What is the Lena River? Lena is the largest river system in Siberia

The Lena River is the largest in Eastern Siberia and one of the largest in Russian Federation, in terms of depth it is in 8th place in the world, and in terms of length – in 10th place. It passes through the territory of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region, some of its tributaries belong to the Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia, the river flows into. Lena in the Laptev Sea.

A popular female name in Russia is in no way connected with the name of the river; it comes from the word “Elyu-Ene”, which translated from Evenki means “ big river" This name was given to her by the explorer Pyanda (1619 - 1623), but in the Russian language it became stronger as “Lena”.

The Lena River is the largest river in the Russian Federation, whose basin (2,490 thousand km²) is entirely within the country, its length is 4,400 km. According to the nature of the flow, the river is divided into 3 zones: the first begins from the source and stretches to the mouth of the river. Vitima, the second - is located in the interval between the mouths of the Vitima and Aldana rivers, the third - starts from the mouth of the river. Aldana and ends at the confluence with the Laptev Sea. The source of the river is considered to be a small lake, which is located 7 km west of the island. Baikal. In August 1997, at the source of the river. Lena, a chapel was built with a memorial plaque installed on it.

Lena is one of cleanest rivers peace. Its course has not been changed by people: there are no dams, hydroelectric power stations or other structures on it. And in uninhabited parts the water is so pure that you can drink straight from the river.

As for the economic use of the river. Lena, it’s not very intense. This is due to the fact that its shores are not densely populated. But thanks to this, the pristine nature of its nature is preserved. Despite the fact that there are no dams on the river, it is the main transport artery of Yakutia. Largest ports located on it are Yakutsk, Lensk, Osetrovo and Kirensk.

On the right bank of the river. Lena settled down national park“Lena Pillars” are a collection of vertically located elongated rocks. Since ancient times this unusual place Evenks and Yakuts considered it sacred. They believed that these rocks were frozen human figures that were created otherworldly forces. Therefore, except for shamans and elders, no one dared to approach the mysterious formations. The park stretches along the river bank in Yakutia for several kilometers. It is considered national natural object and is a specially protected natural area.

Another unknown phenomenon is the desert located on the right bank of the river. It's hard to imagine this in the middle of Taiga, but the fact remains. If it were not for the pine trees framing the territory, the kilometer-long sand hills would create the complete illusion of a sultry and arid area. Before today Scientists have never found an explanation for this miracle of nature.

Brief information about the Lena River.

The Lena River, one of the largest rivers in Russia and the world, did not get its name from the name of someone's wife or daughter. Contrary to guesses, scientists believe that the river was named by the Evenks and sounds like “Eluene”, which over time transformed into the name “Lena”, which is more familiar to Russian people.

As is common among all peoples of the world, the name of the largest watercourse in the region is easily translated and means “Big River” or “Big Water”.


The description of the Lena River should begin with the fact that it is the largest in Central Siberia. According to accepted data, its length is approximately 4,400 km - it literally “cuts” the entire territory of the country from the southern borders to the coast of the Northern Arctic Ocean. At the mouth, the river forms a large branched delta, which occupies an impressive area.

By all its characteristics, this majestic watercourse can be considered one of the largest on the planet. Thus, the Lena River basin is approximately 2 million 490 thousand km 2. In other words, it is fed by water that flows from an area 4 times larger than the area of ​​France. Tributaries of various sizes enter the main channel, ensuring full flow throughout its entire length.

The important natural value of the river is as follows: it is the largest river in the world, which is located in the area permafrost. This natural area characterized by fragility and susceptibility to various disturbances, deformations, and the presence of such a large watercourse serves as an example of a unique landscape. With location in the extreme zone low temperatures One peculiarity is also connected: the river freezes from the lower parts (mouth) towards the upper reaches, and opens up during the melting of the ice in the opposite direction.


The Lena River on the map of Russia is the central artery of the country. IN geographically it is the “heart” of the country and you pass by it on the way from the European part of Russia to Far East It's simply impossible.

During its course, the Lena crosses several large federal subjects: the Irkutsk region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). As for the tributaries, they originate in the Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk territories, as well as in the territory of Buryatia and the Amur region. Such coverage of the geography of the Asian part of Russia determines the greatness of the reservoir.

