Are Pisces and Leo compatible according to the horoscope? Leo and Pisces - compatibility between men and women

Compatibility of Pisces and Leo is an unexpected and slightly risky union of the signs of the elements of Water and Fire (water can extinguish the fire, and it, in turn, can dry up the water).

And yet, Leo and Pisces are often compatible and happy together, despite the hard work they have to do together. Let's look at the compatibility of Leo and Pisces according to their horoscopes and the compatibility of the characters of these amazing zodiac signs.

Characteristics of signs

When considering the compatibility horoscope of the signs Leo and Pisces, it is advisable to take into account the influence moon sign each partner, as well as the year of birth of both. Thus, Leos born in the year of the Horse have not only logical, but also intuitive thinking, and those born in the year of the Snake can boast of calmness and composure. Pisces born in the year of the Tiger acquire strong will and self-confidence, those born in the year of the Ox - the ability to think realistically, and those born in the year of the Rooster - external brightness and showiness. A new quality can play into the hands of partners’ compatibility or contribute to their distance, in any case influencing love relationship and harmony of the family union.


Leo is a strong and powerful sign of the Zodiac, shining brightly like the Sun (which rules Leo). The charisma and charm of Leos are visible even in the photo, and their nobility and spiritual generosity magnetically attract others.

PISCES + LEO - Compatibility - Astrotypologist - Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Pisces man and Leo woman

Compatibility of Leo man and Pisces woman

Marriage compatibility of the sign Pisces with the signs Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Pisces and Leo

Men and women of this sign love to be in the spotlight, but this is not empty boasting, but a need to realize their talents - to be completely satisfied, Leo needs to work hard, discover new things and organize important processes. People of this sign are brave and fearless, they easily cope with responsibility, but sometimes they can become too selfish, demanding and vain.


Pisces are sensitive natures with strong intuition and creative talents. Neptune endowed them with a wild imagination, and Jupiter – with some conservatism.

Pisces men and women are great aesthetes; they adore art and everything beautiful in life. They attract people with their mystery and romanticism, and in love they are capable of the greatest sacrifices and true altruism. However, sometimes people of this sign can fall into illusions, and their excessive sensitivity and vulnerability can lead to depression and the development of addictions.

Compatibility of Leo woman and Pisces man

A Leo woman and a Pisces man will be able to create a harmonious union if they give up trying to change each other. The relationship between them begins and continues according to a certain scenario, violating which the partners can destroy the union itself. The Leo girl will appreciate the sincere admiration and worship from the Pisces guy, his subtle sensitivity and ability to beautifully express his love. And this, perhaps, is the only thing she needs from him - all the other “male” character traits are present in abundance in her. In turn, the Lioness brings a fabulous radiance and bright magic into the life of the Pisces man - he is ready to serve this miracle, sometimes tactfully manipulating for his own comfort.

Leo woman and Pisces man violate compatibility if they begin to abuse their position. If a man completely removes himself from responsibility for the family, leaving everything to the Lioness, she may want someone stronger nearby. In turn, if the Lioness goes too far, overly leading and disregarding the man, or tries to force him to change, she will only achieve distance and indifference from her partner. Leo and Pisces live in different rhythms, so they should persistently look for common ground, and not destroy existing ones. And besides, both should understand once and for all that they cannot change each other no matter how hard they try.

Compatibility of Leo man and Pisces woman

Leo man and Pisces woman have a good chance of happiness and harmony in family relationships. At the beginning of their acquaintance, Leo, capable of conquering any woman, bows his violent head before the mystical charm and femininity of Pisces (of course, Venus herself is exalted in this constellation). The Pisces girl and the Leo guy are able to see and appreciate the most in each other. best qualities, which promises them excellent compatibility in love relationships. However, after marriage, this idyll changes, and further happiness depends on the wisdom and understanding of each partner.

