to the question “why does a woman dream?” One option is sudden disappointment in a close friend. In some cases, watching your escape from a cold-blooded person in a dream is a warning about a magical invasion of fate.

Most likely, on a subconscious level, you understand what is the object of the targeted attack. But he tries with all his might to get away from her. Seeing a reptile in a dream is a sure sign of many hidden enemies and opponents in real life.

Dream details

Its variety will help you decipher a dream about a snake more accurately. If a person was able to see and remember the appearance of a snake in a dream, then this will give more clues:

  • Vodyana is a threat from the distant past.
  • Cobra - betrayal of a friend.
  • White - knowledge that has destructive power.
  • Viper - emotional experiences.
  • Non-venomous snake - minor problems.
  • Python is an invisible source of absorption of vital energy.
  • A snake breathing fire is the embodiment of dark energy, possibly alcoholism.

Big snake in a dream

Seeing a large cold-blooded animal in a dream is the personification of wisdom, spirituality, and sometimes a healing gift. All these unique qualities the sleeper possesses, but they are still hidden from him.

Why do you dream of running away from? It is a symbol of envy, lies, deceit and even death. The dream book claims that the sleeper will have to face these troubles in reality.

Running away from a huge reptile in a dream means an enemy in female form, from which the sleeper suffers annoyances. The dream book characterizes the appearance of this image in a dream as the need to defend one’s views.

Confrontation or wandering

Many people know what a woman needs. This is an integral symbol of intrigue, meanness and deceit. Running away from a snake is a sign that in reality the sleeper is surrounded by false friends.

Before the appearance of an insidious and cunning rival, a woman dreams of escaping from a snake. But at the same time, such a dream can have a completely different meaning. It promises a very long journey, sometimes a pilgrimage.

Look your fears in the eyes

Why does a person dream huge snake and running away from it? First of all, this is the sleeper’s fear and anxiety, as a result of exaggerating his difficulties. Seeing a snake in a dream is a bad influence of growing fear within. Troubles are acquiring much larger proportions that are far from reality.

Escape from a giant cobra or viper - a subconscious fear of death and the desire to avoid it. The dream book characterizes this dream as a hidden disease. But more often this is only a reflection of fears of the appearance of illnesses.


The dream book is in a hurry to remind you of the big symbolism poisonous viper showing aggression. It's always a reflection of the dark side human consciousness which everyone has. Why does she appear in a dream? This is a warning about the awakening of dark mystical energy. Unpreparedness for it in reality will entail many troubles.

If the sleeper has not been able to control his cold-blooded self, then in reality sinful thoughts and various temptations will completely take possession of him. The dream book also characterizes such a vision as a warning about an upcoming illness.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday 02/24/2019

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you saw...