The Lena River on the map is a relatively straight line that stretches across meridional direction. The direction of the current from south to north makes it huge not only natural meaning, but also economic potential, which will be discussed below.

The geographical position of the Lena River has stimulated constant interest on the part of scientists and researchers who have studied the river from all sides. At the same time, the situation in wild, remote places significantly limits the development of the riverbed.

It is not difficult to find on the map where the Lena River is located - such a waterway immediately attracts attention.


The source of the Lena River is presumably located on the western slope of the Baikal ridge. The height of the source of the Lena River is approximately 920 meters, although this figure varies in different sources. Lena begins 10 kilometers from Lake Baikal, in an overgrown lake. After a long search for the source, its coordinates and exact location were established, which was fixed in 1997 with a kind of monument to the Lena River - a small chapel was built at the source.

In the initial section, the nature of the flow of the Lena River is mountainous, because the channel cuts through the mountain ranges of Transbaikalia and enters Yakutia with a flow rate of 1100 m 3 /second.

It is in the middle reaches that the two largest tributaries - Aldan and Vitim - enter the watercourse. The tributaries of the Lena River vary greatly in size. Among the two named, we should mention the Olekma and Vilyui, which are also quite large rivers. Along the entire length of the river, tributaries of various sizes enter the watercourse, which feed the Lena. Already in the middle reaches the river becomes high-water.

Where does the Lena flow?

Since the study of Siberia and the Arctic Ocean, it has been known which sea the Lena River flows into. It carries its waters into the Laptev Sea, where the Lena flows into the Bulunsky ulus.

As mentioned, the mouth of the Lena River turns into a huge delta, which begins approximately 150 kilometers from its confluence with the Laptev Sea. The branches vary in size and in most cases are perfectly passable for ships. Such characteristics make the port of Tiksi, which is located at the mouth, one of the most attractive objects for shipping.

In addition, the delta itself is an important natural site, which is almost completely occupied by a nature reserve and a special reserve. The region's natural heritage makes it one of the most picturesque and valuable regions on the planet.

Nutrition and regimen

The volume of annual river flow varies greatly in existing sources, which is due to insufficient observations and the complexity of the river itself. Thus, one can find values ​​according to which Lena carries from 485 to 545 km 3 of water into the ocean per year.

The nutrition and regime of the Lena River are determined by its beginning and flow in the permafrost zone. The main source of water is melt and rainwater. The snow feeding regime determines the seasonality in the water level in the river, the peak of which falls on late autumn when snow melt reaches its maximum. It is the type of feeding of the Lena River that contributes to high water availability - collecting melted snow from such a large area helps maintain a constantly high water level in the riverbed.

Every year in Siberia there is a long and Cold winter. During this period, a thick ice cover forms on the river. In the spring, when its movement begins, the formation of serious ice jams can be noted in different parts of the riverbed, which often lead to flooding of the territory. This poses a serious problem for emergency services and requires constant monitoring of the ice condition.

The fall of the river (the difference in height between the source and the mouth) is about 1500 meters. Thus, the overall slope of the Lena is 0.33 meters per kilometer, which is quite a high figure for a flat river. Most of the current passes through the Central Yakut Plain. Along the channel, a maximum depth of 21 meters was noted.

The floodplain formed by the river is quite wide and reaches up to 20 kilometers. In some areas, for example, near, pronounced terraces can be distinguished. These elements of the riverbed relief are covered with characteristic ridges formed from washed-up sand. In some places you can find preserved oxbow lakes.

Economic importance

The economic importance of the Lena River is determined by its full flow and accessibility for river navigation. Considering the remoteness of the territories and high degree isolation, we can consider that the river serves as the main transport artery that connects the vast expanses of Yakutia and Transbaikalia with the federal transport network. In different sections of the river, the nature of movement along it varies. So in the upper reaches it is difficult to navigate on large ships, for which there are many difficult sections of the riverbed. In the middle and lower reaches, rafting is possible on large river vessels, which deliver cargo to large river ports and to the main sea bay - the village of Tiksi.

The right and left tributaries of the Lena are also actively involved in the transport system. They carry cargo of various sizes to the central channel. Along all banks there are small ports and berths that are involved in the movement of goods.

On average, the navigation period on the river is 130-170 days.