The point is that in family life It would not occur to Leo to continue courting the Pisces woman - his own plans and interests will come to the fore. On the other hand, he will be very demanding - having once placed his beloved on a pedestal, he will not allow her to come down from there. This behavior of Leo has a bad effect on the Pisces woman - and not only friendships suffer in marriage, but also intimate relationships. In sex, spiritual unity is important for Pisces, and resentment and discontent will interfere with this - as a result, both lovers will remain dissatisfied. In addition, Pisces may simply pull away, causing their cozy home to become cold and empty, and their relationship to become indifferent.

The union of Leo and Pisces can be happy and harmonious, provided that both partners accept each other completely - as they are.

  1. In this union, a lot depends on Pisces - being subtle psychologists, they can intuitively feel what needs to be done to restore friendship in marriage. Leo will not like rough manipulation, so you need to act subtly, and most importantly, with sincere love.
  2. The percentage of compatibility of these signs will increase significantly if partners find new points of contact. Both Leo and Pisces like everything beautiful - they should visit exhibitions, performances, concerts and other similar events together more often.
  3. Leo should be more attentive to the feelings of Pisces, try to be less demanding and selfish.
  4. In family life, partners should carefully distribute responsibilities among themselves in order to avoid mutual insults and dissatisfaction.
  5. With this combination of signs, there should be no harsh criticism in the relationship: Leo gets extremely irritated and feels unloved when he is rudely corrected, and Pisces reacts too sensitively or prefers not to hear comments at all and moves away.

Leo and Pisces are representatives of different elements, and each seems to live in their own world. Compatibility of Leo and Pisces signs It is based on permanent job over relationships: each partner must be wise enough and show their best qualities. This couple is woven from contradictions, because Leo and Pisces have different temperaments, characters and outlooks on life. However, overall happiness is still possible if Leo sets the pace of the relationship, and Pisces is quite easy to maneuver, smoothing out rough edges.

Often the differences between these partners are so dramatic that they are unable to understand each other. Pisces is one of the most emotional signs of the Zodiac, but at the same time the coldest and stingiest in expressing feelings. The external state of Pisces is always smooth; it is hardly possible to discern any emotions on their face. No matter how much the representative of the Pisces sign wants to be more sensual towards his partner, this is his nature. Leo, according to Pisces, is overly assertive and energetic. His dynamic behavior and passionate nature come across a silent misunderstanding of the inhabitant of the element of Water. His hot temperament can make Pisces take a step aside in bewilderment.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces is such that both partners will have to suffer a lot before they even begin to understand each other. But it is not all that bad. Everyone will be able to gain something valuable from the relationship. Leo, for example, will have the opportunity for spiritual improvement in attempts to unravel the complex secrets of the chosen one. Pisces will find themselves next to a strong partner who knows how to take care of their beloved. At the same time, Leo will discover in Pisces a bottomless ocean of tenderness and understanding, and Pisces will be able to control Leo’s ardor, directing it to achieve their goals.

The exclusivity of such a union lies in the excellent combination of the external nobility of Leo and the internal spiritual nobility of Pisces. In addition, they are quite successful in combining their forces to achieve common goals. Leo applies his power and energy, and Pisces provides cold, precise calculation.

Sexual compatibility of Leo and Pisces

IN intimate relationships These partners, as well as in other areas of life, experience mutual misunderstanding. Leo's extravagance shocks shy Pisces. Compatibility of the signs Leo and Pisces in the bedroom cannot be called positive. Pisces is an introvert, which means Leo will remain the unrecognized king in the apartments of the cold water sign. However, if Leo can find the key to the subtle nature of his chosen one, the gentle sensual world of the representative of the Pisces sign will open to him. In this case, Leo will be fully rewarded for his efforts. The sad thing is that Leo is not attracted to the prospect of solving fish riddles.

Compatibility: Leo man - Pisces woman

The relationship between these partners arises on the basis of mutual magical attraction. Pisces respects the royal majesty of Leo and behaves very carefully with him, so as not to fall out of favor and not earn an embittered roar directed at them. Leos are amazed by the extraordinary femininity of their chosen one, despite her coldness.

If a Pisces woman tries to control her partner, she does it barely noticeably, because this representative of the water element is calm itself. However, she considers it preferable to completely submit to her partner. Leo is happy about this state of affairs, but in his heart he is also afraid of his water companion. So that she does not extinguish his fire, Leo tries to re-educate his Pisces. However, after another such attempt, he will most likely remain alone in the city.

Compatibility: Pisces man - Leo woman

The situation can be quite dramatic for a representative of the Pisces sign. The compatibility of Leo and Pisces, when she is Leo and he is Pisces, is characterized by the fact that the cat will still rule.

At the very beginning of their acquaintance, she will show such a pleasant, warm disposition that a man born under the sign of Pisces will literally be drawn to her like a magnet. Taking advantage of her ability to be good-naturedly noble, the Lioness will soon ascend to the throne she left for hunting and continue her reign, expecting proof of the sincerity of her feelings from her new loyal subject. The Pisces man will try his best to show how important a new acquaintance is for him. It is very important here not to offend the Leo woman with gifts unworthy of her. Everything that this man will do for her will not necessarily require large expenses, although the Lioness loves luxury, but it should be at the level of her refined taste. Having achieved the favor of his beloved, the Pisces man will receive as a reward the warmth of her soul and an inexhaustible source of energy from the sun.

No matter how the relationship between these two initially developed, there must be balance in them. Pisces should not forget that just as much as the Lioness craves the worship of her beloved man, she also seeks support from him. You cannot cross the fine line where roles are divided in a relationship. Even if the Leo woman’s chosen one is on her hook, he should also buy a leash. In such relationships, interaction is important when each partner receives their share of warmth, tenderness and compassion.

Business Compatibility of Leo and Pisces

Business Compatibility of the signs Leo and Pisces good in superior-subordinate ratio. In such a situation, Leo will be happy to show his desire for unlimited power, and Pisces will be happy to provide excellent work results in as soon as possible using exclusively your own energy. Leo doesn’t have to worry about anything - all problems will be solved by Pisces.

A horoscope reveals to a person a deep knowledge of character and psychological characteristics. Belonging to a zodiac sign assigns traits that are expressed more clearly than others. Astrology determines fate, but all decisions are made by a person, this applies to both the personal and business spheres. Therefore, the compatibility of Leo and Pisces cannot be considered as an alliance in one form of expression, because relationships can concern all sorts of areas.

Different facets of a combination of signs

When these representatives meet life path with each other, they cannot separate. The feeling of magnetism literally attracts them. Calm and quiet Pisces likes to see a person with a bright and impulsive character, who is not afraid to express an opinion and chooses his own position in life.

Leo is attracted to calmness and inner harmony a representative of Water, who is ready to simply step away from the bustle and worries of life in order to look at the surface of the river and admire the reflection. Pisces have cunning and wisdom, so they know how to tell others what they want to hear, even if they have to lie.

Leo craves to be praised and worshiped for strength and royalty. Therefore, in a representative of another sign he looks for a grateful viewer, in return giving patronage and protection.

But, as you know, in addition to opposites, there must also be points of contact, otherwise how can Fire and Water agree.

In compatibility between Leo and Pisces, it means achieving a goal and proper time management. Both one and the other sign have stability and assertiveness. And if Leo openly goes towards the goal, proudly waving his tail and incurring troubles and ups and downs, then Pisces slowly but confidently swims along the intended course, without telling anyone about his desires.

The result will be for both one and the other sign, but the tactics of the representatives of Water can help the impulsive and ambitious Leo.

The union of elements in any area will be instructive and challenging. Although Pisces is ready to put up with Leo's leadership and imitate him, he also wants to play first fiddle in relationships, be it business or personal. For Leo, this behavior touches a nerve. When the distribution of roles and implementation begins, quarrels and scandals may develop.

Benefits of the union

In the horoscope this is a strange combination; it is believed that Water will extinguish Fire and suppress it. But in practice, normal relationships are possible. If partners take into account each other’s character traits, a good result can result.