The riverbed itself is practically unchanged by humans, which is due to the inaccessibility of the region. There are no dams or hydroelectric power stations, which makes the river extremely clean. In the upper reaches you can safely drink water directly from the riverbed.

There are several large bridges across the river that play important role in communication between regions. A new concrete road bridge was recently built in the area of ​​the village of Ponomarevo. There is an old bridge in Ust-Kut and a pontoon bridge near the village of Zhigalovo. There is also a large railway bridge in Ust-Kut.

There are many interesting facts associated with the Lena River.

  1. For most of its course the river is completely uninhabited. It flows through abandoned villages and dense pine forests. The territories are completely virgin and untouched by humans, which makes the landscapes especially unique.
  2. Below Kirensk there are famous ones. Today it is natural heritage It is carefully guarded, at the same time, it is open to tourists, who have made the pillars a “Mecca” for rock climbing enthusiasts.
  3. During floods, in some areas the river level can rise by more than 10 meters.

Lena- largest river Siberia, and throughout Russia, flows into the Laptev Sea. The tenth longest river in the world, flows through the territory of Yakutia Irkutsk region, some of its tributaries belong to the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal Territories and the Republic of Buryatia. The length of the river excluding tributaries is 4,400 km, the basin area is 2,490 thousand km2. The main food is melted snow and rainwater. You can read more about the Lena pool.

River flow

The source of the Lena is a small swamp located 12 kilometers away on the Baikal ridge. The upper course of the river is in the mountainous Cis-Baikal region, here it is relatively narrow and not wide. The middle course is the section between the Vitima and Aldana rivers. After the confluence of the Vitim, the Lena becomes a huge full-flowing river with a depth of up to 20 meters, the valley expands to 20 km. Dense coniferous forests grow on both sides. From Olekma to Aldan, not a single large tributary flows into the Lena; all these 500 km it flows in a narrow and deep valley. After the city of Pokrovsk there is a sharp expansion of the valley. After Yakutsk, two flow into it major tributary- Aldan and Vilyuy. Now it is a gigantic water stream up to 10 km wide, and in some places it overflows up to 20-30 and up to 20 meters deep. In the lower reaches the river is very narrow on all sides, and mountains and ridges prevent it from overflowing. At the mouth, about 150 km from the sea, the vast Lena delta begins.


The banks of the Lena River are deserted, there are practically no settlements. A large number of settlements are observed only in the Yakutsk region. There are many abandoned villages and rotational camps.

The largest cities are:

  • Ust-Kut
  • Kirensk
  • Lensk
  • Olekminsk
  • Pokrovsk
  • Yakutsk
  • Zhigansk


Lena is one of the main transport arteries of Yakutia. On bad roads, waterways are becoming very relevant. The main part of the “northern delivery” is carried out along this river. Navigation starts from the Kachug pier. Unfortunately, below the settlement of Ust-Kut and before the confluence of the Vitim tributary with the Lena River there are a lot of shallow and difficult areas for navigation. Every year, work is carried out to deepen the Lena riverbed.

The navigation period lasts from 125 to 170 days. The largest ports on the Lena:

  • Osetrovo
  • Kirensk
  • Lensk
  • Yakutsk

Change of channel

Scientists from the National French Center scientific research, as well as scientists from the Institute of Permafrost Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of Alaska, described and found that warming has a negative impact on the Lena River.
In this area, in winter the temperature of the surrounding area drops to -70 degrees, the thickness of the permafrost reaches 1.5 km. Scientists have discovered that over the past forty years average temperature the air rose by four degrees, and the soil temperature by one degree Celsius. Water temperatures in spring and summer rose by two degrees.
Every year the flood becomes more and more powerful, plus during ice drift the banks are subjected to very strong thermal and mechanical effects and as a result are destroyed. In addition, due to accelerating erosion processes, the islands, consisting mainly of silt and sand, are gradually moving towards the lower reaches of the river. In 2009 average speed migration of the islands reached 27 meters per year.

Main tributaries of the Lena

  • Aldan
  • Olekma
  • Vilyui
  • Kirenga
  • Young
  • Tuolba
  • Buotama
  • Blue

The largest of them are the Aldan and Vitim rivers.