Communication strengths include:

  • The ability for Pisces to feel protected from problems and conflicts. It is important for her to feel calm and be under control; if a representative of the sign loses a sense of reality and begins to get angry, then this ends in choleric hysterics.
  • Both partners can discover new facets of character and learn from each other how to behave in unpredictable conditions. This is useful for Leo with his hot temper and hot temperament. Pisces will serve as an emotional brake; it depends on how much you can control your partner’s feelings.
  • Leo loves to protect others and show off their superior, superior self. Not all signs may like this. But it is Pisces who are looking for a patron whom they are ready to admire and rejoice. Chance meeting These signs can change a lot in fate.
  • If the horoscope representatives have a common goal, they will achieve it. Leo likes to grab onto a hundred things, but may not bring any of them to completion. Pisces is diligent, so it will be able to concentrate its partner on a specific task. This is important in business.

Disadvantages of tandem

In addition to positive feelings, in terms of friendship and the possibility of personal growth in the union, there will also be many disadvantages. Of course, this does not mean that they should go their separate ways, but if Leo and Pisces do not pay attention to each other's warning signals, then things could end badly.

TO weaknesses relationships in different areas can be attributed:

  • Selfishness and self-confidence of representatives of the element of Water. This is about expressing your own thoughts and point of view. If Pisces believes that he is right, no one can object. She even perceives comments and recommendations as a personal insult, but at the same time she does not hesitate to offend others by telling them the bitter truth.
  • The trick of Pisces. Smiling in their partner's face, they will easily pull a knife from their pocket and stab them in the back if this gives them complete advantage and power. Leo may not notice such commercialism, but having forgiven once, the second time he will leave, leaving the representative of the element of Water alone with himself.
  • If in an alliance both signs begin to show their strengths of character and point out each other’s shortcomings, then nothing good will come of it. Constant quarrels and scandals can kill not only business relationships, but also romantic ones, and destroy a marriage.
  • Leo wants space and doesn't understand that Pisces treats him like to a loved one. When he leaves to think, the representative of Water has a desire to run after Leo and begin to make excuses for his actions. The representative of the element of Fire is perplexed by this and feels that he has offended his partner, but does not understand what the problem is. This is discomfort for both, you need to adapt to each other and appreciate the individuality of your partner.

Pisces man and Leo woman

A representative of the element of Fire, she knows how to surprise others with her outrageousness and showiness. It will not be difficult for her to conquer any man with one look. She is artistic and gentle, impulsive, knows how to play different roles, which is a great turn on for her partner. When a man meets a Lioness, he thinks that he is beginning to conquer the lady, although she just allowed him to play.

Most often, representatives of this sign choose such a bright and charismatic partner to complement them. But in mature age other values ​​emerge and the woman wants to start a family with a reliable companion. Calm and balanced Pisces fit this description.

The representative of Water knows how to make money and does it so easily and smoothly, as if he were standing under the horn of prosperity. Perhaps finances attract a beautiful Lioness to a plain-looking partner. Although the lady does not know how to prevaricate when it comes to feelings and true love.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces in a relationship has every chance of success, but this is provided that the girl and guy are on equal terms and the feelings are mutual.

In love, the jealousy of Pisces is acutely manifested, the desire to protect their partner from friends and acquaintances is so strong that they become obsessed with this idea. But the Lioness needs space and a sense of freedom, otherwise she gets lost and becomes depressed. Compatibility between Leo man and Pisces woman also requires having their own space, otherwise the couple will reach a dead end.

In bed, the union is ideal, the man of the element of Water loves games and is the initiator himself, and the lady does not mind once again showing her sexuality and experience. That's why intimate life couples will be great.

Regarding marriage, there are also no problems; both the stronger sex and the beloved actively take part in the upbringing and development of the child. The mother will be the key for the baby; she not only gives him love and affection, but tries to convey the wisdom and knowledge that her parents awarded her.