  • Researchers suggest that the name of the river comes from the Tungus-Manchu “Yelyu-Ene”, which translates as “big river”
  • The river was discovered by Russians in 1619-1623, by the explorer Pyanda
  • Lena is the main transport artery of Yakutia
  • Due to global warming, the Lena is changing its course.
  • The Lena is the 10th longest among all the rivers in the world, with a length of 4400 km.
  • On part of the right bank of the river there is a national natural Park Lena pillars

Main characteristics of the Lena River:

  • The length of the River is 4400 km.
  • Basin area - 2,490 thousand km2
  • The maximum width of the floodplain is 30 km.
  • Maximum depth— 21 m.

The Lena River basin is located over a vast territory of North-Eastern Siberia (in Yakutia, as well as in the Irkutsk region). Some of its tributaries are located in the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal Territories and the Republic of Buryatia. Among all the rivers in the world, the Lena ranks 10th in terms of length and 8th in terms of deep water. This reservoir is considered the most long river in Russia, which flows under the same name.

General information

The source of the Lena River is located near Lake Baikal, 145 km from the village of Kachug in the Irkutsk region (area of ​​the Baikal ridge). Then it flows through the Zhigalovsky, Kachugsky, Ust-Kutsky and Kirensky districts, which are located in the same region.

In Yakutia, the Lena flows in Lensky, Khangalassky, Olekminsky, Namsky, in the urban district of Yakutsk, Zhigansky, Kobyaisky and Bulunsky districts. It flows into the Laptev Sea 160 km from the village of Chekurovka (Bulunsky district). The direction of the Lena River is from south to northeast, and then from Yakutsk to the north.

History of discovery

The first information about the huge east river appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. Several detachments of Cossacks were sent to explore this unexplored region. In 1628, Vasily Bugor and his detachment went on an expedition. They climbed up the Angara, then went to Ilim, crossed the watershed there and along the Kuta River reached the Lena. A couple of years later, centurion Pyotr Beketov went to the region of North-Eastern Siberia. His troops built the first houses in the area of ​​the Kuta River, thanks to which the foundation of new town- Ust-Kuta.

In 1733-1743, members of the scientific Kamchatka expedition began to study the Lena River basin. In the 19th century, this region continued to be explored by Chekanovsky, Anzhu, Tollya and other scientists. In 1910-1915, cartographic work was carried out on the Lena. In 1919-1920, based on the results of the expedition of Evgenov and Matisen, an inventory of the reservoir was compiled from its mouth to the city of Yakutsk. The name "Lena", oddly enough, is completely unrelated to Russian female name, and comes from the Yakut “Elyu-Ene”, which translates as “big river”.

Tributaries of the Lena River

Main tributaries:

Molodo, Kuta, Vilyui (the largest left tributaries).

Chaya, Aldan, Vitim, Chuya, Kirenga, Olekma (the largest right tributaries).

The largest of them is considered to have a pool area of ​​729,000 sq. m.

Smaller tributaries:

Right: Suhusha, Orlinga, Bicha, Zharkov, Chichapta, Iga, Dyanshka, Tayura, Jarjan, Kovtorov, Botovka, Anga, Tutura, Bolshaya Rechka, Distillery, Shapkin, Buotmama, Berezovka, Malaya Balakhnya, Yukte, Larch, Chechuy, Verkhnyaya Sarafanikha , Tuolba, Zybunya, Kovtorov, Kuzmin, Elovetsky, Sobolokh-Mayan, Parshinka, Zakobeninskaya River and others;

From left: Inda, Yamny, Ilga, Nizhnyaya, Atalanga, Markha, Lunakha, Zakharovka, Sukhaya, Verkhnyaya Bochakta, Shulaga, Turuka, Konek, Namana, Semiga, Bobrovka, Kazimirka, Boty, Fedorovka, Ilikta, Talabak, Kukhta, Fedorovka, Polovinnaya , Potapovka, Kokara, Ubiennaya, Peleduy, Khoruonka, Eekit, Tympylykan, Medvezhy, Piluda, Rassokha, Yamny, Upper Katyma, Mokshenikha, Meneevsky, Nizhnaya Katyma, Olenekskaya, Chembalovka, Medvezhy, Nemtanka, Ichera, Zakharovka, Stepanikha, Kulenga and others .