Both Leos and Pisces respect traditions and the sanctity of the family hearth. Therefore, the couple will be faithful and happy in life together.

Leo man and Pisces woman

Leo loves to be the center of attention and chooses a partner to match. He is attracted to prominent girls with beautiful appearance And sharp mind. It’s rare that he lowers the bar and creates a couple with girls who are calm and inconspicuous. But Pisces is not one of those. Although she has an easy-going character and cannot express her opinion loudly, she will not remain silent either.

A woman from the element of Water is smart enough to attract the attention of the royal Leo and will please him, although this will require considerable effort. But Pisces is tenacious and will not let go of the chosen one, changing the rules of the game and removing prohibitions.

In astrological terms, the compatibility of a Pisces woman and a Leo man is extraordinary, but strong. If sympathy smoothly turns into a love relationship, then this is a plus for both partners, because they will be able to get a lot from each other positive emotions and the necessary support.

A man does not tolerate scenes and does not like it when a lady begins to interfere in his personal space or hobbies. Even after the start of a relationship, he will not part with his girlfriends, no matter how strange it may be. Pisces does not stoop to humiliation and requests; if a man wants to communicate with someone, then she will find a friend and will spend free time with him.

They say about such women that they knock things out.

A lady in a relationship will be soft and easy, unobtrusive and calm. But this is because she loves herself more than her partner, and will not allow her inner idyll to be destroyed. Over time, excessive calm will begin to irritate the impulsive and emotional Leo; he will want to express his feelings and have frank conversations.

A man is used to the fact that a woman herself makes contact and tries to keep her near him, using tricks and tricks. He likes this kind of game, it is an opportunity for Leo to feel needed and desired. Pisces considers this humiliation and a simple waste of time, so it does not pay attention to the man’s demands.

In intimate terms, the compatibility of a Leo man and a Pisces woman can give results; the partners complement each other. But a strong relationship occurs when First stage The relationship is already over and the couple has formed in terms of roles and fulfilling certain responsibilities. In this case, the age difference will play a positive role. The older and more experienced Leo is, the more confident his beloved will feel.

Business relationships and money

In business, Leos and Pisces can work together if they understand the task well and move towards completion common goal. Rarely do Water representatives require a leadership position and process management. It is easier for them to carry out Leo’s orders, but only if he also gives his all.

The connection will be:

  • Productive.
  • Useful for both signs.
  • Long-term, subject to the presence of common interests.

Pisces know how to save and count money. They do not have such an attachment to material things as Capricorns or pedantic Virgos, but they will not overpay or spend more than planned. Therefore, a reasonable decision would be to concentrate finances under the control of Pisces; an ambitious and restless Leo can spend all the money in a matter of minutes on something that he simply liked. For representatives of Fire, material things have no meaning. They can earn a lot of money, but also quickly spend it on various trifles. Pisces control will come in handy.

But fire sign can establish contacts well and attracts others with his ease of communication, good manners and charisma. He understands what he wants and clearly states it in his thoughts. The tandem of Pisces and Leo will give great results in business sphere and will bring considerable profit.

The compatibility of Leo and Pisces is ambiguous, since these signs represent two opposite elements - Fire and Water. Sometimes they have a hard time finding mutual language. Sometimes their dissimilarity attracts them to each other, contributing to the development of relationships.


General compatibility of signs

These signs are completely different in character and have different views on life. They are not inclined to sort things out without reason and can get along, but they will never be able to achieve complete mutual understanding. In this union you should not count on long-term and close relationships.

General compatibility is determined by the elements of both signs, so Pisces will constantly “put out” the fires that arise in the soul of its fiery partner. Many of Leo's undertakings will cause Pisces bewilderment and even irritation.

Leo will always miss bright emotions and a positive attitude towards life in their partner. Pisces, in turn, will try to avoid the temperamental Leo and are unlikely to support his desire to constantly be in the center of attention.

Pisces character

People born under the sign of Pisces are dreamy, creative, sensitive natures, inclined to go into the world of fantasy. Vulnerable and sensitive, Pisces easily become depressed, not feeling supported and loved. Withdrawal is sometimes accompanied by addiction to alcohol and drugs or the emergence of mental disorders.

Pisces personality traits:

  1. Emotional and impulsive, they listen to intuition and gut instinct, but are subject to sudden mood swings.
  2. Developed intuition helps them understand people, feel them emotional condition. Pisces are characterized by the ability to empathize and empathize; they seem to dissolve in other people’s problems.
  3. People of this zodiac sign will always come to the rescue and are ready for self-sacrifice.
  4. Despite their slightly closed nature, Pisces cannot stand loneliness and are drawn to communication. They are the life of the party and love to have fun with family and friends. However, even in a cheerful society, Pisces tend to feel some kind of inexplicable sadness and fall into thoughtfulness.

Pisces are talented people who successfully realize themselves in creative professions. Their contradictory nature, prone to emotional swings and experiences, helps to unleash their creative potential. These are subtle observers who contemplate the world without particularly participating in its affairs.

Leo character

In contrast to Pisces, Leos are energetic people, full of spiritual and physical strength. They are always cheerful, love to be the center of attention, powerful, but good-natured.

Characteristics of Leo:

  1. A person born under the sign of Leo is always confident in himself. Tends to have inflated self-esteem. These are leaders by nature, loving to patronize, give advice, help, support, protect. It is important for them to have fans around them.
  2. They are sociable and have many friends. Despite the arrogance and vanity inherent in Leos, people love representatives of this fire sign and are drawn to them.
  3. Leo is ready to come to the rescue, solve someone else’s problem, charge them with optimism and love of life, lift their spirits, and become a ray of light in dark times. Leos are loyal and generous friends, unforgiving and ready to admit their mistakes.
  4. Lions - good family men who are actively looking for a life partner, but do not impose their society on anyone. They know how to love and care about loved ones.

It is difficult to get along with Leos for those who do not want to accept their character traits. Not everyone takes into account their self-esteem, temper, leadership and other qualities. But those who accept this feel comfortable around Leo.

Pisces woman and Leo man

They will need to put in effort to build any relationship. They treat each other with respect, but distrust. There is not always mutual understanding between them due to different characters and outlooks on life.

Active, energetic Leos and quiet, sensitive Pisces form a contrasting tandem. Compatibility between Leo and Pisces is possible if both are ready to play their roles and adapt to the situation.

Are they compatible in love?

At first the Leo man seems ideal partner for the Pisces woman. He will conquer her with his determination, masculinity and gallantry. The modest and mysterious representative of the water sign seems very attractive and feminine to him. Leo is flattered by her admiration.

Problems in the relationship between them can arise for a number of reasons:

  1. Leo is prone to sociability, and light flirting on the side is not something unusual for him. For Pisces, this is unacceptable.
  2. The Pisces woman may be disappointed in her chosen one, realizing that he does not belong to her alone.
  3. Different views on life alienate partners from each other.
  4. Leo is overly self-centered and does not notice if he has offended his vulnerable soulmate. He is not able to feel her emotional state, as he is too preoccupied with himself. This leads to misunderstanding and discord.

The compatibility of a Leo guy and a girl born under the sign of Pisces in love is in most cases low.


Marriages of Leo and Pisces often break up due to the fact that the spouses did not suit each other in character. If these are already mature people who have been living together for a long time, then marriage is beneficial for them.

The Leo man is used to spending time outside the home, meeting with friends, so he is satisfied with a wife who loves home and comfort and takes care of children. The Pisces woman needs a husband like Leo, who is capable of being her patron.

Often in this marriage jealousy arises on the part of Pisces. This is due to their different lifestyles. The confrontation between signs can last a long time. There are often cases when it ends in divorce. The compatibility of Leo and Pisces depends on whether they can adapt to each other.

In friendship

There can be no friendship between a Pisces woman and a Leo man. They are too different and lead different lifestyles, which pushes them away from each other. Therefore, their relationship will be formal, secular in nature.