Hydrological regime

The length of the Lena River is 4400 km. Maximum depth - 21 km. The maximum width of the opening is 30 km. The basin area is 2,490,000 km². The Lena and almost all of its tributaries are fed by melted snow and rainwater. Due to permafrost, the reservoir is poorly fed groundwater However, the exception is geothermal sources. In the spring, the river experiences high water, several floods occur in the summer, and autumn and winter are characterized by low water.

Relief and soils

The upper reaches of the reservoir and a significant part of its right tributaries are located in the mountainous regions of the Baikal region, Aldan Highlands and Transbaikalia. Part of the left-bank basin is located on the lowest section of the river lies in its middle and lower reaches (Central Yakut Lowland). After the city of Pokrovsk, which is located in Yakutia, the flow of the Lena River slows down greatly.

The river can be divided into three main zones: from the source, which is located 12 km from Baikal at an altitude of 1,470 meters, to the confluence with the Vitim River (upper section), from the latter to the confluence with Aldan (middle) and from the specified point to the mouth (lower).

The upper part of the river accounts for almost a third of its length. The width of the valley ranges from 1-3 km to 10 km, in some places the channel narrows to 200 meters. The slopes of the reservoir are rocky and steep. The height of the Lena River in this region reaches 300 meters.

In the middle reaches it becomes more full-flowing. Its size especially increases after it flows into the Olekma River. Here the width of the channel reaches 2 km. Below the mouth of the Olekma, the Lena valley becomes narrow with strongly dissected limestone slopes, which appear as separate rocks.

Below the mouth of the Aldan, the boundaries of the Lena River basin extend beyond the Central Yakut Lowland. In this region, its valley expands to 20-25 km, and the width of the opening is 7-15 km. The bed of the reservoirs is very branched. The valleys are quite asymmetrical: the Lena on the left bank is much lower than on the right. In this area the depth reaches 16-20 meters. In the lower reaches, the reservoir basin is narrow: from the west, the heights of the Central Siberian Plateau are observed, and from the east, the spurs of the Verkhoyansk Range protrude strongly. Further, in the area where the river flows between the Chekanovsky ridge and the Kharaulakh mountains, the width of the channel narrows to 2 km.

In the place where the reservoir flows into the Laptev Sea, a vast delta with numerous branches has formed (this can be seen if you look at the Lena River basin on the map), which exceeds the Nile delta in size (30,000 sq. km). There are important ecological territories here: the Sokol and Ust-Lenskoye reserves, as well as the Lena-Ustye reserve. In these places there are about 109 species of birds, 32 species of fish, 33 mammals and 402 species of plants.

Features of the river

The Lena differs significantly from other rivers due to its powerful ice regime. Quite strong and thick ice ballast forms on a reservoir during a harsh, long winter with little snow. Without it, the river lasts for about 5-6 months in the south and 4-5 months in the north. On it, ice formation occurs approximately 10 days later than on the tributaries of the reservoir. The upper reaches of the Lena River freezes from the end of October, and the lower reaches from the end of September. The reservoir thaws completely in mid-May in the upper reaches and only in early summer in the lower reaches. Maximum temperature water can reach +19 C in the upper reaches and about +14 C in the lower reaches.

At the end of April, a spring flood is often observed near the city of Kirensk ( top part Lena) and smoothly moves to the north, where it steps on a body of water still covered with ice. In the lower reaches of the river, this phenomenon is usually observed in mid-June. Here the water rise can reach up to 18 meters. Every year, Lena carries approximately 41 thousand tons of dissolved substances into the Laptev Sea.

The reservoir is also characterized by a periodic increase in annual runoff, which does not occur as a result large quantity precipitation in the reservoir, but because there is intense melting of permafrost and ice in the lower part of the Lena. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in Lately Temperatures in the north of Yakutia are higher than usual.


The largest settlements on the river are Kachug, Ust-Ilga, Vitim, Verkholensk, Sangar, Yakutsk, Bestyakh, Maimaga, Chuya, Chekurovka, Omoloy, Bakhanai, Khorintsy, Sinsk and others.

The largest ports: Lensk, Sangar, Pokrovsk, Tiksi, Osetrovo, Kirensk, Olekminsk and Yakutsk.

Yakutsk is considered the most important city in the region. It was founded in 1632 by a detachment of Cossacks Peter Beketov on the right side of the reservoir. Later the city was moved to the left bank of the Lena. Now its population is approximately 240 thousand inhabitants. This is one of the largest settlements in North-Eastern Siberia.

In general, the banks of the river are sparsely populated. From one village to another, the distance can sometimes reach hundreds of kilometers. Most settlements are located near Yakutsk. Many villages are abandoned.


A significant part of the territory is covered with endless taiga and coniferous forests. Cedars, spruces, larches, fir and pine trees grow in this region. At the same time, on some sections of the banks of the Lena there are meadows where there is steppe vegetation (for example, wormwood, fescue).


The Lena River basin is rich in such species as pike, ide, lenok, catfish, tungun, broad broad, dace, burbot, taimen, grayling, omul, ruffe, pike perch, carp, roach and bream.


Animals here include ermine, mink, wolf, bear, and marten. Soft and fluffy fur helps animals endure harsh winters easy enough. Birds of the region - grey-headed chickadee and tundra redpoll, tundra swan and pink gull - also have warm, thick plumage.

Water quality

The turbidity in the river is no more than 50-60 g/m³. The degree of mineralization of the reservoir is from fresh to salty. In general, Lena is characterized by medium and low mineralization. The average indicator is observed during floods and floods. If speak about chemical composition, then the water can be classified as hydrocarbonate-calcium.


Lena is rightfully considered the main water artery Yakutia, as well as the Irkutsk region. The river is navigable from its mouth to Kachug. From the settlement of Ust-Kut, only ships with a shallow draft can sail on the Lena. In small areas, activities are carried out annually to deepen the bottom of the reservoir. The navigation period lasts approximately 125 to 170 days. It is worth noting that it is through this reservoir that a significant part of the “northern delivery” is produced.


Cruise ships and small boats float along the river. Lena is favorite place fishing for both tourists and local residents.

The Lena River basin is famous for the so-called Shishkinsky rocks. The rock inscriptions of ancient people are very well preserved here. They are located in the upper reaches of the reservoir. It is worth noting that this is the only place where the creativity of primitive man is so clearly and clearly presented.

No less popular among tourists is the Khangalassky district) - these are unique geological formations - and nature reserve, which is located on the right bank of the river. One of the rifts was named “Devil’s Path”, and the rock is called “Drunken Bull”. Traces of ancient people were also found in the area of ​​the Lena Pillars. This fact confirms the theory of the extratropical origin of man. And although scientists date the age of Neolithic sites differently, it is reliably known that representatives of the genus Homo lived here at least 300 thousand years ago.

There are indeed many wonders in Siberia, but the desert in the taiga is simply a phenomenal phenomenon. On the right bank of the river there is a small area (about 1 km) of sand dunes that create the illusion of an arid and hot area. Only nearby pine trees destroy this self-deception. There are many explanations for this phenomenon, although not one of them has yet been officially accepted.

Fossils and energy potential

12 reservoirs were created on the Lena, 2 of the most large hydroelectric power stations are located on Vilyui and Mamakan. The river basin is famous for its mineral resources. The Aldan and Bodaibo gold-bearing areas are located here. Gold deposits in the Lena basin were discovered at the beginning of the 19th century. Quite soon after this, the fame of the incredible wealth of this area spread throughout Russia. A real gold rush began in the region, like in Alaska. The coast began to be populated by many lovers of easy money. Among them were representatives of different segments of the population: merchants, artisans, fugitive criminals, soldiers. Many of them died from hunger and disease in the pursuit of wealth, but gold seekers still became more and more numerous.

There is also a diamond deposit on the Vilyui River, which was discovered in 1955. Previously it was believed that these stones could only be found in hot countries. It is now considered Big City Peaceful. In addition, there are minerals such as coal, natural gas, mica, rock salt, and others.

This harsh and inhospitable region at first glance is beautiful and attractive in its own way. As it turned out, despite its external inaccessibility, the waters and coast of the Lena contain a lot of wealth. It is quite possible that many more treasures will be discovered in these areas, because the river basin has not yet been fully explored.