It is difficult for them to find any common ground: they do not have common topics of conversation, interests or goals. Even if they are together in the same company, they are unlikely to pay the slightest attention to each other.

Sexual compatibility

These zodiac signs have different ideas about sex, so they cannot avoid the following problems:

  • for Pisces this is a spiritual fusion, and for Leos physical contact and passion are more important;
  • Leo is often dissatisfied with the detachment and coldness of his girlfriend;
  • since Pisces love to obey, they behave accordingly in bed, which sooner or later will begin to irritate Leo;
  • Leos expect reciprocal passion from their partner, which Pisces is weakly capable of.

Work and business

IN business relations this couple can succeed if one of them is a boss and the other is a subordinate. Leo, as a leader, can feel his unlimited power. Pisces, as subordinates, can complete all tasks efficiently without making any responsible decisions.

In this video you can learn more about the compatibility of Leo men with Pisces women. Filmed by channel 1000 and 1 horoscope.

Leo woman and Pisces man

According to the horoscope, this is a good union. Pisces respect and admire Lionesses, and they accept this with dignity. IN in this case compatibility of signs is possible provided that the Lioness does not get tired of being the permanent leader and taking responsibility, and the Pisces man does not suddenly show pride.

Love relationship

Men born under the sign of Pisces are attracted to Lionesses. Leo women are capable of producing strong impression on Pisces men, but this couple will not have common interests. Neither Pisces nor Leo are ready to change their usual way of life, even for the sake of love.

Each will try to change the other, and this leads to suffering. That's why love compatibility Leo women and Pisces men are doubtful.


The marriage union of a Pisces man and a Leo woman can be strong, but it will not be harmonious and friendly. A young couple is less likely to have a long-term relationship than mature people.

The distribution of roles, which is agreed upon in advance, can help make such a marriage stronger:

  • Pisces husband is more involved in housework and children;
  • Leo's wife is more active and often achieves career growth.

If both are satisfied with this situation, the marriage can be successful. But for Leo this is a difficult alliance.

Sexual compatibility

The sexual compatibility of this couple is below average for a number of reasons:

  • Pisces men expect emotional intimacy from their partners;
  • Leo women view sex as a way to gain pleasure and relieve tension;
  • Each of the partners pursues their own goals, it is difficult for them to achieve harmony.


Communication between a Pisces man and a Leo woman will be superficial and is unlikely to develop into friendship. They do not fully trust each other and are too different to become friends or like-minded people. Both love to communicate, but in different circles. Overall they have very little in common.

Compatibility at work

In most cases this bad combination. These zodiac signs will converge only in creative or educational sphere. In all other respects, the energetic, bright Lioness and inactive, unbusinesslike Pisces are unlikely to find a common language.

The apathy of Pisces and their reluctance to take responsibility will be perceived with aggression by the Lioness. Representatives of the water sign will not be able to keep up with the pace set by the Lioness in resolving business issues.

The relationship between representatives of the opposing elements of Water and Fire - Pisces and Leo - is a bright flash with an indelible mark in everyone’s life. Pisces, taking advantage of their magical influence on Leo, find in him an ardent defender and executor of their will. Leo opens up a colorful palette of feelings - from reverent confessions to attacks of jealousy, which diversify him everyday life and consciousness. Trying to understand a Pisces partner. Leo himself will develop spiritually and sensually.

By emphasizing the importance of relationships, Pisces will be able to direct Leo’s energy to achieve worthy results. Together they will gain valuable experience from the relationship, but first they will be forced to go through a series of tests in order to adapt to each other and experience the specific compatibility of this couple. The moral greatness of Pisces is successfully combined with the external nobility of Leo, forming an extraordinary union in the eyes of society.

At the same time, society, and especially the close circle of Pisces, which, as you know, includes people they have truly trusted, will condemn their hobby. Many will see that Leo is not a match for Pisces, while Pisces, pursuing their goals, will continue this relationship and even get married. For those around them, Pisces will voice such a reason as “he loves me like no one else.” And they will be truly right about this.