One of the longest rivers on our planet is the mighty Lena River. The river is fed by rain and melted snow. Floods occur in the spring. Since Lena is located in the northern part of the territory of the Russian Federation, due to permafrost, the river cannot be saturated with groundwater. Unlike other Russian rivers, the Lena is characterized by strong ice accumulation. In spring, ice flow is especially powerful and jams often form, which is why serious floods occur. In spring, the water level can increase to almost ten meters.

It is impossible to imagine the northern expanses of the country without the beautiful river. Coniferous forests and dense taiga spread their expanses along the banks of the Lena. It is thanks to it, and several other mighty rivers, that Russia is considered one of the richest countries in the world. The river gives its state diamonds, gold and furs.

Length of the Lena River

Lena begins not far from Lake Baikal. Heads towards Yakutsk, makes a long detour and moves to the northern regions of Russia. The Great Lena is more than 4000 kilometers long. It flows through the Irkutsk region, then goes through the Lensk and Olekminsk urban districts, as well as through the regions of Yakutia. The maximum depth is 22 meters.

Source of the Lena River

(Source Great River begins with a small lake in the cozy region of Lake Baikal)

A small lake adjacent to Lake Baikal is the source of the Lena River. The small body of water that gives life to the mighty river currently has no name. The lake is located ten kilometers from Baikal and rises almost 1,400 meters above sea level. In other words, Lena takes its source in a small mountain reservoir that does not have a name, which is located on the territory of the Baikal ridge.

A small church was erected not far from the beginning of the river. Many tourists come here to see the source of the Lena River and also enjoy the surrounding picturesque views. The Shishkinsky Mountains are the most famous places in the upper reaches of the river. On the ancient rocks, drawings of primitive people that have historical significance have been preserved to this day. Here you can see depicted scenes of sacrifices, hunting and other rock “writings” of ancient peoples. These places are the most extensive areas where you can get a broad idea of ​​the life of primitive settlements.

Tributaries of the Lena River

(View of the tributaries of the Lena River)

Most of the river's tributaries belong to the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia. The left tributaries include the Anai, Nyuya, Kuta, Turuka, Kukhta, Verkhnyaya Kytyma and others. And to the right tributaries are the Anga, Chichapta, Kirenga, Cherepanikha, Bolshoy Patom and many others. The main tributaries are Aldan, Vilyui, Vitim and Olekma. The Vilyui tributary is considered the largest and long tributary rivers from its left tributaries.

Mouth of the Lena River

(The Lena River receives a tributary of the Vilyui River)

Having passed its way through Yakutsk, the river receives two main tributaries - Vilyui and Aldan. Now it is not a calm river, but a powerful water element with a width of up to 21 km, and a depth of more than 20 meters. The banks of the Lena in these places are very dangerous. Here are small settlements. The water avalanche moves and flows into the Laptev Sea. About 100 km from the sea, the river transforms into a huge delta, consisting of 780 tributaries and islands of varying sizes. Three main river channels reach the sea - Olenekskaya, Trofimovskaya and Bykovskaya. Vessels that have important industrial significance for the entire country sail along the channels. The picturesque delta amazes with its flora and fauna. Here you can meet rare plants and more than 120 different types birds.

Cities of Russia on the Lena River

(Ice-covered Lena near Pokrovsk)

The banks of the Lena are not home to many major Russian cities. Mostly populated areas are located in the Yakutsk region. Today, many villages are empty or serve as places for rotational camps. But, nevertheless, Pokrovsk, Siktyak, Kyusyur, Chekurovka and some other settlements founded their houses on the banks of the river.

(Famous Lena Pillars)

In the Haagalas region there are unique Lena Pillars. The picturesque natural park is fraught with a lot of interesting things for every visitor to this place. Two historically important settlements spread out on the banks. Sottintsy and Zhigansk. Sotnitsy is the original foundation of Yakutsk. The Lena River offers cruises, boat rides and hikes to local attractions. Lena also offers a lot of other entertainment, so many travelers prefer to relax on the banks of the mighty Lena.

Lena River in folk culture

Many historians believe that Vladimir Ulyanov named himself Lenin in honor of this powerful element. The river is of great importance for every inhabitant of its banks. Local residents compose songs and poems in honor of the nurturing river and paint pictures. The beauty of river landscapes has been sung by many world poets. Lena is also immortalized on some famous paintings by artists. The power and greatness of Lena also inspires our modern creators.