Having linked fate with the restless Leo, Pisces will be able to understand his needs, and, having adapted to the rapid rhythm of life together, will be able to delicately manipulate him. Naturally, all goals will be presented by Pisces as family goals. And Leo, relying, as it seems to him, on the brilliant intuition and prudence of Pisces, will implement plans with double energy.

The main conflicts in a pair of Pisces and Leo

Pisces will not immediately understand that Leo’s ardor aimed at hunting prey is temporary and is rather of a demonstration nature. And Leo works much better with someone else’s hands than with his own.

In this regard, you will be lucky if Leo is successful in social and career life. Then he will have the tools to get for Pisces what they want. But Leo, in the average role of a simple representative of the lower and middle management, is not at all as hardworking and energetic as he seemed at the beginning of the relationship. And if such an option is discovered, then in the eyes of Pisces, Leo will begin to look like a pitiful, shabby kitten, and not the king of beasts, which he did not hesitate to present himself as.

Moreover, when the early romantic period of the relationship ends, Pisces will be dismayed by the partner’s self-satisfaction and selfishness. Trembling Pisces, accustomed to sharing the interests of loved ones, are dumbfounded by Leo’s autocratic behavior and his reluctance to compromise.

Leo's dictatorship and heartlessness will disappoint Pisces, leaving only the bitterness of memories of the companion's former favorable attitude. The lion's unbridled temper and arrogance become an intractable relationship problem. Not tolerating objections and reproaches addressed to him, Leo will nip in the bud the reproaches and censures from Pisces, even despite the fact that he is in a completely dependent role in this relationship.

Pisces woman and Leo man

The well-being of the union depends entirely on Pisces’ knowledge in the field of psychoanalysis and, in fact, their will to continue this relationship. No matter how fabulous early period, no matter how bitter the subsequent disappointment may be - in order to maintain the union, the Pisces woman should forget the grievances and learn to unobtrusively manipulate Leo. The solution of everyday issues and financial support for the family can be entrusted to a man, but the psychology of relationships for him is an incomprehensible science. Narcissistic and rather stingy emotionally, Leo will not notice a change in mood or internal experiences of his companion. But she will not tolerate open pressure from her.

By showing what is called feminine wisdom, the Pisces woman will earn the coveted attention of Leo, who will simultaneously enjoy his indispensability and dominance. Unnoticed by Leo himself, praise and gratitude will help him want the same thing that the Pisces woman dreams of.

How soon will the Pisces woman get tired of the insensitive and spiritually rude Leo? One can only guess. If the material and everyday sphere and the physical side (and this is the most strong point their compatibility) will suit the woman, then she will disguise her connections on the side as much as possible. And if Leo turns out to be not a breadwinner at all, then a woman can demonstratively humiliate him with her relationships with other men until he gives up.

Water signs are quite vindictive and this behavior of the Pisces woman is, in their understanding, a kind of revenge for the lack of attention, sincerity and emotional inferiority of the Leo man.

Pisces man and Leo woman

The Pisces man needs the support of an energetic companion who craves his selfless honor. The Leo woman is a pragmatist who tries to lead in relationships. And the Pisces man will allow her to gain such an illusion. First, he will amaze the Lioness by comprehending truths inaccessible to her at the level of intuition without logical analysis. And then the Leo woman, without understanding how, will be captured by his emotional waves.

It is unlikely that experienced Pisces men will look for such a companion. After all, water signs are looking for something completely different in a relationship. But a man with little experience in relationships may see vague prospects when paired with a Leo woman reaching out to him. Very soon he will realize that this is not his at all, thereby breaking her heart.

But a gigolo man can first become a personal psychotherapist for a mature Leo woman, next to whom she can behave at ease. And then, having gained trust, squeeze out all the useful opportunities for yourself, at the same time emptying your soul and pockets. Water signs can be heartless in relationships with those for whom they have no real feelings.
